5:v T a. . rfSY vol. vi. WILMINGTON, N. C, 3VEDirESDAY JANUARY 22, 18.73 NO. 211 - Wm THE EVENING POST pbi.lndeTerjltraooB exwpt Sunday. J? p CANADA.T....Btaloe M.ne fC-MA-NN J Subscription. , . -ear in advance 5 rJUinad,ance TU months, in advance 130 0ce month, in adrance business Utters should be ad-Z-a to the Business Manager, and all oauicaUon. or matters relatlnS to the r.torial department to the Editor. rrreDondence solicited from our friends 2 wru of the State, on topics of gene i intereit Political news and reports oi c701 tre eapeclallyjealrable. jxlNlT WINTER GOODS orB'INQ 'OW AT M. M. KATZ 36 Market Street V COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS In every variety, quality and style SUaWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS; MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAB, HOUSE FURNISHING AND WHITE GOODS, &c., &c- la short, everything that can be called tor in Staple and Fancy Dry. Goods, and Notions. &c, Liberal Discounts TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS, ct.ixtu ftd"hred to. Dmv, --- KATZt 36 Market Street. 135 tf net 2i Merchandise Brokerage Office, rri T line of sample constantly on band FVom importers and manufacturers in Northern market. All descriptions ot merchandise, orders and WdJ solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise, bought and sold in this market orders from buyers Bollcltea, ana Smples left byYellers will have prompt at- tCQtlOD. Time as well as cash purchases "fft whether you wish to buy or f l5m,uHJ; rated freely, and often with jour local Broker. .T,r J AS T PETTEwAY, Merchandise and Produce Broker, ilor ltHU December 2d-25th Is Christmas VOW in thotlme to sen In your Orders for i that Good Old Scuppernong Wlno Let's drink and be merry to-daj ; to-mor row we die. , Clubs of 2U drink a good deal. Clubs of 30 drink more. Clubs of 40 usually drink all. J. B. sTANLY, W hite llleuj dec 1 ' filiTwORLD RENO WNED pwinir Machines. N RANGE of work this Machine cannot be . i . -1 r la oniial If) fin V i - ciuaueu. uur uuo v - -- . . - and our heavy work excels that of any aia- cmoe in uie worm. -n .,.no, We claim that It is an HONEST MaeMne. will do all yur sewing, will last a liie lime, and is not subiect to FITS. w e cneeriuuy iiimi wmj-ai.ov.. ,,, " ,7 work of any other Machines, and will pui them on trial, at your home, by leaving name at the ofhee. No. 4 Llppltt Row, Front H.y payments. GEO. A. NEWELL, Ageut Home Sowing Machine Co. Ian 20-tf 'INSURANCE. 1 ivr A:r vmv TVaiTRAN'CE CAN BE ' effected at the lowest current rates in the ihllowinz reDonslble Companies, on ap plication to VL'VV vnnv t tw ivaiTRAVPK COMPANY. Assetts $,000,000 I J. A. BYRNE. Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE f'CWIUl VV fTn-wn A cscttl $9,000,006, Gold GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR- v vet' mxiui vv Vow Or 1 pans As-ftc 1228.014 FRiviTiP k-mp iVRTTRANCE AND B.V-AKING COMPANY of Vs., asaeta BYRNE & KEENAN. Gen'l Insurance Agents. Offlce Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. Wilmington, N. C. aug 18 n-lj ForSal "BEST' PIANO Organ Shee Musi Ac. A WlLM COR FOURTH & MARKET BT8. dwr 1 1 S. INTERNAL REYEEHOlT Collector's Office, 3d District North Carolina, KaYETTEVILLK J&uary 4th ItCJ. N the 2Sth day of January, isn, I wUl sell ft public auction, at the Court House door, in Wilmington. N. iX, the followtug proper ..vlt: AlTthe right, tlUe and iif H. Brooks to Lot 5, Block 34S. on Camp strt. aeUsd for taxes aeaealat . Brook A Co d uetb. United Stats t. ITfCTON.M.CX SOL. BEAR! BROS.. Retail Store, 1 20 Market Street, HAVE JUST OPENED ONE OF THE largest Fall and Winter Stocks ever of ered to the public in this city at red need prices, consisting of CLOTHING- Of tyerj descriptior. PHILADELPHIA READY HADE GOODS. ad thettnest assortment of LADIES GAITERS . ti . t . AND CmLDRENS' SHOES IN THE CITY. IDIEY O-OODS. 100 TIECES FIGURE, 500 " 1 50 : CASSIliBSES, 85 LINEN SHEETING. 200 DOZEN TOWELS AND, ALSO. The Largest and best assortment oi AND Childrens' Wear All of which we offer at reduced priees. SOL BEAR A BROS. OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR Always ob hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, , Corn, Bolted Meal, Peaa and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drayed free. AU bags returned in good ordar will b credited at -J m, Proprietor sept 27 MARRIAGE GUIDE. EVERT ONE HIS OWN DOGTOR-Be-ing a priTatelnstructorformarriedpersons, or thSse about to be married, both male and female In (eTerrthing concerning the DhTBiolozr and relations of our sexual sys Fern and Uie production and present! on of oft?orine including all the new discoreries Serf? c&orelven An the Epglish language, d WM. ToBnO, M, D. Th ia real y a yaluable and interesting work. It is wri tten in plain language for the ncral reader and is illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or those con mrJating marriage, anA having the least Spfdiment to Sarried U VKatJSJ thirbook. It de. ecijts that every one should be acquainted with; still It is a book that must be locked up and not let lie about the house. It will be acnt to any ad 5r?X on receipt of 60 cents. Address Dr. wT YOUNG: No, 416 Spruce street, above Fourth. Philadelphia. K-AFFLICTED AND UNFORTU NATE. No matter what may be your di ease before you place yourself under the cart of any If the QDACKB-naUvA and foreign-wno advertise in this m other Mcer. get a cepy of Dr. Young's Book and S& itSrefulir: It will Iv te meani of laving you many a dollar, your health, and nossibly your life. Dr. Young can be con etedonany of the disease described in his publlcatlona by maUat hu offlce. No 416 Spruce street, aboverourtl Thlladel- sept 15 . PARKER & TAYLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manunurrs anddeersln EOUtiE FURNISHING GOODS GuSs. Stoves. Lanterns, osene. Oil tin and Sheet Iron War. Roofin done at short notice Agents for Fairbanks BeaJea. No. 19 Front Street, bov WI7 JESXAJBLISITKID X&dLS. OLD n I . Kahnweiler, (Late Greenwald & Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALER IN ! Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies and Segars. NO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST., mii--ftiftil1g Infm ti1 TvmAr-Uifl-ttalrti-Bl era that-he Btaa opensdltbe largeeV a-td best . . -n w . x . L - m rim SUTCKi run Ltiuurs ia uio ow to compete with any Northern house. . tucky Rye and North Carolina Corn Whis- Kies, impotxea uranaics, winw wmoegwi, Purchasers will do well to examine my stock before buying elsewhere. t3T SEGARS A SPECIALITY oct m-iy Old Clarendon Bar. TITTfl sA enf -mm Irnnwn fel-LAft. TlAAr th9 foot of Market street. South side, has been refitted and recently, opened by the under signed, and be Invites his old friends to caU on him. At all times there can be obtained the best of LIQUORS, Either by the drinkor in larger quantities. His Restaurant Is always supplied with the best OYftTKRH the market affords, which will be served la any style desired. -Don't falll to call oh ? i.BOB SCARBOROUGH, At the Old Clarendon Bar. Nov 11. 1872 151 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ! THE Agency tor the sale of the FLORENOE Sewing Machines in the State oi North Carolina is now in the bands of Cashwell &i Macumber, OF WIL3UNGTON, N. C. ah irfiioi ArmnniR of former aareHts are in their hands, and they alone aie au thorized to solicit ana receipt jot i '"""w due. THwS. HALL, .Special Agent, lore nee wwmg jhhwio'vo nov 25 Scribner's JTloii hly. mm II j A serial story by Dr. Holland. New story by Saxe Holm. A long story from Bret Harte Brilliant array of contributors. Clarence Cook on lurniture, and decoration. R. H. 8toddard on authors EXTRAORDINARY- INDUCEMENTS TO HEW SUBSCRIBERS; 500 Pages for $1.00! &c, Ac The publishers of 8diBXB's Mokthlt, in the Prospectus just issued, promise for the ensuing year a more brilliant array of contributors, and an increase in the variety and beauty of its Illustrations, already con ceded by the critics to be "finer than any which have hitherto appeared in any Amer ican magasinc." , fi . . Dr. Holland, the Editor, will write the serial tory of the year, Yhi,?nJTi,VIbeaUt; biographical in form, and will be Illustrated ry Miis Hallock. It Is entitled Arthur Bonnicastle, and will deal with some of t he most difficult problems of American life. It will be commenced In the November number . ' . . rr 'ihere will be a new story by Saxe Hoiru, The One Legged Dancers. Bret Harte, the best writer of short sto ries now living, will contributes character istic story, entitled The Epic o( Fiddlttown, which will be illustrated by 8h ppsrd. R H. Stoddard will write a series of en tertaining papers about Authors, their per sonal characteristics, home life, families, friends, whims, and ways. A series oi por traits ol living American writers, is also PrcSrence Cook will write about furniture and the decoration of homes. These papers will be eminently practical as well as artis tic, and will be iUtlstrated with designs and sketches by numerous artists in addition to those which tffe writer himself wll furnish. Among those who will contribute are: Hans Anderson, Bryant. Bushnell, Eggles ton, Froude, Higginson, Bishop Hunting ton Bret H.rte, John Hay, H. H. Mac-, Donald, Mitchell. Miss Phelps, fcWman, Stocktan, Stoddard, Ceiia Thaxter, Warner Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, besides a host of 0tThe editorial control and direction of the Magazine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, who will continue to write The Toplca of the Time." which the N. Y. In dependent says "are more widely quoted tan any similar papers in any American mWatSon Gilder will writhe Old Cabi net;" as hitherto. Prof. John C. Draper inducts the department ot "Nature and Science The departments of "Home and Societv" and "Culture and Progress," will engage" the contributions of more . than a score of pens on both sides of the Atlan tic The -Vatchn.an and Reflector' says: "8cribner'8 Monthly for September Is bet ter 'than usual, which Indicates a needles, waste of editorial brains and Pnwl8!J0r, money, tor the Magazine was good j enough Selorel" And yet the publishers to make It still better for e comiM year! . The Subscription orice is f 4 00 a year, with special rates to Clergymen, Teachers, and Postmasters. 'The following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS are offered to new subscribers : For $5 50 the publishers will send, or any Bookseller or Newsdealer will supply, the Magazine for one year, and the twelve rubers of Vols. HL and I IV., wnnf the beginning of Mrs. Olipkant'a 8erial, "it Hif GatS;" lor $7 50. the Magazine for one yt,ar, and the 24 back numbers from the beginning; for $10 50 the Magazine for one year, and the 24 back numbers bound (A volsA charges on bound Tola. paid. Thll will glv? nearly .5 000 pagesof the choicest reading, with the finest illustra tions, for $10 50, or nearly 500 pages for dollar 1 and will enable every subscriber to obtain the series from the first. Special terms to Dealers, Clergymen and TScr5neR & CO.,H Breadway, K. Y. -OLD GOOES. RAIL ROADS. WiliiflftsD, Charlotte & Rntlierfori Hail Road. OLim. Eastern Division : New Schedule. Going West. . BTATIOVS. VXSXE&d&SL FREIGHT. Leave Wilmington .' . . &Q0 a m JB.00 a u Abbottaburg... 11.16" 11.45 " Lumberton .... 13 80 2,05 Tit V Shoe Heel 1.54 r m 5.00 " " Xaurinburg. . . 2.80 " 6.00 a m " Jtocklngham,.. 4.03am " Arrived Lilesville... 4.45" 10.00" Going East. STATIONS. PX83BNGSB rBXIQHT. Leave Lilesville " - Rockingham . . T- 1 1 r lV,i ror 7.40 A U 8.86 " 10.S0 " 10.55 " ia.0 r u 1.26 " 4.85 " 12.00 m 5.00 AM 5.55 " 9 50 " I. U4 U t.. .... " 8hoeHecl " 1amberton " Abbottaburg . . . Arrive it Wilmington. 12.1 5 p m 5.00 " DiJtszn, going West: Bbbaktast, go ing East. 3Jt No Trains on 8unday. Two Special Freight Trains for Tos Timskb, run Irreg ularly. Western Division. BTATIOK8 PASSENGER FREIGHT. Leave Charlotte . 8.00 A M " Lincolnton Arrive at Buffalo. 10 no " it RETURNING. Leave Buffalo ....... " Lincolnton.... Arrive at Charlotte. . V. Q. JOHNSON, Assistant Supt. Iau9 1.80 r m 8.15 " 5 30 " S. L. FREMONT, Gen. Supt. 199 Wilmington. ( olambia & Au gusta R. R. Company. OlS. SUPBBIHTXKDISSS OfFICX, WilmikStow, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f C11ANQE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING 8CHEDULE WILL ointo effect at 8:35 A. M., Monday, 7th inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington ?A' S Arrive at Florence. 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia 2:40 P. M Arrive at Augusta J 4i P. JJ, Leave Augusta 6.35 A. M Arrive at Columbia S Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington Arrive atFlorence Arrive at. Columbia..... Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington.. JAMES oct 9 5.45 P. M 11:35 P. M 3:40 A. M 8:20 A. M 5:50 P. M 10:20 P. M 2:12 A. M 8:00 A. M ANDERSON, Gen'l Bnp't. 123 tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Oft ica Gbkxral Supbbihtehdbht, WrLMiwero, N. C, June 8, 1872. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th IN8TANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will rum af follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- days excepted) : .... At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky :Mount 2:11 P. M Weldon 8:50 Z. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At 9:15 A; M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:07 A. M Goldsboro P- M Union Depot 5:30 r. M. EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally ... At 10: 40 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro w A. m Rocky Mount i;55A'JI Weldon M Leave Weldon daily. ., ...... 7:10 P. M Arrive at Rockv Mount . . v . Goldsboro -. i . 10:53 P. M Union Depot 3:1 A- M Mail Train mates close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia CreS route. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS wil leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundavs excepted) at 5 P. M.. and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. June 8 . W T. a. ejAjoxB, lr GRANGER'S NEW HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CBHTRE STREET, 3-ox.xboo, c. envacient lortha Trains laavlag foria jjSrta,fcM, Bast and West. NEW GOODS AT POPULAKPKICES. H. & B. EMANUEL, 45 MARKET STREET, ARB now opening, atjrery LOW PRICS. their new and well selected stock ef Cdnsisting partly of SILKS. POPLlNS, ALPACPAS, RPS, EMPRESS CXOTIIS, &c. &c. Also, at prices net to be beat, Shawls, Scarfs, Cloaks, Cloaking, Sec. Keep constantly ou band a lull line of SATINS, VALOURS, VELVETEENS, and DKES$ TRIMMING, in latest styles, and of every description. WHITE GO DS, LACES, UNDERWEAR, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, and LADIES' FURNISHING G'ODS. Particular attention Is called to their complete assortment of Ladles' and Children's Philadelphia made bHOES, at prices to sull. Touth?s and Children's Clothing, Gent's, Youth's and Children's 0ats and Caps With a first class stock of Gent's FURNISHING GOODS. t-DO NOT FORGET THE PLACEa H. October 23d ON MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Young men from the ef fects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Book and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth st., Philadelphia, Pa. aug 10 72-3m FOR CITY TRADE. THE BEST STOCK OF MEDIUM AND low priced DRESS GOODS in the city. Hosiery. Housekeeping Goods, Men and Boys wear aUowest prices. b. WEILL, No 17 Market street. Corsets. LA1UES CORSETS AT 50 cents to $5. B. WEJLLi. 1000 Parasols and. Ladies Umbrellas. E VERY QUALITY AND STYLE RA&G' mg irom me cneajebt w ; v a. w iiiAixLoj. Calicoes. 1 AAA PIECES PRINTS ASSORTED from 1 UUU 61-4 cents to best quality. WEILL Clothing. THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS' 1 Clothing in the city-made to order-all of the latest styles. Will be sold at retail for wholesale prices. Bargains! Barge ins ! THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED 1U GIVE US. 1 a call. We offer the largest stock of DRY GOODS in the city, at New York prices. We receive weekly additions to. our Stock, and make every effort to please. B. WEiLJ-i. apri!7 ; 1WW. TWENTY DOLLARS FOR ONE A 25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE 1 SUBSCRIBE NOW-FOR OUR WEEKLY, A first-class, twenty-column, Literary Fam iiy Paper, published every Saturday, at Charlotte, N. C, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I Each number contains an INTERESTING 8TORY. worth at least the subscription price; enough FUN to keep you lamrhinK : week' and a general collection of the LATENT NEW8. Every subscriber gets a chance at a val uable Premium, and one out of every five will be pur- to eet a Premium, worth from 25 cents to $t5. 00. Our CASH PREMIUMS are in sums of $1, $2, $5, $10 and f20, with from two to ten premiums of each denomination. Our other premiums consist of useful articles, such as Sewing Machines, Bleached Domes tic, fcc, &c, ranging value from twenty five cents to $25.00. ' " Delays are dangerous." Subscribe im mediately, and get a chance at the large PITO AGENTS. We are offering more lib eral Inducements for Clubs than any other Publisher. You can make money by n vassing for OUR WEEKLY For specimen copy oi paper; Premium List axd terms to Agents, send 3-cent etamp to J. O. H. NUTALL, - Publisher of Our Weekly, Charlotte, Nw C. inly 23 56 F. A. SHXJTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &c. Having Just received a supply of Furniture, lam prepared to give the publle as good bargains as can be bad in the city. rleaae eall and examine. maylS & B. EMANUEL, 45 MARKET STREET. 135 3m MISCKLLANEOl'S. BALTIMORE AM WILMINGTON . EMI-WEEJCLY ( STEAMSHIP MNE. 1 Composed of the flrst-elass BteamsLlr U, J. Foley, Capt. D. J. Price. Lucille, Capt. I. S. llannett Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Cbilds Will hereafter sail from Baltimore evry ( Tuesday and Friday and from Wilmington every Wednesday and Saturday, connecting at wilmineton with the Wilmington. Co lumbia and Augusts, Wllnllngton.and Wel don. and the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroad; aluo the several line of steamers to Fayetevllle, Giving Through Bills of Lading, To all points In Nnrth and Pouth Carolina, Geortrla-nd Alabama; eouncclng at Haul more with the Pal tl more and Ohio and the Northern Central railroads for all point in the Ve-t and Northwest, and with steamers and milro ds for Boston, New York and Philadelphia. A. D. CAZAUX. Agents, Wilmington, N, C. AKDREa A Co, Agents, Baltimore, dec 31 192- LORILLARD'S STEAMSHIP LINE FOR NEW YORK, SAILING TUE8DAY8 AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNES DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. THROUGH CONNECTIONS WIT ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON No passengers taken. For Freignt applv BARE! BROTHERS, Agents may 26 H7- Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. TOMPOSED OF FIRST CLASS STEAM HH1PS PIONEER, 825 TONS Captain JOIIN WAKELBY, TONAWANDA) 850 TONS, Captain "WILTDANK8. Will hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. For Freight engagements, apply to WORTH A WORTH, A genii, Wilmington, N C. W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 180 South Third Street, Philadelphia. I June 15 2fr-tf THOMAS CONNOR BAR-ROOM N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt fits. Always en hand the best quality of Sga I H 7-iy m&m : ;l i . . M r- t I ! 1- '. i , ' ;! .... : 1 1 i 7 ; r i A

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