( -. 4 ' 1 iMINGTON. N. C.. SATURDAY, FEBRITART 1, NO. 220 VOL. VI. NAYASSfeGTJANO COMPANY, IT VBNING POST The following, official order bas just Omcat Pitkrsbctro TL R. 5oi r- MMjt OIBX, Loidtm J exceDt Sunday, been oromu cated : WilmingtoB, Cliarlotte & -Rntnerfprd . . . j An AY.... Business Manager - DKPinnresT ot Stitr. t . .. n n riti ! ... - i a WILMINGTON; "N. C. s.Rail Road X-ine. T ' " i . . J i 1.1 a r .'v i i npiiiui'iiiu. ii nil v aLu. inin .1 . Ir - : . - S . . - f - ' H . ,1,. - " . - : r ilO I : . L. u-: w i nous auarierp hh in ini ann iraiion ni -r in uu , WW .(til! T(-al ' 1 l)fi I u . T. . : I 1 I . . .. 1 rr. u :xC1oa'h., in advance...... triOQtuo 1 U BUiiiv.t - j r o ' - . . 50 I StatH or municinai offices br ncrsons tn t 'i id ad mce ..... 1 on ,ni,i' ' ... .hAufi' hA ad- b'lldiDff civil offices under the federal .-i? A x-r. onA all i?overnmfcnt. the President directs the ..(vsitd tl lQt" -,;' ,- tnllftwiiicr renlf to be made : . : mattirfl reLaiiuii. VV I c w come- icauuua Vl . . it has been asked whether the order eina: ieyat.u.v-. -- prohibits ft federal cfficer iron hold C -rer r of c- ! the office.of an AJdennaD, or oi a wrt i I 1 lie jiai.v. w i . . m j- I'olitica! news and reports OJ ,,.UiM" " 1 . ... I T.wii.()ur.citniftn ot a town or villee. or oi aupoiniiueuis uuuer chj, ihwiiiji uit rnwrr.mt.-nTB t v boitim i r nan . 1 invrt'. , . -., -fialiy des.raMe. cr i- a " r 1) V b KTiNKH EX1 n orcxiGr OW AT M. M. KATZ', . i 1 fl T' IV KTZ j v A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF uniKS' DRESS GOODS JJil .!.!.. I 1- . nua'itv and stvle mcer8 nom uoiaiog pvsuiouaou uu-ru la eveiy v inciy, 4." - t t ducntion. school committees, oub'ic IQcn sufrtrstcd that there may be a dia ticctittti made in case the office Be with or without talarv or comDen-ation. Tbe- c'y or town offices of the description r tcrred to, ny wnatever name tney may tyi ocaiiy Known, wneiaer ueiu uy e.eu- tin or by eppoiLtment, a-a wnemer -with or without comueneation. are of the c'aas which the executive order in tends not to be held by persons hold ing federal offices. It has been asked ....... w-. ether the order prohibits iederal ... libraries, reliaious or eleemosynary in stitutions, incorporated, established oi fcusra'ned by State or municipal author ity. Positions ana service on sucu boards or committees and profeasor hinfl in col. teres are not regarded as -O " - . . ffifpa within t:i intfrnetration ot the av w - g -TnT n Af-Q Kx' cutive order, but as employments or I"X L JL ili VjUUiOi fctrvice in which all good citizcus may ' U .. . . r. I nilhnnt nnm lint i hi ti tV SHAWLS, SCARFS, CLONES; HEN'S AHO BOYS' WEAR UOVSE FUIiNlsniAG AND &t-.f &c, &c, I.sis-rt, cv.ry lr.ns that cn bo called :,.r in Staple aud F.mcy Dry Gods, an 1 Notions. &c, Liberal Discounts TO WHni.RSMiE BUYER. X i OUR MOTTO QUICK SEES ant SMALL PROFITS Strictly adhered to. i!irkfit titreet. W . r Express Train ON AND AFTEK JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run aa followa: LEAVE WELD ON. 7:39 p. m. Train S:2S n. JH. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mall 7:00 p. nr. LEAVE PETERSBURG. i Mall ! 6:30 a.m. Express 3:50 p. n.. AKniVii Al ViliL.lU Mall ' a-m- Express p. m. FUEIWUT TUA1. EastniiBivision : New Schedule. STATIO'lfa Going West. yr. Tave Petersbure Leave Weldon Arriv n.t. Wfldin Arrive at retersburg 8:00 a. m. 8KK) p. m. - 3:00 n.m , 2:20 tCni. GAS I ON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg &00 a.;mV Lave uaston f Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains'will run on Sunday except Ex press trains , , Freights for Gaston Brancli will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS No Leave Wilmington... , Abbottbnrg... 44 LumbertoH . . . 44 Shoe Heel Lauriobnrg. . . . Huckinjfbarn . . . ArrivfHt M vllif.f. 4 00a w FKEJOHT. it ti 12 80 y m 1 54 ' 2 :9 " 4 03 44 4 4i u no 4 1 1.4V 2.1 5 e oo a ai Going East. TTTTTt?ari A VQ The deoot will be closed at 5:00 p. m. gooas wm oe recaivea aiier uwm. .T. r.. SPRIGG. j 5-t.f Eneineer and General Manaeer. T. A. GKASQEK, K. C. W. H. CHILES, Late of Richmond. Va Mercliaiidise' Brokerage Office, tantlv on hand F Vrom 1 inTportTr, 'and manutocturer. in Northern uiurkets. vu ricHorlDtlons ot merchandise, orders ;iikI bidd soliClica aim ii-iv t- MprchandUe bought and sold in this nirke Orders from buyer soltc ted .and samples left by seller win nae pruixxi- w rc ntion. "cotlated. lime ns wen s ens" j-- -- , whether you wish to buy or sell commu i f.i fi-pciv. auu uiio" tT.fc Brokei. T-mnnr i r ri VmAucQ BroKr. JIWi tf - THE WORLD RENOWNED t-t o w : h pniraored without incompatibility. and in many cases without interfereuce, wih ny position which they may hold under the federal government. Officer- o! ttiC lederal government may therefore engage in sucti services, provided the attention required by sucu empioymeni does not interfere wiid tne regular ani efficient discharge of the duties ot their offir.H under the federal covernment. The head ot the department under w4 i i.l ill whom the federal omce is neia win in all cases be the sole judge whether or not the employment does tuus lnienere. The question bat also ueen asttea wuu rpMrJ to offic rs ot the State mi ilia. Congress having exercised the power conferred by tne constitution to pro vide for orsanizinc the nillitis, which is liable to be called forth to be tm- ployed in the service of the United States, and ia thus in some eense under .. . , . the control oi tne general govemujcui,, and is, moreover, of the greatest tatu to the public, the Executive order of the 17'b of January is noi cousiueren as prohibiting federal officers from be in" officers ot the miima in uie olle Territories. It has been askcci whether the order prohibits persons holding office under the lederal govern ment being members of local or muni cipal Fire Departments; also whether r , . i II, . V. a it app lesto mecuanics empioyeu uj iuc day in the armories, arenels anl navy yards, &c, ot tne unuea oiairs. uu pai l service in local or municipal Fire Departments is not regaidedas an office within the intent ot tne iiixecuHve or der, and may be performed by federal officers provided it do not interfere witu tue regular anu euiticui Uisvu'f, ot tha duties . f the federal office, of which the head of the department un- . . . m .l I- der which he office is neid win in eauu GRANGER'S NEW HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CENTRE STREET. GOLDSBORO, 1ST . C . Convenient tor the Trains leaving forth North, South, East and West, an '23 Lzll Sciyiiic 3IacKines. IN RNO K of work this Machine cannot be I equalled. Our fine work is equal to any an.! our heavy woTk excels that of any Ma chine in the world. v.i ua ho tlit indirR win d? Employment by the day as mechanics an ilsnotsub ecttor ii. ,.,, nr Uboreis in the armories, arsenais, u -o?Uo!LinM;iraPa.rdS.."pat j,rdS) &c, does cot consti.ute an hom trial, at vour home, by leaving .lflRl. (lt -nv kind, and those thus em ;lZrUSCkdCiK.5o I p,,eclre ot w.thin thecon.empl.t.on fair Doymcnts. GKO. A. JNvy r., Gt the .Executive oraer. Agent Homo Sewing nacaiDct". LNSURANCE. I IFE AND FIUE l.SUiwvi . , tiT kJwl"w r ' , , ' etTected at the lowest current rates in tne theop eration of the order, following responsible Companies, on ap- Hvrordrr of the President. plication to - tt MaMtKr workmen and others who hold appointments from the government, or from any liepartment, wueiu i"i hti firriH or jit the oleisufe of the ap UAv. S , ..." nointinir power, are emuisccu ,t pliCiittOD to NKW Y un.iv iiii u m. fcj w " - . IH1MPAXY. Assett r,00U,WO J. A. BYRNE, Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE 1 4 U1 ri,)0,ooo, cold GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUU- A v. r- vjirrL x 9 ai v v v 4?2r 014 FAUMVILLE MRE INSURANCE AND liAAKING COMPANY of a.. BYRNE & K KENAN, Gen'l Insurance Agents. 03cc Chambei; of Commerce, up stairs. Wilmington, N. C. an 16 77-y Secretary of State. Messrs James H. Saville, Chief Clerk of the Treasury Department ; Edward O Graves. Chief Clerk of thelreasur ers Office, and S. I. Kimball, UDiei Clerk ot the Revenue Marine .Bureau, had a long consultation witn me v,oui missioner of Customs, in relation to uromot.ons to be made in the Customs nnr.i And the ten additional recently asKed for by the Commissioner. 1j. W. Inns tirrw inr tne new erei'F0 should be made to the Secretary ot tbe Treasury. ' 1f -Sr h es & 0 1 SECUEl A HOME OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR J ' iil annul oi aiij uuici vit . ..Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed tracks Corn, Cor, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, w. ES. W RiJiTE, GROCERIES, 44 South Side Market St., A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING PV-urt Jsur, WILMINGTON, N. C. S. ti. MANNING C0FAMISSI0U MERCHANT, AND DEALER IK Groceries. Provisions, Dry Goods ClOtDM, &C. &C, Ko. 3 and 24 North Water 8treet, WILMINGTON. N. C. Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited STATIONS. PASSBNOivK'.FKElOHt ? 40 A M 8 t ,l 1O.30 " 10 55 " 12 0pm 1.26 " 4 35 12.0Q M n 00 am 5 f5 4f 9 50 12 5pm 5.00 Leave Lileeville , 41 Rockingham . ., Laurinburg. . . . " Shoe Heel Lomberton " Abbottsburtr Arrive at Wilmington. ntvvvn o-nintr Wfiftt : BREAKFAST. 8TO- ing East. Freight Trains stop here over tiisrht. t Stage for Chariots: Railroad and Stage fare. Wilmington to unanotte, oniy wrsK- Mrt Trotna on Rnnriav. TWO SreCial aj v m. ' J vrui)if Trains fnr TM! Timker run irreg ularly Express Freigm c-ars accompwDy eacn rasseneer imn. Western Division. V .-, 3. ... 3 s 1 OS 'IE-- 3 P - ri, J MANDFACTUnERS OF THE roLLOWINS WELL KROWN Popular Standard Fertilizers! Price per ton Delivered on thn Cnn at FftCtorV. PAYABLE 1ST NOVEMBER. STATIONS Leave Charlotte 4 Lincointn, Arrive at Buffalo. passbnoekIfkeijht 8.C0 A m 10 43 " 12 07 ft " SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Cor u, Cotton, and all Field Crops, " KAVAflRA TOTJACCO FERTILIZER." Very rich in Ajnmonia and Alkaline Salts. CASH RETURNING. Leave Buffalo j 1.C7 P m j Lincolnton 2.41 ' j Arrive at Charlotte... 5.14 " .... V. O. JOHNSON. 8. L. FREMONT Assbtant Supt. Gen.Pupt. jai. 9 1W- Wfliuingiwi. rolumfiia & Au gusta R. R. Company. Gen. Sgpebintendest's Office, ) Wilmington. N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. C $55 00 $65 00 $30 00 $65 00 $75 00 $35 00 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. INCTON.N 4tb. and Market Streets, deed 1C9 TWENTY DOLLARS FOR ONE A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE ! SUB3CRIBE NOW FOR OUR WEEKLY, A first-class, twenty-column, Literary Fam ily Paoer, published every Saturday, at Charlotte, N. C, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I Each number contains an INTERESTING STORY, worth at least the subscription price; enough FUN to keep you laughing a week and a general collection of the LATEST NEWS. Every subscriber gets a chance at a val uable Premium, and one out of every five will be sure to get a Premium, worth trorn 25 cents to $25 00. . Our CA8H PREMIUMS are in sums of 1 1, $2 $5, $10 and $20, with from two to ten premiums of each denomination. Our other premiums consist of useful articles, such as Sewing Machines, Bleached Domes tic, &c, &c, ranging in value from twenty five cents to $25.00. Delays are dangerous." Subscribe im mediately, and get a chance at the large PrTOlAGENTS.--We are offering more lib eral hi ducements fur Clubs than any other Publisher. Ton can make money by an vassing for OUR WEEKLY. d. .nnimMi rnnv ot Daoer. Premium List a?d terms to Agents, send 3-cent stamp J. O. 11. nuiam rublisher of Our Weekly, Charlotte, N. C. Rfitf nrTTI TllE FOLLOWING SCHIDUL.i wxiu J. bo into effect at 3:25 A. JH., monaaj. 7th infi. . DAY EXPRESS TRAIN. (Daily.) Wilmington 1 3:25 A. M . o .lte A 1U Arrive at uioreuce Arrive at Columbia 2:40 P. M Arrive at Angusta. r. I uotto Inornnta ' 6.35 A. M Arr;ve at Colnmbia H 25 A. M ArrfTra a. TTlnrtwirtfi. 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington io:o r. m NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (8UN- Leave Wilmington 8 45 P. Jj Arrive at Florence A;o? . A.rWa ot -r!rlnjTihift 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta o. r. a -f niriTTihlft. 10:20 P. W Atil.v av .v.. Arrive at Florence f A. M Arrive at WUmington.. ........ o.uua. jw Gen'l Sup't. oct 9 12tf Wilmingt n & Weldon R. R. Company. Office General Superintendent, i Wrr.TkfTTfOTON. N. C. Jane 8, 1872. J 2. to inly 23 FOR SALE. BUILDING LOTS FAVORABLY LOCATED it SEVENTY -FIVE DOLLARS and up- -x oL.rf. Ttran I . n nfttmii viven for payxnen. All goods soldvHraved free. I , iua1m a small - NO eXCUAO iur , 1 I Yn r 1 I i ' cruitedat ooston naxtvu. house for reaL Apply w TLBOK. a Family Paper ... i, ta.taH onH which is always WD1CO cau ue n u. i-v . -. , 4 tv, Ad full of interest, is a necessity of the times Such a one is the CHRITIAN UNION. ; The Unsectarian, Religious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose Editor is HENRY WARD BEECHER. ffiverbatimrruof the helpful 1 rtti Talks in Plymouth Church, arc StSTrSuonl Mnl&eris assisted by a large and able editorial staff. THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AJBS as follows: One Year Onlv S3.00 Send money by Postal Orders, Drafts, ox Registered Latter. J9-FTBST COM!, FIRST SERVKDW uug " nTSOT.VETJ NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially lor comp-sting with Cotton Seed. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. fi,.u. pi stnhiuiied ht, all the i.rinciDal towns and clMes In the Soutnrrn Btte. Hn. tt. It. BR1DGERS. President. C. L GlUFPMN, hnperint. nd.nl. D. jnuCKAJS, aecreiai? auu nco.u n. Jan, 23d, 1873 - 212 3m PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S CAPITAIi $1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO tins ottaxo isRo well len -wn in all the Southern States for its remarkable efleelsMsn. agency for Increasing the products of labor, nnt t;. r qnire special r ."f.;'1"" from us. Its ue lor severaf years past has established its cha.acter tot reliab e ce'nc The large fixed capital invested by the company in this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. tutm rt.iv th Planters may rest assurea mat xne guppnw uuuw mt dcwu - same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. til th 1st of Anrll U !- cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. W. H. McRARY & CO., Agents for Pciflc Guano Company, And Dealers in Ho. 1 Cnincha and Gnanaje Persian Guanos, , WILMINGTON, N. Q. January 23-1 m I ---.r-l T II V FERTI iIZERS. 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, oy 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS AT WILMINGTON, .8. 0. -It ti APPLICATION xm t. b made to tha prsseni naral As Sny of North Carolfnafor hartrror Wllxnlngt.m toying JT CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington" and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. t TTin,i T.T-int H nil v CSnn- At 8:05 A. M a;4o ot ttnlrtftboro 12:11 P. M Ai a a v w v - Rocky Mount..... Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted). At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldboro Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At Arrive at Goldsboro r Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount li ias Doro -:o:- 3:11 P. M 3:50 M 9:15 A; M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M t-:58 P. M 10:58 P. M nninii TWtnot 3:10 A. M ir.:i 'I'Min . maM fmsft connection at wirfnn for all noints North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. a l 1 A S Express Train connects only witn acquii Pb rrnitft. PULLMAN ' trn. SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. nopmnT tt? a tvh will leave Wiiraine- tontri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P.M. PVDDraa TT?T?TnTTT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (8undays excepted) at 5 P. M., ana arrive at n a. i. JOHN v. uivimifi. fifty .ml ftnoerintendent. t a IV-M PARKEK & TAYLORI Successors to A. H. N-E F F , irnnnfoitnTn a.tir1 dPAlArs In . rami in . . irfjrn iinO cmvo TanUrn fTrosene. Oil Tin VX Willi kJWV w- - Bnn KnwL niu w m rr. Roofing done at short notice Agents ror r airoanK a soue srn. io Prrmt street. WTT. MTfiTATOW. W . Cm 500 Tons Whann's Raw Bone Super phosphate, PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st ot May. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. Delivered on Oars tvt Wilmington. 1ST. O. 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate, PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st of May. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. For Sale by Jan 30 TICK & UIEBA2VI3. 18-3m RICHARD 1ST. MOON. Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL trxzu, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca Sto Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Solicited. w . . I i 4 Ll 1MU Al " . A CAUD. Vnica LTCWE TO INFORM THE PUB 1 lie that I am in cbsrge of jay own shop on Nutt strest, oposite Col veil & Ttjlor'i mill, where I am prepared to do Hon a Shoeing In tbe best ttjle, and all kinds of Blacksmith work quick and neatly done. 1 have employed a first class wood workman, and I am now prepared to" manufacture Carta. Drajs and Wagons. Send in your orders whn they will be Immediately filled. EVANDEB McBRlOE, Blacksmltk. Jan 9 W-im . . I ,, r 1 .Mi .' 1 1 4 i - J .1. . I I