H rfCY Ay VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1873 NO. '223 " I 1 t III 1 .n K KVE1STHSTG- POST Mb -I every afternoon except Sunday. P.J'p rN A DAY.... Business Manager V " SlANN Editor 4 Subscription. ,r.. cr, in advance ju'ii. ic advance, t" months. n advance $5 00 3 00 1 50 ,;;;!U,:HX ia advance vl business letters should be ad tfj .,tli'j Business Manager, and all ' -itions or matters relating to the Jep-irtment to the Editor. . .mience solicited from our friends L .fS-sof the state 011 toPics of Sene" 'V-'Vt. Political news and reports oi t.-i are especially desirable. NrV APVgKTlSEHENTS. Merchandise Brokerage Office, ,rI ,,f samples constantly on hand F imi'o' -u-rs and manufacturers iu v. .'':!.' ru inui"ket. v i a. - riptions ot merchandise, orders ; i.jN'l Jolieiietl and telegraphed promptly. ,, in,, l.oivlit and sold in this M'r;Wl wr om buyers solicited, and 1. 11 wl have prompt at- ; ;i'.i'U. xv .1 ! esih purchases negotiated, r,,f;l , wii o buv or sell, commu-.i-"'"a rVlS and often with your local Urokir. T rETTEWAY. t. T.-hAiulie and Produce iiroKer. 184 tf TIW WORLD RENOWNED I o W IE Sewing Jlacluiics. v v. . K f u ui k this Machine cannot be V, i our tine work Is equal to any ' r ii.'-ivv work excels that of any Ma- IN K u-.li .! ., h!1 y ur sewing, wm iiwi. mv-, . no! ub ct to FITsJ. " . ,.1,,-erfuIly invite comparison with faiiv other Machines, and will put . trial, at your home by leaving : , H e ortiee. No. 4 Ltppitt Row 1- ront Lciwem LKxrk and OranRe. &old on ;ui 1 1 V work til'. !H Ii.ti:.'' ,;y 1 V.i ivin. nt. UKU. a. is ej luxjij, ' ' Agent Home Sewing MachlneO INSURANCE. .vtv i.-TTTi. ivsthjantk CAN BE I ., .. i ... itroct rnrrpnt rats in tne tu'.io'.vln responsible Companies, on ap "! ItU LI FE INSURANCE CoMl'ANV, Assetis -MtVw,. J. A. BYRNE. Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMl'KUIAL FIRE INSURANCE , vMPANY. of London, AasgtU liKKAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, WvotH 5231,014 FviiMviiiU: KIRE INSURANCE AND B VAKINU C03irutv of Va., asets BYRNE & KEEN AN, Oen l Insurance Agents. o:Uoe Chamber of Commerce, uptahg. I II OUR EXTR1 FAMILY FLOUR in stii.I, ahca.tof any other on the market 1 our. Pearl Hominy cannot be 6urpassea Always on hand at the Mill and Depository Cruckeil Com, C rn, Halted Meal, Teas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. Ail yoods sold drayed free. A , l b.-i-N returned in good order will be ii hied at cost on next bill. ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. . pi T. A Family Paper Wturh .-mi be trusted and which is alwy8 full.. i mterot, is a necessity of the times ucli a oue is the CHR1T1AN UNION, Thv Unectan in. Religious, Uterary FamUy Newspaper, whose Editor is HENRY WARD BEECHER. ITHA suMKTHId FOR EVERY MEWEB f the Hi .l'seiiold, in matters of Beliglon Morals. Polities. Literature, Art, Science Agrintinire, Pootrj". News, Fiction lor Young an.i oi 1. Truth for Everybody. ... Miu Bkei'jier's vigorous pen, in his EdiM rau ami star lepers, and Mr. Ellin wood -imed verbatim reports of the helpful Lec lire Room Talks in Plymouth Church, axe auractious. Mr. Beecher is assisted by a large aud able editorial staff. T1IE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ARE AS FOLLOWS! Oiiu Year Onlv 3.00 ?nd money by Postal Orttrs, Drafts, or Mistered Letters. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED.- Qiay 2 187-tf NEW YEARS' BEEF. 1' -L c jovers of GOOD STALL FED FAT J c ic BEEF1. vlrjUu nn extra article at Second Street TKc-t on MONDAY MORNING, Ali i LUrmng throughout the week. DAVIS A WHITE. '- 100 THE NORTH CAROLINA LEGIS LATURE. Condensed from the News. J- SENATE. Monday, Feb1y a, 1873. Senate called to order nt 11 oV.lnr.k Lieutenant Governor in the chair. Introduction of Bill. By Mr Cowle, -a bill to establish turnpike roads in Surry and McDowell counties. Referred. Bv Mr Todd, a bill to re Deal sub- 7 - ( chapter 1, of chapter 113, laws of 1868 aud 1869. Referred. , Bv the same, a bill concerning the estnblisbing and laying out public high- ways. eierrea. Rules Suspended. On motion oi Mr Aver&tb poison bill was taken from the calendar and relerred to the Judiciary comrMttee. On motion of Mr Cow Its. & House resolution asking our representatives inj Congress to use their influence to.secure the passage ot a law to establish a branch.mint at Charlotte, was taken up. The resolution was adopted. Oa motion of Mr uunningham, the bill presented by himsell in regard to railroad traveling was taken Irom tne calendar and referred to. the Judiciary committee. On motion ot. Mr Norwood, the bill to incorporate the Cape Fear Water Works Company waa taken up and passed its readings. By the same, the bill to incorporate the Chapel Hill & Iron Mountain Rail road, was taken up and passed its read- 1DP8' . l Ml " Oq motion of Mr Nicholson, the b'll to define the duties et county Commis sioners was taken up and passed its final leading. On motion of Mr LoDg, the Wll to abolish the Scotch Fair, near Laurel Hill, Richmoud county, was taken up and passed its readings. Oa motion ol Mr Ellis, of Columbus, the resolution proposing to raise a joint committee of both Houses ot the Gen eral Assembly, with Dr Eugene Grissom on said committee, to repair to Char lotte and Wilmington, to ascertain at what cost, etc., certain buildings and grounds can be purchased tor as branches ot the StaW Lunatic Asylum, was taken up. Mr Love thought that the present detective legislation onj this matttr should be corrected before any more was made, and moved to lay the resolu tion on the table. Ou this motion Mr Ellis, ot Colum bus, called the yeas and nays. The motion to lay on the table pre- iied by 17 yeas to 12 nays. special xjTxicr. Ti,n mnsideration of the Midland North Carolina Raiboad was taken up at 12 o'clock. . Mr Avera called the previous ques tion, which being sustained, the bill oOQri its final reading, only three voting in the negative, Messrs Durham, Ellis and Merrimon. irniTSR OF REPRESENTATIVES. a 1 n a -t the House was called to order by Mr Speaker Robinson. lor certain citizens of Hendersdn, praying .. . i i e k Woutpm North Car ina, lue saic u - " . .. . 1 1 -: i A ua nnt interfpred With. oiina nainuau u& w it- n..,u.. nruoantiH a mpmorial ot a I VJrUUCI pitavu'-. similar character trjm certain citizens ot Madison county. - t tT.. a maallltion con- JV JJAl UCOiu" . cerning speedy returns ot elections. Cal endar. , t-v ! i :o o tn amend cbao ter 12 Code Civil Procedure, in reference 1 A .1 fCkCt " Iff'. to u Masters ana Appicuu. r I ierreu. , , By Mr Carson, a bill to repeal chap. r.Ji e 1Q71 '79. Referred. loo, law a ui iui . The. Senate resolution in refereixe to the sale ot the Wilmington, ,u...w and Rutherford railroad was t"' . u (lAomnr and Attorney General to investigate the aflairs of the road. The resolution passed its several readings. . . i.w;n rpnnestiu'? intorm; senate rcsumnuu --i o r finrpmnr and Attorney Gce,; in red 7o the sa.e of the Eastern division oi tue Carolina Railroad was taken up and enat'e bill to amend section 1, chap 153 laws of 1872 was taken up and passed its several readings. Senate bill to extend the time lor tne benate oiu ld tor taxe8 redemption of FPe" , ita - several was tasen up v reThegresolution instructing the com f Z . Privilece and Elections to oroceedTn the invfstigation ot the con SS else tram Martin county was taken Hirers of the outlaw jouu w taken up and p. .U sera. readings, rajs m Adjournea. Wholesale Dealer in LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SE0ABS 4? NortU W.t-r Street. ..TToTnV N. C. Wii-r'-d jager Beer Families suppUetl witn w . OFFICKPETEEaBXTKQ R. R. Co.1 May, 31st, 1872. J ON AND AFTEK JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train 7:30 p. m. Mail Train 3:25 p. m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mall 7:00 p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail 6:30 a. m. Express 3:o0 p. ou ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mall 9:40 a. m. Express 650 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 8:00 a. m. Leave Wei don 8:00 p. m. Arrive at Weldsn 8:00 p. m Arrive at Petersburg ' 2:20 a.m. GAS TON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg ftOOa. m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg .8:10 p.m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains , Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m. No goods will be received after that hour. . J. C SPRIGG, jo 5-tf Eneineer and General Manager. T. JL. QKAKQKK, N. C W. H. CHILES. Late of Richmond. Va GRANGER'S NEW HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CENTRE STREET, GOLDSBOKO, 1ST. C . Convenient lor the Trains leaving forth North, South, East ana wesi. aue 29 m-tf n. II. W. RijJVGE, O-ROOERIESj 44 South Side Market St., A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING WILMINGTON; N. C luno 4 15-ly S. H. MANNING COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DKALKK IN Groceries, ProYisions, Dry Goois ClotMm, &c. sc., No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited nov 23 151-ly WlLMINCTON.N.C and Market Streets, 169 TVENTY DOLLARS FOR OWE A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FKLh ! SUBSCKIBE NOW FOK OITEt WEEKLY, A tirst-class, twenty-column, Literary Fam ily Paper, published every Saturday, at Charlotte, in. aw iu " ONE DOLLAR A. YEAR ! v.. folnoan TUTERESTING RToliY worth at least the subscription week' anaga general collection of the LATEST NEWS. Every subscriber gets a chance at a Val uable Pbemium, and one out of every hve will be sure to get a Premium, worth from 25 cents to $25 00. Our CASH PREMIUMS are in sums of $1, $2, $5, $10 and $30, with from two to ten Premiums of each denomination. Our other premiums consist of useful articles, such as Sewing Machines, Bleached Domes tic, &c, &c, ranging in value from twenty five cents to $25.00. 44 Delays are dangerous." Subscribe im mediately, and get a chance at the large PITOlAGENTS. We are offering more lib eral inducements for Clubs than any other Publisher. Fou can make money by u vassing for OUR WEEKLY. For specimen copy of paper, Premium List ad terms to Agents, send 3-cent stamp to J. O. H. NUT ALL, 1 Publisher of Our Weekly, Charlotte, N. C. ioy23 58 1 f - 1873. Furniture & Carpet ism. V : If M WAREHOUSE S3 price ""Sth- & CO. . ' " 200-tl jan 9 RAIL ROADS. Wilmmgttn, Charlotte & Mberfora Hail Road Lme. Eastern Division : New ScheduleJ 1873 Going West. 1873 STATUS'S. PASS E2 G EB I FB K J G HT. Leave Wilnington . . . Abbcttsburg... Lumaerton . . . " Shoe Heel " Laurtnburg... " Rockingham... Arrive at T tiwvlllp.t. 800 11 16 12 30 154 2.:-9 403 4 45 A M t P M H 00 A M ll.4" 1 2.15 P M 5-0v " 6 00am i 10 00 ! Going East. 8TAHOK8. PASSENGnKlrBEIGHT. Leave Lileeville .... 44 Rockingham . 7 40AM 8.S6 10.30 10 55 12 0 P M 1.26 44 4 35 44 12.00 M 44 Lanrinburg.... 44 ShoeUeel 44 Lumberton 44 Abbottburg . . . Arrive at Wilmington. 5 00 AM 5 55 44 9 50 44 12 5 P M .5.00 '4 Dikxeb. going: West: Breaktast, go ing East. Freight Trains stop here over iiiiht. t Stage for Chariots: Railroad and8tage fare, Wilnjington to Charlotte, only $10. gg- No trains on Sunday. Two Special Freight Trtins for Ton Timber ran irreg ularly.. , Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Train. : Western Division. , STATIONS I PASSENGER freight. Leave Charlotte J 8.00 am 4 Lincolntn..... 10 43 44 Arrive at Buffalo 12.07 RETURNING. Leave Bufttlo 44 Lincolnton... . Arrive at Charlotte. . 1.07 p M 2.41 44 5.14 44 V. Q. JORN80N, Assistant tiupt.v iai. 9 8. L. FREMONT, Gen. Supt. 199- Wilmington. ColumDia & Au gusta R. R. Company. Gen. 8 itpeb iktbu dent's Ofticb, ; Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, lb72.;f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. rfHE FOLLOWING SOHEUULlfi wiJJi i o into effect et a. m., mouaajr 7th inst. DAY1 EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave WUmington. . , . . 3:25 A. M Arrive at Florence. . . . 0:55 A. M aiuiv . ..... Arrive a-Columbia -40 Arrive at Augusta 7.4 . F. Leave Augusta. - f A- M Arrive at Columbia HSp 5J Arrive at Florence Arrive a Wilmington ............. r. m KlGHTTEXFRKBS- TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 5:45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8: A. M Leave Augusta :5J M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence :12 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. oct 9 ti Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Orrics General Superintendent, l Wilmington, N. C, June 8, 1872. ) , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAIN8 on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows: "i MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- days excepted) At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldshoro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2: 1 1 P. M Weldon 3:50 M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At 9:15 A; M ArriTe at Rocky Mount. . . . . 11:07 A, M Goldshoro M Union Depot.. 5:30 P. M EXPRE8S TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally. . .At 10:40 t. M Arrive at Goldshoro A00 A . M Rocky Mount 4:56 A. M Weldon . . . 6:50 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7: J2 & Arrive at Rocky Mount b:5S P. M G tldsboro 10:63 P. M Union Depot 3:10 A. M Mail Tram ma&es ciose connection at Weldon for aU points North via Bay Line and Acquis Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS wUl leave Wiiming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (8undavs excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. JuneS 19-tf PABKEK & TAYLOR1 Successors to 1 H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in HOUaB FURNISHING GOODS, Guns. Stoves, Lanterns. Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice Asreuts for Fairbanks Scales. ; No. 19 Front Street, i W I LU IlfGTON, N . C. nov 19 : I5-ly NAY ASS A. GUANO COMPANY, OF WILMXIVGTOISr, IV. O. MANUFACTURERS OF .THE FOLLOWIXC WELL KNOWN i. Popular Standard Fertilizers! 44 SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO,1' For Corn, Cotton, and all Field Crop?, 44 NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER," Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Suits. 44 DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially for composting with Cotton Seed. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. irs-Ajrenr.u'.s established at ail the urinciDal towns and ciMcj In the Southern BUtcs. Hon. It. K. BRIDGERS, President. MucRAE. Secretary and Treasurer. Jau 23d, 1873 PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S CAPITALr Sl.OOO.OOO. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO THIS GU ANO is so well kn-vniuall the Soutnern States for its remarkable effects a an agency for increasing the products of labor, as not t r quire special recommendation trom us. Its ue lor several years past has established Its character for reliable excellence. The large fixed capital Invested by the company in this trade aiTords the surevt guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. Planters may rest assured that the supplies put into market this season are precisely tb , same as that heretofore sold. . - TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME WITHo rrrrfiKEST: 5T To accommodate Planters tly oa order now and have un cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. And Dealers in No. ,Y Cniiicna ani Gnanape PernTiau Gnanos, ? January 23-lm FEKTI LilZ ER ( 100 Toils Bahama Soluble Guaiio, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, ly 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED OS BOARD CARS A21 WILMINGTON, N. .C. - 500 Tons Whciiiu s .Rhav Bone Super phosphate; PRICE $52 50 Cash , by 1st ot May. $00 00 Payable 1st of November. Delivered on Cars a.t Wilmington. JT. C. 500 Tons Star PRICE $52 50 Cash '.by Jst November. For Sale by jan oJ RICHARD 1ST. MOON. Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca Sts Baltimore, Hd. Orders from North Carolina Solicited. feb 11 17Mf Price per ton Dehvf red ou the Cars at Factory. I PAYABLE 1ST CASH $55 00 $05 00 30 00 NOVEMBER. $05 00 $75 00 $35 00 C. L- GRAFFLIN, Supenntrndtnt. 212 8m til the 1st of. April to do- W. H. McRAKY & CO., WILMINGTON, N. C- 7 211 Soluble Phosphate, of May. $60 00 Payable 1st of VICK S JIEBAIVE. - 218-Jni I A CAUD. I BEG LE WE TO INFORM THE PUB lie that I am in charge of mjr own shop on Nutt street, oposite Colvell A Taylor's mill, where I am prepared to do Horse 8hoeing in the beet tjle, and all kind of Blacksmith work quick and neatlj done. I j have emploTed a first class wood workman, and I am now prepared to manufacture Carts. Drajs and "Wagons. Send in your nTir6 when they will be Immediately fUled EVANDER McBBiri, DlacksmlOi. jan 9 Wl Ijageruecj. feh3

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