t .1 i 1 V-.:.: si J'.' ' WILMINGTON, KGj (SATURDAY, MARCH; 15, 1873 VOL. VI . V -- -- i.-i i... - . . 7 K VEIN(i POST Vl every aiternooa except Sunday. .Uaaineaa Manager Editor ",vl,:. MANN' . Subscription. iu advance , in advance $5 00 3 CO I 50 30 car, in advance. In aiiancc letters should oe au- Manager, and all iyi -aui-a'iCEi or matters riauB kV ,,1 . '' ariiiitai ij 1- , .it;tr.,l frrm our friends .rf.r,oaceuCU tuning fcra of the State, on topics of gene- 2:ereit. Political news and reports ol sxe especially desirable. mShandise -Brokerage Office. , , un of sataplc constantly on hand ii Importer Vn.l manufacturers In -iicrn marmot. .lesrnptiorn e: merchandise, orders ,.x. felled aud telegraphed promptly. and sold In thU rr solicited, and If. : . b"v lor-s will havo prompt at pie 1'-' L9 pi v e.l ns-ciiU purchase negotiated, E'oa wih to buy or hell, cpmruujl- oaoa wun your local it frcc-iy. T A 4 1 PSTTEWAY. ?..-.?:ia'idiio Mii Produce Broker 131 tf fU AUVKKTISKllEiNTS, rzi ircA:z resuwned Sewing Hachuic. R ff : o:!t this Machhu' cannot bo la-.iio t 'Oar lino work U eiual to any our beavv work t-xcols ihut of any Me- t-c m ' ne wor.'i. . . . fecial:!! lliat ll i au HONH-ST MHChine n cot sV.b oet t- l-'i T a crveriuliy lnvlt" comparison ttIUi t of any other Machln'S. u:id will put fc.aVthooaici?, No. 4 Ltppltt Row, Front Lt biween Lock andOmne. Sold on r - . V -ent Homo sewing Machluo Co. LW-tt In? p AvnVlRK INSURANCE CAN BE at the lowest current rates in tne fcxin; responsible Companies, on ap tetion to vmik'I.IFE INSURANCE bMPANY.AHSetm $20,CO0,000 J. .V. HYRNE, Oen'l Inf. Agt., SERIAL F i It E INsiURANCJi )MFAN V, jI lA)udon, AsetU jy,IXX)tO0O, Gold XATU'l-isTKRN FIRE INSlIR iNCE CD Mi AN Y, New Orleans, KMVir.LC 1- IKE INSURANCE AND LXAKINti COMPANY of Va., aweta BYRNE A KEEN AN, Gen I Insurance Agents. JHi C'himbt'f of Commerce, up stair. iimiugton, c. 15 77-ly R EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR pTII.L ahs.l ftfnnr othor on tho market Pur Pearl Hominy cannot be Rurpassod' rayi oa hand p.t the Mill aad Depository icked Corn. Corn. B' ted M- 1 Peas anv'. l Mca' O vt. Shorts aud 15ran. Xii jooJs soUl (Iravi-tl free. 1 returnod In ool ori-r will be ;tvl at c"-t on next bill. ALEX. OLDHAM. Proprietor. ITt 27 US . 11. MAiviviisra- pMMISSION MERGKAHTs XyV DEALER 12? eries, ProTisions, Dry Geods ClotbiDJ, &c. k, '0. -ZZ &nj .'4 Nort'a Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. r. and r-h Odjia Solicited K3l-ly Ma Fhomas corisrort ROOM E. corner of Mulberry and JTutt St5. nr en haid the best Quality of Sega j 'EV YEARS' BEEF. I'y'-" cf 00D STALL FED FAT BEEF. an ..... at Seeond Sweet MONDAY MORNING, f Vzi-.z tbirshout the vreek. DAVIS A WTTTTE. 100 Kv11 bLAiiii. A roil lint ?-kl:J -tf rli'l MICELLiNEOUS.6U A PAPER FOR TUB PB0pE& Tlie Era, KALKIGU, JT. C. DAILY AND WEEKLY. DAILY, ONE TEAR, WEEKLY, ONE YEAR, $7 00 a 00 Revised, Improved and Enlarged. T -Close OI me aaUOntl Cacmiiirn Of lf72, with tbo re election of President Grant, ia a new era in North Carolina, the ooum, ana me wnoie country, it is -wortn whire to tako note of. for it marks tbe be- ginning of an era of perltct peace and r,e- coiiciuauon turongnout the who'e country, and between every Bection of the country.. Bedeving that peace hath her victori6 no less renowned than war" and that the conauci 01 mo isouinern people can he as illustrious in peace as the bravery of her soldiery was noble, ffrand and thrice Ul us urious in tho late war; and that in the bur' T . . m ... - . eon or uiyssea o ur&uc, ue aoider with whom our Lee crossed swords, we have a Jiving ana illustrious example 01 therenpwn ot the soldier in war, and the victories 01 the civilian in peace, THE ERA, from a Southern stand point, has endeavored to aid tho victories" of 'Peace" by aiding the re tieciion 01 me great, ana limit rions cltl Een-eoldier- President. The tinst part of the mission of THE ERA is accomplished in the re establishment of the- Republican party in p wer lor another -Llour years irom March nezt, and now it en ters opon the work of following up that mission in gathciD and preserving the treat National victory a viciory significant ol no North, no South, no East, ro West, but of a Union restored, a people re united by the bonds ol peace and goud will, and each and every one iu the quiet eDjoymen of the blessings ol LIBERlY and the bom ties of PROS PERI 1 Y. THE ERA is the offspring and product of the great and glorious commonwealth cl North Carolina, lor whose good and glory it is the mission and privilege of the paper, without being sectional, to 'laboraud to wait;" and whether in political material, educational or social argument, it shoulo ever be understood that this paper ia labor ing only for wDat it deems best and to the true interests of the people of this great State, in common with all the great patri otic people nd interest of the nation Whether in its diversified character ot a Family, Commercial, Political or Industria newspaper, THE ERA will ttrive to'cultl vate aad promote all the interests of the people, ana in everything save the advocacy of its party principles, discard all politic! differences, aud in the interests or Peace, Reconciliation and Reform, '' clasp hand?" with any and all men laboring and studying for the good of their kind, and striving for the giory of their country. COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. Any reliable person (known to the peo- pie of tbe community) procuring subscrib ers lor THE ERA is entitled to 25 p?r cent of all subscriptions lor the Dally oi Weeklj to single subscriber?, which amount belt authorized to deduct irom the sums paid into his hands, and remitting to us the balance. .Every present subscriber to THE ERA can therelore make piptt cents' bj inducincr anv one of his neighbors to sub scribe, and forwardlBg to us the money lor tbe same ; and piftt cents for every addi tional subscriber to the caner. , CLUBS. THE WEEKLY ERA will be sent to clubs of subscribers at the following rates : One Copy, one year 58 issues, Five copies, " " " Ten " ' " " " Twenty " " " Thirty " u $3 00 7 50 13 50 34 CO 8300 And an extra paper to each Club. Address W. M. BROWN, Business v-snager, Raleigb, N. C. j37Any and all persons, into whose hanus this prospectus may fall, are request ed to work for THE ERA on the term proposed above; it not for love of the Re publican party, at least as a matter of busi ness, and personal profit to themselves. AGET3 Every Fost Master In the State is an authorized Agent for THE ERa; to receive subscriptions and forward money, on the terms and conditions pro- nosed above. W. M. o. dec i7 189 d&w tf FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE To Isaac Lilly and "wife Elizabeth, and William A. Jordan and rlTo Maria Greeting I ll H KB E ah default has been mde by the 1 1 mortaors respecuveiy nameu in vne mortgages following, executed to the Cape 6ar UUliaing Association, tuj ' , . A mortgage executed by Jsaac Lilly and wife, bearing date "th day of Oct., 1870. and register! in the Register's office of New Hanover county, in book AAA, page 808. And twomoxtrazeexectr ed by if lam A. Jordan and wire Maria, one bearing date the 11th day of May, lS7Q,ana registered as aroro p aid i n book Z X page 2s and th oiher bear ir ri at thM lflth dav of AeDtember. 1870. and registered as aforesaid In book A A A, page ow, therefore, notice Ishereby given that by virtue of the powers of sale oontaine i r.ib in caM BnvfirftT mortsraires. re- oordol as aforesaid, the said mortgages' ill be foreclosed by a sale or ine premises wei e In respectively described, at publio anotis.i, at the courthouse door in the cityoi wii mlngton, on Kriday ib 27tb day of March, i net at. ii nviiwtr a M. The said premises are respectively described in the said mort gages substantially as follows, vixj jsaao LUIey's lot burins at a point in the western line of Sixth street 165 feet north .niiv fmm t h nurthwesteni interseetion 1 of Btxth and Castle streets, and runs along 81xtb street southwardly l t&tJ:l&tot; deep. Part of lot 4 ana 6 oioex u y. t William A. Jordan's lot begins at point in the western line of Fourth street 2l feet fouthwardly from the southwestern Inter section of Fourth, an Lhurch streets, and runs thence sotrthwardly alone Fourth street SI feet by ISO feet deep. Part o? lot i block SO. Terms of sale cash. . . DuBRUTZ CUTLAR, AttT C FB AseoelatloTi. - IT Itt INX1 K JL Lft N K0 US. If ! 7 OLD FIIOK-0L1) "DOOM 1 . I K ix li n. w oilo (Late Orccnwald & Co.,) 1 - WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, .Brandies,- Gins, Whiskies and'Scffars. NO. 10 SOUTH WATEH SJ., I LmfWffnllx7 frUnrma nnmfrnm custom I era that he has opened opened tho largest nnu ue.i stock of Pure Idquo-s In th .State at prices to compete with any Northern nouse. I shall keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Rye arud North Carolina Corn. Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Mega rs. Purchaser will do well to examine my 8 toe a. before buying elsewhere. 8EGARS A SPECIALITY oot 121-ly A. ADKIA1S. ; XI. VOLLERs ' - r APRIAN & V0LLERS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS tS Clrgcbriesf and JLiquors, Importers of Gei'maa and Havauu Cigars, AND ConiiXLission Mercliant 8outii-East Corvek Dock and Fnosc Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Ha-ln tho larseit and bct, assortyd block of Groceries and Liquors In the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. mav 17-tr 1 - 1873. FurnitnrBJt uamet W7S. ' -a-Tv ait V A R JQ H O U S 12 . THE people of the Carolina' note-have at home one of the lart Furniture mimI Carpet Wfirehousoa In tho country. They can select, iu person from onc of tho largest atocks c'vor oilured in Lh .Late,. The designs are all i'r.v ajid handsomp, and wo Invite the public to examine stock and prices before purchasinir, I), A. rvul l Ll .v. y. . 200 if an 0 11. JjLJ Wh oloRiil Dealer in LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, 7 North Water Streot. WILMINGTON, N. C, P. S. A full supply of Ale aud Lazor lietfi' In iTulf nntl Ounrrer Barrels. Families 6uppnea witu .Atoi-uea aio uau Laer Beer. fcb3 zL.ii J..S. TOPHAM & CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, ' MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, UARNES5. TRUCKS & TRVAKLING BAGS. Collars, names, Trace Cuains. v inf?, Bonrs. Dor Collars. b;inaie CuUs, , . . -Woolen & Linen Ilor.-e Covcr.S Fly Nets. Pet(ier UUsttrs. Axle Grease, Briuics, of ftM kinds, Sad- t dlery Har-1-ware,&c. 'second ii am harness, SADDLES, RET NS, & c. CHEAP FOR CAII. Juao l-ly State of North Carolina, COUNTY tP BRUS3WICS StPpt3Jt COURT. 3 ' yaney Andrews vs. Cnarle3 Andrews. . i TV rharles Andrews. T APPEARING to the satlslac'lon of tho rvn-t that ihA rtefpndant Charles An drews is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina, the said defendant Is hereby notl t the next term of the Supe rior Court ot the Connty of Brunswick, and Stale of North Carolina, on the sixth Mon- tmy ft Iter Ule rmrui Aimu.; v j , 1X13. and answer the complaint in theaoyo enUtle cause, or the p aluUff wlU apply for relief demanded Jn thts complaint, to-' getherwUhthcctheUon. , A . - . . r. , . . Li ' i'- !j : Uhir i . Clerk of superior court of Brunswick o., N U mm sn-jawn? RAIL RUAO.S. WiUniBitOD, Cliapliitts ': &,tBBtlierfflrd W nil Roftd Xiino.w: Eastern Division : Ner Schedule. 1873 Going West. 1873 STATIONS. FB EIGHT. Leave Wilmington... 8 00am 11 16 " 12S0PM 1.64 4 03 4 45 " 0 00 A U 11.45 ' Lumberton ... 2 .05 P M " 8hoe Heel Laurinburg... " Rockingham... Arrive at Mieovllle.t. 5.00 ' 0 00 AM t . . 10 00 Going East. STATIONS. PASS BN OMSK FUE1GHT. Leave Lilesville " Rockingham ... ' Laurinburg.... " Shoe Heel " Lamberton " Abbottburg . .. Arrive at Wilmington. 740AU S W " 10.30 " 10 55 ' 12 Op it 1 28 " 4.35 " 12.00 SI UO AM 5&5" 9 50 12 5pm 5.00 Dissbb, going West: Sbcakjast. go in East. Freight Trains'atop hero over nint. t Stngefor Charlote: Railroad and8tage iart, unmington to Charlotte, only 9iu. B" No Trains on Sunday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber run irreg ularly. Express Freight Cara accompany eaca rasseneer i rain. Western Division. STATIONS PASSENOEKjFBEIQHT. Leave Charlotte .... 4 ' Lincolntn. . . Arrive at Buffalo. . . 8.00 A M 10 i3 " 12 07 " RETURNING. Leave Buffalo I 1 .07 p m Lincolnton.... Arrive at Charlotte.. V. Q. JOHNSON, Assistant Supt. iai. 9 2.41 5.14 8. L. FREMONT, Gen. Supt, 199- VVilmington. ( olumDia & Au- ;usta R. R. Company GBN. 8UPBBINTBWDBNTB OFPICB, i Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1873. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDUlEs TUE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL to into efiect at 3:25 A. M., Monday, 7th inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 3:25 A. M Arrive at Florence. 8:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Aujrusta 7 4.' P. V Leave Augusta 6.55 A. M Arnve at Columbia 11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence .. 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (8UN .1 DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington : 5.45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:155 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence 2: 12 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. . oct 9 123-tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Qffics General Supbbintendbnt, Wilmington, N. C, June 3,1872. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th IN8TANT, I f PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil A INS on the Wil- rninirton and Weldon Railroad will run es follows: . MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Snn days excepted). . . ... ...v. .At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon........... Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) .At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldftboro Union " Depot ..... . EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount..... Weldon Leave Weldon daily. ........ Arrive at Rocky Mount...;. . . r Gtldsbbrd. ... Union Depot. S:05 A. M 12:11 P. M 3:11 T M 3:50 f. M 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:80 P. M 10:40 P. M 8:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:58 P. M 10:58 P. M 3:10 A. M Mail Train makes dose connection at Weldon tor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. ' PULLMANS PALACE SLEEPING CASS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS win leave Wiiralng ton tri weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P.M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (8undays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. At. ' JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. JnneS 1SMJ" , Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in i MOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin t and Sheet Iron Ware. ' Jloofing done at short notice - Agents for Falrbank's Scales. v -' No. 19 Front Street, WILJaiNOTON, N. C. nir 100 Tons'-Bah 4 c fBICB,$52 50 CASHr if 1st 'HAT ;; DELIVERED1 X)N BOARD tLt'l 500 Tons Wyn'l?awnv3 Siu)er Pliospliato, PRICE?-$52 50 Cask by: lsq!May: .' Delivered on Cars 500 Tons Star PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st For Sale Jau SO Richmond and Danyillft Rail Road. North Carolimi ,'Moti. And Salem Branch.. . Condensed Time Jable. - In effect on and after Nwuiay: S-pt f"L 17 ' GOING iNUK J U. STATIONS MA11 Leave Charlotte... 7 1U.P. M 8 21 44 9.50 4 I -51 , 44 11 5S '4 12 50 a. si 1.45 " 3 3(5 44 4.5 14 8 0 " I I 5 A. M fi .' A 44 Concord . 44 Salisbury 44 Lexington..... 44 High Point ... . Arrive at Greensboro Leave Greensboro'... 44 Co. Shops 44 Hillsboro 44 Raleigh Arrive at GMrrlboro' . 7.2ii " ,M31 44 10 '.7 " I f . 00 " 11.10. 12.0 r. WUliM SUU ill STATIOAS. MAIL. kHi'H lit- Leave Goldsboro.... 44 Raleigh 44 Hills boro' .... 44 Co Shops .... Arrive at Greensboro' Leave Greensboro' . . . 44 High loint.... 4.C0 p. u 7 45 44 10 21 44 12 0 A. M 1 30 44 2 15 44 3 4 44 4 0J 44 4 57 44 H 10 4 720a n 2 15 l M 3 80 44 4 0 li 4 4i 41 5.:l 44 2J " 7 t'S 14 : ( I. M. Lexington Salisbury 44 Concord Arrive at Charlotte Passenger train leavciug iinc i ui . P M connects at Greensboro wit.ii No-tlut!' bound train; making the quickest -t!:u ft-- all Northern cii its, Prico o! ticket" bSm as other routes Mail trains daily, both ways rver rntiri. length Of Road. Express daily b' tw n Comoany Bhop and Uharlcuc, (SUDituy? excpted.) All passenger trains connpet stui ecns boro with trains to and Irom i'iicli'n,,ti. Pullman Palace Carr oualluiht iraMi. between Charlotte P"d Richmond, i v.itlp;:i. change.) SALEM BRANCH, On and alter Marched, ls73, n uiixjd -ta- eeneer and Freight Train will be ran dail v, (Sundays excepted,) on the N. W. N. C. it tt., as fo'iows : Leave Greensbory ":40 P V Arrive at Kerneisviile 5.1 1 M Leave Kernersviile.... . .1. .......9.01 A M Arrive at Greensboro ; 1U:U0 A M ti. E ALLL, General Ticket Ni.-t.nt. W. H. GREEN, Master Transportation, march 5 IS OfficePetxbsbubo It. 14. Co. 1 May, 31st, it72. ON AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train 7:31p.m. Mall 1 Train 3'- P- ARRIVE AT FETERSI5UKW. Express 10:50 p. m. Mall 7:00 p. ai. LEAVE PETERSBURG Mall felon, m. Express B:;T0p. x. AKKlVifi Ai WtiUUUa- Mall Express 8: 10 ft. Tn. I 6:j0 p. U. ; F:00 a. m. 'j FREIGHT TRATN9. Leave Petersburg Leeve WeldOn Arrive at Weldn Arrive at Petersburg b; p. n, J p. rii 2:23 a. m. GArii'ON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6:00 ft- m Leave Gaston 1:1 j p. m Arrive at (Jaston 12: f p. m Arrive at Petersburg fc:10p. m No trains will run on Sunday except Lx- TVrAM tTAtnH Frelehts for Gaston Branch will be rpceivrd at the Petersburg depot only ton sxJ i r- : Tbe depot will be- eloped at i p. m. goods wul be received after that nour. j5-tf Enelneerand General Manager. W. JdL DART LIPPHTsi BUII.Oi, SOUTH FRONT ST., wix.iXLsrGhTOisr, 3. c. PMer Steam ani Gas Fitter- and dealer in Wrought and Galvanized fron Pipl, Bras? Cocks Valres, Gas Fixture?. and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATEK AND GAS. Particular attention -paid to flttiDg up o COTTON MILLS, i with Steam, Gas and Water. nT liS-M PS S' f V ' ,41 aratt Mublo Guano,- - ; iM'EO 'PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, 'tARiiJtT'elil,fffNG TON. N. O. fGO 00 Payable 1st of .nt Wilmington. 1ST- O, S'oiiible Phosphate, of, May. 3G0 00 Payable 1st of X0vcmuer. 218-8m igLntsi a. rake cilvnce Vq '.rri rny nil Arnis 9V) per week In cash wii( wiiit'ne with us at once. Every .laii fui 'MsiH cJ pxpens"tpa1d. Address A. vm'LTkltifc CO Cbarloite, Mich. VWJETABLK AND FLOWElt t lauls, ros g, dahlias, fuchsia. trcmriluni41, bed-iinK p'anfs, rlauolUH, te. -t ml u tonlp ifr I Ttor'8 linrden Calendar, i ajes. iliu-frntcd, with praot leal dlrec tifMts Hvnry A Lvcer, 7 14 lheUiul street, i'Li.ailcip'.Jia. 1'a . t REWARD. Tor nny case of Blind Biocdie. Itching or Tn. : united 1 lloa that Vr. llryo'3 Tile Itemedy fails to fui e. it. is prepared ex pressly to euro the Plies, and nothing else. Bold by drusjiEtr. Trice, cl 00 . frfjf per day! Aleuts wanted! All (Dill clas-'S of working people, of oitiiur .-i'.i, ywut! r old, maKO more mooey at wor'c t-v i s in thc-lr pare moments, or aJl rho tiine 'lir.tijit nnythlnjr else. Partloulars r,r-. Adiln ss (; st in son & Co, Portland, Me W A iN TED Vo wfh to encftr tbo services of at least oiio i ci i;iii c, ietoiliL'GMt centlemen in every civ, to '.in : nd c'U"ty In the south. Bust iuss ;i-ivcuiiu i-.ini str,ctiy legitimate, yield 'a; in :n i i V 0 fo i:,,:QQ per annum. Forjpar. ticu;ar.-. address Tiuiibull Brothers, Pub. l:s'!icr , K:ilinure. -Md. cLSD V't CE-VTd FOR THE 1 GAZETTE, A baok of i s paj;c, showing how, when and who-e fo .idvc-t!$e, and contnlnlnir a lilt of ne-r;y ",uy iH-wsi-Mpti s, with much other in fomi;:tto ( f nitc;a-t to ul vertlsers. Ad (.s, o,.o i it 'Wi'.ix, t Co, l'ubllahers. U P m .v 1 ow, Sew Vo le. GKO. IV li'jWtLL & CO ASltltlOAN mmn mmm, A booic r,f f,03 pa-es, with editors' and pub liwiic.-s' iiamcs da;e of cstallshmsut. also. )-,;:,c;, M:o-t;il pilou prico and clrculaUoi ofu!i iioi'.;iwpii'j in the LTnitod btatCi an lijmln: .mi of cna'ia. Ll'jr t i V.-; COLLARS, by mall. Addreift publisher-, No. 41 Tnrk ltuw 1-i i' MZIZVK SHOP. TU"XCf! wis he to Inform his ou-U- " m'jio and iubiic gt-ueraily. that he Is now prepared to do a:l hind of work In his line, aii-i would respectfully request a contlnua tsn of tho i.atronao which has heretofore been so liberally bt flowed upon him. Jan 1'J tf 200 TP. A. SHTJTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In . FuTJHTURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, 'An-: n hangings, picture FRAMES, -CORDS, TASSELS. . FRINGES. &c.. &o. Having j n -t recoive-1 a supply ofFmmlture, f nui prij ir . j to tre tbe publio aa-food tan.-nhis a.uj he had in the City. r(f: il ani txauilne. RICJIARD 1ST. MOON. Commission Merchant, 1 AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, WILL FEED. AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden ScPaea Ste ; Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Solicited f. . ii 174-tf YV.-V;,1 ,M; RANT TEE DEEDS- On LandanI talc feb 25 8 Q IIAlL K . ' . . . . ; ADVEET1SEES M a y r 7 i