u - f . . .'"I..: A- WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1873 NO. 216 VOL. VI. I 1 I ' 1 V A I fVENING POST Vhtitted"rTittroooD xcit trendy.- JAME3C. MANN...... J Subscription. OneJr.iaadrance.. ... months, in advance 1 One aoatD. in uu n4rA!l business letters should be ad- n . fmrer. and all n-.t . rm crcr and all a to tne duu . , ... m.ttpra relatlne to the .-.mtintci editorial department to the Editor. JlSrU of the State, on topics of ge: lBSe,L Political news and reports crop are especially owi. ADYKKTlSKiaENTS. TXni WINTER GUODS OPENING NOW AT M. M. KATZ', 36 Marmot Street V COMPLETE ASSOBTHENT.OF LADIES" DRESS GOODS la every variety, quality and tylc SIIAWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS; MEN'S AtlD BOYS VEAB, UOUSE FURNMHIXQ AND WHITE GOODS, &c.f &C" b 6hort, everything that can be called tor in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and Notions. &c, Liberal Discounts TO WHOLESALE BUYER. ULU JlKJi aw n i T Tin ftwiJ Oil ATT TJDnPTiPS UUibrL OALtlO dUU OUinLL 1 llUlHU, Strlctly adhered to. I M. M. KA1A . 38 Market st1rgJj. oct 23 Ti C -R,nVnrorri OffipP Merchandise Brokerage umce, FXXurfl Northern market. ah descriptions ot merchandise, orders and bids solicited and telegrapnea prompt . Merchandise bought and sold in this - nuiuin.v.. - tcntion. I Time as well as cash purchases ncotiatcd, whether you wish to buy or sell, xcom.;J Mted freely, and often with jour local tTOArr. ....in ttt Merchandise and Produce Broker. dec 20 December 2d 25th Is Christmas VOW is the time to send in your Orders for A that Good Old Scuppernong Wine Lfs drink and be merry to-day, to-morrow we die. , , , Clubs of '20 drink a good deal. Clubs of 30 drink more. Clubs of 40 usually drink all. J. B. bTANLY, Whltevllle, C dec 4 1,0"tf TUtTWOKLl) HE U WNBD HOWE s?iewiu Machines. IN RANGE or worK tuis aiwuw I ou.lied. Our fine work is equal to any equalled. Our fine wo is iui and our heavy worit exceis maiw ou; chioe in th world. TIAVrcT f-,inP wSi.Sa!!Si;S!!SlSS tl ivrJL.-r.,ti mvttp comDarlson with 7 y.5mPs"u,S work of any other Machines and will put npr MBCiiiurj. uuu f - them on tnai. ?rT "JCAT e "'An riVv vments. GKO. a. NfiWELL. Agent Home Sewing Macninecc. Jftn9 r LNMJKAlNCE. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Assett $20,000,000 t a BVRNR flfn'l Ins. A ex.. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Assetts GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, x,rr toofinu FARMVI LLE KIRE INSURANCE AND 'm'ttivn mtPA?JY nf Va.. assets w ' $500,000 BYRNE & KEEN AN, Gen'l Insurance Agents, Odce Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. Wilmington, N. C an 16 77-17 H. S. INTERNAL REVEEHDE, Collector's Office. 3d District North Carolina, ,co FAYBTTEVILLE Jauary 4th 1873. ONthe28thdayofJannary.lS73.Iwlllsell pubu? UVilinlngun, N.C.. the foUowlug proper- ty.vit; Ail the rlftaL tlUe and Interest of . m i i room to ijuh o, iiw. - . bil1t5Sr"lied tor taxes UUel W. il Brooks & , T l collectors. w. H Brooks to IjOw o, biw rmo v ian $ 137-Sw BABBER SHOP. JOE TURNER wishes to Inform his curto 4 mers and public generally, that ne is now prepared to do all kind of work in nw im. ' . . acontlnua- ma wouua repecuuii m.-- - tlon of the patronage whlcn naa n been so liberaUy btowei Pn Wbi I IKE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE 80p'port Mr Seymour's amendment. oil nn m i r 1 1 1 n lit iiic w THE TfORTH CAROLINA LEGIS- LATURE. Condensed from the Ners. t SENATE. Saturday. Jaa'v 25. 1873. I The Senate was called to order at 11 ot o'clock. Lieutenant Qorcrnor Btogden in the chair. ' Inlroduetion of Bill. TI tr Vf A rirn a Kill frr IhA lP!tPf I ... - . . I II mjj ' v-i a ... I committee on Propositions and Griev ances. By Mr Terry, a bill to aid planters firmcra, miners, manufacturers and oth- ers, in their respective avocations. Referred to the committeo on Agricul- ture. Mining. &c. Bute Suspended. . O a, motion of Mr EMi?, tf e rules were suspended and 11 in lavor of the commis fl.ifrahJ I v . j i .k. u.,Mo.. I 1 me ruies were suapcuueu uu luc - hill in favor of the commissioners or MadisoD county, providing for the paj raent by tne otate lreasurer 01 ti . J t. c. o inn.tiP " ' I m " r Aicn r... .00 Bppr . r ' 1, " ,nH s b.k up Xnal readingby 3S ays and KeDreseniauves in i;ODKress iu u.r their influence to prevent the repeal ol thl hankmot law of the lifted State. was taken up. Adopted by 28 yeas to a 8 nays. Special Order. The consideration of the Midland North Carolina Railway Company was resumed. The sixth section of tbebll wai then taken up. Several amendments were .-Here 1. Pending the discussion on the amendments, on motion of Mr Uum hrey the bill was recommitted to the committee. The Amnesty and Pardon bill" was taken up at H o'clock. The lollowiog amendment to the bill was offered bv thp committee, to strike -m ' or viola tion of the laws of the State of North Carolina." Mr Hvman offered an amendment to trike out first day ot September, A D. ...J:...n;i;.,h..r.fM;hflai Td W was in- I 1enilvd to leHVe oUt the date of the so called Shot well raid or aisturo-ncc.-, Mr Sevmour (flared au amendment t - xclucng irrm mo priwu who had5committed mUrder, arson and XClud4ng trrm tho provisioos " ' . 1 I Af.'en hoped the amendment would DOt prevail, nnd rep led to the statement d b- Mr Sevmour yesterday that . mentioned in the latter part f the namta 0t organizitioDS mentioned were cuilty. and intimating that-all ol . I nlnnrrPfl fnHttlRf tne itmocrauu one Qr tQe olher 0f the orgamz itions. ne said, admitting this proposition to t(j 'then a, tbe R,puh!ican par y . i t . r. mioa u Mi I must have belonged to the Leagues, anu asked who it was that murd red Hun nicur and the Foster family ? negroes who belooged to the Leagues. It was useless far Republican memoers.to at tempt to show that no crime bad been committed by the Leaguers, or whatever tlvey may be termed,, when nisiory MDeaks for itself. Mr Flemming. did not expect to 6ay anything on this bill when it was brought up, but wished to express his gratification that the amendment had been opposed by the Senator from Craven, as it gave him a better oppor tunity to reply to the opposition to the k;h Mr Tltftnminff coutiuued at some r"'1T; .,;;0H h.a histn- icngiu iu wuil,u i-. -- rv of the organization named in the 3h, tb. na.uml causes tb.t led to .hi. 1L, tl.t occasioned and tbe exist- v."ww nee of the oreaniznions, be thougtit OT;; pTno. of pe. and fir- lor the preservation mony, general amnesty should be te(1 Mr Morehead, of Guilford, thought that if an amnesty sed it sho u d hi romniete. ana uicieiuiu ""' ' : mmitttA Kb thp kll eiormous criaiea luiuiwv. Irnr k nn. WDICD was uuiciv Hw....v.. organization. He dwelt particularly onrnn i.ii 1 1 ' ii . a " - x Ma (1WP L Ilrli LILUiai V Which was to cuaugo iuc Mm i v Ot 111 IU uci j a. rt I,, n I jjrniicratic, when in 169 it was .two thirds Republicans, r or iu.s auu ma , ,her .eisons be wa, opposed to tbe Dill. Mr Merrimon tollowed Mr Respess for tbe bill. He stated tuai . . .i .w. :.u H . w. w in OTIT7 W M V 1UUUCUIVU J uuci iu ' . . . j: , secret political organiuuu, uu nnt know that there were such prgani- ... . T m. I. Wt f9 Unions fo tha Hoideu tn.i. i3Ub DC Ituew iucic tiwo.w-. 1 zation and had committed crime. I creneral rumor, newspaper reports and ere tQ be beieved the Union League had also committed crimes. They were all known to be . organizations and as these poliuca l org political ol- I cxiiuca " - "'-' . . liiui . . . i. fences, why this solid opp sition to the biil by the Republicans when they bad ,o h- on this floor so often lor amnesty and pardon. Mr Merrimon continued at some lenglh in favor ol the bill Mr Harriss again stated his objections the bill, vindicated the Union League; , , . " tt - nirr aa nnP ot its i reierreu to nuratc unv. rerred to Horace Ureciey as one ui i nnHra pit. etc f mnders. etc.. etc Mr Murphy replied at some length to sevtral ot.fcctions advanced bv the op- position, especially to the charge luai only the latter named organizations were guilty, stating when and wbere the leagues fired barns, &c. He also referred to the operations or tne pro- nosed law. up3n many of theyoungmen his countv, &c, and asked lW pas- sage. Pending further discussion, oa mo- tion of Mr Troy, the consideration i ol the r sr II LJl.aLUllll.UAUV ww.ww f,rloTT 1I0U3E OF REPRESENTATIVES. House called to order at the usnal Hour, Journal of yesterday was read and approved. . . Mr Badger rose to a question of pnv- . . ; wfrn m th bill aXJIA. LLU AJC f4VftCV au , 1 ixcuanne siocita . i of the State lor r ... on. fitnpk WHre ob. uuuub I raine.l. Mr Bfigef denied the motives t-- - - . - tho h stated that the assertion that the Dill mnntptl tt mm nv mat uuuer. . I J IT. w.o introduced in the interest of any -i- f";ererday' iucon8idera" kq T a-Daw was committee 2 - 31.1 secti.m proposed by the committee f.r sections 23, 20 and 27 of the old hill Oa motion of Mr Rhodes, the rulee were suspended and the bill was again thken up, ordered to be printed and inadu spec ial order for Tuesday next. On motion the House adjourned. SECURE A HOME FOR SALE. DTJILD1NG LOTS FAVORABLY LOCATED ftt SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS and np- pienty y9atat payment. no excuse for paying rent aiso house for rent. Apply to feb 171-tI s. h. iviAisnsriisrGr-, COMMISSION MERCHANT, and dealer in flpnpppjpij PrnYiflll IlfY (lOOSS lirOCGriub, riUVIMUUb, 1J1J UUUUd ClotMng. &c &c, No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited nov23 151-ly T. A. GRANGER, N. C. - - VCT FT ITU Late of Richmond, va GRANGER'S NEW HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, froprietors WEST CENTRE STREET. GOLDSBORO, 3ST . O. Convenient lo'rthe Trains leaving forth North, South. East and West. TWENTY DOLiARS, F0R0ME ante A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE I SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR i fl..i M0 fPTit.v-eolumn. Literary Fam- ly Paper, puoiisnea bywj f"""-" cLrlott,, N. C, at the low pce of O NE DOLLAR A. YEAR I Each number contains an - . . T.rnnPOTTWn oTiiV wArth at least IBB buustiuuu o.wi. . . i , a n-ice- e'noa-'h FUN to keep you laughing a p.lCe, LUUUr" i u n0ntrn nf the 7?fjrSw u cnpribpr trets a chance at a V Aii- dablb Pkemium, and one out of every five will be sure to tjet a rremium, wortu aoceLBi'v "?M1?rom;o to S3 1 5s V. iLF aUU " T " . $2, $5, f 10 and $20 i - t - . - : M v iinvi Snch as Sewine Machines, uieacucu uwiu- i o--" - . . i r .!. c. AC. rangiUK"! , unta tn tiMIO live cents to -o.w. . . . u V7T k rhance at the large m,d,te,y a.a Bv . . TO AGENTS -We are offering more lib- Jnnducemcnis for Clubs than any other ... . xr n.al'11 mnnov DV LU- .on.rn-a TTTa vn rkfrorino mOfc HQ" era, l . . . rr mrmAV ri v ran iisnw. j vs -""S.Tv I .in.t fnr (ll K YV K. Hi r. Jj X . I " en . I For Vpectaen copy ot paper, Fremmm Listand terms to Agents, send - , J o. H. NUTALL, ents. send 3-cent Siamp. ruUisher of Our Weekly, Charlotte, N. C. 56 tf inly 23 a. IS. W. JRuNE, G-BOOEEIES, 44 South Side Market St.r A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING IFVurt J" sir, , t WILMINGTON, N. C. June 4 APPLICATION WILL ne Tnaur wiu ror i -embiy of Nortn tarouniiwr r X nTt I tne Wilmington avw JiiS" I c3pany jn 11. Iifi3-a B1IL ROIDS. Wilmiton. Cbarlotte & Rntlerfori Rail Road Line. K Eastern Divisionc New Schedule. 1873 Going West 1873 8TATIOS8. i " PASftEMGEB FBK1GHT. Leave Wilmington... 8.00 a k AWam Abbottabnrg... 1L16 11.45 Lumberton.... 12S0rM 2.05pm Shoe Heel LM 5.0o " Lanrlnbnrg... 2.S9 " 6 00am Rockingham... 4 03 Arrive at Lilefvllle.f. 4 45 10 00 Going East. 8TATIOHS. PASSBNOBK FREIGHT. XjeavoijueBvuiB ...... 7 40 A M 8.S6 44 10.30 44 10.55 44 13. '0 P M 1.26 44 4.35 44 12.00 M Rockineham ft tt ( Laurinburg. . . . Shoa Heel.. Lnmberton..... Abhottsborg . . . 5 00 AM 5 55 44 9 50 44 12i 5pm Arrive at Wilmington. 5.00 44 nsrf. coiner West: Breakfast, ro- ing East. Freight Trains stop nere over night. T SUgefor Charlotte: Railroad anaatage fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only $ 10. No Trains on Snnday. Two Special Frht Trains for Ton Timber, run irreg- n& B L Freight Cars accompany eacn passenger Train. Western Division. STATIONS FA88ENiERjFBEiaHT. Leave Charlotte 8.00 a m Lincolnton 10 43 44 Arrive at Buffalo 12.07 RETURNING. Leave Buffalo 1.C7 p m " Lincolnton a.4i " A rritrp. ftt. r.harlotte. . . 5.14 v n JOHNSON. S. L. FREMONT, ARsistantBnot. lien. eupi. " -Mtw a a. lau 9 199- Wilmington, tolumnia & Au- gnsta R. R. Company. Gbn. Superintendent's Office, ) WlLMTNGTON, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f GHAI1QE OF SCHEDULE mnii vni t.hwtno! SCHEDULE WILL j k0 into eneci aio:a. m j I T - 4mcf 7th inet. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN. (Daily.) Leave Wilmington.... 3i?' m Arrive at . riorepce. X Arrive at Aujrusta.... J- - f 6.S5 A. M uev o -o. ufe ....... r 0 . Arrive at uommoia.. "Ti Arrive at Florence. . . i 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 0.aa r. m NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN- DAXS &2XWi: miJ.) T Wilmlnfrtnn ; U.TtJ i. . WL.AX X TW Arrive at Florence. ... Arriva at Columbia.. 3-40 A. M Arrive at Augusta .S p m Leave Augnsta. in-'ln P M &rrivcftt uwiu- q.io r A l. TlnronoA ........ iS A. i atuio i jhw.vmv-.. o.nrx f .f wnTiTicrt.nn. . o:UU A. Jl JAM JUS Ailf Cii'-') Genl Snp't. 123 tf YYijujp-ttm & Weldon tt. K Company. Owicb General Supbbitbndent, i Wilmington, N. C, June8.872. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. .nun TXTOT A WT I f I PAaaRMftER TRAINS on the Wil- mington ana vr eiaon follow, : . MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Snn . 3 r,f. At KUfl A. i lnX,: " 12:11 P. M Amo V. " ; 0.11 ! i Kinvr Mnnm KOCKJ fliouui Weldon. Leave Weldon daily (Sundays eave Weldon daily (Sundays w excepted) At 9:15 A; M rrive at Rocky Mount 11:07 A. M Goldboro 1:1? Arrive 5:30 P. M Tf.X PRESS TKA1X1. ,00 0.. 10:40 .M I . 1 .'1 Ml . ill I a tto a r iniriKi iu i u- .. Weldon. 7-to P M Weldon daUy.... J 10 P. M t ia ainnn hh.iv . . . . r . n "i FM t. M. arrive at j-wa. j t vr i n.Mshnm 10:5b r. ai. 0:5S P. M 3:10 A. M Union Depot.. 01j , I WfiluOIl IOT 8U uuiuw . Weldon lor all points N and Acqnla Cree routes. Vm.aegTnin pnnneCtfl AftA onlv with Acqnla " - tdt t t t vf vtfl PA LACE I I irftfik rUULO. i. U""" sLbKPIKO CARS ON THIS TRAFN nDumuT t atkr -will leave Wiiraing- i w rkDiiuuA m. - . . A ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. wdovqo TTPiPTnTTT TRAINS will leave WUmington daily (8undays excepted) at 5 P. M. ana arrive at n a. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. June 8 ! lfttf Successors to A. Hi NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in jmnm JPTTRKlsniNO GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, OU Tin Roofine: done at short notice Ajrents for Falrbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street, WIIiJBIlf CTOlf , N. C. BOY 19 i 1 II ' I : NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY, OF WILMINGTON. N. C. sstmgw Ti1;TI3-Bitf J-w..,-- -- - MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN Popular Standard Fertilizei's 1 44 SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Corn, Cotton, and all Field Crop!, 44 NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER," Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. nTSSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPUATE," Especially for composting with Cotton Seed. p Hon. K. R. BBIDGEIIS, rresiaeni. Jan 23d, 1873 21 PACIFIC GMjXlSO COMPANY'fS CAPITAL $1,000,000. SOLUBLE, PACIFIC GUANO THTo on AKO is so well kniU in all the Boutnern States for Us rmarkntlo ff' fKie giSTa'SS'il tolitSK Snord. the .ure.t guarantee n.niunn -f this ftimnn. . . . . ' . OIPinSE. maTreTt : SSiured thit th Tsupplios same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, 60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. i , jkt. To accommodate Planters they can order now and have until the 1st of April to cide as to whether they will take AiOi 'ii W. H. McRARY & CO., Agents for Psciflc Guano Company, Ana Dealers in No, 1 Chincha ani Gnanape Pemian Gnanos, January 23-lm HISCKLLANECrs. BALTIMORE AfiD WILMINGTON SEMI-WEEKLY SXEAMSIIIP WNE. 1 Composed of the first-class Steamships U. J. Foley, Capt. D. J. Price Lucille, Capt. I. S. Bannett x- n,l0 fo rt . Tl. c Childs ' fr.nm Mtlmon Cvrv f wmuercaitw v - iovenrt from Wilminston f "5"uMVav Vh st.nrdav. connecting it llmlStoiT with the Wilmington Co- f Augusta, Wilmington, and W el- d,J)mD1nadn "he "Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroads; al the several lines of steamers to Fayeteville, I . ... r n Givillg Tnr0Ug!l BU1S 0I.UHUU8, i . . I more Twith the Baltimore and Ohfo and the moffhSnVentS for all points in i - . I orineiu w?"1'" . the vasi auu uiLunc, uu"."""v" 17 n,i 1 1 ,i , rr- Rns nn. New York anu Philadelphia. A. D. CAZAUX. Agents, Wilmington, N, C. iAkdRes &, Co, Agents, Baltimore. dec 81 192- F. A. SHUTTE No. 3 A1TD 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c, &c. . Having Just received a supply of Furniture. I am. prepared to give the public as good bargains as can be had in the city. pjeaae call and examine. to ATI 5 Price per ton Delivered on the Cars at Factory. r AY ABLE 1ST CASH NOVEMBER. $55 00 $65 00 $80 00 $C5 00 t $75 00 $35 00 f . a. " 1 v put into market this season are precisely me or taoupnw. WILMINGTON, N. C- MIStELLINEOUS. LORILLARD'S STEAM Sn I P LINE FOR JCETW YORK 8AILJNG TUESDAY8 AN' FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNKS DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. THROUGH connIjctionh wit ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON No passengers taken. For Freignt appij BARRY BROTHERS. Agents. may at 147- Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. rOMPOSED OF FIRST CLASS BTEAM v SHIPS PIONEER, 82 5 TONS Captain JOIIN WAKELEY. TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain WILTBANKS. Will hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. For Freight engagements, apply to . WORTH & WORTH, Agents, Wilmington, K. C W. L. JAMES, General Agent, lbo South Third Street, Philadelphia. June 15 Ktt THOMAS CONNOR 33 .A. R 3R'p Olvd: N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nott EU, Always on hand tbe best quality of Beg i 14 BtwJ i 1"' ; ! au 19 tf

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