t- . - -. , , - (I j . I IX f" 'it- ill fl M:T; r :) dj & IdaQJa- feUfu. V , S , . . , . , c, ; i - - ?! - .... ...!. ,- . . ... TT WILMINGTON, N. 0, THURSDAY. MARCH 13; 1873 ;. ; ; v NOgp vol. yi. Tev eNG- POST P. CW E.,Mr - nf inn . , in advance --, ----- 50 moz'X & . ..,.. ittr mould be tu- .v. nmineaa Manager, and all Uou. otm-tur, relating to the fcut to the Editor Doodeuce solicited from our Meads SSK of the flute, on tapjrf K ereit- rouuw eapedtlly delrthle SShandLse Brokerage Office, . .nntlont oi merebmndlM. orders L.?:Z;i cited and telofrapttea prouii.,. w.n.iiM boueht and soia in vm- .. ii.ii jrra k -ers Boltcuea, iau nrnmnt &t f " ,.n hr M AM wiuu - ' rh wller will i mm iriL s j w jub-- -"ut. buy or Mil. coiaiuu ind oaeu with yoar lcl L . V. UM UWJ t TADVERTISEtlENTS WOULD RESU WNSD gciviu? 3Iachinc!i. RASQE of workthl. 'Marine cannot bo Jour Wy wcrk excel, tbat of any aia- ..i! our cni work i t- - KlilS "thi t It li a HONEST Machine : j j mi rar ;Vv? r h -pfallv invite comparison, with h of any other 3Iachln-s. aud win pui G otflal at your home, by leavlrut fci the offli it 4 Wppltt Row . JYont Blbe.w Dock and Or&Hold on y JJenl Hoa? aSwlns Machloeo n9 U, .vnnnr TVaTTR.VNCE UAJ BE Lfficted at the lowest current rates In the owin rwpoaslDie cxmpaitr -t- tU"n to W YORK Uirti tvA-Li v.ii rm JOM PA N Y. Aiwett miVi. fc'lWK 7 VslIltANCli X)MPAN Y.of London. A-ts a CAT WESTERK FIRE INSUR- LSCE COMFA Y. W wea.. ??mr ? p irmr. INSURANCE AND AAKINU COMPANY of Va.. aaset. BYRNE -t KEENAN. (Jen'l Insurance Agents. hac Chamber of Crnmejrpe up stain.. R EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR RTn.T. nf ast othar on tke market Oar Pe&rl Hornlnv eannot besurpawed hrtji oa haal at the Mill aaa iTepoaitory sdted Cera, Core, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Brau. All goods sold d rayed free. Xd ban returned In rood onle will be at cewt on next bill. ALKX.. OuDHAJt, Proprietor. S. H. MANNING pOMMISSIOtl MERCHANT, AJIX CXAXXS IS rneries. Proiisions. Dn mm Clltldv, Sc. Sc., No. 23 sad J4 North Water 8treet. WILMINGTON. N. C Pwljnineata and Caeh Order Solicited lil-ly THOMAS COSTlSrOR ROOM X. E. eorae: of Mulberry and Nutt 8ta. f Vt oa hand th bt cualltv of Beira i U lS?-ly NEW YEARS' BEEF. lovers of GOOD STALL FED FAT JUICY BE E F i wqu an xra article at Seeond 8tret MONDAY MORNING, DAVIS dt WHITE. AANnu cud. oa fcaad aad - The rigbU of woman, What are they ? The right to labor and to pray. The light to watch while other aleept The Tight oer other' woe to weep. The right to succor in dlitre. The rUrbt, while other cure, to blei. The right to love whom other fcoro. The right to comiort all that mourn. Th ri-ht to hed new Joy on earth. The rlstbt to feel the soul' hUh worth. Toe right to lead the soul to God, Alone the path our Saviour trod, The pith of meekness and ot love. The psth of alt which lead above, Tne Dth of atlence under wronff. The pth in which the wek grow stronsc. Such woman's right; and Hod will bit- And crown their champions with success. The eminent EngiUb roologist, . Mr. Frank Bark land, editor oi Land and WaUr9teU the following extraordinary atory : Snake? are regarded wilh horror and repugnance by the generality ot man kind anl womankind, and tor this rea son their habit and instinct have not been sufficiently studied. Soakt mny be broadiy divided into poisonous no not poionou8. As a rule, poison ou a snakes will get out of a man' way if not attacked or insulted. I do not r commend people trying to tame pis n us nak , nor do I advise them to charm them after the fashion of the Iq dian jugglers, though, . has been olten shown, these poisonous snake are gen erally "doctored" as regards tbeir faDgs' before the exhibition takea place. There is uow in L ndon a gentleman who has a charming family ot pt nakes harmless, ot course. This geD tlemn'e name I Mann. He is a profes sor of music, and lives in Cheync Wa k. Ubelse. Mr. 31ann called on me a day or two ego at my office, and rtqiestei aie to give him astsiatauce, as ho had got into a bother with Im neighbor about keeping snakes. Anxious t be ol service to ini8 ev- tleman, I called at his houstf to exarau e his snakery. lie placed in the middle I the room a lars ox, wincu was crc fnllv locked. He t-nd me the b x Wh8 hi ways locked, uns he or his wi etok out tue hnnkes to examine. The first u nrmlucfd from the bx wh very U omm u Briti.-h soake Coluber natrix) k Iwvc -a mil UHtni-s. uuii ibid ' ne s name was Jutia. juua nati oni: at?o laid thirty-six egs, whicb wero uatcneu out uucseiu'ijr. 9 .1 nn t U C7 next w ts a'so a common Dnusu su. fhe ring round the neck was very i : u k : fUim an-fa-n KhM rpj ilCefl in tbo name Ct Sylvia. Sylvia is very g-od ri frogs ; lately she ate nine iroge, seven Urge troKS nd two small ODes, at one meal, one unci iuo j . - - iia alao two other snakes, whose names hp Proteus and Beatrice, or she ,of the iru-deD hair. This modern snake charmer tnn Givea. ui usuu iuu w brought out an exceedingly brown col ored snake. The bead is remarsaDiy pretty and lizard-like, and it has trie power Of moving toe neau tiij huj trom tide to side ; the eye is a.so re markably bri'liaut. This suako was broueht from Jamracb ; it is called a Lscertine, aud comes iroin me o Mogador, Korth Africa ; it is perfectly harmless. Mr. Mann has had the Lac- ertine aoou; iweuiy mvuiua. " - pretty elegant creature. It feeds on white mice. Mr. Mann then showed me the gem ox his collection. It is a remarkably nand- some BraBilian boa, measuring between five and six teet long, and weigmng from twelve to fourteen pounds. The name of this snake is Cleo, short for Cleopatra. Continual handling ana petting hai caused this snaae w wunur most remarkably tame, and I think there can be no doubt she knows indi viduals. When placed on the table Cleo would not come to me at all, but elided away to her master, who was aittmg at the opposite smeoi iu aud, stretching her body from the table to the chair, gradually pulled her long lencth ou to him. She then gimea up his right side, ana wiuw -- round hi neck, placing ur to her master' face. l tnere sue -m minutes. Quivering her black forked tongue with evident pie"5--" Mr Mann s twoimieeullui"sv and six respectively, then came into the rrL.4 ;-mBHit'lT ran to the room, x ucj iui- j . , . . . -.lr mA Kptran DlaVinS With It, X188 ing it and pulling it. calling it Cleo, rir r.M was then made to glide n th fltor. Tne cnuurcu iu i i ;.vrl her qd. and the alter itttegirl, picking ber op, put her round ,ornir hkattoo. (I wonder if this A . I was the origin ot the word ooa ij vieu videntlv enjoyed the fan ? the cnifdrcn. It was very curious to see these two little children encircled in Cleo's ponderous folds, reminding me much ot the celebrated , statue of the Laocoon ; tnd, U I recollect rightly, the marble children in the itatue are repre sented as about the same age and km as Mr. Mann's two cbi.dreu. Cleo is a particular favorite of Mrs. Manu's, and I saw a Tery nice photo graph of her, with Cleo coiled around hermck. I subsequently saw Mrs. Mann in this attitude with her pet snae. k her kio seYeral times. Cloe . .. . ..marV that ibelllid and it is cunoua nwini- - her skin ten times , in two years. Mr. Mann has the lt fkin shed. It is quite peifecr, and as thin as tissue paper; and I should think it wold make a pood pitern for fancy lace work, Cleo iveds principally on pigeons.. It a pigeon is put into ber cage, and she is BOtDTlBgry, she seems to maka irienda-. with the pigB&n, IS mil MTM AMtm U a ii. 8honld, however, a fresh pigeon be put into her cage, she will devour it m stantly.' She feeds once a iortnight, and two pigeors will about last her for that time. Mr. Mann has observed that, when let loose, Cleo always tries to climb upward, whereas the Licertine always seeks the ground. Cleo most certainly knows her master and mistrets. Oi c, when tb y went out of town, Cleo- was left behind. She pined, and would not teev! daring their absence. When Mr. and Mrs. Mann returned, after six weeks. absence, Cleo, on bearing her oi 6tres voice, instantly rushed out of her box, coiled herself round her, and kissed her face. 8he evidently recognized her kind friend an protector. Mr. Mann has aleo another large In dian python, but this snake is not very well, and has private apartments to itself in a leather carpet bag. Th siakes will feed out of Mi. Mann's hand. The common snakes eat frogs, and trogs only; the L-Hcertine ears white uaic; thepython delights in guinea pig?. Altogether, I was exceedingly pleased with Mr. Mann's collection ol snakes. By his veiy euccesful snake taming he has opened up quite a new chupur in natural history, and has shown what persevering kindness wil do in taming snakes, poor creatures, which have buhrto been thought to have little or no intelligence. iGSTABLISHED 1845. I K a h n w e i 1 e r , (Lite G't't'tiwa'd & Co..) WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies aaJ Seganf. NO. 1 0 SO LT I II WAT K RST., Respeetftjllv informs his numerous custom era that he hn ofeti the largest and bet stock of I'urp l.iiU'-s in th- State at pnws to wnipete with any Northern nou-o. I shall keep constantly on iwimnu tuck Rye anl North arolina 0rn H hls k!es.' Imported Brandies, Wines and egar.. furchaserK win a who iu stoo before buying eiewuiM u. f- SEGARS A 8PCALrr oct 121-ly A. 0)K1A. -va.c"h . - . t r- T V TT TJ . ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOLESALE DKALERJi IN Groceries and Unors. Importers of German and riavana Cigars, Commission Merchant South-East Corker Dock and Feokt Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. irnn' th largest and best asRorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their Interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. mav 17-tr 1873. rnrature a carjet isi3. WAREHOUSE. THE people of the Carolina; now have at homTone of the larg-st Furniture and Carpet We rehouses In the ?W-Z can wl ect in person from one of the largest stocks ever offered in the State. The designs are all ew and handsome, and we inrHethe public to examine atook Jan 2 'f DRESS MAKING. I HAVE OPENED A STORK" ON FRONT I Bf rtrnnder the Seaman s' Homewbere I am prepared to make Drees andtrim Bon netaithe shortest "pvroTT. A fine assortment of MUllnery and Uo aiery all new. CALL AND EXAMINE. MRS.-. F. WALTOTT. Linen Dresa' Goods and Ladies' Hats o sale very cheap. R WAL-OTT, Store under Seain.au &' Home. feb3 "h. n A RCU, Wholesale Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, 2for tlx Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C, P S. Afnll-upplyf Aland LagsrBeer 1)10 GOODS, !' , n m. if ' " ; rail norns. Wilmington, Ctarlotte 4;;RitWi Rail Road J-iino. i GSM Eastern Division : New Sent dfllftv- 1873 Going West. 1873 STATIONS. PASVKKO&B VKS1HT. Leave Wilmington... Abbottsbutg. .. Jumberton ... 800 am 11 16 " 12 80 p ii 1 64 408 45 A.00AM 11.45 2 05PM 8hoe Heel Laurrnburg..; Kockingbam . . . K OI ti e oo a jr Arrive at LiiebVille.t. . . . . . 10 00 Going East. STATIONS. PASSSKiQtfK Leave Lilesvllle .... 44 Rockingham . 7 40 A M 8 6 44 10.30 44 1055 44 13 Op 28 44 , 4.35 44 - 44 Laurinburg.... 44 Shoo Heel.... .. 44 Lamberton..... 44 Abbottburg . Arrive at Wilmington. 5 00 AM 5 65 9 60 12 -5 pm; 5.00 44 Dikkkk. irolnar West: BrsaXPAst. - lng East. Freight Traiaa top here over ulght. t Staz for Charlotte: Railroad andStage fan-, v ilmington to Charlotte, only f 10. ' ES No Trains on Sundajr. Two : Special Freight Trains for Tom 1 IMBBR ran Irreg ularly Expres Freight uCara accompaBj each Passenger Train; mm Western Division; STATIONS PACSKNUBB Leave (Jharl-tte . . " Linco nt -n, Ariive at liutf ilo. ,8.',H) A M 10 43 44 1.07 4 UKTURNING. J.eave Euff-ilo tiocointon... Arrive at Charlotte V. Q. J 'HNSUN, M 9 ,C 7 p M 2.41 5 14 44 8. L. FRKnONT ticu. S.opt. 199- WiusmgH'ii. olttuinia- & An custa R. 'tt. t'mpaDj. Gen Scpchintbnobkt'8 )-ficb, VViLMihtiTON, N. C, uct. 7, lb72. J CH&UGE OF SCHEDULE. rUtt FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL uo into efiect at &2-H A. M., Monday 7tb in.-t. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) I .oovn Wilmlnirtnn 0.40 A. Hi Arrive at Florence Arrive at Columbia.... Arrive at Auyueta Lnave Annta A rr ve at Colu'u bia . . . - rrive at Florence 9:5 A. M 2:40 P. M 7 4 P. M 6 36 A. M 11 25 A. M 4:15 P-M Vrrivt- at WiimiHjjton iU:4J r. NiGUT EXPKK88 TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) '.leave Wilmington Arrive at Floreuce Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta Leave Ausrneta Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Florence 5 45 P. M 11:85 P. M 8:40 A. M 8:20 A. M 5:50 P. M 10:20 P. M 2 :13A, M . 8:00 A. M Arrive at Wilminjfton JAMES ANDER80N, Gen'l 8upft 123 tf oet9 Wilmington & Weldon R. B. Onica Genbral 8upbkiwtjshimt, 1 Wilmiwotok, N. C, June 8, 1872. CHANGE OF SCBEDDLE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on .e Wil minton and Weldon Railroad will ran a I- follows : i MAIL TRAIN. ! r TTl.i Ttnit 1a1 V I'MBl). . days excepted) At A. Ji ArriTe at Goldaboro If " m Rocky Mount, Weldon ati p. M 3:50 M Leaye Weldon daily (8unday excepted) At AjM rrive at Rocky Mount 11 07 A. M Goldaboro.... ... ViZtrzt Arrive Goldaboro Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At Arrive at Goldaboro Rocky Mount...... Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount G Ida boro Union Depot 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M 8:00 A. M 4:55 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M P. M 10:58 P. M 8:10 A. M tf.n tfoiti mikUM cione connection at Weldon tor all points Nort i via Bay Une nd Acquis Creek routes. Express Train connects onlv with ACQ Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE Sleeping cars on this train. FREIGBT TRAINS will leave Wilra'ng tn tri weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P M. EXPRE8 FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundavs excepted) at& P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE General Superiniendent. Jnn. : PARKER cSc TA YXiOR1 Successors to - A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealer In HOUE yURSI-UISn GGODfi, Guns. Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, OU Tin uuns, RI;d8heet Iron Ware. Roofins: done at short notice Agents for Falrbank'a Rcalee. , Tjno. I Front Ktreet, . .. e n i itct on. n r 7 . 1 f : . I T : ji 'St r&axeBT. 500m:. ljDO' Tons BabjnijSoluble . Gnano, PRICE. $51 50 CASH. ll Ut UAT; DELIVERED 0frJ$OARD VJU13 AT WILUIXQ roy, N. C. it r 500 ' lW.Wii PRICE 054 50 DeUerod on Cora nt 500 Tons St a r S 6 1 uhle Phosphat v ' PRICE $52 50 Ctsh b; 1st of May. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. For Sale by jan SO Richmand and DanTillft Rail Road. North .Carolina wtsiB And SalomJBranoh. Condensed Time Table. Tn tfect on rd after Sunday, &pt k 187 GOING NORTH. BTATIOlfS j nan.. I Leave Charlotte 7. 10 p m J a; M 44 Concord 8.581 4 J. 44 Lexlnifton I 51 4 Hijfh Point:... lift 10. 17 Arrive at Greensboro 12 50 A. m U-00 ,eve Gneneboro'... 45 JJ-JJ" " Co. Shops 3 3 44 1&1 p. 14 HilUboro 4.W 4 ; Raleigh. 8 05 44 rriveat Goldboro U ' 5 a m goin sou m r STATIONS. HAli BXPKJIba Leaye Goldaboro 4.00 r. M 44 Raleigh 7 45 44 Hillaboro' .... 10 21 ' Co 8hops .... 12.05 a. m J 15; Arrire at Greensboro' 1.80 Leave GreenshoroJ... 2.15 " 4y0 ;. 44 , Hih Point.... JM 4 44 Lexington 4 03 44 &J " 4 Salisbury. 4.57 44 6 22 ConcSrdT:..... 10 t4 T. Arrive at Charlotte .. 7.20 a. m .yS0F. Passenger train leaveinsr ? M conuactsat Gresniboro with. Northern bound train; making the qmlckest tlneto ill Northern Cities. Priee ol tickets ssme is other "routes Mail trains dally, both ways, ' ver entfre tenxth pf Road. Express daily between itoSoaBhopt. and Chsrlotte, (Snndaya Alfpaasenfer traina eonect at Greens boro with trains to and irom Ric,.d-I . Pallmaa Palaee Oars on all night trains between Charlotte sd Ricaniond, tw ithonj changa.) f . - - SALEli B&AHcHr "6n and alter March 2d, l75, a niixad Pas aenger tnd Freight Train will berun daily (Sunday excepted,) on the N. W. N. C B R., as follows: ( Ceave Greensbory J: J J Arrive at Kernereville SriJJ ? JJ Leave Keraersville .JJO A M Arrive at Greensboro. . . . ... vKi General Ticket Agent. W. H GREEN, If aster Transportatton. march 5 , lg , i .IT I AN AND AFTER JUNE S8D THJS trains --in m mm SntlAva: as. ns. ARRIVB AT PSTKB8BURU.. i p. as. SS"" r7p.m. LEAVE PBTIRSBTJBO. awe a. na. Kanress P-" P ARRIVE AT WBLDON- Mall Express g:50p. m. FREIOHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldeo . Arrive at Petersburg GASTON TRAINS. s,-00a.m. 8:00 p. m. tK)0 p. m 220 a, m Leave Petersburg Leave Gaston, Arrive at Gaston Arrive at Petersburg N trains will run en Sunday 1:15 p. m 1260 p.m. 8:10 p.m. xoepi Ex- PrSlSu Sn-Gaaton Braneh wUI rved at the Weraburjfdepot only On MONDAxb and THURSDAYS. . - we The depot will beosed f5c0pp.i. Jlo goods wSe received pfoo. n-tf Engineer and General Manager. W. H.-DART LIPPITT'si nUlliDIIVO, south rimT iT., WILMINGTON, ST. C, Plmlier Steal ail M Fitter- and denier tn Wrought and Galvnnigird rrb Pi-. Brass sCcks. VlTe."-Flitrf. A ' " and an dsetlptlnni U J - ' FITTINGS FOB- STEAL!, WATER AUDGA8. parUeuXcr attent4a paid in ttlf V9 COTTON UILLt, owltt81,Ctts4WatsT - . ESS. $60 HO PAfABLB 1st H07EHBEB M ot r.rr n. 4 WUpilniarton. 1ST O. TICK & JHEBAlvr,. 2tsXn AGENTS I A RAKE CHANCE. We wit! ray all Arenta Hn per wk In eaah who will engae th ua at nej. r.very hlng famished nd expena- upaid. AWm A. CX)ULTEH A CO Charlotte. Mich. sKEDS VEGETABLE AND HXJWKlt planta. ro a, duhllaa, fuchalaa. reranluma,.beddlnf( pianta, Kiauoias w. ijjd Ftamp for hreer's iarden I aleiy'ar. e8wea. lllutratea, wim pncnwu tiona Henry A Ureer, Philadelphia. Pa 711 Chestnut ttxeet, $1000 REWARD. For any cane of Cilnd Bleed In sr. Itchlna Ul cernted 1 lle that Ds Biko'h Itle lt-mly miia to ue. It ijrei,Mrti ex prwiy toco-e thHiea, and nothing elae, SoJdb Price, f I tf) all dmgriata. C AQft Pr(ly! Agrenta wanted! All Sj 10 5aU chwaH. of workliiie p-ple.or. either aex. young r old, mane vr8tm"n?; at work for oa In their spare moment, orau the time than at anythlnie elae. Partictiurs. free. AddW Stinoon A Co, Portland. Me W A JN TED. We wih U enrare the servieea of tjeaat onerellahle.iletellUrent renileroen l every etry, town aad county In th iouth. uaf neisWiUe end strictly legitimate, yield ing frora1.3u0 to rAMO per ; annurrt For par. tleulawaddreaa Tumbull lirothera, Tub. liahera. Baltimore, fitol. tiSND CXNTd FOR TUE .Si It t 4 J A bock of 19 page, showtngliow. when and where tosnvsrtiae, and containing .list -of nearly 8,000 newapspera, with much other In formatio i of IntaraH to dvertiaera. Ad dress GfcXXP R -WELL, A CO. Publiaasrs. ll Park Row,' New York. ., i, ' ' OCa P. RoWttLL CO S AMkRICIN EWSP1PB A book ofjBOd pages, with djrora- and pub. llabera' nam. die of eaLaJUbmeuL ncatUea; subscription pHeesid eirunlatton ofali newspapHa lo the United states and Dominion of Canada. RJCK. 'fV rOLLAB8. by mall. Address publishers, No. .41 Park Row NY ' ' njiiMEa suop. JOB TURNER wlh to in form bis euHe-. wers and publie generally, that be Is now prepared udo all kind xf work in bis line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which baa heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon blm. Jan 19 tf 306 . F. A. 8IITJTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, : TASSELS, FRINGES, &c &c. Having Just received-a supply of Furniture, I sveo prepared to five the public as good fcorgalm as can be had la the city. " Hesse call and examine. . rnavlS it: : - : RICIIARr) 1ST. MOON. Gonunission Merchant. AND DEALER IN 8LOUB, GRAIN. HILL FEED. AND COUNTRY PRODUCE Cor. Camden &Paca Sts rBaltliaore, lid. . Ordars ftons Nortb Oarollna BoTislted. Ml.' ! T-ir:5 '- w? - -W 174-U tlATfrp :i iRTGiOE OIKDS-Og aaawwenav idiXAJLU ' I ADYERTISERS VJI XLJ IJ A JL A-J DIRECTORY r I ."I 0 : ''.I .- i .

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