. 1 T. . f 0 VOL. VI. .WILMINl NO. 221 rivh vPh - v-n- 1 MM. TTTTsJT-Nrr?- POST THE NORTH CAROLINA LEGIS-T-1 every aJUrnoon except Sunday. vr p CANADAY . . . .Business Manager JA'1 " snbscription. ... UC year, in adraaca - 'ojja'.hs, inadrance . J. r .. months, ia advance . . l.ttcrshould be ad- , ,o iu 1"S5 th" J' ...nn. or matters reiauu,, w i i ore CoD-ll,jawv 4t rrMtr ..j u,ria: icPirtmenV,.? frienda 0.mrHSf n ' " r Vs ;u-cially desirable. tre... rouue. r . ' NK' DVBRTISEaENTS. nLL am winter goods Oi'ENlNO- NOW AT M. M. KATZ', jr, Market Street v t-oMrLETE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES" DRESS GOODS, In every variety, quality and Style SHAWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS ; SEH'S AHD-BOYS1 VEAB, 70 FURNISHING AND WHITE' GOODS, , - - - l;, rt,cvcrrh:n that can be called ,r in Staple and Fancy Dry G.-Mid, and Notions. &c, Liberal Discounts . WHOLESALE BUYER . OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES ani SHALL PROFITS, 30 Market Street -t 2i MercuandLsc Brokerage Office, t-r r mo of maniples constantly ou band FlrAm iSpSrtiSS and manufacturera in N'orthorn inurkct. All descriptions ot mcirbandis ,i:ul bidssolicueuHiiu i;iv ul bidssolicueuHiiu i;iv r - - - I M-.:..ana,se boht and ,M .n hu marfcOl. on.e. . y." nronint at- KiillilMA . ... la.rt MMicrs iu j t.'.nt 1 1 11 TimP well as cash purchases negotiated, Broker. TETTEWAY. Merchandise and Produce broker. THE V0RLD RENOWNED HOWE Sewing Machines. iv t vvr.F of work this Machine cannot be au.l our heavy work excels that of any Jua ihioe in the world. TTrAXTV.-T. xfjirhine. We claim that It I an HONfeT MMlnc, will do Hll your fcci6, n ill uu i j " .fVj . . x l'l w ' . a.u ..ia rrttiiTia.rlson : a itb we enecriuwy 1 f , I Vh wm work of any other Machines and j ,111 PUt itiem on trial. your home, byiwung u:iine at the olllcc. No. 4 Ltppltt Itovr, TOni 1 street, beiweoa Dock ana VfiriTr t tajp;.nicu :. rin Machine Co. f 3 K.I I A. IXEinUU") I 2UU-U INSURANCE. . I IFB AND FIRB INSURANCE CAN M " eilected at the lowest current rates in the eiiectea ai me ,nn ntv tUowln responsioie i)Uowlng r plication to Plication to t-nivrp NKW.YORK LIFE INSlJRANCE IDMPAM.AMeiW a tj "v xr on 1 k -vk. tVitraNCET - COMY.orKndoo. Assetu ,:,!p-t western FIRE issurf- . v-,-i- f(p v New Orleans. FKMyiLLE IRElOTTOTAND ASel IH. -,-r-, -v"Tr A K'n . ' v. ' -i m. BYRNE & KEEN AN. Gen'l Insurance Agents. Office Chamber of CbmmjUP .gjrg 77-ly l-aKSrseSSi IK OUR EXTRA FAMILY FL0UB Ii STILL ahead of any other on the market 1 Our Pearl Hominy cannot JnM or Cracked Corn. Corn, Bolted Meal, T 1 Paa 'XIPAI. i cu auc x j Oats, Shorts and Bran, All goods sold drajed tree. All bass returned In rood order will be credited at cost on next bill. AT.V.Y. OLDHAM, Proprietor. iept27 (Condensed' from the News. SENATE. - FniDAY, Jan'y 31, 1873. Tnc scnate was called to order at 11 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor Brogden Oo motion ot Mr E.H.. oi Columbn,, .... - . the substitute oiierca Dyioe commmce thelosane Atj I um. beip5 a resolution m ra!8C a Joiot e'ect Committee, with wilminffion and icq aire the 1 xost of baila mgs and grounds for fr nnhtxi et thf Tinatiii Asvlum. VTC5 I ' 'V ' lT. 5f I,.. n.Bnnnn ..Inn- tion of tbe resolution, the hour arrived fr the special order. At 12 o clock the bill to aster tne Constitution OI ou aruwua rnr n , aa tVlA anPMAl Order. I ... . . a I lakiu up ..w - j- . Mttsage Received . -c, ii v.o ilnvpnnr From bia Excellency, the Governor, rrom uia xic.j, ;"T " ' tranBuliillug teiiaiu uuvumi."u i Qt.. rv.rn;ni(i in rprrard to the I , -i irr Kof Station Internal Improvements. The .r.nmninv!nff documents uicaaa rtJ --T-rnal was referred to committee on Internal ImDrovements. Introduction of Bills. By Mr Wanng, a bill to incorporate the Great Western Air. Line Railroad. Referred. Ur Mr Stafford, a bill.to require voters to show the tax receipt of the Sheriff for their poll tax before voting. Refer red. Special Order. Tbe bill for improvement of agricul ture in the State was next taken up. .... iL . n, h A Ml Ant The bill provides ior iub ajjpuiunusu of two committees, whose duty it shall be to go into every county in the State' to advise the people in regard to tbe improvement ot agriculture, &c. Tbe bill in regard to Constitutional amendments came up as the special Mr forehead, of Guilford, moved that it be considered the sense ot the Senate that the alterations proposed be acted upon separately, and that the bill be recommitted to same committee with instructions to report by bill or otherwise, in accordance therewith. nr. rrnAA moved it be referred to Judiciary committee to inquire into legality, &c. . Mr Grandy favored the motion to commit to. the Judiciary. r- rnrJA TDithrirnor his motion, ana the vote occurred on the motion ot Mr iue vuiu uuuuv-u v.. . . . Morehead, of GuiUord, wb.ch was adopted. - HOUSE OF REPBKSENTATITES. House called to order at the usual hour by Mr Speaker Robinson. Mr Brown, of Mecklenburg, a memo rial from the stockholders ot be Atlan tic Tennessecand Ohio Railroad com pany, asking a change of charter. By Mr Craige, a resolution authonz : dnrramnr tn nrav an appeal from Hip decree ot the united Diaies vii.uik cITunirthe case of Henry Clews and others, plaintiff,, against the Western North Carolina Railroad Company, de- the decree ot the United States Circuit fendants, and for this purpose requiring the Treasuer to give Referred. , , t- xfm PDnnotf n. hill to provide tor 1 1 J V a r?ntin of Battle's Revisal ot ttie . r T C -Rofprrod W I M TOT TT W IJM. IK n L1J U. Awavv - ru Mr Wbitmire, a bill to prevent Mr uumire, i,rTi,rt1 the felllDg et trees in lire river. Keierrca. - 1 river Referred. t!s n.j..., - k;m in TPtrard to the keeping up of public n.gDways, terries, &c Reterred kv JVir vjrouitsv, " : .7 toe Keeping up A f - &a Relerred. , ch ThP hill to reDeal cnapier iwu, - - - ncorp0ration act, . r. V;r'" i T;nnrftt.5nn act. 1S71-me uene f ' . u M the Bpecial order for - . I " ,r,N" Kn,rhr . that if tbe law t mu iifiiii k i.uvs.f W,l,.??J.".ht. lh.t if the law ' be repealed, it shou.d be X.tw modified. He moTed to post- ouent cot do rcpeaicu, -- I ... mi narf a i i auu. I . .a. rlarohlP affor ft considerable aeoaie iu.i ariSU- motion to postpone was debate Mr , . j adopted. . irantT. The Senate bill in regard to Amnesty was received and referred to tbe Judi- rTrvTommittee, On motion OI air eruYV", - "'tVp . .i lnfion in relerence to tne nnrr. i mh ksu"'""1' - , Branch Mint at' Charlotte, was taken up and adopted. w , tW .... motion oi Mr nayncB, iuo Ua motionoi jui j norl w atire to the WejWn.1 taken np and passed U seTerai reau BvMr Ellison, resolution cxpelliDg J . . a a. tToiica a a re f.nm tne uour ui u norter. one JacoD ue vy mer, w.. - Jor,,cl . i i A momhprfl of fleeting upon lUe CUIU1CU a-"'-"' " .Via TTnnftff. . were suspended ana iu - taken up tor consideration resolution, a. i mt jducb. v . . . i . i . fropnom di wuo f,v . . red with. ... nnmn I Hr.Gant did not tu Toe hole matter origtea tiS Who le mttur originated in a streej The whole -nfl a colored quarrel oetwn." - i -i member m EFGomrn; Dudley. WillUmson, bSSM Abb0"' f"0red t-b reS Alter a lenmujr - . ous question was called, and the resolu tion was adopted by a vote of yeas 01, nays 31. Adjourned. OFriCKPKTERSBXJBO R. R. Co. I -May, 31st, 1S72. J ON AND AFTEli JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run a follows: LEAVE WELD ON. Express Train 7:30 p. m. Mail Train o:2op. ni. ARRIVE AT PETEIISBUKO. PB 10:50 p. m. ?w n m Tnll LEAVE PETERSBURG.' Impress r-0x.ir.. V ARK l-VE AT -WELDOS. . . b:.u a. m. Express &40 a. 6S0 p. in. FREIGHT TRAINS. Ta.ri Tpt frsbiirr B:00 a, m. SSrtVe a WeTdn fcOO-pi-ml . . - A a m T WnMrtr. rinKI O. IQ. arrive ai i cicjbuui wiuir niac Leave Petersburg 6:00 a.m. Leave Petersburg Leave Gaston l:iapjn Amveai uasion Arrive at Petersburg saup.m. Nn trains will ruu ou Sunday except Ex- PSiStlsnfr Gaskn Branch ill be receired at theWersburg depot only on MONDA5S and THURSDAYS. The depot wlUb0 ciosed at5:00 p.m. No ZOOU8 Will OO ruwivcu anci I j 4 J. C. SPIvKiLr, J je 5-f,f Engineer and General Manaeer. j hi i : 1 -n.thot Vinnr i f. a. gkangkk, n. C. W. H. CHILES. Late of Ricbrnond. Va NEW Ii O T E Xj, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CENTRE STREET, G OLDSBOKO, 1ST C Convenient lor tbe Trains leading for tb North, South, East and West, aue 29 ri1! . AS. JBJ1VB,. . G-BOOEBIES, 44 South Side Market St., A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING V 1L3IINGTON, N . Ir.ne 4 15-ly S. II. lANNING- COMMISSION KlERCHAKTj AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods Clothing, &c. So,, No. 22 and 21 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and Casb Orders Solicited oo 151-ly nov 23 .TUNINGS F.ffi.ECKERT WILMINGTON nnri Market Streets, i,! u m dccj .TElm JWEHTY DOLLARS FOR QUE " MACIiINE, FREE ! A f 25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE ! SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR OUE WEEKLY, A first-class, twenty-column, Literary Fam Uy Paper, published every Saturday, at Charlotte. N. C, at the low price of v r nriT.T.AH J YEAR! Each number contains an INTERESTING STORY worth at least the suDscnpuuu ffiarS LATEST NEWS. p" cnrihnr i?cts a chance ai. a v w , J and"one out of every five will be sure to eet a rrcmium, worm uum nr HASH PREMIUMS are in sums oi 25 cents to aa.w. , P t1 Qur CASH PREMIUMS et -r; Vin and 20, with from two to ten 52,310 and , deuominatkm our uiv,uiu - - afnl Articles. Athar nriu i 1111s v.uiijuv -w- . i "V Zrr Machines. Bleached Domes- P'rASnesriileVehed Dome.: &c.; fapgiog I. va.ue from TO- uc, rr"-: fi,e fen s to .w 8ub3cribe im. I UKlilJ . . mediatelK'aod 5 V ciauce at the large ""inmv p1gSNTS.-Wo are offering cral inducements for uiuds mauaajr SThiicher Sou can make money by -an- hsher. J VEEKLY. JK? CoPy of paper, Premium Lift& w pfi of Our Weekly, 'wttr Vi.v m n iiiiuiutib) T7.iimr Fnner i ia. a. , t . . whlrhis always Whl eiy" of tie umes gno m CHR1TIAN UNION, ui iiu - ., The unsectarian, 5"f;""f " I irCaTWr. wbose Editor is I iTOHti HENRY WARD BEECHER. Aintuiiu'i'--'i: v. r hSf! riaJi ana duw x . tw. i verbatim dwTka7r- TJJE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 1AA am as roixows: - VonT, OTilv S3.00 Zon.r Orderi Drafu, or FIRST SERVED, or the ttSiSe Art, Science I florals. Politics, literature, f Vr,nTje RAIL; ROADS. ... WiMngJon, Charlotte & , Rntnerford. Rail Road Lino. Eastern Divisiun : New Schedule. 1 i 1873 . Going West. ; 1 1873 STATioya. I PAseBNOEfi rKBionr. Leave Wilmington... 8.00 am 6.00 am Abbottsburg. . . U.16 . ll,4 ' ! Lumberton . .. 12 30 pm 2.1 5 P M Shoe Heel;.... 154' SO,"! Laurinburg... 2.?0 GOUam Rockingham... 403 4 4 Arrive Rt T.itville.t. 4 45 tc 10 ( j STATIOKS PASSBKQ8B rKBIGHfT Xeave Ulesville .. 7.40 a m 12.00 m " Kockineham ... 8.S6 4 , .......t. " Lanrinburg;... 10.30 4 - 5.00 am ' Shoe Heel. i 10.55 " S-g-.l- LumbertonV.... 12.0 p m 1 950 "f Abbottaburg... 1-26" l2.i5pM I Arfive at Wilmington. 4.35 " 5.00 ingEast. Freight Trains stop here oyer f Stagefbr 1Str. fare, Viliuington to Charlotte, omy lu.v nienx. - h ra-No Trains on Sunday. TwoSpc Pplt drains for Ton Timber, runlrr dar Two Soeeial Frwtht Trains for Ton Timber, run Irreg- . - ii T71 : nwa aniinmMfill each, rassenger x rain Western Division. STATIONS PASSKNOBBlrHBIOHT. Leave Charlotte T.incftlnt.on 8.00 A M 10 43 " Arrive at Duffq .12.07 RETURNING. T.parfi Buffalo 1.C7 P M ' Lincolnton... . Arrive at Charlotte. V. Q. JORN8T, Assistant Bupt. ! iau 9 2.41 41 K 1 A tt ;ii . ' a . S. L. FREMONT, Gen.Sopt. iw Wilmington; Columbia & Au gusta R. R. Company. Gkn. Supjsbintbhdhnt,s Officb, )! Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f . "..--.i, - j PHAnRP OF SCHEDULE ' I ; .nVvTTT? tittt T HE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL A! u.o into eflect at -a. m., jawut 7th inst. V N : (. ' " I DAY EkPRESS TftAIN, (Daily.) j An A. t I Tn 1 1-1 fTT mi 5T WV A ' 3:25 A. M UUilV O T ...... , fl Wfr A M arrive an wiiuu"" - p jy Arrive at Augusta. . Leave Augusta....... t o. A. M Arrive at Columbia 1 S A I Pnlnmhia . - :4U X. M Arrive at Florence Arrive at WilmiHgton 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington Arrive at Florence Arrive at Columbia , 5;45P.M , 11:35 P. M , 3:40 A. M 8:20 A. M . 5:50 P. M Arrive at AuguBta. Leave Augusia. a rrivfi At Columbia M Arrive at Florence !nh a S Arrive at Wilml.A. M Gen'l Snp't oct9 ELM- m , o o WilmlllgtP & Weldon R. R. . ComDanV. ? J Vi'i'AVH - I Wilminqtow, N. C, June 8,1872, nnnnlilTI T iIliliiwiii ui offiWV1 V F 1,, TOoi,in Railroad will run as mingiou t, yw follows: ;m nnf. lftilv fSun- ucab r - - Q.ne; A M days excepted) o iie?vC rA v A iye at Goldsboro "Tt Ar Rocky Mount..... 3:11 P. M 1 . WoHnn O.OV . jm. . WdoTiS (St.. . iS..,4.,..:::' 9:15 As M 11:07 Ai M 1:16 P. M 5:80 Pt M "i-.-M" Arrive at Rocky Mount inmannru . . . Hnnh iiirrioo inai. 10:40 P. M 3:00 A; M l Arrive at uoiosooru..,. Rocky Mount Weldon ...... lLcave Weldon daily.... Arrive at Roeky Mount.. 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:5S P. M 10:5S P. M Union DefJOt.... . - 3:iu a. r, -mco connection at mail iluu Weldon for all pointe North via Bay Lin Jt J HI A X Pi" iin MdSettS0"9' Express Train conHecta .only with Acquia B " .Ta i express nwu wvv -- - - nrA.kr route, r PULLMAN'S PALACE. KEPISG CAES ON THIS TRAM, FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiii T,r.n.Tnna rrr a Txra -arm lmve Wilmlnir- ton tri-weekly at6.00A.M., and arrive at 1.40 r. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS wUl leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P M.. and arrive" at 11 A. M. ! JOHN F. DIVINE, . i General Superintendent. June 8 l9JT Successors to A. H. NEFF, Vj ? Manufacturers and dealers In tmttuw. wnnmsnTNG GOODS, Gun, StoTnte Rne,OU Tin Eoofing dona at short notice j Agents for Fairbajak's Scales. No. 19 Front Street, j w . r -k W Hf ! , 'in i . ..!. - i-jriiSt ! rASSi GUANO COMPANY, OF WILMINGTON. N. C. f Tt t - 'V . , MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN ? Popular Standard Fertilizers ! i V ' Price per ton Delivered on " SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," ) iFor Corn, Cotton, and all Field Crop, j S ' " , ,u NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER," . ) Very rich iq Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. ) " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," ? Especially for composting with Cotton Seed. f A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. m t r- t-Agencies established at all the principal towns and cities In the Southern HUtcs. Hn- K- R BRIDGERS, President. C. L. GRAFFLIN, Superintendtnt. D. MacRAEt Secretary and Treasurer. .Tan .23d. 1873 . - 212-301 ' PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S 1 CAPITAL $1,000,000. SOLUBLE tttts mTATcn i so wftii known in all the omnvfnr inprotidnir t.h rrrdnr.t.a of labor, from us. Its use ior severafyears past has established Its character for rellablo excellence. The large fixed capital invested by tbe company In this trade affords tho surest guaranty of the continued excellence of this Guano. , , ... Venters may rest assured that the supplies put into market this swison are precisely th same as trtat neretoiore soia. TEEMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST.1 " ' -. . i. j . - .- :T& accommodalte Planters they can order now and have until th 1st of April to de cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. W. H. McBARY & CO., v Agents for Pacific Guano Company, And Dealers m No. 1 Clincna and Goauape Pernyian Guanos, WILMINGTON, N. Q. January 28-lm 2" FERTI LIZ E-R 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, by 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS AT WILMINGTON, N. U. v 500 Tons Whanu's Raw PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st Delivered on Oars at 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate. pricE-$52 50 Cash by 1st November. For Sale by jaii 30 RICHARD 1ST. MOON. Ccmiiiiissioii Mercnant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, , MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden&Paca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders trorn North Carolina Solicited. fen n 174-U PAYABLE 1ST $55 00 $65 00 $C5 00 $75 00 I $30 00 $35.00 ... PAGITIC GUANO . Southern States tor its remarkable eflecUM an as not to rpfiulre RDCClal recommendation -:o: . t Bone Super phosphate, oi May. $60 00 Payable 1st of s November. "Wilmington. 1ST Oi of May. $60 00 Payable- 1st of VICK & MEBAIVE. 218-3m i A CARD. I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE PUB 11c that I am in chars; ot my owu,skop on Nutt street, oposlte ColreU & Taylor's milL where I sm prepared to doj Horia ..... . .. . m Shoeing in the best style, ana su- xioas oi Blacksmith work quick ana nesuy none a lisTe employed a first class wood workman, snd I am now prepared to manwaciuro Carts. Drays and Wagons Send in i your orders when they wlU be ImmedUtely fiUed , EVANDER McBRlDE, - , . Blacksmith. Jsn9 mim ,1 : - f . i . ! . . i.. t t I I t i ,i I '! "1 ' ' f ' ! t i - 5

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