VOL VI. WILMINGTON. NO. 247 THK EVENING- POST Fabis&a eery afternoon except feunday. TTM. r. CANADAT....Susiaes Manager iAHE C. MAUN Bditer Subscription. sa jr. In advance W 00 Hi oinths, inadtance 00 TSree ceatba, in advaaee 1 50 tit month, in advance -AU basinets letters should e ad aretied to the Basinets Manager, and all tmmunieation or matter! relating to the ditorial iepartnent to the Editor. Correspondence iolicited from our friends m ail parts of the State, on topics of gene ral interact. Folitlcal newa and reports ol ror are espeel7 desirable. Merchandise Brokerage Office, .fr r tint f ples eonstnntly oa had Frrom importers and manufactartre In Iferthern market. ail deeriptions ef aierahandla. erders gndbld7sollstted aad telegraphed promptly. freh.andHe bought and sold n this market orders froni buyers solielted. and Smp! left by Hers will have prompt at rvatloa. Time as well mnh purehasaa negotiated, whether you wish to buy er 11. oramnul- freely, a ad often with jeer lecal Brkr' JAfl. T. FETTEWAT. Msrshaadlse and Prodaca Broker. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Til WORLD RENOWNED HOWE ScTTlng- Machines. v RWflE of work this Maehiaeeannet be ..,;., i-w., , rtn wrrfc i enual to anv I KCl OUT D(tTJ wur -' w!Mm U?tlt" I HONEST Maehlne will do all yar sewtne will last a Ilia time. nd Is not subieet to FITS. We cheerfully IdtUo comparison with work of any other Machines, tod will put them on trial, at your home, by leavmg same at the offlca. So. 4 Ltppltt Row ront atreet, between Doek and Orange , fcjold on aasy py meats. GEO. A. NtwELL. Agent Horn Sawing Machine Co. jani 200-tf rmw i vn TflPf. TXSTTRANCE CAN BE I j v- at t Via irkWfKt current rates in the followtnf responsible Companies, on ap plication ta m KKW YOItKUFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assett 530,000,000 J. A. BYRNE. Gen l Ins. At., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, ABsette fo.oon ow, a old kREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, mnit AetU f228.014 TARMVILLE HUE INSURANCE AND BAA KING COMPANY of V., afiS . BYRNE A KE23NAN, Gen'l Insurance Agents. Offlse Caaaiber of Commerce, up stairs. Wilmington, N. C. am IS T7-lj OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR PtTTLL ahead of any ether on tfre market Oar Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed Always on hand at tha Mill aad Depository Cracked Com, Corn, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorta and Brae. All goods sold drajed free. All ba returned In stock! order will be credited at cot on next bill. ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. tpt27 11.V- B. H. MANNING- connissiGH merchant, fnurin, PriTisims, Dry Goods ClJttlEI, it. li, Ho. 23 fad 2i VrrVk Water Strett, WiLMTKSTOK, N. C. eaasIraMt ami Cas Orders Polleited TTflB 131 -IT THOMAS CONNOK BAR O O 2sL V. Z. aorasr of Mulberry and Kntt U. Alwayi ra tt best wUrj f Beg NEW TEARS' BEEF. irr, re 1qtts af 00 STALL TED FAT A JT71CT BEE IF1. ViniNi sa xs artJcla at 8ta4 Btrei tfarktt el MONDAT MORNING, JLni tnftanlaf faiirjaat tkc weak. dwfl tail Uwa "TCW: ri. Ti.'CT. JUL oa LBG1S Can4amsed from the Newa. I HOU8I Or RX PRE SE OT1.TIVE 5. BaturDaT. March 1, 1371. IISHT 1B8MOW. JLt 7:30 ncluck Mr dptaktr Robinsan called the Honce to order. By Mr Btowd, r f Meckltnbirf , a bill to amend tha act for tha anpport t tbo Lnn&tic Aptiuob. Calendar. By Mr Bcacett, ft rtilitiom it faror of the Principals of tha two Hones of the General Assembly. Oq motion of Mr Beaattt, tbt rales were tnspended, aad tha rtto.ition pissed ita tereral readiaja. On motion of Mr B'ytha, tha bill to prevent the tale ol liqaor to Minors was taken np aad pasted its reraral reading. The bill conceminjr. tha right of way and places ot public worship paitad its several readings. The bill to amend tha charter ot the Northwestern N. C. R. B. Company, passed its several readings. The bill to provide e ceatral plaae for comparing the election ratorns of Brnnswick county, passed its several readings. The bill concerning tie conveying of convicts was taken np, and, oa motioa, was laid on th i table. The bill to amend section 19, chapter 213, laws of 1871 72, was taken op and paed its several readings. The bill in reUtin to the Deaitantiary was taken np, amended, and passed ita several readings. Bill to incorporate a Baptist elwirch in Brunswick county passed its several readings. A resolution in relation to the distri bution oi the laws of 1SGS passed its several readings. By Mr Dudley, a resolitioa of thanks to Mr Speaker Robinson for the able and efficient manner in whisk he nas presided over the deliberatioas of the House. On motion, the rules were suspended, and the resolution was taken np. On motion, the "words 44 and other officers" were inserted, and the resela tio'n passed unanimously. Adjourned. SENATE. Monday. March Sd; 1S7. Senate met at 10 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor in the chair. Bill providing for the priating and distribution of the Revenue and Ma chinery Acts that three thousand eop of eica be printed. Passed. A message received from the Gover nor, relatita to the action et ta General A8semb y asking the Governor ad the Attorney General for infornation con cerning tha sale of tha Eter Division of the Western North Carolina Railroad, and as to the condition of the W , C and R. R. R. The Goveraor stated tfat he had already given all tha information in his possession In a former comnauni- cation to the General Assembly, Bill incorporating the Onslow County Agricultural Society. Passed. Mr Ellis, of Columbas, a resolution nf thanks to tha President aad ether officers of the Senate, for the fair and faithful manner in which they kaT disabarged tbair duties. He paid a spe cial compliment to t' e presiding of&cer, stating that he believed be bad acted solely for the interests of the State, n biased by party influences. The Liesitenant Goveraor replied with the following remarks: SsifATORa: The resolution tbsft you have just passed unsrrimously aftords the befct aaauranee that my endeavors, taithiul and impartial I hope they have been, to discharge worthily aad proper ly tbt duties confided to me, have not been altogether unavailing. That I am feelingly touched by this voluntary and generous manifestation of approbation and favor, yoa may believe, but you are not as cenicious as I am at the deep impression it leaves upon me. Words are wanting to fully express sny appreciation ot your uniform Kindness to me, and I make the acknowledgment with the deepest sensibility. Our official intercourse has be pleasant and agreeable, and it will leave its impress and its memories "On the sands ot our wasting years." I am not so vain as to believe that I have not committed erroit as the pre siding officer of this honorable body, but it so, tbey were indeed uninten tional, and I think I may safely say, that no presiding officer of the Senate has Hver been more unanimously sustained in his decisions than I have been. I know that I have acted fairly and im partially in the performance of my official duties, and you have promptly sustained me on every occasion. ' To the public tnai the approbation ot those he has sened is his highest re ward. For your generous be'towal of that reward, and the indulgfcice at all times, kindly extended to me, I beg you to aceept rny grateful acknowledg ments. Permit me, Senators, as the only return which it is now in my power to make, to tender to yon the assurance of my great anxiety to unite with yoi in any and all measures which may be best cal-f cnlated to encourage and reward honest Industry and labor, to develop the re sources of the 8tate, to improve or educational interests and facilities, and to promote the permanent peace, pros perity and happiness el all the people THE KOBTH CAROLINA Your legislation forms a part ot the historv ot the times in which we now live. Much business has been brought before the Legislature, some of it has been carried through, and some has failed. Let is hope that what has been done is for the btst, and that it may reeeive the approbation of the people. If in the coursu of. our deliberation, any irritation has been occasioned, or any unkind expressions escaped as, let us, ia the spirit ot generous friendship throw ever them the mantle of forget fulness, and recollect only the pleasures arising from association, and the con tcioutness, which I am sure pervades the bosim ot every one, that all have been actuated by a high sense of public dnty. Senators, we must now elosa ear leg islative deliberations. The hour for adj iurnmeat has arrived. We bave met .o day to part. I wish each and all of yon a speedy and safe return to your families and fneads, and that you and tbey may erjoy a long life ot peace, health and happiness. "Oar slveral engagements now call ns away. Our parting Is needful and we must obey." It remains for me only to announce that the Senate stands adj turned until the third Monday of November next. At 11:80 o'clock the Senate went into executive session to consider a message from the Governor, concerning the ap pointments of the Boards ot different State institutions. His Excel ency stated that, col Having had sufficient time to consider the action of theexecu tive session of the Senate, held Saturday afternoon, when bis appointments had been considered and a portion of them i ejected, he declined making any further nominations. The Senate then adjourn ed its executive sesston until the first Tuesday alter tne tmra Monday in November next. At 1:30 o'clock the Senate adjourned until the third Monday in November next. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Turner introduced a resolution to inquire into cdarges that the Pennsyl vania Central Railroad Company, and other ring are running papers to im properly ir flue ace legislation. No ac tion 'tkeD up n the resolution. House bit i relative to county claim? pas-i d several readings. 8enat bi'l to repeal chapter 106, L'wf 1870 71 passed evera readings Mr Ba igjr introduced the following resolution, comp'imenring Speaker llohinsun ot the lipase, which was 7 uuanimonsty d'pted : Tue House of Representatives do solve that, for hie impartiality and cour tesy by waich kin-ily and lriendly rela tions have beea promoted between the mAmhers. and bv his strict attention to he dutif of his office, and his knowl edgt of parliamentary usagq by which the public business bas been great' forwarded, Mr Speaker Robinson is en titled to the thanks of this body, and of the Deople ot North Carolina. Mr Badger said that ia introducing this resolution be bad exoressed his honest conviction and what he believed to be the unanimous sentiment of the Houae. In drafting it he bad gone out of the ordinary 'rut" of complimentary resolutions, and bad sought to make it speak the emaat truth. To Mr Sneaker Robinson tbe House was greatly indebted for the harmonious and friendly feelings that have charac terieed all of our proceedings. Public bm-inets has been greatly forwarded. and the true interests of tbe State, cot solely party ends, have been the result of our deliberations. He has been kind and courteous to all tbe meml-er, but at the same time firm and inflexible in executing his trust He has displayed a thorough acquaintance with parlia mentary law, and a promptness in ap plying it, that has greatly facilitated the prosecution ot our work and saved to the people much expense. The House and North Carolina owe him a debt ot ffratitude. Mr McGehee endorsed all that Mr Badger bad said : 8peaker Robinson replied as follows : ,l Gentlemen of the House of Representa tives : In taking leave of you it is meet that I should express my appreciation of the kind and flittering manner in which you have expresed yoarself toward me in tbe resolution just adopted. 4 It is gratifying to me and should l-e to every North Carolinian, that the as perities" and bickering ot party atnfe are rapidly disappearing lrom our Halls of L-gislat;on, and a proper State and National patriotism taking its place. 4Tour labors have been arduous, and I must say you have been faitbfal and at tentive. Much bas been done for the good of North Carolina, and the verdict ot the people will be on your side when tbe results are made known. I am in debted to you for yoar kind aid and co operation in the dispatch of public business. A kind Providence has pre served us : the angel of death has passed around our Hall and no member of this Hnue has been called away. Trasting the same powerful arm may protect yon and return you to your families and friend. I declare this House adjourned until the &rd Monday of November next.n ! The House then acmurned to meet azaia en the third Meaday in NoYcabtl KAIL K 0.1 Da. Wilmiiiston, Clarlotte & Rutnerfora Rail Road Line. 2 mf . Eastern Division : New Schedule. t 1 1 VrMnr 1873 Going West. 1873 STATIONS. FaSSKSGXR FREIGHT. Leave Wilmington... 800am 00am " Abbottsburg..4 H.18 " Lumberton 12 SO r M 2 05rsf Shoe Heel 1.54 5 0a" " Lanrinburg... 8.9 600am " Rockingham... 4 03 Arrive at LUesvllle.f. 4 45 ' 10 00 Going East. STATIONS. PASSBNOKU FRCIGHT. Leave Lileaville 7 40am 12 00 m u Rockinham ... 8 " Lanrinhurg.... 10.80 44 500 am 44 8hoeUeel 10 .W 44 5 &5 44 Lumberton 12. Oru 9 50 " 44 Abbottsburg ... 1.20 44 12 5 r u Arrive at Wilmington. 4 15 44 5.00 '4 Dikkbb, going West: Breakfast, go ing East. Freight Trains atop here over Light. t Stare for Charlofe: Railroad and 8tage fare, wilniington to Charlotte, only lu. 3y No Trains on 8anday. Two Speeial Freight Trains for Ton Timber ran Irreg alarJy Expres Freight Car accompany each Passenger Train. Western. Division. STATIONS FA8SENOEK FKBIJHT Leave Charlotte 8.00A M 10 43 44 12 07 4 Llncolntnn Arrive at Buffalo RETURNING. Leave Baffalo 1.C7 F M 2.41 44 5.14 44 4k Lincolnton Arrive at Charlotte... V. Q. JOHN80N, Assistant Supt. 8. L. FREMONT, Gen. Popt. 199- Tai. 9 VVilmington. Colombia & Au gusta R. R. Company. QBH. 8CFBBI2TTBND8NT'S Officb, I Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f CHAfJOE OF SCHEDULE. "TTHE FOLLOWING SOHJEDULE WILL JL ko Into effect at 3:33 A. M., Monday, 7th Inst. . DAY EXPRESS TRAIN. (Dally.) Leave Wilmington Arrive at Floreuce rrive at Columbia Vrrive at Autfutta.. Leave August a . , Arr ve at Columbia arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington .... 3:25 A. 0:55 A. M 2:40 P. M 7 4 P. M . 6 R5 A. M 11 25 A. M .. 4:15 P. M 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRKBS TRAIN DAILY (8UN- DAY EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmicirton.... 5 45 P. M Arrive at Florence ll.-:S5 P M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arriv at Anirnsta 8:2f) A. M Leave Adnata 5:5' P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P M Arrive nt Florence 2 12 A M Arrive at Wilmintrton 8:00 A. M JAME3 ANDEK8UN, Gen'l 8up't. ct 123 tl Wilmington to Heldon K. R. j Company. OmCI GlNBBAL SUPBBlKTKirDBKT, 1 WxucnfSTOW, N. C, June 8, 1875. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, I PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil A INS on the Wll Railroad will ran f mington and Weldon follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally (Sun days excepted) At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount..... Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount G'ldsboro Union Depot 8:03 A. W 12:11 F. M 2:11 1 M 8:50 ?. M 0:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:80 P. M 10:40 F. M 8:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:f0 A M 7:10 P. M H55 P. M 10:58 P. M 2:10 A. M Mail Train maaea ciose conneetion at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquis eefc rente. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiraing- ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11A.M. JOHN T. DIVINE, General Superintendent. Jnne S l-tf PARKER fc XA YTjOIV Succeisors to JL H. NEFF, Man ufaeturera and dealers tn HOUSE FURNI&U1NQ OOODS, Otms, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin . aaa sneei. iron ware. Roofing done at short notict Agents Jbr Falrbank'a Scales, No. 10 Front Street, WUIH50I0, 5. c. Officb Pa tbksbcrg it. it- . May, 31st, 1872. OS ON AND AFTEK JUNE 3RP, THE trains will ran as follows; LEAVE WELDON. Express Traijs 7:S0 p Mall Train p in. ra. AHKITJS AT P3TER3BL KG. Express 15J P- m. Mali ":00 p. m. LXATS PETERSBURG. Mall 6: SO a. m. Express 3:iV)p. ru. ABR1TB AT WELDON Mall Exprtes 9:40 a. m. Q-JjO p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Woldon ArrWe at Weldn Arrlra at retarabnrf OAS I ON TSAJN5. S:00 a. 8:00 p. m. ra. 3:)0 p. a. m Leave Pstersburj fi:W a. m. La ra Gaston l:lo p. m Arriraat Gaston 12: p. Arrive at Patersburf P- N trains will run en Buaday except Ex press trains Fralihts for GaetOB Branch will be recelvp.l at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAY o and THURSDAYS. The depot will ba closed at 5:K) p.m. o roods will ba rewired after that hour. J. CJ. SPKIGG. Je -t,f Enelaeer and General Manager. 1873. Fornitnre s uaip-st THE people of the Carolina5? now have nt home one of the largest Furniture ;m.l rarnitt. rehouses in the country. They can select in person from one of the largest stocks ever offered in theKtate. The designs are all new and lmndeonv and we invite the public to examine stock and prices before purchasing, L. A. SMITH & CO. jan 0 200 tf AGENTS! A RARE CHANCE. We will pay all Agents $40 per -week in nsh who will engage with us at ouc. i ,v i thing furnished and expense paid. A'l-'ve.b? A. COUL'rEitJi CO Charlotte, .-iich. SKEDS VEGETABLK AND 1-LOWKU plants., ros s, dahlia?", fuchsias, geraniums, bedding plants, rlaiiioluN etc. ena a namp lor ureer i uaiucu - rt.cn C3 paces, illustrated, with pnicucui oir- c- tions Henry A Dreer, 714 cnesmui kini, Philadelphia, Pa $1000 REVARD. For any cae or Biind Bleeding, Itcliinj: or Ul cera ted 1 lie-; th.-it De Bigg's Tile Remedy fails to cure. It is prep;r-d ex pressly tocu e the Piles, and nothing else, .sold by Price. SI 00 all drnxrlsts. tl in OOn perday! Aeents wnnt:: aii u)j LU u)ZU classes of working people, of either sex. young or old, maKe more money at work for us in their spare moments, or ah the time than at anything eiee. rarlicui.-tr': free. Address G Stlnson fc Co. Poi Hand, 2lc W A i T ED. We wish to ens-ara tha eervlcw of at ensr one reliable, ietellizent gentlemen in eve-y elfy, town nd couty in the ouih. l'.usi ness agreeable and strictly legitimate, yis.d int; from 81.5H0 to S'-V00 per annum For par tlaulars, address Turnball Brothers, l'ub lishar(, Baltimore, ila. SEND a CENTS FOU THE ADYERT1SEES' GAZETTE, A beek of I? para, showing how, when nr.a where to advertise, and cohtaininra list of nanrly 3.000 newspapers, with much other m- formatlo i of intarst to advertisers. Ad dress GEO P R- WKLL, A CO, Publishers. 11 Park Kow, xsew lcrrk. 8EO. r. ROTTELL L COS AMERICAN MSPIFE 9IRECT0RF. A book of 600 pages, with editor' and pub lishers' narna, dais of estalb l.nient, cizs, polities, subncrlption price and cnculutioo of all newspapeis in tLe LnittJ fetuie aad Dominion of Cana'ia. R.C- i-IVr KiLLM'S. by mall. Address publishers, No. 1 Tark Kow N Y IM TTTRN'T'IR wlnhfa to Inform his i mars and publia generally, that be is no-T prepared to do all kind of work in his line, and wonld reapeatfaliy request acontlnua- tloa ef tha patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him. Jan 16 if IvOXICl;. TAKEN np on the County Poor Fanrt, on A the 38tU day of February, Two Black and wnit kwi and lne pigs, none o.-ing marked. The owner ean have the fan; by proving property, paying damages, etc. H. E. SCOTT, ft up' t. Poor C o u ee fcbtt-C O UPERIOR COlRT CLERK and Sher- O itTaElamka. M .... , , X - ' . . A ' ,'; : . -. Fer tale by 6 HALL . lsS$ SHSCKLLANKOUS. 010 FIRM 01D GOODS. t X. Kahnwoilor, (L uc Grccnwald & Co..) WHOLESALE DEALER 12T Wines, Brandies, Gins, WhisMcj and Scars. NO. 10 SOUTH WATER 8TM r.J-pr'tfiiiiv informs hu numerous enstoea ers Mint in- na. opened the largest aad w stck or Pure I ltjuo-f in th. Btate at prtc to compete with ny Northern houoa. I shall ket constantly on hand old Ka tuckv Hye and North aro!lnaOnrn Wbia kips. Imported Hra"dle, Wines and Regan, rurch:v-rs win do well to axamlAesxy stocK. bci'oro buying elcwhere. I'T iSEGARS-A oct ' SPECIALITT . m-ly A. ADRIAN. . H. VOLLEBa ADRIAN & V0LLERS. -K1ZOX.ESALB I) CALEBS DC roccrBes and Liquors Importers of German and Havana Clgarfl, AND Commission Merchant Foutu-East Cokner Docs and rsevT Streets. WILMINGTON, N. a IT riving the largest and best aaaorted BtOCSk f (irocei -ioe and Litjuors In the City, Dealer) will find it to their interest to give us aeafl before buying elsewhere. I nmv 17-tf 1 lilGJIARJD JV. MOOIST. Commission Merchant AND DEALER IN FLO UK, GKAIN, MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PUODUCB. Cor. Camdon &Paca Sts Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Solicited. febll 174-W . DRESS MAKING. f IT AVE OPENED A STORE ON FRONT rf sue t, under ttio Seimans1 Home, where X am prepared to make Dresses and trim Boo nets a: thw' s-horiest ponslbse notlee. Allti. H. F. WACOTT. A fine nsrimcnt of Mililrtary and lie Sieiy ull new. CALL AND EXAMINE. MRS. M. F. WALCOTT. Linen Prcs Ooods and Ladlos! liata f of tale very cheap. MRS. a. F. WALCOTT, htore under Scantans' Home -fcb 2P-3m GROCERIES. 44 South Side Market St., V MATCHLESS SELF-SEALLNO U'ru.i't .Jar. W I L June ( M LMiTON, N C. LI . ill A K fJ U S , V li o 1 o s a 1 o Doalor IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGAR3, 4.7 ICorth "VVatar Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. P. s. a fu i supply of Ale and Lag sr Beer in II. if ;ind Q,u. ii 'er rtareN. I' -mitics -ut-:iwd with Bottled Ale atfd Lairer Leer. ub ;i an-tr fTa. iSIIUTTE iM 0, 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In 'UR1IITURE, BUTTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &o. viMfrjiT't rrcelvpil a supply of Foraltson, r prepared to tcire the pnblle as good bargains an can be had la the City. I' l'jise call and examine. TOHVl.S W. if. T3ATIT il B SJ a BjXJAiH fjf aui'TII FRONT ST.. 1 WILNIINGTON, N. O. Plumber Steam and Gas FltteiJ and dealer fn '.Vrcnght and (Galvanized Iron PlMtf IJitivs Cocks, Valves. Gas Fixtnirs and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATEB AND GAS. rrtlcular attention paid to fittl&g try o COTTON MILLS, with Bteaaa, Oas aad Water, aevtt " ; i i kaa4, ma lar aala ef Hertk Oaxeluuu

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