...'--. x . .... ,, , ,". , 1.. 1 M III J 1 I ' 1 I 1 . 1 I I -.-,! , ' I I Jt . ... . ' I ' , , ..... ,,u. ' 'vOlTvL WILMINGTON, N. G, SATURDAY, J13BRUABY 8, 1873 m 'm tv(K3 C MANN ...15 00 ... 3 00 ... 150 ... 50 in advanee . . rag j ' . 5ireaonUm In advance.... to the Business Manager, and all In caUousormaturB relating to the C0I Jll Apartment to the Editor. ,nCe aollclted from our friends oAb?BUt?o topic, of Rene- , I,t- political new. and reports oi cro especially deslrahle "jtandLse Brokerage Offiec, t aQinnlee constantly on band Fm'imPr" Manufacturers In j-otlong ot mercbandise. oraers atfiA M.rrbandise bough and wm u lea left by sellers win nve prompi. UD .U as cash purchase negotiated. Time Jf wUb to buy or sell, communl- Se?S?. yUr Merrbadlle and Produce bwkjn dec 3) JHVORLD RENOWNED . H o wE Scwlnff Machines. IS ra c t oi p neoffeia equal to any .hln in the WOrld. nn.rtor fo Vi Inp "'ISraluTiim D. KrVn Dbck and Orange. om on Jan a INSURANCE. . ffE ASD WRB IKSnNCB CAN BE Slr-Com.M, on ap- S1 V. or U,ndon. AJj-- fiREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANci COMPANY, New Orleans, FARMVILLE KIRE 1 NSUKAN CE AN D B AAK1N QCO MPANV or V., BYRNE A KEEN AN. ' Oen'l Insurance Agents. Office Chamber of CommeesUlrs. I -. M. t1'- OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR 13 HTILL ahead of any other on the market 1 our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpass eel Always onhand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Cera, Corn, Bolted Aieai, Peae and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. AU goods sold drayed free. All bags returned In good order will be credited at cot on next bllL fr.vrr. OLDHAM, Proprietor. tptZ7 X Family Paper Which can bo trusted and which Is al ways roller Interest, is a necessity of the times. Such a one is the CHR1T1AN MO N. The Unaectarlan, Religious, Literary Family Newipaper, whose Editor Is HENRY WARD BEECHER. IT HAS S03CETHIXO FOR EVKBT MEMBKB or thx HorsEHOLixin matters of Religion Morals, Politics, literature. Art, Science Agriculture, Poetry, News, Fiction lor Young and Old, Truth for Everybody. ... Ma. Bmchkb's vigorous pen, in his EdiUv rlals aad Star Papers, and Mr. ElUnwopd famed verbatim reports of the helpful Lec ture Room Talks In Plymouth Church, arc great attractions. Mr. Beecher Is aasisted by a large and able editorial Stan. THE TERMSOF SUBSCRIPTION xxx as toixowb : One Year Only 83.00 Bend money by Postal Orders, Drafts, or Registered Letters. -FIRST COMX, FIRST SERVEDjJMf ioay2 187-tX NEW YEARS BEEF. ILL re lovers of QOOD STALL FED FAT JUICY m mm .1 n t , . Will find an extra article at Second Street Market on , - MONDAY MORNING, And continuing throughout the week. DAVW A WHITE, THE NORTH ' CAROLINA, ' LEGIS LATURE. Condensed from the News. SENATE. Thursday, Feb. 6, 1878. The Senate was called to order at 10 By Mr Flemmin?, a petition from the citizens of McDowell, asking the estab- natic As j lam at Marion, insaid county.; AIG1C1 1 CI! IU IUO ' WIUIUItl jiuoauv Asylam. Rs Mr Mnrrav. . mfimoTial'froni citl zees ot At&mance county concerning the Viiiuauuu ui iciicbibic j Vmm Hia RtmMmjct. thtt Governor tranmittinrr & conv of the reDort ot the Commissioner ot the Board ot Public Charities. In bia message the Governor says: 1 nave lue nonor io-irausiuit f rnnsideration. an Board of Public chtritleff whicQ j nave read with R great deal ot Interest, ana upon waica , i it would auora me pteasure iu ate tl nuuiu buvu f I some suggestions, stating wherein I do of the Board ; but fearing that it may j be charcred- as it was charged by mem- I berBof your honorable body on aformer I .oinii vhn t Anrifivorea to maice. WWMW w . . what appeared to me, legiumaw ub gestions with regard to our public debt, that 1 msnitested a desire te usurp legislative Junctions and interfere with your prerogatives, I forbear now to say An anvthin r tin the fnbiect matter of vri uu "j " . . . , the accompanying repoi, muuu tu.u ;o transmit the report itselt. -Tue report was ordered to be printed, md after -aomo discussion as to what d..po,i.l...houM be made of the Got- nrsi uay i ouu. Introduction of B 'ilU. By Mr Troy, a bill to re-enact and continue in force the act authorising the Commissioners ot uumDenanu coun ty to levy a special tax. By Mr Love, a bill to incorporate the Rabon Gap Short Line Railroad. Re ferred. Special Order. a 1 1 1 ftvirwv h President announ- ced the arrival ot the special order, wuicn was iuecuuBmww" w stitutional Amendments. Mr Cunningham at some leugiu u vocated the necessity aod importaDC of passing the amendments proposed, referring to each of the proposed alter ations. , Previous question being called n the passage oi the bill on ill a reaarng, the vote reurreu ou iusv.uuu.--. hiih was to siriKe oui iuo ;n rektinn to the duoIic debt. The yeas and nays being called the amendment passed Dy o iu . The second amendment, which pro vides for the abolition ot the office of . . ... ITT 1 A SuDerintcndentot JfuDiic noras paoacu luji um "vu - o , , The third amendment, which striKcs from the Constitution the prvisiou providing for the Code Commission passed by S3 yeas to 6 nays. Eppes tinrr and Harris votinff for the uvb w"fct amendment. The tourtn amenumvui, nuv,u x exemptions to be applicable to any IBA CASUipuw-B w - A - -vx,; A nmnrtv to the amount namea passed by 33 yeas to 7 nays. Eppes imtinrr fnr the amendment, i The fifth amendment in relation to the State University, which takes the charge of the University from tte t i f vnnktinn and transfots it to the General Assembly, tailed br 30 yets to 10 nays, air aiuicucau, - hd changed his vote from the af- firmative to the nega'tive before the rote Pnts.-Wo are offering more lib was announced, moved a reconsidera- cements for Clubs thaa any other tlon. and on motion, the vote on tne Publisher. You reconsideration postporea unui o'clock to-morrow. - The sixin mi- Public Schools ana room; iU9uuv-i.-i-j k- v oomp. vote as above, witn r Z:. Mr Troy changed i rote & he cegatWe, afterwd moved a reconsiucinw - ; , tion of wnicn mouou .... . , of 1 rvx rtV.lock. till lO'Uluuun v . On motion of Mr Troy, the considera tion of the special of till to morrow, and the Senate ad journed. H0U8B OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M. the House was called to order by Mr Speaker Robinson. Mr Turner presented a memorial from certain citizens ol Iredell, , asking that . , i r k A tlon tip Tennessee & Ohio Railroad be not interfered with. Bv Mr Whitmire, a u fcW 1,;"v 'chapter 178, laws of 1808 '60. Refer- rCBy Mr'Anderson, of Clay, a bill to J i .r.; tht mav exist cure any irrcgu4w - in the titles to cerwu iv and ciay C0Unties. Eeferred. o,-,Z Order 1 ' f . : . . i t P?55? chapter 8 of ne "TV' uaubW4 wv - was llr(n DO. r TTA...nM raAMl to indefinitely postpone. - He thought tke law had I not iTT vT . r.i trial TT did not think paid their incorporation lee. Mr Gudger hoped the motion to in definitely postpone wonlJ preTail. He thought this general incorporation act was a step in the right direction. It had the tendency to prerent the time of the General Assembly being consumed by passing the bills incorporating petty corporations, nine out of ten of which never go into operation. Mr NrNn .rreed with Mr Gudfier. and entered into an argument to show the utility and wisdom of the law as it stood. ! Mr Bennett was opposed to the 43th section of the original act which re quires the pre-pay ment of a tux of f 2o. TV- a1 t. 4. Z a. vamasJ oniric rtf nf rua 9 nsn A? Mr Bennett witnarew nis amenumem on tnis reading of the blllv and would offer iton the third reading., : The bill then passed its second read- MrBowman moved to suspend the rules and put the bill on its third read ing. Adopted. -V ' anct o iwgmj w j i After a lengthy deoate ine om was, . ma- on mOlIOU UlAiUt WVilUlli l the jadiciaryCommittee. ate to incorporate the Midland xnrtu rjornlinn Railroad Company was t kca op r - Mr Jones, ot uaiaweii, moveu iw pnut and make special order for 11 a. m. Monday. At the instance of Mr Moss the mo tion was divided. The question first recurred upon the motion to print, which was adopted. ma - . - .... nnilal nrilar ftT ine motion iu mnv ipiai Monday was put to a vote and adopted. 0n motioD Gf Mr Wheeler; the bill for tii relief of disabled soldiers was taken no. iThe ,resoluti0a rivbs w boi- diers who lost limbs in the late war. Mr JJlormg moveu io mcuu uj ing "and aU who are permanently ais- abled." .. Mr Bowman moved to postpone until Mr Baoger moved to amend by limit ing the -appropriation in the bill to $7 000. Mr Houston moved to recommit to the Judiciary Committee. Carried. Adjourned. " Wilmington. 4tli and Market Streets, 169 dec 3 T.,crTy nn 1 ARS FOR ONE i iibiti A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE I SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR OUR WEEKLY, t itrarv Fam- Uv Paner. published every Saturday, at Charlotte, N. C, at the low price oi ONE DOLLAR" A YEAR! TCAch number contains an INTERESTING J"?, r.. i .... tho aubBcrlDtlon price; enough FUN to kWjou week; and a g wpf ic t aiiu m ev LATEST wawo. . , . . v. T Every subscriber a chancet a Val everv five will be sure to get a Premium, worth from Ou? CA8HPREMIUMS are in sums off $1, .0n54?. ST -ith from two to ten i.UU. LAy tooh ;;0mination. Our SSS h sewin?Macblnes, Bleached Domes Uc! & &I, ranging in value from twenty- five cents to $25.00 , T.f X" : " .na." Snbscribe im- vcwjB - mediately, and get UCiaya ar u------ . lft0 vassmg ;iot clVr paper. Premium T.iJt wdTenM to Agents, sendS-cent stamp to i l vf x T i r A Li L- v r w ...... Charlotte, N. C. 56 tf 1uiy23 Puraitnre & Carpet 1873. i v I u t b - narnllnaa now nave aj SS " SSKeveT ored In tte SUM, fc.-m. can. boicc i. . r- Dl BtdW ail new 'and handsome, and weJnStethepnbllo ito examine stock d pnees rraVm . CO. UiidruNlNCs RER4fflL1d RAIL ROADS. Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherfora Rail Road Lino. Eastern Division : New Schedule. jgyg Going West. 1873 STATIONS. PASSBXOEK FBS1UUT. Leave Wilmington... " Abbottsburg. . . Lumberton . . . ' 8hoe Heel. . . . . " Laurlnburg. . . Rockingbam . Arrive at LHeflvUle.t. 8.00 A M 11.16'" 12 . SO pm 1.54 ' 2.f 9 " 4.03 " 4.45 6.00 A M 11.45 ' ! 2.t5 P M: 5.00 ! 6.00 A M ukoo ! Goib Hast. STATIONS. PA88BNGKK FKBIG11T. Leave Lllesville . 7.40 A M 8.86 44 10.80 44 10.55 44 12. v0 P M 1.26 44 12.00 M j 5.00 AM 5.55 " 9.50 41 i it KOCKingnam . . Lanrinburcr. 4f Shoe Heel . . Lumberton 44 Abbottsburg... Arrive at" Wilmington. 12a 5 P M 4.35 44 t: Ibrs. 5.00 44 DrsSBSrgoing west: .breakfast, ro ing .East. Freight Trains stop here over tn ffo nlirht sUeefoVcharlotte: Railroad and 8tage r-No drains on Sunday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber, run irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Trahu Western Division. STATIONS Leave Charlotte ...... 4 Lincolnton PASSENGER FREIGHT. 8.C0 A M 10 43 44 1 tt Arrive at Buffalo aw v RETURNING. Leave Buflalo 1.07 p m 44 Lincolnton 2.41 44 A rriv At (Ibarlotte. . . 5.14 44 V. O. JOHNSON. S. L. FREMONT, A.giatant BtlDt uen.aupu 1ai9 199 Wilmington. iolumDia & Au- gusta B. K. Company . GEN. 8UPBBrNTBNDlENTS OFFICE, I Wiuciiigton, N. C, Oct. -7, 1872. f CIIAHQE OF SCHEDULE. n.turiflC HC CPU Cnill F. UllMliUk ur wwii-vwaa rnHB FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL I VTTffpV.t at 3-25 A. M.. Monday, effect at 3-25 A. M., Monday, CO IUW CliOWl. k - 7tn msi. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) T mfitwn.n S:25 A. Mi Arrive at Florence. o.S p' m .Arveat oJUimbia,.,.. ..,...-.. 2:40 P. M Arrive at aurub w . a - c Leave Augusta.. p-gj - Arrive at Columbia ...1125 A. M Arrive at Florence.. 4:15 P. M Arrive at WUmlngton. 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN- UAxD iliAViiiir m.juxj.1 Leave Wilmington -,5:Sp m Arrive at Florence. ll-Jg J Arrive at Columbia jj-40 A- Arrive at AugusU. JSp 5 Leave Augusta in" an p" M Arrive at Columbia 10-20 P. M Arrive at Florence e-nn a m Arrive.at WIlinliJA. li Gen'ISup't. i oct9 123tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R Company. Omen General Supbbintehdbnt, i Wilmington, N. C, June 8,1872. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. fV AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, - (JpASENGER TRAINS on the Wll- gfoTand Weldon Railroad will run as follows: , Leave Union Depot dally (Sun- 8:05 A. M 12:11 P. M 2:11 T. M 3:50 ?. M days excepwu; a mvfl at. noldsboro Rocky Mount...-. Weldon.. Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) A Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldaboro Union Depot I EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally. . .At Arrive at Goldsboro. Rocky Mount Weldon.I... Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount Gildsboro 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 F. M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:58 P. M 10:53 P. M 3:10 A. M Mail Train maites close connection at w-Mr-m for all oolnts North via nay nine elaon ior an yvwi j . ,dAcquicreo rente.. j tore.. Train conBecUonlytt Acqmta and Acauia Creek routes. SMnAM ON THIS TRAIN. rnn T.i r uuuuiai.1 w FREIGHT TRAINS will leave wuinm ton trl-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P.M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS wiU leare wiiminirton daily (8undays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DlVJJNJt, : General Superintendent. I Junes PABKEK 5& X'AYI.Oii1 Successors xo i A. H. NEFF, . . i jikrc In EOWS&FURmaWNQ 000D8 w a TnrnnnTI fill 1 i&w.tt RDnW 30116 at Short notice Roofinff done at short notice o. 1 Front Street, in") iiil"""' j lljP 3hr ' in I ill ii nov iv i NAVASSA GB OF WIlINGTON. IN". C. I - X. MAN TJF ACT URERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN Popular Standard Fertilizers ! 44 SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Com, Cotton, and all Field Crops, WAVAHSA TORACCO FERTILIZER." Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. 44 DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," F.anpo.iallv for comDOstinff with Cotton Seed. ( A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. . 4. . an,,.rrn sutca -Agencies established at all the principal towns and cities in the 2Vn tenant. Hbn. tt. R. BRIDGERS, President. C. L. GRAFFLIN, Snpenntendtnt. D. MacRAE, Secretary and Treasurer. Jan 23d, 1873 2123m PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S CAPITAL $1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO ttttk nTT a Ten 4 Bn iri irtinwn in all the ocrw 1;rintr ti. Products of labor, om ust Ite usHor c - f . , 1 The large fixed capital Investea dv ine company m iuio liuu u.- of the continued excellence of this Guano. mnr.ot ,, M.m, nr nrcciuclr tho Planters may rest assured that the supplies put into market this season are prccisci j mo Planters may rest assured max. me nuppucs cotr as that hprptfnrA Rnlrl. same as that heretofore sola. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 4'To accommodate Pinters they can order now and have until the lt of ArrU to de . cide as to, whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. W. H. McRARY & CO., Agents for Paciflo Guano Company, Ani Dealers in No. I CMncIa ani Bnaaape Peruvian Gnanos, . januarj' 23-lm FBETI LIZER 100 Tous Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE , $52 50 CASH, Dy 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS AT WILMINOTONN. 0. 500 Tons Whann's Raw Bone Super phosphate, PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st ot May. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. Delivered on Oars at AVilmingrton. 1ST. O. 500 Tons Star pRif;E..-(52 50 Cash by 1st tRM 93i J For Sale by I jan 30 RICHARD N- MQON. Conimission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL JrJkEiiSf AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. T Cor. Caxnden &Paca Sts ; tflthnn 1M. 1MUWIHV Orders from North Carolina Solicited. 174-t ANO COMPANY, Price per ton Delivereihon tka rnn nt FactorV - PAYABLE 1ST CASH i NOVEMBER, 1 $55 00 $65 00 $05 00 $75 00 $30 00 $35 00 Soutbern States for its remarkable effects a an or. u. not to require special recommendation aa not to require special recommcnaauun Pui mio uxuix, a-" " - TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. WILMINGTON, N. g. s :o: Soluble Phosphate, A of May. S6U 00 Payable 1st of November. virK Ar MKI1AIVE. 218-3m I nvrn ta TVlTnPVf TTlK PIlH. lie that I am in charge of my own shop on Nutt street, oposue uoiveu w ijur min where I am oreoared to do Horse Shoeing in the best stylt, and all kinds of Blacksmith work quicJC ana neau j aonc have employed a first class wood workman, and I am now prepared to manufacture Carts. Drays anS Wagona 8dlj lyour orders whsn' they will ds lnunedlately fl?Cd 1 EVANDER McBRIDE. Biaektmlth. jan9 IWln, l - ; h 1 'I t I- I ' '1 : I Jan9 ' ?k .t tfcswn mranrationa WDO naa de. 190-