- , - -- I . -t ""V ' map T WILlnTNGTON, N. G, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1873 NO. 236 VOL. VI. .- - - - - " J - - " : , - -.- - - ; " - - ' - 'J- - :, - -- - - . JJUjp lily jj.KTJTslG- POST Publedcvcrjaftemoou except Sunday. rv P CANADAY....Bnslneaa Manager J5cMAH- Editor aaoBcupwvu. oae yt'. in advance Jix moQttBf In advance jhree montna. In advance ,.n month. In advance ..$5 00 .. 8 00 .. 1-50 50 tjy-AU bualneai letters should be ad rreHcd to the Boainess Manager, and all laicationa or maters relating to the Editorial department to the Editor. rrresDondence solicited from our friends m of the State, on topic of gene ral interest. Political news and reports ol .:r0pa arepecialjy durable. . ADY E RT t S E SI E N T S . 'MercBand!s Brokerage Office; ' rM of sample constantly oil hand FVom importers and manufacturers in vorthcru markeUi. Ail JcrlpUoni ot merchandise, orders p u j ! bl dSSucited and telegraphed prompUy. SSplS iSn ?b? ellcrs will have prompt at rfQtlon. Sfly. andoaSi lth 'your local Profcer. s T peTTEWAY. Merchandise and Produce Vroke ilt-c 3J " "tE? NED HOWE v kaVGE of 'ork this Machine cannot be I 1 JKSft. HoDrrce.s tbat'of any Ma- cbtoe in tho woj"1.1- HONEST Machine wEifMfi & 11,0 "me- tan 0 . 1 INSURANCE. . ii.-v VND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BH I' Jifected at the lowest current rates in the foilonVrPonslble Companies, on ap- SeWork life insurance COMPANY. Asseus I MPERIAI FIRE iNSURANCE COMPANY, of London. AaagU GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCK COMPANY, Nev Orleans. PRMVILLE FIRE INSURANCE AND BAAKINO COMPANY of Va., aojte BYRNE t KEEN AN. Geu'l Insuranoc Agents. omc Chamber of Commuptalrs OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR pi STILL ahead of any other on the market Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed Always on hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Cora, Corn, Bolted Meal, Pea3 and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drajed free. All bags returned in good order will be creviited at coat on next bill. at.f. OLDHAM, Proprietor. kept 27 . A Family Paper Which can be trusted and which In always roll of lnteret, is a necessity of the times Bach a one is the CHR1T1AN UNION. The Unsectarian, Religious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose Editor is HENRY WARD BEECHER. Itua something roR Every Mmbeb t the UorsEHOLD, in matters of Religion Arrtculture, Poetry, News, FlcUon for Y oung Mb. Bcechjek's vigorous pen, in his Edito rlaia and Star Papers, and Mr. Ellinwppd' famed verbatim reports of the helpful Leo- lore ivoomiaiKBiu riviuuuui v,uun.u, great attractions. Mr. Beecher i s assisted by a large and able editorial staCl THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ARB as roixows : Quo Year Onlv 83.00 msnMKv T'.tai ctriPT9. Drafts, or Beginered Letter. FIRST COME, FIRST BERVEDtr Buy 2 iBi'hl NEW YEARS' BEEF. ILL v6 lora 0f GOOD STALL FED FAT B E E Ft Will finj extra article at Second Street market on MONDAY MORNING, Aa-i continuing throughout the week. P VVT.H & TVniTE. i 1T THE NORTH CAROLINA TjEGIB- LATURE. IConden&cd from the Ncirs.1 SENATE. Tcksday, Fcbv 18, 1873. Senate : called to order at 10 o'clock by the Lieutenant Governor. Mr Chamberlain introduced a bill in favor of the heirs of Jesse McCoy, dee'd. Referred. Bill amending an act concerning the appointment of Judges to bold Special Courts. Passed its second reading. Bill to extend tbe time for registra tion of grants, deeds and conveyances. Passed second reading. Bill to establish a hospital for tte iocane in tbe 3tap5 of North Carolina, making Dr Eugene Grissom, Major J A Engelhard, R P Waring, J W Bowman, it Li Patterson, J i jams, r rvarncK and others, CommiesiODers for the pur pose of purchasing a trsct of land suitably located for the purposes of the erection of an additional insane asylum, and to have the same erected under certain rcculatioDS. Mado special orJer for Friday at 12 o'clock. Mr CunniDgham introduced a bill authorizing cities and towns of more than two thousand inhabitants to es tablish and maintain public schools. Authorizes tho Mayor and common council ot any city or town contaiLing two thousand inhabitants, alter submit ting tbe question to tlue electors within the corporate limits of said town or city, to establish and maintain, Jbj a tax upon the property, credits and polls within tbe corporate limits thereof, public free schools. Referred. A bill amenaiog an aci concerning the Western Tnrnpike R6ad was called up under suspension of the rules, and passed its several readings. benate Dili vo cuaner m uicm Western Air-Line Road, was made the sDecial order for to-morrow at 1 o'clock. This roaa is mienaea to run num ucai Weldon to Charlotte. Mr Morehead. of Guilford, called up bill providing for the printing of Bat tle's Revised Code. Passed its several readings. Bill topreveut the destruction of timber. That any person interfering with timber upon the land of another pcrEon shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor. Passed its several readings. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A M. Mr Speaker Robinson called the House to order. Re Mr Richardson, a bill to incorpo rate the town of Fair Bluff, Columbus county. Keierrcu. Bv Mr Wiley, a bin to incorporate the Cranberry Iron and Coal Works. Referred. Bv Mr Heaton. a bill establishing a Mechanics and Laborers lien law. Re ferred. Ttv Mr Lutterloh. a bill to incorporate the Cross Creek Benevolent Society ot Fayetteville. Referred. On motion ol air isadger, me resolu tion directing the Secretary of State to report the number of Cherokee land grants issued from his office during the years loba bU and i, was iaeu up and adopted. On motion ot Mr Stanford the bill to raise revenue was taken up on its third reading and considered by sec tions. Pending the consideration of amend ments to section i, schedule 44B" the bill tor Pardon anil Amnesty - was announced as the special order. On motion of Mr Brown, of Meek lenburg, the bill was postponed until Friday. The consideration of the revenue bill was resumed. , Pending a vote on tbe proviso the hour for the consideration of the Constitutional Amendments arrived. Tbe Senate bill to amend tbe Constitution so as to abolish the C-de Commissioners was taken up and passed its second reading yeas 99, nays 9. On motion ot Mr Johnston the motion to reconsider the vote by which the bill io amend tbe Constitution in regard to abolishing the Office ot Superintendent of Public Works of North Carolina, failed to pass its second reading was put to a vote and adopted. The bill was then put on its second reading and passed by a vote of yeas 95, nays 14. The bill to alter the Constitution in regard to exemptions was taken up and passed its second reading, yeas 100, nThe bill to amend the Constitution in regard to taking the University from the control of the Board of Education and giving it to the Legislature, was taken up and passed its second reading veas 93, nays 13. The bill to alter the Constitution in regard to the census was taken up and psed its eecond reading-yeas 100, nThe10bill to alter tbe Constitution in regard to Federal and other office holders was taken up and passed its eecond reading-yeas 97, nays 13. The bill to a ter the Constitution proVidin- for biennial sessions of the at present, was taken up and passed its Second reading yeas 99, nays 2. The bUl to alter the Constitution in regard t?S public debt wa taken up and failed to pass its third readmg-r-yeas 72nays 35. Mr Bowman moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill failed, and asked t have the motion entered job the Journal. Mr Johnston's motion to make the motion to reconsider special order for to morrow was voted down and the motion to reconsider, made by Mr Bowman, was ordered to be entered on the Journal. Adopted. The editors and publishers of news papers in Maine met the other day at Augusta, whereupon the Portland Press ventures to affirm that there was gathered the very wisest and most virtuous little crowd ot men in the seediest of last year's clothes" tbaLever met at the State capital." It is said that if Maud Mullcr had her life to live over again, and should meet the judge in tbi9 year of grace, 1873, she would sue him for breach of promise and obtain sufficient damages to make her family happy, or else shoot him, become, a lecturer, and die rich and respectable A THI aO WORTH KNOWING. It le toi your advantage to cull and examine our btock of BOOTS AND SHOES Before purchasing. Wo" give hotter Shoes, at lews prico than any house in the iStatc. THY US. G R. FRENCH & SON, ?fl "North Front street Jan 20 209 G-ROOERIES, 44 South Side Market St., A MATCHLESS SELF-SEALING PVurt Jar. WILMINGTON, N. C. June! l&dy V. M. WOOTE2J, V. V. RICHARDSON ALBERT PEACOCK. - ' Wooten, Richardson & Co., General Commission Merchants. No, 36 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. rp& Refer to E. E. Burruss, Pre sident First National Bank; James Daw son, President Dawson Bank; I. B. Grain cer. President Bank ot New Hanover. feb 11 231-tf DRESS MAKING. I HAVE OPENED A STORE ON FRONT 1 street, underthe8eaman am prepared 10 mau " new at me Buurub t"Xi A fine assortment of Millinery and Ho siery Jill new. CALL AND EXAMINE, MRS. S. F. WALCOTT. Linen Dress Goods and Ladies' Hats for sale very cheap. R WALCOTT, Storo under Seamans' lloe b3 223-3m 1873. Fnrnitnre & Carpet wis. WAREHOUSE. r ,. fu,,.,uas now have at ToVSTSie' of the StSesT FumYmrc and rnT WehoulS in the country, Carpet Warenouscs m C""f"t' 'largest Snlect in person from one of tho lar.esv 8KS are all new and handsome anwed?nviU?ho public to examine stock and prices beforehasin ian 0 200 tt S. II. MANNING- "rg COMMISSION MERCIIAMY AN3 DEALER IN Groceries, Proylsions, Dry Goods C10M2, k K No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Cont4Tin56nt3 and Cash Orders SoUclted BAIL B0ADS7" WilmiMtoD, Gliarlotte & Rntlerforil Rail Boad ine. Eastern Division : New Schedule. 1873 Going West. 1873 STATIONS. FBKIGHT. Leave Wilmington... Abbottsburg... at T nmhai4An 8.00 A M 11.16 12 80 pm 1.54 - 2.S9 " 4 03 4.45 6.00 AM 11.45 41 2.05 P M 6.00 AM 4t Shoe Heel..... Lanrlnbnrg... Arrive at LiteevlHe.tr! 10.00 Going East STATIOKS. PA8SBNOBK TSBIGHT. Leave Lilesville ...... 7.40 A M 8.36, 44 10.30 44 10.55 44 12. '0 pm 1.26 44 4.35 41 . 12.00 M 5 . 66 A M 5 55 44 9 50 44 ( Rockingham . . . l Lanrinburg.... 44 Shoe Heel 44 Lumberton 12. 5 p M Arrive at Wilmington 5.00 44 nrssR. ffoinir West: BbbaktasT. go ing East. Freight Trains stop here over night. t Stage for Charlotte: Railroad and stage fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only $ 10. Nn Trains on Snndav. Two Special TTrniht. Trains for Tok TiMBEB. run irreg ularly. Express Freight Jars accompany eaeh rassenffer iram. Western Division. STATIONS PASSES OEK FBEIGHT. Leave Charlotte . . 8.00 A M 10 43 44 12 07 ,4 Lincolnton. Arrive at Bulfalo, RETURNING. Leave Buifalo I 1.07 p m j " Lincolnton " : Arrive at Charlotte. .. 1 5.H 44 I V. Q. JOHNSON, S. L. FREMONT, Assistant Supt. uen.cupi. Wiimmgton. iolumDia & Au gusta R. R. Company. GBN. SCPBBrKTBNDBNS OFFICB, Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f CHAtlQE OF SCHEDULE. rpUE FOLLOWING-80HMTCLE WILL i go into euecv ul o.nm xx. j.., 7th mst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leavs Wilmington . 3:25 A. M Arrive at Florence 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia. Arrive at Augusta 7. 4 i J? . Jtf Leave Augusta ,6.35 A. M Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. st NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 5:45 P. M Arrive at Florence U:3o P . M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M. Arrive at Augusta 8JlS' Leave Augusta nonl m Arrive at Columbia 10 20 P. M Arrive at Florence 2: Li A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. oct 9 123-tl Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. OrricB Genbbal Supbsintendbnt, 1 Wilmington, N. C, June 8,1872. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAIN8 on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- Aaxra P PT tP.rt dl O.W Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount..... Weldon Leave Weldon daily (8undays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot.... .. EXPRESS TRAIN. Leavo Union Depot daily iAt- Arrive at Goldsboro. . ....... . Rocky Mount . i? Weldon. ......... 12:11 P. M 2:11 P. M 3:50 t. M 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M StOO A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M Leave Weldon daily... . . .. . . , ntocky Mount,.... Goldsboro..... 10:58 P. M neootrrrr7 3:10 A. M Mail Train maies eiose eojinettion at WpMnn fnr aII nointa North via .Bay Line and Acquia CreeSrTontea.- - ; - Tr&n conHecte only with Acquia CreS route. PULLilANS PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. Tpvran t tr a TNS will leave Wiii: ton tri-weeklxiat 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. . Trr. ; EXPRESS FEMTRAIS wijaieave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 JSUMr arriTe at "XI A. JOHN F. DIVINE, General St Juneti 19-tf TAYLOR1 Successors to ; A.. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in HOUtiS FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done .at short notice Agents for Fairbanks Scales. No. 19 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N C no-vis NAYASSA OF WILMINGTON. IV. C. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNONW Popular Standard Fertilizers! 14 SOLUBLE NAVAttSA GUANO," For Corn, Cotton, and ail Field Crop'f, 44 NAVAS8A TOBACCO FERTILIZER," Very rich in Ammoinia and Alkaline Baits. 44 DISSOLVED NAVASSA PH08PHATE,1' Especially for composting with Cotton Seed. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. oi . . . ... ..r.Ln.i .j .11 . i nt.nAinAi tii r j n., lt In tnA HnntnAm CULM. H. It. It. BRIDGERS, President. Jan 23d, 1873 Zlda PACIFIC Ul1VO COIVJGPAIVYO CAPITAL $1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO THIS GUANO is so well known in all the Soutnern States for its remarkable i agency for Increasing the products of labor, aa not to require special J0?40 . from us. Its uso lor several years past has established iU character tor reliable "zJSS The large nxed capital invested by the company in this trado afford tbe surest fuaranv of the continued excellence of this Guano. A im. Planters may rest assured that the supplies put into market this eason are pmueij tne same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEREST. To accommodate Planters they can order now and have until the lttt of April. to Afff cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH prico. W. H. McRABY & CO., Agents for Pacific Guano Company, And Dealers in No. l Cuincha and Gnanape Peruvian Goalies, WILMINGTON, N. Q. january Mrn . FERTI 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, by 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOFEIIBEB, DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS AT WILMINGTON, N. O. 500 Tous Whann's Raw Bone Super phosphate, PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st ol May. $60 00 Payable Ut of November. ; Delivered on Oars at "Wilmington. O. 500 Tons Star PRICE---$5k2 50 Cash by 1st November. For Sale by jan 3i - RJOHARD N. MOON. Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, ' AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Solicited, feb ll nu GUANO COMP MY v w'r lTfTify'.t.;Xl "1: fTr. mPjTffl L. Price -per ton DeItveT4 wu th run st Fa.ctana CASH 55 00 65 00 $30 00 XOYXXBCS. ttooo $75 00 $85 00 C. L. GRAFFLIN, 8UperiaUlldmt LIZER 01- ;0. Soluble Phosphate, of May. $60 00 Payable l5t of VICK & 31EBAITO. I T. A. OKXSOXB, N. C Lata of Richmond Va NEW HOTEL GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietor! , WEST CENTRE STREET GOLD8BOBO. N. C Convenlftnt lor tho Tralni larln tof t!t North, fiontb, tart and Wert, -ang29 ... W"" s 1 ' I 1 1 I- .1

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