" " ... . -. r , ' . - - . if 1 VOL VI. TOLMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1873 NO. 240 fl1T if M nil $0 if EVENING- POST paDiaQed every a'teruoon except Sunday. P. CANADA.? Business Manager . .,Y t MANN Editor Subscription . vir. in advance So 00 ...ki In oHmnpf. O w Vv, months. In advance 1 50 50 One business letters should be ad- .-rrtid to the Business Manager, and all communications or matters relating to me -.'itorial department to the Editor. rvirrespondence solicited from our friends rll Intereit, Political news and reports ol cr0l are especially desirable. ' Merchandise Brokerage Office, rri I line of sampler constantly on hand F troni importer and manufacturers In N'orthern markets. n descriptions ot merchandise, orders aad bidihoiiciieuauu ica-5iucu fiui"; Merchandise bought and sold Jn this ritet orders from buyer- solicited, and simple leu . . - tenuou. Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, whether you wlh to buy or sell, comma i i?S freely, aud often with your local Broker. T peTTEWAY. Merchandise and Produce Broker, dec 20 ltA tf THE WOULD RENOWNED HOWE Setting Machines. N RANGE of work this Machine cannot be I ha,i nni nnA wnru is i uj uuy KTi.i ..ur heavy work excels that of any Ma chine in the worm. CJ. . i it i or. Tin'FiT Machine will do nil y -ur sewing, will last a lile time, au l is not ub,ect to FITS. f- 1 1 T invitA. romtMir son with work of any other Machines, and will put them on trial, ai your nouiu, uy icuis name at the oflice. No. 4 Llppitt Row, Front Ftreet, between ixck and Orange. Sold on easv Doyments. OKO. A. NhW ELL, 1 1 U ill a ouniUg uiovuiuvv" I.NMJiiAM'fc. IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE effected at the lowest current rates in the followlns responsible Companies, on ap plication to S'KW YORK LIFE IN8URANCE COMPANY, Assett f20.000.000 J. A. BYRNE. Oen'l Ins. AgU, IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE $9,000,006, Gold, GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, Asetts. $22fl,014 FAKMV'ILLE KlRE INSURANCE AND BAA KINO COMPANY of Va., asseU f-300,000 BYRNE & KKEJTAN, Gen' I Insurance Agents. Office Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. aajf l 77-1 y OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR IS STILL ahead of any other on the market 1 Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed Alwayt on hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Cam, CorD, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, 0ts, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold dmyed free. All bags returned In good order will be credited at coit on next bill. ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. pt 27 11 iV Family Paper Which can be trusted and which is always full of Interest, Is a necessity of the times Such a one is the CHRITIAfJ UNION. The Unsectarian, Religious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose Editor is HENRY WARD BEECHER. It has sobtethinq roR Evtky Membeb or the HocrsKUOLD, in matters of Religion Morals. Politics, Literature, Art, Science Agriculture, Poetry, News, Fiction lor Young and Old, Truth for Everybody. Ma. Bcecher'8 vigorous pen, in his Edito rials and Star Papers, and Mr. Ellin wood' ikmed verbatim reports Of the helpful Leo tore Room Talks in Plymouth Church, arc great attractions. Mr. Beech er is assisted by a Large and able editorial staff. THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AJ&K as roixows : Ono Year Only 83.00 Send money by Postal Orders, Drafts, or Registered Letters. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED.- may 2 187-tf NEW YEARS' BEEF. ILL ye lovers of GOOD STALL FED FAT JU1C BEEP, Win find aa extra article at Second Street Market oa MONDAY MORNING, And oonUnnlag throughout the week. DAVIS WHITE. THE NORTEL CAROLINA ' LGlS- LATURE. Condensed from the News. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. UIOHT 8KSSION. Friday, Fe'b'y 2Uf, 1873. At i.M Mr Speaker RobinsOD calltd the Uuse to order. Mr Btdger introduced a bill to pro tect me joatn ot the S:ate in regard to impure liquor. Ca'endar. UnfiiisTied Business Senate bill to alter the Constitution in relation t public charities was post poned until to morrow at 12 M-. On motion of Mr Wbiauant. the rnlea were suspended and Hus bill to amend chapter 241, laws". 1870-71. waa taken up and pa-eed itsspvrai rendiutrs. Hoa e bill to estab ih fees ot Treasu rer nf Rutherford county, passed second readinc;. HdUtu resolution instructing the Ju diciary Committee to examine into the propriety of amending the present tee bill, so as to increase the fees of Clerks and other officers, was read. ' . Mr B wman mnvwl to lay the resolu tion on the table. Lost. Mr Morrison moved to indefinitely postpone. The motion to indefinitely postpone prevailed, yeas 62. HoUie bill to require the Auditor of State to give bond in the sum of $50.- 000, was postponed until Monday at 12 31. House bill to amend section 84, cbap. 113, laws of 1868-09, passed its several readings. House bill concerning corporations passed its several readings. House bill to provide for amendments in ustices uourts, passed its several readings. House bill to amend section 3, chapter 139, laws of 1870-71, passed its several readings. House bill to amend section 504. code of Civil Procedure, passed its sevtral readings. House bill to amend sections 496 and 497, Code of Civil Procedure, passed its s- vral rea ing Houje bill concerning Superior Courts passed its several readings. Houe bill to allow Constables same fees as are now allowed Sheriffs, passed its several readings. H'use bill to amend section 37, crap" U6, laws ot 1868 69, was postponed until to morrow at 11 A M. Adjourned. 8ENATE. SatukdaY, Tebr22,- 1873. Senate called to order at 10 o'clock by Lieut Gov Brogden. Ualendar. The bill to charter the Old North Stat Life Insurance Company of War- renton, with an amendment by the com mittee on Insurance, restricting the rate of interest ot said Company to 8 per cent., passed its several readings. BMI for the relief of the Commercial Bank of WilmiDgton was taken up. The provisions of the bill are to this nr . AMfi AAA I J A. aU. t-nect, mat $4,uuu oearing uaie iuc 20th November, 1862, held by the Com mercial Bank of Wilmington, purport- log to have been issued in ifeb. looi, be endorsed by the Puolic Treasurer. A lengthy discussion arose on this bill, Messrs Norwood, Mabson and others advocating its passage, and Cun ningham and Respess opposing. Mr Cunningham said the passage oi the bill would inevitably lead to dan gerous consequences, as the door would be opened to thousands of other cases that he knew of. The bill tailed on its second reading. The resolution in regard to relieving the disabilities of W W Holden was next takeu up. Mr Ha.ris opened the discussion which became general, first on the mo tion to re refer to the Judiciary commit tee, sod on the motion to reier to tne Supreme Court tor information as to whether or not the General Assembly had the power to take action in the matt r. During the discussion, Mr Respess said in substance, that the Uemociatic side of the House should bow that magnanimity that had cnaractenseu their actions in the passage ot tne Am nesty and Pardon bill, and vote accord ingly for this resolution. Mr Welch said that this lecture from the Senator from Beaufort came wwn bad grace from that side of the House ; that he thought that Governor Holden was a member ot the League and par doned by the Amnesty bill, as nis oflences were committed by order of some member or . t fficer of the League, as sworn to by a prominent Republican. Mr Harris renlied that the witness referred to by the Senator from Hay wood -was Mr Badger, and that be (Harris) was present at the meeting referred to, and such advice was given to Governor Holden by Senator Pool. On motion of Mr Worth to table the resolution, Mr Mabson called the yeas and pays, and the motion was lost by 15 yeas to 20 nays. The vote then recurred on the refer ence of the resolution to the Judiciary committee, and pending the discussion on this m -tien, Mr Aws called the previous question on the passage ot the resolution. Mr Welch demanded the yeas and nays. The resolution wai lost by the follow inr voter ,i ; -Yeat Mcmti Chamberlain, Ilanii, Hnt HollomanAHortnn Hynan, Long, Aiabson, McCabe, McCotter, Mhler, Powell, Respess and Waiker 14. Nays -Messr- Allen. Avera, Cowlee, Cunningham. Davis, Edit, of Catawba, E lisot Columbus, Fiemming. Gudger, Lov, McCauley, Morehead, ol Guilford, Morehead, of Rockingham, Murphy, Nicholson. Norwood, Pric, Scot', Stuf ford, Todd, Welch and Worth 22. ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M., Mr 8peaker Robinson calle i the House to order. By Mr Gidney, a resolution to provide tor a casual deficit in the Troaury. Referred. The Senate amendments to the "Machinery bill" were taken up and agreed to. The bill to mend section 37, chapter 110, laws ot 1868 ti9 was UktD up and p-t!ited i?8 several readings. On motion of Mr Gorman, the r solu tion in reference to the portrait ot Washington was taken up, and. on mo ion of Mr Gudger, was indefinitely post- p ned. On motion of Mr Waddell, the vote by which the bill to amend section 504, C C P passed its third reading last evening, was reconsidered. The ques tion recurred upon the passage ol the bill on its third reading, and the bill tail d to paEg. On motion of Mr Marler, the resolu- tion in reference to the birtu-dav of Washington was. taken up. The resolution was adopted. ' The bill toalllow a special tax in An son county was taken up and passed its third reading, yeas 96, navs 00. The Senate bill to alter the Constitu tion of the State in rgard to Public Charities was taken up as the special order. After debate, a vote was taken and the bill failed on its third reading, yeas 68, nays 85. Nottwo thirds. Mr Wiley moved. to suspend the rules and take up the other amendments. The same as those passed by the last Legislature and rejected by the Senate at this session l ne bill to alter the uonstitution m regard to the Supreme Court, haviog 'hree judges instead of five as at present, Was taken up. Mr Bowe moved to indtfimtely post pone. " The yeas and nays were called and the motion failed, yeas 43, nays 64. (A strict party vote with the exception of MrTnvett.) The bill then failed to pass its first reading by the following ballot : yeas 62. nays 40. r -The bill to .;altex the Constitution-in regard to the term of office oi the Gov ernor. (Making the term two years in stead of four) Was taken up. A ballot was taken and the bill failed by a vote of yeas 60, nays 44. A'lj urned. RICHARD 1ST. MOON. Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden 5& Paca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Solicited, febll 174-tf DRESS MAKING. WAVE OPENED A STORE ON FRONT iroo) nnder the Seaman s' Home, where I am prepared to make Dresses and trim Bon- nets ai tne snonesi pyoaiwio u.Yrv A fine assortment of Miilinary and Ho sieryall new. CALL AND EXAMINE. MRS. K. F. WALCOTT. Linen Dress Goods and Ladies' Hats lor sale very cheap. ,AT, Store under Seantans Home. feb3 1873. Fnmitnre & uarpet 18T3. WAREHOUSE, rrHE people of the OaroUnas now have at home one of the largest. Fnrnltnreand Carpet W rehouses In the country,. They can select in person from one of the largest stocks ever offered in the 8tate tha Hiviiimi! &ra all new and handsome. -and we invite the public to examine stock and prices fcefore purchasing, li. , A. D 51 1 in. eo yjJ. ian 9 200 tf RANSOM BOOTU ! RANSOM BOOTS 1 Every pair sold adds to their reputation. No Boot OU tksin . DUDLEY A ELLIS, ' Sign of the E2g Boot. RAIL ROADS. WiBHivtai Rail Road iLine. Eastern Division : New Schedule. 1873 Going West. 1873 8TATIOP8. PAStESGEK FKfcJGUT. 00 A M 11.41 5 0 " 6 00 a U Leave Wilmington... Abbott-nu'g. .. " J.urabertou ... " 8hoe Heel Laurinburg. .. ' Kockingbam . . . Arrive at . M'viHi.. 8 00 A M 11 16 12 80 P M 1 54 2:9 " 403 44 4 4h 44 I0 1KJ Going; East. 8TAT10NS. PASSBNG-KIFKEIGUT. Leave LilesvUle " KockintTham !.. 44 Lanriuburg.... 44 Shoe Heel...... ' Lnmberton Abbottsbnrg . . . Arrive at Wilmington. 7 40 A M 8 6 " 10.30 10 55 " 12. 0pm 1 26 4.35 12 00 U UU A. M 5 55 9 50 12 5PM -5.00 ' Dinner, goinar West: Breakfast, eo ing East. Freight Trains stop here over lugnt. t Stage for Charlotte : Railroad and Stage iare, wumington to unarJotte, onij $iu E" Trains on Sunday. Two 8pecial Freight i rains for Ton Timber ran lrreg ularly Express Freight Cars accompany each rassentrer 1 ram. Western. Division. STATIONS PASSENGER FKEIiHT Leave Charlotte Lincointn.,.. Arrive at Buffalo.... 8.00 A M 10 43 12 07 RETURNING. Leave Buffalo . . . ..; r . 4' Lincolnton..... Arrive at Charlotte. . . 1.C7P M 2 41 44 5.14 44 V. Q. JOHN80N. S. L. FREMONT, Assibta&t fciupt. lai. 9 1 Gen. 8upt. iyy- VVilminginr 4joluniDia & Au- pasta R R. Company. GEN. 8UJCBINTENDZCNTf8 OrFIOB, WlLMWGTON, N. C, Oct. 7, lb72. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. TU1 FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL JL to into effect at 3:26 A. M., Monday, 7th inet. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally.) Leave Wilmington 3:35 A. M Arrive at Florence.. 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Aueusta. 7 4 P. W Leave An trust a 6 35 A. M Arrve at Columbia 11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EiCErTED. ) Leave Wilmington 5:45 P. M Arrive at Florence ii:dd r. so. Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Ausmsta 5:5' P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P V Arrive at Florence. 2 12 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDEKBON, Gen'l Sup't. oct9 123 tf WilmiDgton & Weldon R. R. Company. 0JIIC3 Gbnebai Scpebintbndent, 1 WrLMiwoTpw, N. C, June 8,1872. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, I I PA8SENQKR TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run bs follows : MAIL TRAIN. TTnlnn Denot dailv (Sun days excepted) At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rockv Mount 2:11 V. M Weldon 8:50 M 1.mvi Walrlnn daiW fSnndavs excentedL. At 9:15 A; M Arrive at Rockv Mount 11:07 A. M oldboro 1:10 r. m Union Detot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 10:40 V. M Arrive at Goldsboro &00 A. M Rnckv Mnnnt 4:oo A. m Weldon. 6:f0 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7:10 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount ?:;$ P. M G .ldsboro i":J r. m Union Depot 8: 10 A. M Mail Tram mases close connettion at Weldon for all points North via Uay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia reek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE 3LEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAIN8 will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 r. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 r. AL, and arrive at ii a. bo.. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. JnneS 1-tf PAKKEK TA xTLOK Successors to A. H. NEFF, i Manufacturer! and dealers In HOUB FURNISHING GOODS, Gun. Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, oil Tin ana tsneei iron ware. Roofing done at short notice Agents for Falrbank's Scales. No. 10 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. NAYASSA GUANO COMPANY, OTP TVILIvXIIVGTOIV. IV. C. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KNONVT Popular Standard Fertilizers I " SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO," For Com, Cotton, and all Field Crop, " NAVA93A TOBACCO FERTILIZER." Very rich in Ammonia and Alkuliue Salts. " DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Esofrcially for cmpstin with Cotton Sued. A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. ?39-Aenc es etatiii-bed ut all tbe principal towns and cIMrs In 1h'e Sontbern 8Uts. IIou, K. It. UKIUGEKS, President. 1. itlacKAli, Secretary and 'lreasu'er. Jan 23d, 1873 212-3m FERTI LIZEKS. 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, bv 1st MAY f 9 - DELIVERED ON BOARD 500 Tons Whann's Raw PRIGE--S52 50 Cash by 1st Delivered on Oars at 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate. PMCE---$52 50 Cash by 1st of November. For Sale by Jan 80 OmCEPE TEBSBTTRU R. R. CO. May, 31st. 1872. ON AND AFTEK JUNE '3RD, TILE trains will ran &r follows: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train 7:30 p. m. Mail Train 3:2a p. m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mall 7:00 p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG Mail &30 a- m. Express p. n. ARRIVE AT WlSLiJU Mail Express 9:40 a. m. 6:50 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m 2:20 a. mi FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave weidon Arrive at Weldn Arrive at Tetersbure GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6.-00 a. m. Leave Gaston- i:io p. U1 Arrive at Gaston 12:o0 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains -Frtifirht for nnntnn Branch Will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS' ana thuksdayh. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m, ro goods will be received after that hour. Je 5-tf Eneineer and General Manas: er. S. H. MAN JSTINGr cor.inissiorj merchant, A30SXAXXX Z3T Groceries, Pnmsions, Dry Goods GlotblBL &c. &e. No. 22 and 24 North Water 8treet, WILMINGTON, N. C. Cousigarnents and Cash Orders Soliolted j aov33 , Mi-V . a : f -1 Price per ton Delivered oa the Cars at Fnotorr. ITATABLC HT cash NOTK14BRR. 155 00 165 00 $65 00 $75 00 133 00 185 00 C. L Ci HA I.I IM , superintendent : $60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER 9 CARS AT WILMING TON, 2T. 0. to:- Bone Super phosphate, i ol May. $60 00 Payable 1st of i ii in ii'n 'in 1 1 ii liBLj1 November. "Wilmington. lsT O :o: May. $60 00 Payable 1st of VICK & 51EBAIVE. TWENTY DOLLARS FOR ONE A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE I UB3CRIBG NOW FOB OUR WEEKLY, A first-class, twenty column, Literary Fam ily Paoer, pjblislied every Hatardsy, at Cnarlotte, N. C, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I Each number contains an INTERESTING STOKY, worth at least the tahciipUOB price ; enough FUN to keep oa Isaifhlnir a wetk; and a general collection of the LATfcST NEWS. Every suecriUer gets a chance at a Vu uablb Prsmiuu. ana one out of every five win be fare to et a Premium, worth from Cell's to 25 00. Our CASH PREMIUMS are Jn sums of $1, t2. 5. $10 and 120, with from two to Ua pri-ruinra of ,each denominatlin. Our other premiums consist of useful, articles, eucb as Sewioi; Macbines, Bleached Dome ic, fec, fcc , ranging in value from twenty five cents to $25.00. . Delays are dangerous." Subscribe lm mediately, and get a chance at the large premiums. TO AGENTS We are offering more lib eral inducement f r Clubs than any other Publisher, if on can make money OT o vassing for OUR WEEKLY. For specimen copy ol paper. Premium Lilt a?d terms to A vents, send 8-cent stamp to J. O. U. NUTALL, ; rublitiar of Our WmUv, Charlotte, N. a inlv23 if O. U. W. BUNC3E, O-PLO OERIESi 44 South Side Market St., o A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING - . I Fmit Jar, WILJIINOTON, .5. O June! Wl7 . ! i ft c