. - . J . . - - ., i - -i. I- : . VOL. VI. 7j? EVEIsTHSTGh POST TH.TerT afternoon exwpt Snnday. ra!T.vT.rAV .BiiAinwa Manas" WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1873 nS4 :. MANN t in advance Subscription. 5 DO 8 00 1 60 " 50 should tc ad- a . Manager, ana an .w. in ant unuc. . aioatba, in advance, .aoath. la advance.... Kriness letters ..61 l 1Hntrfr th -,onication6 or manera f - L ic-artmcnt to the Editor. ,Mdeiice lOlleUed from our fried c?,rI of tb SUte, on topics of gono Z r. PoUttot e report, o! ,'.re WPecUnT de.lr.bj.. -handise Brokerage umcc, stantly on han.l THB KOBTH CABOlflKA LEGIS-1 to regulate the fire department. . n., ni sji ni lh-"- . i imporur. ml manaiaciurrr, vortarn markets. SS5"i iia S?aS?e will have prompt at- !Dll0U' n ils cash purchaaes n-irotlatcd. Time oa well f v Mn comrau 1 Whetber you wMi to b ny or m , locaJ freely, aau rhetnerou - ith your Broier. T peTTEWAY J AS. T. ri-jLc,V.."'W..r Mrchandii9 ana itoquoo JTSrld res owned H O AE TiATUBE. (Condensed from the NewB. 1 HOU8E OF REPRESENTATIVES. NIGHT SESSION. Wednesday, Febj 2d, 1873. At 7:30 Mr Speaker Robinson called the House to order. The bill to incorporate tbeCincinnati and Great Southern Railwaj Ootnpiny was taken up as the special order, and paseed its third reading. The bill to re enact the act to incor- Granville Railroad Company aa ttVpn nn and Dassed its second w ST a rrAftncr veas 68. navs 23.1 The bill to construct a public high way in the county ol Warren was taken up and passed its second reading. reaolution in reference to th anneal in the case of the Western N. C. Railroad, passed its third reading- yeas 50, nays 34. Mr Heattm introduced a bill to mcor porato theLidies Co-operatire Associa tion of Wilmmeton. Referred. The hill to authorise OranTllle county to subscribe to the capital stock of the n,-,ll TAilrnad. Da&sea 118 lUtru uiaui'Kv m.i'nrf vaii fll. nava 22. Upon motion of Mr M-Neill, the bill thfttimaof holdiosrthe Courts d Robeson counties mm tAtrnn no and oassed its several The bill to amend chapter 167, laws rf IfiBfl-TO. in reference to idiots and i .;o xv am talrAn no an d passed its iUUaiiV9) rw aw r several readibgs. Tbe House then adiourned. vrr f-orli this Machine cannot bm lN K?iuS OuT fine work is equl to any LTm vwork excels that of any Ma mine in tbe .rl,, ,c . , HONEST Machine an-l nhot-lfCt fnJi - comparison with c.h0er.'ui ?. J Mhin.. and will put worfc ol an) iu ' bv leaving on iria-, v J- t VTAVf V Rmf Front mem Q(4roe at the ofta-- treat. iwec ---- NfiWELL, Agent ilomo Sowing Co. 200-tr lMsUKANCE. SENATE. TnrasDAY. Feb'l 27, 1878. c.to mot t 10 o'clock. Lieutenant UvUvw j-bv ' the chair. House resolution to provide for a casual deficit in the Pabic Treasury, passed its second reading. Mr Hill introduced a bill providing a central place in Brunswick county tor comDarine elections. Placed on calen- daRill concerning the conveyance of convicts, lunatics and persona to the and rinmb asvium. rroviuco iu. Mr Mabson prasented a petition from the Mayor and Board of Alderman pro- testing against su.i iiuniuu atitute. and be thought that should be argument enougu to aeieai n. Mr Seymour opposea tne aaopuoa ot the substitute. The substitute was adopted by a vote of 22 to 16. Mr Mahon snofce in ttroos terms ftfyainst the Dassase of the bill a amend 'ed, as beiog in opposition to the will ot i mm a a the cit zns of Wilmmeton. Mr Sevmour opposed an amendment to the effect that the proposed Uommis sion should be elected by the people ot Wilmincrton. Mr Harrie thought the bill unjust ana nnnrl re. Mr Worwooa tuoagai iue vm u nolitiPAl bearinsr. ana on y meant to r. . ' ' . . . T -1 place the fire department, nuuer a gouu and strict dieciphne. - - . ar - a J Mr Dunham eaid tbe' legislature, nnder the Constitution, had tu ngnt n. nnvom thP i nr.ornorai.eu ClUCtt RDM w v - - r towns of the State. HnmnhrPT t.hr.u.crht the bill was 41aVl aVaV v u a-- - W iinennstitntional. Mr Seymour wanted the members to draw a political ldsne upon mu mew nre. if tbev thought fit. fr Ravmnnr'g amendment failed to XL, a. J w w The bHl failed to pass its third read- inir hv 16 aves to 23 nays. Bill iucdrDoratina: tne Cenlral Fire ! su ranee Company ot North Carolina. Passed its several readings. Rill inr.nrnoratins the Weldon and Garysburg road and Ferry Company. PasrH its several readiogb. innrnnr4tinff the town ot Fair Bluff, in the county of Columbus. Passed. Adjourned. RAIL ROADS. WilmiiiEtoii, Charlotte l unfoerfort Hail Road Line. i ma Eastern DiYision : New Schedule. 1873 Going West. 1873 NAVASSA 6TJM0 COMPANY, STATIONS. Leave Wilmington... Abbottsburg... 4t Lnmbertou ... Bhoe Heel " Laurinbnrg... " Rockingham... Arrive at Lilebttlle.t. PASSENGER 8 00 A U U 16 12 30 P M 154 4 03 4 45 " FBKIOHT. 1 6 00 A M 11.45 ' 2 05 P M f.0u 6 .00 A M iiooi) 41 Going East. STATIOSS. Leave Lilesvllle ... 44 Rockingham 44 Laurinbnrg. " Shoe Heel... Lucaberton.. " Abbottsbnrg Arrive at Wilmington PAS3ESOitBFaElGHT. 12.00 M 7 40 10.30 10 55 12. 0 r U 1 26 44 4 35 44 5 00 AM 5 55 44 9 50 ,4 13 5PM 5.00 OF WILMINGTON, IV. O .Mmf .4 .vfefS r '-., ..iff-- Dikj?be. ffolntr West: BrbaKTAST, go ing East. Freight l rains nop uro night. f Stage for Charlotte: Kaiiroaa anaoiag fare, W ilmington to Charlotte, only $10. SST No Trains on Sanday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber, run irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenarer Train. Western Division. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KONW Popular Standard Fertilizers! Price per fn Delmre on run nt F.etorr IUU - M ATASUS . f x: t h i . lot r a , ii P. ASDnREiur.V- -TfT r-- h.r. convevine such per i ttc-tP.1 RL LUK IU vi urn. 1 luctuinu " . - " ; l followms repon8lole Companies, oa ons ghaH 5e allowed 30 cents per mue for one person, and 12 cents n two are conveyed at the same time. Passed it. STATIONS PASSE NOEK FBJEIQHT. Leave Charlotte 8.00 a m 4 Lincolnfn 10 43 44 Arrive at Buffalo 12 07 44 RETURNING. SK YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMl AM. AY- , , IMPERIAL FIRE INsJURANCl COMPANY, of London, AjU Q0id GRE WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, FVRvfviLLE KIRE INSURANCE AND F BAAKINO COMPANY of Va,. aAseU, BYRNE & KEENAN, Gn'l Insurance Agents. Offl camber of Commslrs. aulS - V,- ' !, " " 'VSfv'-f-vT trT nor.ril rcarl n rrQ Bill for regulating writs in form pauperit was amended, and passed is Bill repealing chapter 186, laws 1871 na 187-2. rlatin?c to Clerltfl.fllJ3aDfiXipf 1. Courts, was adopted. ... Bill to establish a nospuai iu insane in Korth Carolina, -PPn8 Dr Eugene Grissom, Major J A En gel horH ana i others, a committee to pur- chase a suitable site. to contract lor a HOU8E OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M. Mr Speaker Robinson called tbe House to order. On motion of Mr 8ettle. the resolu tion rescinding the resolution recently adopted impeaching R. M. Henry, So licitor of the 12tb District, was taken up. Mr 8ettle said he was absent when the resolution was adopted. He was sur prised that the Legislature should shoot t iirhmall crame when there weie others, much higher in office, as much or more liable to the charge of drunk enness than Mr Henry. The Legisla ture bad resolved to adjourn on Mon day " and could not possibly try that office? by that time, and it was nothing more than justice to Solicitor Henry that fdme action should be taken in the abonidbu considered. He thought the Houeo lad better retrace its steps in this matter Ac. , Atter some debate the resolution was ftn motion ot Air tjaner, mo owi F Leave Buffalo 4 Lincolnton... Arrive at Charlotte. V. Q. JOHN80N, A f? SU tan t tiupt. ' iai. 9 4. i . . . . 1.C7 P 2 41 5.14 44 S. L. FREMONT, Gen. upt. 199 44 SOLUBLE NAVASSA OUAN? " For Corn, Cotton, and all Field Crops, " KAVASSA TOBACCO FBRTOrai Very rich in Ammonia and Alkaline Saltt. 44 DISSOLVED NAVASSA PHOSPHATE," Cotton Seed. Especially ior uujp'ou6 $55 00 $W 00 $65 00 $75 00 t so oo I $as oo A Liberal Discount made t ueiers . Jn lhe 6oathrn BUUa. JAMgeaj-tab GBAFFLIN, snperUnd.nt Aion, xv. "p. MacRA E , Sscretarrana ireauc.. 012 8m - ; I Wilmington. loluoiDia & itu gasta R. R. Company. Gen. Superintendent's Officii. I WrLMINOTON, N. C, Oct. 7, 1873. f Jan 23d, 1873 buildine, c. CHANGE OF. SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL tointo effect at 8:25 A. M., Monday, X uo into enect 7th inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington.... 3:25 A Arrive at Columbia. ViiF.n 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, PRICE, $52 50 CASH, iy 1st MAY ; $60 00 PAYABLE 1st HOVEUBBB, DELIVERED ON BOARD OARS AT WILMINGTON, N. 6. M M nrnrlatms a State lot on the southeast FaiUd tb pass its third reading by a ot Raleigh and $3,000 to the cor vote of 16 ayes to 23 nays. , 0red department ex ine uw, - Mr Dunham, a bill concerning the' Blind 8y!umt taken up and passed ratification of certain acts of the present u. tulr(i ieadinc. sessien Passed its several reacinga; The bill to incorporate the Ludies Bill to incorporate the PlTtnoutn and u operative Association of Wilming- TTrdP Park Railway Company. Passed. ton pasSed its several readings. Hy??.aJ W;f rum Rail ,ili to re-enact the act to xncor- Road Comp ny tp issue bonds to the Granville Railroad was taken noau ru iiui.- !. its third reading. amount oi one umi"" i uw j -o ,f . t &uil. a -A hn nassed its tv,d i.ui in reterence to the statute ol I n R Dill. U BUCUUkU) x I J uw w... - , ei limitation was .aken up, and passed its Bill to amend section 29, chapter 23, 8eVeral readings. " n i ..raT rnACl - I mu- aenlntinn in favor of W . I laws 1K71 Z. I KHSU 4ia v. i uo laws iou I . j q q toVpn nn and. lDP9, . . , ... iit i.n- iflflfl.l 1- a ectinn navinff the clerk .repeal cnapwr ane 5 -lh" re9nlution . " . A m a n a im a Tl ra-al am be 1 lfl arr no Ml I li rvril Vk wm '70 Passea lis several icai4id i fjauu - "ii Mr. onrl the I 1 sovnrn lPa(1in'?S. T"ii wvonnn mil cbq o uw, naeseu us . . resumpt o'D o? thi qaction of l.Tjing . ' Tbe bllt to incorporate the ou t.i noon toreien insur.nce com- state Lifc Iosurance CompaDj, passed ...'1- f : 1 OUR EXTRA .FAMILY FLOUR iSn htpwl87.UwB IS STILL ahea4 of any other on the market I Our Pearl Hominy cannot b surpaf Always on band at the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn. Corn, Bolted Meal, Teas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All yoods sold drayed free. All rmer, returned In grood order will Ve credited at coet on next bill. AL.KX. ULdJtLAJVV, iToprioiui Arrive at uommpxa. 7 4i P. Jrf tnI AaI- SSSEEEta 500 Tons Whann's Raw Bone Superphosphate, PRICE-452 50 Cash by 1st ol May. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. Delivered on Cars at WUmington. 1ST. O. Arrive at Florence.. Arrive at Wilmington ' ? NIGHT EXPRESS. TRAIN DAIi-X Wu. DAYS tAUAr x suij. . K-AK T T w TTTIlMlMfftAn . .... tf.-ZV . ueavo vuunuft" 11t0r p Arrive at Florence Arrive at Columbia... Arrive at Augusta. . . . Leave Ansmsta. . ...... Arrive at Columbia... Arrive at Florence . . . . . Anne bv """"r,;; vnifDsnv Gen'l Snp't. . o 123 tf oct 9 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. OITICE GEfTBSAi BrPBaiSTEKDEKT, 1 Wilmtnotof, 5. C, June 8, 1873. ) 11:S5 P. M 3:40 A. M 8:20 A. M 5:50 P. M 10:20 P. W 2:12 A. M 8:00 A. M 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate, PRICE-$52 50 Cash by 1st of May. $60 00 Payablo Ut of November. For Bale by f aiBEiitEitaaw M 1 tLSimMmM I ss. V5CK & MEBillVB. ZlSsmi jan SO t anies was again considered its several readings. pan.rs t- m:st.lke . ... tn inr.omorate the lioa- in tboReveriaa bill as trenraitted to tbe DOie"lro Compaq Weed i. a. i i VA..itAri the tame ana linrs. . . rpt?7 na il Family Paper UTiioh r.ui be truited and whWi lfi rail of lntre-t, is a ncoesslty of the times, Bach a one la the CHRITIAN UNION. The Unfvecurlsui, RellRlous Uterary Family Newspaper, wnoe tdltor Is HENRY WARD BEECHER. IT HAS SOSCETHISG tfOB EVXRY MSUBIB or tuc Household, lt matters of Itellgion Morale, Politics, Literature. Art- Hcleno Agriculture, ietry. News, Kictlon tor Young and Old, Truth for Everybody. m , , T.J14 Mr. BUCUEB U vigorous pea, in mm rjuxw rtals and Star lepers, and Mr. Ellinwopd lamed verbatim report of the helpful Lec ture Room Talks In Plymouth Church, arc grat attractions. Mr. Beecher is assisted oy a larse and able editorial stalL TIIE TERMS OF sUBSCUIl'TION abx as roixows : Ono Year Only 83.00 Send money by Postal Ordexf, Drafta, or Rejlrured Letters. SFIRST COME, FIRST ailRVEIX-r may 2 l oenate, u ":f1flftwo. at 'o-wil to uromote stock raiaiag insertea . - - , Several readings consiaerea vcaj.j f-.-:;,, i ua rr incornorat f tmr v; DLI tou i.. i ' I no m 1 1 cucai ir uowiea "l" - tft 1Q , 7;- . r Rnihiiijr Association be imposed. Aaopieu uy jv- lDK IUc 1 t.ir.n sir. W 118 lllIVS"j, ( amendment nays. ic Trnv moved El an . a mora than one tnat no couuiy bu... -j - . th amounts receivea 'htlined. Adopted. irom prcui.u ----tQ the em w . ... a snail nfl ofT.t that no retail mercuaui- An amendment a. . 1 rati . . ,vnri nur chased ot requirea 10 pay e :hr. Stte and wholesale merchants in this 1 state exempting agricultural products of toe rttate- aUo an amendment that the .f nd9 shall not receive any rwcfciB.. liatinar C3 . r . aym ivrnnna nimiKDiauoD UU4 r UXTt bill as thus amended, passed its 8ecni reading. . ... I-S to settle who i" viu? - uh lbe pro. ireasurer, " , .haft rat visions ot a relief granted him tb 1 flnt of February, that the saia ac o. 1 1 1 r. .1 o n 1 ii aeicia. w- Iia annuueu. a.r -W aaaw AT NEW YEARS BEEF. ILL vo lovers of GOOD STALL FED F .TT'fi'V BEEF. extra article at Second fctrtet llflnd an H-rict on MONDAY MORNING, Au.l continuing throngncut tbe weefe. lion u mcc f- ' adjourned to 1 o'clock. VlfiHT EEfeBIOK. Senate called to order at U o'clock, nt. Ar)i tV charter of tne euy of Wilmington in ra'atioo to the fire .1 ... f that ntv was considered. Mr Norwood offered a eubstitute for nrnnoiin that thfi LlCCnSla- l"B:r" , ;? a flrti coamlxsion Mr Richardson moved to lay on tue table: Carried. , , The bill for Amne-ty and Pardon was m mm. la a n 11 ? Mr Heaton tooK tueuwi iu w... to the measure. Mr McNeill olterea an ameuuu exempting trom the provisioos ui bill persons wno uavc emu.v- rf appropriated to raiiroaas anu btfpheu Aowry. 1 be amenn me u'. was aw.v, Mr Brown of Mecklenburg, offered a . . 1 1 ....-nnii rch n were nrovision nai, su . ., oartic patioir in me wiw - were not present ai anu um uw tolbe decrte or order for the same, shall have the benefit ot t ms au Tbe proviso was aaopveu uj - yeMr7Trivett offered an amen Jment that tne provisxoco w ... plj to larceny and robbery, which . j The bill then passed its third reading yeas 61, nays 43. Anjonrnea. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th IIjgTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will ran as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- days excepted) At JM A.M Arrive at Goldaboro.. 1-U f; g Uz-kaVv fnrmfc - . 1 1 m AWVnj - Weldon... Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted)..... "v Arrive at Rocky Mount GoldDoro Union Depot "EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily.. .At Arrive at Goldsboro. Kocsy M.ouDt Weldon Tftve Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount J g j w Ilia ww. w. TTninn Denot r-:i mir nose conneftt'on Weldon for all pointe North ma Bay lane it routes. OmcEPEmROo. P was 8:59 t. M 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M S:00 A. M 4:50 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:53 P. M 3:10 A. M at anA Arnnla Creel Exoress Train connects only with Aeqnia CreS ronteV PULLMAN'S PALACE Sr5.PTNO CARS ON THIS TRAIN. TrTj.Tinr tt? iTVfl -will leave Wilrainff- . A. M.. and arrive at lU-nvv",) I lfl P. M. " .trooiraa TO TMflTTT TRAINS will leave WUminfrton daily -(Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M. and arrive a f JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent June 8 1&"tf . . otbtl. iiiMP tnn TH v. trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELUUJN. .Q TV.ln ' --J" ' ARMVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 7.-O0 p. m. Mall . nnmnnanTTDn ali 80 p. iu. eOp. in- &00a. m. 8.-00 p. m. SrtXJ p. m 2:20 a. m. 6s-00a. m. L-15 p. SB 1230 p. m. fclO p. m. except Ex ailM'KLLAMEOUS. Richmond and Danville Rail Roa4. Norih Carolina nirsiotta i Condensed Time Table. Jn effect on and a,fUr Sunday. Spl 22d, 1ST? GOING NUKTH. Leave Petersburg TnivQ Waldon Arrive at Weidan Arrive at Petersburc Leave Petersburg Leave Oaston Arrive at Gaaton Arrive at reieraDurg No trains will run on Sunday PFrlSsfor GtonBranch wlUbrelvM at thePeteraburr depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. Vn The depot will be closed at 5:00 p.m. No goods wiflbe received aXUjtboar j 5-tf Engineer and General Manaa-ir. STATIONS. j MAIL. KXXOSf. Leav7 Charlotte J!0 P. m Concord . o dl 7. Salisbury .50 8M " Lexington l' 51 " 0.SB uSk Point.... 1158 10. IT - Arrive at Greeneboro W 60 A. M 11.00 , Leave Greensboro'... J.J5 "'JJ-,. Co. Shops 8 36 41 U. P. . Hillsboro' 4-M " Raleigh.. .... 8 05 . Arrive at G'ldsboro'. 11 05 A. M .......... UULNO SOUTH. statioss. maiu axraa . Leave Goldsboro'.... 4-00 p. si Ralslgh 7 45 " ' Hllisboro' .... 10.81 Co Shops .... 12.0 a, u aisr.n. Arrive at Gwcusboro' 180 . Leave Greensboro'... 215 J-g-i, High Point.... 8 04 4 Lexington 4 1 Sahabnry 4.5T . 0.23 Coneord.. .W ' M Arrive at Charlotte . . 7 90A.M g.SOF.IC BAUBB SHOP. lOE TURNER wlsbe to Inform bis eusto JmSid public generally, tbatbeis now prepared to do all kind of work lnnl e. and would rwetfnlly "Qnst acontuoa lion of the patronage whisk Jbas bexetoToro PABKEK ifc TAYLOR' Successors to A. H. NEFF, ManufaettirerB and dealersln HOUSE FURNISHING O00D3 Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, OH Tin aid Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing: dona at short notice Agents tor Fair bank's Scales. No. 10 Front Street, WUfllKfiTOIf, N. C- conuiooion uerchaht, AlO) DEAXTB EJ Groceries, Frorixiois, Dm GMis No. 23 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. ConiitfuttenU and Cah Orders gollelted P M connects at Greensboro with NOrtntrn bound train; making the 43ttiato all Northern cities. Price ol tlckstt taoa as otber routes. 1 " ? ' Mail trains daily, both ways, cvsr smttrs lenrth of Road. Express , dally between Cora nan 7 Shop and Charlotts, (Sundays Qf, aJSa ' - at.' All passenger tralna ouneet atOrssf boro with trains to and Iron Rl"00, Pollman Palace. Car on all trains between Charlotte r-d Bifto?1?? S, E. 1 I.LEW, - - aw . t . W. H GREEN, il aster iraBspwrv-wo.- Jm9mm 'UPIBIOR COURT CIOCJU- n lihtr j lffaBlstiks. Jar salt aT -V 139 ft Q MAH av Tvnma. of wvca powi, whet duty it tball be t 1 Ik