HE EVENING POST. . 1 IvIlminqton, y. u. Friday March 21st, 1873. ITuffioe Reflations. Post orc-, Mafch 1SJX i ,r,3i this date mft,Ii wUI cio " ' hera (moralnfij mail 5 a. m. 7:30 p. m I nifhtl man..., nail 8P- m joataero Ed. R. Bbiwk. P M. .u.inj' mn.i cloiiwr Kuadinz il Ol UK""" " .itna lAhnrr Association: 0i niioii'. ,j 0 A. 34., fc v - S P. M.t 8 P. VI.. 10 P. M. Announcement. n -i Hi f.tron fli.nrc nt I Mr. a. -7 . irca!ation and will superiutend fctjeircaia iw deliver hereafter, lie is aioce au taorizsd to collect subscriptions and to receipt tor tbe emj-. Mr Geo. N. lUrris having accepted , position in tbis office, we hereby give ootice tbKt bis receipts for moneys due 1Dd contracts for advertising will be jUlj ackoovf 'edged aud carried out bj Ttre P'.L tfjnal Service, U. B. Army-TTcathor Report. OB'Shvek's Officu. ) WilminOion, Mrc(J 41, 1573. ) Tlmeol Ub-iBAromjTher Weath er Wind ;:fj a. M. ;oO M. P. M i"0 a !- i gl VV l.eeu !oi.r J9 .S' ;M '4 NVVbrk !C'Uar 29 70 -55 4 iWbriak :Jlear ROBST PETDOt H, O server. U. S A. GeoRAC MVKni, Ktq , anivtd in tbc . KT "V - L titj this rooming imra new ium. Costextmest and huppincss man m all households where Dooley'd Yeast Powder is used. Try it. Your grocer nas ii. i oi up wim. r . .,il ........ I. f We are rrqucicd 10 call attention to the isle of mortgaged property by tbt dps Far Building Association, the hoc bating been postponed until Fri dsy, 11th April next. See advcrtifement on hrs: page. Thb recent appropriation of Congress of f 100,000 to the improvement of our Br and River, will enable the Engin eer ia charge to push rapidly ahead with tbe works now in progress. Tbe fpeedj prosecution of this important enterprise, wiil greatly increase the prosperity of our city. Major's Court. elding. RicrjAKD Stewart was charged with disorderly conduct and fined $5 00 and cot. William Perry, for a similar charge, wss let off on tbe payment of 3 00 and costs. Geo. Nixox wus aleo charged with tbe same offence, but proved a clean record and was acquitted. Wilmington, N. C, Mrcb 18, 1873. At a meeting of the Republican City Committee bela this day, it was unaui nouily IUUed That in view of tbe ap proichiog Anuual Municipal E.tction. we deem it expedient 4tin lieu of tb castomsry delegate convention" that Ms nomination for Aldermen should be made dinct by tbc people of tbe various wards, believing as we do that it will Rive more general satisfaction to a ma jority of the uop!e. Revolted, Tnat it is the opinion if m.iviuujuiee mat eeven Ut-publicaDS can be cbostn ULder tie Cuinu anvt 8a8rge Act, consiquently thai number sbuu.d bo at uiicated, to beapportjouiii . follows: First Ward, tw; Scnd W.rd.one; Third Waici, one; Fourth Wr.l. one; FifiU Ward. two. Pelted, That the Chairm an and Secretary f this meeting be instructed to usu the call l.r the wrd meeting to I held on Tuesday eveoii.g mxi. tae 23 b inst., at 8 Vciock P. M., in ac C)rdtice wiih the foregoing resolu tions. RtMctd, That tbis meeting tlo now itymro, sul.j ct to the call of tLc bairmsn. E. M. SU -KMAKfcK, Cb'n Rep. City Committee. H RictD, Sec'y. cwii:aDce who me lorcgoing res- 'otiocs, the Uepublicans of tbe sever I wrusof ths iH mof of Ko t.,i Ijwia camej places in tueir respective j He w"a, aad proceed to nominate their Aldermen : First Vara at Brooklyn Hall, and eorniaate two Aldermen. istcond Ward at Court House, and minstc ooe Alderman. fhird WaM at N. Oerkeu's Stcre, and vu.uaie one Alderman. ruLrth Wo .-1 - r 'ow. and nonaioate one Alderman. , ',:U Ward at Anthony Iiowe'. Sbop, dor eiiwci, anu nomiaa:c two ai- Tbe mectic to be held at 9 e:xk P. ii, E. ii. Suoir Alien, Ch'n City Rep. Commit U R, Be cy. I Town cm Mild. - ' GoldinNewTorkll5. Tbe Senior bat returned. Squire Cassidey ia quite ill. The dost is effectually laid. Robbers are still in onr midst Vnni . ... . Equinox comes as usual this year. - City politics are Inci!. In fa- terest. Mr. A. "Weill is expected to return to day. J PooUr bung to-day, aa be should be, lor murder. , As the Probate Judge Use return- ed, makers of deeds are bust. ' - S. Uanstein returned last eight. . . . ... .1 uaviD-ipurcnascaancwstocKolffOoaf. to-.. .i. .i - DcWitter, the great Democratic oratoi ig ogain iQ tfouble He WM .1'rti. r- . arrosted in Baltimore for passmg coun- terleit mouey. 'Tisamusini? to see our oronhetical neighbor guess at the Republican plans and programmes. Many of tbe persons mentioned as ssuiranta for citv offices never beard or thought of it until they &w their nampsin mint. ThU l on irauzv that it will fail to hurt anv one. u . vi. "M resigned bis position as Justiee of the Peace tbis morning before the Clerk ol t ie Court, and Thomas M. Gardner was appointed in bis place. J'- . o ov.wrFb uau mi copivs oi me new xorn Xiager iew York Weekly abd Saturday Night, We recommend Uarrisa' News Stand as the place to purchase first class reading matter. Tim Scbr. Douaa Aoua, Captain ; c . . r i r r VVbaley, from Charleston, bound lor luia p0rtj weut ashore on Lockwood p0uy on Wednesday night. Captain Wbaley came to this city to secure a tugboat to go to ber assistance. No fears are entertained for her safety. state; items. The prohibitary liquor law goes into effect in Ruberfordton on the let ol Miv. The hotel at Company Shops is to bo re opened under the auspices of John D. Corbin. The widow ot lion. Willie P. Man gum died on Sunday, at her residence on Flat River, OraDge county. The bouse of Mr. William Toms, in Rutbeilordton, was destroyed by fire on diuuutijf uiuu xlc Brigin or tne hre was accidental. Information is wanted concerning the colored boys, aged 13 and 8 years, children ot Joanna Hamilton. Charlotte. I Tbey are supposed to be ia Catawba COUQtV. I will remove bis sawmill to Beaufort county, upon the land of Major W. A. Blount, where timber in large quantities TBC KlrtIn ni nt th hr.Ho uowu s Jims, ai Apex, in uskc county, a tew days since, resulted ia do fatal I fT.r? Th npcrrn man wna RPTPrrlv ... J I hurt, but will recover. Tbe younger brotber ot Dr. Dowd was cut in several places, but was in Raleigh on Wednei- , , ,, , , . aay. lue uoner was a loiai wrec, me accident having been occasioned by a I delect in it. The loss sustained amount- I a i riArt 1 cu uw. Says tbe Charlotte Observer of the 18 b instant;--We learn from a source lrrtrTDth r rmuU a tht nn lo.f Thnr.rU. altogether reliabe that on lat Thursday night, two revenue officers, McAipine ol j this p'ace, and SbafFer of Raleigh, went to tbe store of II. U- Severs, just outside lmpereeptlble. Twelve minutes the corporate limits ot tbis city, for tbe a ter the bolt had been drawn, hla pulse had purpose of seizing some blockade wbis- ceased to beat. ...... , It was evident during the reading of the key, which they supposed to be some- ierTicM tbath wa8 npidly Blnklng ,and where thereabouts. A n bin ber of wag- scarcely able to stand. The physicians no ons were camped near the house. These deed this, and Rev. Mr. Schoonmaker bad 1. . . a -a 0-k K.fttu but Just shook hands with Foster and said, were all entered and searched, but noth- .. Qod blMg yo my rlead whQn ing m the way of the contraband goods fetal was. drawn. After being al- t ir which they were searching could be lowed to hag a little over 20 minutes, the t und. Tbey then went to the house of "J. lowre the Z' v uuw. uj w - ... veyed into the deadhouse of the Tombs, Mr. Severs, and demanded admission from wnenCe it will be taken to-dayto the This was at 11 o'cloctc, tho lights were residence of Foster's widow. The interment ... mwK.VIm oVa nlaa rr Xfr.n AaVT TlfTf oil nnf nn1 thp familT nxlfpn. T he I C I V U V WW v M w J a . , , . . , . . v. omccrs were prompnj aumuiuu i iuo 1 house when they demanded that Severs ,nJr nvpr to Hi storfl with them, remonstrated, of course, but to no efitct, aud was forced to open bis store m Mch M. to bis late callers. After searching The Jans Lotsen, frem London forPhila tbrough it one of the officers at length delpbla, is ashore at Indian River Inlet. The found an unstamped barrel behind the door, oevers 101a mem to ta&v mc barrel, but to esy oothicg about it, aa he did not wish to be dragged into the United States Court. To this they agreed. Ooe of the men tbca came into townand secured dray, with which I 1 A ..,1 . Q AVlMlr Mn VriA-V I uc iciuiucu, a " " '" v- 7 mominsr they started ofi. Saturday. however, they rethred tbe barrel, con- whohaaelvllprceeteaagalxirtlilm. McDoh- ..nri.ntAirr fut.r. .fi.rfindinirMdd'tplumderleliieTMtcdy Tit a u 1 ; 7 JZZZ 1 tut! m . : - I CUJ 01 0?e firtyar . - i, VTtVt 'Jong, tbe upland lisrera Ghostly snow wreaths white and etilL 8 weeplsjr downward ley ftnera Toward the lowland bare aad thill. Almost ere the blue-birds winds Southward, eome with hint of Spring, Dream of elan, and meadow brlnziog With the wild glad songs they sine. . I A ti " i- r' . T V .. 1L I -. I ca turn wee, crave oounie oigssosu Open first their waxen bills. ffi Tears age when golden visions' Filled my life with radiant dresB, M Umpea of jysium Diiitlng out In rainbow gleams. WUa wht , Hid mid leave half green, half brown, SetlAprUem ' . Strength tViov imva ma fv Hfa'a I fP "at tnmied me like eld wine ; inankfalnesa for all the beAntv. 8trewn o'er earth by love dlrine. Eyen now. when worn and wesry, Heart string torn with grlel and pda; 1 uuntnctl UIDUIU0I AZTBluS. Brings the old time bargain. rcoJCMUKCATXD. j TnE eon of the Christian public U ca,led to tbc tllort DOW "ff mftde bv the members of the Christian Chapel Caarcb 8 "model their edifice as ta! wmiorraoiy accommodate me iDcreasea I r x j wsgregsiion oi saiu vnurcu. 4bc cBcmDersuip nave tnus iar oeen I wants ot tbu Church ; but being poor, I we are uaabie to crown our effort with- we are uaab4e to crown our effort with- oni an appeal to the generous public of Wilminatr. whn hr vt tn turn a i them for a3s4stanec to eBable them bet- I ter to carry oq the work of evaDgeliea- tioa cf the people, even though that appeal come from the poor negro. The purpose of the membership is to erect galleries on both sides of tbe Cbureb, tor the accommodation of about five or seven hundred. Anything that our friends are disposed to give us to carry on tbc good work, will bo grate fully received and acknowledged. aeip u 10 carry me vrospei lorwaru, that we may benefit oar fellows, and assist in growing better citizens to the commonwealth cf Wilmington. Lbtvti Sherdik, Dekj. Barney, Joseph Wxllts, Alex. Jordan, Building Committee. T. H. Lomax, Elder in charge. LATEST BY TELEGrRAPH Fron New York. New Yobk. March 30-P. M. Fester passed the day quietly, and remain- mA iu voe greater pars or tne time in hia eelL He beard early is the day of tbe final effort of his counsel to prevent, on legal technicality, his execution to-morrow, and hfa hnrvfs revived. On recelvinc intAllt gaeethat the effort had proved vain, he became very dejected, hung bis bead on his bre and desired that no one would sp H fnllnM Af Kia loaf AflrVw4 An I reeoverlnr. she returned to her huband and i 4t.ki...h.him.hKHMi KL. : uuieiPTO.ii.uv. . final partina between Foster and his wife tookDlace-. both were deeply affected. He sea wsi csmea away oy aer oroinor. m m A ' Nbw YObk. March 21. poster wae executed at IT minutes pat0 forenoon. Foster awoke at 7 e'eloek, and partook of , acupofeffee, butateDothlng. He was very paie, aoid hi. strength ssemed fast fainnjr.- He was attended by the Rev. Dr. Tyng. and Rev- boonmakert Chaplain of Slnjr amg. Foster walked unfalteringly to the BC9jr(Adm Hls feee had ahectie flush. Ar rived beneath the scaffold, Rev. Dr. Tyng, assisted by Rev. Mr. ttehoonmaker. read the 51st Psalm, and besought tf od to open the eye ofmercy to this thy servant. The scene was impree-ive in the extreme. Daring the reain of -tood beneath in0 IKaw,a' "u hBnrt.hprflnirhi - eT.eo At Bevftnten min. utes post nine tbe bolt was drawn, and the j body rose Into the air. The condemned man " ww AiiWDuoaiwiKiuie avuviwk, mo viunu Kj jpnty Sheriffs and others who had gained I admission to witness the exeeutlon, slowly made their exit rrom me aconw. L"Mi Froks TTashinfftoiu WA8HI27OT0K. Zl&Ttfll 21. The strike on the St. Loula, Kansas aad Northwestern Railroad is over. There has been, a fierce run on the Bait Lake City National Bank. All tie demands J WSTS ZDU - I I McDonald, tho alleged Bank; of England 1 Uer. ha. been turned over to the Sheriff The Emprise of Kasaia la Florence, en vQxiiV SO uUubucra ihu mm uu mwtw I ,jV MMMfw I onH bih fr tl -rr 1 1 1" una the remark, that possibly me of his sup porters in the House might hs dissatisfied, to which there were loud cries of " Xo, no!'' New York Markets. KbwTobx. March a Stocks dull. Money steady at ) -32 a 146 percent. Gold steudy at 115. Exehanse long 105, short Government bonds dull but steady. State bonds - quiet. 1 Cotton firm. Uplands 18 els; Orleans oenu. Sales of 212 bales. Floor qniet. Wheat quiet. Corn dttlL. Pork c,ulet-new mess SIS 10118 25. Uurd steady. 8plrlts Tur pentine dall at7 etata. Boai&dnllat $us for strained. Krebjhu quiet. Foreign Market. LoK&osr. Maroh 21-Koca. Consols 8$a3. TJ. 8. 6', 90X LavKKPOou March 3t Noon. Cotton opened firmer. Uplands 9&$id.; Orleans P?a9Kd. 1ATEH. Cotton firm. Uplands a S5d. ; Or leans OH a Sales of il?0 ba.ee to speculators and 3,000 bales to exporters. Col. Roberts and the Congress Back Pay. Col. Roberts, tbe Representative in Uongre88 Irnm tbe Filth district cf yew York city, has received the following letter from General Spinoer, the Treas urer nf tbe United States, showmg that the tX'ra salary voted by Conurees has been paid b?ck into tbeTrtaury in ac- 'CornaDce with Ins instruction!. Treasury up thb United States, riTED States, ) I Divm k, 14. 1873. ) - 4 CA8U WAPniNOTON. Mnrcn I BIR I liMtirl vim liert a It h tliH rtm-kli . cate f certificate No. 7 507 rothe credit j of the United States, $4,718, being tbe amount of additional taiary, Forty- duuu rr, uue y.u auu uepnaiieu amotions to him and vnur lttr m th. I J I Secretary of the Treasury of the date ol iuareu 11. very r spccni'iy, F. E Spinner, Treasurer U. S. W A IF Si Iiwa Citv owes tbe estate of Edwin Forrest $17,000. Fowler, tbe discoverer ol butnu3, ia lecturing iu iDgUnd. mad gl t treasurer. Lieutenant Fred. Grant has been as signed to duty on Gen'i Sheridau'a staff, at Chicago. The Countess de Moot'jo, mother of tbe ex-Empn ss Eugenie, has been strick en with blindness. A 8tony county (Iowa) girl danced twenty-six sets in succession, and four days alter was taken to her grave. iAneniuusiasiicaniiquary aiararisian sale recently paid no less than $4,500 for a pistol of tbe time ot Henri II. " My yoke is easv and my burden is light," as a Georgia youth said when bis x was sitting on bis lap with ber arms around his neck. 4 Floating down tbe sea of matrimo ny, by the light of tbe honeymoon," is tbe way a city editor toocbingly alludes to the marriage of bis son. Toe demand among tho city hotel clerks for Ariz ma diamonds threatens reduce tbc supply and Miss Virginia uucfquic-je, wioat- I tamed the rank of sergeant in'i he first Naoolcon'a armv. where she served for . . . . j- i x years m male attirp, recently died m I France at the ae:e of 99 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR A IOT on tbe corner of Sixth and Church 8treeta (K by 90 feet, for sale cheap. Apply to JAMES & BROWN, Real Estate Agent?. 333 tf Feb 17 From Steamer How Disclaim 5 GROSS ASSORTED DECANTERS, 5 HHDS. SMOKED SHOULDERS, BBLS AND BOXES CRACKERS, 4U 75 BARRELS EXTRA FLOUR, g- BOXES CANDY, 3 PACKAGES TEA 5 and 10 lbs caddie-, 50 BOXES SOAP, We call particular attention to our Deean ters, as we are able now to fill any order. HOTTENDOKF & HAsilAGEN. feb 13 r50- won a x 5 w n oCr. BY MRS.. EILOART. Author of "The Curate's Discipline," -From Thistles Grapes,' bt. iieue e," etc, "Mr". Eiloart's novels, are well known as Irasant -tones. Invented with originality, and worked out skillfully, such ws we reai wnn inieresi. w anaiiaiways oe g uu w rad her nnvel-ZV-Lnndon Atneneeum. tJlJSS ways been happy in drawl d her characters and in ner descriptions, an this time tno has bit upon an Ingenious plot, or ratner on a plot involving a most interesting point. Fun. .... . In morocco cloth, gilt cacK. rnw i For sale only at HEINftBKRGEU'S, Li Yd Book aud Music Store. mrcb 10 259 R, F. VT. L PER. U DOUGITTiifi. L0PER & D0UQHTEN, A v T, STORES AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, jfO. 55 K0RTB FRONT- STREET, I... Philadelphia, Pa. for Turpen'ine Cask- solicited and proaipMiy amuufcwnwi inwiny. DUMA fl W t"T-" COES-StTED OAILT Bf TUB 8AXS OT NW HANOVSK. j. B. GRAlQER, President. Bcmo,' SXLIXSO. Gold....... us 115 Silver. 105 ICS Excb&nze eight on North ern dtics.. ..Par Exehan&re 30 day on North . rill eft. KSUfJc. di. ; Pak vi. selo. Bank of New Hanover stock ... . 25 23 First Natirna) Bank 100 lut Wilmlncton Buildinj; Stock.... 4i Mechanics 40 65 Navassa Guano Co. " 100 110 N. C. BocUold Ex Coupon ..34 do Fundiog ibt6 5 Co . lb&6 24 Co New .) do SpeelalTax. 13 do to N C. H-ilroaJ.eO W. & W. R. R. Bonds, 7c (gold interest) 91 W., C. & R. K. h. Bowds, Vc..43 Wimicgton Uty Bonds 7J i ic ...ihj 44 ol 6Sc.67 i it new ovc.oi gold in. fc....?3 44 New Hanover County Bouds (10 years, 69c (gold int ) 70 New Hanover County iioads (5 Sr. itrnlA int 92 W. &V. R R. Stock (par 1C0 ,.5J N. C. K K. W., C. 3b R. R. " Wil. Gas L't Co. ( 10J;...4i I 41 )... ( 44 60). ..70 COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. FK1DAT, Mrch 21-1 0 P. M. Cbcde Tukpentinb ed ot 549 bbls at 13 25 for Hard, and $4 0 5or Yel ow Dip and Virgin. Virgin tubj ct to a deduction of one-filtH. 8pibitsTurpxntise Sales of 69 casks at 51 C8tJt3 per gailon f.,r eouthm packugts. Rosin No transactions reported. Tar Sales of 137 bb's at $2 75 per bbl. Cotton No transact on- epo'ted. MARINE. AKKlVhD. Nor Brlz Meleties, Paderson, Irom Brake, to Hid Bio-. 8tinr A P Hurt. Worth, from Fayette- vllle, to Worth & Worth: CLEARED. Mar20-Steam hip Rebecca CKdo, Cbilds, for Baltimore, to A D Cazaux. Steamer A P Hurt, W.ntu, for Fayette viile. by Vorthfc Worth. tpHDish Baique Jmmta, Maruri, for Am sterdam, ty Wtiloru bios. Br Barque AudaiuK, Mathewson, for Airoyo, P K, by IS Klddir s sou. PER RIVER STEAMERS. &C. Steamer A P Ilnrt 153 bbl roeln, S3 do crude turpemine, 7 do tar, 2 bales cotton. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. caka epirits turpentine, 21 051 lettiuuiher a 9 bblb rosin, 15do tar, 0 uaohels puauuts, 75 hides. FOREIGN. Amsterdam Spanish Barque Jtuiiifa 2,818 hbU rosin. Arroyo, P K Ur Baqi3 AndaJua 10). 953 feet lumber,. 121, ?6J shingles, 10 this pitcb, lO tv tar. List c I Vessels in the fort of U ii. taingtou, N. C. March 2J. 1873. STEAMSHIPS Kebecca Clyde, Child, ldg, A D Cfzmx Fanita, Doaue, dis. Uarrj' U-oa BARQUENTINES. Norwegian La Beile. Skark, dis, ue:ae arcs BARQUES i er eotiniudend. Put, dls, Mom'ttt MolS't A Co tier Vo war z, Cbubbv. ols, Miiura B Br Wild ErrickJn dU. ros Br Wild Huuter, Errickson, di8. DcKoeset & Co Gcr Bertha, Schwartz dis, Mat r Ger Burgermeifeter Kerbtein, Ehfenrelcb dis, Winard Bro Gcr Pudolpb, Paske, dis, .Voffist Ss Co Ger Koniginn Autrus e, Ludor. dls. Master Spanish Juaiiita, Mauruii, fis Wiilard Bros Br Eii2 AYcIma, Muuroe dls, J R BiotBoni & Evars BRIGS. Br Bric Kseex, Smith, dis. Harrirs & Howell Norwegian Frara Andereon, di, llclde Bros Swedish Depbin, Stafnerln, dis, do Ger Rica. ,reIl, dls. do Norwegian Tiufc, Joncason, dis, do Br .fcurocljdon, Oould dK J R Bloisom &, EVur:6 Andaluza, Matthewson, dls. E Kidder & Son? C 8 Packard, Packard. Id. W I. ISortbrop t Cumra'nc Home, Geu'is, Use Boston, (t G Brker & Cj AUavtli, CoUBics, kitr. E Kidder A: buce SCHOoNEKS Luola Maichison, Jodof, dis, U'u iacn? & MiircLJb'-'ii A G Ire'and, Towneei d. ui. Molhtt t Co Jotepb P'ifh, Ii upper. di3, Vick A Meriui e Fairfield, R.heri. di. Dciors t & C-Jesi-ie B Sml'h, H ilda r s, dirt A D Cuzjux Sanity South, Utrritkoi). rii?, VVH ianis fe Mur h'itort Fiauaa C Roramall, Ri'ey, il.b. Master Tcluaian, Patterson, oi?, Nort h rep k Cummins KatSe P Lunt. Poraery. iis. Master Ann & Sueao, hodtrs, Idtr I, E KiUitr & Sor-f Lillies Griffin, rpp, G G Barker & Co UiiOlire & Emih. UufcLiisoM. rp-r, do C E Jackson, v die WiJJurd Brot Lifct of vessels Sailed lor this Porf, CAEDIFF. Metto;, McCuBrck. bid Oct 17 Delta. Pttsrson, Eld Nov 13 NEW YORK. gcLr .Mary Price, NewoD, UVEKPoOL. Br Bqc- Geo Booth, Seaman, LONDON. Ger Brl Mdutap. Stroma' adt, CUXUAVEN. Esser, Cmitb, CARDENAB. Brig J M Burns, Wilson, bid March 17 eld Feb 19 tld Feb 5 s'.d Jan27 Eld Jan 31 BOSTON. RUisUa Barque Hilda, Blomqui-t, sld March 11 BFLFAST. intraehtv Mrs wick, BaWAW. Frederick 8calTa. WaaVk. .Id Feb 29 s'd Feb V8 SUPEKIOR COURT CLEKK and Sber ifis Bia&ka. For sole by hit V - - , 8 G HALL . . . ' '. ' 3IISCKLLANE0US. SOL: BEAR & BROS.. Retail Store, 20 Market Stroot. HAVE JUST OPENED ONE OF THE larsest Fall and Winter Blocks ever o ered to the ptftlie In this dry reduced prices, consisting of CT-OTHIKTO Of i very dcacripUuu. PHILADELPHIA READY HADE GOODS. and the Anesl aMortxnent of LADIES GAITERS AND . . CHILDRENS' SHOES iU THE VlTt. DRY O-OODS, 100 PIECES FIGURE, 500 " PlUlOtJ, 60 " CASSIMERES, 55 - 6 LINEN SHEETING, 200 DOZEN TOWELS AND. ALftO, rrhe Largest and bet assortment ol J 9 S TEIj T JJ.f TS AND Childrens Wear All of whieh we oiler at reduced prices. 80L BEAR & BROS. 198-tf oct 18 BE YOUR OWK LANDLORD. BUILDING LOTS for sale in healthy and desirable localities on Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Dock, Cbcsnut, Mulberry, Walnut, Red Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, Wood, Char lotte, Sixth, Seventh. Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth. Eleventh, Twelfth andTblr toenth streets. Satisfactory tlmo given fo payment. Apply to JAMES WILKON. ftd-tf Teh 8 BUILDING LOT. QNE if tbe finest BUILDING LOTd ia tbe city, eituated on tbe East side of Third Street, between Mulberry and Walnut, W by 105 fck, fr salo. App'y to CRONLV i MORRIS. Real Estate Agents. 233 if Feb 17 o erg Or r a. O PJP: yfe JSC'S' 2 . iiaW "2 M H ? 2 J J u- X J- march 6 3i8-3m BROCK'S EXCHANGE. rjAVINO ENTIRELY REFITTED AND remoddlcd tbc late CLIFFORD HOUSE. I am new ready to to wait upon my old customers and the public generally. n. . BROCK. PliOP'R BROCK'3 EXCHANGE. feh 12 SU-8m . DBESS MAKING. i I HAVE OPENED A KTORE ON FRONT street, under the Roamans' Home, wbrre I am prepared to make Drcaaesand trim Bon nets a; the shortest poMibie notiee. MK-4.H. T. WAOU7T. A fine assortment of Millinery and Ho slery all new. CALL AND EXAMINE. MR&'M. F. WXLOOTT. linen Drcs Goods and Lad 1m' Hats lor sale very cheap. fetor a under Scanons' Home. KOXTdOl

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