NO. 234 VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBKUAEY 18, 1873 rTlB EVENING!- POST i.--i-lisd every aiternooa eicept Sunday. . .. ,.,ciiht Business Manazer ' - 7 I I - 'W - . ff ...Editor Tire .. 3 t-0 .. 1 50 .. 50 be ad- MANN Subscription., in advance I n'.tiS in advance . 1. ID aucv letter sllOUid i t-j tV- Business Manager, and all nu'.icati:ii? or natters relating to the "'t-.ri.'. icrarttiient to ths Editor. 'V. niLn.-e solicited IroovourfrieBds Mi. f . .ire i:p'ciuiiy deeirable. r fiw State, ou topics of renc- iV.itical uews and reports ol County THE NORTH CAROLINA LEGIS LATURE. Condensed from Ike Ncvvk.J . SENATE. Saturday, Feb'y 15, 1873. Introduction of Bills. By Mr 'Allen, a bill to prevent tbe sale of spirituofcs liquors within tbe corporate limits of Kenangville, Daplin county. By Mr A vera, a bill to lay off and establish h new county to be called Br2. By Mr Hill, a bill to incorporate Char lotte Baptist Churcii in Brunswick ;VVJj)yKKTlSETlKXTS. "Merchandise Brokerage Office, i tin.' of s-amples constantly on hand F i';,m import6" and manufacturers la voriLcrn markets. , ;.,irtw rt riHrclianaibC. oruers :Vl:SSundtciphed promptly. i l.ouLit nud sold In this o S r. fronl buyers solicited, and i'lmplS S by c!!er will have prompt at-i.-utlon. Time -is well cash purchases negotiated, Tl , ' riwh to buy or sell, coiumu"!- Ii ivhmlieuni lVoluce irokf;r. 4.c-V 1 r; Would hexowned. -T O W iivi:i Slachiucs. I . . .-'. I oar tine work 1.- equal to any ,v r v N . C of work this Machine cannot be . i . ,-i f hi :i V MlUiv I .--n " ' '!!.-m tV!i an HONEST Machine V UU mTv 'uV sewing will lata Ulc time. 'Vh'JViuiS1 inulcomparison with .-nrko" in v o he Whines, and will put tm o; t naV. at vour home by living r n a il "o. Uv. No. 1 Lippitt Row, roHt .rV "it . ck and Oroide told on Sri,,11S. 'an ' INSURANCE. i k VND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE looted at the lowest current rates lu the , , ,rt,nsil.lB Comnauiew. on ap- I'lUD'l", ....jj-v t.w luiiM"'" -"" in J. A. IiYliNE OeiHInM Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE tur.v i,- f9.00O.0W, Gold iRE.VT WESTERN FIRE INSUK . , ,iiuvv Vnw Orleans. A . c ,j.viA , g226 014 i "o'fi'iM i HBK INSURANCE A'D i-ica- C anber of Commerce, up Ktaln-. " o ' On moton of Mr Rhodes, tbe bill to iocorporate tbe Goldsboro' Banking and Loan Association was taken up and passed its several readings.. On. motion ol Mr. Wbitemire, tbe Dill to protect cattle from distemper and other infectious diseases, was taken up and pased its several readings. Tue jury box iu the town ol Nonb Providence has been m constant use B:uce tire yer 1?G"5, and is considerable of a box yet. Glass burros are lo be u.-td for tie transportation cd petroleum, iu order to save the heavy loss frrm t vij.or3iioa in ordinary paektuefv. STREET KAIIiWAT. RAIL ROADS. Wilmington, Cliarlotte & Rutnerforfl ' Rail Road Line. IVASSA GUANO COMPANY, - OF WILMINGTON. N. O. Eastern Division ; New Schednle. ' j 1873 Going West. 1873 STATION 8. PASSES UEB FK BI ti HT. j . CAPE FEA TlflS If 12 & i! ft & Introduction of Rctolutione. By Air Cowles, a resolution to print the muster rolls of the war of 1812. By Mr Ellis, of Columbup, a resolution in favoi ot J H Hill. By Mr Waring, a resolution of instruc tion"to the Attorney General. The resolution reads ke follows Wiiekeas, It appearing from the statement at D W'Bain, Chief Clerk of the Treasury Department, mad& before the Special Committee to investigate the management ol tbe Penitentiary, that Geo W Welker, President of the Board of Directors ot the Penitentiary, appointed by Gov Tod R Caldwell, and upon a warrant signed by the said Tod R Caldwell. Governor, did draw from the State Treasurv the jum of $5,000 and where? s, it further appears from said statement that the said sum i $5,000 ha3 neither been returned to the Treasurer nor accounted for ; therefore : Rcsolced hy the Senate, the House con curring. That the Attorney General of the Siate be iastructed and required, in tbe name ot the State, to institute suit aga nst the said George W Welkpr. and h?s official bond, lor tho recovery t tbe sum, with all the legal interest accrued thereon. By Mr Powell, a resolution for the rii.! ,f th T.imitic Asvlum. Provides rC-TSiS. 1873. FnrnitTire & Carpet i87s, comitg fiscal year, to De paid quarterly. Adopted and sent to the House. Special Order. The bill to incorporate tbe Farmer's Bank ot Fayetteville was taken tip and discussed at considerable length. - .Sev eral amendments were proposed in rc- garu to ice rme ui iuicica " by the Bank, &c. The bill - finally passed with the amendment restricting its rate ot inter est to laws to be hereafter passed bv the General Assembly Calendar. House bill authorizing the levying -j. ,erari&.l tar in tne uounxj Ol Bladen. The committee recommenu. "-y Constitutional equation be obsved.--Amendment adopted. The J 1 ll not to be submitted to tue vows X" tv Bill passed its seconu lJ ottnrr the MeChf Leave Wilmington.... AbbotUburg. . . li Lumberton . . . . Shoe. Heel..... Lanrinbtirg. . . KocKingnam . Arrive at EileavWIe.t. 14 8.00 A M 11.16 12 30 vm 1.54 2.f 9 4 03 4 45 I 6.00 A M ll. 45 ! 2.C5 v n j f..O i 6.00 A ai .... jiooo " Going East. HEW SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the follow ing schedule will be run on the Street RaSawill leave corner of Red Cross and Front streets, for the Union Depot, at 2:40 A. M., daily, to meet the Southern train stop- Eine at the various xxoteis a-uu ijWiu.U6 Louses on the route, leaving the -depot on the arrival or me leave corner er f roni anu ivcuwuaaou at 7:30 A. M.. for Union Depot, in order to connect with the Northern bound train, making the usual stoppages at the -Ho-tls end Boarding Houses, leaving Union DepotOB the arrival of the Southern -train. Iu4the evening will leave corner of Front and Red Cross streets at 5 P. M.. making Se usual stoppage leaving the Union te Sot on e arrival ot1 the Northern train. Will leave the corner of Red Cross and Front at l(hui) P. M., to meet the Southern 11Rtouik SciiEDtTT."K During the day tne cars will run from v.' A. M., until b P. M.. allowing 15 minutes between each turnout Mid for the further accommodation of the SSblic, one car will b o run until 11 :30 P. M. ? DANIEL KLEIN. STATIONS. passexok; FBEIGHT. tt tt 7.40 a at 8.36 10. SO 10.65 12. 0 P M 1.26 4.35 " 13.00 M 5.00 AM 5.55M 9 50 " I2.i 5PM 5.00 44 Leave Lilesville . . . . " Rockinsiiam Shoe lleel Lumberton . . . . . Abbottabursr . . Arrive at Wilmington. - Dinkeb, going West: BkeaKTAST, go ing East. Freight Trains stop here over night. f Stage for Charlotte: Railroad and8tage fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only $ 10. No Trains on Sunday. Two 8peclal Freight Trains for Ton Timber, run irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passeneer Train. ' Western Division. "Nil T- p-- , T rrg-. 1 n 1 m m "V f mmi-xy -. . . STATIONS PASSENGER FREIGHT. Leave Charlotte 8.00 am " Lincolrlton 10.43 " Arrive at Bnilalo 12.07 ! RETURNING. Leave Buftalo 44 Lincolnton Arrive at Charlotte. . . V. Q. JOHNSON, Assistant Supt. jau 9 1.07 r m I 2.41 5.14 44 J S. L. FREMONT, Gen. 8upt. 199 , - '' Mechanics' Bill incorporating the . Mecuau E peopl of mew V. 5- Wilmington. Passed 1 home one of the iaiK- tlose company o et Warehouses mi- Vc'largest its several readings. can select .in . pwwu the state. . A r,imlina now have uu Ul v.--- - nr ana u Thov t noun 11 . "j Honse bill allowing the Co ever m and wo invite the puoiic u OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR IS STILL ahead of any oiuer 4"rasef Tour Pearl Hominy wnnot bo surpM.ej Always ou hand at the .uiu Cracked Com, rn Rnltcd Meal. ' Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Brau. All ooda sold drayed free. Vll bas retumtd In jiojkI order will be ctcd at LVuAM Proprietor. a t rvdumbus county to levy a special -t : . . . . - tax. Passed its toira reauiug. Messages Received. tt.,0 fQnmttin' several Krom 1 lib xiuusu - . bur -amocg tbec-mber, the refoluon of Mr. Fiemming m regain , V,T ngthe Governor to take appeal in re gard to the sale ol tbe Western C. it R, with an amendment which was concurred in. Wilmington. Columbia & Au gusta R. R. Company. Gen. Superintendent's Ofpicb, ) Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f n -- " y - - MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL RKONTV Popular Standard Fertilizers! Price per ton Pelivrred ea tk 'or nt Firtarv. I PATASLK 1ST 44 SOLUBLE NAVASSA. GUANO," ) For Corn, Cotton,, and all Field Crops,- j 44 NAVAS8A TOBACCO FERTILIZER," ' ( Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. J 1 CAsn 55 00 $65 00 30 00 463 00 $75 00' $350 " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially for composting with Cotton Seed. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. , MA . ZS-Agenoies established at all the principal towns and ernes in me ooumern ovvcb. Hon. K. It. BRIDGERS, President. C. L.. GRAFFLIN, Supermtenmtnt r. ftfarTi A E. Secretary and Treasurer. ' Jan 23d. 1873 213 8ta The designs are a new WTR & CO " 200 tf iao 9 --'-T H; MANNING COFflMISSIOH hURO HAUL AKDDEALEB IN Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goons. Clow, to K So ajand24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. C-algnmenf aud CasU Order, Solicited 151-iy nov23 '" . --r.-v Tir COFFEE, KICK AiN yj TATOES. P.HAfJRP OF SCHEDULE. HPHE FOLLOWING. SCHEDULE WILL X. jiO into enect at a:o a. jh.., i.ouujr Ytn met. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) T oottQ Wilmlnvtnn 3:25 A. M A rriA at Fl 9:55 A. M in T Arrive at Columbia. St; m A n.S rrn oT A ti rn of a ----- 7 4' A. M Leave Augusta... a ii tiTWWftiA . : rt r; NTOHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN NIG AYS EXCEPTED.) 5:45 r. M. 11:35 P. M 3:40 A. M 8:20 A. M 5:50 P. M 10:20 P. V 2:12 A. M 8:00 A. M tauttb AVTIERSON. Gen'l Sup't. . u 123 tf oct 9 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Office Genebal Bupbbintendent, 1 June81872. J Leave wumingion.,. Arrive at Florence Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta.. Arrive at Columbia. . . Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington PACIFIC GrXJAIVO C O Y5S CAPITAL. $1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO ..:. THIS GUANO is so well known in all the Southern States for its remarkable fleets M in agency for Increasing the products of labor, a not to require special recordratndauon from us. Its use lot several years past has established Its character for reliable excellence. The large fixed capital invested by the company in this trado alTords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. ' '. Planters may rest assured that the supplies put into market this season aro precliol tnt same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. To accommodate Planters they can order now and have until the let of April to de cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. W. II. McRARY & CO., And Dealers in No, 1 Chincha anf GuanaiTe ranftHraaiw, WILMINGTON, N. g. January 23-lm SUGAR, FamilyPapcr OTA MTTTCr, POTATOE 2r hhdsP. It. ana uu 125 tierces liice, For sale by Which cau be truted and ?nlck VtTne? full of interest, is a neceity of the times, Kuch a one is the CHRITlMi UNION. The Unsectariau.Kellglous. Literary Family Newspaper, wnoe 18 HENRY WARD BEECHER. IT HAS fcOMCTIIISO FOR KVERV . MDHWB of tue Household, in matters o rtwugon Morals. Politico, jorYoauS .Vgriculture. Poeto', News ictlon lor iouii and Old, Truth for Kverybod . Fdito Ml Bkeciieu-s viKorous pen Sr rials and Star IP, and Mr- "gj'gec. fAined verbaUm re iwrts of te heipim iv .tare RoomT Vy ereat attractions. Mr. Jeecur i a large and able editorial staff. THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ARK A3 FOLLOWS : r t,rQQ no Olio jl ear vjaa v revenue was taitcu --- -- ff red Send money by ro,tal Orders. Draft, or The ffiS rtutriH i.pttcrs. I ' en nnmeroUS . . dTr-Tivrm r -FIRST COME. - jTtf F. W HOUSE OF HErRESENTATlVLd. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1873. Mr Norment, a memorial asking a probibitorylawVor Lumberton, Robeson CBv Mr Outlaw a bill to incorporate the town of Duplin, Duplin county. Re- f6BydMr Robinson, a bill to-make entry takers ex-officio county agents. Re- fe-ilr Maxwell, a Wllncermng inspectors in the cuy oi & Referred. v xtaoh tha Sen On motion oi jii uv ---ate biU to amend the Constitution of ?hSfito 80 as to make the sessions of the btato so . k:;oT instead first reading by the requisite two-birds Vld!? o rP ,evC the Road from It to your advantage to c on tue " - WA, voteu our 8tocK oi its embarrassments, which was vote BOOi FERTI blZiKb. 100 Toils Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, by 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED CLV BOARD CARS AT WILMINGTON N. C. ce leb 10 KERCHNER. 22? WOKXH KNOWING. rail and examine may 2 NEW YEARS' BEEF. ILL 5 clovers of GOOD BTALL FED FAT JUK ICY BEEF. . . c.AAAn.i Street Will find an extra nrticic Market on MONDAY MORNING, An 1 Mntlmtlnz throughout the week. pavis & wnixc. d4C 2S d0IiDter some further debate the resolu tion passed its third reading. - Revenue Bill .... Mn rt to raife Tbee wasTaken u d considered revenue was taKen ' offered were thereon so general ;tleman space necessary to cannot aPcorrect and imp rerca be given. 1 advertise- usul custom wq- -;t-tcd, will yeas CI, nays aa. . fl Aer tbo bill On motion ot Mr u i to secure advances aud i ! tural purposes was taken up ana y its seycral readliig. our owv y BOOTS SHOES , -.r we cive better Shoes. 2?8E ffltW hoifi m the State. 12:11 P. M 2:11 F. M 3:50 . M 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M 8:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:58 P. M 10:58 P. M 8:10 A. M TRY G R. FRENCH & SON, jan20 39 Xortii Front stre OEBIESS June t 44 South Side Market St., MATCHLESS SELF-SEALING IPrixrt Jar. -T I li 31 1 N f J '4 v N. C. 15-Jy CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Av AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, nmTnifoTiiims on the Wil- gfoTanTweldon RauFoad will run follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leve uJZrh ..At 8:05 A. M aaya cwcisu;.. Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount..... Weldon . - - tv1 dniiv anndavs exceptea) Arrive at Rocky Mounts .... (joiuooro Union Depot.... WVPRR88 TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily.. .At Arrive at uoiasuoru. . Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily. . . ; Arrive at Rocky Mount Gldsboro . irAA r.onnectxon at Wd .or "aU s North Ue -j Anta r.rPAt rontes. U1U W.'W' ... 1 onSpiHonl RS ON THIS TRAIN. nrin mo TWA Tirill lPAVe WUmUlfr' .'".m. ft on A. M.. and arrive at ton iri-nccai; - ' i in V If nmorrr TT? A TVS will leave P. M.darriTeatUA-M. General SuperintendenL Jnne 8 . PARKEK taYLOB" Successors to A. H. NEFF, iiO UtSJS u T . TVeroaene. Oil Tin cift7P T aii terns, jteroBeac, v aideet iron ware. Roofing atshor 500 Tons Whanu's Raw Bone Super phosphate, PRICE--S5a 50 Cash by 1st ol May. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. Delivered on Care atWilmingrton. IM- O. :o:- 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate, PRICE-$52 50 Cash by 1st of May. S60 00 liable Ut tf ; November. For Bale by jan 30 I . -.-vN.-K.-r. . I. A. OMfluw. RICHARD -N. JYLt--ix . Commission mercnani, AND DEALKK iSf FLOUB, GRAIN. miiij rxaA7, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Oor. Camden &PacaSts Baltimore, Md. Order from North Carolina Bolt wjL u W. B. C2U1A - - nut! fM s V Vm v GRANGER'S NEW H O.TEX. GRANGER & CHILES, Pipprietorfl WEST CENTRE BTBEXT GOLDBBOROi'N' O. ConveoUnt torth Traini 'Jfji North, Boutn. EatandWKf atigW ...

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