VOL. VI. WILMINI 19, 1873 NO. 235 TPIE EVENING POST Publnea cverjr i "wu "--r- tvvf P. CAN AD AT.... Business Manager jES C MANN Editor Subscription. .,. vear. in advance s 5 150 iix months, In advance j Tj,rec months, in .advance 1 50 One month, in advance 50 -All basincaa letter shonld be ad- reescd to the Business Manager, and all commooicationi or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor. r-orresixjndcnce aollcited from our friends n all part of the State, on topic of gene ral latere it. Political news and reports ol , ror are especially desirable. NWTPFB ttTISEfl ENT n7 Merchandise Brokerage Office, ni-LL line of samples constantly on hand T from importers ami manufacturers in Northern market. Ml descriptions ot merchandise, orders aud bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Mcrehandlf-e bought and sold In this market orders from buyers solicited, and SSples left by sellers will have prompt at trntiou. Time as well as cata purchases negotiated, wieScr you wish to buy or sell, coinOia-l-StJd freely, and often with your local Br0kCr" JAS. T. PETTEWAY, , Merchandise and Produce Broker. ,lcc J) 184 tf THE WOULD RENOWNED HOWE Sewing Machines. IN RAN'liE of work this Machine cannot be Iuafleil Our tine work Is equa I to any and our heavy work excels that of an Ma- ch&effaimlSt it"i an HONEST Machine will do . alT ur ewlng. will lust a hie time, und t5 not eubicct to tlfd. We cheerfully invite comparison with work of any other Machines, and will put Them on trial, at your home by leaving jna1?e at the oliicc. No. 4 Llppltt Row Front S51 between andOranee. Ajdon ieay poymcnts. GEO. A. b w fc-L u ta-7 r Asent Uonie sewing Machine Co. 1 Jan5 INSURANCE. I IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE I' effected at the lowest current rates In the following responsible Companies, on ap- USFyork life insurance COMPANY, AjgtU 0en1 IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London. Atte GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. New Oilcans, FAMVILLE FIRE INSURANCE AND BAAKINO COMPANY of Va., assets BYRNE & KSENAN. Oen'l Insurance Agents. Ufllce Chamber of Commerce, up stairs Wilmington, N. C. aug 18 y J' 'Li Immm mm -' :UrTn OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR 13 STILL ahead of any other on the market 1 our Ptaxl Hominy cannot be surpassed Always on hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, Cora, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All gooda sold drayed free. All bags returned in good order will be credited at cost on next bill. at.rt. OLDHAM, Proprietor. sept 27 11- A Family Paper Which can bo trusted and which is always fall of interest, rsa necessity of the times ttuch a one is the GHRIT1AN UNION. Ths Cnsectarlan, Religious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose Editor Is HENKY WARD BEEt'HEK. IT HAS SOMETHIMi TOR EVEliY MEJIBni or the Household, ih matters of Religion Morals, politics. Literature, Art, Science Agriculture, Poctry,New8 Fiction lor Young and Old, Troth for Everybody. Mr. Bkechkr's vigorous pen, in bis Edito rials and Star Papers, and Mr. Elllnwood' fumed verbatim reports of the helpful Lec ture Room Talks iii Plymouth Church, are great attractions. Mr. Beecher Is assisted by a large and able editorial staff, THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION a&e as roxxows : One Year Onlv S3.00 Send money by Postal Orders, Drafts, or Registered Letters. JOTIBST COME, FIRST SERVED. may a . lS7-tf NEW YEARS' BEEF, ALL ye lovers of GOOD STALL FED FAT JUICY , BEEF". Will find an extra article' at Second Street Market on, ... MONDAY MORNING, And continuing throughout the week. pavi wniTE. Ik Si THE NORTH CAROLINA LEGIS LATURE. 4 1 Condensed from the News. 1 SENATE. Monday, Feb. 17, 1873. Tbe Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock bv tbe Lieutenant Gorernor. Mr Allen introduced tbe following i t Dins : A bill In relation to coats in civil ac- i Hons. A bill to amend Code of Civil Proce dure in relation to appeals. , A Dill to amend pectiou 843 of the Code of Civil Pmcedure. .Mr ilcCabe, a bill to provide for till?-! ing vacancies iu iur toiccot tlajcjkj 8arvevor. Mr Sejmour, a bill regarding the holding of tbe Superior coorts in tbe Second and Tbird Judicial Districts. Mr MabeOD, called up bill regulating tbe sale of -tar, requiring that tbe same be sold by weight and not otherwise. Mr Mabson supported the bill, and Messrs. Ellis, of Columbus, Allen, Dun ham, Murphy and Respess opposed the measure as being detrimental to the general interests' of the manufacturers of tar as well as to the shipper. Bill laid upoo the tb table. Tbo Gill incorporating the Carolina Central Railway Company was put upon its third reading. Mr Humphrey moved to strike out the, amendment heretofore passed re quiring said corporation to complete tbe road through Shelby to Ruthertord ton, and to insert the following : "That should this corporation purchase ' tbe Western North Carolina Railroad, or in any way obtain the control of that road, it shall not have the right to take up tbe track of any part of said road, but sball maintain the saanf uncomplete it to Asbeville within two years after such purchase or control ; and failing to do so sball forfeit all right to control tbe eame under any title acquired such purpose." Tbe amendment offtrdd by Mr. Hum phrey was adopted. Mr Miller offered an amendment, re quiring the Central Railway Company to complete the V. N. C. Railroad, should they get possession of the road, to tbe town ot Shelby, within twelve months after said possession should have been obtained. Adopted. Tbe bill as amended passed its third reading ayes 33, nays 5. A Mr Waring moved to reconsider the vote, and that tbe said motien to recon sider be laid on the table. Adopted. Under a suspension of tbe rules, Mr Seymour called up bill regulating the number ot officers of the General As sembly and "defining their duties. Passed second reading. Further consideration of the bill was postponed until Wednesday at 11 o'clock, and .the same ordered to be printed. Mr Welch introduced a bill declaring what portion ot tbe debt of North Carolina is valid and to pay off the aarae. The bill authorizes the Governor to appoint three discreet and able per sons as Commissioners on the part of tbe State, whose duty it sball be to ascertain and estimate tbe State's interest in rail roads and other public improvements; to ascertain tbe debt contracted anterior to tbe war, as well as tbe amount actu ally expended tor the legitimate pur poses for which appropriations were made of tbe bonds issued from tbe Public Treasury during and since the war. That alter this shall have been ascertained tbe said Commissioners be empowered to assign all interesfwhicb the State may have in said pubiic im provements to the parties holding such legitimate claims against the State in such proportion as tbe aggregate inter est of the State in such improvement bears to tbe atcertamed aggregate claims, in consideration of the surrender of all claims against the -State. That the people of North Carolina, in their respective capacity, iieclaro that they solemnly protest against any other com promise ot their liabilities. Bill made special order for Thursday. Mr Morebead, of Guilford, introduced o tnnrinf? the cooQDletion of the Western road to Greensboro'. Referred Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 a, Speaker Robinson called the House to order. By Mr. Wheeler, & bill to protect far mers from frauds in commercial fertilizers.- Referred. . A communication was received from the Secretary of the State in reference to grants issued from that office and read. x," , ... On motion of Mr. Woodbous, the bill to amend the act of establishing the county ot Dare was taken up and passed its several readings. On motion of Mr. Shacklsiord, the resolution authorizing tbe Auditor to issue. a duplicate warrant for $$80 to"E." Murrill waa taken up and adopted. ' Qir motion of Mr; .Morrison, the bill making it the duty of Superior Court Judges to approve or disapprove of the Clerk's judgment in special proceedings within SO days was taken up and passed its several readings. On motion ot Mr Rhodes, the billjto relieve County Commissioners was, taken up and passed its several readings. . Tho bill passed its several readings. Mr Badger -introduced a resolution requesting a report from th Hw Treasurer of tbe number of land grants wb oi have been paid for and settled during the years 1868. '69, '70, '71, '72. The rules were suspended and the reso lution adopted. The bill to incorporate the Transmon taine Railroad Company was taken op as the special order. Tbe question on the m6tion for pot t ponemept being taken it was adopted. Tbe bill to declare certain larcenies misdemeanors w6 taken up as the sec ond special otrtiT, and passed its several readings. Afterdebati, ihe motion of Mr John Stoo to po8tp-!ie tbe question of concur re nee or non-concurrence was postponed until Wednesday at 11 A M. Constitutional Amendment. TU Sena Li Ldli loalter t he c r.&titc- jtloB Hr regard fix the public cieDt was taken up, and passed liseecontl reading. The Senate bill to amend the Consti tution by abolishing the office of Super intendent of Public Works, was taken up and failed to pass its second reading, yeas 75. nays 10. Mr Johnston Lioved to reconsider tbe vote by which the bill failed to pass its second reading, having changed his vote in order to be enabled to do so. The motion was entered on the Journal. On motion of Mr Johnston, a call of the House was bad, and 87 members answered to their names. 31r Badger moved to postpone tho further consideration of tbe amendments until to-morrow at'll A M. A message was received from' the Senate transmitting amendments ta the bill to incorporate the N. C. Central; Railway Company. The amendments were concurred in. and tbe bill ordered to be enrolled. Adjourned. AFTKR.N00N SESSION At 3:30 P. M., Mr Speaker Robinson called th8 House to order. On motion of Mr Jones, of Caldwell, tho House branch of tbe Committee on the Western North Carolina Railroad was excused from attending the session of tbe House this afternoon. The bill to repeal certain portions of chapter 250, laws of 1869, was taken up and p8ssed its second reading. Tbe bill to declare Trent river, Jones county, a lawful fence, was taken up and passed its several readings. Tbe bill to protect the navigation of White Oak and Trent rivers, Jones county, was taken up and passed it several readings. Adjourned. - NIGHT 8KSS10M. Senate met at 7 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor in the chair. Resolution in favor ot the counties of Brunswick, Northampton and Edge combe that they bo refunded such moneys as they may have paid into th State Treasury above the requirement of the law was considered and passed its several readings. Tho resolution of instruction to the Attorney General concerning the $5,000 drawn by George W Welker from the State Treasurer while he was President of the Peniten'iary Board, under the appointment of Gov Caldwell, in March last, was considered. Mr Seymour moved the further con sideration of the resolution until Thurs day next. Adopted. The bill in relation to cumulative suffrage for Raleigh was made special ord?x for to-morrow night at 8 o'clock. Adjourned. 18T3. Furniture & Carpet 1873. 3 WAREHOlSli. THE people of the Carolina now J"" 1 homo one of tbo larpest i furniture a .ud Carpet Warehouses in the c'fK can select In person from one of the largest stocks ever offered in the State. The designs arb all new and handsome, and wc Invite the public to examine stock and prices beforepur & ian 9 200 tf conr.usGion lieiiciiant, AyT DEALXB IN Groceries, Proiiaons, Dry Goods - UlOtllM, sc. sc.. No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oonsignments and Cash Orders Solicited may roads. WiliingtoD, Charlotte : & EnHerforil Rail lioad Xiine. SHE Eastern Division : New Schedule. 1873 Going West 1873 8TATIOF8. PASS ESGEK ! FK B 1 OUT Leave Wilmington... " AbbotUburg. . . " Lumbertou ... Shoe Heel.:... " Laurinburg. .. 44 .Rockingham.. Arrive at LilesvllUt. 8.00 AM IL1C fi.OO A 21 11.45 12 30 P M 2.05 p M 1.54 4 39 5.0o " 6.00 A Si 4 03 " j 4 45 j lOOO Going East. STAIOMS. PASSENQ KUiFBEIOHT. Leave Lilesville ...... 44 Rockingham ... 41 ILaurinburg. , . . 8hoe Heel 4 Lumberton 44 Abbottaburg . . . Arrive at Wilmington. 7.40 A M &S6 " 10.30 10.55 " 12. '0 pm 1.26 " 4.35 " 12.00 H 5.00 AM 5 55" 9 50 12.i5pm 5.00 Ducoua, going West : Breakfast, go ing East. Freight Trains atop here over night. t Stage lor Charlotte: Railroad and8tage fare, VVilmington to Charlotte, only i0. B""!No Trains on Sunday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber, run irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passensrer Train. Western Division. STATIONS passenger freight. Leaf e Charlotte . . " Lincolnton. Arrive at Buffalo. 8.C0a m 10.43 12.07 4 RETURNING. Leave Buffalo 44 Linfcolnton Arrive at Charlotte, . . V. Q. JOHN80N, Assistant Supt. iau9 1.07 r m 2.41 5.11 44 S. L. FREMONT, Gen. Supt. 199 Wilmington. Colombia & Au gusta R, R, Company. Gen. Superintendent's Office, I Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f CHANGE OF SCIIEDOLE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL HO into effect at 3:25 A. M., Monday, 7th mst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN. (Daily.) Leave Wilinington ...... . . .... 3:25 A M Arrive "at Florence 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Augusta 7 4i P. M Leave Augusta. 6.S5 A. M Arrive at Columbia 11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at,Wilmington .10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave WUmington 5;45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:12 A. M Arrive at Wilmington.. 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. oct 9 123 tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Office Genkbal Sufbbihtbkdbnt, l Wilmiwgtoh, N. C, June ;8, 1872. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAIN8 on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount. , . . . 2:11 1. M Weldon 3:50?. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) : At 9:15 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:07 A. M Goldsboro 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 10:40 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3:00 A. M Rocky Mount 4:50 A. m Weldon 6:50 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7: 10 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 8:58 P. M Goldsboro 10:58 P. H Union Depot 3;JC A. M Mail Train makes close connection at Weldon tor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek, routes. . Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. MM and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS, will leave Wilmington daily (8undays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. JuneS 19-tf PABKEK 3& TAYLOR' Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturer and dealers In HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lantern, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street, WILMIlfOTONt N . C. NAVASSA, GUMO COMPANY, OF WILMIISTOTOiV. IV. C. i MANUFACTURERS OF THE 'V- Popular Standard " SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Corn, Cotton, and all Field Crop, 44 NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER," Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially for composting with Cotton-Seed. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. 3Agencics established at all the principal towns and cities in the Southern SUtoe. Hon. R. R. BRIDGERS, President. D. MacRAE, Secretary and Treasurer Jan 23d, 1873 PACIFIC GUANO COIVIPAIVY'S 9 CAPITAL S 1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO THIS GUANO is bo well know n in all the Sout nern States lor its remarkable effecti ai an agency for increasing the products of labor, as not to require special recommendation from us. Its use lor several years past has established its character for reliable excellence The large fixed capital invested by the company in this trade affords tho surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. Planters may rest assured that the upplic? put into market this season are predieljr th same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME : WITHOUT INTEREST. 4 To accommodate Planters they can order now and have until the 1st of April to d-1 clde as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. W. H. JIcRARY & CO., Agents lor Pacific Guano Company, And Dealers iu No, l Cnincna anfl Qnaiiaje Peruvian Guanos, , WILMINGTON, N. C. January 23-lin 7 2U FEETI LIZER 100 Toils Bahama Soluble Guaiio, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, by 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED ON BOARD VARX AT WILMINGTON, N. C. 500 Tons Whaim s Haw PRICE $52 50 Cash by hi oi November. Delivered on Cars nt 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate. PRICE $52 50 Cash by hi ot November. For Sale by j an 30 Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &i?aea Sts Baltimore, Md. I I I IU t i -- . i - c f FOLLOWING WELL KNONW Fertilizers I Price per ton Delivered on PAYABLE llT CA8n NOVK3CTEK. 155 00 03 00 $05 00 75 00 $30 00 $35 00 C. L. GRAFFLIN, Superintendent 212r-8m Bone Super -Phosphate, May. $60 00 Payable 1st of Wilmingrton. M. O. t May. $60 00 Payable, 1st of VICK A: IEBAIVE 2Mb w. ir. cHiin Late of Richmond. V RANGEIXJ9 ' NEW HOTEL GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors WEST CENTRE BTBEET, GOLD SB ORO N . C Convenient tor the Train leJin Tor til North, Month, Etand WttU M 8

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