VOL VL :liSrefG 1873 NO. 257 J - - - ' I i 1 m ., . . . - ,., a HI! P. 1 III W I I I 1 , . . i , . at mm m I 11 f - - 1 1 - . . . . , - - ' THE E VEXING-POST p-'jifiieJ every a'ternoon except aunday. V:. p. CAN AD A. Y .... Business nv'.r.;"'. MANN Manager ..Fditor ...15 UO ... 00 ... 1 50 ... 00 Subscription. , , f j?, U iiViUCC i uv?otLr, ii aWuue ..-. IQ J"-'.1! ic. Kuvauco In AilfBiK-t: bualucas letter suould bd ad- 1 w , n mmonlcatloui or matters relating to tho editorial iepartment to the Editor. Correspondence solicited from our friends a all parta of the State, on topics of gene i iterait. Political news and reports ol .-op ara especially rteairahle. Merchandise brokerage Office, LL ' .".'..r.ic eu-psranrly fn band F Import -rv; cii l ns.auitictv.:r: - y.r -olicited and tolruphcd vTomptly. ;.-r-. iid!e t'OiifUt aud la this froni Luycrn KlicUe-l, f--'d i'i(?r Ti!l lisvo proini'lhl- ..-ntpUi 'ritivTi. it by m(i is v.oi cr..i. r-'Li3'" uoiiu.ieJt hetwoi- rou wlb :a b-jy or sell, communl-.-5td frtolr. and oi'.ea Tiih your local T. I'Enr.WAY. v'i;.dlM j an J Produce Hrck-r. 1-1 ti lev 2J THE WORLD REXUWNEV HOWE IS KAN'-K of v; ork thl Machine can not bo tlno i- equal to any cb'iio in the worl-.l. wo At .'-r. ihv t it N nr. HOSIZVr Mafblne do l y ur Kcwiiij:. v-ui iti; a ume, mi mh ' ti I I 1. " V5 rhtorfuily in. It ccTaparlson with ork c: unv o;hcr Machliw. aud will put rem on trial, s.t jour home, by leaving at tne ornce. No. 4 Uppltt Kow, tront f-i-t N-iv.ccn Dock a'id Uran?e. wwaon f-v pTmer:ts. O hlO. A. NEWELI, ' Vtcnl UciAe riuwlr.g ilnchiuo Co. .a- c " iJCO-tf cScrud al the lowest cuirent rates In the W.o-lz rcfToasible Companies, on ap- piicatiori to VDKfw LIFE INSURANCE " COMPANY, AhmUr WjttOjyA J. A. BYKNE. Oca! Int. Agt., IVpr.RlAL FIltE 1NS17RANC mMPANY. or London. Assetts S9, 000.0O.', Geld GREAT WESTERN FIftE IHLK ANCE COMPANY, New Orlean. tARMVILLE HRE INSURANCE A-ND w BAA KING COMPANY or Va., assets , S500.CO0 ' BYKNE & KEEN AN, Gen'l Insurance Agent. U21co Chauler of Commerce, up 6tntrH. Wilmington, N. C. k c Olit EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR h f ii.L aheal o: p.ay otiitr ua the market 1 Oar Pearl Hominy cannot Lhj suriviAed Aiwaj-6 ou hand at the Mill and Dosltory Cracked Corn, Corn, Halted Mal, Teas an.i Pt .x Moal, O-.ts, Shorts and Bran. Ai gooiiii solil lriyed free. A.; roturued to gooJ oidtr will be f a: 03L on next ni!i. ALEX. OLDHAM. Iropr!tor. .?:-; lis- COMMISSION MERCHANT, ANI DEALIH 1 fincenes. Provisions, Dry ttoofls Clolling, &c. Sc. Nj. U a-d 24 North Water Street. WILMINGTON. N. C. utn-t::s acd Co.h O.dfcrs Solicited Cot 21 B A R ROOM E. cor: 2- of Mulberry and Nntt 8ts. wn haad the best quaJity of Sea VT7-tT u SEW YEARS' BEEF. OUOD iTALL t LL I 'AT B E E F1. strcot Monday murxixg, A 55 mm deep, the -''i tlrJ--fcout tt wea. DAVIS A WH1TL. 19iW AFllAtlt 15LANK.6 A rati Uss MISCELLANEOUS. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. HA LEIGH, X. C. DAILY AND WEEKLY. i DAILY, ONE YEAR, WEEKLY, ONE YEAR, $7 oo s oo Revised, Improved and Enlarged. T o close of tLe National campaign of 1S72, with too re election of President Grant, is a new era In North Carolina, the South, and the whole country, it Is worth while to take note of, for it mark3 the be ginning of an era of perfect peace and re conciliation throughout the whole conntry, iuiu Deiwoen every section 01 tne country. Believing: that peace Lath her victories m lew renowned than war ' and that the I conduct of tho Southern people can be a soldiery was noble, grand and thrice UJas uious in the lata war; and that in tha per son of Ulysses 8 Grant, the eoldler. -with whoa our Lec crossed swords, we have h living and illustrious example ol the renown oi the soldier In war, and the victories o the elvUIan in peaoe, THE ERA, from a Southern stand point, has endeavored to aid the 4 victories" of Peace" by aiding the rc election of the great and illustrious citi zen-eoldicr- President. The tirat part of the mUsion of THE ER S Is accoinplltbed in the re establishment ot the Republican party inp wer lor another four yers irom Maren iext, and now it en ters upon the work of lolowiDg up tht lision in gatbe ing and preserving the reat National victory a viciory siguiticant of no North, no 8outh. no Ea6t, 10 West, but of a Uiiion restored, a people re united by the bonds ot peace and gocd will, and eaen ana every one tu tne quiet erjoymen or ilo tiessiufrs or L,itih.iiii ana tne doul- ties of PKOSPERIiY. THE ERA is the offspring and product oJ the great and glorious commonwealth ot North Carolina, lor whose good and glory it is the mission and privilege of the paper, without being sectional, to laboraud to wait;" and whether in political material, educational or social argument, it ehouh vur be understood that this paper is labor ing only lor wuat it deems best and to the true interests of the people of this great State, in common with all the great patri otic peoplo und interests of the nation. . Whether in its diversified cnaracter ol a' Family, Commercial, Political or Industrie newt paper, THL ERA wi.l ttrive to culti vate and promote a l the interests of the people, ana in everything save the advocacy of its party principles, di?card all political differences, and in tho interests of Peace. Recouciiiation and Reform, " clasp band" with any and all men laboring and studying for the good ot their kind, and striving for the giory of their country. COMMISSIONS ALLOTTED. Any reliable person (known to the peo ple ol the community) procuring subcrib era ior THE ERA is entitled to 25 p-r cer.t of all subscriptions lor the Daily oi Weekly to bingle subscribei, which amount be l authorized to deduct from the sums paid into bis hands, and remitting to u the balance. iSvery present subscriber to THE ERA can thereioro make fifty cents b inducing any one oi his neighbors to sub scribe, aiid forwarding to us the money lor the same ; ad fiftt cekts for every addi tional subscriber to the paper. CLUBS. THE WEEKLY ERA will be seut to clubs of subscribers at the following rates: One Copy, one year 53 issues, Five copies, " Ten 44 ' " 2 00 7 50 13 50 24 10 S3 00 Twenty " 41 " Thirty " 41 And an extra psper to each Club. Address W. M BROWN, Business anager, Ra'eigh, N. C. S"Any and all persons, into whose hauus tnls prospectus may fall, are request ed to work for THE ERA on the term proposed above; if not for love ol the Re oubiican party, at least aa a matter oi busi ness, and personal profit to themselves. AGENTS Everv Post' Al aster in ice State is an authorized Agent for THE ERA, to receive subscriptions and forward money, on the term and conditions pro? posed above. M. b. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE To Isaac Lilly ana wife Jiizatetn, and William A. Jordan and trife MariaGreetinjr i WHERE A3 default has been mnde by the morteagors respectively named in the morteaees following, executed to the Cape Fear Building Association, vie: A mortgage executed by leanc Lill mr'.fm hMrin dfl.t . th da V of Oct . 187 It ana 1870. and rglste'ed In the Keglsur'e offlee of New Hanover county, in book AAA, page S08. And two mortgage execu edby v il lam A. Jordan and wlfo Maria, one bearing date the 11th day of Mav, 1870, and registered as a'Ore said lnbookZi,PRe2nd th-other bear ing date tho 16th day of Keotmber, 1870, and registered aa aforid in book A A A, pge Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the r wers of sale containe , respectively in said several mortgages, re cord e l as aforesaid, the said mortgages ill be forecloMvl by a sale of the premises thei e in respectively described, ax public auctia j, at the TOurt house door in flw city of Uil mlngton, on f riday the ajtb day of Mareh. inst.Tat il o'clock A M. The said I P are respecUTely described in the said mct gages substantially as follows, vir: Isaac Li 1 ley's lot begins at a point in the western line of Sixth street 16 feet north- iuaoih n..rthitAtern intersection of Sixth and Castle streets, and nplong sixth street soutnwarcuy in ityj w Part of lot 4 and 5 block 51. William A. Jordan's lot begins at pojet In ic west n line of Fourth street 21 fet .-. W mm. m H 1 T from tne souiawciT . i, iM,rth an l i hurth streew, ana Mini thf nffl south wardlr along Focrtn rtree 5J lect by ISO feet deep. Part of lot s bloca 6P. Terms ot ae ca&n. tmHRTTTZ CTJTLAIL JC3X40S2 SiKX 184,3. 4 I. Kahnweller, '.. 4--. 4 , (L&te Greenvr aid & Co..) WHOLESALE DEALER IN Winea, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies I- a43 Segars. JTO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST., Re6reetful!y informs bis numerous custom ers that he has opened the largest and bet stock of Pure Liquors In the fetate at prices to compete with any Northern house. cor Ish mil keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Rye and North Carolina Cora Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Segars. Purchasers will do well to examine my stock befcra brtylng elsewhere. SEGARS A SPECIALITY IZl-ly oct A. ADRLAS. 11. YOT LEKa V0LLERS. ADRIAN & Groceries and Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, -akd Commission Merchant South-east Corker Dock and Fhojjt WILMINOTON, N. C. Having the larsrest and best assorted Stock ' f Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealer? will find It to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. mav 17-tf 1873. Fnrnitnre & uarjpet W73. WAREHOl 8 C. TITC people ot" the Carolina now have at homo one of the larst Furniture and Carpet Warehouses in the country. They can select In person from one of the largest storks ever offered m the State. Tho designs aro ail new and hftrtcUoTT.e; and we invite the public Id einiiiiny klook ard rric?i before vnirehasjins:, r. x. -Mirn & co. W holt'Hule Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, 4.7 North Water Street, WILMINOTON, N. C. P. S. A full supply of Ale and Lagwr B r in Half and Quarter Barrels. Families eurrli ritil Bottled Ala cud IUer8Been sa-tf J. S. TOPHAM CO.. No. 8 South FroBl Street, WILMINGTON, S. C, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale mi Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS. TRUNKS & TRVA IDLING BAGS. Collars, Hiiuiei, Traci Unamri, Whij)?, Bpurs, Dop Collars. Sauaie Cloths, Wooien Co Liincu aorsu uuvtie Flj Net9, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridies, of all kinds. Sad dlery Hard wart, &c. SECOND II A VP HARNESS, SADDLES, RET NS, & CHEAP FOR CASH. June 7 i-iy State oi Norm Carolina, COUNTT BKUXSWICI SUPERIOR COURT Nancy Andrews vs. Charles Andrews. To '"harles Andrews, r" APPEARING to the satislac Ion of the Court that the defendant. harles An drews is a non-resident of the state of North Carolina, the said dc endant is hereby noti fied to appear at the next term of the Supe rior Court ol the County of Brunswick, and Ktate of North Carolina, on the sixth Mon- J mm m . mm i m L day after the f mrth Monday In ernajr, and answer the complaint in theaboye MititJe caue, or tne p ainua wm epr-y i'.r relief dsmccded In inis com plaint, tc trether ith be cos's of tu action, gemcr SAMUEL P. HWAIN, Clerk of Huparior Court of Brunwlek o., N U Beitey. FltiBUTi Attornr. f n GOODS. wiMtoii, CliarlQtte & Bntnerforii Rail .Road Xitnb. Eastonr Division : New Schedule. 1873 Going1 West. 1873 STATIONS. 'FKiaHT. Leave Wilmlaeton.,. 8 00 am 11.16 13S0PM 164 3.0 4 03 4 45 00 A U 4 Abbottubarg. , , Lumberton . Sh Heel..... (4 2.05 PM Laurinbarg,. Roekinzhanx... Arrive at Liiepville.t.f 10 00 Going East. &TATIOSS. F A88EM Q SB ! FREIGHT. Leave Lilesviilo . . , . . . Rockingham ... " Laurinburg.... " Shoe Heel 7 40am 8-SO 10.80 10 55 " 13 0 p m 1 23 4 4.S5 13.00M ft UU AM 5 S5 9 50 12. 5 p 5.00 41 Lumberton Abbottabunr Arrive at Wilmington. Di2jxeb, going West: JIbeastast. go- mg iasi. treigni irains stop nero over night. t Stage for Charlotfe: Railroad and Stage iare, uniingxon 10 unariotte, only No Trains on Sanday. Two 8pecial Freight Trains for To Timber, run irreg ularly Express Freight Cara accompany each Passenger Train. Western Division. STATIONS PASSENOEK FU EIGHT. Leave Charlotte . 8."0 a M 10 i3 41 107 " Lincointn Arrive at Buff ilo RETURNING. Leave Buffalo Liucolntou..., Arrive at Charlotte, V. Q. JOHNSON, Af-sitHnt tiupt. iai. 9 i.r7p m 3.41 5.14 8. L. FREMONT, Gen. 8npL 199- WiSmiflgron. f olumnia & An asta R. R. Coiapaoj. Gfilf. 8UP3BINTSMDEST8 OFFICE, WiUtfisQTON, N. C, Oct. 7, 1873. ) CIIANOE OF SCHEDULE. IHEFOLLO WINGS SCHEDULE WILL KOtetO' eHojt at (3;S5 A. 3., Monday. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 3:35 A. M Arrive at Florence 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Ancrnsta 7 4 : P. M Leave Augusta 6 So A. M Arr ve at Columbia..... 11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:35 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS inACJCPTEy.) Leav Wiiiiiington 5.45 P. M Arriv e at Florence 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia.... Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia.... 3:40 A. M 8:20 A. M 5:5r P. M 10:20 P. V 2 12 A. M Arrive at Florence Arrive ft Wilmington . JAMES 8:00 A. ii ANDERSON, Gcn'l 6up't. 128 tf ! oct 9 Wiimiogton & VVeldon R. R. Company. WiLMnrsTOK, N. C, June 1572. r CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington cud Weldcn Railroa-1 i'l run &i follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At :0o A. M Arrive at Goldsboro l&U P. M Rocky Mount . . . 2: MI'.M Weldon 3:50 M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At 0:15 A; M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:07 A. M Goldsboro 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:S0 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Lcava Union Depot daily. , .At 10:40 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro , . 3:00 A. M Rocky Mount 4:50 A. M Weldon.. 0:50 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7:10 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount S:58 P. M G.ldsboro 1&54P. M Uniwn Depot 8:10 A. M Mall Tmn makes close conu-jction at Weldon lor all points North via &zj Line nd Acquis Creek route. Exprees Train eonaecU only with rs.xxlr nnt. PHI I UAMtQ VI PALACE SLEEPING CARSON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive et II A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent Jnna H 19-tf PARKEK to TA YTjOW Successors to A. IL NEFF, THlscuiaetixrers and dealers in IIOUsE FURNlUINQ QCODb, Gout, iitoves, Lantsms, Kerosene, OL1. T5 a and Bbeet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice Agents for Falrbank'a Bcahea. . No. 19 Front Street, WIIMIX CTT O N N t C. 23" E ETIti I ZER S . . - "... ' 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guano; PRICE, $52 50 CASH, ly 1st liiY ;. $60 OO'PAYABLE 1st HOYEIIBBE, DELIVERED OJf BOARD CA&3 AT WIUtllfG.TOlf, X. V. 500 Tons Whanu's Kaw Bone Super phosphate, PBICE $52 50 feh by 1st "oi IVfay. $60 00 Payable lt of November.' Delivered on Cars at Wilmington. rT 0 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosphate, PBICE-.$52 50 Cash by 1st of May. $60 00 Payable 1st c( November. For S&le Jin 0 Richmond and Danville Bail Boad. North Carolina "vision And Slem Branch. Condensed Time Table. t on and after Sunday &f)t I d. 1t7 GUlJSG NUUTll. STATIONS MAIL, EXrKSSS Leave Charlotte 7 10 p m 6 25 a. m Concord..... .1821 7.2 44 44 Salisbury J 9&0 h &4 " Lexington 1 51 . 9 2S ' " High Point.... 11 58 10:7 Arrive at Greensboro 12 50 a. m 11.00 Leave Greensboro'... 45 44 11 10 44 Co. Shops 3 3d 44 12 20 ?. u ,l HUlsboro' 4M 44 44 Raleigh.. 8 0 4 Arrive at Goldsboro. 11 ' 5 a. m GOINct teuUi il. STATXOItS. MAIL hZTHZQ. Leave Goldsboro'.... 4.00 p m 4 Raleigh 7 45 44 44 HMsboro' .... 10 21 44 CoSLopB 12 0 A. M 2 5 p. u Arrivia at Greensboro' 1 SO 44 S SO 4 Leave Greensboro' .. . 3 15 " 4 0 41 44 High Point.... 3(4 4 43 44 44 Lexington 4 Oi 44 5 :3 44 44 Salisbury 4 5 7 44 H 22 44 44 Concord 6 10 7 2$ 44 Arrive at Charlotte .. 7 20 a v Paggenger train leuvu. n.it.- " P M connects at Greensboro witn No'tht n. bound train; mak'n the qnickest tim ti ill Northern ciiies. Price ot tkkto b33 as other routes Mail trains daily, both ways rvc-r entSn length of Road. Express daily btwer Comoanv Shopb and Charlotte, (bundaj exc- pted. ) AH paenger trains connect t Greens boro with trains to and trm hichfnc(.d. Pallman Palace Car on all night train-. between charlotte "a Richmond, (wittoai change.) "MLElTBRACri, On and alter viarcb2d. l73, h ml3:d Pas eenge r and Freight Train will be run dailv. (Sundaye exceptea,) on tho N. W. N. C. R K., as fo'lows: Leave Grteensbory ..?:40 P M Arrive at Krneiviil 6 i i' M Leave KernersvlUe 9.01 A M Arrive at Greensboro 10:3.) A M o E ALLLfs General Ticket ent. W. H GREEN, Master Transportation. march r 194 OrriCEPTEB8BTJBG R. R. Co. May, 31st, 1872. , ON AND AFTEK JUNE SilD, THS t?9'ni -J7-U1 rtin om fotlnwa': LEAViS VVELDON. Express Train 7:1 p. uu Mail Train 3:5 p. m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG Express 10:50 p. m. Mall , 7:00 p. m. LEAVE PETERBBURO Mall St" e, ra. Expf5S 30 p. n. AHRIVE AT WELDON Mall Expre 9:40 a. m. 60 p. m. a. m. R:00 p. rn. 3:'b p. m 2:20 m. FREIGHT TRAINB. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldsn Arrive at Petersburg OAS ION Z V!? MKW Lfive retcrburg 6:0o a. m. Leave Omrton 1:15 p. rn Arrive at.&atoQ Ufc-W P m- Arrlvs at PUrsDtr S:W p. m. Ne trains will run on feasctey except Ex? Freights for Gaston Branch will be rceei ved at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAY and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5.-00 p. m. No goods will be reedlved after that hour. J. a 8PRIGO, jft .Vtf Rndneer and General Mangr. W. H. DART LIPPITT'S BUH'DIiXG. SOUTH FRONT ST.. WILMINGrTON, 1ST. C. Plimter Steal t 6as Fitter. and dealer In Wroagat aad (.alvaaized froa Vtw. Drac9 Cocks, Talves. Gas Fixtures. and all descriptions of ! FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. Particular attention paid to Sttiug cp o COTTON MILLS, wtth Bleaza, Caa &sd Water. EV2 LW-M TICK & 51 ED A E. fAGBMS! A RAKE CHANCE. vre wl'l ray all Asrnts 40 per week ta cash rho win ensrae with us at onoew IJrery hins furnished and expenses paid. Addjwi A. COULTER A CO CharloUs, Miciu .t'L'tlj VEGETABLK AND PLOWCR v w.u plants, ros s, dahlias. fuchsiML ernlump. beddinf plants, vlauiolua, cto. -nd a ftamp for Hreer's Oardsa OaleaW, 6S rages, Ulu-tratod, with prsctloal Ura- tlons Henry A Dreer, 714 Chestnut itmi Phliadelpkla, Pa. SI000 For uiy ,. eif Blind Bleedlnjr. Itohta or in- fisratsd lliss ikal fm Riko's Ptis Remedy fails to cars. It U prepared j presnly Ujoqo IhsrOss, and nothing ilM. AMi hv , all drccsUts. rrioe, II uo , $5 to $20 aaar. ArsnU waaUdi AJ1 of working maIa. trf ""ur M5ii ywuw; or Oiu, rcuiav mors moof 1 at work for ns in tbetr spare momota, oral the time 'ban at anytblnx eJs. lrtUfl Tf AnarHiH 1 tttlnMM! tX Co, POtUOd, SIS W A JN T E D He wlhtoBtfo ths serriessef at Isast one reliable, letelligsut vsntlsassa In s-rwry eiy, town-nd oontylnthe -mth. Bnaf. ness nerrfoabie end str.oUy lefttlmata, yleM Ing frnil 50 to v500 per annum For par ticuIarK. nddress Turnbull Brothers. Pab. l.fcKer-, RflHlmore. bid. tLND 2 CENTS FOR THE ADVERT1SEBS' GAZETTE, A book of I ps, showing how, when sod vheie toadvertUo. and oonulnlna Ustof nearly 3,(XO newspaperf, with maos othsr in formatlo . of interot to dverilMrs. A4 dress tiKO ij k Whi.L,A cu. Publtsbers. il Park How, JCew York. UC j. P. RuWLL & Co a AMaAICAN MSPJPB A bock of fi0) PA2M. with editors' sa4 pos it, dais of estallshaisat, sloe. libbers' uame txlitioe, subscription pries and eiromlaUea of alt newapane s In ths Ualtsd tKatssas Dominion of Canada. h C' rtVr. rOLLARS. by mall. Address publlehsrs. No. 41 Tttit Row S V nittiicit suop. JOE TURNER wlshs to inform his sotav mftrs nnrl niihlin vutipuilit K -. la - fwav.v- u v. f tsmt mm I prepared to do ail kind of work la bis Uasv an l would respectfully request a eootiaua lion cf the patronage which has bsrttofbrt been so liberally Untowed opon bfrn, Jan is tf F. A. ailUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer is FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c &e. H. vlnif Jut revived a supply of rurnRufS, 1 am prepared to glvs ths publis ss food barzalns as can be had In ths city. pleaas call and examine. marl RICHARD 1ST. MOON. Commission Llerchant, BIRECTOBF AND DEALER IK FLOUR, GRAIN. HILL FEED. AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca 8to Baltimore, lid. Or d bin irom North Carol BollcJtSd. t - HS-t WARRAMT DEiDa- Oo hs4 KrJi :forwU. fb 4 0 HAVL 7Jtv

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