VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1873 NO 229 THE EVENING-POST erceDt Sunday. phisQca eij i P CA''AUai a-- ' . v,xr Editor Subscription. ..$5 CO' l;ae vear. in advance moo: 'as In advance. . Trec months. In advance. 3 00 1 50 ' 50 should be ad- aoa'.ii. in auiauuc. . .. (Joe v I business letters Manaffcr, and all l.ltr.. - VA Jj : jrw! iLiurtment to the Editor. '"'.-rcf-on.Jence soIlcUed from our Mends . ''r:s of the State, on topics of trene- I'olitical news ana reports oi r3! interest 4fw Cslnmj "5erciianiii.se Brokerage Office, ,,f rumples coustantly on hand F pun ru market1. iuii' kv ' - ..-i i ,t irn u (il merchandise, orders II I bid'iM'Ji.CllCU ni- n-t,"i r w ...iv.niikp bousht and sold in this y Si from buyers solicited, and ilunpS left by sellers will have prompt at- Time a, well as ;can purely mU..i: . ,,,.., uih to buy or sen, commu"i- I II 11 WILCTU TTAfc. J w - " - I r IAS. T. FKTTEWAY, McrchandUe and Produce Broker. THE WORLD RES OWNED WOW Seuin liachmcs. i 11 v(.i C of work this Machine canuot be IcHialiod. Uur line work is equal to any n.l our heavy work excels that of any Ma- : 'chifm U is an HONEST Machine, .vll! do all v -ur sewina .will last a lile time, Is not mb.ect tn-FlTd. V. ehcerfully invite comparison with Marhliies. nnu will put . . . . .... :.t vour home, by leavlni I fill I I II L 4 . INSURANCE. I IFF. VNU FIIIE INSURANCE CAN BE ' riveted at the lowest current rates in the following resionsible Companies, on ap plication to S-KW YUKK LIFE INSURANCE , l)MIANY. Assetts c-v,uw,uw J. A. I1YHNE, Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURVNCE i'iuii'WV ot" Iimlon. Assetts w 59,000,0U0, Gold GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUK vcv civmpan'Y. New Orleans. 'v.t. 3226.014 rvRl VII.Li: KIRE INSURANCE AND HvAkMXU (t) M PAN Y of Va.. assets $500,000 I5YRNE i KEENAN, Gen'l lusuranco Agents. OJSlcc Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. Wilmington, N. C. OUR PYTRJ FAMILY FLOUR 1 still ahead of any other on the market 1 1 , 7 .. , . " . ;f x ; V.V ,i TT.r llnr Pear Ilnmlnv minnnr hA EnrnAMPil I Cracked Corn, Corn, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drayed free. All bacs returned In good order will be credited at cost on next bill. ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. ept 2: lia A Family Paper which cSu be trusted and which Is always i an of interest, is a necessity of the times Such a one is the CHRITIAN UNION. The Unsectarian, Religious, Literary Family newspaper, whose .Laitor is HENRY WARD BEECHER. IT HAS SOMETHIXO FOR EVERY MEMBER of the IIorsEHOLD, in matters of Religion Agriculture, Poctrj'i News, Fiction lor Young aad Old, Truth for Everybody. Mr. Beecher's vigorous pen, in his Edlto- mu ana star iapera, antt Mr. Eiunwooa' lamed verbatim reports of the helpful Lec ture Room Talks in Plymouth Church, arc treat attractions. Mr. Beecher is assisted by ana aoie ecu tonal stan. THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ABE AS FOLLOWS : One Year Onlv bead money by Postal Orders, Drafts, or J-FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED.. hiay 2 187tf xVEW YEARS' BEEF. 1 M-,yIove" of GOOD STALL FED FAT Jl'ICY EEP, Win find n extra article Market ou at Second Street MONDAY MORNING, An. i , -ontinuing throughout the week. r u inie at tlie onice, .ibippiinw, . i,.u-n ikwlf and Oransre. Hold on ; 'Vp,vmints CiKO. A. NfiWBLL Agent Home Sewing Machine Co. an ?X"tf m mtmmw phi --t'ti DAVIS WHITE. THE NORTH CABOLINA LATURE. LEfJIS ICoudeused Irom the Ncws.j ' Monday, Peb'j 10, 1873. "SENATE. . The Lieutenant Governor presidios. Alcstrs Liove. WVIcb, and Morehead. of Kockingharo, made reports from thnr re-p-ciive Ciiiiraittec9. .. mt i my, a resolution -relative to the Penitentiary, rt questing the Public T.easurer to cmmuuicate to the Senate wht-tber or not.-he paid any money to U W. Welker, or ftjy member of the Buard.of Directors appointed by 'the Oovt-rnnr. It to to whom and at wbat tinir, etfc. Adopted. House resolutions asking our Repre sentatives nun S!Btors to secure 'the fbjfisage hf a law pravidinirpcnsious for Kol fiers in the war with Mexico, taken up and aduptett. Joint reso ution asking cur Ii-preeen tatives and bnators in Congress. to secure the passage o! a law amendatory oi me luiernpi Revenue law, was on motion ot Mr Gudger, laid on the table. House bill in relation to Clerks of the Superior Courts, requiring them to open their offices ever succeeding dav nftpr Monday if the business was not dis- 1 he hour oi 11 having arrived, the consideration of the School bill was announced as the special order lor this hour. Mr Cunningham, as Chairman of the Committee ou Education, submitted some remarks in regard to the bill as a whole,, but thought the sections should be considered seriatim. He said the committee bid worked faithfully on the various amendments, and be hoped the bill would be adopted. The entire session was occupied in the discussion ot the amendments, sey- er l or wtucu alterations were mane. Pendiocf the consideration ot the 29th g. etion the Senate adjourned. 4 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr Speaker Robinson called the House to owder. i Messrs Morrison, Brown, ot Mecklen burg, and Gidney, submitted reports from variou? standing committees. By Mr Norment, a bill to prevent the sale of liquor near certain churches in Robeson county. Referred. By Mr Grarty, a bill to incorporate the town of Averasboro. Referred. Mr Bennett was granted aa indefinite leave of absence on account of illness. By Mr Perfy, a bill to prevent the sale of liquor near Brown Marsh church, B'adea county. On motion of Mr Gorman, the vote by which the resolution authorizing the sale of Durante Island was adopted was reconsidered. Mr Guyther moved to indefinitely postpone the resolution. Adopt, d. By Mr Badger, a bill to i-ecure a pro Der accountability bv the officers of the State. Referred. On motion of Mr McGehee, the hi 1 in relation to fences and the protection ot crops was taken up. Mr McGehec took the floor in advo cacy of the bill and in explanation ol its provisions. Messrs Brown and Reid of Mecklen burg. sDoke at lensrth in favor of the bill. They believed its passage would W 9 1 enhance the value ot real estate and greatly improve the stock of the coun try, &c Messrs Norment and McNeil did not wish such a law tor their county. Mr ijowman, oi lmviusoo, moveu to amend so that it may be discretionarv Witn tne uommissiouer or couniies as iu -. i . . r submitting the question in their conn ties. i Mr Norment said that if that amend ment was adopted ho would have no objection to the bill. The amendment was adopted. Mr Badger was opposed to the bill in everv shaDe or form. He moved to - - & indtnaitely postpone. Messrs Morrison and Stanford did not wish the law for their counties, but were wi'ling to allow those counties to have it that desired it MtS3rs!Bowman, Ellison and Jordan argued in lavor ot the motion to inaen nitely postpone. After a lenetliv debate a vote was taken upon the motion of Mr Badger to indefinitely postpone, wmcn was re iected veas 31. navs 37. Another lone deuate ensuea, wpica resulted in Mr Badger mving to lay on thn table. The veas and nays were otlleri and the motion .reiected by a vote of veas 33, nays 52. Oo motion of Mr Waogb. the bill was recorAmitted to the committee on Agri culture. Mr Gorman, from the committee to investigate the charges against the Keeper of tbe Capitol, P McGowan, of malteasance in oince, saoraittea a re- port. The report luiiy exonerates ana acquits that officer ot all tbe charges, aad the committee sign tbe report unanimously, and further say that Mr McGowan is the best Keeper of tbe Capitol tbe State ever had. The Senate bill to incorporate the Midland North Carolina Railway Com--) panv being the special order, its con sideration was cone in to. After much debate the bill passed its several readings. Adjourned. APPLICATION WILL be made to the present General As sembly of North Carolina for a charter tor Bank and Trust OmcsPBTKBSBUBQ R. R. Co. , May, 81st, 1872. AN AjND AFTEH' JUNB 8BD, THE, tralaa v will run aa foUpwa: LEa!V WELDON. " Express Train Mall Train ARRIVE 7:30 p. m. 8:25 p. m. AT PETERSBURG. 10:50 p. m. Express Mall 7:W p. nx. PETERSBURG. -6:S0 a. m.' LEA YE Mall Express 8V) p. nv. ARRIVE AT WELDON Mall 9:40 a. ni.. Express 6-50 p. jxu FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg ?:00 a. m. Leave Weldon 8:00 d. m. Arrive at Weldn 8:00 p. nr Arrive at Petersburg Jfc2D a. m. GAS TON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6:00 a. m. Leave Gaston 1:15 d. m Arrive at Qaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press train 8 Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 tj. m. No goods- will be received after that hour. J. U. SPlUGGri . Jo Mf Eneineer and General Manas nr. STREET RAILWAY. HEW SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the follow in or KfhPirinlA will bA run nn thfi Rtrept Railway. Cars will leave corner of Re4 Cross and Front streets, for the Uuion Depot, at 2:40 A. M., daily, to meet the Southern train, stop ping at the various uoteis ana oaraing Houses on the route, leaving the depot on the arrival of the Northern train. Will leave corner f Front and Red Cross streets at 7:30 A. M.f for Union Depot, in order to connect with the Northern bound train, makme the usual stoppages at the Ho tels and Boarding Houses, leaving Union Depot on the arrival or the Southern train. In the evening will leave corner of Front and Red Cross streets at 5 P. M., making the usual stoppages, leaving the union De pot on the arrival oi tneiNortnern tram. Will leave the corner of Red Cross and Front at 10:00 P. M., to meet the Southern train. Regular Schedule During the tiay tne cars will run from 6:30 A. M., until 8 P. M., allowing 15 minutes between each turnout, and for the further accommodation of the public, one car will be run until 11:30 P. M. each day DANIEL k;lE!N, June 9 140-tr . U. W RUJVOE, GROCERIES, 44 South Side Market St., A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING Fruit. J ar, WILaiNGTON, N. C. June 4 15-ly T. A. GRANOEK, W. H. CHILES, Late of Richmond. Va N. O. GRANGER'S NEW HOTEL, GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CENTRE STREET, GOLD8BORO, 2ST . O. Convenient lor the Trains leaving ror tn North, aouth, xa.ai ana w esu auz 29 18T3. Furnitflre & Carpet 1873. WAREHOUSE. rpHE people of the Carolinas now have at 1 hnmfi one of the largest Furniture and Carpet Warehouses in the country, iney ran select In nerson from one of the largest stocks ever offered in the State. The designs are all new and handsome, and we Invite the public to examine stocK and prices before purcnasmg, D. A. SMITH & CO. jan 9 . 200-tl S. H. MANNING- COMMISSION MERCHANT AKD BSAXSB IK Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods Cloinini, &c. k, No. 22 and 24 North Water 8treet, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited nov23 . Double Sole Channer Pegged Bootr! ONE OP THE VERT BEST UUUl'S iUAUik I WARRANTED 1 WARRANTED I DUUiit'I OK XiliiilO, Sign of the Big BcnL RAILROADS. Wilmington, Cliarlotte & Rntterforil Kail lioad Xiine. . Eastern Division :' NeW Schedule. 1873 Going West. 1873 STATIOFS. FRKIOHT. H00 AM 11.45 i .n.O 4 ! 6.00 a si 7 K 10 00 4 ' Leave Wilmington... ' AbboUburg. . . Lumbertou ... ' ' Shoe Heel..... " Iaurinburg. . . " Rockingham... Arrive at Ulesville.t. 8.00 a M 1116 . 12 SO p M 1.54 4 03 4 4 45 44 Going East. STATIONS. PASSBNGttK'FKEIGHT, Leave Lilesrllle 41 Rockingham ... Laurinbui.... Shoe Heel Lambert on..... - Aboottsburg . . . Arrive at -Wilmington. 7.40 A M 8.S6 44 10.30 4 10.55 4 12. Opm F 1.26 44 4.S5 12.00 m 5 00 a M 5 55 44 9 50 44 12. 5pm 6.00 44 DnrcBB, going West: Breakfast, go ing East. Freight Trains stop here over night. t Stage for Charlotte : Railroad and 8tage fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only $10. fgg-No Trains on 8unday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber, run irreg ularly. Express Freight Can accompany each Passenger Train . Western Division. STATIONS PASSBNGEB FREIGHT. Leave Charlotte '8.00 a m 10 43 4 12.07 " 44 Llncolnton Arrive at Buffalo. RETURNING. Leave Buffalo. . .'. . . .'. 44 Llncolnton Arrive at Charlotte. . . V. Q. JOHNSON, Assistant Supt. jai9 1.C7 p M 3.41 44 5.14 44 S. L. FREMONT, Gen 8npt. 199- Wilmington, toiumnia & Au gusta R. R. Company. GEN. 'SUPBBrNTBNDEKT'S OFPICB, ) Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. ) CHANQE OF SCUEDULE. T"HB FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL a a. r iTx' a .r j j no into enect ao:a a. ai., mouuny. 7th lnftr DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave WUmlnffton..... 8:25 A. M Arrive at Florence 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia. 2:40 Arrive at Augusta 7 4 : P. J Leave Augusta 6.85 A. M Arrive at Columbia.... 11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence " 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 5:45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:85 P. M Arrive at Columbia. 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. l Leave Augusta 6:50 p. M Arrive at Columbia. . .i 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence 2: 12 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDER80N, Gen'l 8up't. oct 9 123 tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Oiticb Gbnekal Supsriktesdint, i WiLjeraoTON, N. C.t Jane 8, 1872. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, I I PASSENGER TRAIN8 on the Wil AIN8 on the Wil Railroad will run as mington and Weldon follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally (Sun days excepted) At kwa.jh Arriva at OoldfiborOw ........ 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount aur. m Weldon 3:50 M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted). At v. 10 a; m Arrive at Rocky Mount ..... 11:07 A. M Goldaboro.... i:io r. m. - Union Depot. 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leare Union Denot daily . . . At 10:40 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro. 3:00 A. M Rocky Mount 4:56 A. M Weldon........... 6:50A.M Leave Weldon dally. . , 7:10 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 8:58 P. M Geldsboro. 10:58 P. M Union Depot 3:10 A. M Mail "Train makes close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express T"nuiionnects only with Acquia Creek route. JPULLMANVS PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly,- at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P.M. r:- EXPRESS-FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington dally (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. v-; r JOHN F. TirVTNE, General Superintendent. June 8 j 19-tf PARKER &:tatlor Successors to A. H. ISfEFF, Manu&cturers and dealers in HOUHS FUBNlHINO goods. Guns, Btee8,-Iterns,-KeTotfene,ou Tin Hoofing: done at short notice Agents tor Falrb&nk's Scales. No. 10 Front Street WILMISOTON,N, C. NAYASS4 GUANO COMPANY, 2s f - -':W l::3 MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNONW Popular Standard Fertilizers! 41 SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Corn, Cotton, and all Field Crops, 44 NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER." Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. 44 DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially for competing with Cotton 8eed. A liberal Discount made to Dealers. Agenc.es established t all the principal towns and ciMes In the Southorb 8tfcs Hon. K. R. BRIDGERS. President. C. L GHAFFUN, Superiutt ndt-nt. O. JHacltAE, Secretary and Treasu'er. Jan 23rl, 1873 . 212 3m PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S CAPITAIi S 1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO c225? S?uSJ i!?1 kn Tn ln ali ,thwe Rouern States for its rm&rkb!e effects a an fr c,y Increasing the products of labor, as not to r Quire pec al r. commendation Thmi s-e ,0T several years past has established 1U character for reliable excellence, ?,TSt?iXedSap,ta?.Invest?1 capany in tbis trade affords tbe uret iiuaranteo of the continued excellence of this Guano. 6 sarnie that her'lSforSd.111 th Bupplie,I)Ut market th,s 8eason are PrecJ0,y the TERMS-.$50 CASrI, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. Jto"SSSSWA""S un"t,he 1,1 Apr" to - W. H. McRARY & CO., - Agents for Paciflo Guano Company, And Dealers in No, Hffliicta and Gnanape Peruvian Gnanos, January 23-lm FEETI LiIZERS. 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, by 1st MAY DELIVERED OX BOARD OARS AT WILMING fON N. C. 500 Tons Whaim's Raw Bone Super phosphate, PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st oi May. $60 00 Payable 1st of I November. Delivered, on Oars at "Wil mi n grto n . O. :o: 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate. I - i ' - 1 4 i - PRICE$52 50 Cash by 1st of May. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. Tor Sale by jan 30 I JFtlOETJLRXX 1ST. MOOXST. 0oimnis8ion Merchant, V AND DEALER IN LOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. bor. Caiiiden &Paca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Solicited, fcb U W4-tf c. n Price per tou Delivered on the Cars at Factory. PAYABLE 1ST CA8n NOVEMBER. 55 00 $05 00 $05 00 $75 00 130 00 $85 00 i.vTi) '2 'T ..,.1 i WILMINGTON, N. C ' Ml ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER VICK & JHEBAIVE. 218-3m A AKO. . r BEG LEAVE TO INFORM - THE PUB- X lie tnat i am in cnarge or my own saop on h utt street, oposite Col veil & Taylor's mill, where I am . prepared to do . Dorse Shoeing in the beet style, and aU kinds of Blac camltb work qafck and nea'ly done. . I have employed a flrt class wood workman, aed I am now prepa-ed' o manufacture Carta, lirara and Warnns. Bend In r-- orders when they- will be Inr- flUed. .trrr v jan 9 1 the wilmlngteu, Bavin gs Crnpny. i