K wmmmmm i ii I NO. 228 1DN8TON, N. C, TUESDAY,Jp3RIJ 1 r.ri T.?S Bta" Manager. w vfiNN J63 subscription. ..$5 00 tcr. in advance TontW in advance - Tire tv, in advance .rr-Vl ia!? xftr. and all ar" " matters relating to the .tnnl:"" ,nt to the Editor. ilJer .. , CO ..oria. 3 1 c0.icUed from our frleaiU ll?arl" FoUticalnews and report oi intef l,rcUly desirable. . arc wr - - - - - I - LATUlUi. Condensed from tho Nevre.J . SENATE. Saturday. Feb j b, is . .. r MOO oeimio a vw. 1 vr run luuuno. o'clock. Lieutenant tfoveroor cruSuCu in toe cnair. . The Journal-01 yesicruajr .v.- Expres Train 25pin. nd n'nrnved' 1 I Mail Train ncTT7naRTim;..''' O.motion of. Mr Tro.tbc vote A?" W.. which the carter "-i" iBU, oammTr: cttcville passed last nigut "" avx. . cr'o, ana us cuusiucibviu- 1 r man p till Friday next at 13 o'ciock. ARRIVE AT WELDQNr ' -1 ,1 ------ f MO COMPANY, LEAVE WELDOK. Calendar. lUso-ution in relation to the $25 tax Express FKEIGH TRAINS. ..; t.. ip rftid before the consiue . f - S f cbuner. for corporations, etc., !- -rB .a deOoea a.' to erempt frotn . , pro- t g fehandlse Broker Office. .1 Sri- cdacat.onal or cbarita-. Arrtre t rcour, " .-' . rt-t.oiui I liltr corirorations. i.Mr0imr" nc of niPtiS i5 p. BiU iu reference 'to Executors ana r- N,ith,ru market-. order8 . . geeral readiDg3. Axrlve -atPetj hi t"'"' 1 no iraina w J 11 I'LL r Cr A" rt&Xud telimpbed promptly. Mcrcluindi Vmi buvers solicited, and J?Et. orders fwn .,TftVe prompt at- 11 Sles U ft by set 'nation. oTrttiftted. ?s.w.,S tth 5;oar 10aa Lroker. ,.c t PETTEWAY. t-1" .T.vs. 1. produce Broker. McreUandie ana v iwu -JlwlfoRLV BESOWNED XI O W E Seii.ff Machines. ;ui.lour o. or ii!.' "Sf f IScompartsoa will, rhc-crfully u0il.hines and will Vut work of any. other Mines t-ryHomcl?wlrMachino. 1 All 0 INSURANCE. hSf rCompan, on ap SnT WESTERN FIRE & ANCE COMPANY, ew The President announced that he had - frnm the received a coramQu" ; ---Secretary and Treasurer ot the State University, which was read and trans mitted to the House. A resolution was introduced by Mj . . v.A Anmmif.tr.fl On WarioEC. lnsirucuug tuo , V" Finance to prepare a bill in relation to .L nnii tax. Referred. The bill providing Cumulative But fraire lor the city of Raleigh, was made the epecial order tor Friday next. -1 ?R ;nonm0rftte the Old North State Lumb, Mining and Jtaufcctor- and New Hope Transportation compa- y passed U3 reaui"&. a The bill for the rebel of John tt. Williams was taken up. MOtpri its third reading un- der a suspension ot the rules. U0USE OF RETBESESTATlVBa. At 10 A. M. Mr Speaker Robinson 6:00 a.m. 1:15 p. m 12:50 p. m. SSKhnre 8:10p.m. No trains will run ou Sunday excepts press 1"' 1 . .... .J --x I OTQ i - ? V, Lcat.: Wilmington, .rw - - 4 - : l i i " M V ! . f!fnhflrtou . .A , 13-30 TM -1---V -1 44 tvX "pfAw? t6)e-A; 1 1 2:20 a. m, Leave LUesVllJe 1 Rockingham Lanxinnnrg-i.. Shoe Ueel....-f - - T.ntaberton . . Abbottsburg . ... Skins win run uu I Al'Jvii ft ains . ... received Arrive; at 'inington.i arr.roston Branch will be receiver 1 10.30 44 10.KT' 1.2ft" 4 35 44 5.00 i. M 5 55 41 0 50 44 13.5PM K Ml 41 ibe closed at5:OOP,m. No good wifl be received aiwr sQO. 5-t Enrtneer and General Manager. 'SCZ T . STREET KAlIiWA' 'li . Dna lirlB1 rA Freight Trains atop here over ing East. nigllW . T?oUrrwal and 8tflff6 StAcre tor iUariwu-o-i . T OS?"!1.! rt t'harlotte. onlv $10. tare, ww -w ""l ' 1 o,fli No Trains tm ounuj.' ciiio-Vit Trains ior xo i""""! SSfly Exrelght Cars accompany v nonrtor Train. Western Division. MANrrACTUltEIW OF THE FOMOWING WEI.I. KNONW Popular Standard Fertilizers 1 Price per ton Delivered on the cars at Factory. riFV; SCHEDULE. SOLUBLE NAVASSA UAN0," For Corp, Cotton, and all Field Crops, - NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIffiR;' Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. 1 .1 1 cAsn o0 00 $05 00 KOVEMBSK.. 30 00 )f03 00 $7o 00 $35 00 KiUl&l:, r,rner of Red Cross and wrreetTfor the Union Depot, at HWeu? SSEST and Bokrg ping at thf various . tne depot on I Mouses on the route living tn. will 1x10 t. and Bed urosi I "T7TTm 1 ft 00 a m . Uncolnton...... W- ... TirrnflOUATF. " Arrive at Buffalo. : ... law ! v DISSOLVED JNAV aoda a-r"v r, tvrntincr with Cotton Deea. Leave umiaio - - . . I A Liioerai iihcuub , VSrWiSfirfnal towns and clnes in tuo oouiuwu 4 Uncolnton Agencies established at all Arr!Vft at Charlotte... 5.14 . dS. ri. ttRIDGERS, President. C.j.o it a , ' a 1 VPT.MnNT.t"v"' ManllAK. HeCreiHIT ouu v- An q V "Q. JOHNSOJM, o. flt ! Assistant Snpt. Gen. Snpt. AA caUed the House to order. gj&yggjf t5CS3Lf. By Mr Waugb, a bill to appoint Com- gdjaed Cross ving missioners toconstruct and flni. a Ti$m ftrros the Bine Ridge, ta barry will leave x meet , rnuntv Relerred. C By the same, a bill to amend para graph 532 Code Civil Procedure. Re- lerThde consideration of the bill lo pro- vide for the contcuuu W4 , State and the several counties ot tho scan ra- State Wftft s lU second C?&WSn -gfa R; B. Company. connwii vv"" -.fnnnojes at tne no- makpjg the usual ,PPJg living Union tel?.A irtSte'Serfx. train, uepo" j-- ,eave corner or uxoni. in .'o ctP.tj at 5 P. M., maKmg 'nion D- the arrival of thexopnii-. SSST for5th Tfurther accommodation o a?,.- tvQr will be run until ll.w r-. i. gnsta B. B. Company. - - - . -nt. - f 1 mir.. WiLiasoTOK, N. CQct 7. y. June' GUANO CoiVXNV, New Orleans. 8tat0 ProP" lU second Astts. .xsnmcE A5B sumed, and the bill passeu ffilcJiV reading. u t u ien-1 insurance AgenU. Ollto, Chamir of Con" auc 16 nr OPHCnillP. train. 0 -TrTTTT T-nUring the day tuo U II Al J U C U r ""tTtt b- WILL Reqttiar am until 8 P. M., rTMLR FOLLOWING SCHEDULE VVi. c?S2jSi k mSSel : beuveen S turnou "JJ into "effect at 3:35 A. M., Monday, MF&I3t aommodation oftke fr f - f - tiav EXPRESS TRAIN. (Daily.) IveWUralngton...... a. M Arrive at Florence. 240 M Arrive at Columbia. ?21p. M Arrive at Angusta. . 6.S5 A. M Leave Augaata 11 25 A M Arrive at Columbia ........ P. M Arrive at Florence. . : . ; ' P M Arrive at WUmlngtoni ,IZr Arrive t ATT.Y fSUN-- night MSSrm, ! ta" T. A. GRANGER, N. C. 9luS-... f,10 4:mo tor hold- Thp hi 11 IO CUaUn6 "" . Jfta diction to?M.Jor;l Comm.s .toocn was.taken up and. on motion of Mr Standford, laid oa tt uMj, The bin 10 lDcuijywxw ;ot Wa-er Works Company was taken up and passed iu --ral readings Tlie Dill u repeat r , . Laws of 1870-1, was taken up and passed its several readings. X,. i-ii innrrtnrate the UXioru .A frnrr the reception of the penTRE STREET, w. war -WTTTVtfiR- QBOCEBIES, 44 South Side Market St, ; A MATCHLESS SELF-SEALING WILMINGTON, N. June 4 - - - - .-wT--r vet VV. II. JiJuJ jate of Richmond. i . nrtlMlnrrlAn Lieave t - - A.IT1TO ttl J: v A. nAinmhift j... ........ Arrive ai Wr " a - J.- Ar rive-a'ATig uo w . , . i - . Am fW TO. . .a , NEW HOTEL. P. M 11:35 P. M 3:0 A. M 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta., v. .. r 1Q 2Q p M Arrive at Columbia. 2:12 A M Arrive at WUrmngtonsgB, Gen'l Bup't. 123 tf octa y XjO C ,Hho Trains leaving forth Convenientio ftnd aug 29 ate acknowieagm r - f rneage relative to the impeachment ot 1 The bUl to lay ofl and conduct a nl1h o roaci acroaa uiou"w : P". f0Jon n and passed its several : t w r I lUllUlU a uuiuui . . nmiiv T?I fllTH readings. . airo I OUR EXTKA HAfllllil The biU to incorporate xuo -- ,..i of anv other on the market county Agricultura LSiSSJ Al r . . r woKrln Anson count Ult " Wilmington & VVeldon B. K. Company. OHIO GENEBAL 8UMBIKTBSDBKT, 1 1 WiLMiwGTOW, N. C, June 8, 1872. - -1. Pnrn Corn, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. n ruwl sold draved free. 411 - AH bags returned l t good order will be credited at cob proprietor. , and pasaea 7-,; the- The bill to extenu was town of WadeBDoro.. -WV!L taken up tbe Stowe Thohl tO lDCOrpuioiu taken up uu i"" idcr tho ix Family Paper &'"MUU" , Siat&d moved tomatothemoUon CHR1TIAN UN1UN. HENRY WARD BEECHx.K, M. Henry. &onc... motion District, and m; ?c,0ck soecial oraer mi 51- , t pi. moved to lay Adjourned. ran 23d, 1873 PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S - r r M AAA CAPITAJb l,wuv,vvv, PACIFIC Tm8GUANOiSSowenltnown1aantSou same as that heretofore sold. -rtmwrf .stsn f!ASH. 60 TIME : WITHOUT INTEREST. 1.1. Punier,, they can order now and have until th lt of April 10 if W. H. McRARY & CO., Agents for Pacific Guano Company. ' Ana Dealers in Ho. 1 CflMa aji Qtuuape PenwiaE Gmos, WILMINGTON, N. Q. January 23-lm , , ' T" ZZl FERTI LIZBRS. 100 'tons Bahama Soluble Guauo, ,' PRICE, $52 50 CASH, oy .lst MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED OS BOARD 0AB8 AT WILXimrOX, A. 0. ;o:- OSSS 500 Ton, Haw Bone Super phosphate, iningto . let nf .ffilCE $5a 50 Cash by 1st oi May. ou uu - November. ; WAREHOUSE- Leave Union Depot dally (Sun- - cays ' 12: 11 r. i Arrive at Qoro;; 3:u F. M zsrtt'- - . 3:51) r- m weiaon... Weldon dally (Sundays .A . ir eiceuvwi . . ii-irA.in. Arrive at Bock y Mount 6T M at .1 jlMnAWA : . ... at at TtA. . 9.W i Un'ofl TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally... At Wplrlan.... Leave Weldon daUy Delivered on Cars at Wilmington. 1ST. O. SUPEKIOB COURT. STATE OF NOBTH CABOLUiA, NEW Hasoveb County. sreat attractions. Air. ?"Z.1 " Xsed. plalnun. Surged and able editorial staff. ceasea, y . vs. , f Georg0 H. ffioTn. in MJ WHO. a large and able editorial stan. . rorAiiuas now have at II V." noATI ( Ul IU V . tnrfl I TTtitntl I I c rHJ L ..... - i .sffrrjRffia? - rr. iKsar ; r. d,..v..:m 3o cash by w m a. t2S"SLe."rr ill new .4S onlv with Acoma -r- T.Aftve eiuuiA : Artvatytv-. juuwr Union jjepoi....-- 10:40 F.M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A.M 6:50 AIM 7:10 P.i M 8:58 F.' M :o:- 10:5SPJ 3:10 A M M at 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate, j an JIOOI 1ii..tn,l 111 i oo nn .rnivGS having been iDs OHO X ear UIUV - ftr Phrove entitled cause fstra , ntoi rtrriprs. Drafts, or l ne nmiunt of hw KAnd money oy xw. ifenaani-w ,la fj Registered Letters. tion of th SirmorTey by Postal Orders, Drafts, or U account for .U. ve lover, or GOOD WALL KKD KAT gg-gflMSff U gjgg- - A JUICY 4 ?nelr debts. of Rnrrlor Court NVillfind an etra article at Second Street Market on - MONDAY MORNING, . And conilnulns throujhout the week. DATW TVTTITE. 1- d2 Gerkofsnrxu DuBrutz Cutlar.Att'y' 223-lavs6w reo o GonrSsswinEMUAiiT, Groceries, PTOTiaons, Dry Goois Giotnins, au. i Ko.aandNorU; W.ter atreet. ri rash Orders Solicited Consignments and Cashora ONE OF THE VERY T8 I sonmecta - on w rnK nri . route. jruiVnAf ! .-MMlfmilMMlaTI I " ' SBEliiiii AXtTLO0 A M., and arrive at ton triweekly at 6.00 A. jo., 1.40 P- M ' " - -. a TTQ iMIVA General Superintendent . o PARKExTSryLoiy Co: rv . ..Ann 0 f'A A. H, NEFF, November. For Sale by VICM & MEIIANE.m jan 30 'I . kIohard n. moon. I 1 Ui vta TVPqT BOOTS 31AUX - i-i. to the prosit Genera. Aj; S . , x . Ao to the present for llX7 of lh lkandjrt theWllmlnst v5 ,i.i$6f-300 ( Coira1"T. ' feh 'A No 19 IWt Street, HOY W ! ' I lission Heroliant, 1 . m COUNTBT PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Faoa Sts V 1 Baltimore, ma. Order from North Carolina Solicited. ffebll A VXHO. TXTT?rtT?r THE PUB 1 I BEG LSAVtt iuuiw .Vat. licthit I am In charge of my own kop on Natt ttreat, opoeuo j ilU, where lam prepared to do Eoe. . .1.. .t.lA and all kind! OI . ... nntw and tim.L1v done. 1 Blffxkamita wui - . - , have empioyca a nnv wt. - . . -U.r tA raanuXictare orders wnu m - r- EVANDER WoBgtu t 4 I i

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