I , I . . ....... . . .. - -, T .' ' ' '-V J mtjmaarBTTmmm' m ' i - . - . ' ""- - - - - ' . - " i ' ' ! ' f L - - - - - - - .. . ..... . 1 1 J. Ii.",. I, ' ' 1 - , .-. VOL. VL WTLIuTnWoN, Nr C, THUBS DAYf MARCH 20, 1873 '.. M 26O THE EVENING POST pbi&ftd every afternoon except Sunday. TflL F. CANADAY.... Business Manager JAMR3 C MANN Editor ' Subscription. vue yf,1n aJviaee 5Jl aotttbs. In advance T&rw mootbs, in advance OQ3 Mootn. in adraaoe j"All builaoss letters should Le ad jrota9d to tne Business Manager, and all rtwnmanlcatlona or matters relating to tffe editorial department to tho Editor. Correspondence solicited from cur fricads in ail Prt of lhe 8ut0 on toPic of ene" Pil lateresU Political news and reports oi crops am especially desirable v U) 3 00 1 50 50 MISCELLANEOUS. A PAPER FOB TUB PEOPLE, The B ra, ttALElGLT, C. DAILY AND WEEKLY. .SCELLAMDiJ$. 01) FIRM- 1)11) GOODS. RAILJiOtUS. WilniiBgtoiii CImnotte & Rnttoftrtj RatlHoad Lino. - IF 100 Tons Bahama Merchandise Brokerage Office, DAILY, QXB YEAH, WEEKLY, ONE YEAR, $7 00 2 00 Revised, Improved and Enlarged. prLL !ur of isninpi ronntantly on hnnl Xortbern markets. VU Jc:CTlHloni o; morchanJlM.'. ofiK-rs Wdseoltcltcdandteit-srophod prompt ij-. Mcrrtiandiso bonsht nrut mM lu th! marat. ordem from buyer- ollcltwl, and CimpleS lofl by -eilera have prompt nt Untion. Time as well us caMi parclia. nDtlatod, -he(h- rem tvih to bay or kWI, cornrau-.I-fm Jy. and often with yonr local Brofcer. PETTEWAY. Mt-rchandiHO and Produce Drokr. dec 'iU 181 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RE SO WSED THE WORLD HOWE Sewing Machines. IV RXVfitS ot vvr!t this Machine cannot bo Waft'.ied. Cmr rlne work i- equal to any dour heavy work occla thnt ot any Ma cMoe In th world. . We cU'.m that it !- a!i HONhT Maehlne rrtlldo ally urhculntf, will lat n Hie lime, hiid H not subioct to FlTd. , We ctwfull7 incite roiopunson w!tn cork of any other Machine, and put rbea on trteJ, at your home, by leaNing aatae at the office. No. 4 Llppiu Row, l;ront yret, loiween Lock ami ran?o. .ui on ev perment. GEO. A. NEW ELI 1. lJ-tl Q 9 LNSUiTAME. I rFE AND FIRE INBURiVNCE feAN BE Ls efrwHed at the lowest current rates in the following responsible Companies, on np- ptltko to . w vrtRH" LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assett afA,W0 J. A. BYRNE. (hr1 Inp. Agrk. UTPEIUAL FIRE INHUKANOE S0Y0CX Guli GREAT WESTERN FIRE IN8DK akcsi noifP.vNY' -New Orleans. FARMVILLE HRE INSURANCE AND kR.VAJf IKO CUMPAUY of Va.. assets BYRNE & KEEN AN, Uen'l Ineoranee AgentP. 03Jc C5iaaiLer of Commerce, up stulrn. Wllmlncton, N. C. acs 15 77-ly T 'o cloaa of tiie Nalioaal campaign of ISTi, -vnUIi the re election or President Grant, is a ncr era in North Carolina, the Soutii, raid the whole country, It is worth wMIc to take cote of, for it marks the be giunlqg: of an era of perftct peace and re conciliatlon throughout the -whole conntry, and between every section of the country. Believing that peaco hath her victories no less renowned than war," and that the condact of tho Southern peoplo can bo as illustrious in peace as tho bravery of her emaiery was nooic, grand and thrice luxu rious in tho lat war ; and that in the par pon of Ulyssca 8 Grant, the soldier with whom our Lee crossed swords, we have a living and illustrious example ot the renown oi th eoldicr in war, aid the victories 01 the'civiiian in peace, THE ERA, from a southern stand point, has endeavored to aid tho victories" of 41 Peace" bv aidinff the re election of the jrreat and illustrious citi rjn-EOldler- President. The fir?t part of the mission of THE ERA is accomplished in the re establishment of the Kcpublican partylnp wer lor another four eard Irom March ueit, .and now it en ters upon the work of following Up tht miirion in gatbe'lng and preserving the j yruat national victory a victory significant of no ortb, no South, no Eagt, to West, but of a Cnion restored, a people re united by the bonds ot peace and srood will, and ! each and every one in the quiet enjoyment of tbe bleseinifB ot LIBERT 1" and the boun ties of PROSPERIiY. TiiE EKA is the o&prlng and product of tbe srreat and glorious commonwealth of North Carolina, lor whose good and glory it is tho mission and privilege of the puper, without being sectional, to "labor and to wait;" and whether in political material, educational or social argument, it should -vct be understood that this paper is labor ing only ior wnat it deems best and to the true intttrcbts of the people ot this great rttate, in common with all the great patri otic people nd Interests of the nation. Whether in its diversified character ot a Family, Commercial, Political or Iodustriai newepaper, THE ERA will strive to culti vate and promote alfthe interests of the people, ana in evory thing save theadvooacy of its part principles-, diecard all Political differeocesand in the interests of Peace, Reconciliation and Reform, ( clasp bands" ith any and all men laboring aifd studying lor the good ot their kind, and striving for the g.ory of thtlr country. I . Ii aknwelle x , (Late Green wa!d & Co.J) WHOLESALE DEALER IX mm, Brandies, Gi&s, Whiskies and Segars. NO. 10 SOUTH -WATER ST., lUjepectfully informs hft numerous custom ers mat ho has opened the largest sad best stock of Pure Liquors In the State at prices to compete with apy Northern house. I shall keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Rye and North Carolina Corn "Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Segars. Purchasers will do well to examine my stooa before buying elsewhere. 8E0ARS A SPECIALITY 121-iy Eastnrn Division: New Schedule. 1873' : Going West. 1873 Leave Wilmington. 4. " Abbottjourg. . . Lumbertou ... Shoe Heel..... u Laurlnburg... " Boekia'crhkm... Arrive atk lMtnree.j. rASBESGEBTEEIGHT. aoo a u It 16 " 12 SOPH 1.54 2.9 4C3 4 45 0 ) A il ll.4i 44 2 05 P m 5.0-J " G.00 a M Si. '- 10 00 .-.if , m 50 CASH,, by is r MAY ; m UNPAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER DELIVERED OX HOARD CAR? AT -WILXIXQ TOX, X 0. ' Tons 00 o c!i 1A ouper phospliakv m 00 Payable "hi of Going East. STATIONS. octr A, ADHIAN. H. VOLLERg .ADRIAN & V0LLER& WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries and Liquors, Importers of German and HavanaXJijars, AD Commission Merchant bcrcTH-EAsr Corker,. Dock and Fkokt Btreets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Leave Lilesvillo ' Rockingham ... " Laurinburg.... . 41 Shoe Heel Lumberton..... 44 Abbottsburg . . . Arrive at Wilmington. PA&SENGZK 7 40 a si S.ZQ 44 IO.S0 44 10 55 44 12 Opm 1 26 44 4 35 44 FKEIGUT. 12.00 ai Oar 5 00 AM 55 44 I 9 50 44 '12. 5 pm j 5.00 Dinner, goicg West: Sreakfast, go ing East. Freight Trains stop here over night. t Stage for CharloUe: Railroad audSfca-c fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only i(;. 0 gy No Trains on 8onday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timbei ran irreg ularly Expres Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Train. Western Division. 500 T ons o 1 PRICE $52 tv; Xovcmler. - " - Soluble Phosphate, 00 Payablo 1st of Hi: , . : a3-3m stations of Groceries and Li quors In the City, Dealers will find It to their interost to give us a call before buying elsewhere, mav 17-tf 1873. Furniture & uarpet i8T3. c. 0" COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. Any reliable person (known to the peo ple ot tbe community) procuring subf crib ers tor THE ERA is entitled to 23 p-r cent. of all subscriptions lor the Daily o W6kl to tingle subscriber?, whieh amount he is authorized to deduct Irom the sums paid iuto his hands, and remitting to- us the balance. Every present subscriber to THE ERA can thereiore make fifty cents b inducing any one of hia neighbors to sub scribe, and forwarding to us the money tor tho same : and fiftt cents for every addi tional subscriber to the paper. CLUBS, V '" A ; ' Leave Charlotte 4 Lincoinfm Arrive at Bufldio PASSE NOEltjFR EI 3HT. 8.(K)A M 10 43 44 12 07 14 RETURNING. Leave Buffalo 4t Lincolntou x.rrive at Charlotte. . . V. Q. JOHN80N, Assistant bupt. iau 9 IS7 P M' 2 41 ' it 5.14 S. Kichmoiid and DanwK. :;J:S Nor; h r;-o;;.j -i ;:v Gondc2it:od IS lu o:. .- (3 1 I L. FREMONT, Gen. Pupt. 199- usta R. II, Coiapasj. (iEN. 8CPE3INTNUENT'3 OFKCi, . Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1&72. s 1 1 Avri' Lc-.v 1 Arri . o i e OoncDrcl . , traii;- ba: y LtjnL'li. ili-li i.iii : (Trct-.if-. Co. 6h.i Iiiii ui.:u; h ;-.ii" ; A !AI:E CIIAKCE. t ' n i A-. nts?H nr wccltin cash ' . c wiiii in utonco. KTcry 1 ;;id c pens h paid. Adrirfsr L' M'KK i CO Cbarlotlo, illeh. VJA.r.TAriLU AND JTLOWCll 1 ''-'')' . I OS 8. dhllAR. fllfJisloa 1 rccr s (iarden Calendar. '1. with nroctlcal tiirrr. -y lu-c. r, 71 1 Ohotnut street, :; 1. in tor ;'.H'0,- REWARD, V-j 4Jn 1 uiijcuine Itching Le. GHAflQE OF SCHEDULE. rI"ilE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL THE peopio of th4 Gnxdinas home one of the largest Fi S E now hae at urnlturo and Garnet Warehouses in tho country. They can soleet In person from ono of the laigest stocks ever offered in the Slate. Tho designs are all now and handsome, and wc invite the public to examine stock and price before purchasing, 1). A. SMITH & CO. txu tJ 200 if JL no Into effect t3:35 A. M.. Mondav. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington...., . . Arrive at Fior6nce Arrive at Columbia. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Augusta 7 4 : T. X Leave Augusta... 6.25 A. il Arrive at Columbia 11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 Jj NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN- DAI o EACEPTifiD.) Leave Wilmington Arrive at Florence Arrive at Columbia , Arrive at Augusta . , Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia.. Arrive at Florence .... Arrive at Wilmington 1 1 it 1 1 Arrlv Lea U-ii'-i'-li yi!ic;G10' Ct rihoiH J ut Greoiiobopj G'retu.'iU.iro'.,. Li i i, li r 41D t . . . . Lcxinio.'i .... REWARD. XJIlnrl or CI. hat rW UiNo's Pile Remedy fullM oruic. ii is prepared ea l.rrssiy tocur the Pile. ;:nrt liothins else. Bold by i ;r) pr-r .iny! Accnt wanUd! All J clas a of working pooplo, ot . s or olj, ruauo mora money r . m th lr Frare moments, orafl -:i piiythln elso. . FarUetilnr s;m?on & Co, Portland, Mo 8:55 A. M t Concord,-. . . Arrive at (Juariom l I') i T E -D ji oc i' .nro tho services of at lraii c. iercUircnt pcntlomcn lo nvory :ul cu-fylri the -onth fin.i. oiriciiv I M1U11. v.i -Lit. an ti 9'U to VOO liriT'sS luriibull llrnthPm T'.,i.i,. .., : 31 um Pot par Passenger trunj f M coiinecJs bouisd train; . niak'n:', I'm q.; all Northern ci.ies, t'rico'.-i us other rouie-3 Mail trains dailv, 1.lu : icn-th of Ho;-!, l.y 1 ) 5.45 P. 1 ll:o5 P. A! 3:10 A. M tf:20 A. M 5:5 ) P. 31 10:20 P. V 2 12 ArM 8:00 A. i OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR P STILL ahead of any other on tbe market .Always on hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, Cora, Boit'.-d MctJ, Pea? and Pc Me& Oat?, Sborta and l.ntn. All gvKids sold drayed free. -Ml ba returned In Ktxxi oriler n lli Oe crexiita at eot on next Mil. ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. St27 113- S. H. MAN NIN C. COMMISSION MERCHANT, ASD DEAtXB IN frrKfiriB, Prorisions, Dry Goois ClotMns, Sc. Sc., No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Ojasljfuui-ais and Cash O.drs Solicited THE WEEKLY ERA will be sent to clubs of subscribers at the following rates: 2 00 7 50 13 30 24 00 S3 00 One Copy, one year 3 issues. ire copies, 4 Twenty 44 44 44 44 thirty " " " x" And an extra piper to each Club. AJdre&s W. M. BROWN, Business anager, ; Raleigh, 1. C. r-Any and all persons. Into whose h:uus tnia prospectus may fall, are request ed to work for TIIE ERA on the terms proposed abovet if not for love of the Re publican party, at least aa a matter ol busi ness, and personal pront 10 inemseives. AGENTS. Every Post Master in the State is an authorized Agent for THE ERA, to receive subscriptions and iorwara money, en tho term and conditions pro posed abovo. w. M. a. dec 41 Iwv u&w-u W Ji olenalo Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, ti.T 2s'or-tli AVaiei' SIvggU WILMINGTON, N. C, P. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer In Half and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied, with Uoliled Ale and Legcr Beer. 3 221-tf JAMES ANDERSON, oct 9 Gea'i 6u o r. 123 tx VViJmifisrtou & Wcldon Company. OFF1CS GUKSBAL SUPERlMJLhDi::.!, Wilmington, N. C, Jnnc , 1S72. THOMAS CONNOR B A. R ROOM N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nut'? Sts. ays n hajid the be?l quality of Sega 1 157.lT NEW YEARS' BEEF. lvers of GOOD STALL FED PAT MONDAY MORNING, A l 4 ,:'.z'h tlirvvhout tto wevk. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE To Isaac Lilly ana wire n-iizaoetri, and William A. Jordan and wifo Maria Greeting t U HEBEA55 default has been mde by the mortgagors respectively named in the mortgages following, executed to the Cape Fear Building Association, viz: A mortgage executed by Isaac Lilly and wife, bearing date -th day of Oet , 1S70, and rgiste e-I in the Kegieter's office of Jew Hanover county, in book AAA, page 308. And two mortgage exeeu ed by u 11 lam A. Jordan and wife Maria, one bearing date the nth tav nf !rv 1 870. and registered as a'oro- Kald in book Z Z, page. and theother bear ing date the 16th day of September, 1870, and registered as aforesaid In book A A A, page ttS. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue or tne powers 01 ie wowmo 't respectively In said several mortgages, re cord t as aforesaid, the said mortgages 111 be foreclosed by a sale of the premises there in respectively described, at public anetlaj, at the court house door in the lty of W U mineton, on Friday the 2rth day of March, in'nf 11 n'rirvk a M. The said premises are respectively described la tb said xaort- Hitvatnntl&tlV as follOWS. ViK ulicv's lot btins at a point In the tv mm line of Sixth street Its feet north LAVE3 & WII2TC 190- 31 uiaTiLi tXA blanks A nul t$teftA nA tor ial ilae .ir.iix- from the northwestern intersection ruwv. onri orbUa street, and rnnsalonsr I sixth stroct southwardly 3 feet bylM fcirt ,lonn Pnrt nf loL 4 and 5 htOOk 91. ' William A. Jordan'a lot begins at point In tho western lino of Fourth street 31 Wt foutliwardly rrora the southwestern lnter- ctinn nf Fourth an I Church streeU, and runs thence southwardly alone Fourth street $l tool hy isorectdecp. Part of let i Uocfc SU, Xtfrxns of saIo cash. - , J. S. TOPHAM i CO.. No. 8 South Front Stred, lL51liTOTV, X. v.9 MAN UFAUTUHEHS ANJ) Wholesale aud Retail LValers iu SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS Collars, Harries, Trace Cnains. Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars. Saddle Cloths, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Ousters. Axle Grease, Briuies, of all kinds. Sad dlery Hard ware, fec. A L P O , SECOND HANP HARNESS, SADDLES, R E T N S , &c CHEAP FOR CASU. (ma Afl p-ijcuger tvain- y. no witii trains to aud IluIlma:i IVi.K'e C;u; 'J - ' CENTd FOR TILS T717 V iotw c CO':'1 l) : .1 n ERTISEES' iZElTE, ' SALEM BR f ecng-raud FreiuLt "a (cJuudays -xcepuu ) o SC., as fo'lowB ; Leave Greens 'o'y.. . . Arrive at Ki-rue. vi;: Leave Kerntrsv Iik. . . . Arrive at GretUsboro. ''7c, fihnwinsr horr, when ami tfs-j, jiinl rontiJlnlnaa list of .ii ipn-y, u'lth much other lu-liitcio-t to ndvrrtlsers. Ad- vv t LL, v lo, Publbhcrs. 11 V i Ol ll. ' ! ! ' . K t AMERICAS i 5 til " 1 m I 1 .n.ildJ.'ii U UiJlECTOI 7. 11 GREEN, 1; CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wii- with editor ami Vmh. ' i amc, uaic uf CsUllabmeaL rSfZO, . M.b-t-i-jptioii ?rcoBnd circulation a: iMvipe n la tho Cnitod btatesand i: r IVK POLLARS, A'.Idrosi ru'-rlishors. No 41 Pnrk - i. - .t.j -jr 4i, r . L. mina:ton and Weldon follows : Railroad will run ?e June 7 1-ly. State of North Carolina, COUKTY Nancy BRUSWICKSCPEKIOlt COUBT. Andrews vs. Charles Andrews, To Charles Andrews. IT APPEARING to the satis&o' Ion Of tho Court that tho defendant, Charles An drew is a non-resident of tho State of North Carolina, the said defendant is hereby noti fied to appear at the next term of the 8upo- ( 8t&to of North Carolina, on the sixth won- lay after Uve fourth Monday in t cbrnary, j liCiL and answer tne eomniaint in tneaoovc i rD title cause, cr too painun wui upjmy i i.tiiis, stoves, Laniernv Kerosene, un iu r relief demanded In this oomplaicf, to- and Sheet Iron Ware. 1 iwuuug UUUO ai;UUft UUUCtt Agents for Falrbanjr8 Scales. Mo. 19 Front Street, WIIJIINGTON, N C. W M , - ' 150.1y MAIL TRAIN. Leave Uniou Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At t-:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 11 P. M Rocky Mount : ! I J'. 31 Weldon.. !i;5? . M Leave Weldon dally (Sundays excepted). . At i);15 A M Arrive at Rocky Mouut..... ll:07 A. M Goldsboro 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At 10:40 F. M Arrive at Goldsboro :00 A . 31 Rocky Mount 4:5 A . M Weldon fcftOA. M Leave Weldon daily. . ....... 7:10 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount. .... :5S P. M Gldsboro.. 10:5S P. M Unlen Depot S.-l'JA. M Mall Train makes close connection it Weldon for .all points North via Bay Line and Acqula Creek routes. Express Train cons ects only with Acqaia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A: M.. and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily; Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE. Geaeral Superintendent. June 8 ; 19-tf j PARKER i& XA aORJj Successors to . . ! A; H. N BFF, " ! ilar.aiaeturerg and dealers hi HOUSE FURNleUlNQ GOODS, t N A N D A FTK 1 C J T AVi. : LJ Train Mall Tra!n aukivj: .i Express Mail lkavi: Mall Express ii.Ui.il , i i Mali r 1 T T- r - . : i'L'RNUil wishe; to Infornx hls eanto . J u'j jc iHitraiJy. that hols now '. i c I uj Co ail kind of work lo blsllne, ; '.ruuivi rcf.i-;cctfuliy request a con On ua-in-j u-rona-o which has heretofore ;i :Jbc:-.u!y bestowed upon him. fi ir ij;. i ( ; 1'. i'- ; j. "P. A. 53I-IUTTE-' . 1. ! 1 T k r.r t : 1 UJt AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In t9 TTlinTl T Itr-nnnnnnn Leave P-. tt-bur Leave Weicii Arrive at Weldn Arrive at rcter.sburu GAi'i.:s Leavo I'ticrsfjiu Leave (Jraston Arrieat Gaston Arrive at Pfctoi'sbu;- No trains will :-un ou J press trains Frcteh ts for Gastou . ; til o Fc trs bu r-4 tici.'o I n'. y and THUICviDAWs. Tho depot will be ; r ; at goods will be received ait- i, .J. J S-t f Ensrineer snd f-,. 4 V1ND0V SHxVDES, Ai hangings, picture FRAMES, CORDS, A'iSELS, FRINGES, &c, toy. : . ut received a supply of Furniture, i ... -i;.ii-d to glvo the publlo is good . I - ; i-nn. t.e had in tho city. -i ('.ill famine. ' JLART g 3 ' . hie . W. li. Plflsilier Steam and RICHARD jNT. MOON. Oomjuission Mercfiaiit, A" m and dcxiSrr in Wrought and GuIva4iit"J ro: outlier with tkc ocwtfs of tfca action. SAMUEL P. 8WATN, Clerk cr Saparlor Cocit cf EruivwUkooL,NO - KTi wiiHTtrtfwr I Rrn. Coclis, Valves, I.'.ts ; y.ii'.l all descrip: ' FITTINGS TOR STEAH, AND G AS. ttumuliir intention paid to r..; COTTON AiiL.'.3, w iih .Steam, Ga, end Wai; AND DEALEK IN OK A IN, -MILL FEED. AND COUNTRY rRODCCE. Lirntlen &PacaStb Balticcre, Hd.J .'ro;n North Carolina Solicited. 174-tf J a k i: a i TEi: DEEDS- On head aud v f for ja!c : I 8 ILfc?l

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