I - - t I I ' I --- I I 1 I I f t 1 I I V1 - - - WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNBSDAT; JP:?9' 1873 - -1 . N0.-217 VOL. VI. "" , i ' i - : , 'I ' - .. -' , . : . '7 . , . ,i ' la rEVKTsTlNG- POST Hlevry afternoon except bunday. a p CANADAY.. ..Business Manager P'i (ANN Editor ,A subscription. -r m advance ? 40onth.ln.dnc. 1 inth in advance Ooeooaia -houid be ad- , th Bosineaa Manager, and all flrtSll5,ation. or matters relating to the Mortal department to the Editor, editona. a y .i. from onr friends Sf .beSuV., on wbTc of gene Political news and reports ol jjop. specially desirable. OPENING 'OW AT M. M. KATZ'. 36 Market Street A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT U LADIES' DRESS GOODS I LlLIu 1 ,. , .t... every variety, quality and siyit SHAWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS; HEN'S AMD BOYS' VEAB, HOUSE FURN18HINQ AND WHITE GOODS, &C.f &C- In ihort, cTcryhing that can be calle 1 tor in Staple aad Fncy Dry Goods, an1 Nioil3. &cM Liberal Discounts TO WHOLESALE BUYER. OUR MOTTO 0D1CK SALES Mi SHALL PROFITS, Strictly adnerea iu. S6 Market tret. OC123 Mprphann'Kft Brokerage umcc . .iav. i,uuu I t ,uMni constantly on hand r from importers and manufacturers in Northern markets. AU descriptions ot merchandise, orders nd bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and sold In this market, orders from buyers ami Merchandise oougoi ZiZJ and mftrr?br8er tamplea left by seller- v ICDUUU. I ih Durchaaes negotiated, Time as well as cash okithar vnu wllh tO b ' buy or sell .comnu- rated freely, ana oiien Broker. nrmrn' i v I Merchandise and Produce Broker. dec 3J I J WORLD RENOWNED , - I ft VV M J SCCTlIlSr Jlacllines. IN RANGE of worKtniSMacmuuuwv - 1 loiiaMed- Our fine work is eqnal to any Vhmv work excels that or any iua- chine in the world. vc -SW.5S irfen will 1 IS. lUe time; and is not sub.ect to FIT8. . We cheerfully inyii ti0X? in nut orkofany other Machine, and will put thm on trial, at vour noms, u; ,C?VJ" 1 " . .1 rt 4 T.lDDltt Kow. rroni rrUrwS;nikr.ad Syp,.,uiu. . Q.ni no Machine Co. - I.h I 1 A-rCYT Iiblli I J 9 . 22- Aeeni aumv oon"b ; , liMJKAltt!i. . . I lilOWl.Ui'vui I IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE I' fTtAa at the lowest current rates in tne Mj5SSloSIp5ySr ' pucauon -10 . ..-rr fepANY ffif3 I,BYKNE1Gen'lIns.Agt:, IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London. AsagU GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, FARMVILLE FIRE INSURANCE AND BAAK1NQ COMPANY of Va., 1 BYRNE & KKENAN, ' Oen'l Insurance Agenta. m. v.. Af fVxmmprrHi. HI) Stain. Wilmington, N. C. ang 16 OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR .w' ,v. 15 RTILL ahead of any other onthe market 1 Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpaA-eo aiwq-VrTt-t. .t i, Mill and Depository " a wa mm nv ' . Cmcked Corn. Corn. Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats. Sburta ana man. All goods sold drajed free. All bag, returned In rood order will ba -edited at cost on next bill. r All goods sold drajed free. - J 1 A k uimsu at cion d".u;. -rf-tor. PF V; till the NORTiA)LiNA Condensed from the News. cfWiTr , Monday, J.n'y 27!b, 1873. The Senate was caded to order at 11 oVlopk Tiert Governor "Brofrden in tb O CiocK, uieci. uoyernor irogcen mtuc Chair. The journal of Saturday was' read and - appro'edjn(rn ,BUl.. n- Xfi. M.,rK. ,.t .,iifr.rv! a 1,511 rJ o;;! t :V to incorporate tne Ja xtorio oiaie Liiitt Insurftnce Ci mpany. Reterred to com- r mittee on Insurance. 1J7 AIT of v HI OUr. a Olli 10 repeal tnau- i Vft . t 1 ! 1 1 A - I I ter 169, lawV of 1869-70. Iicfcrred to commitiee n the Judjcinry. Rules Suspended. " On motion of Mr Uurtge-, the li! creaiiDg the t lBce nt public guardian? was taken Irom. the CH'eDdar.and recommitted-to the committee Also, the bill to more ' definitely es- tabliah the State line, was tnKen ir-m w .1 I . . 1 I b . A . mm vv. I I t I. I I V t Til.. I me caienoar anu itu"uiui"ii rmmttec on Propositions and Griev- es On motion of Mr Ham?, the mil making Neae river a lawlul iei.ee from r . t ie Jol.nston county line to the upper ,H,ls f tn0 Neuse, in Wke county, was taken up and pa.-eed its sevtrnl rrad l n.ntlMIl ft HlP C 1 til H 1118 Ol J U UIUIIVU w. w ' " , - I v incorporate toe uusruiw . Utnd!e Fctofy wts takeu up and pa- ed its readings. Oa motion ot tMr i'oweu, tue uin n incorporate the North Uatolina Sk1 Knil Company was taken up and pasttd its several readinys. Svecial Order. The hour having rr v H ior the spe ciaLorrtrr. which was the consideration of he amnesty and pardon bill, it. vtt.rol m n Hfflnn iieni n . - . : u I f- onH ar I nnt rr ine cnnieb 01 uiuum sn," anrl the amendment to read tor the cr ms of rape-oil lurgiry m a TIT I the cr ms ol rape-an. ourg mry Oq the vote on Mr Welch a amend- ment, and the parage of the bill on m second reading, the yeH8 and n.ys wertr second reading, the yeH8 ana nas w- called and both passea oy a strict party VAfter passing its second reading, on anti jjeug i . i a .in. AnniitriarQiinn (it f air veCM dutc" " nui-i.w... formation of intert to advertisers. Ad the amendment ol Mr Seymour, striking hiress liliO P H .WfcLL, & CO, Publishers. 41 r-p---- HoU8R OF BEPRE8BS.TATXTE8. a -tn a at th n iiihh was caneu u i t. .v "i, n..K!..n nrnpr uv nir oycinci a. -.w- . i Journal ot baturaay reau auu H proVfcd. By jUr Khortes, a mn to re ievc v.'uu Commissioners. Referred. J resoiutiou introduced by Mi M (.r instructing the State Geologi-i . . . digtributed a paraph- Marler, instructing i ue omic . to K deECiiDtlon of tbe ci,mate. soil, minerals etc., of irie scvei- lOb Ot "rS " . r .1 1 c. UOV'p. . lieo tue State, was taken tip order. . f,r rsnhi. r.Wpfl renorted favorab.y ,n,mmt.THhn( an I Upon H8 pasMiui-, iti,.'ujui p - t n W- a UklU IFI I V I .1 Pill III! II A A U " aaaeDdment that only five copies for each member of the General Assembly shall re printea. fr WKiioh was oDDoaed to the reso- " -r,- . , , lution. Tne Ueologist nau never ... .nnntT. ana therefore knew notn . al4)Ut u rt. nA nnslnnne unti jir uuuaiuu , . r r Thursday next. . The motion to postpone was put to a vote aud prevailed. On motion ot Mr uraige, . ,, onH tllH Senate rcsolu- were susw-uuv- - tli Mint fie ect comriiiutu I"" theVestern North Caro- IU iviiu." . bii,n0 r-nnrt bv blll.Of OtDef- uus iisiuuou f j wise, what steps Can be taken to proteci ' . - . : .u... .naH tunc the States iuter st iu '.!- taken up and adopted. Tfa 8 nate bill to allow the ow i:,r.r t hst i ners of toll bridge to list it l. r mica, t'-., i -i- several readings. h ' r Tire Senate lull to amend the act to incorporate the Wilmington Muua. fnBaraaje CoinpaDy was taken up atJft passed its several readings. Senate bill to amend the act to incorpurate the town ot Mouut O ive, vVayne county, was taken up aud passed il9 8Verl readings. ceoate bill in re ation to deposi- A I ID DCUQic y . , tions was taken up and passed its eev- eral readings. The 8enate bill to prevent -the sale ol .qu.r tn the town ol Shelby, Cltvelan.. county, wa taken up and passed it. aeYeial readings. v The bill to prevent the sale ol liquor near Excelsior College, uursu uu.., r n8 and d astral bill to amend chapb r 185. laws ot 1Q0C5 nu u, tvutu.-, - ehip?, was taken up aud passed its sev- T .- . u i foq n i n A message was received from the 1 Senate transmitting amenumeu.B w- bill for tbe relitt of Sheriffs and Tax Collectors. On motion ot Mr Rhodes, the amendments were concumd id. The bill to bI,ow tue Comm-.ssioDtrs x n..inmhm runntv to leW a "P Ciai tax was taken up on its third re.d- tax was g 8 91 lDg and passea oj no I umj a wv. Ali -urned. A CARD. .. ttu nTVPTt OYS- gUnJ ln Market House, tuTfay. Give me a call CT T7. H. MOORE. leqis-agENTS i A RARE CHANCE. "We will pay all Agents $40 per -week: in cash who wiU engage with" us at once. Every thing furnished and expenses paid. Address A. CO UL.TKK& CO Charlotte, Mien. SKKD.S &i?f2K geraniums, bedding plants, gladiolus, etc. fend a Main p for Ureer's Garden Calendar, illustrated, with practfeal direo- tions. Henry A Dreer, 714 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa W A.lVTED. We wiPh to enpage the services of at least one reliable, ietelligent gentlemen in eve ciy, town nd county In the souu. tsusi- ness agreea bie tnd stnetly 'egitte, yield- i lie from $l.ft0 to ,o00 per annum orpar- ticulars. address Turnbull Brothers, Pub- nsntr - , liaiiiiuoie. jiu. . T" 1 a 1 . K k 51000 REWARD. For any case of Blind Bleeding, Itching or Ul- . r o t H .Vile.d that T)Vi Rrvn' Tilt Rpmpdv a.ila to i-ure. It is prepared ex pressly to cure the Piles, ana duiuiuk eioo. wiu uj all druggists. iTice, Ar - Ann noi-Horl A cronts wn.nt.Mlf All U3 10 u)ZU classes of working people, of i v?n - "r""-s;;'B UlUU "V-, W.. " a 1 l XL.Hl.nBA m AVflll ai worK ior u hi iuwr bihuc muuicuw, ui dhr F. UoWuLL & CO'S A3IKRIOAN KEWSPAPER, DIRECTORY. A book of 600 pages, with editors' and pub - - - -v " i x . KIO HVkB POLLARS, by mail Address publishers, No. 41 Park Kow N Y h,Nl) 2 i CEVfs FuK THE ADVERTISERS GAZETTE, a 1 1,. ri i rMirrnj e H rt-ori cr Vi rt-wr wVlAn And where to advertise, and containina a list of nearly 3.wu newspapers, witii iduuuuiuo i"- Prk KOW.Iiew 1 OTli. : A CARD. INFORM THE PUB- l &m iQ charge Qf my Qwn Bht,p Qn gtree te ColveU Xaylor,s where I am prepared to do Horse where I am prepared to do Horse -11, befctP6tyPlei and all kiDds of Blacksmith work qack and neatly done. I riT-..ri flrt rlnRs wood workman. uiti;i lu miw- orders when they will be immediately Med. EVANDER McBRIDE, niacKsmiui. in 1991m j - NEW YEARS' BEEF. ' : . LTj ye lovers of GOOD STALL FED FAT A JUICY BEEF, Will find an extra article at Second Street Market on MONDAY MORNING, And continuing throughout the week. DAVIS & "WHITE. OCC 2S 190- QTpTTp W A TT0ME OijjUUlllll il IlUlUiJ FOR SALE. i . . DUILDlNQLOTSFAVOx,. I . of SRVENTY-FTS DOLLA.xv ana up- wards. Tlenty of time given for payment. I . rf No excuse for paying rentalso a small house for rent. Apply to WJLS0N feb GOfMIISSIOri MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Groceries, ProTisions, Dry Goois ClotMns, k k, No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and Cash Orders Soliolted -rrov23 . m-fr T. A. OKAKOEK, W. H. CHILIS, Late of Richmond, va N. C. NEW HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST ( . vx v comment ior the Trains J fyr tn Korth. south. East and wesu JW-tf O. H. W BUNGE, .G-ROOERIES, 44 South Side Market St., A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING WILMINGTON, N. C inne 4 A I PLICATION LL hernade to tha present Genaral As- ?Wy of North Oa gra the Wilmingtom eavinga Bgs In KJrj w T ' - . ltshers' names, date of estalishment. size, , politics, subscription price ana circuiauon ill to Lf.ii newKnanftiB in the United fetates and RAIL ROAUsi WilminstCiiiMJliarlBtte & ;.EiitliBrforfl R4U- Koad iiine. Eastif Division V-Neweduie. 1873 Going West.- 1873 BTA.TIOHS. FUKIOHT. Leave Wilminizton... 8 00 A M tl 16 " 00 A M U.4 2 U5 P M 5 0 " 6 00 a M .4 . . . 10 00 t ADDOtWOUrg; . . LumbertOH ... Shoe Heel...,. . Lanrinbnrg... - Rockingham 2 30PM 1 54 4 03 V Arrive at t-iieMvllle.t. 4 45 Going jEast. STATIONS. PASBBNO -vKirKElGHT. T ,tn-vn 1 JlpftTille . . . 1 . . 7 40 Ak 12 00 M. ( Rockin&rham . . . 8.0 ' llo.30 -10 55 12 Opm M 26 " 4 35 44 .LauriDburg....! MM II 1 I .S 00 A M 5 55 9 50 12 5pm 5.00 oaoe tieei ...... Lnmberton.. u Xbbottsbnnr Arrive at Wilmington. Dinner, going West: Breakfast, eo ine East Freight Trains stop here over night. , i statr p fnr r.hftrlotte Railroad and stage fare, Wilmington to charlotte, onl Two Snecial g yy .. v jk, i4aw v u v - - Freiuht Trains for Ton Timber run irreg- ularly Jfixpress ureigm an atuouipujr each Passeneer Train. Western Division. STATIONS FABSENOEK FKEIcJIiT Leave Charlotte . , 8.00 A M 10 43 " 12 07 44 Lmcolnt'n, Arrive at Buffalo. RETURNING. Leave Buffalo . ........ 1.07 P M Lincolnton... .. 2.41 Arriva at Charlotte .. K 1 A It ft i FREMONT S. L. FREMOM. V. Q. JOHNSON, Assistant aupt. iau 9 Gen. Supt. Wilmington. uiuiuDia & Au gasta R. Rf tompaDy. Gbn! Supbbiwtkndint's Office, Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f 3 SI CHAfiGE OF SCHEDULE. milE FOLLOWING 8CHKDULE WILL X to into . enect at a. jw.., aiuu 7th inet. ! DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) LeaynmWgtpn..U. A. M Arrive at Florence r; t7" Z: . . ... tfc40 P. M ArrUeat Uoiumnia.... Arrive at Augusta....... . 1 m Leave Ata........ Arrive at uommoia TKt m Arrive at WilmlBgtQn, M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN LIAXD XmAXilhSr xixj.i milminirtAn ' 5 45 P. M Arrive at Florence..!.. ll: f Arrive at ColumDia. . .......... a m Arrive at Augusta ? S p S Leave Augusta..... : P. m . i i. vininhio 1U:60 r j1 Arrive ni vviuui. - Arrive at Florence SjLI 5J Arrive at Wilmington o.w.. Arrive 9. 7ncuanM Gen'l Sup't. octo : Wilniitigt n & VVeldtiii H. H fompany OlTICB GBNERAIi 8UPBBnfTBNDET, V Welmtngton, N. C, 3unc 8,1873. J tains CHANGE OF SCDEDULE. AN AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT PAS aaPNCWRTRAlNS OD the WlJ- mineton and Weldon Railroad will run bf follows: MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Deport daily (un. m": .Jam 1 ifrijr& daysexcepieu;.. - - - . - Arrive at Goldsboro 1 T' 5 will hereafter sail from Baltimore e vry . Rnrkv Mount..... :ii Weldon' 3:50 a M Tuesday and Friday and from Wilminff on w u!Ti WRnndavg every Wednesday and Saturday, connecting Leave Weldon daily (Sundays at Wilmington with.the Wilmington .Co excepted)......;..... At y. lP A. lumbia and Augusta, Wilmington, and vvel- Arrive at Rocky Mount M'VIp 5J don, and the Wilmington, Charlotte and GoldAborOi... 1:1" JJ .therford railnds afo the several lines Union Depot . 5:o0r. M cf steameis to Fayeteviile, Leave Union Depot daily... At 10:40 m flnldsboro ...... i1:UU a. M Arrive a , a.ku a m 4:56 A. M Weldon... Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount Oldsboro 7-10 P. M f-5S P M 10-5 P M f fl Union Depot.. 8: 10 a. Mail Train mates close connection Weldon lor all points Nortb via liay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train cowecte only with Acqma Preek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiraing ton tri weekly at 6.00 A. M., andarnreat EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN8 Y11! Wilmington daUy (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M. and arrive at 11 A7 Hi - - . f JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. PABKEB A XXiOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in ' HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves 'LakterM, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Eooflnff done' af short notice AjrenU for Falrbohk's Scale. No. 19 Front Street, ' WlifllHGTON, IS C. HOT 1 t NA'YASSA 6UAN0 OF WILIVliiSOTCOlV. IV. o. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN Popular Standard Fertilizers! SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Corn, 'Cotton, and all Field Crops, " IS; A V ASS A TOBACCO FERTILIZER," Very rich in Ammonia and ' Alkaline Salts. DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially for comp- sting with Cotton Seed. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. HoS. "ROGERS, President. C. GRWLIN. Superintendent. ... lMMri a f. secretary and Treasurer. Jau 23d, 1873 PACIFIC GUANO COMPAlVY'rS CAPITAL $l,000,000.j SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO; THIs GU NO is so well kn wn In all the Southern States for its remarkable JJ1." aeencv for increasing tbe product of labor, as not to r qulro special fffcVlS? from L Its Tue lor several years pat has established its charator for reliable exMllenco. Th?la?ge fixed capital invested by the company in this trade afforda the surest guarantee orl oYrAllnnnA nf this GuaUO. Planters may rest assured that the suppli Vi q t. - mt.. .fnrpt sold. TERMS 50 CASH, 60 zs- To ncpommodate Planter? they can cide as to vrhther they will take ALL TIME Agents for Pacific Guano Company, Ail -Dealers in No. 1 cuiclia ani Qnanape Peroriau Guanos, January 23-lm MINI KLLAiNEO? S. BALTIMORE AH WILMIN&TON SEMI-WEEKLY' sTEAinsnip wive. Composed of the first-class Steamships U. J. Foley, Capt. D. J. Prlre Lucille. Capt. I. S. Bannett Rcbecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Childs Giving Through Bills of Lading, Vn n 5r,a i TCnrth and Pouth Carolina, To all points in North and South Carolina, more with the Baltimore and Ohio and the Northern Central railroads for all point in the Vet and North west; nd with steamers nri raiiro ds for Boston. New York and a pniiadelphia. 4 i ,t4TT at , t. CAZAU X. Aeents. AxdUes &, Co, Agent l Baltimore. -"O F aec ox kVA F. A. SKDUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer in j FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &c. Hating just received a supply of Furniture, lam prepared to give the puouc m i bargains as can be had in tne dis please call and examine, mavis .COMPANY, Price per ton DehVf red on thi ('an at Factory PAYABLE 1ST CASH $55 00 $65 00 ISO 00 NOVEMBER. $65 00 $75 00 $35 00 annthern SUtet. 212 3m put Into market this season are preoJieiy mo TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. order now and have until the 1st of April to d- or CASH price. W. H. McRARY & CO., WILMINGTON, N. C- nJISlKLLEoLS LORILLARD'S STEAMSHIP LINE gAILINtf '1 LtDAYS AN FRIDAYS FROM NEW YoRcL, AND WEDNES DAYS AND 0ATURDAY8 IROM WILMINGTON. THROUGH CONNitCTIOlVH WIT ALL RAILROAIIN LRAIMNU OUT OF lTILMINTON No passengers Ukin. For Freignfapply RARRY RBdTHF.KS. AKMS Philadelphia and Southern Mali Steamship Line. rOMPOSED OF FIRST CLASS STEAM l HIIIPB PIONEER, 825 TONS Captain JOHN WAKELEY, TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain WILTBANKS. WU1 hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. For Freight engagemeBU, apply to WORTH A WORTH, Agents, r Wilmington, N. C W. I JAMES,' General Agent, l Booth Third Street, Philadelphia. Jane 15 - TtLOMAS OONl4uC ,j B Jm. R O O TmZ I N. E. corner of Miilberry and Nntt BU. ! Alwayi on hand tht best quality oX8egai ' 1 4 ': ! 1 1 . . 1 t r -1 . i. Jan a ,4t I : . -v .. - v "m '

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