MM J . , - : f S I i iii'. II ii NO. 224 WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1873 VOL. VI TrxT POTItHE NORTH CAROLINA LEQIS- . r V VVKNlNGr I JOSJ- MATURE. Vl ltj Jovery arnoon except Sunday. fa"1'1 A. ncrnAft Manas--r omleiised from the Nws. .! ; rc i,uhl,,u cjJ Business Mana-.r m m a VI Vi . - - ltr4 J. M.-' Subscription. . .r in advance ra..ntia. in advance in ad.anee m'-:l- '!J be aci- ...,.... Manaccr, and all iii'" 1 4 ,hf. r.ditor. ri:i'. iirtme: in r.i cr ! r" ' " unro ...Hcited from our friends Carrol' '-- ,- . o.Ate. on top:e5 -i ';l,!';r:r IVIiUcM reports ol Merchant Brokerage Office. r v.mi.ks constantly on ha ml Fl'LVu,niM"rtV-Vs aKl manufacturers ,n T rn'in him bought aim s o ; -.ill L ondensed from the News. SENATE. . Tuesday. Fcb'y 4, 1873. The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor Brogden in the chair. Introduction of Bills. T,y Mr Miller, a tiri f'r the promotion ot Mock raising. . Ileferio.l. By Mr A vera, a bill to make it a mUdVrnpaaor to fat! to pay poll tax. Referred. By Mr C ,w!es,abill to repeal sections 2, o. 4. o, G n I 7, of an act In relation to public administrators. . R-ferred. f M Onilford. a bill t. provide fir th- aVptic5n of minor riis:i-r n. K- icrreu. By Mr Humphrey, a bill to provide for two nttditiocaltermsct the Superior Cv: ii t f Edgecombe county. Referred. By Mr lining, a resolution lypup to relieve the political disabilities of - . T 1 - J G iV V W Ho'd -n. iteierreu. Calendar. it i. iii f,r the, imnrnvement of i . l Win lilll 9tTricuiiure was umu u. . 1rll'rIll Jinn .-w. --- M,.rt.ha.nirt: I.'" fi bu-ve" sohciteJ ami arn-i .. ,v sellers win '-l i ' ajncuiiuii: o mpi11'" - ,oviri, Q tor the unoointment. of two !UTh wenu-e.ihlurcMlasesnroiiatel comrnfssioner3, &C S ;:m i-i. t oeal Mr Merrimon offered au amendment i friViy. alii oucn . roviainr that the salaries of the pro- pronounce the E tree dime in one word, as the machine said : "Meezeezeepee." - Baroum suggested tbat the machine be moved a little so a3 to show tbat there was r.o deception aobody speak ing up a tube from below. The major ity of those present thought this was unnece-arv, but it was done. The Proles-or iecjutsted machine, to say Horace Gralab. The machine beat the instruct or this time, and suid ' Oorcss Gn?e c-1 e-e e." Applause The maci.iue talked Du-cii. Oar representative not undemanding Dutch, doesii'c know how the muchine acted tj,. ..n.irr.iK! 'vi'.i lncer." howfVtr. having he.rd Gi rmnns say lht. 'S he rjpyicjvr.e sHi4t; cu-v.ny.. Birnum intimated tbat h'.- never took anythtrj;. Then the ci icoint oecame quiie ui -ru'louf, and spoke Frerch. Tbc ladies looked in its mouth, and one old lady declared she could give it sixty, words in a hundred, and bet it forty-nine. l nc ma e pornuu ui tu uuv.. sidered the machine a success, and the . . . . : 4 tw. t & h Ah asseuablago ueparteu.auiiu iuc Ahs of ttie lDiiruraeui. RAIL ROADS. Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutted Rail' Road X.ine. 'ASS A GUANO COMPANY. OTP WILMINGTON. IV. O. Eastern Division : New Schedule. 1873 Going West. 1873 STATIONS. iPA.3SENGR!FBaltiUT. j3Ll Jltn iu" - " providing that the salaries of the pro- 003VII WUlUilooiuuviu - i . the fund appropriated to the Geological survey. The President anponnceu m. hour had arrived lor the consideration ot the n,4 sr. . .... i,;n thp pstal)lVshmeEt WtitCU WUi tuv; uiu iv' " of the county of Gilliam, on its second . . ,.nnotbe reniilDg. ... . 1 ,x-,r'.c tris.'i;'''1 " v . i i. .1: 1 10, UMnsinn ou ine uuiuuu N -V,:c work is e-iual 10 1 tm..tS -aot ,-lualui. y-; tuaiot m nt5 proposed to luo un-, ic mo in the worhl.. IIlAM.vT Machine, adl .UI Mta. lVcOlalutUb i'lilakaliietime. will do 'UI: , KTTS. ....... wnVsiC OF UErRESENTATlVSE. luiioiM .. ? - ( ,.p ,.nioarison .."" , t,uu:-, o h- Machine, and wl jj At l0 A. M.f Mr ttpeaKer ivouiuv 5. n' Ma? at yuJ" T V.?H' i?V- Front o.Hcd the Uouse to order. . ime at the o";' J, neT sold on Mr Bennett, from the Judiciary com .treet. beiweoniHxk Ami VKL1 . submitted a mjoiity report P't-Homvln, Machine Co. C a;Sage olh Amnesty 1 1 1 Uiu. . . w ML,ehandieaiid iWuee l.iok " -THE WUIU." UtXOWXEl) Scwiny Machinci. 1 an cli Leave Wilmington.'. Abbottsburg. . . 41 Lumberton . . . Shoe Heel. " Laurinburg. . . 41 Koekingham . . . Arrive at t .!. vlMt- 800 am 11 10 41 i 00 a ii 11.45 " Vi 30 v 51 2 A0 p m 1.54 " S 04 " 2:9" 0 00 A M 4 03 " ! 44 4 45-4t ! ,4 Going East. 'i rm . 1 1 i t ' ii t ,j - -.,-1 I . I m .1. 4 fill r,li J 1:1 Tr it. W HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors , ...mtttii? cjTt? TT'TTT' VlV5J ' ilfcAXVIli Oii"l Convenient lor the Trains leaving for th UU NortU ySouth, East and West. STATIONS. PASSES OiKjFKEIGlXT. 7 40 A M 1 12.00 M 8.?6 44 10.30 44 10.55 44 12 '0 P M 1.20 44 A -IK 4 4 1.UJ 5 00 4.M 5 55 44 9 50 44 12 5pm, 5.00 44 Leave Lilesville k !- b mir nam ... 44 Laurinburg 44 Shoe Heel 44 Lnniberton 44 Abbottsburg . . . A...;rA of Wilminffton. Alllfu uv ' - O i . r. . . n 1 r m rt. Dinner, goinj? west: ukkawasi, fil ing East. Freight Trains stop here over iiight. t-Stacefor CharloUe: Railroad and Stage fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only 10. No Trains on Sunday. Two Special v&t Trains for Ton Timber run irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Train Western Division. ; I PASSESOEU i FKE1QHT- J... gga - MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN Popular Standard Fertilizers! Price icr ton Delivered on fnrm fit TftCtOfT 4MU " . STATIONS xvork them G-BOCEBIES, 44 South Side Market St., A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING F'rrLi't Jaur, WILMINGTON, "N . limn t 1311 0 T,r A TNJINJTlSrrT COMMISSION MERCHANT, iVLlltJ UTP Mr Bidser, from the same commu- and dealer in LNSliiUtli. submitted a minority report , na nvmv9 'VvnmM DlY fiOOHS vn virr ixsuhaNCK :an ijE faVi,rab!e to the passage of the same .IjrOCUllb'b, rluHMulia, UiJ . ..,;n C,H1 the RMMni; &0. &GM 1 1 Leave Charlotte . . . ...I 8.C0 xu 4 L.mcoiniu I Arrive at Buffalo ! 12 07 . RETUBMM- Leave Buffalo 1.C7 r M I.ineolnton i -4L Arrive at Charlotte. .. 5.14 4 .... ...... V. Q. JOHNSON, S. L. EONT, Assistant Bupt. Gc 199- iau 9 Wilmington. -Toluniftia & Au gusta R. R. tompany. Gen. Supbrintendent's Office I xTxt ifTTjfli-nv. N. C Oct. 7, lo4. ) 44 SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Com, Cotton, and all Field Crops, ) 44 NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER," ) d Alkaline baits. ) VvlJ 1 iijU tu J" CASH $55 CO $65 00 f80 00 NOVEMBER. eea 00 $73 00 35 00 SSfS.Compau.e,, on "" Mf wllUnaot, B Mil to settle tbo accounts of the two divisions Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutherford It ii I road. Referred. 15v Mr Shacklcfoul, a bill to incor- porutC lllC 4J091OW county Society. Referred. The bid to incorporate the Storth Carolina Steel Railroad company was ake:; up and passed its several, read- 1DTbcbi:i to amend the act iucorpor atin- the North Carolina Spoke & Han dle Company, was taken up and passed lis seveiii iLuuiun. . f'ATr r.ATter. tnc bill ap- propriating 45.000 to the Deaf Dumb and U.invt Ir ine j- lOllOWlUa niirAtion to SKW YORK Ul'fc Lm'-j, COMITY. Aeu,K (.cn.n l.ArmvmIIK flltK INSURANCE AND b BAAK!NaLCoAiAN V of Va., as-t r.YitNi: a: ki:i:nan (ion" l Insurance Airen ; ,) , . i hainh. r l Conmwrce. up t-ui -. U.ce nam Wilmington, J au? lb ClOtMMi &c. K No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Contlgumeixts and Gash Orders Solicited -j 7 ini-i v nov 23 IjF.RuEcKERt VILMINCTOI 1 tli and Market Streets, ltiU . oi-nno tn thp Deaf DumD .ip0, - Arrive at anuBi vsop ,1DU j.Ul ' iiiv. - -- , TWtH I UUIi&nna " Arrive " . 8:i3A. was tuU.n upaoa - ' a 25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE ! Ar i"" ' .. :MA. l ' tui? a n i SUBSCUIBB NOW Jruiv -j OUR WKKHflil, T- 9 A. . CHANGE Or SUHfeUULc. ;??h'X?e?SKf mUB FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL. u'planters may rest assured that Uie soppl: . ,. . -r Q.QS A M.. MOnCiaV. 1 o tV.ot icvrtjfi-irf KOld. i. iO into eueub .u i - 7tli inst. . DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) -r nriln.innfnn T- . . 3:25 A. L.eave vvuuiiugf"" ---- . . 4. 711 . . it.O'f XV. Arrive ainuicutc A . nl.,mriiiJ ..... S.V I Arrive Ut Wiuuiu.c . -.4. tnnnOTII ......... it - A. arrive aij 6 M5 A Lieave auguBa..,. . Arrive at Columbia i-tp Arrive at Florence p- arrive an .-i. (OI. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SU Leave Wilmington ii'! ?! Arrive ai r iurcu . 40 A Arrive R.20 A M M M M M M N- M M M M M M M M ..oA'Tvpn TaVARSA PTIOSPIIATE. ' L13oULiViA iiuniiu" - TTanpp.iallw for comDostinff witb Cotton beeu. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. , . j hc Bouthern 8Utc. Hon. K. B. "B,u5iri1.rse,,cret..rv and Trcn.nrcr. Jan 23J, 1373 . - I x5xiic euANo company's CAPITAL $1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. THIS GUANO is so ;ell k..of u In iktSSS jeneyfor inerensins tbo nrortucta or. aboi. aa not ip r 3,,.', for ,,,11,1,10 excolleniw. 'iSPSSSiZ ?hafu,e "Sto put UUdmarkel lbl on .rc nrocLofr IK. same as that heretofore sola. TERMS S50 CASH, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. : - To accommodate nte? U ?" A"U T ' cide as to whether they will take ALL TIML or LAfcii price. W. II. McRARY & CO., Agents for Pacific Guauo Company, Anil Dealers in No. 1 GMnciia and Gnanaje Perm Guanos, WILMIIS GrTOiN, JN. y- .. ..... .... 'CJ 1 JUilUcll -lil' ' FERfl bTZ E R S . 100 Tons Baliama Soluble Guauo, . . ... ... ir Attfiir nnn PRICE, $52 50 CASH, by 1st MAY; $60 00 .PAYABLE Kt mnum, DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS AT WILllISO VOX, N. H. oet9 123 tf UDed until Monday. 8ToKY, worthat eai ,u The bill concerning the Baivey oi price; cnoagu t nrhftm coun'v, was taKen up weeK; X-aUi 5"" - . II . A IH.a I 11J"W. . , .(n Vll. . - t' . -.. ...... I vuol infrS. 1 . ;k. nilR PA'TR.4 I AiTllLl UliVUtt and paeaub i. C, at the low price of mmnniir. DOIiLAR A ifiAiv 8 roKX , wo,ri"Vw topn vou laughing a ATEST NEW. Val. . : ,t0 thn -Carolina v 1 .Hb,TTM and one out ot every nve vw The Din to iuH" ;QVnn DABLE r I" "premium, worth trom f T t ,lf,nv other on the market .vqX RdihVay company, was taken be 6?re to get a Piemium, lOur lea 1 Hominy t - up. ' lot PPntK tO OO. . 9 ,f1 aMT PAfierii l0D ,tbatc, t,obi P-ed o casmi CHANGE OF m... ,ul u t),. Cracked Coro. ii3 sovi il read ngs. Lremiums of each aenomm.j. XOUS V UUUU !i lit uupi 1" '""""! Corn, BoUed 3-1, U9TTeb to repeal chapte, 189, lawsof gg- p SSid55g5 Qwfe TRAINS on f WO- 1'casanaiiM.', ISTI-'T0 was taken ud ana mueuunu.j gaca as ooi- . alue fronl twenty- mington ang v emuu . , has returned in roou oiuli bond lor tue oeneut 01 iuc njeaiaieiy, uu H l at cost on nexUnU deceased, was taken up nd indtll premiums Wc ar(j Qff ing morc 27 ALfciX-L 1, nitclv postponed. ; of pJAdSents for Clubs than any CoBiany. m w OFFICE GENERAL SUPBKINTENDET, V ww,flT(. N. C. June 8, 1873. ) f J iJU 11' v v - - - All credited A Family Paper mrdiatclT. and get a cnauce - Leave unwu. ''.TAt 8:05 A. .i .:.,. tuLvnnnund indtll "minms. ... nr(,,ih. .ysexew.... 12:UPt ; ncceaseu, - AftENTS. ve are ouenufe - - Arrive at uuiupuv".... - j, civ postponed. . ,f L Jicements for Clubs toany other Rocky Mount..... S:50 . ni i ;n f,.r t' p better proicunu" l w , ,. Vmi can maKC mouev vveiuuu Hits bill lr t-c , ,e roVpn I Publisher, o ivpww'i.y L wflnn dailr (Sundays , W L moved, to inaeUnitciy fegg-P Arete::,. Delivo,ed on 0,S Wilton. O. postpone. After debate f u, Pr IJjrj iHf a 15X PRESS T R Al N . nnnimUM IIMT H TT motion was put to a ulc IaveUmon Depot dally... At ig ;J vaxx u i.--h owO L'lTPTllTTll'H AI 1 . Vi 1 1 1 ii I wvp n.yj Unsectarian.Rell?lous Literary amil The aalkm ft rspaper, whose Editor is at tlie Astov lioxibe 1 llmv it SaiU lit r MtsafT unvmr wniT T)T?T7 II U' iiuun"- - No't,nik,r. The New Which can be trusted and .Yhlcl?0SesS 1U11 Ol uncivil, i.-, u .i .-.---.r Such a one is the , . .i i.amonn r.arnum got his .th soMno ron Kvmta talking n,actooin r.,n ii-,. in mnttprs oflteligiou tho mpmbcrs Ot tue preas ou soMFrrniNO for Every 3 talking J" ' " and otbers to matters of ltel igioii the roembers ot the press au ...I w i . Art ncieuce I . . . rrrrC .uorais, romics, iiiitutiu r, : '. vnnnn hoor its oraxorii; tu.u'.- Agriculture, Poetry. News, Fiction lor oung n-ar l" " there were a large numbtT and Old, Truth for Everybody. . Ot course tUere were & be Mr. Beecueu s vigorous pen, in t his Edito- f j. present, the tender sex .uo rials and Star Papers, and Mr. nwtl. ? .cial!v interested in anythirg famed verbatim reports of thehelplul Lec- ,Dg esptCiauy ture lUK)m Talks in Plymouth Church art that talks. rlins great attractions. Mr. Beecher is assisted b proiessor aud bis Wlte, who runs a large and able editorial stair. . V- uofrnn t cet its lung8 ID THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION the machc:btS a short ake as follows: order, and the lormer ueuei One Year Only 83.00 -ture on soun kSSK D r HVgavfari'the familiar -j COME. FIRST SERVED. the positions inpllaIg NEW YEARS' BEEF. ce-c,itiSnezes;rS -tvtt vrn rvr B' jou place you libs together ; it does iLL yc lovers of GOOD STALL 1 LD 1- AT 5u"Jf J A JUICY the same. niointivc B e e-c. B-rr -rr "T-P The macniue iv Ei-f Arnt The "P," as in papa. jau.u - - . mam. can Prot. ine , . ,n . If Wlri 0:.W A. Xl Leave Weldon daily.. s-53 p! M Arrive at ttocay ixuuii. - M Union Depot tu a. .ai .. ... :nifl cnnnuction at Mail i rain niais.cD '" : - r , Weldon tbr all points North rvi Bay Une ana Acqui ... SLEEPIKG CAK8 ON THIS TRAIN. nm rrrn .TWO rOl 1 oovft WlimiEff- J ?V rkrand arrive at EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave wfSca daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P M., and arrive at 11 A. M. 1 JOHN F. DIVINE, I ,ni Rnro.riTitendent. Ucut mf June 8 W ABEHOt SB. PARKEK TAYLOR1 Successors 10 A. H. NEFF, 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate, PRICED 50 Cash by 1st of May. $G0 00 Payable 1st 'Of November. For Sale by I Will find an extra article at Second Street Market on MONDAY MORNING, Ana . or.ti:uln througbout the week. DAVIS A WHITE. h 1W XE peop.0 or MSSj2rm& a0BTmMMXOGOpDS Carpet W8reno Of largest . -d sheet Iron ware sSlfSoin tjesta bandsome. Roofing done at shprtnotice 6Tbe dealgn. are a ""glXe stock AgeSt for Fairbank s Scales. mo. 1 r " M.-hinc-M-a-a U m-a-a n. ; , . ' The dsj. SiSSio Agent. for fc ., Vrof.-A.erco difficult S uu fflIjMfc & c0. WISlNGTON. N. & 150-iy jan 30 EWHABDN. MOON Coinmission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUK, GRAIN, MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cox-. Camden &Paca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders from NortH Carolina HolldUfo febU A CABD. I BEG LE a V ti lie tbat I am In charge of my ownjaop on Nutt 6tret, opoilte CoiTell & Taylor . n Ar TTor mill, nhereiam prrpwcu Shocingin Jhe bct style, and all klodaof Blacksmith work quic ana nu have employed a first claw wood workmaa, and I am now prepared to manuraetnre Carts Drars and Vaoni. Bend In J our Si?; whcL tbey will be lmmedlatel fllled-' , EVANDEBMcBRIPJL t i t 1 nov 19 W lieu yuu cj o - i . i rT a e.a.q-B-S. 1 lr O Machinc-n-as-w-. r t,it cftn 1 jan "Now, saia tnc nw-,

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