VOL; VI. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1873 NO.-205 ... . ' - - I .fVENING-PpST V:.7 every atteraoon except 8undaj. w p CAN AD AT .... Business Waaler vcanN Editor ja1 subscription , - rear inadvanee 00 One year, 1 00 e:'n"--::::":::::JS Three oonu, M nae oonth. In advance uac . .. letter should be ad- ,.Ssei to the Business Manager, and all municationa or matters ; relatUg to the Mortal department to the Editor. rorrespondence solicited from our Wends n ail SK of the State, on topics of gene w . pmiral news and reports ol rl iDiere!.. crops are especially desirable. ,, knTa u yertlsem bnts fJuTand winter goods OPENING NOW AT M. M. -K A T Z , 36 Market Street v COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS h efery Yariety, quality and style SHAWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS; HEN'S AHD BOYS' VEAB, HOUSE FURN18HING AND WHITE GOODS, h short, everything that can be called for io Stepte and Fancy Dry Goods, and Notions. &c, Liberal Discounts TO WHOLESALE .BUYERS, OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES an! SMALL PROFITS,- Strictly adaered to. r, M. M. KATZ, . - 38 Market tftxeeUy Merchandise Brokerage Office, LL line of sampled constantly on hand and manufacturers in from importers Northern markets. n .Hniinm or merchandise, orders and bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and sold In this market, orders from buyers solicited, ana Nimples left by sellers will have prompt at tention. Time as well as cash purchases ngotiated, whether you wish to buy or sell, com muni -fr,ii- onH nftjn with your local Broker. T . Merchandise and Produce Broker. dec JO 14 tf December 2d 25th Is Christmas. VOW i the time to sen in your Orders for 41 that Good Old Scuppernong wine Let s drink and be merry to-day, to-mor row wo die. Clubs of JO drink a good deal. Clubs of 30 drink more. Clubs of 40 usually drink all. ... J. B. sTANLY, WMteniie. . y dec 4 170-tl BUY UMBRELLAS OF Munson & Oo. 33 MARET STREET, K here all kinds of Gents Olo-tHing" day be bought at reasonable prices. ' CHILDREN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, BRACES, SUSPENDERS And a great variety of BOWS, TIES AND SCARFS, nov 2 144 INSURANCE. I IFE AND FIRE INSTTRANCE CAN BE ' etrected at the lowest current rates In the following responsible Companies, on ap plication to NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ARsetts $20,000,000 J. A. BYKNE, Gen'l Ins. AgU, IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London. Ansetta ?000,000, Gold utvtAT WtSTEKN FIRE INSUlfc ANCE COMPANY. New Orleans. A ccotlo ' on Oil PARMVILLE FIRE INSURANCE AND UAAXLNQ COMPANY of Va., asset $500,000 BYRNE Jfc KEEN AN. Gen'l Insurance Agents, umce Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. Wilmington, i, n. u. aug i 77-ly 'ForSale "BEST' PIANO Organ Hhee Musi TUNIfiCiREPA TtC, &C fc. VVlLMICTOflK.i COR FOURTH & MARKET 8T& dec 3 -189 0. S. INTERNAL RETEEHUE, Collector's Office, 3d District North Carolina, 1AYETTEVILLE Jauary 4th 1S73. .. f,N the 2Sth rfav f Tannnrv 1T TvlH ul) InWi c.aucUon, at the Court House dpor, t? i JPnt N. C the followiu proper-tl-"; All the rlrhL title and interest of W ah me nnt, tiue ana interest ox beii Brook to Lot Z, Block SIS, on Camp V n KUd for taxes assessed acainst . Brooxg A Cot, due the United 8Utes SOL. BEAR & BROS.; Retail Store, i SO Market Street, HAVE JF8T OPENED ONE OF THE largest Fall and Winter Stocks ever of- ered to the public in this city at redaced prices, consisting of CLO TH IN G Of every description. PHILADELPHIA BEADY MADE r nooDs. i i and the finest assortment of LADIES GAITERS ! AND CHILDRBNS' SHOES IN THE CITY. 100 PIECES FIGURE, 500 " PRINTS, i - 60 M CABSrMEBES, 85 " LINEN SHEETING, 200 DOZEN TOWELS' AND, ALSO, The Largest and best assortment pi AND Okildrens' Wear All of which we offer at reduced prices. SOL BEAR A BROS. 198-tf oct 18 0DR EXTRi FAMILY FLOUR Always on hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Cora, . Corn, Bolted Meal, - Peas,aod Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drajed free. All bags returned in good order will be? credited at cost on nextbilL , t ALEX: OLDHAM, Proprietor. septZT ; 1L MARRIAGE GUIDE. EVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR. Be ir.tr a nHvatftinKtrnetorfor married persons. or those about to be married, both male and female In everything concerning the physiology and relations of our sexual sys tem, and the production and prevention ol off prlng, including all the new discoveries never before giveu in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a vnable and Interesting work. It is written i t plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or those con templating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read thl book. It( discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; still it is a book that must be locked up and not let He .Kstt a hnnuf It will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG; No, 410 8pruce street, above Fourth. Philadelphia. r- vr.rfrrwn AND UNFORTU- NATK.No matter what may. be your di- ease, before you place yourself under the care of any of the - QUACKS native ana foreim who advertise in this or any other paper, get a cpj of Young's Book and it rifniiT. it will D6 in o means vi i saving you: many a dollar, jour health, and I DOssiblT your life. Dr. Young can pe con- suited on any of tne diseases acacriuea in bis pubUcatlona by mail orat his office i No. 41S Spruce street, above Fourth, Phlladel- Womm.wj J " . . i . i 105-Sm sept io IAIiICBR &i TAYLOR Successors to A. H. N.EFF, . o MnuArtnrers and dealers Jin TTnrrZv! jtTTRKIhHING GOODS, Guns, StorIteravrosene.OU Jin Roofing done at. short notice ' AgenU for Fairbanks Scales. .f lOPrniit Street. ESTABLISHED 1845 jl KL sx 11 n w e i 1 o r (Late Oreenwald & CoM) WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies and Segars. NO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST., i ' Respectfully Informs his -.numerous custom ers that he has opened the .largest and best stock or iure juquots in ttxeK mate ar prices no compete wiui any inortnern nouse. 1 snail Keep constantly on nana oia Jieu' tucky Rye and North Carolina Corn Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Segars. Purchasers will do well to examine niy siocs: Derore Duying eisewnere. BF" 8EGAR&PECIALITY -octT ' " '- ' ' 121-ly Old Clarendon-Bar. THIS old and well known place, near the t .IVv If AvIrAf ctvAar GAniYi oirl a l- . a hflon rentted ana recenuy penea Dy ine unaer- signed, and be invites ms old menas to can on him. Atall.times there can be obtained the best of LKiUOKS, WINES, ike, Either bv the drink, or in larger Quantities. His Restaurant is always supplied with the best OYoTiSKS tne marKet, anoras, wnicn will be servad in any style aesirea. MEALS furnished at all hours. 3-Don't faill to call on BOB SCARBOROUGH, At the Old Clarendon Bar. Nov 11, 1872 . 151 TO -WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! THE Agency lor the sale of thjT . FLORENCE Sewing Machines in the State of North Carolina is now in the hands of Casliwcll & Macumbcr, OP WILMINGTON, N. C. I,: ' - All unsettled accounts of former agents are in their hands, and they alone are ittt- thorized to solicit and receipt for al moneys due. thos. hall, special Agent, Florence Sewing Machine Co nov 25 r t 163-tf Scribner'a Monslily. A aerial story by Dr. Holland. New story by Saxe Holm. A long story,: from Bret Harte Brilliant array ol contributors. Clarence Cook on iurniture, and decoration. R. H. Stoddard on authors EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO 500 Pages for fl.00! &c, ifcc p The Dublfcbers of Scbibnbb's Mokthxt, in the Prospectus just issued, promise for the ensuing year a more brilliant array of contributors. and an increase in the variety and beautv of its illustrations, already con ceded by the critics to be "finer than any which have hitherto appeared in any Amer ican magazine." Dr. Holfmnd. the Editor, will write the serial ptorv of the year, which will be auto- hioffranhical in form, and will be illustrated hv Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur Bonnicastle. and will deal with some of the most difficult problems of American life. It will be commenced in the November number. , There will be a new story by Saxe Hoim, The One Legged Dancers. Bret Harte, the best writer of short sto ries now living:, will contribute a character istic story, entitled The Epic of Fiddletown, R. R. Stoddard will write a series of en tertaining papers about Authors, their per sonal characteristics, home life, families, friends, whims, and ways. A series of por traits ol living American writers, is aUo promised. . ' Clarence Cook will wnte about furniture and the decoration of homes. These papers will be eminently practical as well as artis tic, and will be illustrated with designs and sketches oy numerous anisvs in auunua iu those which the writer himself will furnish. Among those who will contribute ar : Hans Anderson, Bryant, Bu6hnel!, - ton, Froude. Higginson, Bishop Hn ton, Bret Harte, John Hay, H. H. Donald, Mitchell, Miss Phelps, IH n, Stocktan, Stoddard, Cella Thaxter, Wa.er, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, besides a host of others. The editorial control and direction if the 14 n.,.tna urill rpmoin in thft hand of I .. .Holland, who will continue to wr t 3 TrtT?.a nf thft Time." which the N. Y. I dependent says "are more widely qu. 3 tr an any similar papers in any AQier cai masrzine.1' Watson Gilder will write 4,TheJ C : net;" as hitherto. Prof. John Or . - v .nnHnM thft department of -"Na'ure i i Science " The departments of "Home and 8ocietvn and "Culture and Progress" will cnMro iht enntribntions of more tcan a seore of pens on both sides of fue Atlan tic The "Watchman and Reflector" says: Scribner's Monthly for September is bet ter than usual, which indicates a ne- dless waste of editorial brains ana puua-uer-B money, tor the Magazine was good euDugh betore!" And yet the publishers promise te make it still beer ror tne coming year 1 1 The Subscription price is ti Oi a year, with special rates to Clergymen, Teachers, nd Postmasters The lollowing EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS are offered to new subscribers : For $5 50 the publishers will send, or any Bookseller or Newsdealer will supply, the Magazine for one year, and the twelve numbers of Vols. HL and IV., containing the beginning of Mrs. Oliphant's SenaL "At Hia Gates;" lor f7 50. the Magazine for one year! and the 24 back numbers from the beginning; for $10 50, the Magazine for one year, and the 24 back numbers bound f4 vols.), charges on bound vols. paid. This will give nearly 5 000 pages of the choicest reading, with the finest illustra tions, for 10 50, or nearly 500 pages lor a dollar I and will enable every subscriber to obtain the series from the first. ; - Special terms to Dealers,-Clergymen ana Teachers. SCRIBNER A CO. ,654 Broadway, N.Y. OLD FIRM OID GOODS; RAIL R01DN. TOningtoii, Charlotte & Bntierforfl Hail Eoad iiine. ' Eastern Division : New Schedule. Going West. - - 8TA.TI09S. FASSSKOEB FBEIGHT. Leave .Wilmington . . . 8 00am hoOam . Abbottsburg. . . 11 16 11.45 " Lumberton ... 12 80' 2.05pm 8hoe Heel 154 p m ft.o ' " Laurinbnrg.:. 2.9 6.00 am " Bockingham... 4 03am Arrive at Lilesville. . . 4 45 10.00' Going East. STATIONS. IPASSSN6SBr&SIGHT. Leave Lllesville 7.40 am S.W 10.S0 10.65 12. 'Opil 1 26 4.35 12.C0m 5 . 66 a m 5 55 9 50 ' Rockmgom . AAunnDurg..., 8hoeHeel ' Lumberton..... Abbottsbnnr . . . 12 5 p m Arrive at Wilmington. 5.00 Diniikb. ffoing West: Bbkakfast. eo- ing East." t5T" No Trains on Sunday. Two SDecial Freight Trains for JToa Timber, run irreg ularly. Western- Division. STATIONS PASSENOEK raEiQHT" Leave Charlotte 8.C0 A. M 10 ri 4 Lincolnfon.... Arrive at Bufl'4j . . . . . 11 so bTsturning. Leave Buffalo 1.30 p m 3 15 .5 30 Lincolnton..... Arrive at Charlotte... AP; Q. JOHNSON, S. L. FREMONT, Gen. Supt. 199- Assistant Supt. jau v --. Wilmington. oluninm & Au gusta Rr R. Company . GBN. SUPEBraTBITDBNT'S OFFICE, I WrucraGTOt N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f CNAHOE OF SCHEDULE. rpHE F6ttOWING SCHEDULE WILL Jl.ho Into effect at 8:35 A. M., Monday, 7th inst. -i DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington...... 3:25 At M Arrive at Florence 0:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia..... 2:40 P. M Arrive at Augusta 7 4 P. M Leave Augusta 6.:i5 A. M Arrive at Columbia 11 35 A. M Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 5:45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta. &20 A. JM Leave Animate 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia. 10:20 P W Arrive at Florence 2:12 A M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDEKSOJM, Gen'l Sup't. Oct 9 123 tf Wilmington & Wehlon R. R. Company. Omci General Supeeintendent, i WritMiKQTOK, N. C, June 8, 1872. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTAN T, V 9 PASSENGER' TRAINS on the Wil- mington and Weldon Railroad will run ae follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At o:ud a. m Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 3: 1 1 M Weldon... 3:50 i M I.paya Weldon daiW CSnndavs excentedL At 9:15 A; M Arrive at Rock v Mount 11:07 A. M - Goldsboro 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily ... At 10:40 f. M Arrive at Goldsboro 8:00 A . M Rocky Mount 4:50 A. M Weldon 6:50 A. M Leave Weldon daily ' 7:10 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount t :53 P. M Gldsboro 10:53 P. M Union Depot 3:10 A M Mail Train mattes close connection at Weldon for all points Nortb via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquis rt nmTWAW'fl PAT. A rTIC rCC& IWUfcC 4 viiuuuai.i u ...... SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FBEIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington, daily '(Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M-, and arrive at II A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. June 8 , l3-f T. A. GRA5GXB, If. O. W. H. CHJ tILES. Late of Richmond. Va GRANGER'S 1ST E W H O T E X., GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CENTRE STBEET, GOLDS DOR O , . C . Convenient lortbe Trains leaving forth North, South, Jiart and west. -f NEW AT POPULIK PRICES; H. i& B. EilANUEL, V 45 MABKET STBiBET," now opening, at very Lull' WIICJSS, their new and well totecUd itock of DRESS GOODS, . . ARE Consisting partly of CLOTHS, &c. &c. Shawls, Scarfs, Cloaks, Cloaliinffs, &c.. Keep constantly on hand a lull line of SATINS, VALOURS. VELVETEENS, and DRESS TRIMMING, in latest styl, and of every description. vnvajus$u ana FURNISHING gSodI?' UDERWEAR' HooP ?. COR8ET8, and LADIEA iiff att1ntii?ilSaliFd ? tbeir compUttiassortmt of LadieV and CLUdrtn, Philadelphia made-HOES, at prices to euli. v - vyuwWi tv..-. ... -r.4. -. ; ', - Yowti's and Children's Clothing, 1 Gcul, Touth and With a first class stock of Gent's FURNISHING GOOPS. g-DO NOT FORGET THE PLACE H. October 23J ON MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Young men from the ef fects ofVErrors and Abuses in early life. Manhood" restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New' method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Book -and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. " Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. aug 10 72-3m F0K-CITY TRADE. THE BEST STOCK OF MEDIUM AND low priced DRESS (JOODS in the city. Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, Men and Boys wear at lowest prices. B. WEILL, No 17 Market street. Corsets. 1 AAA LADIES CORSETS AT 50 cents to avvv $o. B. WEILL. Parasols and Hiadies TTmbrellas. tf VERY QUALITY AND STYLE RANG Fj ing from the cheapest to the finest q uality. .B. AVEILIJL. Calicoes. PIECES PRINTS ASSORTED from 1000 01-4 cents to uest quality. WEILL CI o tiling. 'rHE LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS' Clothing in the city made to order all of the latest styles, wholesale prices. Will be sold at retail for Bargains ! Barge1 ins THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED I O GIVE US a call. We offer the largest stock of DRY GOODS in the city, at New York prices. We receive weekly additions to our Stock, and make every effort to please. B. WEILL. - april 7 19)-tf TWEtiTY DOLLARS FOR ONE A 125 SEWING MACHINE, FllEE'l SUD3CHIBE NOW FOIi OUR WEEKLY, A first-class, twenty-column, Literary Fain iiy Paper, published every Saturday, at Charlotte, N. C, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR 'A YEAH I Each number contains an INTERESTING 3TOKY, worth at least the subscription price; enough FUN to keep you lauhintr a week; and a general collection of the LATEST NEWS. Every subscriber j?et3 a chanco at a Val uable Peemium, and one out of every live will be. sure to get a Premium, worth from 25 cents to ?25 00. Our CASH PREMIUMS areinsuine of fl, f3, $5, $10 and 20, with from two to ten premiums ot each denomination. uur other premiums consist of useful articles, such as Sewing Machines, Bleached Domes tic, &c, &c, ranging in value from twenty five cents to $25.00. ' Delaj'S are dangerous." Subscribe im mediately, and g , a chance at the large premiums. TO AGENTS, We are offering more lib etal inducements fi-r Club3 than any other f ablishsr. You can make money by n- vassing for O UK WEEKLY. For specimen copy ot paper, Premium List ard terms to Agents, send 3-cent stamj to J. O. H. NUTALL, IhiblisJier of Chir Weekly, . Charlotte, N. C. iuly 23 5ft tf F. A. SIIXJTTE No. 3 AND d GRANITE ROW, Dpaler in I FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, : PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAHES, CORDS, ! TASSELS, FRINGES, &c &c. Having Just received a supply of Furniture, I am prepared to give the public as good bargains as can be had in the city. - rlease call and examine. . marl5 GOODS SILKS, POPLINS, ALPACCAS, RP8, EMPRE38 Also, at prices net to be beat, . Children's Hats and Cap B. EMANUEL, 45 MARKET STREET. 185 Sm WISCELLANEOrS. BALTIMORE A1SD WILMINGTON SEMI-WEEKLY STEAITISUIP JLINE. Composed of the first-class Bteainahlps U, J. Foley, Capt. D. J. Price Lucille, Capt. I. S Danaett Rebecca Clyde, Capt D. C. Childt Will hereafter sail from Baltimore svry -Tuesday and Friday and from Wllmlnrton eve ry Wednesday andsatumay, connecting Wilmington with the Wilmington, Co- at lumbia and Augusta, Wilmington, and Wl- Hnn o -I jne wumingion, cnanotte ana Rutberford railroadi; nlo the several llnea or steamers to rayeteviiie, ; Giving Through Bills of Lading, To all point in North and South Carolina, Georgia nd Alabama; conned Ing atBaltt more with tho Baltimore and Ohio and the Northern Central rallroadi for all polnta la the Vest and Northwest, and with teamen nrtd rnilrods for Bos ten, New York and Philadelphia. A. D. CAZAUX Agonts, Wilmington, N, C AxdRei it Co, Agents, Baltimore. dec 31 i v 103 s TEAM SDIP LI NE FOK NTfTW YOXtK. I SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNE3 DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. THROUGH COPINicTIONtl WIT ALL RAILROADS LEADINO OUT Or iriLMINUTOW No passengers taken. For Freight apply BARRY BROTHERS, AjenlS may 26 117 1 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. fOM POSED v SIHP8 OF FIRST CLASS STEAU PIONEER, 825 TONS Captain JOHN WAKELEY TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain WILTBANKS Will hereafter sail from Fhlladelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY." For Freight engagements, apply to WORTH A WORTH, Agents, WUmlngtcn, N. C. , W. L. JAMES, General Agent, IX South Third Street, Philadelphia, " ; June 15 S'U THOMAS CONNOR BAR RO Olvi N. E. corner of Mulberry and Natt BU. Always on hand the beet quality of Bega i de14 ' ' ... ' " KM J. i CI. 1 v T -i i ' ' t X r I TV . V. lUCUAIUJOtJX. hot 1::-: --: -H rr1? f.- '-.is'- -V - :-.-.' .. - V

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