. '. . . . '.( . .I'. WILMINGTON, N. C3 FBIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1873 NO. 225 VOL. VI ..-, .'" . . ' . ' Jj I TII fJ:.aftfirnoon except Sunday. Pub r aSAD AT Business Manager J" THE NORTH CAROLINA LEGIS LATURE. (Condensed rom the News. Subscription. .15 00 . 3 00 . 1 50 50 h in adrance... Mx-1 bi 6bonld vt; T.o the Buslows Mantger, and all """lu caUon. or matters relating to the w Crtmeet to the Editor. ' .oliclted from our friend. taSi i-0"""1 ind report,, "-disfTBrokerage Office. ,. f wimple constantly on hand Fm SSlSrt?r? and manufacturers in VrtVthern markets. 0 . nt merchandise, orders i v,t tnd SOi in 8TATIO'8. at tt SENATE. Wednesday, Fcb'y 5, 1873. Senate called to order at 11 o'clock. Lieutenant Governor Brogden in the chair. On motion ot Mr. Cunningham, the special order ordered for the considera tion of the schoorbill was reconsidered, and the bill referred to the , comniittee on Education. On the motion ts reler, Mr Grandy desired to submit come remarks on this bill prepared by himself. Introduction of Bills. By Mr McCauley, a bill to amend the charter ol tho , town ot Mooroe, Union county. By the same, a bill declaring certain acts of State officers a misdemeanor. By Mr Dunham, a bill to incorporate i 1 j m Pour anrl TCVnn "Rive r Steam boat Company. Referred A California paperjsajs: Streams are Calendar.' , very high In Southend Oregon at the Senate resolution relieving W. W. present time, Umpqua raisaa one ArriveirWUmington. Holden, of the political disqualification toot last night; it will raisa the other DnOT8t goin w f nrobablv. within the next twenty-iour . ef 5frh Tl cation. T i t-i. 1 honra. when it will run. v. nm-KhacPK npeuutiicu. i imnpi.c luicut. I .uitahiSbuy or M.Sn5Bj; On the motion ot fcr Murphy to Yree??. and often with jour local Q0 the further consideration of the resolution until Monday, next, and AnnltT Atirlawo nno f alrnn i w After debate the resolution passed its TV,. 1 .1 1 1 i. 3 ll. - - 4. a luc uiu iu aoicuu tut; kci ucawug Mechanic's and Laborer's Lien Law was taKen up. The substitute offered by the commit tee was adoDted. On nmtinn rf ATr fj.irman t ll f 111 1 1 Wft postponed uatil Tuesday and ordered to be printel. The bill to amend chapter 185, laws 573 ol 1871-'72 was taken up. (Allows - votiDg by certificates.) Mr Jones, ot Caldwell, moved to table L' st ve.i 29. navs G8. On motion, the t I ! 1 wa? postponed unti' to morrow week. Adj-iurnd. A nnKnriT pVion rooa PTnlMlninfT tO his wife, Sunday morning, how his moth er used to cook pan caks, when she in- terrupted him. with the Datter pitcncr. Ha la raw p-rnenmentinff With a new kiod ot salve. RAIL ROADS. Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutnerfora Rail Road Lino. ? Eastern Division : New Schedule. j Going West. 18731 Leave Wilmington... ADOOllSDUrg. . . Lumbertou Shoe Heel T a n r-i Tin Tcrlk fe Rnrkinp'liRm Arrive at Lilesvlllevf. PASSBNOEK 8.00 A M 11.16 " 12.30 r m 1.54 a.:-9 4.03 " 4.45 FBEIOHT. fi.00 AM 11.45 2.C5 P M G OO am I -.; itooo ' ' NAYASSA GUANO 0 OF WIIL.lVIXIfGT01V. IV. O. Going East. PASSKNGKK nd bids Merchandise UlA Mfrrhanoi buyers solicited, and mrk, left b? sellers will have prompt at- ut" 7.40 A M 8.3G " 10.30 " . 10.55 " 12.0 P M ,1.26 44 A 'IK it FKEIGUT. 12.00 M ! h.66 iii 5.55 " 9 50 12.C5 P M 5.00 Tim tM freelj m W A Merchandise and Produce broker. dec aa T. A. OBANGEB, N. C. T.ot. rf Richmond. Va I O W E cwin Machines. r i,u Machine cannot be un r.fo'ruH tn thft .Tinliciarv committee. ItlUtVU WW -" " w ' Mr Love railed the previous question, and upon this motion Mr Avera de manded the yeas and nays. The call for the previous question was not sustained. The motion of Mr Murphy to refer to the Judiciary committee, withdrawing the day named for its consideration, prevailed. Special Order. At Hi o'clock, the Constitutional Amendments were taken up and con sidered. Mr Grandy occupied the floor in op- ;:.. cfntinrr that he had been mis- represented in the statement that he was opposed to Constitutional Amendments, but he was opposed to any alterations or amendments to that instrument at r A.i Tt- moo iint imrtnrt&nt and .itnn I mis lime. At, noa IVUlTRANflK. AA not demand a change. I . . :mn.vfot nna in the COI1. 1 ffE A;UtoweSYntfaten the etitution, be would rather stand by them effected at .the lowwt current i fae nQt oJ ag lV,,Pnf work this Macuine civn uui lS Rfiwil our fine work is equal to any 1 "a v work excels that of any Ma- ana nui - . . chine in the wo rm. HONEST Machine, jMffiiffi ,aat a 1116 iim -ork of any ou,- 7" by leaving mem 4 T.lDDltt Row, roni easy Payments. u Macnlno Co. GRANGER'S 1ST Tr; W HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors GOLD8BORO, N" . C. Convenient lor the Trains leaving for th North, South, East ana west. G. II. W. ROTGE, G-ROOEBIES, 44 South Side MarKet bt., A MATCHLESS SELF -SEALING wiT.MTNRTON. N . C V V A. Al Ai - r STATIONS. Leave Lilesville ....... Kf rvb-inorhnrn - Latnmbu.s.... ShnA HapI " Lnmberton AhHrtttAhnrc i 1 IJXiiii KvlUK ii&ov. ijuk.. ing East. Freight Trains stop here over mgnt. t Stage for Charlotte : Railroad and stage fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only $ 10. Kgp No Trains on Sunday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber, run irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger iram. Western Division. STATIONS Leave Charlotte . Lincolnton Arrive at Buffalo PASSENGER FREIGHT. 8.CTA M 10.43 12.07 June 4 15-ly Jan 3 ments. "'.t M;hino Co. Agent nomc 200-tf . ?:r,;.iMB Companies, on ap- IDllOwllift avi-w plication to . TaiTnivrr ' - :1SsT. of ix-ndoa. 0old ORE AT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, F A RM VI LLE KIRE INSURANCE AND rBAAKING COMPANY of Va.. asse BYRNE & KEEN AN, Oen'l Insurance Agents, omce Chamber of Comm.P than to "fl to evils he knew not ot," as this bill proposes, xic icwiicu : clause in the constitution providing how it shall be changed or amended, and argued that the .eighteen bills now offered were not in accordance there with. He was here interrupted by Mr Morehead, of Guilford, who asked if he would vote for the original bill. Mr Grandy-no, sir. He thought the pas sage of the original bill was calculated to uproot the whole government of the State To support the amendments, as they appear, he thought would be antag onistic to the law now existing, and would necessarily lead to revolution. A violation of one part was a violation ot T , c.nofAra tn the whole, ana ne cuuuscicu uDU, TJ- "TVT A iVJlj I INI l-r COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALlER IN (irnnfirifis. ProTisions. Drv Goois Utvvvaav - Clothing, &c. &c, No 22 and 24 North Water 8treet, WILMINGTON," N. C. Consignments and Cash OrderB Solicited oq 151-ly RETURNING. Leave Buffalo j 1.07 r m " Lincolnton '-s.4L " Arrive at. Charlotte... 5.14 " O. JOHNSON. S. L. FREMONT, Assistant 8upt. Gen.Supt. iau 9 199- VYilmington. Columbia & Au- rasta R. R. Company. Gen. Superintendent's Office, ) ttt XT f n.t 17 1 ATO. f I.TUNlNCsRER ERuecKERT WILMINGTON. -ttli and Market Streets, nu Ann r nr &RHEDDLE. rrHE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL X go into effect at 3:35 A. M., Monday, 7th inst. DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily,) Leave Wilmington 3iV JJ Arrive at Florence 4 Jf Arrive at Columbia. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta.... . f. M Arrive at coiumuia T r Arrive at iiuituw - u -.r Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DA1L.I ouxi- ASA AO jiiAV -"- MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN Popular Standard Fertilizers! k Price per ton Delivered on SOLUBLE NAVA88A GUANO,1' For Com, Cotton, and all Field Crops, i " NAVA8SA TOBACCO FERTHjIZER," ) Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. ) " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," 1 Earjeciallv for comDOstiner with Cotton Seed. ) A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. ... . . . -ARencies established at all the principal towns and "tl" in the boutnern Bute. Hon. R. R. BRIDGERS, President. C. L. GRAFFLIN, Superintendent. D. MacRAE, Secretary and Treasurer. " Jan add, l73 PAYABLE llT CA8XI NOVEMBER. 55 00 63 00 $65 00 $75 00 ' $30 00 35 00 212 8m PACIFIC OUANO COMPANY'S CAPITAL $1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO 169 LP Wilmineton 5:45 P. M Arrive at Florence. 11:35 P. M a l - fTMnmma o.iv 0.. u- ariivi vvi"'"r .. - . AW I . . -a. . n H ZU A. JM. i 1 or -V . 1 a wiira nr. fi iim limn .. the whole, and hecounseiea obum - Ttir rA "1 5:50 P. M w . - I 11, nrnra 1 MB. W U nn.B h.BM I V I v - -( avofd the dangerous grounu tuCJ r, JVf CU II UULL Hno run Arrive at Col roorlintr. I . atrxTTTtzn. tap.tttne. FREE I Arrive at FlO O- . i J - fiiiil I AJA) DflTllvl ' On motion ot JSir. iuo u,,-- anTlM now for lord, the further consiaerauuu ui V wwrtv oa rwnrmed till to-mor- OTTfE. WEEKLY, BUieUUUlCUli via pv-r I " - ' t-, row. A nrst-ciaas, trc-.j ft-rrrl- at a I T .-m -kfn rtMH II MI 1 T w W u 1MB It. I . f.JiriO -MS tAVVfW-v The consideration of the Agricultural Bill ame up, and the question first recurred on the amendment of Mr Mer- rimon. The amenumeub puimw - tA.iAto TJ. r... at the low price ui TinTT A TT A YEAR! j ri rj xj-j M.M.m. . 0?r.a OTI INTERESTING S'BY, worth at let the Bubscriptlon "m""-. "v.-. rr. iwi ivininii . '...i. .n5 a Mneral collection OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR , b. paid I out of the fund appro- ug Will H T I &.V h U W w w i 14 STILL ahead of any other on the market Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed Always omhand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, Corn, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drayed free. All burs returned In good order win do cue i. uu ALEX sept 27 . WW ttt a w ' AtrtT1 A Family Paper ii th-m ail 200 each for their services. . , Pending the discussion, the Senate adjourned. Atran nv TtKPRESENTATlVES. At 10 A. M. Mr Speaker Robinson called the House to order. By Mr Dickey, a bill to regulate the salary of the Superintendent ot the In sane Asylum. Referred. n-:Arrtn.o Clav. a bill to repeal chapter 30, laws of 1868- 69. Kelerrea. of the A I- aaa a U IT wnntKAv rroTQ n. f nn.iit:c au ca v a- tt abLiB rRBMiuM, ana uuo "u -wiU be sure to get a Premium, orth from 25 cents to $25.00. aO0aW wito Km two to ten f2, V or,nmination. Our premiums -Afni articles. a m h 1'iiiininu ui iuv" hTsewinTMachines, Bleached Domes such as eewiuK JJ- . frnm twentv- tic, &C c., ranging , - five cents to a RnhsM.;he im- and et a chance- at the large premiums. - nfrp.rino- more lib- , indncemenis iur vi""D """" eralinauceuxcixw. mnneT bv an- rnniiBxxci " -rr Xrrive at Columbia 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence f - Arrive at Wilmington - Gen'l Sup't. oct 9 " Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. OFF1CK GENBBAIa SUPBBIKTBNDBHT, 1 Wilmington, N. C, June 8,1872. ), CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mineton and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : . MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- days excepted) At b.05 A. m Arrive at Goldsboro....... 12.11 P- M KOCKjr mount WAlrion o.Kr x.. Calendar. The Senate amnesty up bill was taken iuly 23 Tr TVnnetL its con- sideration was postponed until to-day Who Kill to amend the charter of the - ox 1 TXrVo Txrao Which can be trusted and which is always fall of interest, is a necessity of the times! ttuch a one is the . CHR1T1AN UNION. Th Un sectarian, Rellrious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose Editor is HENRY WARD BEECHER. I A JW IT has somethino for Evxbt Mjuibek Cape r ear xruxx OfTHK UnrKHni.n in matters of Kelson U-Von nn and DaSSCQ s bccxx v- Morals, Politics, literature. Art, Science ft on t Mr Johns, the resolU- Artcultur Poetry, News, FicUon lor Young On motion 01 Keeper oi iKlOld,Truthfor i:erybody. t tion appointing Y. B. . ww, JJr p MK.BMc avir6usin,inhisEdiU- ihe c-itol, with a salary of $500 per rials and Star Papers, anfMr. Ellinwopd' the apuoi, w 1 finned Ttrbatim reports of the helpful Leo- year was taken up. fh. rpan tnrw pmT.iv.i; Pivmnnth rrhnreh. are ti rf W r KowmftD. tne resu . rtt attractions. Mr. Beechex is assisted by Yu notnoned for a week. ISTMandahlPdltnriAlstAlT. lutlOn WaS POStponeu lux . On motion of Mr neaioa vuo lutlon in favor of JC taken up and passed its several read- nSn moUon pt Mr Bowman, the Sen ate resolution adjourning on the 17th a.rt "26th inst.," ;hruonwa;ej.edbyvoteo, fnniiHiier. j. - - i ..r. ------ - SHP!?!Hft. Premmm Weldon daujcsonaaj. ReWd. . . ,fi T.,"iI!!AaWt-P aSto at Rock V Monnt .' .' .' . . of instruction to our Representatives m to Publisher of Our Wldyy n 1 - . I Charlotte. N. O. 00 tl 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. AT 5:30 P. M 1873. Fnrnitiire & Carpet wis. THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION aw m TnT.TiMfH Jfc f J Aaj Ji VWV II vt Ono Year Onlv 83.00 Bend money by Postal Orders, Drafts, or Ritered Letters. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. JR may a 157-tf NEW YEARS' BEEF. ALL ye lovers of GOOD STALL FED FAT JUICY 10:40 P. M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:58 P. M 10:58 P. M 3:10 A M ftnldsboro Union Depot V.YPRR88 TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At Arrive at woiasuoro Kockj moaui Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount ueiasooro TTtnlrtn TlArutf -w r tt m . mnb-Aa riaai connection at jn.au xxaxxx luoavo v. - - r. Weldon lor aU points North via Bay Line AUU . it. ; Express Train eonaecte oniv wun cq TJTTT.T.Vf A N'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON TUia IKAA. TunWTn TTT TO A TVS will 1PAVR WlllUlXliC v iEiiuax luouiu - - . iri.Mklv at 6.00 A. M.. and arrive at lXU h . 'nvnnvoo TT1 TTnTTT TRATNS will leave ttti i t a. oiiv rflnn)&T8 exceoted) at a VTtlXXAXXlguvu. um.j Z ana mnic ai ax a. JOHN F. DIVINE, June 8 P. M., WAREHOUSE. Will find an extra article at Second Street Market on MONDAY MORNING, And continuing throughout the week. PAVIS & WHITE. de 1W- yeaa 18, nays 65. f . le ot ; the Carolinas nowhaveai ThfiZtoTa JyW giSSK.011111 ing amended DJ r.""nat bv a fect in person from one of the largest wuxx, Sneet Iron Ware. . -15th" instead of the "17th inst., by cgiectmpe nandsomef Roofing done at short notice . r qq nva 10. Vrv, aoaitms are all new aa ilrT;,ir . v..tj-,kt,v' Rrles. of Bobe.cn county. w "Cn7inn ' Bmln " " " U .A.aI TAr I I1H UU1 W iUU - w therewara oucuuxu. nnlesoii jan of Boss Strong, one of the Kobesojy j Successors to A. H. NEFF, HOWBFUBmamNG GOODS, ." - . T7-i-nnn rill T THIS GUANO is so well known iu all the Southern States for its remarkable clJecJLa, a n ry. i,.,.0ci h nrndnrts nf labnr. as not to reuulro KDCclal reooramenaauon Sm uat Its Tuse loreveraf years past has established Its character for reliable ex7 The large fixed capital invested by the company in this trado affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. n,i,,i,ii,. . r. . 4io ivio tnnr ou nnMn nmnrirf . iiiN hciisoii are nrccisciy ins. ntLixpKio nxny icsi onsuicu ij. iuv "'1'.-'-' i . i . same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. Jfcg To accommodate Tlanters they can order now and have until th 1st of April to de cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. W. tt. McRARY & CO., Agents for Pacific Guano .Company. And Dealers in No. 1 Cnincna ani Gnanape Penman Bnanos, WILMINGTON, N. Q. it i FERTILIZERS. 100 Tous Bahama Soluble Guauo, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, iy 1st HAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS AT WILMINGTON, N. 0. january 23-liu" :o:- r . . 500 Tons Whanii's Raw Bone Super phosphate, PRICE $52 50 (Jash . by 1st ot May. $60 00 Payable lkt of November. Delivered on Cars at "Wilminyrtoii. IST-. O. :o:- 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate. PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st of May. $60 00 Payable lsl of November. For Sale by jau 30 "RICHARD N. MOON. Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IK FLOUR, GRAH, MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Solicited. f feb U 171"w VICK & ItlEBAIVE. 218-3m A CARD. " I BEG LEAVE. TO INFORM THE PUB lie that I am in charge of my own aop on Nutt atret, opotite Colrcll & Taylor'a mill, where lam prepared to do Horse Shoeing in the best-atyle, and all kinds of Blacksmith work quick and neatly done. I have employed a first class wood workman, and I am now prepared to manufacture Carts. Drays and Wagons. Send In jour orders when they will be Immediately. EVANDER AfeBRIDE, Blacksmith. jan9 ' ..V