fOVENING . POST.. c. -idiyTJantiary 25tbvl873; ioffice Regulations. rrom thU date the nulls will close a follows: harn (morning; man tt Km m . ht mall .7:30 p. m gaothtrn man.- 11 8 p. xa Ed. R. Bbwk, P M.i -rrf opening and dOsUfc . KAdla? .t q a. M.. dose at X o'clock P. IL 3 S P. vc.. 41 ltt P. M. crrr items. Pn-cEBDisoi of the Legislature en a rut page. M yew Advertisements. s L. FBsatosT," Qeieral tiuperinten- TOilmineton. Cbatlottte & Ruth- .rfnrd Railroad Line, n npTvnKRGER. Wild Oats lor x . - Announcement . t rr Gerkeo, has taken charge ol car city circulation and will superintend its delivery hereafter, lie is alone au thorirsd to collect subscriptions and to receipt or the same. Mr. Geo. N. Hjlbkiss having accepted a positioo in this office, we hereby give notice tuat nis receipia ivi muucja ... nntracts for advertiainz will be UU vv duly acknowledged and carried out by The Post. Who siya Morrill's clam soup ainU TVo uLtortunates sent to the hospital this week. There were 188 carts in market dur i:? tbe past week. Osly ten arrests made by the police during tbe past week. Mayor's Court. No cases for trial to day, and Mayor Wilson was happy. Markets There were slaughtered f jr city consumption dnriDg the week 74 oeeves, 67 bogs, 18 sheep and 5 calves.' St. John's Church. 8d Sunday af ter the Epiphany. Celebration of the FJoiy Eucharist 7$ ; Morning Prayer, 11 A. M. ; Evening Prayer, 7 P. M. Service i:i the First Presbyterian Church to-morrow at 11 A. M.rand 7 P. XI. He?. A. F. Dickson, Pastor. . St. Mark's jDhurch (col. Episcopal,) comer Sixth and Mulberry streets. Serrices, on Sondays 11 P. M., and 7 P. XL Wednesdays 7$ A. M. Seats free. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. English service at. 11 P. M. ; German service at 7i A. M. ; Sunday gcbool ut 3 P. XI. ; Cathetical Lectures" on Friday at 3j P. M. Casii Receiitb Statement ol mon eys received by city during the week, for taxes: Real and periona1, - $2,745 23 Specific, ' "066.45 ToUl received, 3,311 68 Oculist and Oi'tician. If you are troubled with spectacles that makes your eyes ache . and pain, cast them uida as you would poison and substi tute those beautiful BrazMian Pebble glasses of Dr. Weil, the great German Optician, to be found at Heinsberger'a Lue Book and Music atore. Dr. Weil resppctfully refers to the following gen tlemen, whose standing and reputation we too well known to require any com ment Jrom U9. Hon. Hugh Waddell, Dr. Win. W. Gregory, Rev. J. H. Huske, Mr. A. Empie, Gen. R. E. Colston, Jas Anderson Esq , E. Murray Esq., B. G. Worth Esq., T. C. Servoss Esq., Alex. Sprunt Esq. t m mm THE TOWN CRIER. Mild. Gold 114. Vaccinate. Dr. Scott returned. Court next Monday. Remember the poor. Fine fish in market. Go to Church to-morrow. Grand Concert next Thursday. Read the Aldrmanic proceedings- The Sound roads perfectly sublime nowthe dust laid so elegantly. Geo. Myera has got someot that ckry salt at last, and we are happy. One continuous line of snow from Chicago to Washington. Don't want -Delightful night last nigbrt the iod died down and the stars shown affliantly. ""' . Jaorv-t a shame to have a slaughter Jan W "fel 008 of the P,e" t the city. xtracts from the Procecdtnirs. ; The Board met last night in regular scsaien.' v. ;t . ' j ,Ckmmittee on Pira Department, to enquire into the cause of the extension of the flreonMarketandflecond streets, was granted further time. Further .time, was granted the Com- mittee on Fire Department to recom- mend to the Board a plan or plans for the purpose of forming a Fire Brigade, iuo vuuuuHce on rir 'xwparxment recomhiendi that no rc- alarms b pur - Ixhased. Report concurred in. . K - The Committee on Streets and Wharves recommend-that the street hands, inclu- ding ditchers, receive half pay during sickness anttloss of time bv severity of weainer. - Adopted. ' . i . - The Committee on Streets and Wharves reported, recommending that the reso-' lution of Alderman Kerchner, that the Mayor be authorized to purchase iron instead ot wooden lamp posts where oil lamps are used, be adopted. Report adopted, with the provision that wood' en lamp pests. be continued in use until Ithe gas mainpipea ve laid. . l . ' X i-m'i -v. . - The Committee on Streets and Wharves was granted further time to consider tbe resolution in reference .to grading Fifth street, near the railroad. The Committee on Fire Department was granted further time to consider the proposition of the Wilmington Rifle Guards to detail men to report for fire guard. ' " ' The Mayor was authorized to renew the contract with Dr. J. E. Winants for uuo jcar lur replug lue sick ox mo - i i : 1.1 ri - r n cllJ' r-euuon ox varies xx. wanzer ior Tl.i'i! i ftl 1 TT recommenuauoa ior licence 10 reiu i a r r i ? 1 i . : i BDirituous liquors," waa granted, as was also a similar application irom J. l. Mclver, agent. contract Wltn Xl. XU. CSCOllIor SUOSlSt- ing the city poor, at 80 cents per day each, was renewed for one year from tbe 1st instant. Communication from T. C. DeRosset, agent, proposing to 'furnish the city with the Gardner fire extinguishers, was referred to tbe Committee on Fire De partment. m . .. r 1 .1 . e I i ne matter or tne consiaeration oi the Dids ior pianKing nuu street was postponed until the next meeting of the Board. I The CommUtee..tir Department, r I recommereMW cistern e pracea -r.. ;--..-..'. . I b iug v-viU v i n Buv.vv. RePPK ?P-' :ilhi . creasing' the capacity Of the(8tetnoN; iuh uurucr yt x inn Buuinwwcw WWiCMfv - -er ThVitame Cbmmittee was . aotobid 1 'r.11 tOt(..'J!.fMatm IU tUUMiUbd tk-'wcii xw tvcv.m. uikiutii i in "BrooklynvLfor the use of the fire de-1 partment-' . , r " " ' " ; 1 Telitionvf R. E. Caluer for perhiis- sion to erect a Wooden shed with tin root on wharf, corner of Market and 1 North Water streets, was referred tothe I committee on Fire Department. The following letter was read: WiLMisoTON N. O., Jan. 20,-1873. 1 Eos. James Wilson1, Mayor, Dear Str ."The recent disastrous fires to our city give warning that further preventatives must be provided. I have an idea which I think would make our Fire Department.measurably perfect : 1st. Procure 3,000 fet of best hose, and distribute among the different Steam Engines. 2d. Purchase a river steamer or tug, place upon it a first class force pump. and one thousand or fifteen hundred feetot bcie Cet the boat be,. kept in readiness to move irom point to, point. Two men would be sufficient to man and control it.. A small steamer, with hose anu uxtures, wouiq noi cobidiwc ' , , . " I than a steam nre engine ana irs equip- ment. It would be able to move trom any point to any other with ease, com manding on both sides of tbe river all tne exposures within reach of the hose. An inexhaustible supply of water would De always aituiuuiMu. carry its own hose, and be prepared to oet to work at very short notice. JIuch of the valuable produce is stored out- doors and much exposed ; it could ai- value might aTrf, in ce of a A.t . . . - . fire. The steamer, could also be nsea 10 trw fluLs and vessels out of dancer. On the whole, after some deliberation, I think this plan is the best to thorougn- 1- ,nf.,f rmr wntr front. These kind I J ;ivkv of steamers, in London and New York, are considered ot very great value. Yours respectfully, ... Silas N. Mabth. The following, offered by Alderman Brink, was adopted : R&olted:ytht the Board appoint a committee of one to co operate with a committee to be appointed by the Chamber of Commerce for. the purpose of visiting Washington City at the proper lime in the interest of procuring a further appropriation for the Cape Fear bar and river" improvement, and that a sum not exceeding avv uc f nropriated to delray the expeases ot aaid joint committee. Quo. Z. French, Esq., was appointee under the resolution. The special committee on the matter of constructing bridges bver the W. & VV. R R. gave notice that they wou.d report as the next meeting jof the Board. oar4 adjourned to the first Aionaay . rrniA. i.a t ' I " koVii. They all hoped father would not miss him when hi came in, ol course, and of course Jie "did indeed the first thing he said VVM Where's Rob?" and the. mother Ciaid," rather meeklj, "He's staying with Clifford to-nignt She said it meekly, I say, for she knew how the father hated one ot his own out of Ills sight, not that she was ilwajs i mecvxcant say that, lor right -'there 1 before tnei time and again, "Tri seen I her stand riant nn nrt waH hi nnita 1 1 . " ----- 7- DT or a woman that is; keep tne tcars bck and say her say beautifully ,tho 1 heard her tell Margarette aftex ward that Hwaa all she could do, to save II t . . . . - i . . "1C. ep irom crying, oniy an.- made up her mIn sne wouldn,fc- Wen AO WttS 8ne ana 100 iaie 10 aena ior mm, out dear me now ternoie mu oe to always nive a vacam chair. Janet pulled his up, because she said,." Lets make believe he's liere;" a At ... . J t i ou.o mere wey were again, in ibc wrmtb of lpve and glare of the gas "uu JUUIUCI TOOm uoor WM ."1 I aiar to listen for babv: Harrv cutting l " : 1 " , TI vuicluiu uuk vcij wrciuujr quietly, so as not to disturb father ; a newspaper spread down to eatch Ihe Chips; Mary laboring over a composition which without reprieve must be handed in to-morrow, Janet looking at Kobs chair and counting and rearranging such a string of memory buttons. The mother . darning little stockings, and Margaret the nanally. busy Margaret I looking into the open fire with idly I . . lolded hands and a very happy race, I When a laving a8lde Of SDCCtacle. and . . . folding up ot the "Tribune" warned I . . -I me that tbe evening talk was coming, jU8k M the father was about to be- gin though, a qaick, short ring came at the bell, a rinsr indicating that the hand I nn thp nntsirlfl war in a hnrrv tn art. in. - .j " O ' I think Margaret started as though she would answer it, but I couldn't be quite certain, she settled back so quickly in her chair, and tried to look so uninttr- ested. I didn't think she succeeded and. I don't think he did. 'Twas the friend, and he had stopped but for a moment, was sorry to interrupt, hoped he did not intrude, had brought Miss Margaret (bow beautifully he said her name, love enunciates perfectly 1 think anyhow,) "Nnn "R Ver" and if not nskinrr ' f too much would so like to hear - her try it, and so they came OYer my corner and With her White over to my corner, ana wun ner wnue fingers working the sweet chords, and her lips saying,. " While I live, I'll love but thee," I didn't wonder , they all turned to look at her, and I made up rr vtinrl n.nU.klii Via'I onmima t-At uij wiuu iuuouij uo u Dwuietiiuu u more than friend, though as yet nothing 1 knew had been said ; though I heard from mothers room last night, as they were going to bed, and had left the door open to let the warm air go in, a little chat, hearing the father say some-1 thing about mother's being " perfect- Iv absurd" that Mary was only a child an the friend he hoped being e m'an-j offense and all that ; but 1 thought just ' -vs . L' ? ? aa fcbe did then, andi'm surer tnan ever now but the song is.done, thongh the 1 echoes are floating here about me, and I'm afraid my heart is so filled with its j sweet harmonies, I shan't hear the talk at all. But the friend has laid aside his coat, and is going to listen too, all eyes are turned upon tbe lather as he begins thus: "To.err is human, to forgive di vinc"": u This comes not in order, J know, but as I came in for tea to-night, I heard a very little girl say to a little . m n m . I companion sho seemea to oe parting . -ncrpr w;th. I never will forffiye vou I aw j3 - - y - i nnr, aa T livp' T wonderert what 6 1 nnencft naa Deeu su lemuiu iuai iuc child's, the girl's, the maiden's, and WO- man'a heart should hold a bitter memo- a. e - T maan thn'h lifo rJ 01 " iu All of the bitterness, even all thougnt of it WM be swept away one day in one . , in8tant, oh ! it is so little to for- I giro, Bo'mach to oot forgive ; U makes f.i J 1 CC . ( aKvAivr lira fori. Fine aiucrcuo dened sorely or free an j glad and , - bt and feariesa for the end. In the "... . r Ticwity Ot U Cambiidge one day, some years ago, wandering about listlessly in the suburban part ot the city, a book in hand, trying to impress upon my mind some particularly difficult point m & j tt l.nn T npprert orer a little I . . u fi, rQ I moss grown Biuuo "oi., thoroughly the perfume of the flowers -tk; Th faintest breath of sweet " - j :a u . I pea came to me, uuu w.fc ou.u nriea. that I leanea upon tne wan ana 1 ... nit loat as to time and place, till kindlv Toicesaid. MSir,vwont yon. .ninr th flowtrs ? I come ?Ji. " lOOkea up into tne uim, uiui j - man a long time friend of ' Times ; the Bbjp waa dlacovered sunk at the scene of the little rate was opened for me by trem- collision off Dungeness Light House on Wed littie gare was opc j nesday nighu opinloI1 is becoming bling nngere, auu uciuku pinks and marrigolds . I followed him On the porch a little old lady sat in on- " Ar . lapr Of the two rocking chairs, a rose:in her withered hand and such a smile on hex face. The walk had wearied him andJif - fiankr-auicklT in tne unoccupied cnaaru I insisted upon taking the flag stoce tt iheir feet, and when; inthe starlight I left' them, I knew --j itii bad been a good place for ; ine-there ; at their 'feet.. Cbildren,"their birth days came on the : ame day v. and they were nearly eigbt;laimbst 85xt3g years ago he had put the rfng upon her finger, which now was a mere thread ot gold, and from lit small clerking sal ary had bought and paid for the lot and cottage, and brought the girl wife there. His hand? sought hers as be told the itory,. and: tthe other wiped , the ; tears away, tnihk it would not have been I told, had not tbe newnesaof the Patri arch chair attracted my attention tho' old style in form and all that, it looked as unused as a fresh, dainty M- sW. , , I poffed'and carved chair of to-day. I remarked this, and then he told me how, befpre the first year had passed, a word I or two grew into a mountain between tjiamm M(j he had said as did- the little gW on tae pavement,-, VI wiU never forgive yon ' and had walked out . i anger, leaving the pretty cottase, and the flowers, and her, behind, for nearly sixty years. She had not said come back fnr aha irnto iut- . i0A nri . . rsaia ict me'COme" for-'ne Knew he was 1 nght there waaa, little mound at the I emj 0f one of the paths, under the I daises the little one he had never-seen. The lost gold irom her hair was folded in her heart, I think, and though there was little like the summer sky in the blue of her eyes, the dimples of face, and all that now, I think with the For- mveness between them, thev seemed much more beautiful to me than thev I - could have seemed six tv Years aso. The I chair wan IrAsji. fnrnn nnft Karl RVfir at I -v in it since : and there in the little home she had watchfd and waited, ready to forgive if asked,-and as the shadows lengthened and lengthened, and th I nnlae ran Uver and lnwfir. and hp had I o f f I V ULMWU UbU UJIAjr, XVlgaVC, lUlgHCi Hi the One Who foigives all things God I helped him in bis second sight to see the right Way : and so a few days only I before I stopped to smell the sweet peas, a step had sounded on the path, and the bitter past had been sweptway in time for them to begin thehext journey together. The lesson was as eood for f me, perhaps, as the neglected onein the lw c text booa. That has grown dim -the one received in the twilight, m the perfume I nf tho flnwero ar,A nnto ua Viol f I ! W.B, UV. UUUU L. JLJ KJ A white hairs, and two lives made one bv I ' - suffering, has always stayed. I'm sorrj I Rob is not here, not that hfi nPPds it. kod is not h particularly f 'twould stay but I thought maybe vour tonsrues sometimes. for spelling a word, and knowing it l anecdotally, makes it a part of one's If m.i a. 1 1 I Beu( XB&tl DUE UUOD yourselves SUCO I sorrow as an unforgiving -spirit always I brings." The mother had slid away to I the baby before he had done, and Janet, with her head in Rob'a chair, was fast asleep I saw Mary write a new resolve in her' journal, and think Harry tho I roughly determined to forgive " Jack I Winston " and Margaret, but there's something new I've discovered about I her, but as they are turning off the gas; I ... I'll have to wait 'till 'tis lighted again. Cobweb. Wantep. A stout boy of steady habits, to run a job press. Permanent employment will be given. S. G. Hall. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH From Washington. . Washingtok. Jan. 25. 1 C1UOV3 IAJ (4A UiWUlU V4 AJUUilUlU minw qnestion whereupon Prance and Ita. ly have sustjendeddinloma'trc relations with w - - vireece. - A E)l(liArnr1r(l)v1 hv o.niianr in a rMont Medoc battle. The -forces in the field are inadequate to restrain Captain Jack from raiding. . . lucoUttU'ul fWSlu ""VJ me nau9 oi xrsia-v win occupy uucKiug- ham Palace while visiting England. The court-martial at Louisville, found (Jen. Runkle, late Freedn'en's Bureau function ary, guilty of .fraud upn negro soldiers, and was sentenced to a flae of S7,000, penitentiary four years, vrith anotheout years unless the fine is paid oveandtb?ta?;hiered. The reports from the 'Corigression al Com mittees are un important . Despatches from Switzerland icport i)r. Pusey as being better. New York Markets. - . Nkw York. January 25. Stocks steady. - Money flrm at 7 per cent. Gold firm at -114. Exchange long 100; short 110. Government i bonds very Arm. State bonds dull but strong. cotton easier. Uplands 20 ct; Orleans 21 cents. Sales of 1,060 bales. Flour quiet but firm. Wheat strong. Corn steady. Pork firm new mess 114 00. Lard nm Western Bteam s a 8 7-18 cents per lb. Spirits Tor- -ftnti-e flm m cent. Rosin steady at S3 80 for strained Freignts nncnangeu. : Bt Cable. 'I LoNBoy, Jan. 25. ltisreixrtcd this mornine that a steam general that the veesel which ran into the jf0rthfieet also went downrwith ail hands, nefore tbe emigrant ship sunk. The owner of the Spanish steamship MurJUo, who land- . . rariro fn nision cenxred; believes that she was in collision f ' wltb theNortbflcet, and that both were de stroyea. ! -- Foreign ' MsurketociK jloxdox January 25 Noon. -Cousols a 02?. IT. a6s. Tallow ilsedtolsOd : . : v"i 'LrvrHPooi January 25 Noon." Cotton, opened qnteL;, Uplands 9Jd... Or? leans latek!1- Cptton closed steady sales to speculators 10,000, and to exporters 1,000 bates. The sale include 6,000 American, to arrive by tho Belgian from "New Orleans. WILMIKGTOX MONEY MAItKET. CO&SEfiTZrt CilLT ST TUS OT KZW 1. F. 'GRAINGER, President. . BCTrBQl , HELLTKO. Gold . ........ ...109 112 Sliver. ..103- 108 Exchange 6ight on North-' era cities Par Exchange SO days oh North era cities.... Vf.V lfaiic dia. fasvsx. sil'o. Bank of New Hanover stock. . . . 25 First National Baakv .100 Wilmington Building Stock.. .. 42 Mechanics ....40 Navasea Guano Co. r '....100 23 105 62 55 110 N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon... 34 do ' Funding 1866 25 . do . 1S8S....24 do New ) do Special Tax...... .13 do to N. C. Railroad.60 W. & W. R. R. Bonds, 7$c. (gold interest) 90 W C. & R. R. H. Bo-da, 8c..4S Wimington City Bonds 70 44 ...80 41 ola6c.67 " " newflSc.Wgoldin. 44 n c....?5 44 New Hanover County Bonds (10 years. 6c. (gold int )... 70 New Hanover County Bonds (5 $c. (gold int.) , ,88 W. & W. R. R. Stock (par 100) . .5 N. O. R.'-R.- 44 ( 44 100). .-.44 W., C. &R. R. " ( 41 ))... WlKGas L'tCo. 44 ( 44 50)... 70 COL BRCTATi, WILMINGTON MARKET. SATURDAY Jan. 251:80 P. M. Spirits Tubpehtimb 8ales of 296 casks at 63 cents per gallon for Southern pack ages. ' ' u- Rosin Sales of 310 bbls at $3 50 for Np. 1. Crude TuRrEN-TirE Sales of. 370 bbls at &j.25 for Hard and 5.00 for Yellow Dip and Virgiu. Tab Sales of. 123 bbls at $2.75 per bbl. Market firm and has advanced 25 cts. CorroU Sales ot 43 bales at 17, 9 at 16 39 at 173, 13 at 18, 4 at 19, 1 at 19i, 2 at 18 J- and 2 at 17s cents "per pound. B altimore Gram Market. REPORTED BY R. MOON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner Paca and Camden Streets. January 21, 1873. Corn Market quiet Sales of white at 53 to 65 cents. Yellow at 63 to 64 cents. Oats Market dull at 48 to 50 cents. Hay and Straw Market firm and good demand. We quote Western Hay 30 a$35; prime Pennsylvania at $ 35. Rye Straw JB in better supply and demand good at 135 a $88 per ton of 2,000 lbs. Mill Feed Demand active. We quote City Mills at 23 cents per bush, for Brown- stuff. MARINE. ARRIVED. Jan. 25 Steamer D Murchison, Garri son, from Fayetteville,' to Williams & Mur- cbison. Brisr Nellie Clifford, LitUefield, from Cardenas, to E Kidder & Hone. Steamship D J Foley, Price, from Balti more, to A D Cazauz. Schr Carleton, Anbury, from Nassau, to Kidder cfc Hons. CLEAIiED. Jan. 25 Steamer D Murchison, Uarrison, lor Fayettevnle, by Williams & Murchi son. Schr Helene, Adams, for Boston, by E Kidder & Sons. Gr Barque Mareraretta, Ketels, tor Coik for Orders, by Willard Bros. M- RECEIPTS' PER-filVEE STEAMERS. Ac. Steamer D Murchison 2&5 bols epirlts turpentine, 300 do rosin, 15 bales cotton. EXPORTS. i COASTWISE. Boston Schr Helene 145,500 feet lum ber, 5 bbls pitch, 5 do jtar. FOREIGN. Coek 10B Obdbbs Gr barque Margaret- ta S 070 bbls rosin. , csi Vessels in tne rort 01 Wil mington, N C, Jan. 25t 1873 STEAMSHIPS 1 n .1 Folev.' Price. lis. A D Czaux BARQUES ftrniio. Uunnlnir. dis. ' -rrr n r t f YYituams (X juercuison BAKQTJEANT1NE Br Elizabeth Taylor, Proctor dis, Viek & Mebaae BRIGS. Nellie Clifford, LitUefield, dis, E Kidder & 8on Open Sea, Vearier, Idg Boston, 66 Barker & Co SCHOONERS Carleton, Aubury, dia, E Kidder & Bon W P Green, Trcy, dis, G G Barker & Co Artie Garwood, Young, dis, G G Barker fc Co Martha, 8mitb, dis, " Tarrv Not. Timmons, dis, Harriss & Howell Chataaoog., Scare, dta, gx3 n&Co M C Mosely, Cogens, dis,-ir? A - Navassa Guano Co List 01 Vessels Tailed lor this Port. CARDIFF. Mfeteor, McCullock, sld Oct 17. NEWPORT (Wales). Delta Peterson, sld Nov 13 BOSTON. Brig Francis 8atterly. Stetson, sd Jan 7 Bng Ocean Belle, Ktllr, - sld Jan 9 WANTED. GOOD Coloretl m'an,i.o attend about house and barn, feed stock, &c J. B. STANLY, n Coltftnbus county, N. C. 212 JanSl 9 i j IIISCELLANEOUS. - : Wild Oats For- S Ale. lv- ., , . E VE RY ono desirous"5rproI ting b jr ..4."" . - written experience should lose no time ;r in purchasing and reading. 11 Wil6ats" ; :" " as written by Wittae?.-5': J WILD" OATSoVf -ABROAD Can be obtained at HEINSBERGERS. -j. ; Live Book in d Mnsio Btore." " A new stoock Miscellaneous Qoods in tbe line just received to daj. jan25 . '218 Notice, ' n APPXICA.TION WILL BS MADE TO' . the General Assembly ot- North Ctro- Ilea, now In seasion to eaUWUba l(Houae ot 4 Correction and Rtfose,' In the County of New Hanover. Ian 16-law-3w " '200 CHA8. D. STCERS & CO. DEALERS IS Jaxnilr. Supplies , WILL END OUT TO ORDER FAMILY GROCERIES 111 ANY PART OF THE CITYn At Lowest Cash Prices ! And will furnish Superior Family Gro a . m . mm A eerie 8 at tne prlco usually paid ior in - ferior goods. Send your cash orders to CHA8. D. MYERS & CO., Sole Proprietors of tbe Favorite Flour, . 7 North Front Street. - If You Pay- Your Money Down, FOR YOUR- GRO CE Ifc IE S , We offer inducements that must be to your advantage. Family Supplies of Every KipdJ Best Flour Id tho city is 'tho Favorite FTour. We prove this by our LARGE SALEr3 of this well known and 1 popular brand. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 7 North Front st. 203 jan 18 MULLETS, KEROSENE & BACON. 50 bbls. No. i Mullets, 2Jbarrels Kerosene, 40 boxes D. S. Sides and houlders, 25 bbds. and boxes smokes Sides and Shoulders. For lale by , F. W. KEKCUNER. Jan 13 3"3-t ' WORTH KNOWING. It Is to your advantage to call and exauilno our atock of AND Before nurchaslncr. Wo aire betUr Shoe. at less price than any bouse In the 8tate. ' TRY US. G R. FRENCH & SON, 79 XorUi Front street 200 Jan 20 A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLEBB . ADRIAN & V0LLERS. . WBOXaXSAXJC SZAXZKS 131 Groceries and Liquor, Importers of German and llaraaa Cigars, AKB Commission Merchant , South-east Ooairxs Docx and Fxoxr BtreeU. WILMINGTON, N. C IT ft vine the larrect and best4uwoTted Stock of Oroeeries and Llanoni in the City.' Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. may n-u ' W. H. DART L,IFPITX'S BU1I-DI1VCJ, 80UTII FllOlfT ST., WILMINGTON, 1ST. O. Plnmlier, Steam and Gas fitter and dealer li ,. . Wrought and Galyanixed Iron Pipes,'.. Brass Cocks, Talres, Gas Fixtnrci and all descriptions of ' ' FITTINGS FOR STEAM. WATER, AND OAS. Particular attention paid to flttlng up o COTTON SULLS, with BteanJ. Gas and Water. InTebnary.

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