i . . L . : : ' . - - J . . ' ..''.':..'..:,.., -.""J ."-. - ,. , " ..." j " ' ; ' ' --' T '. ' " ' ' -"""., ' ' " Cfffc ' Pfefll loll t' " ! 1 " - VI. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY: 4; 1873 , N0.222 nllf linino IV I All A I U 1 IN A V ADDA. .,TT"VTn. TOSl T1U5 IX UlVX'll UAllUUlllA KJiUlO- iU pail ui iwi. vw j v- -T(E EVENING -r LATURE. Ual came into towD, and alter imbibing t.hwi every ' - ratner iree v. uau aa mirouuuuuu w ruu in.in Manager nntnMi Man&zer jivlBd MANN J Subscription. ....$5 W .... 300 .... 1 50 .... 50 One Jr. in adyaac. gix months inidyance Bonthsf In advance.. :t)oe montH. in LUondensed from the News. SENATE. Saturday, Feb'y 1, 1873. Senate called to order at 11 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor Brogden in the chair. Mr Norwood, a bill to allow camula- Ual IUUIC 1UIU bVJTTU, buu - 0 rather freely, had an introduction to the candidate. The individual aforesaid drew back a step or two, looked at the candidate from head to foot, and then Ebook bis head solemnly, saying : 'Won't do, won't do, number five bat and mimbcr fourteen boots." Kainpjta letters snould be ad- . RnflPrftnre in the citv ot Raleicb in ni to the Business ManageT, and all lbe eiection 0f Town Commissioners. TmonlcaUons or matters relating m id. R-ferred. coomomuit tailor. T v editorial ieparrmeuw jnp oilclted from our mends i itn. Political news aud reports ol are especially desirable. 1C I VV1. a 1 a 11 Mr J W Etlis, a bill requiring tuat an much consequence, ru oe sure. 1 persons liable to pay a poll tax shall be b came somewhat interested in tl: requireii to exhibit a tax receipt before ncation, u tVel a little curi bein" a lowed to vte. Inflicting a know ho v tin- characters turned nan..it fr aiiph oifpfiftc. Keicrrea 10 .... A connirv minister or "iiumcu cap- AVcnder what has become -f that Piatt wbo used to send us Congressional dicuments. We hnven't heard from him in mouths. It isn't a matter of much consequence, tu be sure, but wo ic puu- unous '?o out. RAIL ROADS. Wilmmgton, cnarlotte & Rutherford Rail Road Line. Eastern Division : New Schedule. penalty for audi offeiicc. Ju.licjiry Committee. I ,eceEtjy marrie lor a tucond wife ....v..--.. - .., t ladv of somi- uroperty. lit-tny an nr nluoiixtDR-iBO'Moio-v.. r;T.i.Kr'skea him if be did not do E . i . k - mM . . m nn ia a n f i i h u. m iijiw ill u in i . v uV ADVERTISElflENTS. iuuvuu public -ocumenis anu faws now in um r t unP of samples constantly on hand aad8. Under a suspension of the rules Fm mporUrS Pand manufacturers In WM adopted. i Northern markeu. Mr CoWles called up the bill extend- All descriptions ot te7hplspmtl irfg the time for taking.out land grants. ;nd bids soueiud and teiegrap v v two jearg more time. Passed 3lerchandje fiSi Sjgited. and gecond and third readings. mriPftbv sellers will have prompt at- Mr T nn&er suspension of the 5f5foS 4I . rules, called up resolution iu favor of J ii isti imrchases negotiateu, ; -mr "rv.. nAhnn pnnntv : that the nx'Ets -jg'-asras ?Ks? aTtho To Pv, b,m. the reward offered by the State for tne Killing-of Boss Strong. The resolution passed its several read ings, -v , . . Mr Norwood introduced a memorial from the Wilmington CcmrcialBank concerning claims against the State. Referred. , Mr'Jas T Morebead, a bill to. amend chapter 283 laws of 1868-'G9. rri an;al rtrHpr hp.inf? thft COnSld- eration of the Midland North Carolina Railway, which is proposed to run from lieauioit to jjiempuia, "'"- rr Mr Troy offered an amendment pro Tidinc that this act shall not allow the i,nn tn interfere.- in its exclusive right fof fifty years, with any authority " . . ...n..,!., roil rno II weil by the second marriag". "Ob, yes, L indeed," he said, with animation ; ana thn, as an expression of reverent awe stole into his'lace, he added, . "And what is very remarkable, the clothes of my wife's first husband just fit me." 1873 Going i West. 1873 '"-8TATIOS. j I'ASeUlseEH FHK1GHT. Leave Wilurlngton j. . 8.00 am fi OOAM Abbettsburg... 11.16" 11.45' Lumberton ... 12 30 r M 2.1 5 P m i Shoe Heel... . . 154" j 5.0 Laurinburg.:.. 2.: 9" 'ttOOAMj Rockingham J.. 4 03 i Arrive at Ulvllle.i 4 45 10 h I 1 i 1 ; Going East.. I "tTIOWsT PASSBSOaKjrKBIOHT. LaveLilesvillc.J.. T40 a m 12.00 u Rockingham ... ' Laurinburg.... 10.30 5.00 am Shoe Heel . . , . . 10.55 5.55 Lumberton..,.. 12.0pm 9-50" Abbottaburg j . . 1-26 " - 12.C5 p m Arrive at WilmiDgton. 4.35 5.00 GUANO COMPANY, OF WILMINGTON, O. v- Itl-tlvf' ;,- j f r" " I W .J - - . . - Office Pkteesburg B. B. Co.l v May, 31st, 1872. ing East. Freight Trains stop here over MANUFACTDKEKS OF THFOtLOWING WELL KNOWN Popular Standard Fertilizers ! night. rtVed freely, and ouen w.vu Broker. T pETTEWAY, Merchandise and Produce Wer. dec -V i - - ri,ointm- T?a51rnnfl and StafiTC fir Wiiminffton to Charlotte, only f 10. tlW No Trains on Sunday. Two Special J reitrut i rajus iui ava . ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany. Price per ton Delivered on thn rxri nt Factory CASH l16 fRLDRENO WNED T-T O W Sciu? 31achmcs. !,3Sr'hdoavy MS thffof ny Ma chine in tlw "Jf'.'J-,; HONEST Machine, -rtru- of any oiotr ."v, r-- - ularly. Ji.xpreB AN AND AFTEK JUNE 3RD, THE trains eack Passenger Train vw1ur0nfouowvELDoN wterT Division. ExprcssTraln Tk r o 1 1 Troln them on t?lai: at ouj home beavng . fof fit .ars wlth aDy authority Sat the om alVcady vested in a corporated railroad S " GEO a.nIwell, company. Adopted: fJP'J?;?1r Home Sewing Machine Oo. F ampnrtments were cflered iWI jan 0 7:3) p. in. 3-2ri r. m. a drtvk AT -"PETERSBURG. " Wis; LEAVE PETERSBURG. .... fi-30a.ua. Mall , 350 p. tl. Express - - wvr nriTsr' A.IV1HVXJ ill MiJ".. Mail Express ,,,rV,TTTi m)ATva T tq Potnrthn -00 a. HI. Arrive at Weldwn Arrive at Petersburg GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg STATIONS PASSEN OBB ! FBE1QHT. Leave Charlotte . . . V Lincomton. . .. Arrive at BuflJilo . 80a m 10.43 " 12.07 44 SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Corn, Cotton, and all. Field Crops, li. m it i an 4 rrrr A nrr V i?t?TTT.T7'P,.R " Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salt 9:40 a. m. 6:50 p. m. . v - - " Libcolnton... . Arrive at Charlotte. . V. Q. JOHNSON, Assistant Supt. jau y RETURNING 1.C7 p M Oil it .T1 5.14 S. L 55 00 $65, 00 30 00 05 00 v $75 00 $35 00 Gen. Supt. P.IO. 1 . . ni i if. An 3:ooP.m iviiminfifion, ioiumuia au- 2:20 a.m. " INSURANCE. , IFF. ASDWM XM?5S55SS 14 A cur naesin the following responsible wmpttu, a"vHKLlFEINSUR.VNCE IMPERIAL FIRE 1- CUMi-A i , ih mnnoo. Gold GRFAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR- AUii. tuJifA.ii, ' J228.014 FARMVILLE BAA&i iivnvr V F.F.N AN. Tr.Mnn A rfnuS. Oflice Chamber ot mmerce.stairs. 77-1 V tug 16 HJL 6:00 a. m. Various amendments were ciierea e Gaston .fiK looking to the.location 01 toe ron i u uuu am "'bUrsr &10 p. m. some definite lihe, creating mucu uia No tralns wiU run ou Sunday except Ex CUSSlon. DUt tuuiu u V... press iraius cible without puonsniog .uc " i: j;,p..Qa nn nt the t)iii. tLe " ""vv; r-o fWta adiourned, the matter being The depotf will be closed l?t 00p.ni. o made tbe special order on Monday at wmDe 12oVlock. Ifl 5-tf Engineer and General Manager. gusta R. It. Company. Gen. Superintendent's Office, ) Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1878. ) ress trains . . ... . Q h Fwientsloruaston uruiicai "vjvri vS at the Petersburg depot only on iiu aa VBBMI ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. House "called to order at the usual cvjmrA. , ' 226 014 I DOUr OJ iir s3pcA LLE FIRE INSURANCE AND By MrBrown, of Davidson, are)--LNGWMPANYorVa,,aeUQo ,utn aboiishing the office of State . ..nrfiw ' fiartirkfriaf Rp.ferred. ByMrWaugb, a resolution ot in struction to the committee on Salaries and Fees to report a bill to reduce the salaries oi oupenur uun Calendar. . . By Mr Presson, a resolution in lavor of the Sheriff of Union county. Re ferred. , ;. The bill to incorporate the Bell Cove Oyster Company was taken up, and passed its several readings. The Dill to incorporate iuo Creek Camp Ground was taken up, and UitSSCU HO t3?.a. D - . The bill in reference to printing and distributing the public documents, was taken up and passed its several read The bill to suspend the writ of j :n n.xririann ooiintv so far 88 1 JUliUUIHUO 1U Jtav J - OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR it relates to the Commissioners of that UlIi avina 1UiUI 1 4 ,, fotn n and. on motion of . I. n.lraf - . l IS STlLLftheadofanyoineruu in'-- Mr joyner, laia on me lauic 1 Our Pearl Hominy cannot -Jesuassedi .m'to amend the charter of the r WT5 n city of Raleigh was taken up and passed Cracked Corn, u." i tdinM. Corn, Bolted weai , concurred in the Senate All goods sold drayed iree. obUm rants T. A. GRANGER, N. C. W. H. CHILES, Late of Richmond. V a . tm i: W 1I O T K L, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CENTRE STREET, GOLDSBORO, N. C Convenient lor the Trains ; leaving ; for th aviz . IS. W. RUNKI3, QBOCERIES, 44 South Side Market fct., A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING Fruit Jar, WILMINGTON, " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," ( ftllv for comnostinff with Cotton Seed. i 'I""""' J o A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. a,. o.i-- , . 5-Asencies established at all the principal towns a?d cities in the Southern Btatee. H. it. R. BRIDGERS, President. C. L,. GRAFFLIN, Superintendent. ,. FREMONT, d. MacRAE. Secretary and Treasurer. . Jan 23d, 1873 " PACIFIC GtFANO OOMPANY5 APITAIi $1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO THIS GUANO is so well known in all the Soutnern States for its remarkable JTU an . ..: . ,f inimr mo nt in rmiirn unfrlftl recommenaauon, T J1," frlTm IteuseTo hs PUANOF OF SCHEDULE. The large fixed capital invested by the corqpany in this trade aflords the surest guarantee bflttHUC Ur n"hlTIT of the continued excellence of this Guano. .w. THE FOLLOWING BUIiJfiliUL. wxioj Planters may rest assured that the supplies put into market this season are precucij iu gointo effect at 3:25 A. M., Monday, J game as. that heretofore sold. - 7th InSt. .. . I .. . .tTmnnnc m TERMS $50 CASH, C0 TIME ; WITHOUT miLIiLai. JSCtP- To accommodate Planters they can order now and have until the 1st of April to de cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. W. H.JtfcRARY & CO., Agents for Pacific Guano Company, And Dealers in No. 1 Cnincna and Gnanape PernTian Guanos, WILMINGTON, N. C. January 23-lni -l DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) - 3:5A. M 9:55 Ai M 2:40 P. M 7A2 P. M . . 6.35 A. M ..11 25 A. M 4:15 P. M 10:25 P. M N. C 15-ly COMMISSION MERCHANT, Groceries, Provisions, Dry 'Goods mom, w. sc., ma m and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments "and Cash Orders Solicited 151-ly i .rftvp. Wilmington . Arrive at Florence .; Arrive at coiumDia Arrive at Anensta. Leave Augusta...- Arrive at ummui . . . . & rrtTTo ttt. TTlnrence ...... AAA AfVW"V a wmSyta nf Wllmincrtnn . . illliV& tan ..."B - NIGHT EXPRESS TKAirt uaix.x vou- t.prvp. Wilmineton 5:45 P. M Arrive at Florence. ll-J Arrive t Columbia 3.40 A. M Arrive at Augusia. . Leave Augusta.. Arrive at Columbia 10-20 P. M Arrive at Florence - A- Arrive at WUmi??tonv ...... SjOOA. M Gen'l Sup't. IOC 4t oct 9 ... o tx i Wilmington & Weidon R. R. Company. Office General Supbbiwtendbht, l Wilmington, N. C, June 8, 1872. I nov23 . . . i -m ha credited at cost on next WIL iept27 A Family Paper Which can be trusted and .yhlch is alwj fniir interact t . necessity of the times. Such a one Is the CHRITIAN UNION. The Unsectarian.Itllfious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose Editor Is HENRY WARD BEECHER. 1?" HOCTEHOI : famatten .of Bel igon -Kncuiiure, jroeiry,.FiewBf - Mr. Beecher's vijeorous pen W A I P S, A counsel being questioned by a judge for whom he was concerned, he r plied : " I am concerned for the plaintiff, my lord, but l am empiujw ant." a 1 srarf of crcvc de chene the same color as the dress to be worn either as a scart or fichu-trimmed with a heavy netted fringe, is the latest nov elty in the way ot superfluous orna mentation. TUNING RER rF.RuECKERT VVILMiriCTON. ttli and Market Streets, mm dec 3 TWENTY DOUARS FOR ONE A $25 SEWING MACUlWJ!,, riv ; SUBSCRIBE NOW FOU 1TR. WEEKLY, T.iterarv Fam- A urst-c ass Sainrdav. at itrr tunpr. iiuuiiDutu ' j Charlotte. N. C at the low price ot tr nnT MR Ik YEAR ! v.ch number contains an INTERESTING STORY worth at least the V 12:11 P. M 2:11 T. M 3:50 M 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P; M 8:58 P. M 10:58?. M 3:10 A. M CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. rAN AND AFTER JUNE 10th INBTAJN i, fi!r j w.iHnn Railroad Will rtin 88 mmgtou wu iiviuv- follows : TtTATT. TRAIN. L,eave uwuur. . M Arrive at Goldshoro ........ KOCKy JKLOUIlli. Woldnn Tl Vv " . - " Wciirt HftilT 'Rnndavs a x A r. except Arrive ai jtiocjs.y jauum i4n nimiru. . . . Tr.-5rPRTT.aa TRAIN. A A. Leave Union Depot daiiy...Ai, xVrrive at uoiasuoro . . . . KocKy mount weidon.. . Arrive at Rocky Mount an ininnni . . . . TTninn Tip. not . -1 n. noiriM pmap rnnnp.rLinn &i Aiau xrniii ixu.a , . - Weidon tor aU points North via Bay Line anil Apnnia Creek routes. auu v . - Express Train consects only with Acjuia cS roytc. tVUMJffk PALACE TnnT?rn Tl TT? (TV9 -orill lftave WiiminC i.motitr nt fi 00 A. M.. and arrive at LATEST NEWS. n Val- 1.40 P. M. ... . -I wonder what causes the eyes oi pS wSo vounK men of the present day to be so wU1 be sure to get a Premium, wortn arrive at 11 A. ll. young i r 25centBto35.00. ff. . , . DIVINE, , mia I'roffress u r.i..mihm consist oi usuui Sut harneys. "Mj dear was the gSSs, Bleached Dome. Wlinoufr .J . Z r Miinir mrn I bUC " Q . " ?rr in hItip from twenty- NEW YEARS' BEEF. fa TpScedTn K3-t Rnbacribe part." mediately, and get a chance at the large. a feature in Imported costumesDeep ducements for Clubs than any othr is a fea ture i i i rose or pbli6her. JTon can make money by n- . , : .um nwpRt models, lironze vassmg "" v naner. Premium Pa'e " m. oon and bufl or ecru T y7m,to IVenU, sen.S-cent stamp f",?.' mhinations. J. O. H. NUTA1J cm AISO I .w T.JltJr nf IHir WCtJUV. & & . FERTI LIZ ERS. 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, toy 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED (jy BOAItV CAliSM' WILMINGTON, N. C. 500 Tons Whann's Kaw Bone Super phosphate, PRICE-52 50 Cash by 1st ot May. $G0 00 Payable 1st of ' November. Delivered on Oars at Wilmingrton. 1ST- O. a:m;!o- has suddenly become the SSWU. TiDe of fashion; "do party and Old. Troth for Everybody. vitrv- i j 1 - .ithnnt it " it lurks in bc- Mo vfwo-a xrio-omns ten. in his l-Jalio- i av,nnld be without li , At lulRO quei. trims dresses, and d.co e. btok -- kyoul.i uTe mTaTkslrTpoutS-Chu chandeliers, and we uavc even r-. and! a general coiiecuon rtauracUona..Mr.e5cheris it in the chicken salad. 1-ATE8TNBW8. Val. uuYe ana idib emiaruu i . i n-.rprv buubwibvi . THE TERMS OP SUBSCRirTION r t- r-wi-rr Ci55 OO nd money by Portal Orders, DraTU, or Roistered Letters. -FIRST COME, FIRST SERVEU.r may 2 IZW-u Jane 8 , r 19tf JVIU find an extra article at Second Street Market on MONDAY MORNING, And continuing throughout the week. . ? x-pvarla was running ior "56 tf- I noTl9 PABKEK TAYLOR1 Successors to A. H. NEFF, - a. . . J In rriarrww wnnKIRTTTNa GOODS. Guns, Stoves, Lanterna, Kerosene, Oil Tin ' j cikoAt Tmn Worn Roofina: done at short notice Agents IOr J BUtMUU a vvu. wiiariifGTOW, n. c. 500 'Tons Star Soluble Phosphate, PRICE 52 1 50 Cash by tf of May. G0 00 Payable 1st of 1 November. For Sale by jau 33 VICK & JIEBAIVE. 21S-Sm RICHARD 1ST. MOOIST. Commission Merchant, i AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY TUODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Solicited, febil l,'u X CARD. T HEG LEAVE TO INFORM TUK FUB X lie that I am in charge of my own amop vn .troot mralte ColTCll & TlllO? Ull un ""."I - Tnill, where I am prepared to do Horae .... a n 1.1- 8hocing in the nest tiyie, anu " iou v Blacksmith work quick and neatly done. I have employed a first chua wood workman, and I am now prepared to manufacture Carta. Drays and Wagons. Bend In . jpnr order; when tucy will be Immediately flUcd EVNITER McBRIDK. , Blacktmltk. . jan9 1WlB i ' i i ; i i ' t- i 1 Goyernor, who was blessed with a good iuiy23 2- t I - r r -t - i 1 DAVIS A WHITE. wo-