STEIIISHIHPS. LORHABP'S STEAMSHI P LI NE t FOR iS'JbJ W YORK. KATT.rva TIJKSDATd AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNZS DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. THUOUGII CONlJicTIONS WIT ALL RAILROADS LEADING OT7T OF TTILMINGTOIf. Xo seaer takn. For Frlgnt apply BARRY BROTHERS, Agents. 147- BALTIMORE AM WILMINGTON SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMSHIP IiUVE. Oompoaed of the first-class eteamihir" U. J. Foley, Capt. D, J. Price Lncille. Capt. I. S. Bounett Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Childs Will hereafter tall from Baltimore evry TndaT and Friday and from Wtlminelon rrry wednetday andSaturday, oonnecllnjf at Vllmineton with the Wilmington Co lumbia and Augusta, Wilmington, and wel Aon, and the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rnthftrford railroad: alo the several lines of steamers to Fayeteville, Giving Through Bills of Lading, To all points In Nnrth and8outh Carolina, Oeorrla-Bd Alabama; oonnecilne atBaitl mnrit with the Baltimore and Ohio and the Northern Central railroads for all point In iy ioat onri Vort h wPBf.. tnH with steamers nnfl rAiirnxds for Boston. New Yorlc and Philadelphia. p CAZAUX. Agents, Wilmington, N, C. AXDrlza & Co, Agent, Baltimore. dec 81 192- Phiiadelphia and Southern , Mali Steamship Line. rOMTOSED v bhips OF FIRST CLASS STEAM PIONEER, 825 TONS Captain JOHN WAKELEY, TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain WILTBANKS. Will hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. For Freight engagements, apply to WORTH & WORTH, AgenU. Wilmington, N. C. W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third Btrest, Philadelphia. June IS 2S-tf AIlSCELLiiNEOUN. SUPERIOR COORT, State of Nobtii Carolina, Hanoveu Countt. New Charles Parker in behalf of hlmtolf and other creditors of Georec H. Moore, de ceased, plaintiff, vs. William IL Moore, aa Executor of George II. aioore. deceased, dexeudaur. DROCEEDINGShavine been instituted in 1 the above entitled cause, to compel the defendant to an account of his administra tion of the estate of his testator, and for the payment to the creditors of what may be due them respectively; theso are, thTe- wre, to notify all creditors of tno said Oeo. H. Moore, deceased, to appear before the Clerk of the superior Court of New Hanover county, at his offlce at the court house in the city of wiimlnsrton. on or before tbe2oth day of March next, and flle tho evidences of their debts. J. C. MANN; Clerk of Superior Court and Judge of Probate, DuBruti Cutlar, Att'r. feb 6 -J23-law6w Tho American Farmer. This old standard monthly Journal of agri culture begins a new volume January 1st, roectai attention is palp besides Ibat riven the stable crop to Stock .breeding. Fruit grewing, tho Dairy, c Some of the most sncoe&siul of American agriculturists con- tnoute to its pages. It is practical, substan tial, reliable! Subscription Sl.-V) & year. To oiuos or nve or more, only SI each. Very nan-isomo premiums lor nuos. Hpecimen number frc. HAM'L 8ANDS Jt fedX. -pub- New Store! Old Goods OREENEWALD & CO., NO. 7 XAKKTT STBXXT, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES GINS, Ac, fec, A 11 1 1 . m w . . waui Kuiai oi rmcy luquorm, Which VI will offar to the trade on the most reasonable wni, aa wa are receiving large consign- tnantS nf th hMt vnnHi n Va PI ease call before making yourpurenases. j" Iurcell House J. K, D-A.VIS, Iroprietor. PBOMANTJ AFTER THI8 DATE the rates . ot Transient Boarders axe $2 0, 53 00 arm W oo per day, according to location and rooms. . Iay Board r i oo rr wek. jrr 4ytr 1 - m Prospectus lbr 1873. SIXTH YEAR. THE ALDINE, An Illustrated monthly J onrnal, nnTersU- ly admitted to be the bandsomesi penirui- vi in ttiA trnrid. a reorcat-niaxive anu champion of American taste. NOT FOR SALE IN BOOK STORES. OK NEWS nn HE ALDINE. WHILE ISSUED WI IH I ail thm wmlaritv. naa none of the tern Dorary or timely interest characteristic oi ma, I. I. A 1 M. ml a ordinary periodicals. At i u cicaui. ujw- cellanr of ture.' liebt and eracefu" mera tnre, and a collection of pictures, the rarest speclmena of artisti; kui, in oiacK sou white. . Although each succeeding number afford a fresh oleasurs to its friends, the real value and heant v ot THE ALDINE wil ba most arrareciated after it has been bound nn at tha close of the vear. While other nnhlleatlons mit claim superior cheapness aa compared with rivals ot a slml'ar class, THE ALDINE is anolQueand orieinal con ceptionalone aid unapproached-- abso lutely without competition lu price or rhanrter. The possessor Ot-S- complete vnlnmA rmnnt dn nit rata tha oaaotlty Ol fine paoer and enjrraviog in any ahape or nnmh.r of tninmfi. for ten times us cost, and then there are the chromos besides : ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription last laii, wnen DINE sssumed Its present noble propor tions and reoresentatlve character, the eai tioo was more than doubled during the past year, proving that the American public appreciate and will support, a sincere ci- fort in the cause of Art. The publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost to develop and improve the work ; and the plans for the comlDg year, as unfolded by the monthly issues, win aston ishand delierht even tne most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. The publishers are authorized to an nounce designs from many of the most em inent artists of America. In addition THE ALDINE will reproduce examples of the best loreign matters, se lected with a view to tbe highest artistic feuccess and greatest general interest, avoid ing such aa have become familiar through photographs, or copies oi any Kiaa. The ouarterlv tinted plates, for 1873, wil reproduce four of John S. Davis' inimitable child sketches: appropriate to four sias jns Thfisfi nlatca. aDnearimr in ihe issues i-r January, April, July and October, would be alone worth the price oi a years bud scriptlon. m , tii The popular ieature oi a copioubiy-iwus- trated "Ohristmaa" numbei w ill be con tinued. To posse&s such a valuable epitome ot tne art world, at a co6t so tnniug, win com mand the subscriptions oi tuousauus in every section oi tne country out us uselulnees and attractions oi iul ai-uxii can be enhanced- in proportion to the nu merical increase of its suopor ers, the pub lishers propose to make "assurance doubly sure" by the iollowing unparalleled offer of PREMIUM CHROMOS FOR 1873 : Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who pavs in advance lor the year 1873, will re- r .jji.i i i i. r ceive witnout uumuuuu tuaigu a ui beautiful oil chromos, after J. J. Hill, the eminent English paloter. The pictures en titled "The Village Belle" ana "crossing the Moor" are 14x30 inches are printed from 25 difiercnt plates, requiring 25 im pressions and tints to perfect each picture. The same chromos are sold for $30 per pair in the art stores. As it is the determination ot tho conductors to keep lriK ALiUiiNh, ouV of tho reach of competition in every department, tne enromos win Deiouno cor respondingly ahead of any that can bo of fered by other periodicals. Every subscri ber will receive a certificate, over tbe sig nature of the publisher-, guaranteeing that the chromos delivered shall be equal to the samples luruisbed the agent, or the money will be refunded. The distribution of this grads, free to the sub scribers ol a $5 periodical, will mark an epoch in the history of art, and considering the unprecedented cheapness of the price for THE ALDINE itself, the marvel falls little short ol a miracle, even to those best acquainted with the achievements of in ventive genius and improved mechanical appliances. (For illustrations of these chrf mos see Nov. issue of THE ALDINE. THE LITERARF DEPARTMENT will continue under the care of Mr. Richard Henry titoddard, assisted by by the best writers and poets ol the day, who will strive to have the literature of TIE ALDINE al ways in keeping with its artistic attrac tions. TERMS : FIVE DOLLARS per annum, in advance, with oll-chromos free. THE ALDINE will nereaftcr be obtaina blc only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rate ; cash for subscription must be sent to the pubiisheis direct, or handed to the local agent, without respon sibility to the publishers, except in cases where the certificate is given, bearing the fact-simile eignature of Jas. Snttcn & Co.- AGENTS WANTED. Anv nersnn wiahine to act permanently as a local agent, will receive lull and prompt information by app'ying to JAS. SUTTON & CO., Fublif hTe, No. 58 Maiden Lne, New York. THE FASUIONABLE .SOUVENIR, FOB TBE HOLIDAY BEA80N. This year will be THE SUPEhB VOLUMPV or THE ALDINE. Richly bound in morocco cloth, assorted colors, beveled boards, red edges, gilt on back and 6ido a truly royal volume-a gal lery ol fine urt engravings that will be at once a great pleasure to the recipient, ard m . A. m. M M . V a demonstration oi ine lasic oi me ocnor Tbere are about 200 plates, most of which could not bo matched in fizo or quality in the art stores at a dollar each. Ihey com prise designs by the leading piioters and draughtsmen of day, giving the widest range ot figure, animal and landscape sub jects, combined with pure, light and grace ful literature, edited by tbe poet scboiar, Richard Henry Stoddard, forming a most attractive ornament for the parior or li brary. riUC, $3. Delivered free. Liberal discount to the trade on this volume. Order promptly. JAS. 8UTTON & CO , Publishers. No. 58 Maiden Lane, New York. janlOtf &)l Morrill's itestaurant, THE G-EIvir No. 16 SOUTH WATER STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. Meals at all Hours. The bent Wines. Liquors and Cigars always on Hand. The Public arc imitrd to rail. MW 29-ir Scribner's Monthly. A serial story by Dr. Holland- New story by Saxe Holm. Along story from B ret Harte. Brilliant arra v of contributors. SSoS0oattSdentloa, EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS; 5C0 Pages for $L00! &c &c. The publishers of 8cbibvxhb Mohthlt. in the Proe pectus lust issued, promise for the ensuing year a more brilliant array of contributors, and an increase in the variety and beauty of its Illustrations, already con ceded by the critics to be "finer than any which have hitherto appeared in any Amer ican magazine.' . Dr. Holland, the Editor, will write the serial Ptory of the year, which will be auto biographical in form, and will be illustrated by Miss Hallock. It is entiUed Arthur Bonnicastle, and will deal with some of tbe most difficult -problems ol American me. It will be commenced in the November number. There will be a new story by Saxe Holm, Tbe One Legged Dancers. Bret Harte, the best writer of short sto ries now living, will contribute a character- . . . . a r1 n Tfi iji ji.a istic story, entuiea ineipicoi riaaitiown, which will be illustrated by Bhppard. R. H. Stoddard will write a series ol en- tertainincr Papers about Authors, their per sonal characterise?, home life, ianilfies, friends, whims, and ways. A series of por traits oi living American writers, is also promised. Clarence Cook will write about furniture and the decoration of homes. These papers will be eminent v practical as well as artis tic, and will be illustrated with designs and sketches by numerous artists in addition to those which the writer himself wl' J lurnlsn. AinoDg those who will contribute are: Hans Anderson, Bryant. Buslinell, Eggles- ton. Froude. HJgginson, Bishop Hunting ton. Bret Harte. John Hay, H. H. Mac- Donald, Alitcbell, Miss Phelps, bidman, Stocktan. Stoddard. Celia Thaxter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, besides a host of others. The editorial control and direction of the Magazine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, who will continue to write The Topics of the Time." which the N. Y. In dependent says aro more widely quoted t au any similar papers in any American marline." Watson Glider will write "The Old Cabi net;" as hitherto. Prof. John C. Draper conducts the department ol "Nature and Science " Tbe departments of "Home and Society" and "Uuiture and Progress," will enlace the contributions of more than a score of pens on both rides of the Atlan tis. Tbe '-Watchnan and Kefiector" says: "Scribner's Monthly for September is bet ter than usual, which indicates a needless waste of editorial bains and publisher's money, lor the Magazine was good enouuh before 1" And yet tbe publishers promise to make it still better lor tne coming year 1 1 Toe Sub-cription price is f 4 UO a year, with ppecial rates to Clergymen, Teachers, and Postmasters. The toliowinir KXTKAOKDINARY INDUCEMENTS are olfr red to new ubscriber : For o 50 tbe publishers will send, or any Bookseller or Newrdealer will 'supply. the ManaxlDe for one year, and the twelve rumbers of Vols. III. and IV , containing the beginning of Mrs. Oliphant's Serial, -At His Gates;" for $7 50. the Magazine for one year, and tbe 24 back numbe'S from the beginning; tor $10 50, the Magazine for one year, and the 24 back numbers bound (4 vols.), charges on bound vols. paid. Tbis will give nearly 5 00 page ot the choicest reading, with the finest illustra tions, for $10 50, or nearly 500 pages lor a dollar ! and will enable every subscriber to Obtain the series from the first. Special terms to Dealers. Clergymen and leachers. SCKIBNER & CO., 654 Broadway, N. Y. d-tf. J. S. TOPHAM I CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, VI IIi32IiiTOTV, IV. ., MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAELING BAGS. Collars, Hames, Trace Cnains, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars, Saddle Cloths,, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dustere, Axlo Grease, Bridies, of all kinds, Sad- dlery Hard ware, &c. A t P O ; SECOND HANP HARNESS, SADDLES, REIN'S, &c. CUEAP FOR CASH. Juno 7 i-ly fiSrr ABLISHED 1845. OLD FIRM OLD GOODS. I , K a li n xv ell (Lute Grecuwald & Uo..) WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies and. Segars. HO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST., Respectfully Informs his numerous custom ers i hat he has opened the largest and best stock of Pure Llquo-s in the State at prices to compete with any Northern house. I tball keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Rye and North Carolina Corn Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Segars. Purchasers will do well to examine my stoct hefore buying elsewhere. BET SEOARS A oct ' SPECIALITY 121-ly A. ADItL&. li. VOLLERr ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WEOLE&ALK DSALZES !' Groceries and Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, A2TD pommission Merchant South-east Corxxk Dock and Fbost - Streets. WXLHiy QTON, N. c. Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their Interest to give us a call before buying elspwbf r may l7tX THE EVENING POST DEVOTED TO TIDE nTORESTS OT THE BUG KN PARTY. Is published every afternoon at the astonish lngly low rate of FTVE J30TjIi-AJRS Per Annum It will be The Official Organ of the City and County, and will devote par ticular attention to local affairs and the pros perity of the Cape Fear region THE EVENING POST will contain full and complete MARKET REPORTS, Summary or State News, 3?olitioalIArticls. Original Poems, -Hxitf5irj.iarxv. XlmnoV, News, FCtc, Ve hope to make our paper WELCOME GUEST, at every Fire-side, aud to people. It will be useful to all elates of The Merchant The Mechanic, The Professional. The Fanner, The Family and The Children. We oiler our columns to our business men. believing that as an Ajdvebti3i"G Medium, they are EQUAL TO THEBKS1V Dealers, by consulting their own Interests' will advertise to reach -those whose trade they wish to obtain, and as THE EVENING POST will have a large circulation among laboring men and others who do not read the Liocal Democratic papers, we believe it a paying invoBtuieut lor liberal dealers to advertise with us. . All business letters should be addressed to ne Business Manager, and ail ootaruunica tlons or letters In relation to the editorial department, to the Editor. WM. r. UAJNAUAI, JAMES C. MANN, Kdixoe. mav IR-tf. JAS. A. LOWERY CORNER THIRD AND PRINCESS STS. Opposite City Hall. CARRIAGE MAKING, PAINTING, ANL vRetairlne neatlv done, at short notice. After Thirty Years of experience at the busi ness, I am prepared to do the finest and best work in the City. nov ih i4-iy JOB PRINTING in all its branches, NEATLY EXECUTED Hby- S. G. HALL. years, feels confident of his ability to please nis customers. Particular attention given to COMMERCIAL PRINTING, uoh a BILL HEADS. CARDS, MONTHLY STATIC! iZTS, CHECKS, LETTER UE ADS, RECEIPTS, SiCt KAIL ROAD PRINTING, in most of lt branches. His office is supplied with Entirely 2few iNI a t of the very e i- i ft Latest Styles ui FasUous, And he GUARANTEES SATISFACTION in all cases. Wedding Cards, Invitations, fec.. &c Of the Latest Styles. TEIMS MODERATE. Offico on Prlncoss Street between Fi1 t and Second. WIJLMINGTOIV N. V tiav l-if. PAPER AND ENVEIOFES, FOR SALE AT. JOHN LOVE'S BOOK STORE. hov v BIISCELtlNEOUS; WIIMISGM, KORTfl MROUSA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICERS: J. DeROSSET President. VV. ATKINSON.... Vkx President. CAMERON Secretary A. ANDKRSON. ..Medical Director Dli. A. JOHN F. H. Db. E. DIRECTORS: J. W. Atkinson. General Insurance Accnt. I. B. Gbaingeb, President Bank of New flanover. F. W. Kebchner. Grocer and Commis sion Merchant. C. M. Stedman. of Wright & Stedman. T. H, MoKot. of V. A. Whitehead & Co., Fayetteville. A. J. DeRosanr, President. H B. Eilbbs, Commission Merchant. A. A. Willabd. of Willard Brothers. W. A. Gumming, of Northrop & Cum minsr. G. W. Williams, of Williams A Mui chiton. Eli Mubbat, of E. Murray & Co. A. J. DeRossbt. of DeRosset & Co. Robt. Hknning, of Dawson, Teei & Heu nincr. Alex. Spbtjnt. British Vice-Con5ul, oi Sprunt & Hinson. P. Mubpht. Attorney at Law. J. D. Williams, of J. D. Williams & Co.. Favetteville. Jas. C. McRab, Attorney at Law, Fayette vilJe. 1 B. Kelly, Merchant, Kenansvilie. J T. Pope. Merchant. L.umberton. FEATURES VANTAGES. AND AD. 1st, No restriction on Resident or Travel. . M. No extra charge on the lives of Fe males. 3d. Policies Incontestible after Five Years. 4th. The rates of interest on the Funds ol the Company hhrner than those on the Funds of the Companies located in other States, thus insuring larger Dividends to Policy Holders. 5th. The Directors and Officers of the Com pan v are prominent NORTH CARO LINIANS, who are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH. 6th. The Company is estabiisned on a solid and permanent basis, steps having been taten to increase the Capital Stock to 8500,000. 7th. All tbe Funds ol the Company are Invested in this state and un- culated among oar own People. This fact should commend the Company, above all others, to IN orth Carolinians. It isweil known that hundreds of thousands of dol lars in Life Premiums' are annually sent North to enrich Northern Capitalists, thus continually draining our people of immense amounts which should be kept at home. On this ground the friends of this Company confidently appeal to every son of the Old North State, and ask their support for this Home institution, wmch, while it offers substantially all the advantages ol North ern Companies, helps to build up Home Interests. JAMES D. BROOKS, General Supervising Agent, Raleigh, N. C. TUOS. GRAEME, Agent at Wilmington. rrU ? 190-ly are. txtsnHtMlv QOCSTIBFEITKD. DithotUtt Drug- gittt endeavor to tell the counterfeit tomake greater profile. The genuine have the name of J ob Moses on each package. All other are loorthut imitation. The CE5UINH Pills ar unfailing in the cur of all those painful and dangerous diseMM to which, the female constitution is snltfect. They moderate all ex resses and remove all obstructions, from what ever cause. . TO MARRIED LADIES O they are particularly suited. They will in a short time bring on tne monthly period with regularity ; Mid although very powerful, oo&t&in nothing hurt ful to the constitution. In all cases of ruerroua and ?uinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics andiWhites, they wUl effect a cure when all other means have failed. The circulars around each package give fall directions and advice, or will be sent free to all writing for them, sealed from observation. N. B. In all caseB where the 02!TO!MB cannot he obtained, One Dollar enclosed to the Sole Proprle tir, JOB MOSES, 18 Cortlandt St., New York, will insure a bottle or- the genuine, containing Fifty Pills, by return mail, tecurtly eealct from any knowledge of its contents. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Hare Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bbovcsitis, Sobs Throat, Hoarsbnbss, Dirriectx BaaATBiso, I- CIP1EKT COHSCMFTIOlf A HO Lcsio DlSEA8S. They have no tate of medicine, and any child ."Will take t hem. Thousands have been restored to health that had before despaired. Testimony given inhundreda ef cases. Ask forBRYAN'S PUtMONIO WAFERS. Price 35 cents per box. JOB MOSES, Propria tor.iaOortlandt Street, New York. THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. DEL AM ARRE' S SPECrFICPILLS. iTeparea by 4. UAttAAUJjsais, No. $14 T?n Lombard. Paris. These pi) ills are hlsrhly recommendod by the entire Medical Faculty of Irance as the very bBt'remedy in all cases of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal We& Dflss: Nig htly. Dally or Premature cmiMloo s : Sex tial Wert lees or impoteney : w earners ansv nyft-om secret Hiblts and Sexual Excpei ; Relaxa tionot the anitJ O-ens: Weak Stiloa : Benoslta In the Urine. and, alt the ehastlY trntn of Diseaeee arlftnjr from Overage or Excewen. Thv cure when aU otherrem- aUoa r1l. Pamnhlaf nf IMm in earh DOX. OT will be sent Free to any address. lric Si pel" Box. fiant hT mail. itecurtTu atalri from U cbetrvation. on reoeiMof pHre. OSOA K O.MOSES, 18 Ootlak- Et Kbit Y bx, Bole General Agent for America. ang lO ly W. H. DART LIPPITT'S BUILDIlVe, SOUTH FKONT ST., WIXiMINGhTOlST. 1ST. C. Flnmtsr Steam ani Gas Fitter-1 and dealer In Wrought and Galvanized Iron Pipes Brass Cooks. Valves, Gas Fixtures. and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. Particular attention paid to fitting up o COTTON with steam, Gas and Water, nov 12 usu 1873. THE NEW YORK TlHEs Daily,) $10; Semi-Weekly, l Daily,, with Sunday Edition, $12. A Political, Literary, and Mfe. ccllaneous Newspaper. A REPUBLICAN JOURNAL Devoted to Reform in Municipal p,! and General Government ' e' THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES A Paper lor the Farmer, A Paper for the Mechanic, A Paper lor the l.GM, IN CLUB3 OF THIRTY, $1 PER ANN Uv Terms for the Weekly Times fjr ONE COPY ONE YEAH.'. . . , CLUB RATI2S: " All to one Post ojjice Addn... live copies , Ten Copies Twenty Copies Thirty Copies And One Extra Copy to Facia club For E eery Club of Fifty, One Cohij THE SEMI-WEEKLY Tlilts TO THE OETTEIt-Ur OF THE C,u, f" wnen tbe names ot eutvcii! "CIS required .to be written upou each Hi ' the Club at one Post-oflke one Post-oflice ai'dir. cents for each copy additional to tb. u'sv.' rates. SPECIAL ANNOUNCED I-:yr. In accordance with our last ltru-n. ,.J rMcviaujr icuuceu rates lor 1ST. Weekly, per year Semi-Weeklv. rrr vpur V'Z :1 I". j (- ( i will be maintained for all ucw fru(jtcriiar and all old eubocribers renewing lincrto the loth day ot Januiry, 1&7J. wuu tb above Club rates will lake i il'.-ct TEE NEW YORK WEEKLY TIME will contain Selected Editorials from it,. Daily Times; General News, Domestic uuq Foreign; The Proceedings of Congrees aDd the State Legislatures; Full and lnuri3 xz Correspondence; Book Reviews; The Choic est Literary Selections; while its in0ti prominent Ieature will be a COMPLVTf AGRICUL1 URAL DEPARTMENT, with original articles Irom ptactical far in erf- lull reports ot the American Institute Farmers' Club; complete weekly market icporu fi. nancial, domestic ppduce, live stock, i r goods and general. AS A FAMILY PAPER, The Times will have no superior; it'wili be free from all appeals to vulgar ami impure tastes, and may be safely admitted to'i-vm domestic circle. AS A HEPUBLICAX JOURNAL, The Times will be devoted, as in the pt to an intelligent and firm support oi tbe Republican Party. Its course in. rckrttict to the Tammany Ring, at a time wi-tmi the other daily papers in New rk ob structed and discouraged iit efforts, uttte its sincerity in tbe rause ol Reform. Tbe Timbs stood alone, in demanding Kticrm from 1869 to the close of lb?l, and ibcn is no sincere and honest propot-al lor lie form , in any braucn of the Government, which will not be heartily supported by the Times. Brtitwill rrot conspire in act ing ambiiioua politicians or cemaoues to reach power under false pretences. J t will not eneourage defection from the Republi can Party, welch is still the paity oi pro gress, security and national prosperity. It will sustain, with all the force and in fluence at its command, the principles and policy which have rendered il at party to justly famous in our history It will advo cate those measures by which the honor, the peace, and the prosperity of the nation can be best 6ec red aud promoted, and will constantly study tbe wants of the people rather than the wishes of the noiiticiuns. THE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES Is published everv Tufsdav . kri,!ai and contains all the agricultural and litera ry matter ol the Weekly edition, and fnii and careful compilation of editnii nA news features ol the Daily. xerms oi me tsemi-Wetkly Times; One copy, one year. 53; two copies, one year, 5, ten copies, one copy free. year, $25- -and oue extra Dubscripttons to either of our edltionn received lor a lees length of time than ou- year at yearly rate. inese prices are invariable. Remit in dra'ts on New York or Post-office Mouev Orders, it possible, and wberc neither o" these can be procured, send the money in a registered letter. All Pout -rriHuriT. urn obliged to register letters when nqaebted to do so, and the system is an abeolutc pro tecdon against losses by mail. Addreeb The JSew York Time, New York City. AGENTS Fi H THE REAT llYDITgTfllES OF TiiE UMTED STATFS ; An Historical 8cnr marv "oi tl - OiiL-i Growth and Perfection of tbe CLkl Industrial Arte of this 1300 Papjes and 500 Engraii) Written by 1J0 Eminent Authors lDc utiiDi: Johu B. Gouirh. Leon Case. Edward nor land, Job. B. Lyman, Kev. E. Jrdwju liaJl. Horace GreeJey, 1 hillip Kiytey. Albert Brisbane, F. B. Perkins, Etc. Htc. This work is a complete tletorv -of all bracchs ol industry, procc-ecs of idm -il fu ture, etc., in all ages. It is a comi'htt en cyclopedia ol arts and manolacf nrts, and is the most entertaining and valuable work ol information on subjects of general interest ever onered to the public. It is adapted to the wants of the Merchant, .Manufactur er, Mechanic, Farmer, Student and JnveDt- or, and sens to botn old and young of an classes. The book is sold by agents, wbo are making lare sales in ail t arts of 'be country. It is offered at the low price ol $3.50, and is the cheapest book eier eolJ by subscription. Mo family stoulJ be without a copy. We want AgenU in every town of the United Ftates, and do Ageil can laii to do well with this book. Our terms are liberal We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of oar aaents soM 133 copies in eight days, anoth er 6oId 36S in two weeks. Our agent in Hartford sold 397 in one. week. Specimens of the work sent to agents on receipt ot stamp. For circulars and terms to agente aadress tbe publishers, J B BURR & HYDE, Hartord, Conn., Chicago, Ixi, or CiiiCinsATi, Ohio. oct 10 124-6m Thomas coisrcsroR BJ"R ROOM N. E. corner of Mulberry and Natt Ste. Always on hand the best quality of ega j dcl 157-ly BABJSER SHOP JOE TURNER wishes to inform hi cumo mers and public generally, that he is no prepared to do all kind of work In his line. and would respectfully request a continua tion oX the patronage which has hcrctofr been so liberally bestowM upn him. janMtf ' W A ,t