' V " x -1 Ay. V VOL. VI. JANUABY NO. 219 mm mm : u- t , . . T.- 1 j . .K - ' V I - - " " . . . ;,. . . i ' I TIXB EVENING- POST Pushed Tery afternoon except Sunday. ,vM p CAN ADA r.... Business Manager ;.viK3C. MANN Editor Subscription Oae J'r In advance w nil cQontbs, in advance t.-w months. in advance 1 ..... month. In advance. 30 business letter should be ad cwsstrJ to the Business Manager, and all .ramai.ications or matters relating to the ai oria. department to the Editor. C ,rrenndence solicited from our friends n s prts ol the State, on topic of gene rAl iutcrcjU Political news and reports ol cr,n are op-cially dc&irahle. SYS A D V Vs KTISKl ENT v FALL AND WJiNTER GUODS OPEXIXG NOW AT M. M.. KATZ', 30 Market Street A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT LADIES' DRESS GOODS la erery variety, qaality and tyle SHAWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS; HEN'S AMD BOYS1 WEAR, IIOVSE FUIiNltiEIJTG AND WHITE GOODS, &c, &;., &C, Tr cSnrf pvcrvthine that ean be called tor :q Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and Notions. &cM Liberal Discounts TO WHOLESALE BUYER. OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS, Strictly adhered to. M. M. KATZ, 30 Market Street. t 23 13a u Merchandise Brokerage Office, FULL line of samples constantly on hand from importers and manufacturers In Northern markets. am dr.irrinttons ot merchandise, orders and bid eolicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and sold in .this market, orders from buyers aoliclted, and samples left by sellers rill have prompt at tention. Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, rhthr roii wish to buv or soil, commu i- eated free 1 v. and often with your local Broker. J AS. T. PETTEWAT, Merchandise and Produce Broker, dec 20 14 tf THE WOULD RENOWNED HOW Sevriiir- Machines. IN RANGE of work this Machine cannot be MiiAiiPii. Oar fine work. Is eouai u any anil our heavy work excels that of any Ma- rhinp in lhi rrrlfl. We claim that It is an HONEST Machine, will do nil y ur sewing, will last a lile time, an I is not sub.ect to FITS. We rheerfullv invite comparison with work of anv other Machines, and will put tuiu on trial, at your home, by leaving name at the office, "No. 4 Llppttt Row, ront ptrt. between Dock and Oranere. Bold on tasy payments. G KO. A. NEWELL, 1 Agent Home Sewing Machine Co. jan 9 tr INSURANCE. IIFE 7 FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE cf'wyrw f Ho intvpit ciirrpnt rates in the I vTus - the lowest current rates in me A" Sponsible Companies, on ap- wv-rit ion Itf . X:V YORK LIFE INSURANCE JOMPANY, Assetts 120,000,000 J. A. BYRNE, Ocn'l Ins. Agt., .IIPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE :)MPAN'Y. of London. Assetts $9,000,000, Gold (IE.T WESTERN FIRE INbUB NVE COMPANY. New Orleans. Asserts. $22fl,014 FlttM VILLE MRE INSURANCE AND BAAK.INQ COMPANY of V., assets 8500,000 BYRNE & KEEN AN, Gen'l Insurance Agents. OCli-e Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. aue 16 77-ly tiS 3 Pt OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR 8 STILL, ahead of any other en the market Our Pearl Hominy eannot be surpassed' s on nana at the Jini ana xwposiiory Cracked Corn, Com, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. A.11 goods sold drajed free. b&s returned In rood-order will be ditM at eost oa nxt bllU aM Al.r.X. OLBUAVf, Proprietor. pt37 "S .1 H .: m4 0 H,l.,Hl.M I II Lrn TUB NORTH CAROLINA LATUBE. LEQIg. lOondenaed from the News.' SENATE. Wednesday, Jan'y 2&tb, 1873. enate called to order nt 11 o'clock, -Liienienant uovemor in the chair. Petitions arid Memorial. By Mr Long, a petition from the citi 2-P8 of Richmond county, praying the enactment ol a law to prevent the yearly gamermgs Known as the Scotch Fair in said county. . Introduction of Bills. isy sir fuwf n, s . bill to incorporate the Haw River and New Hope Manu facturing Company. Rft-rred. Uj Mr Humphrey, a bill to aid the people of the State in ascertaining the title to their lands. Referred. By Mr Gudger, a bid to investigate the antir3 ot the Western Division ol jhe Western North Carolina Railroad. Referred, Utile Suspended. On motion ot Mr Oudger, the bill to investigate the affairs' ot the Western Division of the North Carolina Rail Road, was taken up and passed its reading?. By Mr Nicholson, a bill to amend title 14. chapter 2, section 319, 'of the code of civil procedure. Referred. By Mr Dunham, a bill to amend the rule of proceeding in jast ices' courts. Referred. By Mr Ellis, a bill to incorporate the Horse Ford Manufacturing Company. Referred. By Mr Allen, a bill to amend chapter 186, laws ot 1860 1. Referred. Bv Mr Allen, a resolution for the re lief ot the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road. Referred. Special Order. The Amnesty aud Pardon act was taken up on its third reading. The vote was first taken on the amend ment of Mr Seymour, to strike out " Heroes of America, Union Leagues, Red Strings, North Carolina fcitat troops, and North Carolina Militia." Failed. Mr Respess' amendment shared the 8fime late. Mr Warren offered an amendment to the amendment to strike nt after tb word rape, the word burglary, (rape and burglary having been stricken fr m the bin ) md advocated the same in a few brief remarks. Messrs Mabson and Eppes made lengthy speeches against the bill. On motion of Mr Avera, the previoup question on the Dill was called ana sustained. Those vo'ing in the affiniative were: Teas 31 ssrs PowdL Bcott, Staf ford, Todd, Try, Waring, Welch ana VTorth 8". Those voting in the negative were : Nays Messrs Cowles, Cramer, Eilis, of Catawba, Eppes, Urandy, Oudger llamas, Hill, Hallomon, Humphrey, Uy man, Long, Mabson, McCabe, McCotter, 8mith, Stilley and Walker 18. On motion of Mr Waring the vote bj which the bill passed, was reconsidered and that motion laid on the table. Rule Suspended. On motion of Mr Powell the bill to amend the charter of the Cape Fear Iron and Steel Company was taken up and passed its several readings. Calendar. House bill to repeal chapter 68, laws ot 187X and '72, known as the deer law. provided that the foilowioir named counties are excluded from the provie ions ot the act : Clav. Cherokee. Ran dolph. Havwood. Gates. Jackson and Transylvania was taken up and passed its third reading. nOUiK OF ItBPBSBNTATIVE. At 10 A.M., Mr Speaker Robimon House to ordi r ; uo"oe l orat r . I read and approred. called the t i Journal read and approred Mr Badger rose to a question ef per sonal mivilesre. and at bis request the Clerk read an article in the Era, entitled Offended Dignity." Mr. Badger said that he was in the chair on the 2ith mst., when the mes sage relerred to was received, and con tinned to preside until adjournment. He did not direct the message to D read to the House, as it seemed to be ot an official personal character Between bis Excellency and the honorable Speak-- er of the House. He gave the message tc the 8peaker after adjournment, and that gentleman expressea regret mar, in - . . . . ? ignorance of the law he bad allowed the CJerk to send the information as to the .Tacancy, and disclaimed any inten tion to reflect upon bis Excellency, the Governor. -Mr. Badger said, it blame there wss for the not reading or me message, it should be attached to him self, and not to the honorable Speaker. . a Bv Mr Badger, a resolution asking a report from the Secretary and Treasur er of the University of North Caro lina Belerert Bt Mr. Wheeler, a resolution of In struction to the Judiciary committee, Rrterrd, Bv Mr Rhodes, a bill to incorporate the Goldsboro Banking and Loan Asso ciation. Keierrea. By Mr Houston, a bill concenng tne Catawba Referred. , m B Mr Wheeler, a bill in regard to the collecting jot special taxes. Refer red. . . . On motion of Mr. Badger, the rniei msRAndtd and his resolution in r.f;;Pnr7 to the University of North Carolina, wat taken op and adopted. On motion of Mr Watson, tae raica were suspended and the bill to incor porate the Chapel Hill and Iron Moun tain Kail road Company was taken up ana passed its several readings. The bill amendatory of the fchool lawof 1872 came up as the unfinished oukiness on its third reading. A long cieoate ensued upon the almost innu merable amendments offered. Pending the consideration of the 2ith section, the matter passed over to come up as unfinished business to-morrow. The chair announced Messrs. Gorman ana Johnston as the House branch of the committee to investigate the conduct oi the keeDcr of theCamtnl. Adjourned. SECURE A HOME FOR SALE. gUtLDlNG 1X)TS FAVORABLY LOCATED at ttii. vniiM x- i Vis WLduAHB and up wards. Plenty of time riven for payment. No excuse for paying rent also a small house for rent. Apply to JAMES WILSON. 171-tf feb T. A. GRANGER, W. H. CHILKS, Late of Richmond, v a GRANGER'S KT E W HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CENTRE STREET, GOLDSBORO, !N" . C. Convenient lor the Trains leaving for th North, Soutn, East and West. G. 11. W RUNGE, G-ROCERIES, 44 South Side Market St., A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING ITriart Jar. WILMINGTON, N. C. 15-ly COMMISSION MERCHANT, A2TD DKALKB IN Groceries, Pronsioiis, Dry Goods Clothing, &c. &c., No. 23 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Conslgnnaents and Cash Orders Solicited mv23 Ufl-ly TVENTY DOLLARS FOR ONE A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE ! SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR OUR WEEKLY, A first-class, twenty-colnmn, Literary Fam- Charlotte, N. C, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR X Each number contains an INTERESTING 8TORY, worth at least the subscription nHr.fl; enonerh FUN to keen you lamrhine a wp.k ? and a ceneral collection of the LATEST NEWS. v Every subBcriber gets a chance at a "Val uable Premium, and one out of every live will be sure to eet a Premium, worth trom rpntR to 25 00. Our CASH PREMIUMS are in sums of 1, $2, $5, $10 and $20, with from two to ten rnvtminma of each denomination. Our other premiums consist of useful, articles, such 68 Sewing Machines, Bleached pomes- tlc &c &c, ranging in value from twentj- Ji;. sV Ave cents to 125.00. Delavs are dangerous." Subscribe im mediately, and get a chance at the large premiums. TO AGENTS. We are offering more lib eral inducements for Clubs than any other Pnhiuher. Ton can make money hv n- vasaimr for OUR WEEKLY.. For specimen copy oi paper, rremium C - M " - List aid terms to Agents, send 3-cent stamp to J. U. U. JNU IAlib, Publiiher of Uur Yeefuy, Charlotte, N. C. july 23 Sfitf a Family Paper Which can be trusted and which is always fall of interest, is a necessity or the times Such a one is tne CHRITIAN UNION. The Unsectarian, Religious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose Jwator is HENRY WARD BEECHER. tttid antrtrrmTHa TAB EVtBT MXXBXS or the Household, in matters ox ivcugwu Kt M i o tvi ten T.i tera.tnre. A&Jt. Science i iUJ '-' . T Agriculture, Poetry, News, FicUon for Young and Old. Truth for Everybody. Mb. Bkecher s vigorous pen, in nis rxui- rials and Star Papers, and Mr. "inwooa famed verbatim reports of the helpful .Lec ture Room Talis m fiymoum aureu,. treat attractions. Mr. Beecher is assistea oy lance and able editorial stair. THIS TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AUASrOLLOWB: One Year Onlv S3.00 Rnd money by Postal Orders, Drafts, ox Registered Letters. -FTR8T COIXS. FLR8T BEBTKDBr may 2 APPLICATION WILL be made Ltoi th. iPJtnej! As- e vvtimiDrum aytnn' Ban ndTrut cpany. . --t- roads: WilmigtoBy Cbarlotte - & Merfori Rail jRoad-Juixie. IT Eastern Division : New Schedule. 1873 Going 1 West 1873 STATIONS, 7HBIOHT. Leavs Wilmington.. i 8 .00 M 11.16 12 80 p m 1.54 2.9 . 4 03 . 4 45 i4 HOOam " Abbotts burg., i j .Lumberton ... 8hoe Heel..... 11.45 2.05 pm 5 0l " 6.00 x u . Lanrinburg. .. Rockintrhatn . . i Arrive at T.iievllle.if Id 00 GoingJtEast. STATIONS. PA8SBN09.U FKBIOHT. Leave Lilesville i 740 A H 8.36 4t 10.30 44 ias 12 '0p M .1-26 4.35 " 12.00 u 5 00 AM 6 55 " Rockingham ... M LatirinbuFg...ir 8hoe Heel...... Lumberton.... L ' ' AbbottBhurer . . . 9 50 12 .5 pm 5.00 Arriverat Wilmington. Dinnbb, going West: Breakfast, o- ing East. Freight Trains stop here over nights f Stage for Charlotte : Railroad and Staere fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only $10. I3f Mo Trains on Sundav. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber run irreg ularly Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Train; Wester JJivision. STATIONS PA8SENUEK FHEIiiHT. Leave Charlotte . . 8.00 A M 10 43 158 07 4 Lincointn. Arrive at Buffalo. RETURNING. Leave Buffalo I.C7 p m 2.41 5.14 ,k Lincolnton... Arrive at Charlotte. V. Q. JOHNSON, B. L. FREAiONT, Gen. 8 opt. 199- Assistant tiupt. iai. v Wilmington. I olumnia & iu- QSta R, R. Company. GBN. 3 UPERINTBNDENTS OFFICE, i WlIJyiINGTON, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL to into effect at 3:25 A. M., Monday. 7th inet. DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington . . -. . . 3:25 A. M Arrive at Florence i-.'l 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia 2:40 P. M Arrive at An usta 1-4 : P. M Leave Augusta 6.35 A. M Arrive at Columbia. ii s a. m Arrive at Florence. . . . .. 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN- DATS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington.. &45 P. M Arrive at Florence... 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta. 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia. 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence 2: 12 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, GenU 8up't. oct 9 I 123 tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Omcs General Supbritekdbnt, l WrLMraoTOH, N C, June 8, 1872. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, I J PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil AINS on the WIl Railroad will run a? mington and Weldon follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M 2:11 F'. M Rocky Mount Weldon..... i 3:50 ? M 9:15 A; M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M ,5S P. M 10:58 P. M 3:10 A. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro.... Union Depot L EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At Arrive at Goldsborq ... 1 KocKy Mount Weldon... Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro.. Union Depot Mail Train mases close connection at Weldon for all points North vut Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACJC SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAIN8 will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 a. m. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent.- i JnnaS 1-tf Successors to A. H..NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers In Guns. 8toves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin - M. WV T ana oaeet xroo ware. Roofing xlone at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 19-Front Street, WILfllllOTON, If. c. NAYASSA GUANO COMPANY, OF TVLIMCXIV&TOIV. IV. O. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN Popular Standard Fertilizers!, 14 SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Com, Cotton, and all Field Cropi, " NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER," Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. - " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially lor cmp' sting with Cotton Seed. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. j?Airenc:es established nt all tha nrinrinal towns And ciMes in the Snnthtrn Stnfr Ilou. K. R. BRIDGERS. President. C. L (iUAFf MN, Superintendent D. itlacltAE. Secretary and Treasu'cr. Jan 23d, 1873 212 3m PACIFIC GUAISO COMPANY'S CAPITAL, $1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO THIS GUANO is so well kn wninall the Southern States for Its remnrkablo effect s as an agency for increasing the products of labor, a not t r quire special r coihmeiidtiion from us. Its use lor several years past has established its chamcter for rehab c excellence. The large fixed capital Invested by th company in this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of, this Guano. Planters may rest r.ssured that the supplies put Into market this season are precisely the same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME i WITHOUT INTEREST. To accommodate Plantera they am order now and have until th laft of April to de cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price.. W. H. McRARY & CO., Agents for Pacific Guano Company, i And Dealers in No, 1 CMncIa and jGnanape Pernyiaii Gnanos, January 23-1 m MISCELLANEOUS. BALTIMORE KB WILMINGTON SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMSHIP lilXE. Composed of the first-class Steamships U, J. Foley, Capt. D. J.-Prlre Lucille, Capt. I. S. Bannett Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Child Will hereafter sail from Baltimore evry Tuesday and Friday and from Wilmington every Wednesday andtsaiumay, connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusta, Wilmington, and Wel don. and. the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroad; al8o the several lines of steamers to Fayeteviile, Giving Through Bills of Lading, To all points In North and South Carolina, Georeia nd Alabama; connect ing at Bati more with the Baltimore and Ohio and the Northern Central railroads for all point in the Vet and Northwest, and with steamers and railro da for Boston, New York and Philadelphia. A. D. OAZAUX. Agents, Wilmington, N, C. AsdRes & Co, Agents, Baltimore, dec ,31 192 F. A. SHXJTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &c. Having Just received a supply of Furniture, I am prepared to give the public as good bargains as can be had In the elty. please call and examlaa. mayl? : ' Price per ton Delivered on the Cars at Factory. . PAYABLE 1ST CA8II NOVRMBRR. $55 00 $05 00 1 $65 00 $75 00 $30 00 , $35 00 WILMINGTON, N. C- 11 wisu;LLiii;ors. LORILLAHD'S S T E A iU S II 1 P LI N E FOR NEW YOI1IC. SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNES DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. TIIROUCH COMVrfCTIOAN WIT ALL RAILROADS LRADING OUT OF WILMINGTON No passengers taken. For Freignt apply BARRY BROTHERS. Agents may ' H7- Philadelphia and Southern Mafl Steamship Line. COMPOSED OF FIRST CLASS STEAM v SHIPS PIONEER, 825 TONS Captain JO JIN WAHELEY, TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain WILTB ANKS WULhereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilmington; every WEDNESDAY. For Freight engagements, apply to WORTH & WORTH, Agents, Wilmington, N.C W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third Street, Philadelphia. June 15 2S-tf THOMASCONNOK B -A. 3R, ROOM N. E. comer of Mulbtrrj ul Matt BU. Always en hand ike bast quality of Sega j m Ii 137-17 ... f . T. ( i 6 K