Monday. February lTttUm . . that the WE are 0- . recent issue position wc assuaw in a recent Post in reference to the pro ot the rosx, , A(rt nnn the "j ! been cuied. and the .nation of ' t,aUoMo. tcrs addressed to a bureau reran" itfr aua.wr d.w. tr. the business of which it has charge arc The FouIth Auditor paiset opon all generally answered with promptuuae. acconnt3 arisiBg 0ut of expenditures of Should any neglect have ensued, an ap- thg Department, including the ad peal to the head of the dcPam?tl justment cf prize money. a speedy answer, will DOtd wQlf tbc 12. the rirrn auditors bureau. AofM Fifth AU-.1LLL fii facilities for the Tim "Fifth Anditor settles all accounts Deed v transaction of business. All ansiDg rom expenditures of the State communications addressed upon official Department, both diplomaUc and con -busine to either the beads of depart- guUr He also-passes upon all interns! menti, or to the heads ot bureau?, aio revenue accounts, forwarded free of postage, jg 8IaxH auditors BUBEAU L-EXECUTIVE MANSION. Sixth Auditor J. J. Mates. President of the United StatsL. fc. Xbc gixth Auditor set;lea all accounts nenanment. such as ;i rnntranu nottmaaters' . salaries. Eteamship subsidies, money orders, sc. 14. TREA8UKEB S BUIlEAU. Treasurer of the United States Fkax cis E. Spinier. -The Treasurer aud the Assistant Trea hia Hire1 tlnn. arc thecuste wcd opposition has been made, uur known to him, Aim q aU funda and eeCurities.ot the tinn was. that a similar amount thfct fae al,adea to business pending be- UnUed gtateg Tney make all payments, ,r miarantcecl oy m- fore the departments. -o- rejccm mutilatea xracuouai - Geast. ftfcrrtanVi-Gen. O. E. Babcock : Otn. F. T. Dent. Correspondence .addressed L to tbe . r-,mmiuioneri. to iutu4 1 Fresioent rciaung iu , , County Commissions , t:z?. ..rtmnta is simply referred. utk;tok & Ciiablesto " !T",rr" T.;. ind when mct with general favor ; at least no has avo fcUgseatio .ViriM be raiseu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FARMING L A. N D . 750 ACRES OF FARMING AHD WOOD LAND In Brunswick Count)', for Sale or Exchange for City Property, THE NEW ADVERTISEHESTS. Cape Fear and People' STEAMBOAT COMPANY '. Steamer A P. Hurt, North State and 'i Cumberland. JAOOBI AXE, 6 uaranteed to excel all others, both In sbape and material. Be sure to ak for THE JACOBI AXE, ASD ACCEFT NO OTHER. The Land is situated on the South side of Town Creek, about ono and a half miles from Lower THE BOAT 8 OF THIS LINE WILL leave Fayetteviile aa follows : Monday at 7 A. M., Steamer A. P. Hurt, Captain worm; weanceaay at t a m.. Steamer North State, Capt. Gren ; Ihnrs day at 7 A. M. , Steamer A. P- Hurt, Capt. Worth: Saturday at 7 A. M, 8teamer North State, Capt. Green. I And leave Kerchcer'e Wharf, Wilmlrj-- JfOr you "V CL- mnnv I rT...w o i t tmr Vortli SLatr nuuuaj w ' - w - . - Tuesday at 2 P M . . ; titmr A P Hurt Thursday at 2 P M. Simr North btatt tjjn " T ! tmr A P Hurt . , .IX ltu ww. , - Foro.wnmegg-- tbe best for your money. EVERY WARRANTED. bridge. Town Creek And Dealers tbroubout Uxe State, IX HARDWARE. 7a Jores GRICTJLTURAL PfSStofi; and freight boat A lery, Iron, steely Nails, Guns, eiois, at F All tho boats of tala line have been thor oughly overhauled and are in A I order. Tbc North 8tatc and Hurt arc for Passcujrtr and Friegbt. The Cumberland, Capt. Phillips, will ruu irregularly as an accommodatlou paescDr Are aU ready for planting . VirrMori .1 I WIIK1M Amunitlon.&c. ,H4,ftttpnllon of and J. B. BTAKK. Wewouiarwpwuuu, -.-,,. Wllniinsrton WORTH A WORTH. lour Tuue-d oad3 "ot annrn and comDOSt are on tbe Land, toour xuii ana descrlpUon of Goods , .JJaaar I . . , 3 cw- ... ti,n nues I share 01 toe corrcipuuueuw i CUrrencv. transicr rcaisieicv I m.nnm and comDOSt are on iud 1 riyrL j .n nvarv description 01 i - dWida,! .ubKnptioo before tbe qu .ta , t crrcj, s &ud m4"rFmloeZDd is alreadj ditcted ISJSSSSS THE B transact all mocctary goTemmema.ou -lenced "fSSKSSUS ff . "... !K7 lm Hon fchould be BUbmitted to tbe quwi- tfae departmenUt where ajone the bus; td voters of the ccuniy iui nc88 can be propeny irans. actplacc, or rejection. IL DEPARTMEXTT OF STATE A proposition oi uuiim - Secretary oj ctaM-aAi" her ever aid is I jAn.mAnf , exclusive it XPRE iSS cess. 15. cDMriiicLLEr. or the BUREAU. CUIUiECY It is good for Cotton, Corn. Peas U -artaSea. Leather, nas Bp.cuva aau Cqb1 tw, and Blinds, iTunis, uub, -t Potatoes andlVheat. clay foundation , u in.itPfl utjon wberever solicited from the city or county.heth er lor the construction of railroads, ocean ship canals or other orks of in texnai improvement. This plan voutd provo a Judicious check to hasty legis lation or undue political influence-. by Tki. HonartmCTlt naa exclusive juris- JUr.ftTiA nvrrenzv J J.KUOX. diction over foreign afiairs-diplomatic Comotroller ot Currency has ex- 5QO GrrSipe V 1HBS, and consular. It Issues an pap - , clasive charge ot the national bank sys- a. J nnori rfI&tiDT tO IDfc Wcat menr, auu tuu . 1ft TX.T-. r nEVBENUB BUBEAU. ...... nA n 600 Apple Trees, aiso ouu rcdiu pieSe call and examine, belore purchas ing, the stock at Hardware Depot, No. f Market tit. nov s . oi loreiRO ,f territories should be filed CHAMPAGNE A. A A tf W D I appointment ut iu,a' r', . . . . . T t,,. t W ministers or consuls, or governors and Commmioner of Internal Revenue-J. Y. secretaries c rhpre III TREASURY DEPARTML2s l . . charged with tbe superintendence DOUGLAES. Tbe Commissioner oi mcrcm T,n 1 tho dsy set awau . :.i...tinTi m Luat tac co . " , tt,,Otcowge 8. L, hA hpm!iMtion ot internal revenue It Las propel rama a 6Wry cy w - ftu nuestione arising friends, " or f" nnpM to the Sec ?nnrpir 1:11. nu u i w j B-rw TTTE ABE NOW PREPARED TO W GIVE ORDERS FOR the House tor Amnesty Bill. nanebty Bill to our ixmocxauo - Treasure Department proper, or thereir0m, subject to appe i iv thn p p 1 . . K (ha and likothemau vuo douku the pers0nal oriainal )unsaicuon 01 nhanL thev hsrdly know how to get cut SccretarV extends to the t J;,h, 'D. It has generally been jeCts: To all appointments Mh' : fP:::Lv,. that the Sen. U aU officers connected v lollowing 6ub and removals retary. 17. the LiGnr house bureau. Uh "ho de- Sswteiy-TBOKSTOK A.JEs- . . i n t i , nil 111 11 rin - m m w h .. considered, e believe, that toe nartment : appeals from decisions o ... .u ...;th the more dignified and cocservau .oUector9 of customs; the remission o TUeLightbouM B.;d 5 anatuatu flnp ftnfl rjcnalUes : tbe issuing 01 bu F tue consirucuou u llBmU - . i morinn- marine I u.,a; nnprtaininir tnercto. i'uu otP.mRhin infDection ; the ,ler lbe COntrol ot a board, but officially net was vlir in a General Assembly, . - nhrrc an ccv vaga- registers; the acted as a ton ui v.- , tne noose ujtfc. rr- - iaauinc of warrants; toe cuuihmuu but our Legislature appears to ul &u naUonal ,oaD and thp circulation oi .f . mtr 'Rilla of tbC Eft 06 1 I .Ln unal tnnflpr and fractional currency; P, inn iu luat iuv fc w uoa , wt ,hthi. .... ii mi.tora rplatincf to tmntinSi Of the fiaest qualities-about three years old set out last year, are in fine condition. THE WOOD IiAND About 675 acres, is of the best in tbe State. , t A There are about 8,000 cords of wood on the Land, and the farthest not to haul more than halt a mile. Tbe Land fronts about were mue ou ID exce -...i rharftcter are ru Senate, which is largely Democratic by the gerrymander, but they are apt to receive a slight check in the House. It la very hard to bring these lower mem bers into tbc traces. Tney don't nke 'em, and this Amnesty Bill is especially galling. Every man in the Legislature knows, that if he votes tor that must answer to his constituents for it hereafter, and most of them know that it will lead to their political denuncia tion. Hence we sec the Senate, which ... ii ,,i t,r nill and done its level best to pardon Its ku klux allies, anxious to force tbe Uou:e into thossmr position, but so far without success. There are many leading Democrats in Rtatc who do Dot believe the bill will dsss. but wo do cot share their J confidence in their representatives. When the matter was first brought prominently forward the Democratic press almost uoauimously favored tbe ti.r. oiiUt second movement, uut tboagbt" seems to have come, aud one by one wo sec our opponents discover tbe cat in the meal, aud back oil. Wo believe the bill will pass, for the Invisible Empire is by no means an in significant institution, aud, when it commands, Legislators must obey. It demands pardon, for the perpetrators of some of its crimes have been discovered, and pardon it will have., Its power is ercat. not to avail itselt oi its final opportunity for amnesty, aud we will see our jails aud Statc'd prison emptied, and murders unavenged. Wc ask our Republican Irienda to voto solidly against the bill, and let the De mrvnrv father 'it and sutler for it. It a Dart OI inu iicu'; i xunu vwv Au letters relating io n-uiuuuu . Iour jtOUU iauuuBi.. L. . HURT'S Celebrated senppernons Ctampape, FOR 1873, OUARTO AHD PHITS, better be addressed to the Secretary. 18. THE C1AST SURVEY BUBEAU, Superintendent Benjamik Pierce. One of the finest marl beds m the the.afiUall low price.. State Is on tne Liana, wuum inches of tbe surface. Tue farming utensils, including iriowo advertising, contingent expenses, anu . 4 hn hill li 1 luoawv..- 1 . r I Th Rnrpsn R tnOUtrn OlUWai'J uu" iTrnc(,a X-n will aiftO Da BOIU. '"f to.gdWdd I into rixSn i the' controi of the Secretar, ot the Tress- - b8eom and a v. ty goc d which is divided into . ixtD nite independent.- . j,oddcr ow at the Karm. aiVlSlODS, lO ' .. - r rp aflnff to COaSt BUr- ,v . r -,li;lmnP a(4torei i a luiikuuuusux n -- ... i i inn i( nr ruuiu iincmu GEO. MYfTBS, 11 andJ13.Front street are referred lor report 1. BUBF.AU Or SUPERVISING Supertiiing Architect A. E. Mullett. This bureau, which is properly branch of the Secretary's office, super intends the erection of all public edifices over which the Department hss juris diction All communications relating to the planning, construction or repair of United States custom houses, should be addressed to tho Supervmng -rcm- tect. . 2. bureau OF STATISTICS. Chief of the Burci u Edward Young ii oorrpflnnndence reiaune iu uuttaw i mnm rf wpnincr vey business should be addres d f ltber and BtHble8t Hre on the pre rnReniamin Pierce or J. E. Hilgard, Th hnildinffs are all new. the assistant in charge. This bureau has also charge ot all questions relating to weights and measures. To he continued.) SPECIAL. Make money Cast and nonorably, by at onioPSgfora territorial right, which rivn frle to asents, to sell the beet, Strong mt uaVfil anVrapld selling Sew iff SSchlnerand Patent Button Hole work- or'boy one for your use; it is only Senx free everywhere, by xpre. tor ipr.tion of statistics relating to immigra tion, to navigation and commerce, tonnage, &c. 3. BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINT ING. Chief of Bureau Qzo B. McCautee. Thia iinrpan Runerintcnds the engrav ing and printing of the notes, bonds checks and all other evidences oi tolled States indebtedness. 4. first comptroller's bureau. Comptroller Robert W. Taylor. The First Comptroller v re examines and supervises the accounts arising from all expenditures except the War and Navy Departments ; all bonds aro hied in this office, and the signature of this office is essential to givo legality to all warrants for civil expenditures. An New York. 119 oct4 6m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Concord Chapter, No, 1. T. JOHN'S HALL, Fob. 1 A REGULAR MEETING this evening ut 7 o'clock, By order of the 11.'. IV. B. p. 'HARRISON. Sec'y a m miaes. rne DUlluinea aio Will sell or exchange for city pro peity. Apply to Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents. febl7 . BUILDING LOT. fXE of the finest BUILDING LOTS in the city, situated on the East side of Third 8trect, 63 by 165 feet, for eale Apply to CRONLT & MOKRIS, STEAHBOATCOMPAN i. HAVING THREE FINE STEAM EKb .will run the ; following ecte-iule bi; tween Wilmington and FayetlcAiUc. carry ing freight and passengers. 8tr. D. MURCHISON, Capt Alouro Garrlecu Steamer WAVE, Capt. Wm. Sklnuef. Steamer R. E. LEE, Capt. Alex. Robctou Leave Wilmineton at 2 o'clock P. M. MONDAY .....Steamer vvaVt WEDNESDAY Steamer D. iiurcblsou THURSDAY Stcsmr Wave SATURDAY. . . ... .8tanicr D. MurchUor; Leave FayettevlUe at 7 o'clock P. M. . TUE8DAY ...Steamer D. Murchi&cTu WEDNESDAY Steamer Wave FRIDAY ....Steamer D Murcbipoc SATURDAY ....8t earner Wau The Steamer R. E. Leo will rnn irregular ly, carrying pas6engeru and freight No cbargefor drayageon poocs cocsijiit a to this Line to be forwarded up the river. Every effort will be made by the comrsnj to give entire satisfaction to patrons vi tfcy Line. WILLIAMS & MURCHISON, Atrentaat WilminKto-j J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., and 8. W. SKINNER. f eb9 1 w A gents at iaypuevi i DRESS MAKLMj. I HAVE OPENED A STORE ON FROM street, undar tbe Seamans' Home, whera I am prepared to make Dresses and trim Lou nets at the shortest pogjhje jj A fine afebortment of Millinery and Hv siery all new. CALL AND EXAMINE. MRS. S. F. WALCOTT AND Feb 17 Real Estate Agents. 233 tf fob 17 It Ii'ARlOSO. THERE will bo an Important meeting : of x tlio L Arioso nwttuio wuu . h aV tfcldck P. M. Apunctu- i . w . on Monday, r. A mmctu- anneal lies to him from the accounts attendance is requested, asousim S?l bj tbc First and Filth AudUors. S, -.. r ntTtini t .v.n'tf nrnKAL'. J ttU.'U V- VJ.'l i Second Comptroller-J. M. ijroduead. Tim Second Comptroller supervises aud re-examines all accounts arising out f npnditures Irom tuo var auu ' . . , i Navy Departments. An appeal huh u him from the decitsious of the Second, . ii Third and FourtU Auauora. 6 COMMISSIONER Or CUSTOMS BUKtAU. r''j"inT of Customs W. T. v 'j 1 V - w - - , Haines. Tim Commissioner ol Custom revises hne accounts of tho First Auditors when we act into power, in iuc mcau office that ari8eout oi customs income tim their Femtentiary Board will have or expenditures ana assists in me cui thinrr tn do. and We pUV CVCn Ku KlUX 'OCiiou prisoners "who nave to euuci uuUC. m.,..m,nt. Mo that some cood will BUBXAU. j a ; to hn tr,i vears we Hfiuter joh iB- Dc uuue. auu iu iim fcn - - w i . . . . , c . i IW vwuwt I , T- lw f I PC nt t PI ft will rout them horse, foot and dragoons, 1 nc .-f. VxndT in retaliation. This is our idea ofthe a"u HU b(K)f s a check upon tbo ma'.tpr. and although wc seldom set up rr-ft.nrPr that Dava. and upon the bee- - I - 1 .L. as a prophet, wc will etakc our encmng retary and Comptroller, wno oracr toe feb 17 It JI. B. JEWETT. Sec. and Treas. mocracv iaiucr will Drove tbc death kuell of their party, and that ia what wc arc laboriug tor. We are willing the bill should pss by Democratic votes, becauic by that means we kill the ku klux party, aud cau hx all these matters at tho next Legislature Wilmington Commandery, No. 1. REGULA U Moot ing next "Wednesday rveninz. Feb. 1?, at 7:30, sharp. TH03. B. CABIt, Recorder, feb 15 tm FOR 8AL.E. LOT on the comer ot Sixth and Church Streets, 60 by 90 feet, for sale cheap. Apply to .TAMES & BROWS, Feb 17 Real Estate Agents. 233-tf OBANG-ES, "CELERY SALT," AND A NEW 8TOCK OF FRESH CANNED FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND FAMILY SUPPLIES; Empire Family Flour, NEW YORK CENTRAL aud GILT EDGE. Linen Dress Goods and Ladies Hat- or sale very cheap.. WALCOTT, Store under Seamans' Hme. feb 3 223-3m PASTE 1STO BIILS. O TREASURY SEWING MACHINES. I H A V E a rew SECOND HAND MA- CHINErf. which h"ve been used very Ut tlet and l will sell them on easy terms. Per sons in want of MACHINES will find It to their advance to can ou feb At John & Tift Johnsou'StAEts, 16-2t for Wheeler fe Wilson. BULL FOR SALE. N'E LARGE DURHAM BULL For sale. Will work to Q cart as good as aDy horse. Apply to DUNCAN HOLMES, At Cart House, near Jail. Feb 17 -.. FLAT FOB SALE, vNE NEW FLAT THAT WILL CARRY twenty (30) cords oi green wooq, uuuk about six months ago, tor sale. Apply to 5. H. MANNING, On Vater be't Princess & Cbesnut Sts. feb 17 For sale by jau 24 GEO. MYERS. 11 and 18 Frout Street. donn Jduoma .irLA OPERA HOUSE. WILXIXG TON, N. a ability on the above retult. rr,A vrppmiTG Branch of our aov- eminent. From the Republic. Thft nhininpd SvnODSlS ot ihc inrisdiction and duties of tho several inrt mpnt an d their bureaus, has been prepared as a means of ready refer ence. As wc shall have occasion to allude to these Government officers and their duties from time to time, it secm9 of importance that our readers rhould have the means of ascertaining their payment. All bonds ana omer leauw of evidences of indebtedness are also recorded. S. THE FlIiST AUDITOR'S ECBEAU First Auditor David W. Mahon. Thp. First Auditor passes updh all ac counts arising from tho receipts and ex- penditures oi customs, iuc luuus, w"- gress, tnc courrs, auu mistcnautvuj items. 9. THE SECOND ACDITOIl'S BCBEAU. Second Auditor Eztlx B. Fuesch: The Second Auditor passes upon all PROF. CROMWELL, of New York, has tbe honor of announcing a Keries of his mag nificent ART EN IERTA1NMENTS, Commencing Monday Night, Fob. 17, With the representation cf ITALY, THE ART LAND, TirtVot wii be obtained at the usual places. Doors open for the Evening Entertainment for tbe Maunco ai TOuunuuwas u narrifljres mav be ordered for the Matinee at . ana ior me x cuiiijs n u . feb 11 6t relative iLflaence and power. 1 his I acC0unta arising from pay and bounty ot ejnopsls also exhibits the magnitude oi tae Umtd States army, xne mieresis enirusitu iu iuci.Acv,uiic i THE TnmD AUDITOB'8 DUBEAU care ; ana ttiii enamo mosc wuu uwub r nnn a. mrrnond:ca unon anv mhit.mi.tter. tBith unv denartment or I The Third Auditor passes upon all bureau, to addresa their communication I accounts arising from payments by the to the proper officer. Much delay has I quartermaster ana suDsmence uepart CHILDREN T I P'P'-B D SHOES, VEST LOW. feb 13 DUDLEY & S!xn of tho lg Boot. PUNCH MACCAROE THE BEBT BRAND OF ITALIAN J1AUUARONI IMPORTED Twenty Oasts. EXTRA CREAM. CHEESE Twenty Cases. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ? North Front Street. HORSE FOR SALE. iMALL BAY. HORSE FOR SALE cheap, will work to any kind of harness or saddle. Apply to DUNCAN HOLMES, B each. Small Pis Hams. EST SUGAR CORED- SIX TO EIGHT POUNDS CHAB. D. MYERS &.CO. 7 North Front street. uMAnqpuooss uos?tot;quooJO JX F. M. WOOTEN, i V. V. niCIIAl'.IJ ALBEKT TEACCCK. Wooten, Richardson & Cu., General Commission Merchants. No, 36 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C 3" Refer to E. E. Burru, Pre sident First National Bank; James Dam son. President Dawson Bank; I. B. Graid ffer, President iianK oi xeiv xiau B feb 14 23111 From Steamer Now Disctarpg. GBOS3 ASSORTED DECA2sTER.q. HHDS. SMOKED SHOULUU, BBLS A'D BOXES CRACKERS. 75 BARRELS EXTRA FLO-Ltf. n K BOXES CA'DY. w PACKAGES TEA j and Vi ids 5Q BOXES SOAP, terTar TblTno to fill any order. HOTTENDOKF & uabiuu" feh!3 . IL CORN, HAY AND MEaL. 5,000 BUSHELS CORN 600 bales Hay, 800 Bushels Meal. For sale by F. W. KEKCli.'" 10 227- feb i? Cart House, near Jail. 233 tf FOR SALE! rjifiREE LOTS ON SIXTH STREET BE tween Church and Castle streets, S0xl65 ieet each, for sale. Apply to JAMES & BROWN, Choice Red Apples ! JJE8T IN THE MARKET Selected and repacked on failing day ot B. B. Benefactor. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 230- feb 17 Real Eitate Agenta. 23S-tf feb 3 7 North Front st. 231 MOLASSES MOLASSES. 250 HHDS. AND BBLS. NEW CROP Cuba, c 200 hbds and bbla Sugar House bjrup, 400 barrels Golden Fleece Sjrap. For sale by KERCUNER- feb 3 JL 8 ALT AND LAND PLASTER 5,000. SACKS SALT, 400 Tons Land Plaster. For sale by fehlO Y W.'KERCn.NfH;

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