"7 WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1873 NO. 233 VOL. VI. rflK EVENING- POST P tiisW every afternoon except Sunday. -X P CVNAD AY.... Business Manager ' MANN' Ei"or I - MAi .......... Subscription. i- ..Irnnrt! 5 cuv vtr, iu -1 .iwu'hi, iu advance , ..J it.atb. in advance. . in ad-asce 3 uO l jO 50 . - V I '"i-iocrf Doald be ad- . j to the Business Manager, and all "'nao..icatUm or matters relating to the ,..;oria: JtTirtmenttotbe Eoitor. " r- . .. .u.i-u.'c solicited lrom ourfriebds 47:s oftbc State, on topics of gene- frc!t. Political news and report -4 oi .Tar- cpecidllydrtirable. Nr;V VgBNTSr Manfe Brokerage Office, r i -n. oi Nimplt coiistunlly on hand F Tlln iu.rter, Vml manufacturers iu v .'rtn' ro market. i .1 .coriPltons ot mtrchandic. order . a '1,: i solicited and telegraphed promptly. T ri-h-imlie bought ami sold In this K uC from buyers solicited, and lamicrt b filers vrllUiHe prompt at- 'r.ion. rt.rt is well u cash purchases. negotiated, tV'h!?Uu "lshtobuy or sell, coramunl r'd lrVy, and often with your local HruSrr- JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Merchandise and Produce hroki. Hie World renowned pi O W K Sewing Jlachiucs. tSaHtd.' Uurflne wort Is enual to any In 'I0,?'??1.'-,,, aa HONEST Machine wSffAr'-wlgwlll lt a U.e tunc. street, beiwcen wc V vrurvt 1 inn 'J insurance. 1 tv F WD FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE I "ffecti at the lowest current rates In the following responsible Companies, on ap- ggWoRK LIFE INSURANCE ' MPAJNI' iK'lSk ;en'l in.. Agtlf IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE ,-o ip VNY. of London, Athens x , ii $9,0U0,0A Gold GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, KKULE FIRE INSURANCE AND BAAKINO COMPANY of Va.. "" BYHNE &. KEENAN. Uen'l Insurance Agent. Oince Chamber of Commo. up st.lrs aug 16 n r 1 y mm amu fi rrhiM OUR EXTUA FAMILY FLOUR SI I IX ahead uf any other on the market Oar Pearl Hominy cannot be surpaed' Always ou huud ut the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, Corn, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drayed free. All b-.ifis returned in good order will be credited at cost on next bill. ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. tent -.7 i1. I Family Paper Which can be trusted aud which Is always full of interest, is a necessity of the tunes, isucb a one Is the CHR1T1AN UNION. Tbe Unitarian, Religious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose Editor is HENRY WARD BEECUER. lrHAft SOMETHING KOR EVWlY MEMBEK of the Household, in matters of Religion Morals, Politics, Literature, Art, Science Agriculture. Poetry, News, Fiction lor ouug and Old, Truth for Everybody. tlr,l Mr. BercHER's vigorous pen, in his Edito rials and fctar Papers, nd Mr. Llllnwopa famed verbatim reports of tbe help ml lec ture Room Talks In Plymouth nurch, arc great attractions. Mr. Beecher Is assisted by a large aud able editorial staff! THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ARE A3 FOLLOWS : One Year Onlv 83.00 Snd money by Postal Orders, Drafts, or Registered Letters. KWr IlUl VW.Ta l-m x- a.a.-- - . j. m I 'L ' ?vSSSiS Oil NEW YEaRSJ BEER ILL ys lovers of GOOD STALL FED FAT BEEFi Will nnd an extra article at Second Street Market on MONDAY MORNING, And eontlnulu throughout the week. PAVTH & WTIITE. THE NORTH CAROLINA LEGIS L AT ORE. .Condensed from the News.1 SENATE. Fbidat, Feb'y 14, 1873. Senate called to order at-10 o'clock by tha L:eutenant Governor. Introduction of Bill and Resolutions. By Mr Respess, a bill to authorize the town Commissioners of Bath, Beaufort county, to sell certain real state. Re ferred. Bp Mr GuiliM-. a bill to auitiid au act to 'av ofl Hd construct a public bigb- way in the counties or vvaae Dlj j I McDowell. Re ferret I. By Mr McUabe, a bill provitlin lor the service of civil procts. against in j fanta and nersrms of non-sane min1e ; to regulate the appointment of guardians ! 'fl'M J X . . . . . . . . f n (taiii7ny ana lor etuer puipusrs. ferred. By Mr Dunham, a bill to amend ihe law of evidence relating to the convey ance of real estate. Referred. By Mr Troy, a resolution fixing the salary ot Superintendent ot Public Works. Lies ver under the rules. Mules Suspended. Mr Miller called up a r.solution in favor of J A Morton, of Cleaveland county, authorizing the Treasurer to pay to the said Morton $70 as commutation lor a lost leg while in service in tbe late Confederate army, Tbe resolution passed its third read ing, aud was cngiosed and sent to tbe House. Special Order. Tbe school bill came up as the special order lor o'clock. An amendment was offered by Mr Welch providing for anew section to the bill, authorizing the organization of a Teachers' Association, properly offi cered. &c, whiih shall report to the Register ofDeec s the number of teach -crs, &c., of snic Association, and the Association thus formed shall be a body politic and corporate in law, c. The amendme Jt was lost. Other amendn enta were offered, but none prevailed. The bill pasi ed Its third and last reading by 35 y as to 3 nays. On motion of Mr Cowles the bill was ordered to be engrosfed and sent to the House. At 12J o'clock the Senate bill oa the Constitutional amendments, in regard r..nnmhprin? ot the sections of the Constitution was taken up and failed by a vote of 31 yeas to 8 nays. Tbo bill to incorporate the Central Carolina Railway Company, introduced by Mr Humphrey, came up as the spe cial order for 1 o'clock. Mr Humphrey offered an amendment to tbe amendment of the Committee, requiring the building of tbe road to Snelby, Cleaveland county, in eighteen fry rv tlia f mm the nnssaire of the bill. Aftrr a considerable discussion by Messrs Welch, Gudger, Humphrey and Messrs weicn, uuu, "ui"-j - Dunham, Mr Humphrey modified his i ' a tn road tn 44 Shelbv in ULUtlLILlLUCLIk L " - tnralno mnnfhs The amendmeais were all adopted, when the bill passed us second reau- On motion of Mr A'len, the further reconsideration oi this bill was post poned till Monday at 11 o'clock and mo,tn tVta arterial order tor that hour. The bill to incorporate tbe Raibon n Railway Company was taken up and passed its third reading. Adjourned. MOUSE OF llErKESENTATIYES. At 10 A. M. Speaker Robinson called lif TTMia tn order. Mr Turner, presented several peti- tions lrom numerous cuneua ui r,t ctnrkholders of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio R R, protesting nnsfl chancre in tne Sgatusv iuv o ted a memorial trom various citizens of Granville and Wake .cVinn'A new countvto be called Morehead, out of portions of Wake, Granville and Franklin counties; iiv 'Mr Gorman, a resolution in lavor of N J Riddick, clerk-of the U S Cir .... f-l WT T?pfprred. Bv Mr Paschall. a resolution of in- struction to inejuuiuiaty y. 1 3 uaienuai. , n- ht- T4aXr a resolution cleciar- ine Jdo. Miaell eatitlea to a bi iu ReVesentauvc from Martin couoty. -r,.rj-- n. Mr Hu"lue a resMutioa of request .od'lJ u""' cur Kepreseotat,vc8 f orc. Calendar. T&ZrXt o corpora,. e Raleigh Water Company. Refer- m the red. By Mr Stanford, a bid to incorporate Tr,ofilrl Hltrtl PCQOOJ. X4UWi lUO .W"- aa.v -c n 4- T?UforrtH Bv MrHurner, a bill to employ a police force in the tovf n of Statesvine. By Mr Reid, of Randolph, a bill to incorporato toe town ui .oua. i By Mr Freeman, a bill in faYor of J Bv Mr Watson, a bill regulatins tbe WTTmi to amend .,"i,T9itTlaw9of 1870-'71. R.fer- rrt. B, MrGuytber a rcsolu.ton dec - LcSSr "at! member from Camden county. v ar. Upjintited Burin. ernor to pray an appeal lrom -the deci sion ot the U. S. Circuit Court in the cise of Henry Clews vs. the Western North Carolina Railroad, and directing the neceeparv appeal bond and pay ex penses, fcc., was taken np as tbe unfin ished business. Mr Johnston offered the following proviso : Provided, however, That if the plain tiff and other parties to the suit herein authorized to be appealed !rom will agree that the (Vcmv lort-closure and si'e heretofore nude in the Circuit Court, c f tbe TJui:.d SrntH f.;r the VPteri Dis- triCt Ol jkVnn uaronna, mmm uw eu j morlirlt'fl aud amended, us t reouir" ! that the prr? or parties purchasing the j property directed to be sold uuder said decree, sha I not Min u. pjitct title j thereto, unless f-aht purcosetp euall, i with two renr tioBi the !ute f -anl ' saV, complete anu q'irp in ruiiuiu ordfr. tliH raiirond KOld under said decree, arni unless they shall also bid not Itss than tbe full amount ot the actual and hona fide iadebtedness of sid ifiastern Division 01 tne veaieru North Carolina Railroad Company, which said indebtedness shall be deter mined hv srbitrators to be selected by the parties under the direction of the . .. . . r 1! 1 Court, and subject to conurmauou uy the Court then the parties hereiu di rected to appeal oa behalt of the State are authorized to abandon such appeal . ' . . 1 or the instituting 01 any suns, auiaor ized to be instituted under the provisions of this resolution. Mr Johnston proviso was put to a vote and rejected. The resolution then passed its second reading by tbo following vote : yeas 101, nays 4. The reso'ution was taken up ou its third reading and was made special or der for to-morrow at 11 A. M. On motion of Mr, Badger, the resolu tion seating John Mizzell as tbe repre sentative from Martin county vice J. E. Moore, was taken up and adopted. On motion of Mr Gidney, the reso lution in favor of M. Morton was taken up. , T Mr Badger moved to tabir. Lost. On motion ot Mr Gorman it was re ferred to the Judiciary Committee. Adjourned STREET RiVlJLWAY. HEW SCHEDULE. .V AND AFTER THIS DATE, the follow 0 ing schedule will be run on the Street RSraawill leave corner of Red Cross and front o uuoio, iui s " ' T" ., M daily, to meet the Southern train, stop ping at the various Hotels and Boarding Houses on the route ..leaving the depot on . . , , r TCn-ri htm train. Will tT"r ?r Front andd Cross reeta 5, A. M., for Union Depot, In order 10 gnnct with the Northern bound train, rnXn? the usual stoppages at the Ho- I . 1 1 TJntos AflVlH? I J Til Oil TTIAKiHE lilts uouo. i.-rro 7 IT.. iuoa.uk ,i TJrwiiBAH 1 pa vine- Union DepotoR thelrrial ofl the Southern train iepot o" l" .n ion' nrnfr of Front in ine eveniuB nm v.- ------ mouit, and Red Cross streets 5 P M making tihiiRUAl stODPaees, leaving the union Le rSt Sn toe arfiva! oi the Northern train. Pvi:" . ,uJri of Red Cross and CWrCto meet the Southern train. . Ttm-lnrrthA flflV i lift REGULAR hDii tr n n 11 1 8 P M or will run from 6:30 A. M., unui a tr. ji SSSJlni 15 minutes between each turnout, allowing i-o " oTvin-irwintion of the and for me k) T M. v116 DANIEL KLEIN, each day 146-tf Tnnft V 1873. Furniture & Carpet 1873. WAREHOUSE. " 7. ,.h.mrolIna now have at T&(ffiVg wo rehouses In the country, a nty SnSit in Person from one or wo iarg. SS&JXfSSSi and we Invite tho public to .examine sioc t&tlB CO. g 200 tf S. i. MAIN x C0UUI88I0I1 'ilERB HAHT, ' iirnniCAIiEB II Groceries. Promions, Dry Goods ClotMnz, &c. &c No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited i.M-iy BTSHiE AND PO nov TATOES. tma cr iTIT, POTATOES, w s bbd,P. B. and Demara Sugar,, 12C tierces Rice, For taw by IF i P A " r4. RAILROADS. Wilmington, Charlotte & Rntierfori Hail Iloack Line. Eastern Division : New Schedule. 1873 Going West. 1873 STATIONS. rASgOEK.fKKlOUT. Leave Wilmington . . . 8.00 a m r..O0 a u " Abbottburg. . . 11.16" 11.45' Lumbertou . . . . 12 30 r m : 2A 5 f m Sboe. Heel..... 1.54 ; r,0o " f Laurinburg. . . 2.: 9 " ti.00 a si Rockingham... 4 03 " ; " Arrive at laJeevllle.t. 4 45 " Hofxt Going East. STATIONS. VASSE Nt5 alt ! i'HEl U HT. Leave Lilesville 4 Rockingham 7.40 A M 10.30 44 10.55 44 12 -0 P M 1.26 44 4.35 44 12.00 M 44 Laurinburg.... 44 8hoe Heel 44 Lumberton. .. .'. 44 Abbottsburg . Arrive at Wilmington. 5 00 &. M 5 55 44 9 50 44 12. 5PM 5.00 44 Dinner, going West : Breakfast, go ing East.' Freight Trains stop here over night. t Stage for Charlotte: Railroad and Stage fare, Wilmingtos to Charlotte, only $10. KgT No Trains on Sunday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber, run Irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passeneer Train. Western Division. STATIONS passengebIfreiqht. Leave Charlotte TAneolnton a 00 a m 1043 44 12.07 44 Arrive at Buffalo. RETURNING. Leave Buffalo 1.C7P M Lincolnton 2.41 " Arrive at Charlotte. . . 5.14 V. Q. JOHNSQN, 8. L: FREMONT, Assistant Bupt. Gen. Supt. jau9 189- Wilmington. Columbia & Au gusta R. R. Company. GEK. SrjPBRINTKNDSNT OFFICB, I Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f OF SCHEDULE. i rTHE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL 7th inst. DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) T Wtlmitiirtnn 3:25 A. M Arrive at Florence. A. M Airrtx t. Cnlnmhia. 2:40 P. M A..lT,a.f Animafa 7 4 I 1 . JM T oara Anrmtita O.oO L. M AJUTU 4iufeuu.- , Arrive at Columbia ai -a a. m Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmiaeton x0:4o tr. So. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington. -x 5:45 P. M Arrive at Florence ...... ... - j A.;irD of AncmRta. . o:oU A. m Leave Aujruste &50 P. M a t- Prtl,imhin 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence A- Arrive at Wilmington.. ...... ..o.wv. Gea'l Sup't. oet 9 123 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Ofticb General Superintendent, l Wilmington, N. C, June 8,1873. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, I I DAQ-jPNnuiRTRAlNS on the Wil- . m 1 AUWUIIVIM.. " mington ana weiaon iinxuu follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- fvrt.fid1 At o:UO A. iVl IXJ iJ f " " Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount.,... Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount 12:11 P. M 2:11 P. M 3:50 , M 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30?. M 10:40 P. M 3:00 A. M 4:5 A. M 6:50 A M 7:10 P. M v;5S P. M 10: 53 P. M 3:10 A 31 lioicUDoro Union Depot...... EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon. Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount G'ldsboro TTt!nn Tior-J"t Weldon tor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects .only -with Acqula Creek route. FUL.lMAivp r-ittv-SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 T. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS YlevS Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. c 19tf June 8 PARKER fe TA YLOli1 Successors to A. H. NEFF Manu&ottaTMand dealers iln .ffOlTy FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Rooflnfi: done at short notice - Agents for Fairbanks Scales. No. 10 FronrStreet. WILillNflTON, N. C. fASSA GIANO COMPANY, OF WILMINGTON, IV. C. to- SF III, -t as- - -- ; SI A N UF ACT URE RS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNONW Popular Standard Fertilizers I 41 SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Com, (Jotton, and all Field Cropa, u NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILTZER," VTery rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially for compoatinc with Cotton Seed. A Liberal Disconnt made to Dealers. 23gT4eeDcies efjtabllshed at all the. principal towns ana cnies in ine oouinern ovie. Hon. it. R. DRIDGERS, President. C. L. GRAFFLIN, Sopenntendtnt t. Mar.R AE. Secretary and Treasurer. Jan 23d, 1873 . PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S CAPITAL S 1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. ims ij u Ai is so wen ii irjw uiuhii luc ouumci u iwi iwirmai v. agency for Increasing tbe products of labor, as not to require, special recommendation n-om us. Its use lor several years past has estaDiisnea us cnaracier ior rcnauio wwimw. The large fixed capital invested by the company In this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. ... . i-"ianT,ers may jesi assurea mui me bui'micopunuiuiuiiinci iu.wiiiui'iuviv. same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. To accommodate Planters tbey can order now nnd have until tho 1st of April to de cide as to whether they will talto ALL TIME or CASH price. W. H. McRARY & CO., - Agents for Pacific Guano Company, Ani Dealers in No. 1 Chincha aud Gnanape Pernyian Guanos, January 23-lm FERTI LIZ ERS. 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 GASH, by 1st MAY ; $60-00 PAYABLE lsl NOVEMBER, DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS. AT WILMINGTON, N. C. 500 Tons Whaira's 'Raw Bone Super phosphate, PKICE---S52 50 Cash by 1st ol May. 60 00 Payable 1st of if November. Delivered on Oars at 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate. PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st of May. S60 00 Payable' 1st of 'November. For Sale by jan 30 RIOJIARI 1ST. MOON. Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, - AND -COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden tfcPaca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Hoi ic ted frbll ' v-1 f 1 ril - j. Price per ton Delivered on the Cars at Faclorr. I PATABLE 1IT CASH M 55 00 $65 00 f80 00 103 00 $75 00 $85 00 213 8m Ml WILMINGTON, N. Q. -:0.- Ailmingrton. 1ST- O. 218-m I T. A. OKAKOUl, v. W. CHI 'd?Va If. C. Late of Richmond. GRANGER'S NEW HOTEL GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietor WEST CENTRE STREET, GOLDSBORO, N". O. Convenient lor the Trains 1 5Ttfc an 2 2U -I The resolution anthoriiing the Go; ttb W