VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N. C;, SATURDAY, FEBEUAftY 22 1873 NO. 238 tJb eventing- post ViMt.d uvcry ..ttruooa except suoddy. pat) P CAaua ,xizi : - Subscription. .me vtur, in advance ..$5 CO .. 8 00 .. 1 50 .. 50 be fid- in advance . . . . rrfi months In adVAUce, letters should r-ei to Ba-t-neai Manager, huu all matters ivlattn to the W-""' . ... .o FMitor ,rU: iel'arie-i. i,nrr feolicited from our rienda , ,.l the s5Utt. on topics of genu i i i Merest Political news ana reruns ui crop a: MerchanJi.se Brokerage '"Office, rrU, lino of wimple 1" fr.-m i iiiirror-. an v .r.hcra market". of wimples constantly on nana l iaiinuiaciurer- iu ST'RtlOllH OI IllL'ICIl.l'Ull-u, wiut.-, t j i. lA.i'-.i.hnJ nrt ri lit I f tr. r.':ian'lte bought and sold in this from buyer solicited, and r.Jfi i": by -5 lk-i - will nave prompi ai- ' t , VI cash purchases n-tjotiatcd, ..,.,h. r von wi-h to buy or sell, commu i- ,.'el t't t Droier. 1,1' i' aud oueu Avith your local JA. T. PETTEWAV. Merch tnJie an J Produce "jkjr. THE WOULD RESuWNED HOWE SitMvinjf Jlacliincs. I n::r rcavy wora ticcia tutu. u'o'aMnafnU aa TIONTET Machine xK d V :.H y ur ev. in-, vill last a hie time, an i S not "ub cCt t l"l x ,t. Wo c!ecriu!ly invit- comparison with work of an v otlu r Midlines, and will put ftie-ii on trial, at your home, bvlevinsj ..Vf briweeu uock and Urancc. riTiipnt tlieoince. i-1 fi Sild on l5y n;t VUK'IltS. G " . A " At-'cut Home evin; NKW'KLL. Machine Co. LDO-tf I IFF. AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE ' etft-cted at the lowest current rates In the following responsible Companies, on ap plication to NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Aetls ?2n,.0'00 J. A. KYKNE- Ocn l Ins. Aijt., " F I KK I N U IvA N Ciu !). ,0X), (iold irleau?, iURANCE AND VNY of Va., assets SV.000 BYRNE A K KENAN, Gen'l Insurance Agents. OSice Cbamber of Commerce, up suiirs, Wilmington, N. C. TV- . 4 OUR EXTRi FAMILY FLOUR IS STII.L ahead of any other on the market ' Our Pearl ilonunv cannot be surpassed Always ou haud at the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, Corn, Bolted Mral, Pens and I't-a Mea', Oitst, S'iort3 und Bran. Ali g ods sold drayed tree. A'l Imss returned in cood order will be f reined at co-d n nc.x WLi 11. ALKX.. uLUti.M. Propriptor. .v Family Paper Which -aii be trusted and which Is always fell of lntt-rt st, i,i necessity of the times 5QCh a cue is the CHRITIAN UNION. Ju Unitarian Religious, Literarj' Family eTaptr, who-e Editor is HENRY WARD BEECIIEK. MKTHINci I OK EVEKY MkMKEK 'L"k hul n. in n-uitters of lieliion 'jraj. Politics Literature, Art, ."Science VjneuUure, i'.x trv. News, Fiction tor Y'oung 3aoM. Truth for Everybody. .Jla. litEfHEK's vigorous pen, in his Edito rs arid Mar Papers, and Mr. Ellin wood' aevl verbatim reports of the helpful Eec Ko)ru Talks in Plymouth Church, are pwt ait Tactions. Mr. Betvher is assisted by AfUe aud able editorial stalf. TIIE TERMS OF SUBSCRITTION AKE AS FOLLOWS : Ono Year Onlv 83.00 al r,J:ered Letters, money by Tostal Orders, Drafts, or f FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED.-er NEW YEARS' BEEF. Vl"fcYOVr f O00D bTALL FED FAT BEEF-. And au extra article at Second Street MONDAY MORNING, conlinuins throughout the week. DAVIS & WHITE. 190- VN K .1 I! 1 i frrri THE JfORTH CAROLINA LEGIS LATURE. IComlefised from the News 1 n)U3E OF REPRESENTATIVES. NIOHT SESSION. . Wednesday, FcbW lJ9tbf 1873. AccordiBg to Hfijoumment, Mr Speak er Hoiunton caiiea toe uouse to order at 7:30 o'clock. Tuu bill to incorporate the Weldon and Garjsburg Road and Ferry Compa ny was taken op and passed its-several read i ops. The bill to incorporate the Wilming ton Ship Canal passed its several read ings. - The bill to incorporate the Loneheld Iliglx, School, Daplin county, passed it eeyrai readings. . - - - . Senate bill to incorporate the -Old North State Lumber, Mining and 3Ian ufctnring Company, passed its several readings. Senate bill to incorporate Square Stone L dge, F. and A. M., Warreuton, pjissed its several readings. Bill giving the Supreme Court power to grant writs of certiorari in certain cases passed its several readings. Bill to cure defects in certain judicial ptoceodiDgs arising Irom mistakes in jurisdiction, passed its several readings." Bill to provide for the enforcement of decrees in suits in equity rendered prior to a certain act ot IdOO, passed Its sec ond rediog. : The bill to incorporate the town ol Duplin Rnad, Duplin county, passed its fcveial readings. I The bill to incr.rDorate tne town oT Frtir Bluff, Columbus county, passed its ev rul readings Bill to a'iow a special tax in Bruns wit k county passed Its second reading, yi'fs 101, nays 3. Thu bill to change the time of holding Superior Courts in Cumberland county passed its second readings. SENATE. Thursday, Feb'y 20, 1873. Senate met at 10 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor in the chair. Mr Norwood presented the following cotnmutication, which was read : Raleigh, N. C, Feb 19, 1873. Mr. J. W. Norwood, Uoir Sir : We tuiuk it of more im prince to the party to deal fairly and honestly with Mr Turner about the pub ic printing than to pass the Amnesty Bill, aud we are determined to rott Hgaiupr the bill mles the party wil' nur. e to ive both Editors a fair chance for it. There are enough of us and we are determined to defeat the bill unless wc get fair dealing in this matter. Respectfully, J. S. Anderson. Mr Norwood moved that the same be transmitted to the House. Adopted. On motion ot Mr Welch, the bill relating to the public debt was mad me special order lor Monday next at 11 o clock. Mr Nicholson introduced a bill regu lating the sjtle ot land sold under exe cutions. Referred. Mr Love, a bill to amend, the charter t the Western Division of the W. N. C. Riilroad. Referred. The M icbinery Bill" was consu ered by sections. This bill provides for the collection of taxes by the State and the several couoiies of the State on propertv, polls aud income, and tbo manner in which the same shall be done. After various amendments (which would ROt be understood unless the wbo bilf Te. published,) the Lill passed its several readings. Mr Waring introduced a resolution raising a i iut select committee to ne gotiate witu the Messrs. Coleman for a aiirreuder ol their contract for the erec tion of the Penitentiary uuilding, said committee to report at an early day. Mr Worth offered an amendment in structing the said committee report what tax will be necessary to provide ior the suportof this institution during the preseut year. The resolution of Mr Waring to raise the committee was adopted. Mr Waring moved a reconsideration of the vote, and that the said motion bejaid upon the table. Adopted. Atjourned. NIGFJT SESSION. Lieutenant Governor called the Se at? to crder at 7 o'clock. On motion of Mr Allen, the bill rela ting to public charities' was made special order for to morrow at 11 o'clock. BiJ "Mowing cumulative suffrage in the- election ot Commissioners for the city of Raleigh was taken up on its third reading. An amendment was offered, extending the privilege to all incorporitd towns in the Stale. Lost. f.Jbill passed by a vote of 23 ayea to II . Mr Norwood moved to reconsider the vote by which, thfa bl pawed, and to lay this motion on the table. Adopted. Bill revising an act incorporating the Bank of the City of Raleigh was con sidered. & . Bill parsed third reading,- Resolution in relation to the public library empowers the JomVcommittee on public library to employ some one to take charge of the same for the space of two years. Adopted. - - - , Mr Ellis, of Columbus, called up bill chancing tbo dividing lioe between Bladen and Columbus. Passed Its sev- erl read ns. The bill coDceruinff ths rite of inter t was made special order lor to morrow s: ii o'clock. The bin concerning the Commercial uint ox Wilmington was made special order for to-morrow at 1 o'clock. Mr Eppes called up bill amending the. charter of the Halifax and Scotland ecK Kauroaa company, fassed its several headings. Bill in relation to "the regulating ot public Highways. Passed its several readings. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M, Mr. Speaker Robinson called the, Houie to order. , By Mr Dickey, a bill to authorize rcitiuiw oIJDraDam county to travel frte or cnarge over the Western Turnpike road in Cherokee county. Referred. 1 By Mr Turner, a resolution concern ing the location of a branch Insane Asylum at O.in or Statesville, Iredell county. Referred. By Mr Heaton. a bill to prevent the sale of liquor within 5 miles of colored school house No. 1. Federal Point Township, New Hanover county. Cal endar. A message was received from the Senate transmitting a letter from J S Anderson, member of the House of Representatives from Clay county, to J W .Norwood, a member ot the Senate Irom Orange couutv, spying that he and others were determined to vote against the bill for amnesty and pardon, unless the party' would give Hon Josiah Tur- o&r a fair chance for the public print ing. MrMcCtehco said that if tl is matter meant anything, it meant an offer lor a bargain in relation to a public measure. The honor ot the House demanded an uvceujjauuu, auu uu iiemanutu it. xxo said if the House stooped- to higislation ot this kind ..it would and should sink into merited contempt, &c. Mr Bennett said, at the request of Mr Anderson, he would offer a resolution ior investigation. Mr Andersonlsaid the letter was in tended in the nature of a private com munication, and meant to draw cut the opinion of the gentleman to. whom it was addressed. He bad no intention to f fleet upon the integiity of the House, and knew not he was transgressing the bounds of propriety. He would willing ly abide the action of this body. - Mr Gorman thought the letter plainly impugned the integrity ef tbecassait, - tee who awarded the contract for the printing. Mr Gudger said he felt it bis duty, as Chairman of the House branch of the Printing committee, to speak as there was an imputation against that commit tee. He said the committee m pursuance of law, and in good faith, made the contract with the Nines office. He be lieved the' House to be satisfied with the contract, and knew be spoke the sentiments of every member of the cmn m it tee in saying they could not, nor would not if they could, recede from their contract. He regarded the many insinuations against that committee as false and unworthy ot notice. Mr Badger: You cannot undo the contract if you would. The Constitu tion of the United Stites prevent Mr Gudgrr : There is no desire to do it. Mr Bennett offered the following res olution, which was adopted under a su - -pension of the rules' : liesolved, That a committee or three be appointed to investigate the matter of the letter sent to this House from the Senate, purporting to have been written by J S Anderson to J W Norwood, and report at their earliest convenience. On motion of Mr Johnston, the Senate amendments to the school bill were tak-n up. The amendments were con sidered seriatim. Toe amendmenr, that half of the cost of building school houses in each dis met shall be paid out ot the school fund apportioned to said district, was concurred in by a vote ot yuas do, nays 48. On motion of Mr Heaton, the House refused to concur in the Senate amend ment prohibiting a change in text books in four years. The other amendments were concurred in. The Speaker appointed Messrs Ben nett. Rhodes and Waugh as the special committee to investigate the artiir ot the Anderson letter to Mr Norwood. 7 By Mr Badger, a resolution referring the repor's qf the Secretary oi State and Treasurer in regard to land grants to a fDeciat committee of three. The rules were suspended and the resolution adopted. Special Order, The motion ot Mr Brown, of Mecklen burg, to reconsider the vote by which the bill to amend the Constitution in regard to public charities tailed to pass its second reading being thq special or der, waa taken up for consideration. , After some' debate the motion to re consider was pat ta a vote and adopted. The bill then passed ita second reading, yeas 81, nays 39. The motion of Mr Bowman, made on Wednesday, to reconsider the vote by which the bill to alter the Constitution in relation to public debt failed to pass its third reading was put to a vote and adopted. The question recurred upon the pas sage of the bill on its third reading, Pending a vote the House adjourned. RAIL Ttoms.. WilmiBgton, Ciiarlotte:& Merforfl Hail KoadXino.- lf.llL-jijMV Eastern Division ; New Schedule. 1873. Going-West.. 1873 STATIONS. - rASeX0XttrBIJ0HT. Leave Wilmington... 8 00a u HOOam Abbottaburg. . . 1116 11.45 ' Lumberton . ... 12 80 pm 2U5?M " Shoe Heel 154 5 0u " Laurinburg... l.l9 " 6 00 AM ! Rockingham... I 40S ..... Arrive at Miegvllto.t.-j 4 45 IK . 10 00 , . Goings East. STATIONS. PASSKNOcU VKKIOBT. Leave Lilesville ...... 4r Rockingham ... 44 Laarinburg.... 44 Shoe Heel. 44 Lnmbertori..... 44 Abbottftbarg . . . 7 40AM 8 y& 10.80 44 10 55 44 12 0pm 1 26 44 4 35 44 1900 k '500 AM 5 55 44 9 50 44 12 5 p M 5.00 44 Arrive at Wilmington. Dinner, eolntr West : Breakfast, eo- lng East. Freight Trains stop here over Light. t Stage for Charlotte : Railroad and Staea fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only f 10. tT Ho Trains on 8undav. Two Soecial Freight Trains for Ton Timber fan irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Train. Western Division. STATIONS PA8SENGBKIFBEI9HT. Leave Cfcarlotte .. Lincoint'n. Arrive at Buffalo. 8.00 A M 10 43 44 12 07 4 I RETURNING. Leave Bnffalo. i.f7p m Lincolnton... Arrlve.at Charlotte. 2 41 44 5.14 4i ) V. Q. JOHNSON, S. L. FREMONT, Gen. 8 opt. 199- Assistant oapt. iau 9 Wilmington, t oluninia & Au gusta R. R, Company. Gen. Superintendent's Office, I Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL o into effect at 3:25 A M., Monday. 7th in st. .DAY EXPRESS TRA i , (liUy Leave Wilmington 3:25 A. M Arrive at Florence..-. 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia.'. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Augusta : 7 4 : P. V Leave Augusta 6 35 A. M Arr ve at Columbia...... .11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington.... ......... 6:45 P. M Arrive at Florence....... 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence 2: 12 A. M Arrive at Wilmineton 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. oct 9 ' 123 tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Office General Supebistendekt, i Wilmington, N. C, June 8,1872. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O plsaTl mington and Weldon. Railroad will run ae follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2:11 V. M Weldon 3:50 i. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) .....At 9:15 A;' M Arrive at Rocky Mount . . t . . 11:07 A. M Goldsboro..,.....: 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily.. .At 10:40 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro ......... 3:00 A. M Rocky Mount 4:56 A. M h Weldon ,. 6:50 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7:10 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount ?:58 P. M UHdSDOrO.. IV.ZK) r.ffM. Union Depot. . .... 3:10 A. M Mail Train mates ciose coqection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will 4eave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. Juue 8 19-tf PARKER Sc XA ?LOHI Successors to: " A. H. Manufacturer!! and dealers in ' ' : " HOU8E FURNliWN&:0OQD8i . Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Keroseiie, OU-xm ana Bneet iron ware. Roofing done at sliort notice ; Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No 19 fr font Street, WILMINGTON, N. C novw - IWOy . - I i NAYASSA GUANO COMPANY, OF WILMIlVGXOISr. IV. c. ir A tin Jt.t , S t -f! MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNONW i Popular Standard Fertilizers! 41 SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Corn, Cotton, and all Field Crops, 4 NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER." Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Especially for composting with Cotton 8eed. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. yAgenc'es eptablipbfd t all the principal towns and clMe In Ihc Soulbfrn SUt. Hon. K. K. BR1DGBRS. President. C. L c;KA Ff I.I rn , uperintt ndcttt JD. iUucUAE Secretary and Treasurer. Jan 23d, 1873 212 3m PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'fS CAPITAL S 1,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO " THIS GUANO is so well known In all the Soutnern States for Us remarkable effects am agency for Increasing the products of labor, a not to r quire apec'&l recommtndatloa from usi Ita use lor several years past baa established Its diameter ror reliablo excelleno. The large fixed capital Invested by the company in this trade affords tbo euret cuaranue Of the continued excellence of this Guano. Planters may rest assured that the supplies put into market this season are precUoly the same as that heretofore sold. TERMS $50 CASH, $60 TIME ; WITHOUT INTEBMrr - I To accommodate Plantem they can order now and have until the 1st of April to de cide as to whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. W. II. McRARY & Cd., Agents for Pacific Guano Company, And Dealers in No, 1 GUnclta and Gnanape Pernvlan Gnanos, WILMINGTON, N. C. FERTILIZERS. x 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASfl;oy 1st HAY; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS AT WILMING TON, N. 0. 000 TonsWnann's Kaw PRICE---$52 50 Cash by 1st November. JDyHverecl on Care at :o: 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate, PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st of May. November. For. Sale by. Jan 30 RICHARD MOON. Commission lilercliaiit7 ' AND DEA12CR IN FLOUR, GRAIN, 't MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden ScFaca Sts BaltMorerMrl Ordn from KorthJarolina BoilcitL felU 7-tf Price per ton Deivrd on the Cars at Factory PAYABLE I AT CASH , $55 00 $65 00 $65 00 $75 00 $80 00 $35 00 :o:- Bone Super. Phosphate, oi May. $60 00 Payable' 1st of "Wiliningrton. 1T. O. $60 00 Payable 1st of 21S-3m T. GBJiKOXB, ir. c w. b. cniLXfl. Late of Richmond. ad. V - GRANGER'S 1ST E W HOTEL GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors' WEST CENTRE STREET, GOLDSDORON. O . .. - ... Convenient lor the Train leartnff for th North, uoutn. hjmi ana n mi, fiGg29 w-tf t ! i J - iv' i -

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