I ; rSl'W - ': ' - : V? t;"'" V.' ''V .. . . : :i -i . . r I NO. 255 WILMTTTON, H; C, jKIDAT, 1MECH; 14l::1873 vol yi. 77, r,-"POST ilA'i -- -".lr lfc CO , ilvAac; ndiacc.... . u u.tt aJTaace .Wf.lndtce....i - - , or matters nUUoi U Iks - if prtxst to iba Editor. - urc o:icited from our fr i jPifcut.. on topic, cfg.no. .t i- rtt7 dwlrtble- ;.. .-ctosdi.se Brokerage L , " t - , , Tain tuyer. oltclted. a?w j . .-.'T3;.-?r -rill Prompt at- j V.'wii to lv;v or v-ll, communl- "ith yar loail ; v-. T. rETTEV.' AT, , f r-TT -rp i -1. . ... - - - " r ';." ? i . - : x T-'ois th."t of any t v ,r7''i) 'ontparision with r-V:;l-'tS.-i:'MuoM::ics, a-Jd will put . : -,.-jr hoiK?. bylesvin-j V, v 4 T.r.rfitt Ivr, Front, ; o firrrr. ra.t-s l . '3 Sy.VAliY, .New Orlcar., A . cKSD T;v';.:rf: ' icr.r.irAN. ,-! Iifirar. "? Ascr.t?. - i brr of Cnr.-.c:-?. u? str3. -" " vr.m4n.?toc, x". r 77-1 y . V-4 W'r' v f. . V IT, i i. - i - - A".l r.i-: '. ; I T'I'. '."vi iL !"'. 'I'l 1 ' " 7.1:1, Ai.'-v . . L' -J. v .' J ,,.,,.,-., m Mrf SSlDh r?SiChUrinH I ; j A:ri rii.txB rrr IrccsriGSj PraYisiuHs, Dry fioaas :;c. ;:atdCi NorU Tfetsr 5-tree;. TviLMINfJTCK, N. C . .r,.rT."v2rn id 0-Orders S'dcitd B A R R O O JV ArT rm isr-ty 7 SEW TEiBSiBBEF.. Lvr cttb oood;otaj.v TAT rd! iT.-? er? rtr t1el t 3;m itrt MONDAY MORNING, .tlzutr.i tfcrc.Ttgtectrt th wk. PA VIS WIHTF. - 1 Aul3IKAifcil bUkNfcft-A trill lic 10 f4 - - C P CAT. . - f "" ., - " UISCBLUNEOUS FAKMING L A. JN - 7"D 750 ACJRES OF FARMING MID, 00D LAUD In Brunswick County, for'Sale pr Exchange for City Property, M W f hull" !row ItoTr 7o Acir; Are &U readv for plantiuir. p.-iiii- Vinnilrnd loada tit C.ood rood sab'.e X. VJ U4 UMMa.v. - r . manure and compost ari on the Laud. The Frmicp; Lard is Blrt-sdy ditched and fenced. It ic zo jd. for Coltos, L-oid, I es.s, 13 ..... rr . T . . . r : ,1 UU1U j .. .u.,t yecr, fsillbcar tuis Summer. j Apple 'rree-s. also Trees. -f.f . I t I y i ... . - - Oi 1 . diti' i ; ..V;. i. c-u3 vice. --5r-? Lh:n )r.'.t! oiic. ',:;; L-ta a'l.'Oivt three tai 131 oa j Crc:k Duv;g' creek, ccd bas 1. 1 Cvo c tt:0 f:ne6t marl .beds m tn tic L-r.u. Tyilhrn c:rite;- ( cf tho Lurf i-jc." . Tn2 tarmiDfr uteaib, inclao; T? 'nirnc'! it.. will u l?.rtv barrels t-i Corn lot oi Fodder sow at ;.1:e Y: :. Or.o ftjur room d'.vlli;-;- -cure also r. bftra. and stwble, a; j ca msrer- i tie uuu.;:-. u. V:! rod or exchanp;-. city pro ni-r?7. Ap;lv to CJIONLY . MORRIS To jaacc Lilly rifc Eii?alotla, " r.aO. TTilliant 1. r-G vrilc rir.Grc.u:.;-, ; II Tnort'-a''o-" rspecttv-.My ivurM .n tA-v n,nrf-;. toil,.?.' executed to th'i Ca-o Fear Tlui 1 d i u A sio- i c t ! o n v : z: wife: be.-tn elate rth day oi l...,r re-ibtored in the llei";fer o.- o. .-e 'And twomorT execut;l .WiaraA Jordan and wife faria , one bvat ir- date tht 11th day ofMay. lO.and resisted d c rvor,- I injr.date the 1611. day of tepgo?,f. t reg;sterea as aiortMi m l-o. -- W. therefore, notice is hereby g5vcn that bvvirtue of the powers of sale eontainei, rc?pectiTolv in iid several rtS- re--ordod aa nforesaid, the said morRgeB ill be fo-eclosed bva, sale of the premises t.iott- h vp! v described, ut r5us:ie ar.caQ:, j k'tcoWt house door in fee cityot Mi 1 a-.u-tl ' w.i,r tho-7,'!-idav ot March. nVgVt ll oVoVi A M." The said prcmiees 1 'reEpetively. ticrlh-a in th sfcld iort- -re reEe -tivplv. described in th shld xrtort- SJflnh-tan4allT s follows, vi.: Kv" LU? at V point id the wPRSrn line of Hixth brrert 1, left north- western iii- 4l4V' : i; " Kntrm ofilbd SSt e m and ' runs alomi Sttth S?r5?t wathwardl? 3. Jt b,loo feet deen Part of lot 4 and o block yl. William A. Jordan's lot begins .w nt In the wc-tern line of Fourth street . 2-U loot me uir u cnnthwpstMn inter- fontnwnruiy r-i,T-VAK Ktrt; rd wt ion of Fourth ani Chuich streeis ai.u iThnuthwardlyalongYourm 33 fet by 130 feet deep. Fart ot lot 4 mocx esi. puBrtUTR CL lviv, Att'y C F B Association, march 3- 24S-4t-6, 13 20 A 27 SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY VIRTUE of the power of sal containfd in I I certain :.morteaSo by I). 3TacTjmbr toH. H. Bclmmy . beftrtng date vh darcf January, 1672, and recoraea n t& olSJ? of th Renter of Deeds for the 5ant -of New Ihnortr, in Book p. D. D Sees w! 456. nd 4'A (defr-lt hying been wmrol to be pld ?7 at 12 Mreb lmSllSoSriltb. Court Hore in tbVSty f Wllminfton, by public 'I 1- ."cr ji fallow : "Beeinning or. m C-".,Y m line of 8ventn street i'r" --j:; . i bWinrTir " It rcp tb eaetrn half of j l5iN 1 Mk 1 W, m Per Turn. pl of tbcitycf -Wlitalagt!!. f.iTrT. , r uyVsnr w OTy,AVT. 51ISCELL1NE0US. ESTABLISHED X84r5. aid rTmf:i5hfn hnhll? (Lite Green wal2 "& Co..) -WHOLES ALH DEALER M-j Wines, -Brandies, GiB3? triiski&s. '-. and Segars,- Ko. io sooth;;Watss s; nespectfallv inlamia his numerous stom--ers t hat be baa opened tno largest best to-forarete with an7 -.ortiiern I sball keep constantly on hand ol Ken tucky Rye and North Carolina torn v his ti w.lnlp6rtcd Brandies. Wines and Sfegrajre. Purchasers will do well to examine ray 3IOCK treiurt wuj " ADRIAN & V0LLERS. Groceries and Li?iuors. Itapcrrc-ra of tier man and Hava AKJ CoixixiiissioiilVIerciia-j.it .Houth-East Corner Dock and Front AVILMINGTON, N. C. ,,,,: ,0 lorpt a:d best r.a?orted Stock oufroe?ics audSflqurt in the City, Dealers Sill Sit to their interest to give us a call befcre b-yinr: elsshcre. UarjGt 18ii j R1 1 v-Vfr'V! 7? .f i . r- o-" o Carolina now have at xlV"r ous hT' the country LThey r.iu rWsen from one of the largest storks ever ohered in the State. , Th( desi"rs Jtro all new and nansompr orfj -o invito t'-ie -ubiie to examine stock ad prlee-3 beiove purehln?. D. A. SM1TII & OU. 200 ti if A ii c u , legale Dealer V ii v LIQU0ES, TOBACCO c; SiiGAU, u7 -vc ---! 'vTator Street, vriLiiiKGTcr?, ::. c. p r a fall sapftly'of Alo rud. Iig. ii, xlalt ana vu-v, --v; , .b 3 ' ! Kg. 8 South Jb'rciit btrce 4 r - - 11 t '.-' ,-v, r - Tnii iJalCIS 1 ii.'iWiliV uui i-viu.i vJ-"- .Tr-a. UxlKlTStiS, 'TU-TKS & TKVALlHG BAGS. Collars liaiuvs, Trace Ciiam3,:"Whip?, Snprs. Do Collars, Saddle Clotan. '7o'j!cn& Irlneo '-Ror0 Covers Flv Nets-Feather Dusters, Xx!c Greasy Bridie?, cA nil kin-.le, Sc4- rllery Har-l-. A L O , SADDLES, REINS, &o. CHEAP FOR CASH. i-iy Jnns 7 State of North Carolina, ; - -' ' COvIvT. .. JS'anCy AiiIi Cbarle Andre-WE. '.".?To Charles Andrews. P, A tTEAKLSO to the eatiefacioa ox tao CoSSr the -dfefendant.oChari i An- SrJSSef daiimthiajeomplalst.to- lOi TT.iti ; . the Ration. , Mar;s;y. , rail roads; WilmiEgtonCliarlotlB 'Rnfteifori - Hail Iioad.Xiiie. i - f7 & .-.I". ,-4.4.1 I If? - "1 Eastofn Division: New Schemata -1873- Going West.'T 1S73 "7 '"STATIONS-' 7 PlJS8SSaBR I"B31GHT LeaT Wilmington-... 8.00 x at COOau " - Abbottsbtirg... 11.15 " U. " ' Lambertotj.., . . 12.S0 p ac 2.Co p u - Shoe Heel 1.54 ' Laurinbtirg.. 2.::9 41 CO A Si RockLSgham 4.03 ..... rfiy6 fet Lilesville.t. 4.45 4 . 10.00 11 ; 7..I...; I --v..- - -. 4- 12.00 II Kockingbani . . .J , T.nnrinhnrjr. 10. SO ' 5.00 A M 5.S5 4 "9.50 44 5.00 4 Shoe Heel Lumber toi..... Ahbnttabnre" . . . 10.55 44 12. v0 m i.2a 44 A or i Arrive, at Wilmington. 51. IW Dinner, going West: Srsakfast, g;o ing East. Freight Trains stop here over night. f Stage for Charlotte : Railroad nd Stage fare. Wilmington to Charlotte, only 10. j . No Trains on Sunday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber, ran irres- nlarlj. Express a reigns Vars accuuip.c.y each "rag sender Train. Westoru Division. !PASSSNO'ERrK2I9IIT. j i l STATIONS I Leave Charlotte j 8.00 a si " Ltrjeolntoa. . ... i'J f Arrive at Bnflfalo (12.07 44 HETURjXING. Leave Buffalo ......... j 1.07 p m i . " Lincolnton 1 2.41 " j Arrive at Charlotte. . . 1 5.1i " 1 tt Tvnv-an;-: ft !. PRRMONT. Assistant suFt. 1 iol!?1: X ' 'lista .E, E. :eiapaiiy. WlLitlKxlTO, K. C, Oct. 7, 1S72. r ikmMMM I3S ur eunsyuj rHE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE VtlLu i kOloto effect at 3:25 A. M., Mondsy, 'I 7th Inst. DAT EXPRSB3 TRA125, (Daily.) ! Arrive at Fioresce o mvr i Arrive at Columbia -:40 S Arrive a" Acgnsta - - - 4 - i ! Leave Augusta.. ' i'i Arrive at Columbia i Arrive at Florence.. J:l Arrive at Wilmiagtoa W;-0 1 NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN , DAYS 2XCEPTSD. Leave ViHlniington Arrive at Florence ; Arrive at Columbia f Arrive f.t Aagusta. - Leave Au.smata - - t; i'r Arrive at Colr.mbia 'V Arrive tt Florence Arrive t Wilmin-ton. . . . . . . v,' Gcn'l bap't. octO 123-tt 35f K. 0.,! Juns 8, j . x..- (pttp .TTTN- l'"ih iNSTAI I", t- " V ' iTL.-. t."' v h 1 ' n ' P I V 3 iTn-td Weldon Railroad I-1 run i f, fohows : "f .Tr. T7-vou Deoot daily (5':: d-i73 excepted) j 1 Arrive s.t GoIcLsDGro ......... :il P. ?d! :11 M : ---. 1 iA-.-..-- Wcidon M I-S.p2.re 7eldon daily (Snndaya . excepted) .A a. Arrive at Rocky Monjjfl . . . . . 110 A. M Goidsboro.,' IaVm Union Depot --3Q r. M Leave Union Depot daily ... At r. V t. fioldsbcro -r-lJ A- i - RoeSy Mount.,; Weldon ,;.s.a a . , o v Leavs Weldon daily j Arrh 3 at Rocky Monnt i fildsboro - Uain Depot ...... - 1 Tram mases close conufction a on for ell points Nortb wt .-y iana f v a Weldoa for ell poiats .orsii '4- ! and Acpia Creek routes. . . . Express iraa corrects cniy - Cree: route. FULd?; t - BLEEPING CAKS UIS iiiio toa tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive a 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAILS yrillle&ve Wilmingtoa dHy (Sundays excepted) st5 P. M.. and arrive at U A. M. JOHN ?. DIV1NS, General Saperintendent. SsSr Snece2CrS to " A. 11. NEi'F-, ',- I anafaotrera aad defers in : SOUSE FURNISHING GOOm Sum, Store-, Lantern, Kerweac, OH TIS ' aad Sheet Iron Ware. . RooScr done at short notie Area4 for Fairbeoik's Soal. ;v . Wo. 19 Froat Street, i - T I LiX nTos, c. idSiMBabam 1 PRICE, S52 50 CASHlj Ut EAIj n 1 500 Tons:-Wliauu!s Raw-. PRICE--$52 SO Cssh ibv 1st of Delivered on Caig at W:o: 500 Tons Star Soluble Pliospkate,. PRICE $52 60-Cash- by 1st of Miy. $60 00 Payable - 1st cf 'NoTemtcr. - '' ! " - . l!" - For Sale by jaa SO 1 1 Kidimona and Danville Rail Road. Ncrik Carolina, ""ision. And. Salem Branch. Cosdsased Time' Table. n jfcH''bri and a.fter ' Sunday &pi 1S72 T" GOING WOKTU. S.TATI0N3. EXTKUSS. C.25 A. H T.pav."'-T',harlotte 7.10 p. n S SI 44 9.50 44 14 Concord.. .... . 4 Salisbury...... .' Lexington 44 lliffh Point . . . . ArrS'To &t.Greenboro' Lpave Greenshor' I . . 44 Co. Shops fi.... 4 Kiilsboro' . 4 Raleigh.. Arrive t Goidsboro'; m 44 10.51 ' 11.53 44 - 10.17 44 11.00 12.50 A. K 1.45 " 8 SG 44 4.51V ' S.05 ,4 11.05 a. ii 11.10 12. 'J P. M GOlG bOU'l 11. MAIL,. KXKl'ES4. ' Lr .yc Qoldiborq... 4.00 F. M i " iV7'Jilia. .. . . . . 7.45" 41 10.21 44 12.03 A. U 1.S0 44 Oillsboro . 3 2.15 p.m. j , .ri,r;refboro r;tvVGr3boro' . 44 ; iCO li S.15 44 HL-b. Point...'. ; m Lcicgloa. " 4 0. S.33 u 6.2k! 44 ml 4 SsiliKbary 44 Concord Arrive at Ch&rlotto .. 4.37 44 6.10 44 7. 20. A. M 8.0 P. M. pJeteaier 1.r8B I'eifJC KiCti at :4- . 7r n.vnnKSArn with Ncrtli'trn bond train: makiti the quickest time to allorthern cities. Prlc-; et tickets eamo as other routes. Mail train daily, both ajB? ever enure l-th of Road. Express dai.j hetfeen CoSnany Shops and Charlotte, (Sundays eseted.) , Alt T5a?sens:er trains connect tst Grccr.3 boro with trains to and irora Richtaoi?d. j ' , vM.r.n Pla"e C-r? on kll night trnuis j a book of ICS pnjrca, 9hyxlnz how, when and i ..vt. j. f?:Uwir1 iif'-'bon wher to advertise, and Contain Injr a lift of between Cnarlotte Rxmond, iw-on. r,vr, o,Vnmvi.nperfi, win. much other 1 chacge.) , J torrr.-itio i of i:itcr.-t to r crticr. Ad- SALKM branch. On and alter Marched, l.sT3. a raixad;i3 sender and Freight Train will be run dAilv, (Sundays excepted,) octue. vV. ri. C..l. II., as io'Iowa : -()t Leave G reens oory - f J Arrive at Kerne.tivilio 5- a Leave Kernersville f rr(T'.j af Greensboro lu:w A ji Ar a. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. W. II. GHEEN, Master Transportation. " . . K 1' rhrch 5 151 OfriCSPETEPMO It. R. Co. 1 May-, 31st, 1472. 35i?liTi Tlf i5gUJgg t prepared 10 ao aii am a ox wuiii. m m.-, 1 A11? AND AFTFR JT7NJ5 SItI, TIIB treJn and wotild respectfully request acontinua j ?" vUa as follows: ; tion of tho patronage which baa hcretofort LEAYB YrBLDO;. ! Hxprecs Train 7:ftl p. ra. ARWVE AT I'BTERSEUHG. Mail LEAVE PETERSBURG. .r f30 a. P ARRIVE AT.WSLDOX r ., 9:40 a. m. Express nSI(3HT XRA1NS. r.,rTA T.Arahtir2 :7? a' 5 i Arrive at veian a m Arrive at Petersburg 4 m GASTON TRAILS. i t sx-a Tr.tr5bnrrr c Xrrivp at Gaston .. ., ArriT at petersbr o trains will rv 8:10 p. m . No trains will run on Bancay wf prjEsstraia be reived , ,h(.,v,4,f-irf,burfi. deuot only on MOMA a theJPetersburg depot THURSDAta - The depot will be oartfp. u -o 4 - ; x, iia r - goods will oe reaiTeu n spiufj j'A5.tf Engineer and General Manager. tr -w-- D ART south rnorcT sr., ' xvTT.TvoisrcTOisr, o. P stes Fitted j ?fciit and GaJ?anixcd Iros Pipes 1 . .v .4 ocfcsTaJjes, Gat Fixtures, ' aiid all fieserlptjont ef HTTJKGS FOE? - WATER "Aim gas. v ... , nnTTfYW MILLS. . " ' - - x' "W- 1 r t - . - . ' i ; Soluble - Guano, ScD CO PAYABLE: 1st li'OVEHBER, Bone Super phosphate;' Msj. '$60 00 - Payable 1st ; cf . Wilmington. 3ST . Q - r 21S-3m AGENTS! A RARE . CHANCE. We Trill rav all Areata 50 per wcels In caah who lllenra-ro with U3 t n,-. I-vcryf thins furnished and expenses paid. .Aiiress A. COULTEiUt CO CHuvlotte, Mich. CPUnC VEGETABLE ANirXOWKU orrji'of plants, rose. dahlias. fuchslaa; rcrnniuinB. beddlncr plants, jpauioiu, tic. dienda fctamp lor JJreor s garden Cnlendal lCSpageP. Ulustratdd, with Pmotlcal direc tions, ifenry A Drcer, TUtbestnut eXrect, Philadelphia, Pa cc 1 KEWftRD. ;, , Tor auy .e.fo ot Jillnd BleeaiDjr. Itching or ITI AAvifn. . tlidl Dr. a a b n H" , i to euro. It la irerared ex pressly ticufo tho Pile, and nothing else, foold by all drusisu. Jt'nce. tfC t COft rdnrf Agents wanteuJ All SO -10' iZU cl'asnea or worklnf; people, of cither sex, roung or old. inaice more money at ork for ua In their spare moment. oro.Il the titno than at anything oJso. I'artlcup frco. Addrew O Stinhoti CJ. Portland, Ma "-wr a tvj rr tt. n A. -- j o TTlshto cngra?4 the forvlfea of at lcait i one reuaoie, icxvni!,i-'iiv iicnuuu 4u r eit?. town nnd county mno n. u!l ncss asrecabl cud strictly lpltrmato. icld4 ing from 1.5W to $S;jOO per auuom. 1 or tMirJ ticularn. address Tumhull Brothrri.'l'ub. lieher8.CalUpioro.Md. . ; , j, SEND '3 CENTS FOR Tlifi GAZETTE, ' i :i t) mni'rr 1 .'. i i i ri 1 iiifrK. d 1 Far It' How, Nw York. , . . . - ' ... 1 : . GEO. P. HOWELL. & CO'rf AMERlCAIt 17 -A booh of COO ptsra, with editors4 and pub lishers' nanws1 dato of entalishmcnf, tize, politics, subscription pricoand circulation of Rll newspapers In th? Ignited fcjtatct and Dominion of Canada. iji.r"'L,' I. 1 1 n" nT r A T?J ' hr- fd!. Addresa pubjhcrs, No. 11 TarJc I jSow W Y i 32 i rt5itF.FI SHOP. ! TOE TURNER wish', to Inform hi rfrurto- 1 mers and public rjeneraliy, that he in now tion of tho patronage jrhlch baa hcretofort been so liuorauy ueisiowpa upya aim. JanJ6tf ' I!C3 . tfn a s r e c !l vA w? ADVEETISERS' iiiiiLiiuni TP. A. SHXJTTE Ku: 3 AND 5 GRANITE U0Vt 1 ' Fealer !a . J furniture; mattresses, WINBOV SHADES, ; - : PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE . . FRAHpS, CORDS, , . TASSELS, FRIi'IGES, Lc.t ZiA. HaviES jBt received a Rapply cf rnr!lar, J lam prepared to givo tho public ua food bargalBS es can be had in the city, j'ltase call And eianiJne, mavis , r '" KIGTXARI N MOON. . GoininiBsioa SEoroHant, AKD VZXIZaX IN -' YLOUli. GRAIN, ' . ' ., . ;millfel - AKD -I ;; - -.. .COTOTRY.rRODp'CI. Gor. Camden So !Fa ca S trj i : : Baltimcro, lid. " '. : : IVrt from Nortb Carollao SlcitcJ. -- tt ll w Tfvi . " r ' ' ; ' ; J '- ; :v -:.- V:- -.'-" ' . . .... r TU 'S, - .