14- - - - i .11 v- - - . ! - . . . - t. r - 5f ff-' X - -k . . - VOL VI. WILOT&TON, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 18. 1873 NO. 2581 Til B EVKNINQ- POST PaDUaed every afternoon axcept&unday. W.M. r. CAM AD AY;... Business Manager j.WEd J. MANN Editor Subscription. One ) in advance W 00 j,x iuou:lS In advance 00 Tnnw month, in advance 1 50 One moatn. in advance 50 gy-AU bcuino letters should be ad dressed to th-? amines Manager, and all coranjauiwtioni or meters relating to the ri torial iepurtrr.e-.t to the Editor. Correspondence solicited from our friends m all pans of tbo Mate, on t .pica of ene ral interest. Political news arid reports ol crop &re especially, desirable. Merchandise Brokerage Office, Fl'LL line of .-ample constantly on hand from importer and manufacturer In Northern iiuirJfot". Ml desori prion of men handlse. orders Hnd bids elicited and tele-raphed promptly. Merchandise bought .and sold in this market, order from buyer solicited, and mpk-i Int by -oiler w ill have prompt at tention. Tim m w.AvJt.i ch purtaai uotlated, whether vou wih t j buy or comrauMl mted frc'ly, nnd ofltn with your loval J AS. T. PETTEWAY, Mw-'handise and Troduce Broker. tf irC 2) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rrr world renowned o w Sewing Machines. IN P. VN't'K "f work this Machine cannot bo "equalled. Oar rtno worK is equal to any and ur heavy work excels that of any Ma cb'ne in the world. W'e claim that it is an TTONII-ST Machine xill l H y -ur sewinsf, will inl a liie time, p.ii-l Is not fTub e-ct t- VIC. We ciieenully invit- comparison wim VAnfiinv oi her Much in-8. aid will put tnem on tfini, nt your homo, by leaving aarae at the otlico. No. 4 Llppitt Itow, t- ront .tr.t ticiwwn uock anaoranee. 4ia on v&sy piyment GKO. A. NEWELL, . ' t N I Aient llonie Sewing Maculae Co. 200-tf Jin 9 ivf vn KIRK IXKUItANCE i:aN BE eil""ct.Hi at the lowest current rates in the foUowinu responsible Coiupanios, on ap- pliCHtlon to Vw.w WiMZ LIKE INSURANCE COMPA N Y, Assett 2f,(W),000 J. A. 14 V UN E, Oen 1 Ins. A?U, IMPERIAL FlltE (.V.SUKANUE . fs.iMPANY.of Loudon. AtettJi JM.OOO.W, Gold G RE AT V ESTE 1 1 N I- IKE I N.SU U ANUK COMi'ANY. New OrKanF. Aetw. $226.01 1 FARM VILLE rlRE iNSUICANCE AND w BAA KING CO.MPANY of Va-.a-wtJi f-500,000 BYRNE & KEEN AN, Gen'l Insurance Agent. Office Chamber of Commerce, up stlr. Wilmington, S. C. ting 18 77-ly OUR EXTR1 FAMILY FLOUR t STILL ahca.1 of anv other on the market Our Perl llominv mnnot kj urpaed Always on hand Rt the Mid and Depository Crackel Crn, Corn. B'itt-1 M. -ii. 13 ;n.! P, m Mi-a', 0tg, S:'rU un l Bran Ali goOiJd 3o!l drtyel free. All ba? returned in good ordor will be credited at cost on next bill. ALES.. OLDHAM. Proprtor. sept T. 113- S. 11. .MANNING COMMISSION MERC HAUL Groceries, Pmiaons, Dry Goods Cloltucz, k. &c, No. and 21 North Witer Stitre:, WILMINGTON. X. C. Ouoiuii4ru:o and Casu 6ier bcilciUid THOMAS CONNOR S PL ROOM N E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt Sta. Always on hand the best quality of Seya 14 157-1 N'EW YEARS' BEEf, ILL yo lovers or uuuu ."5ivi.ij mu x :fcv BEEF, Will find an extra article at Second fc;ret MONDAY MORNING, And contluulng throughout the weU- DAVIS 4 WTIITE. too MAUlbTKAKs dLAKS xtxxil doe on band, and lor sale PI .1 iTSS S' ' it XT fi: MLnCRLLINEOUv A PAPER FOR TEE PEOPLE. The Era, RALEIGH, X. C. DAILY AND WEEKLY. DAILY, ONE TEAR, WEEKL Tt 0AE TEAR, $7 00 2 Revised, Improved and Enlarged. Te close of the National campaiam of 1. with tbe r6 eiei tLm o! Pretddeni Grant, a new era in North Carolina, the onth, and the whole country. It Is worth wiiiJe to taku note of, tor it marks the be tdntdog of an era oi per'ct peace and rc co: ci iaiioii turoubout th' who e country, and betefii evrv section of the cou'trv. Be ieviiikr that peace bath hr victorie no leb reuewned than war." and that the conduct of the Southern people can be ae UtUBtrlous in p ace aa the bravery of her oiaiery waa noDie, grand and thrice UJut prions in tbe lat w ; and that in tbe per son oi Ulvets.8 Graut, tbo ao dier with whom our Lee crossed sword, we bare a living and i Jluntnoua example ot the renown o! the soldier in war atid ibe victories o tbe civilian in peace, TUB ERA, from u Southern stand point- haaeadsavored to aid the " victories" of Peace" by aidiDg the re election of tbe great and illustrious citi een-soldier-President. Tbe first part of the mission of TH& ER 4 is accomplihed in the re establishment ot thu Republican party in p wer tor another lour jer from Marcu Text, aDd now it en 'er npon tbo woik of lo .lowif g up tb t mis-ion in irathe l'ir au'd pret-erviutr tut .rt-at National victory a vicsory tajniticani of n -orth, no Houtn. no Eat i o West, iat t f a Ut ion restored, a people re nulled by the bone! a oi peace and gocd will, and each and every one in the quHit enioymen' or tbe bleeinirs ot LTBER1 If and the bonn- ties of PitOSPERIiY. TxlE cKA ia the offspring and product of thesrreat and zlonons commonwealth oi North Carolina, for whose ood and glory it 16 the mission and privilege or tbe paper, without being sectional, to "labor and to wait;" and whether in political material, educational or social argument, it shoolc ever be understood that this paper is labor ing only lor what it deems best and to the true interests of tbe people ot this gret .state, in common with all the grett patn otic people and interest of the nation. vvnetn-r in us aivereinea -caiiracter oi m Family, Commercial, Pol ticai or Ioda.tiia. uewpaper, TH k J&ka wi l strive to cum vute and promo'e a 1 the inteustt of tbe people. ana ia-er;rytb.itgsave tbeadvueicy of its party principles, Ci-card ail politica fiiffcrence. and in the lnterefta ot Peace. Reooi. dilation and Reform, "clasp baud' with any and all men laboring and stud wg for tbe irood ot tbeir kind, and striving for the g orj or thtlr country. COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. Any reliable person (known to tbe peo ple of tbe community) procuring fntnerib rr for TUB ERA is entitled to 25 r cent of all BuNcriptiODa lor tbe Dally Weekly to single subscriberif, which amount he i authorieed to deduct from the utnt paid into his bands, and remitting to u tbe balance. ICvery present subscriber to THE ERA can therefore xn&ke fifty cents by inducing any one of hi neighbor to tub scribe, and forwarding to u& the money lor the 6am e ; atid fiftt CBKTS for every addi tional subscriber to the paper. CLTTB&, THS WEEKLY ERA will be sent to clubs of subscribers at tbe following rates: One Copy, one year 53 issues, Five copies, 44 41 44 44 Ten 44 44 44 " Twenty 44 44 44 44 Thirty 44 44 44 . 44 44 $2 00 7 60 13 50 24 00 S3 00 And an extra paper to each Cab. Address W. M BROWN, Business auager, Ka'eign, N. C. EfAny snd aU persons, into whose hautu tni prospectus mav fall, are request ed to work for THE ERA on tbe term proposed above; it not for love oi the Re publican party, at least as a matter ol busi ness, and personal profit to themselves. AuKNTs JETerr rost Master in tnc Mate Is art authorised Ag'nt for THE ERA, to receive subscriptions and forward mony, n the terms and conditions pro posed bive. W. M. B. la jl .r dec t lCTa ut"n FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE To Isa&o Lilly And Tvifo Ellautbcth, and TTilliam A. Jordan Ana wife Maria Greeting : IVHEREAB deiauJt cas oeen uy i f I mftrtMjmn reTecti've v named in the mortgages following, executed to the Cape Fear Bulldinr Associauon, vis; A mortgage executed 'py igaao Lilly and wlfe.bearin date "th day data Tth day of Oc , 1870. and rMrintareri ln the Keels ter s ofSce of New Hanover county. In book A A A, page 308. And two mortgage execu ed by v ii lam A Jordan and wile Maria, one bearing date th lit h dav of May, W70,ana retriaterea at a ore Kaid tnbookZZ, phjj 2. and th o.hr bear Ine date the 16th day of Kepwmber, l0, and ivgibtered as afor-sld in Dooa a. a a, p-ge No, inereroTe. nouwwnneuj Mtcu.u.. by virtue f the p wers of sa e contalne , respectively in Raid several mongagea. re Sdlas aforesaid, the said mortwe4 111 rx.a. hv a KAle of the premises the' e- in reSctively-'described at, public at the court bous door 1 fr k SatTatilcrclociA M. The said premises ar4 respectively deacrlWllB the aajdmort- JSx&fsuSoStS nSnStfAnd run along deet PartQf lot 4 ana 5 block 9U 4Ulla?Jordan;- lot Mtaist po nt in the westrn line of Fourth street 2 outbwardly irom the ouMJwesvrn inter loTouL&i 4 hurchnand runs thence iKuthlyalonij Fourthstreet WTeet y i feet deep. Iartof lot t block t, Term, of sale AiVr O FD Asaoelatloo. i FIRM- 01D fiOODL ! Kuhnweiler, (Late Greenwald & Co..) WHOLESALE DEALER IN o Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies and Segars. ' NO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST.. Respectfully informs his numerous custom er t hat he has opened the largest and best stock of Pure Liquors in the State at price to compete with any-Northern house. I shall keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Rye and North Carolina Corn Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Segaiu. furenascrs win ao wen to examine my stoofc before buying elsewhere. EF" SE0AR3 A SPECIALITY oct 121-ly A. ADRIAN. - H. VOLLERs ADRIAN & V0LLERS, WHOLESALK DRALEHS IN Groceries and Llquor Importers of German and Havana Cigars, Commission Merchant Sourn-East Cornkr Dock and Fhont Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Havinff the larcest and best assorted 8tock f Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will And it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere, mav 17-tf 1813. Furniture & uarpet i8T3. W A it E H O U S E . THE people of the Carolina' now have at home one of the largest Furniture nnd Carpet Yi rehouses in the country. They can Pelecr In person frdni one of the largest stocks ever offered in the rttate. The designs are all new and ri&naom and we invite the pubiic to exumino stocs. nnd prices before purchasing, -Jan 0 200 it m a ii v u , Wholefialo Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, -4,7 TortH Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C, P. S. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer In Half and Quarter Barrels. Families t-upplied with Bottled Ala and Lager Beer. . . feb3 221-tf J. S. TOPHAM & CO.. No. 8 South Froat Street, !VlL9imTO, N. C.j MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in' SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVABLING BAG8 Collars, Hames, Trace Cnams. Whips, Spnra, Dnp Collars. Sanase Cloths, Woolen & Linen Hore Covers Fly Nets, Feather uusurs, Axle Grease, griuii-a, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard ware, &c. i' ,A L f O . SECOND IIANP IIAllNESS, a n n ii E 9 . RETN CHEAP FOR CASH. Juno 7 r State of Kjrtb trina My OF COUKT. Andrews vs. Charles Andrews, yancy To Charles Andrews, r'APPEAHlNO to the satUlaCKm of the Court thai the defendant. Charles An drews Is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina, the said de endant la nereby noti fied to appear at tbe next term of the Supcs rlor Court ol the County of, Brurjawtcfe. and stae of North "ft TOlintH on thd sixth Mon. day at7 the f urth Monday n February. IK a. and answer the complaint In tbeaooye entitle usn or the pain tiff will apply fT relief demanded in this complaint, ion Clerk of superior Court of Brunswick ci, N O faredcn IKllamy, PiainUlTs AUorner. ' $ib 31 37lawoT? iWilminio charlotte & Ratlierford v - Hail Koad Lino. 4 : . Eastern Divjsioa: New Schedule. 1873 Going West. 1873 STATIONS. P4.9t JOiOBK rKHJOUT. Leave Wilmington... Abbottbutg... Lumberton ... AhMttit 800 am 11 16 H00 A M 11.4 launnoargr,. "I 0 00 AH ti ttocKingnam, Arrive at Uiefvllle.f.j 4 4o A l 00 tying East. STATIONS. PAaaB.HO tK'FKElOUT. Leave Lilesville ... 7 40 a m 8(i l' 30 10 55 12 OPM l '2G 4.35 12 00 M La'iritibu u. o a m 5 55 44 950 12 5pm 5.0 J hoe Heel Latnbertou 44 Abbott-bur ... ArrivH at Wilmington. Dinneu. goiog Wefst : Vheakfast, so inir East. Freight Trains atop hero over Ught. t SUgfor Charlotte : Railroad and Stae farf, Wilndngton to Char'otte, only flu. gjT o Tiins on Sunday. Two 8pecia' Freight ralns forTo Timber, run irreg ularly Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Train. j s Western Division. STATIONS PASSSNOSR FKEIOHT. Leave Charlotte am 44 Lincoint n 10 43 44 Anire at Buffdo 12 07 4 RETURNING. Leave Buffalo 4 Lincolntou... Arrive at C-barlottt. V. Q. JOHN80N, Ar-9btant fcnpt. iai. 9 l.f 1 P M 2.41 44 5.14 44 i S. L. FREMONT Gen. Pupt. 199- Wiluiington. l olumnia & Au p:csla R, R. Company. Gkn. Supbbiitendbkt8 Omqs, I WlLMIHOTON, N. C, Oct. 7, ibTS. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. IUk FOLLOWING SUliEDULE WILL . to into efitsct at S:'5 A. M., Monday, 7th intt. DAY EXPRES8 TRAIN, (Dally.) Leave Wi'miugton 3:25 A. M Arrive at Floreuce 9:56 A. M Arrive at Columbia. 2:40 P. M rrve at At'eusta 7 4 P. V Ltiave Augusta 6 J5 A. M Arr ve st Columbia 11 25 A. M rrive at Floreoee 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wijmiaf,ton..'. 10:25 P. M NiGHT EXPRK88 TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) L.cav Wilmington 5 45 P. M Arrive atFioreoce 11:85 P. M riivf at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive Augusta 8:20 A. M Ieave AngrTiFta. 5:5 I P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P. V Arrive at Florence 2 13-A. M Arrive at Wilmineton 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, GeaM Sup't. oct 9 123 tf WiJmiBgtoii & Weidon R. R. Company. Office Gek3bal Scp&rintendkkt, WilmiQTOw, N. C, Jane 8,1672. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE lpth INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on tbo Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run f follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily- (Sun days excepted) At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount..... Weldon... Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot . EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily . . .At Arrive at Goldsboro , Rocky Mount Weldon... ....... Leave "Weldon daily. Arrive at Rocky Mount G ids boro Union Depot...... 8:05 A M 12:11 P. M 2:'l r'. M 3:5 M 9:15 A; M 11:07 A. M 1:13 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. AI 8:00 A. M 4:55 A. M &50 A. M 7:10 P. M f:5N P. M 10:58 P. M 8:10 A. M Mail Train maices ciose connection at Weldon for all oolnts North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek rout. PU LLM AN'S PALACE SLEEPING CAES ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT-TRAINS will leave Wjirairg un tri weekly at 3.00 A. JL, and arrive a 1.40 P AI. EXPELS PQ EIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A- M. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genejl i4pej4nteDdenL PARKEK & TAH,OK3 - Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in HOUSS FURNi iV G00D8. Guna, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing dona at short notice Aeents for Falrbank's Scales. No. Ift Frost Ntrect. WlLHlGTON, K. C nov!9 BWf u Mj-ajT aeiL .tar Li jf- v IP 100 Tons f Bahama':. Soluble Giiaiio. PRICE, WiB CASH, IsftlAY j $60 OPAYALB 1st K07EIIBEB, VBUrERBD oklBOARU CAMS AT WILMINGTON, N. (7. 500 Tons WKaim's Raw Bone Super phosphate, rSR;U pi;ti-m. $60 00. Payallt 1st cf Delivered on Gar 500 Tons. Star PWCE-$52 50 Cash by 1st For Sale by jan SO Richmond and Danviito Rail Road. North Carolina ,'moii. And Salem Branch. Condensed Time Table. 1S7 GOING iNottrtl feTATIO6 il lit KA.rKE83 6 25 A- M 7.2o 44 S34 14 9.25i ' 10:7 4 11.00 11 10 Leave Charlotte. 7 i0 p m b 21 44 9 50 " l 61 44 t 41 Concord Salisbury Lexington 44 High Point .... Arrive at Greensboro Leave Greensboro... 44 Co. Shot 4i Hillsboro' 44 Raleigh.. Arrive at'Goidflboro. 11 58 4 12 50 A. M 1.45 44 8 3d 44 4.53 44 8 0" " 11 05 A. M ; 12.20 P. M. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL. SXPKSSM. Leaye Goldsboro' . . . . 44 Raleigh 44 HiUsboro .... 44 Co. Shops.... Arrive at Greensboro' Leave Greensboro . . . 44 High roint.... 14 Lexington 44 Salisbury 44 Concord Arrive at Charlotte . . 4.00 p. m 7 45 44 10.21 44 12.05 a. M 1.80 r 2 15 44 3l4 44 4 0J 44 4.57 44 6 10 4 720a v 2.15 P. M 3 SO 44 40 44 4 43 44 5 33 44 22 44 7 28 44 - t rassenger train leavtribir tineieu ai : P M connects at Greensboro with Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all northern ciiies, rriee ol ticket same as other routes Mail trains daily, both ways ever entire Ientrth of Road. Express daily between Comoany Shopn and Charlotte, (bundajc excfcuted.) All passenger trains connect at Greens boro with trains to and from Kichraond. Pullman Palace Carp oo all night train between Charlotte tn Richmond, without change.) SALEM BRANCH, On and after March 2d, 1&73, a mixdd Pas scnger and Freight Train will be run daily, (Sundays excepted.) on the N. W. N. C. R. R., as fo'lows: Leave Greensory 3:40 P M Arrive at KrneiviiJe ..5.10 P At Leave KerneravlUe 9:OJ A 2A Arrive at Greensboro 10:30 A M 6. E ALLKft, General Ticket Agent. W. H GREEN, Master Transportation. march 5 194 OittcePbtkksbxtbo IL R. Co. May, 31st, 1872. ON AND APTEK JUNE 3RD, THE trains . will run as follows: LKAVE VELDON. Express Train 7:80 p. m. Mall Train 3rt p. m. . ARRIVE AT PBTER8BUK Express 10:60 p. m. Mall 7.-00 p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mall k. a. m. lOxpress 8J0 p. xu. AKItlVlS AT YYISLLU?i Mail Express 9:40 a. m. 659 p. to. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg . 8:00 a. m. Leave Weldon &00 p. ta. Arrive at Weldon 3.i p. m Arrive at Petersburg 2t30 a. m. GAiON TR1INS. Leave Petersburg fc00 a. m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg Ik 10 p. m. Ne trains will ran on Bun day except Ex press trains Frelghte for Gaston Branch will be received at tbe Petersburg deoot only on MONDAY'S and THU1WDAYH. The depot wilt Ua otoeed at 50 p. in. No goods w'U ia reeaived after that hoar. J. C, 8PKIGG. r& Kntflneerand General Manger. W. H. DART WIIiMINGTON. 1ST. C. PlMliBr Steal ani Gas lifter. and dealer tn Wrought and al tit nixed Uom Pun-.-, Orass Cocks. Valve. Gas Fixtures, and all descriptions of FITTIKGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND OAS. Partleular attentton paid to fitting up o COTTON J&ILLBt , wilh Steam, Gas and Water. MTfi 143-tf :o: November. at "Wilmington, NT. C Soluble Phosphate. of May. $60 00 Payable 1st November. VICK Sc JEDAWE. AGENTS I A RAKE CHANCE. w0 will pay all AxmU 94d tT week In msh who will enrage with tie at udm. veri thing AimUhed and exi zpenin nua. A. COULTER A CO CbarUHU. UVch. Vli,ni VEGETABLK, A2D FXOWCa " T.l plant. ro a. dahJUa. fbU. greranlumo, bedding plant, fUdVohs, tc -end a Marap for I tow Oardew OUewfW, dSpageti, illustrated, with-praeUcal rlrw Hons Ifenry A Drocr, 714Coeiinut tret niiladelphla. r . til it a SI000 I REWARD. For. mtxj: taafetef :BHd Item certdU-ti Dido's JPU to cure. Z t prvparr ea , i nothing Pl J fcy alldrugslsU. rrtoe.tLOO - r. M in t9n Pyl AftnlswlaaUdt Ail (JJ IU 06U classes o working papiot either ser, young or c4d, maae snrr--aeor at work for ua In their spare moxeMnta, or all the time than at anytblarelM. rarttilfs free. Addrrss G Htinson A Oa PorUand, Me WANT ED . - ........ We wih to enrage tbe servieef at Umt one reliable, letelllent cinUemttUmrr city, town nd eouty In the Hoath. XnmC neca agreeable and strictly tegtUaaata, yuU- Ing from 11.500 to KJM ter annom Por tlculars, address TurnbuU Brotnera, Poi. lishem, Baltimore. Aid. SEND 25 CENTS FOB. THE ADVEEHSEES' . GAZETTE, A book of irs paM, ahowlog how. When aod where to adverUae, and coota4jila Ucttf nearly 3,000 newspapers, with moon other iw formatlo. of Interact Xo adverUseis. Ad dress GEO PR 'Wtrx, A CO, Publisher. 41, Park Kow, New York. GEO. P. HOWELL A CO S AJfJUUCaJf 25 of 600 JP wlfi idit' atod pu llshers namai date of estallsbcastit, ata, politics. snbxciiDtloa mImimi indtW KlCf.. riVK POLLAHS, "Vls- Address pubiishara. No. 41 Par i vow n x t , , BAHDEH SUOJpe IOE TURNER wishM to lefirm .L , mem and publlo generally, thai be U prepared to do all kind of work la Lis Pm and would respeotfully requeft ftOC:Una Hon of the patronage which baa btfilsftwt been so liberally bestowed upon Jan 16 tf F.A,SHXJTTE No. 3 AND 5 0RANITB H)V7V Dealtrta -:; ' FURNITURE, MATTRECCil - WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, KCTiTBE FRAIXES, CORDS, " USSELS, FRINGESL 1 laving Jnat received a mppiy of Tmttmrm, f am preparad to gfve the pubMc aa good hargalM aa catbe had fa tht City. rleane call and examine. tnnvia RIOIIARD ST. MOON. Commission Herchant AND OEALtB III FLO UR, Q RAIN , 1 MILL TZED, i AND 1 COUIfTBT mODUCT. Cor. Camden &Paca to Bdtlaoili Orders from North Carolina SoUdted. frb U . . 17MT T n WARRANT TIE DEEDS Cafcbi od UhZi HQ RALti i : Is