V! WTIMNGTONf N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1873 NO. 212 VOL. VI. mm. m ; m . . w m. m TtVv evening post THBi J2-'VJi except Sunday. .7TcANADAT....Blne.. Manager JA Subscription. S5 00 One yr. in , 8 Six momus. - ! 50 jree months, m Z?.d to the Business Manager, and all cations or matters relating to the vLam department to the Editor. rfkloriU aey frnm onr friends n Darts oi - r - -Mntereit. PoUtical news and reports crop are epecjallydeairable ADVERTISEMENTS. iTljUr WINTER' GOODS ope'i' NOW AT : M. M. KATZ 36 Market Street V COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS In every variety, quality and atvle SH AWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS ; MEN'S AMD BOYS' YllAR, HOUSE FURNlSIlltfQ AND WHITE GOODS, &c, &c- In short, cvcrytbing that can be called tor in Staple and Fancy Dry. Goods, and Notions. &c, Liberal Discounts TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. OUR MOTTO QUICK SUM SMALL PROFITS Bincw KATZ. 36 Market street. 135 tl octa Merchandise Brokerage Office, Northern market's. Merch.imlj.0 bousht and Oil. trutlon. Time h-s well a cash purchases WtUOcd. whether you wish to buy o-iSSl rnted freely, and often wua jvu Broker. nnrvn,'AY. vw U the time to .end in Jour Order, for that fiood Old "PPr.Llav to-tnor-Its drink and be merry to-day , to-rnor row wc die. . . . Hubs of 'JO drink a pood deal. Cub, of "gMkitwUtoj S g dec 4 TUirYORU) HEX OWN ED ovinr Machines. IN RANGE of work this Machine canno be I equalled. Our fine work is equal togO and our heavy work excels that of any chine in the world. AvvT Marhine. We claim that it is an HONES T Ma cnine will do all your sewlne, will-last a me time, and is not sublect to 11 r. , n vith We cheerfully invite TOrapanson work of any other Machines and will pui them on trial, at your home bylcang name at the oftice. No. 4 LiPpUt Row, Jn street, beiwcen Dock and OranM. ba on easy payments. OEO-,A- SSrvMo Agent Home Sewing MachlneOj. INSURANCE. I Ir E AND KIKE Vot in the 1' effected at the lowest current rates in tne Companies, plication to iURANCE COMPANY, ARsetts J. A. BYRNE, Gen'I Ina. AgU, IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE rvllfl) 1 'V nf IinHnn' AKSettS y-KJ"" " " ' $9.a)0,000t Gold GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, Q14 F ARM VI LLE HRE 'SUCE,0 B.VAKING COMPANY of a,, aJ BYRNE & KEEN AN. Gen'I Insurance Agents. Office Chamber of Commup gj'g; aug 16 77ly Forsai "BEST' PIANO Organ sag Hh PC Musi- r.riT t,AT7DTn JP- f A RTTET STS. dec 3 U. S. INTERNAL REVEENOE, Collector's Office, 3d District North Carolina, F A YETTEVI LLE Jauary 4th 1ST3. will sell b. tntlTCat of l- All the rigni, rr ftmn. W. H, Brook to Lot 5, Blocs "llu WU utreet, wiled for tAJet juS apini r ON the 2Sth day of January, lSTt at public aucUon. at the Court m Wilmington, N. C, ine iomuw SOL. BEAR & BROS.. Retail Store, " 20 Market Street, HAVE JUST OPENED ONE OF THE largest Fall and Winter Stocks ever of ered to the pubUo In this city at reduced prices, consisting of o i-. d OF CYcry description. k - . -. ' v PHILADELPHIA READY HADE GOODS. and the finest assortment or LADIES GAITERS AND CHILDEENS' SHOES IN THE CITY. DBY aOODS. 100 PIECES FiaURE, 500 PRINTS, 50 " CASSIMERES, 35 LINEN SHEETING, 300 DOZEN TOWELS j AND, ALSO, The Largest and best assortment ot AND Ohildrens Wear All of which we offer at reduced prices. SOL BEAR & BROS. OCt 16 ft. W PIMII.V FLOUR llSS.SSLd at the M1U and Depository Cracked Cera, Oats. Bnorts anu All aoods sold drayed free. All bags returned iv . good order will be credited at cost on nextwu. proprietor. sept 27 . MARRIAGE GUIDE WP-RY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR. Be or those about to be rried, Jjom tli femali 1 e7erjthlngcoorntag the tem, ana me Lpy, , n.w discoveries Txrvr y 1 1 1 1 in i. iu. x. r If V V V A. k illustrateaitu th org con- All young mamea PC".- IcaU templatlng mamagj, . "aa rc4d one should be acquainted with ataU it is book that must toe VSSfi te ent to any ad about the house. It 1 be BcnAVfl0reaaJDr. WM9 YobWo 416 Spruce street, above Fourth miadohia. UNFORTU. ease, before you place JounM una care of "7 01 "ertin tnlT ox any other foreign who advertise id , k nd papef. Kt a copy 01 -" means of rc'dU carefully. It will and saving you many a hj an bc COn posslblyyourlUe, PAng can suited on T "aUoTat hto office. No. WspubUcaUons by majorat pniudtl. pnuu 105-Sm BCPI AO PABKEB & TAYLOR a biiccesBorB w A. H. NEFF, oalsni In J..-n, xxttvTi RTTTNG O O UVo. Manufttcxurera "ii"r wj t q ".f Vir;r-Keroseire. Oil Tin J ande.ru.... fl itOOBJlX tiuuo r. uLTw VlLMlNGTON, N . : C. : : . . i : ' ' I JS8TAJBLISTTKP 1845. OUT EIRIl-fliD I. Kahnweiler i (Late Greenwaldfc fJo) WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies and Segars. r NO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST., n v- ucky Rye and JNorxn jnroimi kajiu. tt w Purchasers will do well to examine my stock before buying eisewnere. SEGAHS A SPECIALITY JctT , m-ly Old Clarendon Bar. ; THIS old and well known place, near the foot of Market, strfet, ouin "viVr refitted 4fflaS?.SS KienecL ana. ne invites uu uiu uim - on hiS.At aH time there can be obtained the best of V - - ' LKllOKS, WINES, &c, beS'fERS.th; . Jjjg which Will do servtn u MFAi; rurniAhedat all hours. 5rDon't faill to call on ,TT.1Tr , BOB SCARBOROUGH, At the Old Clarendon Bar. K" 11 1 c-r- 151 t ' ATr-mV t TO WHOM IT MAX UUJNUJlti i THE Agency ior the sale of the FLORENCE r Carolina is now in the hands of Cash well & Macumher, OF WIMINGTON, N. C. n unsettled accounts of former agents An tir andTluxTv they l one i an- All arAlnthAir hanaik luiw uvv w aue. roreregeTving Machlnedo nov25 Scrihner's Monthly. A serial story by Dr. Holland. New story by Saxo Holm. A long story from SStHarte- Brilliant array of contributors. Clsrence Cook on lurniture, and decoration. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS; 500 Pages for $LO0! &c, &c. ' .... a M.-r-MTiinf a "M"r'WTT7T.T The publishers oi ouflu- :r7,;i he ensulngPyeaVaJmorb7im.nt .rry of contriontofs, and an Increase In the Tarlety tuuiiiuu , iii,-t;rma already COn- in the SdM b7lSU tSbV"&er than any which haVe hitherto appeared in any Amer ican masazine." tne BeKutSroftieyeTr which illbeauto- BonStle? and IU deal with some of the 2S5? dfflcult problems of . AmencanJ. It will be commenced in the November berowill be a new story by Saxe Holm, Dancers. Bret H.rU? the beet ,wrUer of .Uort ..o; JMg abont Antho their per- .onal charactermiw, V"j, - i pruiuvu. omisea. v,nnt, furniture K.Wape Sc and wTllb raYedUhdesigns and .ketches by numerous artists in addition to sketcnes oj .t himself will furnish. inose wuicu .. . nd BS?ffi .-?aS!i.eXHn7on. Bishop Hunting ion, xiuv r-o- H H- Mac. ton, rei "t PhVina. SWman, Donald, MUCUCU, ---r-. Wornr Donald, Mitcnwi, - 7 Warner Stocktan, Bwaa.ru, t;;r- host oi wilkiMon, Mr., ni rt II UllU&J i iS-itnrial control and direction of the Ma-asine will remain in the hanttj. o iut w-nrf. who will contiuue to write The foiiiesof theTioie." - papers in any Amsiiv l"efr fld "Culture and Progress," will Uc The W'f!". a.5S;Sf l.St :'n.' ",0n ?h'dSae.ii : needles. SSS,, .or the M. before!".. And yet ? ' 'VSr! ! to make It Sim oeiiw VTon i vear The Subscription Pficeis H-O0 a year, with special rates to Clergymen, Teachers, and Postmasters. . IKDUOHOWB coffered to new. ibKribers: - , .n.rorFKw;de5rwm Wvo?.' lld' iv' conS d timbers of Vol s. . li an u v SerUj; -S?t malef 'MoT $7 50?Pthe Magazine At His Gates, ir T.ntTrtiers from for one year, nrlu the Magazine for M TOlt-), CMTg o r2!-' 0f the I V1 r in so or nearly 500 pages nor I choicest reaamK, -a. fnr m J Vwin' enable every subscriber to obtainescnes CUrxnen and Pr r Teacbera. . Ar rftft? wftV. N. T. GOODS Respectfully iniormrhis numerous custom ers that he has opened,the largest and best stock of Pure Liquors in the State at prices t.uu iroan unnwunu d-tt RAIL ROADS. Wilminton, Charlotte & Rutherford RailiRbad Line. 0 'Eastern Division : New Schedule. Going West. STATIONS. Pi.StINGKBlrBEIGHT. Leaxe Wilmington . . 14 Abbottsburg. . . Lumberton . . . . 8.00 A M 11.16 12.30 44 L54 T M 2.89 44 4.03 A M 4.45 44 ShoeHeel ' . Laurinburg.. . mm - &rriye at Lilesvllle. . . Going East. STATIOHS. PASSBNGBB j FREIGHT. Leare Lilesville . . . it "R -Vl norVi a m 7.40 A M 8.36 44 10.80 44 10.55 44 12. v0 P M 1.26 44 12.00 M Laurinburg. . . . Rhoft Heel..'. . .. .5.00 AM 5.55 44 9 50 44 12.C5 p M mm T Y 1. XULauci Lun . . . . vJ Arrlye at w limingiqn S A A f V WW w - O I Dinner, coins: West : Breakfast, go ing East. m-a m. f ' a fP.w-fc- flnfi11 l1 rf iso Trains on ounuuy. x w Freht Trains for Ton Timber, run irres- i i ularly. 'S, PASSENGER I STATIONS FREIGHT. Leave Charlotte . 4 Lincolnton 8.00 A M 10 no 44 Arrive at Buffalo 11.30 RETURNING. T.onnr "RnffAlo ........ 1.39 r M 3.15 4' 5.30 , 44 Lincolnton Arrive at Charlotte. . . v O JOHNSON. S. L. FREMONT, Assistant Supt. iau9 Gen. csupt. iyy Wilmington. Columbia & as- Susta R. R. Company. O mt TrfHWTITFVTTB fPTTTf!E. . Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, io7j, CllAtlOE OF SCHEDULE. rpHE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL y M KO 1DLU eUCCb li .w " 7th lnsi. DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) 3:35 A. - ri a : rr.1nmVtiii 2:40 r. M .1 rrrrr 7 a p. m Arrive i aukuom. . ,f Leave Atnrusta 11 25 A M a nf nolnmbia.. 11 4 ft Arrive at Florence. :g Arrive at Wilmington r, NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN 5.45 P. M Leave Wilmington .A -Yf A a . 11:35 P. M Arrive ai r joreuto Arrive at Columbia Arrivp. t AUETUSta 3:40 A.M 8:20 A. M 5:50 P. M 10:20 P. M Leave Amnuta.. . . a.a a f roltimnia aiuiv . Arrive at Florence 2:12 A. M 2:12 A. M miiminfftnii .. o:U0 A. 4 Arrive " JAMES ANDERSON Oen'l Suo't. 128-tf oct 9 Wilmington & VTeldon R. R. fAmnnnv. Ornca General Supbbiktendekt, i Wilmtnoton, N. C, June 8,1872. rHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil p.MrA, will run 88 . I PASSENGER TKAiiNo on vuc - mlnJoandW?ldon Railroad will run ss follows: MAIL TRAIN. T rr,. npnt daily fSun- ?TO w"r.r At i air p.xeeotedl . At 8:05 A. M 12:11 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Wejdon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot. . EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily.. .At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily. ........ Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro 2:11 T. M S:5C 2. M 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M 8:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A M 7:10 P. M 8:58 P. M 10:58 P. M 8:10 A M .... ... oinap connection at Man inun ui y" -- r. tva for 11 noints Nortb va uay uiuc 11 ViUVU BxpreTiB ;U Express Train connects c-nly with Acquia pM.k rontO. PULLiMAPt'O Creek r puw. - w Tdt SLEErJ-EtU wxi i " . --r-rw mn T VTQ r11 loavo Wll 1111112- 1.:(.vw t 6.00 A. M.. and arrive at 'EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS wiU leave p M.. and arrive at 11 A. M.. t ' JOHN F. DIVINE, a. n oral Sunerintendent. , l8tf jnne o T. ORASOEB, t Ate of Richmond. V a IT. C N E V HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CENTRE STREET, OOLX 8BORO. 1ST. C. Convenient lor the Trains leaving lorm ,M,v av, Viut and WML rturiu, o"i au -r 6.00 am 11.45 44 2.05 P M 5.60 44 6.00 A M . 10.00 14 NTEW" GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES. ' H. & B. EMANUEL, 45 BIABKET STREET, . ARE now opening, al.very LUW PRICES, their new and welttclected itock of Consisting partly of SILKS, POPLINS, J ALPACCAS, REPS. EMPRESS CLOTHS;&c. &c Also, at prices net to be beat. Shawls, Scarfs j Cloaks, Cloakings, &c. Keen constantly on band a lull line of 8ATIN8. VALOURS, VELVETEENS, and nRFs TRIMMING, in latest styles, and of eyery description. HITEWCDS, LACES, UNDERWEAR, HOOP SKIRTS, C0R8ETS, and LADIES' F ParUcuNattenUon U called to their complete assortment of Ladles and Children's Philadelphia made SHOES, at prices to suii. Youth's and Children's -Clothing Gent's, Youth's and With a first class TT October 23d ON MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Young men from the ef fects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Book and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, N o. 2 South Ninth st., Philadelphia, Fa. j aug 10 . " - 72-3m FOR CITY TRADE. THE BEST STOCK V ji.iJiUi low priced DRESS GOODS in the city. Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, Men and Boya wear at lowest prices. WEILL No 17 Market street. Corsets. I AAA LADIES CORSETS AT t ce , w Parasols and Ladies Umorenas. Zi I nirrav nTTAT.TTY AND STYLE RAN0. I no- from the cheapest t o the fin est q ual ity. Calicoes. M 1 AAA PIECES PRINTS ASSORTED from 1000 e-l-i cents to best quality WEILL Clothing THE LARGEST hi uiiv r niinor in the city made to order au of the latest styles. Will be sold at retan ior wnoiesjue jiico. Bargains! Bargains! , ixTirTfrrTYTi 1 2 TV GIVE U I 1 x,, ,ir ho 1 nrcfist stock OlUKi I GOODS in the city, at New" York PfS a call, w e oner w i fev " VVTr.p We GOODS in the city, at New York prices, we receive weekly additions to our BtofjaQ make every enort to piew. " fgof apr!17 ' - jVENTY DOLLARS FOR OIIE . .rriMn row t A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE !, SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR OUR WEEKLY, A first-class, twenty-column, Literary 'Jam- iiy raDer puuiioucvx J 7 e Charlotte, ss. yj-, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! "Kach number contains an STORY, worth at least . the MMm week; andga general collection of the LATEST NEWS. ; Every suoscriBer - - uable Premium, and one put of every five win he sure to eet a Premium, worth from 25 cents to $25.00. . ftt. OurCABllrriJliMUjmD uro iuduux v. ' $2, $5, $10 and $20, with from two to ten premiums oi eacu utu. ; i iio. Sther premiums consist of useful articles, X Qnn.;nT Uarh np.. Bleached Domes- ?CV. &c. Anrini Tn value from twenty- five cents to $25.00 qik im. 44 Delays are aancerous. ouuow.- mPdiatelv. and get a chance at the large PrnuTJxr'Ta Wd or nflerincr more lib- eral inducements for Clubs thanany other , , i v-n .on tnatp monev DV jan- ruDllell;r a iuu vassing for OUR WEEKLY. vaib V, mnpr Premium List ai-d terms to Agents, send 8-cent stamp Charlotte, N. C. Br t A 'at . , , no DO I I iuly23 -. F. A. 9HUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &o. . i .ottro a anrmlV Of FumitUTe. Having juaw jcwiiw -x- - - lam prepared to give the public as good . . s V. a m44 bargains as can ue mw please call and examine. may!5 Children's Hats and Caps & R EMANUEL. 45 MARKET STREET. lS5-3m MISCELLANEOUS. BALTIMORE A1SD WILMINGTON semi-we5kly STEAMSHIP LINE. Composed of the first-class Steamships D. J. Foley, Capt. D. J. Price JLncilIe Capt. I. S. Dannett Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Child Will hereafter sail from Baltimore evry Tuesday and Friday and from Wilmington every Wednesday and Saturday, connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusta, Wilmington, and Wel don. and the Wilmington. CharloM and. Rhtberford railroads; also thesevsral lines of steamers to Fayetevllle, Giving Through Bills of Lading, - To all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama; connecting at Ham more with the Baltimore and Ohio and the Northern Central railroads ior au points in the Vest and Northwest, and with steamers and railroads for Boston, New Yark and Phiiaaejpnia. Afffltifji. Wllmlnirton. N. C. AntRjct A Co, Agents, Baltimore. dec 31 LORILLARD'S SIEAMSHIP LINE FOR NBW YORlt SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNE8 DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM , WILMINGTON. Til ROUGH CONNECTIONS VflT ALL llAIljliUaAJS juiiAAixiw OUT OF YYILMINUTON No passengers Uken. For Freignt arrly BARRY BROTHERS, Agents i may 2(1 1C7- 4 Philadelphia and Southern Mail COMPOSED OF FIRST CLASS STEAM KHIP8 PIONEER, 825.T0NS Captain JOUN WAKELEY, TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain WILTDA.NKS. Will hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. f For Freight engagement, apply to WORTH A WORTH, Agents, Wilmington, N. C W. L. JAMES, General Agtnt, U0 South Third Street, Philadelphia. June 15 s"tf, thomas coisnsroR B J Tl ROOM; N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt BU. Always on hand the best quality of Sega t aeon -Jy r Steamship kLine. i t !' i t i lan mcj. collector. nov A. - 5 V f 1 '

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