NO. 241 WILEIHJ1 VOL. VI. rffr-'SVNiNa- post flic tornuun eiixsvioundaj. Bdltor ;A cnhirrmtiODi OM-"- ,c ycr.ia advance tha in advance T.r. f nWk - in advance. . . $5 00 3 00 ...... 1 50 ru' . ..50 .., in aatancc 7rv balnr letters should be ad-7--.the Business Manager, and all ! Lions or matters relating to the - nrlted from our friends on topics of gene ,3 ,:i ,urw oi ---- R ftnd report9 oi 1'OIUI' r N Mi A II i "u i ij u u" duniiv on band ofnPLw,T (i ct urers la UIHi " orders r T lint: l v : .cri from in'lw vorihtra inamew. ...uf orders from "V nromDtat- the grants of lands, conveyances. Passed lU wi-b to buj, or . local nffa. Tinio oi Wl wi 'S "Wffi-jss local Brofeer. . t. FETTEWAY. , - i Ti-iir- Kroner. ,aDU' 184 tr et- J Merchandise: euin Machines. tr f vrork this Machine cannot be Is K-V, 'Sa? fl worfci equal to any ISr hca?y" excels that of any Ma ch,.lC in Jbo vorld. HoNE3T Machlno Stfffl v $r"M ia6t a ll,e tlme' :in i ia not ub cct to 1 l0-coroparuon with We cterIul JnMhlDr aud will put or of any other hl0smf by leaving them on trial, at ouL? Rnw, Front name at the other .No. 4 --'BP on TUB NORTH:rCATtOLIIfA LEGlS- LATUAfJB. ICoadeBscd from the News. I SENATE. MokdaT. Feb'j 2i, 1873 The Senate rjaet at 10 o'clock, Lieut. Governor in the chair. The rales wrre suspended, and the following bills passed their several readings. Bill relating to the People's Agricul tural Society, composed of the counties of Catawba, Burke, Caldwell and Alex BUI allowing any fire County Com mif-sioners to declare streams lawtnt fences, under certain circumstances. I Bill to prevent the obstruction of naturafrattr cosgtty the lelling-of The special or Itft being the conside ration of the bill, intTo luced by Mr Welch, d claring what portion f tb debt of Nrth Carolina is valid, and ti pay ff the same, &c. Mr Cnnnincrham moved to refer the bill to the Committee on Public Debt. Adapted. Bill extending the tune of registering its several read- ings. - . , Bill to reguTate the-time for the elec tion of Justices of the Peace and thatol Township othors tnat tne same place at the same time with the election of members or the Legislature, and the present t fficials bold over until the Fall of 1874 Passed its second reading and referred to Judiciary Cdmmittee. Bill unending an act providing for the service of process issuing from Jus tices of the Peace in civil causes, whto one or more of the defendants may reside out of the county in which the action is brought. Passed its several readings. ItilSCKLLiNEOUS. Cape Fear autt People' STEAMBOAT COHPAHY! Steamer A P. Hurt, North State and Cumberland. w-mTi-n nswra rV TITTft T.TVP. WILL J. leave Fayetteville as follows : Monday at 7 A. M., Steamer A. P. Hurt, Captain Worth; Wednesday at 7 A M., 8teamer North Btate, Capt. Green ; Thurs day at 7 A M , 8teamer A. P. Hurt, Capt. Worth; Saiurday at 7 A. M.,8teataer North State, Capt. Green. , . And leave Kerchner'a Wharf, Arilmin ton, a follows : A . Mondv at 3 P M Stmr North 8tate Tuesday at 3 P M Stmr A P Hart Tburdiiy at S P M... ...8tmr North bt ate Friday t 3 P M ttmr A P Hurt ill ib.e boa a of this line havebeea thor oaghlypverhnnled and are in A I otaer. . The Nrth Mute aud Hurt are for Passengers and Fries-ht. Irregularly as an accommodation passenger and freight boat. Amenta at Fayetteville-J. A. WORTH and J: B Bl AKK. rr . Agents at Wilmington WORTH & WORTH. " ' RAIL ROADS. WilmitOD,. Ctarlotte & Merford Kail KoadXiue. SSI Eastern Division : New Sohedule. 1873 Going West. 1873 STATION a. Pl.SKNQEttrKttlOHT. Leave Wilmington... AODOlWDarg. . . Lnmbertou ... Shoe Heel Laurinburg... PnrHmrfum i i i Ma " I a - . a fc a t Arrive ai iiieTiiie.T. t M. CBONLYt Auctioneer. aaaa By CR0NX.Y & MORRIS. DY VIRTUE of a mortgage from Dand An- - mM iaNAn n . i iirirH. i.n iiinuiuHiavo v. g and.Loan Associat on will l sell ,tor cJbj rmnun Hurnon. on vycuunuj,i'Bn." v, at 12 o'oiock M, that VALUABLE SOUSE AJD LOT situated upon tht EsrtdoCand fating rs irunnlnff throngb: to Tenth, street So0 feet. fe5 ttSr 1 4 C. 8, ELLIS, See & Treas 800 A M 11 16 12 80 F M 1.54 2.. " 405 4 45 NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY, OF WILMINGTON. 2V. O. rt00 A. M 11.4 2 (J6 P M R.0u 4 6 00AM Yo'cb Going' East. 8TATIOSS. tt it tt tt tt PA88BNGKK! FREIGHT. 113. UO M 7 40am 8.J6 10.SO 44 10 55 " 12.t 0pm 1.26 ' A Q tt Lew 5 00 AM 5 55 9 50 12 5 P M 5.00 Leave Lilesville Kocaingnam . . . Laurinburg.... . a a a enoe tieet Lnmberton AhVinf.tahnrir ArrttrA atJwilminirton. a w - . - q i DnraxB, going west: ubiawabt, ju- ing East. Freight Trains stop nere over nignt. t Stage for Charlotte: Kaiiroaa anaoiage fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only $ 10. o Tralhs on 8nnday. Two 8pecial Freight Trains for Ton Timbbb ran irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Train. Western" 'Division.- fir ' . 5- 111 - - .. v MANCrACTUKERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KKONW Pmmlar Standard Fertilizers! Price per ton Delivered on pATAiUa ah STATIONS Leave Charlotte . Lincolntn Arrive at Bnfialo PA88ENGBB 8.00 A M 10 43 12 07 FHEI3HT. SOLUBLE NAVABSA GUANO," For Corn, Cotton, and all Field Cropi, NAVASSA TOBACCO FERTILIZER:' Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline baits. i aa 9 From Stealer Now Discbarps. g GROSS ASSORTED DECANTERS. HHDS. SMOKED SHOULDERS, ? HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. House called to order at 10 o'clock by Speaker Robinson. at the oflicc Pn'id on By Mr Bennett, a bill to amena toe rTTia ?:odA.WELU act fncorporating the Wilmington Real 1r-cu' ' 2U0-II liMttlO JUwau aoow....--. . vt. hattq fTJ iflTF.Ra. The bill to repeal ne act to incorpo j ""- " rate the Cape Fear Buihling Associa- barrels EXTRA FLOUR, and. on motion of Mr Badger, was 25 B0XI? CADV Daesed over. m LNSUKAiNCE. , ,KK AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE A N D r I rtt. i - o u . r.mvtAHl at the iowi .p- r; n. iilowins response v.uv SmpIvN V. of London, Asset i rTAT WESTERN FIRE IN8UR "aNCE CoSiPANV. New Orleans, rvSfmLLE KIRE INSURANCE AND B A AK IN b CO M PAN Y of Vaaase BYRNE & KEEN AN. Gn'l Insurance Agents. , Climb of Commerce . "P,. HU4 L J ok PACKAGES TEA and 10 lbs caddies, i m a a l mM a On mouon ot Mr Kicnarason, xqb BOXES SOAP, or q a ihki'ii ii ir auu lo3wm ww-- - RETURNING. Leave Buffalo.. I 1.C7P M Lincolnton..... 2.41 A rrlvA t. Charlotte. . . 5.14 ' A A W " V. Q. JOHNSON, 8. L. rjusuurix, Assistant Supt. Gen; P jau 9 19a Wilmington. lolumDia & Au gusta R. R. Company. CASH $55 00 $65 00 $S0 00 KOVKMBtS. $55 00 $75 00 $85 60 i: - The bill requiring the State Auditor to give Dona in xuo buu t-vv uw " i taken up 'and passed its several read ings. ,,,, On motion ot Mr Brown, of Mecklen burg, the bill to alttr the Constitution in regard to the judicial powet was. taken up and tailed to pass its nrst reading, yeas 58, nays 45. The bill to alter the Constitution in regard to the abolition ot County Com- i n 4 ail art t i missioners was taaen up ,a Ya " paf.s its first reading, yeas 79, nays 46. Th. Km m nltt-r thti Consiitution in relerence to the abolition of townships s a - i 1 AH novc febT3 CI 4 V - v i a HOTTKNDOKF & HASHAGEN, MWl aV J 280-tf QUPEKIOR COURT CLERK O ifls 8lanKs. J! or Baic uj and 8he leb25 8 G HALL TTAKRANTTE DEED3On hand and VV for ualc feb 25 8 G HALL VI AGlSTKAiKS BLANKS A lull line ifJL on band, and for sale feb 25 8 G HALL. RICHARD 1ST. MOOIST. Commission Merchant, .xn TVRALKR IN relerence to tue wwmwuu. r Itk . , A troara ftfl DATS I Ir'T YMTR flRAIr . was iHKeu up uu lativ, I sjvw., tuhlL FEED niiArinc nc aniiPnuLE. riHE FOLLOWING soiiisuuA. I A q;oc a M . Mondav. B gO lulu CliCVl Ok.n I 7th inst. - DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington jlA H Arrive at Florence :5npM Arrive at Columbia. ? JR p m Arrive at Augusta & a M Leave Augusta. g g Arrive at Columbia... HSp M arrive at Florence.. -g g Arrive at Wilmiagton V?i qtw NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (8UN- yAlO AAV" Leave WilmingWn.... Arrive at Florence.... Arrive at Columbia... Arrive at Angus . . . 1 amtrm A Tl Cm tA ....... Ufl a; aaih - - - AirivA at. Columbia.. Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington... DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," ) r :ii mnotintr with Cotton DCeO. ) A Liberal Discount made to Dealers. . ... ln the southern 8Uts. Hon. U. B. BRIU.EJRuP9,,aSectetarv and Tor. 5fl FERTILIZERS. 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, by 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st HOVEHBERv DELIVERED 02? BOARD CARS AT WILMINGTON, N.O." -:o:- 6;45 P. M 11:85 P. M 3:40 A. M 8:20 A. M fr.S7) P. M 10:20 P. V 212 A. M 8:00 A. M 500 Tons Whann's Raw Bone Super phosphate, PBICE5a '50' Cash by 1st ol May. $60 00 Payable Ut of November. Delivered on Cars at Wilminffton. 1ST. C An The bill to alter tbe constitution i regard to paying members of the Legis lature $300 was taken up and tailed to pass its first reading. Th hill to alter the Constitution re lative to public schools and public lnsiiiuiioup. i ar n.ri A9 Tbe bill to alter the Cotitution re-. is STILL aheful of any other on tbe market Our Penrl Hominy eannot te urpasu' . , , ihA at in und rosltory 1 veas ov, nays . . . . I Mr Craisre was a wn COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders from Nortn uaroii feb 11 1 t r mivr 1 11 n jiiuabitu"' - . 1 w - . lative to the judiciary and the judicial HAVE OPENED A STORE ON FBOOT istriCtii. laima 10 pa t,Ved to mate Dresseeano wwu oct 9 TAHCTPR ANflKR80N. a 1 aiA lien 1 dud u 123 tt V?ilmiDgton & Weldon R. K, Company. Onrica Gbsbbal SrpBBiKTB sdbk t, WttMrsGTOS, N. C, J ane 8, 1872. I 500 CrackeM Corn. Corn, Bolted Meal, Ptaa and Pea Meal, 0ts. Shorts and Bran. r All goods sold drayed free. All bas returned In (jood onitr will be trained a: cotton next bill. ... ALfclX. oLUHAM, Proprietor. A Family Paper Which can bo trusted and which la always full of Interest, lea necessity of the times Such a one is the CHRITM UNION. The Uneectarian, Relleious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose tdltor is HENRY WARD BEECHER. Ir IIAS SOMETUTNO TOR Evxby Mkmbeb cr the HofeiEUOLD. in matters of Religion Morals, Politics, Literature, Art, Hcience Agriculture. Poetry, News, Fiction tor 0u11g au.i Old. Truth for Everybody. Mr. Beecuer t vigorous pen, ln his EUlto nalsand 6tar Papern, and Mr. Ellinwood fAmed verbatim reports of the helpful Lec ture Room Talks in Plymouth Church, arc gTt attractions. Mr. Beecher is assisted by a large and able editorial stall. TUE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AJLEAS FOLLOWS : Ono Year Onlv 83.00 &end money by Foetal Orders, Drafts, or .prnMrT riDOT HTTRV Kli. matr 0 ut- I'roirr. wkR announced as being detained trom his seat bv sickntes. The same announcement was trade in regard to Messrs xieaton aou f v. A4ilqrnpd. Richmond and Danville Rail Road. Noyh Carolina I 1079 Condensed Time xaoie. tiiriUlUlo a uaipui 7W rw mi and afUr Sunday. tT OiJlMO NUKfH. ' MAIL I SSTKESS. nTw at U. shortest TOiOTT. A flM Mwrimcnt or MUllncry end Ho- ftb3 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate. PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st of May. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. For Bale by jan SO TICK & MEBA1VB. STATIONS . 7 10 P. M . Concord Salisbury ...... I ljTclni? ' 01 uw,H Point 111 W 12 50A. M Leave Greenbboru VWa W Hillsboro 4, Uu.lAiirh. . Arrive at Qoldsboro'. 4.M 8 0S 11 15 A tt t 6 25 A. M 7.26 4i bS4 " : 9.2 " 10 17 14 11.00 " 11.10 " 12.20 F. M GuiNu auu m. Leave Goldsboro' . . . Raleigh Bills boro ... t. rvi AboDS ... Arrive at Greensboro' an a nn ro . . . 44 Highr'olnt. 44 L,exinguu.. aiihnrr. . . . . U.l w - - " i i PnnMird 4.00 f. M 7 45 41 10 21 " 12.05 A. M 1 SO 2.15 3 04 " 4 03 u 457 " 10 7 20 A H 2.15 F. U 3 80 4-tO ! 4 43 14 5.33 " 6.22 44 7.28 44 8.80 T. M CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the mi mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : V ATT. TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun. - 1 1 At days exceyieu; Arrive at Goldsboro Koeay aiuum. WatInn ..... Leave Weldon dally (Sundays excepiea;....... Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldaboro... Union Depot...... EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depoi oaiiy . . Arrive at Goldsboro. Kocay nuuui Weldon t TTTalAnn AaMv Arrive at Rocky Mount , n . 1 A aVrnrn - - - - -- - U U1UU lcv Mall Train manes cioseconnuuu Weldon lor all point North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. m a va ri ai ' aa at 1 n. Ma . 8 LEE FUN U UAftO Ui ; OrricBPaxBOR. :05 A. M 12:11 P. M 3:11 P. M 3:50 M 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:58 P. M 10:58 P. M 3:10 A. M UN AND AFTEK JUNE 3RD, THE trains U wm run an follows: LEAVE WELDON. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. ... 10:60 p. m. Express 7:00 p.m. Mail nnynnnDn LEAVE rJSiJWioouiw. 6:30 a. m. MaU 8:W p. n.. Express .m wri TinM Mall Express FREIGHT TRAINS. 9:40 a. m. 8:50 p. m. RtOO a. m 8.-00 p. m. 8:uu p. m 2:20 a, m. LEEPING CARS ON THIS 1 kai at theTetersbure depot oniy o - ton tri-weekly 1.40 P. M. WAREHOUSE. iriTE people of ""rumTtu1 JL V.nSJ Ja? Se country T at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at -!, T.wrr. tbitvs will leave P. M.. and arrlTO at lli. M. General Superintendent. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldn '"ffiroSl TRAINS Leave Petersburg Leave Gaston Arrive at Gaston . No trains will run on dbuj PTreihtsnfor Gaston Branch will be reived at tbe Petersburg depot oniy o w . - Ko depot will be ciost "- goods will be received aiienn 1e5-tr Engineer and General Manager. 8:00 a. m. 1:16 p. m 12:60 p. m. 8:10 p. m- NEW YEARS' BEEF. .narlntta ..I 7 20 A M c.. r. 'rooc ot the urges Juneo -pSsTnger train JSg$Z rfSlTJ handsome pABKER TaYLORI LfffeiSLW? Jfw.St6 F successors to . bound traln mang H Uck(ta BaEaQ Md priees before purtbasing, ouwc . S. PI. MANXSTIlSTGr counission herchamt, ILL ye lovers cf GOolTsTALL FED FAT BEEF1. Willnnd an estra article at Second Street Marfctt on MONDAY MORNING, AL.i coa tinning throughout the week DAVIH WB1TB. as other rouieo. , fiver entire Mail train daily. Iybetween. length of Bo?. ITwptte. (Sunday. Conjoany onop exOaJveo. AU TH & CO. 200 tl at fJrepns Dawenger -tniM cuj-- bom with trains to ana irou -r;"f SK 2? faSi trains . rauffiw Rlrimond, withom oetween uav- - v7 ALLEN. pallman etween change.) and priced before : Pfft. i. ian 9 RANbOM DOUTtJ I RANSOH -BOOTS 1 Every pair sold adds to their .... -! . General Ticket Agent. rrautation. DTTDLEY A m&kCX the A. H. NEFF, Manufectnrera ana n p H0I7a FURNlBlNO OOODS Guns, 8toves. Intern. Rooflng done at short notioo AiSta for Fairbank'sel DVl Groceries AJfD DEADER m , ProTlsions. Dr? ClotUiii, &g. K Goois No. 23 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. ConsignjafcBts ud 'Cash orders Solicit aYS3 TWENTY DOLLARS FOR Oil E A 125 SEWING MACHINE, TREE I SUBSCRIBE KOW FOR OUR WEEKLY, . n . .1... nt..ninmn T.ltararT Tin iiy PaDer, pnblished every Saturday, tt Charlotte, N. C, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR! Each number contains an INTERESTING 3TOKY, worth at least the subscription price; enough FUN to keep you laughing wek; and a general collection oi the LATEST NEWS. Every subscriber gets a chance at a VAX cable Premium, and one out of every fife will be sure to get a Premiam, worth from 25 cents to $25 00. Our CA8B PREMIUMS are ln sums of II, mn c tin -a or vlth from two io ten premiums of eaeh denomination. Our other premiums consist of useful article, . .la u.Kin.. mahAd ijomee .1.-1. ..r (mm TWMttf. tiC, SC., CtC, rauKiufc " ave cenia m , - St 9 WiiAa4KA 1 . Delays are aangeroua. ouwiw mediately, and get a chance at the large prTOiAGENTS. We are offering more lib eral inducements for Clubs tbsn anv other Publisher. You can make money by sen vasslng for OUR WEEKLY. For specimen copy ol paper, Frenuum List asd terms to Agents, send 8-ceat stamp. J. O. JL NUTALL. rubiUJwrqf Our Weekly, Charlotte, N. C. Inly 28 Mtf" G. U. TV BiJNGEa O-BOOEBIICS, 44 South Side Market St.. A MATCHLESS SELF-8EAUNQ jprui't Jar. WILHIrTCTORs N. C. W. 1L GBN. MMterTrtMporUUon.

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