4- , it 2 i - 't - - VOL. VI. WILHINl NO. 213 t .mi - I ii ii i .fJJEVENTISrG- POST x t;.s cTerr aitemoon except Sunday . tcvf P. CANADAY....Buslneat Manager tivi&J C. MAUN Subscription. ix monies, months, in adrance 1 -am business letters should be ad- .a to the Business . Manager, and all communications or matters relating to the editorial department 10 vno x.uii.u. An nHrltpd from our friends mVu parts of the Bute, on topics of gene- -1 mtereit. Political news ana repor i crop, are CTpeciauy qesiraoie. KV advertisements. pJOTand winter goods opening NOW AT M. M. KATZ', vri.vlcflt Street O A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF uniRS' DRESS GOODS la every variety, quality ard stvlc SHAWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS; - tin n nVM UJEAD MFN'S AMU BUIQ lltHiit III l HOUSE FURNISHING AND WHITE GOODS, &C. &C, AO., . i i i,nrt. cvervtniusr tnai can ue ti i. i i - i i tor in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and Notions. &c, Liberal Discounts TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS i 1 Strictly adhered to. "sa Murket street. .... 133 U Merchandise Brokerage Office, rrLL line or wrmpie cwaui . r from importers and manufacturers in Northeni uiarkeU. 4ii ..t mrrrhnntllsP. orders RQd bids hollcited and telegraphed promptly. w 1 tl t..nrrVf OllH Krtld ill tlllS markpt. orders from buyers soucuea, anu mples left by sellers rill have prompt at tention. Tim s rpll as cash purchases ngotlatedf wbetner you wisn to ouy or cu, tH fr.u- nil oftfn wltn your iocm r w v - Btvaf . - - v Broker. 1Tir . M.i,onui otiri Trmluce Broker. -1 i4 tr Jill l. Iiuiiuwv " - " .... December 2d 25th Is Christmas VOW is the time to send in your Orders for that Good Old Scuppernong Wine T.f drink and be merrv to-day, to-wor- row we die. Clubs of 'JJ drink a good deal. Clubs of 30 drink more. ' f" II J k1 n 1 v nil LIUOJU1 WUSUBlll uuua. W4 l(0-tl THE tfORLD RENOWNED how: Jscwinc Machines. IN RANGE of work this Machine cannot be and our heavy work excols that or any Jia- cinne in tne woria. u-.inim t c n ttovest Machine. will do all ynar sewingwill last a Ule time, and is not subiect to FITS. , ,A. Wo rhcerfully lnvlt comparison "with work of anv other Machines, and will put thpm trial .t xriir home, bv leaving nnmp .t tho rrHo. No. 4 LlDDltt Row. Front trot hvurean I Vrwnlr olid Oranire. Sold On fiFO. A. NEWELL. V k J - . , ,i A KAn t irnnia Rowl n fr Mnehlne LO. fan 9 200-tf INSURANCE. I IFV AVn VTTM? TVTTRAXf!E CAN BE effected at the lowest current rates in the fcrflowinz responsible Companies, on ap plication to Vl'AV YflRk TN'MIRAXPR COMPANY. Assett 820,000,000 J. A. BYRNE, Gen'l Ins. Agt., $9,000,006, Gold URELT WESTERN FIRE INSUtt- A TP mfPiW Vpv OrlRM)IL Auotii S226.014 FARMVir.T.P. irTRK iNSTTRANCE AND BAAKING COMPANY of V., assets $500,000 BYRNE & KEEN AN. A ' 1 TmnranM A rents. Offl rwamKor -f rvkmmrre- ud stairs. Wilmlnsrton. N. C an is U. S. INTERNAL REVEENDE, Collector Office, 3d District North Carolina, FAYETTE VI LLE Jauary 4th 187S. ON S the 2Sth day of January, 1S73, 1 "UJi1 ublicaucUon, at the Court House door. t pu In VI i 1 i . tu: AJi the rieht. tlUe and interest oi n, Pi.. Vt iu""'-6 .l"r. " 4 If " 11, tsrooKs to a, oc tTt bn cft-ot cat ? rr.r tuTM aaiteased aeaiost .H.BroVika Co-.duetheUnlt Btatea. to Wr " "."SSKSiA. DAUBER Snor. JOE TURNER wlsbw to inform n , . ri, I . 1.1 1 1 1 that nfi II nOW . . uicii hhu nuunc Kcuciwij. vw" Tupra and nnhlio rinArailV. that ne sroiwroH .i an iin.i rwf wnrk In his line. tlOn Af tVianatAnaeA XvHIrtl llIVB nercw".- n so liberally bestowed upon him. LEGIS LATTJRE. Condensed from the New.J SENATE. , Wednesday, J&n. 21st, 1873. Senate called to order at 11 o'clock. Lieut. Governor Brogden in the chair. Tiie chair arjrjointed as select com mittee to prepare and report a revision of the incorporation laws, chapter 1$9, of 1871 End '72, Messrs Murpbey, Nor- j m 3 tt wo tin, aierrimon, uranaj anu uarns. Message trom the House transmitting n. message from the uovernor concern - ins; the sale of the Western North Caro lina Railroad.; Referre l to Joint Select committee Q the sale of the said Mr Seymour, a bill to amend chspur .185, acts of 1809 '70. Referred. Mr Morehcad. of Guilford, a bill to prevent destruction ot timber, making T mm. M . 1 it a misdemeanor tor persons to aisiurD timber upon- another person's land. Referred. Mr Nicholson, a bill to allow certain ieal estate to be redeemed within twelve months after being aold. Referring to schools, churcbe, &c. Referred. Mr Cunningham moved that the spe cial order for the protection of life and property upon railroads be placed upon calendar. Adopted. : Mr Stilley, a resolution relating to assets of the Board ot Education. Adopted. The bill rclatmg to tne neuse itiver Ferry Company, was taken up. Tnie bill reitneta tue cnarges or. saiu com- pany. Fassea its tmra reading uj Mr btilley calieu up tue dui io incor- nnrate me dcuuubiuuuk ocuppernons ateamDoat TrntortRtion ComDanv. fassea its " ... I 1 J Z - in nsTTS II mini rKauiuu. dyco iv. ua.o v. ' w - . ' r l. Mr Powell, under a suspension oi iue rules, called up a bill in favor ot John G Williams. This bill is to the effect that the State is due to John G WU- lim ft 000 acres of land in Harnett the return of 56 peniten tiary bonds held by him, he having paid $29,000 tor the said Donas ana me State having paid out nothing for the lnnrla. it not recosrnizius as consti- tutional and not redeeming tne qonas - . - w rrr ' l . iaaiiprl tor this purpose Air viriinams having paid for the bonds held by mm in ?ood laitU and D lore ine saiu oonus rcprft Hprlared unci nstitutional. The question created a discussion as to whether the btate had any title in hether it had ativ power to act in the premwes, maamucu puv v" . , , .f , an the State had not paid one cent for the saia lands, and did not recognize the validity of the bonds so issued. Rnfprrpd to .Tndiciarv committee. Mr Welch introduced a resolution calling upon the Governor and Attor- nev uenerai iu iiuuiw iuo whnt ntpna thev Bad taken, under a cer- " r - . - . . i i: tain law, to inquire mio iue icmy f the Eastern Division of the Wo.tArn.Tsr i j Railroad. He wanted rpanrinsihihtv for this sale to resT where it belonged. Resolution adopted. Adjourned. II0U8E OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Hause was called to order at tne iianal hnnr f u o v. . " " - . . . Bv Mr Marler, a resolution ot mstruc- tn tiin .Tndiciarv committee cou- cerning the rates of Interest charged by banks. Kelerred. jir, Mr Tinla. a bill to amend section " 35. chaDter 192. laws oi loi-a, cou- T-rriftcrp and Divorces. Ke- frrAfl n Mr Jr.nps. of Orance. a bill to amend section 27, chapter 67, laws of ififtfiQ and section 4. cnapter o, laws'bf 1870- 1. Referred. T? Mr Ahott. a bill to amend sec tions 4 and 5, chap 139, laws of 1870-1. r XT. Tnna rtf CumdAD. a Dill IO n.MiraiTP hnrspi raisinor. Referred. U V r fti: t. Kill in rolatinn to the law of evidence in cases ot Divorce. i-ctr Mr i riTHLL. a im .u . w o- xti. Paarha . a on in relation io J T . .nri nthpr State bonds, iteier- Uliiuiat v red. . . Trnfini&heiL Business. ti. k?ii t artnliah the usurv law and the substitute therefor, being the unfin- :i i Kr.oir.oca ita consiacraiiou W9 1SUCU uuJiuv, The question recurred upon me iuv- tion of Mr Bowman io maeuijivcij pw.. . i . i. Annr in tavnr nl m ifnnnDTF iiiiik i iin iiuut . u . - the bill and in opposition to the mden- nite postponement. . .nna vaa rurrip.fl 'I ' frA . mnnnn I . iii.iluuuu v. mm w i . nf rou 70nav8 41. The resolution that the committee to I examine imu iuo - - Uiary stand as it is now constnnted was examine into the affairs ot tne recuen a.um n anrl arlnnted. ThA Senate bill to incorporate the t.i.Kr nrxnville - and ttaow Hill UUIUBUWtV . : 1 nat fa trn nn. The bill passed us several The bill to luooipuia.o -" . soecial order. I was uuivi i ,. r,4.H. end nasaea u'kiw I auiu . n,pnr . bill to f-o-Uorate the Newbern and TWnton I o. K-f Prtmnanv. - RefeXTedi '?rMr Bldb, conM?t, bill to i . . - Via i a wa in rpiraiu w I oeticr cmuiw I T? a Frrri i n m I n b . a. asw.w.. . - . -r K Scnutfl On motion oi air vrui, w - 1U tt- -Riv. nnri ifa tributaries WM fct rl m W I W . & HU. www-' and. alter a protracted debate, r . . i jw-a mil u Vftnim- m-nrk-r -tv a passed its several readincrs. after undef- going some amendment. The hill to nmvnH thm srh rl law of February 12tb, 1872, being the special oruer lor iuib uour i. y. to. wo vuubiw- eration was gone into. - On motion of Mr Brown, of David son, the bill was considered by sections. Pending definite action the House adjourned. J - m i m WAIFS. Mr. Francis, our Minister to Greece, says Byron' Maid of Athens is a mytb. Minnie Hacck is really engaged in Paris! She has signed forthree years at'tne'Opera Comique. Secretary Boutwellffl sister is a sculp tress. The Golden Age thinks the fam ily has a genius for figures. A British zaologist throws water on the hydropathic system by stating that whales are peculiarly subject te rheu matism. The will of Napoleon appoints the Empress, Cardinal Bonaparte and M Rouher guardians ot the Prince, now Napoleon IV. SECURE A HOME FOE SALE. gUILDlNG LOTS FAVORABLY LOCATED at SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAXUS ana up wards. Plenty of time given for payment. No excuse for paying rent also a small house for rent. Apply to JAMES WI3J5QN. 171-tl feb Scribner's Monthly. A serial story by Dr. Holland. New story by Saxe Holm. Along story irom Bret Harte. Brilliant array of contributors. Clarence Cook on lurnitnre, and decoration. d . tr otmlil.rfl nn nthnn: ) EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO 600 Pages for tU) itc.t&c. . , TUm. nnh1ichirR of SOBrBWBRS MONTHLY, i. a Prr.ai-.of tn' Inst issned. nromise for the ensuing yea? a more brilliant array, or contributors, and an increase In the variety and beauty of its illustrations, already con ceded by the critics to be "finer than any whlch haye nitnerxo appcarcu u uauwi ican magazine." ,t x. Dr. Holland, the Editor, will write the serial -tory of the year, which will be auto- biograpnicai in iorm, uu mm wo iiiu.wu by Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur T2knntnoatA and will deal with some of the most diflicult problems of Amencan life. It will be commenced in the November number. . , , There will be a new story Dy oue nwiu, The One Legged Dancers. Bret Harte, tne crest wruw ui muw.v ries now living, will contribute a character istic story, entitled The Epic of Fiddletown, WHICH Wli UG iuuDbv.. tr x- , u tt ntnddnrd will write a series of en tertaining papers about Authors, thejr per sonal chSracterwtics, home Ufe, tamifies, friends, whims, and "way8- A series of por traits ot living American writers, . is also PAl. -l 1, llll nrrlta ahntlt fnmiturB Uiareuce vuuv m "'"x vT, i and the decoration of homes. These papers tv mrflr.tic&l aa well as artis tic, and will be illustrated with designs and sketches oy numerouu uiudW .u v...v those which the writer himself will furnish. Among those wno win cum iuu i. t. Hans Anderson, Bryant, Bushnell.Eggles- v.no nto-o-fnaon. ijishoo nunune toS: Bret gaTtT John' Hay, H. H. Mac irni xnitah MUa PhelDs. Stedman, "u- cV:V nlna Thaxter. Warner Wilkinson, Mrs. wnnney, wwuoaauvo.v. others. . . . ,.5a rtv The editorial comroi u" wucvmw. w. " Magazine will remain in xnc -tff- TTn .j whs will rmiL nun lu nil MV Tonics of the Time," which the N. Y. In dependent says "are more widely quotea tan any simuar pv uuj magzine." :t ni nani. nr..Ai in npr wi:i w I l in . v not." hitherto, rroi. iouu v- conducts the department of "Nature and Jl i Tk. Anartmpnta of "Home and ISSetv" MdraaCS aid Prcre," wiU w,"rv i ji mnrA t.nfln I score of pens on both sides of the Atlan tiel The "Watchman and Reflector" says: -Scribner's Monthly for September is be ter than usual, wni ar; T.1 waste of editorial Drains "V"rr u ua.inA was Erood enough monev. lur WXi.6.-w n -i belore " And yet the pubiisnera prom to maice it suu v - - Tftar ratra to Clerfirvmen, Teachers, TT IbU ovv- - and Postmasters. IannTNARY INDUCEMENTS i a. anhcfrihP.r&! Vnr 5 50 the puDiisuc wui o , ?!? i An. poor' a n tha twelve the berinnlllg of M. OUphMt J Serijl, ai xiis rriol ii; nnmbera from IhegfiSS 1 10 60, the Magazine for tne DCgiun , w n,hr bound one year, . uaid. 0ibh c"c rw nSores of the W.-Ti1 Ly,: th finest illustra . .m en nar1v .50t) DaffeS IOr a SSS liH eW.VT imMMw to obtain the series from the first. , Special terms to Dealers, Clrgymen and CSCRIBNER & CO.,6M Broadway, N. T d-tf.- APPLICATION wn.f. tvft made to the present General As sembly or North Carolina tor a cmtotw It-Otirnintrton Saviort' Bank and Trust a Lilt. .1 cqmpanr. JU ... m-r-r BAIL -corns. Wiliingten, Sfearlolte : & Ratherford Hail 3Rpad, lone. 17 Eastern Division ; New Schedule. Going- JTest. FKEIOHT. Leave WilmlngtonVli : Abbottsburg... "aOOASt 11.16 " 12.30 " 6.00 1 11 11,45. i 2.05 pm 5.0a 6.t)0 A Ja i- ': 1.54 r M , Sianrinbnrs,S9 tKoclrln?hami: L 4.03 A M Arrive at- Lilesville. . 4.45 " Going East. STaTIOBS. PA8SBNGBK FREIGHT. Leave Lilesville 7.40 A M 8.86 10.30 10.55 44 12. v0 p m 1.26 " 4.35 " 12.0QM " Rockingham... Laurinbuf g .... " ' 8hoe Heel. " Luinberton " Abbottsbure . . . 5.00 A. M 5.65" 9 50 " 12.C5 P M Arrive at Wilmington. 5.00 Dikkkb, going West : Breakfast, RO- ing East. M?r- Nn Train on Snndav. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timbbe, run irreg ularly. Western Division. STATIONS PASSENGER FREIGHT. Leave Charlotte . . 8.00 A M lO.on " 4 LincolntOE, Arrive at Buffalo. 11.30 RETURNING. Leave Buffalo; 1.30 p M j 3.15 4 5.30 44 S. L. FREMONT, Gen. Supt. 199 44 Lincolnton Arrive at Charlotte. . . V. Q. JOHN80N, Assistant Supt. iau tf Wilmington. Columbia & Au gusta B. B. Company. GlW. S UPBBTJf TBNDBUT 8 OFFICB, WiuraGTOK, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f CIIAUQE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL fco into effect at 3:25 A. MM Monday,. 7th inst. DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally.) Leave Wilmington... Arrive at Florence A --Wo at nnlnmVtia 2:40 r. M ia vp w-... ... . ..... rr A 3 H M Arrive at Augusta 7. r. Leave Augusta - ft Arrive at Columbia 11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence. 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington sr. m NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS BACJsri j Leave Wilmington . . . . : fc J- Arrive at Florence., 11:35 i. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusto 5:50 P. M a s . riAinmhiA 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence. 2 12 A. M Arrive at WUmington.. ........ o.w. Gen'l Sup't. oct 9 123 tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Oitkhs Gbnbbai. Supbbintendbkt, 1 WrLMisoTOS, N. C, June 8,1872, ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSF.NrtKR TRAINS on the Wil- minzton and Weldon Railroadwill run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Siin days excepted) At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At Arrive at Goldsboro . Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro TTn4rT Ttennt 8:05 A. M 12:11 P. M 2:11 P. M 3:50 . M 9:15 A; M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 F. M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M e:58 P. M 10:58 P. M 3:10 A. M Mail Train mases close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Exnress Train connects only with Acquia CreS routeT PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAIN 8 will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P.M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P M., and arrive at 11 A. M. , - ; JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. June 8 19tf ' Late of Richmond. GRANGER'S NEW HOTEL, GRANGER & 'CHILES, Proprietors WESTJCESTRE STREET, GOLDSBORO, C. Convenient tor the Trains leaving forth Hortb, South, East and West. , hi i -J i-Atltjb4jL NAViVSSA GUANO COMPANY, ' Kir f f MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN Popular Standard Fertilizers ! r i rnce per ton Delivered on " SOLUBLE NAVASSA. GUANO," For Corn, Cotton, and all Field Crops, " NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER," Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially for composting with Cotton Seed. A liberal Discount made to Dealers. auMrn r.. -Agencies established at all the principal towns and cities in i the f outrn BUtos. Hon, R. K. BRIDGERS, President. C. 1. GRAPFLIN, Supennteildtnt. &. MacRAE, Secretary and Treasurer. Jan 23d, 173 ' ' 212 8m PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S . CAPITAL $1,000,000.! SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO THIS GUANO is so well known In all the Southern States for its rraarkablo aa agency for increasing ttie products of labor, aa not to require special fecmmendatlon from Its i use for several years past has established its character for reliable excellence-. Th? Iage fixed caSitil investld by the company in this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellenco of this Guano. , ..ir b Planters may rest assured that the supplies put into market this season are precisely the same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. To accommodate Planters they can order now and have until the 1st of April to de cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. W. H. -McRARY & CO., Agents for Pacific Guano Company, Ai Dealers iii No. 1 Cftiiclia and Gaanase Penman Gnanos, January 23-lm MISCELLANEOUS. BALTIMORE AKO WILMINGTON SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMSHIP I.INE. Composed of the first-class Steamships U. J. Foley, Capt. D. J. Price Lucille, Capt. I. S. Bannett Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Childa Will hereafter sail from Baltimore evry Tuesday and Friday and from Wilmington every Wednesday and Saturday, connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusta, Wilmington, and Wel don. and the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutherford railroads; also the several lines of steamers to Fayeteville, Giving Through Bills of Lading, To all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia ad Alabama; connecting at Balti more with the Baltimore and Ohio and the Northern Central railroads for all points in the Vest and Northwest, and with steamers and railroads for Boston, New York and Philadelphia. . . TTV A. D. CAZAUX. Agents, Wilmington, , C. A5TDKES & Co, Agents, uauimore. dec 31 192 F. A. SHTJTTE 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, No. Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &c. Having Just received a supply of Furnilurfe, I am prepared to give the public as good bargains as can be had in the city. rlease call and examine. maym PAYABLE 1ST CA5" WOYEMBBR. $55 00 $65 00 $65 00 $75 00 $80 00 $35 00 WILMINGTON i N. 'C. MISCELLANEOUS, LORiLijAiirrs STEAMSHIP LINE 1 ? r-O- FOK NJUW YORK, SAILING TUESDAYS., AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNE8 DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. TIIROUOII CONNECTIONS WIT ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINUXOK. t t No passengers taken. For Freignt apply BARRY BROTHERS, AfeitL , may 26 ' Iff' Philadelphia and ' Southern Mall Steamship ' Line. fiOMPOSED OF 'FIRST CLASS STEAM v SHIPB ' PIONEER, 825 TONS Captain JOHN WAKELEY, TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, . Captain WILTDAJfKB. WU1 hereafter sail from PhlladelpbU and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY.- . For Freight engagements, apply to WORTH A WORTH, Agents, Wilmington, N. C W. L. JAMES, General Agent; 130 South Third Street, Philadelphia. June 15 g-tf. THOMAS CONNOR BOOM Nl E. corner of Mulberrj and Nutt Bt. Always :cm hand ths best quality of Bega i 1 1 ' i jau 18 tf

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