-i i.i.i i mm mi hi ii.nai' J ""'""" t ft it e el ; VOL. VI. ffflTnw khtt FATTmPAYMATlCH .22. 1873 b U A VAV JUS Vf -V. ' . n I ! lll FX. VV-fT V'Ffff. T3'f II l VL - '--,"-.. EVENING POST tiasd sfery afternoon except Sunday. J r CAAD AY.... Business Manar jSttft MANN dItor Subscription. advance 5 .jae je4". 4 3 U) ,. ABih. inMTinw tv( months, la adduce. ,iae utX U advance... . -rr-m business letter .. 1 5" .. 50 be ad- should Jed to tie Business Manager, and all ,offlottnicatloos or matters relating to the itorial department to the Editor. r0rrndence solicited from ourfri ends J$rvof tbetJtate, on topics of ren nl UtereiU Political news and reports oJ ripairable. .tods are cy -7 Merchandise B fokeragc Office, eontantly on hand 1 uAnuwetarvr in r rmm laironer AH dicr!ptions ot merciiJindi'?. orders , i'bidsiollclted and ialesrapUed promptly. t and sold In this .--rift. orUom from buyer KOllclieo, anu ' 1 br Boilers will nar 9 prompt ut- AOiy- tea:loa. nme well a h purchaaoi ngo r L rou wish to buy or sell, com Broker. JAS. T. TETTEWAY, Mrohandia and Produce lo1- d 2) ;V i D Vr K KT1S E U ENT S. HOWE Scvriii .llachmcs. in- n WOE of work thl Macl!ne cannot bo rVualiad. Oar line rork is equal to any aSr heavy work excoU tbat of any Ala etlnein tnewonu. 1IrtxrTI x1nlnn ill do nil y ur sewlnif, will lt a Hie tirue. n 1 not sub ect t'rlls. 11 - ewT pujment. Ut-XK A. Mi ,KljL AfKU UUU1U OO IlKK AM) Muc. 1 - u i.-- -iii' ' effected at the lowet current rates In the Wlovrlni responsible wmj-smw, SESJSklIPB IXSCRAN-CF. COM PA V, Assen '. w-v J. JL. HVKNE. Oen l Ins. Ajft., IMPHItlAL FIKr; IXflUKA.NUh 00MPA.N..or uonaon. Au g ! GREAT WESTERS FIKE INSUK- ANCE COMl'AM, ewuneans, FARNCVILLE KlRE INSURANCE AL BAA KIN U COill'ANX OI va.,sseia BYRNE A KEEN AN, Gen 'I fnsuranc Agents. Oac Ctinibsr of Commerce, up stnlrt. Wilmington, N. U. '7 "vcsi OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR H BTlLLaheAd of any othar on the market 1 Oar Pearl Homlnv cannot b suruiwptxl Aiwkjt on hand at the Mill aad Depository Cracked Cora, Corn, Bolted Meai, Peas and P-u ileal, O-itg, Shorts anl lir.An All goodt sold drayed free. All basreturnod In eood ordtr will be emiited at col on next bill. ALEX. OLD 11AM, Proprietor. Mpt27 tt. II. iMAiyiisrci C0MMISSI0H MERCHANT, AXD DEAXXR Groceries, Pronsions, Drj Goois ClotliiDE, Sc. &c, No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. OoaaljnmenU and Cah O.ders Solicited 21 MMr THOMAS COISrOIC S AR, ROOM t corner of Mulberry and Nutt 8t. J on hand the beet quality of Sega NEW YEARS' BEEF. VcJljy0' of OOD STALL FED FAT BEEF", SlrJn extra article at Second fctroct MONDAY MORNING, Wntinulnj thronjhout the week. DAVIS A WHITE. I . 1 pu- jAn IT 1 T r 1 I ... . . ... a orkofany oiner "k ; the grt- 0,1 C 1 r i.....it Wur k'ntnt NortQ AfA(lteTHAiK3 BLANK-Aiuil Uue B SaAXU MISCELLANEOUS. The Era UALEICiT, IT. c. DAILY WflEXLT. DAILY, OXE YEAR, $7 00 WEEKLY. OXB YEAR. 8 00 Revised, Improved and Enlarged. j T e clrsae of the National campaign of j 172, with tbe re election of Prcaident Grant, is a nerr era in North Carolina, the gonth, and the whole country. It U worth while to UkH note of, fur it marka the fc. Kintiioic of an tra ot pertiet peace ajid re coi.ciiiAiiou tiitouboat th-who; e country, and between evtrj tection of the. country. Be levin that 4 ptace hath her victories no It-Ba rttMowned tban ur," and that the conduct of i he ttoutuern people can be aa il utrioai iu p ace m the brarery of her aoioit-ry was noble, graud and thrice illmt rioua iu the lae irs' ; and that in the per Mn o UlytxKa b Graiit, the ao dUr with wbom our Ltre crossed aworda, we have a living and illactrious example ol the renown ot the soldier in wr, aod the victoriea ol thu riviilan in peace, THE ERA, from a soatbern stand point. haaendeaTOred toald thu ,4Tictrie6" of 44 Peace" by aiding the re tkciluu of tbe great and illaatrioua citi Ieooidn-r-Prt-idei.t. The tirtt part of ibemifaton of TIIE ERA is ac omk ined iu tbe re establishment of the Keoublicnn party in p wer lor another lour )crs iroui Jdan-n i.uit, and now it en ter upr.11 tbe work of lo lowiigup tht mis iuu in gatbe ing and preserving the reai National victory a victory significant of no .North, no ttouin, 110 Eat, lo West, but of a Union restored, a people re nulled by the bonds ot peace and goid will, and each aud every one iu the quiet enjoyment of the liGsii'irij of LIBER1 T and the bocn tits of PttoafEUltY. EKA is the ot&prlng and prodnct of at and glorious commonwealth of Carolina, tor whose good and glory it is tbe musion and privilege or tbe paper, without bein sectional, to "labor and to wait;" and whether in political material. educational or social argument, it should v'or be understood that this paper la labor inO'i lor wiiat it deems best aud to the true iutcrecto of tbe i-eople of thi3 great Mao, iu toa.mou with uli the great patri otic people nd inlcrctU of tbe nation. W Lit lb' r iu its diversified cutracter Ot a Famliv, OJimercial, roi ttcal or Indatria oew-pdiur. IMf.liKA M -trive to cnltl vatti uuil promote a:l the interests of tbe people, ami iu everythii g save tba advocacy t its parly principles, ui-taid d political ' illcrcucen, uJ iu tbe iutereMs OJ feace. Ruco. eiiiaiion and Reform, 4 clasp baud-" rtiib u-y aud all u,en labonng and stad. iug lor the tfood ot their kind, end striving lor the g ory of lhar ojnntry. COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. Any reliable person flcaown to the pco- p'c oi the commui.itj) procuring eub?crlb- r? or THE EHA Ia entitled to 35 pr cant of all t.ub-criuiiou.rr;tbr Dai voi Wekli to pine e bubocri'ter-. wbicli amount he is an bone d to deduct lnm the autne paid into hia hand, and remittinr to u the balance. tv ry present subtcrer to THE EKA tan theriore make Fiyil C&NT8 D iuducinK any one oi Lb nt'is?hbon to sub acr be, aiid forward in to ua the money lor thu B-mif ; ai d nrTr csktb lor everj add! tional sabieribNr to the paper. CLUBS. THE WEEKLY ERA will be aent to cluba ff subkcrlbera at the following rate : (hie Copy, one y-ur 52 issues. Five copies, 44 I'n ' Twenty 44 4 " "hirtv 44 ' ' ' " $3 00 7 50 IS 60 84 tO 8? OU Ana au extra piper to each Cab. Address W. M BROWN, Business manager, Ra'elgh, N. C. kAtit and all persons, into whose hiiuu. tnia prospectus mav fall, are request ed to work for THE ERA on the term proposed atve; if not for love of the Re publican pHiiy, at least as a matter ot busi ness, and personal profit to themselves. AftRNTa -fcterv Post Master in the 6tate is an authorised Agnt for TIIE ERA, tn rt-ceive bubtcriptlons and forward money. n the term aad eonditions pro ro!fd nbove. Ai. . dec .7 lbBd&w tf FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE To Iiaao Lilly and wlfo Elisabeth, and William A. Jordan and wife Maria Greeting t 11 HERE AS default has been mde by the mortuagors respectively named In the mortgages following, executed to the Cape Kear lluildlng Association, via: a mortiracrt axpeuted bv laaae Lilly and u ire, bHriiJ date :th day of Oer , 1S70. and rtrRto ei in me iteiiisfcer umw wi cw Iluuover c 'unty. In book AAA, pa?e 308. .... i t u- trior firttira -xeca ed by V 11 lam A. Jordan and wife Maria, one bearing date the ll'h dav of May. i70,and registered a a 'ore ai,t i,. Vx.r.tr 7. 7L nn?e 2i. and thf other bear- in? date the ltith day of September, and registered as aiorcs.ua in oooa a. a ow, tnerer.re. nouceisnereuj kjtbu bv virtue of tbe p-iwers i of sale contain , 1-M.rxrtivelv in said several mortgagee, re- mr.u . n.f.resa.id. me said mortgages in ho rnreiivm i bv ft sale of the premises then In respectively described, at public aueUe.i, at the courthouse door In the elty of W1I mlneton. on trlday the ilia aay Apai, irrt ot ii rtVtnck A M. The said premtsee are respectively described in the saiaxnor- gagea substantially as follows, vl; wesern liae of Sixth street It reeinortn nriiv fmm tha n..rin western Intersection ,.f irth and rastle streets, and. rune aloar Sixth street southwardly 31 feet by Is feet Oeep. I tin oi mnuuow'v - ,. nrnct-m ii n a of Fourth street 1 fcet Ftmthwardly from the southwestern lnter fvTtion of Fourth an t fcureh straeta.and runs thence southwardly alone Fourth street Si feet y ISO reetdeep. Part of lei 4 block as. Xvimi ox saie caan. ' , , , ..-. ; DUBRUTZ CT7TUUS fit? aispEM4KPttfrTWE li GOODS. X Ktthnvroilor, (Late Oreenwald & Co..) WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wiaes, Brandies," Gins, Whiskies ud Ser3. KO. 10 SOUTH WATER 8T Itoapeetrully informs hia nnmerons eoatom rs that be has opened the largest and beet stock or Pure Liquors In the State at prices to compete with any Northern house. I shall keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Bye aad North Carolina Cora Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and 0egars. Purchasers will .do well to examine my stoex before buying elsewhere. SEQARS A 8PECIALTTT m-ly oetr A. ADIILA3. H. VOLUSIta ADRIAN & VOLLERS. "W"H01rESA"LB BfilLXBI IK CJroccrio and Iiiquors, lmrsrters af&ermftn and Havana C!gyr, AJTD Commission Morcliant - . . -" - Boxtth-East CoRKra Docx and Frokt Htreets. WILMINGTON, N. a Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will And it to their Interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. aiav 17-tr. i87i. Furniture & uarpet isis. W A R E IS OJl S JE. rrHE people of the I 1 home one of the Carolina bow have at larsrpfit Furniture and rn,rnet Wcrehouaee in the country. They can eeiAt in person from ono of the largest stocks ever offered in the State. The deabrns are all new ana nanaaome. and we Invite the public to examine block and prleee Before purenaewg, . D. A. bblLr& & CO. iao 9 200 if H. 1 A k C U , Wholepalo Doalor IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, 2rtJi Water Stret, WILMINGTON, N. C. . A mil suddIt of Ale and Leger Beer in Hall and quarter isarrcis. . Families auppUed with Bottle4 Ale and J. S. TOPHAM I CO.. Ni. 8 SHth Froit Street, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNK8 & TRVAKLING BAGS Oollarg, Hamet, Trace Cntms, Whips, Spnrs, Dog Col Ian. Baciaie uiotDt, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nete, Feather Dnstere, Axle Grease, Briu i es, f all kinds. Sad dlery HaM ware,&c Jk, X P o SECOND HANP HABNESS, SADDLES, REINS, & o CUEAP FOR CASH. June T 1-ly State of North Carolina, COWNTT .. tiT BRTJK8WICI BtjFKSIOJB COT7XT. Kaney Andrew " vs. Charlee Andrews. Tn rrhorlaa Andrewa. IT APPEARING to the satis&e'ion or tne s ronrt that the aeiennanu cnarira An- iImm ta a, nnn.raeldent of the 8tAte of North Carolina, the said defendant ! hereby noti flad to appear at tbe next term of the Supe rior Coart of the County of Brunswiea. ana Btate of North Carolina, on the sixth Moo day after the north Monday In February, uci. ansl answer the eoxnpiaint In theabova an tie eauee, or we p ainun wm appiy drailar damaaded in this eomplalnt. to aether wlsm ue eosrs oi toe wuoa, '5i dark of 8noerior Court " 1- L . i t Bruxwnrick eo N O )ftuc-2aCsy. JaaaatTe Attorney WUmington Cliarlotte Rntlierford Hail Koad iiino. ; i 1 , fff 11 1111 1 t ht-?J Eastern Division : New. Schedule! 1873 Goingr; West. 1373 STATIONS. ruHlGUT. on am 2U5 P M 6 00i.il Leave Wiltnlnnton... 44 AbbotUbug... Lumuertou ... " Shoe Heri..... " - Laurlnburg... " Rockingham... Arrive at IlieiivlJiH.t. 8 00 A T tl 16 ! 12 3PM 1 5 V a.. q 403 4 4 Going East. STATIONS. PASSB.NO iKirUEIUIir. Leave Ltlesvill . . .. . . 7 40am 8 tt: . 1O.30 44 10JS5 u 12 0PM 1 26 44 4S5 12 00 sr ...... . h oa a m ft 4 950 4 Vi 5pm 5,0d t ti t tt LanrlobU'-g.. Shoe Heel...... Lamberton Abbottbnnr Arrive at vvumiiigien.i 4 zo " . . ..... . Dinsbb. going West: Srbakfast, eo Ing East. Freight Trains atop here over night. t Stage for Charlotte: RaUroad and Stage fare, W ilmington to Charlotte, only $10. gEJ No Trains on 8nnday. Two Special Freight Trains for Tos Timber ran irreg ularlv. Exoress Freight Cars accomnanv each Paeseneer Train. Wester?1 'Division. STATIONS PASSBNOEK PhEIiHT. Leave Charlotte 44 Lincolntn.... Arrive at Buffalo. . . . A M 10 43 " 107 RETURNING. Leave Buffalo 44 Lincolnton Arrive at Charlotte .. V. Q. JOHNSON, Assistant tiupt. iai. 9 7p u 241 5.14 44 S. L. FREMONT, Gen.- 8upt. 199- VVilmiDgioo. t olumiua &- Au gusta R. R. Company. Gbtj. Superintendent's Officb, I Wilmington, N. Oct. 7, 1&72. ) CHAflGE OF SCHEDULE. TniE FOLLOWING SUHKDULE WILL L to into effect at 3: A." H., Monday. 7th inft. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington , 8:25 A. M Arrive at Florence 9:.V A. M Airive at Columbia. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Augusta 74 P. V Leave Augusta.. 6 35 A. M Arr ve at Columbia 11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. U NIGHT EXPRE8S TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 5 45 P. M Arrive at Florence. 11:25 P. M Arrive at Columbia. 3:40 A. JM Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. si Leave Augusta 5:5 P. M Arrive at Columbia.: 10:20 P. V Arrive at Florence 2 12 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. 31 JAMES ANDERSON, Geu'i ssup't. 123 tf oct 9 Wilmington & VVeldon R. R. Company. 0FTIC3 GSNBBAL 8CPaKINTENlENT, 1 WlLMTNGTOH, N. C, JUHC S, 1572. J . Ik, CHANGE OF SB&DULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, 1 9 PaSSENGEK TKAINS on the Wil A INS on the Wil Kailroad will run sir mineton and Weldon follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Uniou Depot daily (uun davs excepted) At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro ........ 1:11 F. M a:l 1 M Kocky Mount Weldon 8:5C M Leave Weldon daily Sundays excepted) .....At 9:15 A; M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:07 A. M Goldsboro Union Jpot...... EXPKE8S TKAIN. 1:1ft P. M 5:80 P. M 10:40 P. M 8:00 A. M 4:5tf A. M 6:!S0 A M 7:10 P. M :5S P. M 10:58 P. M 8:10 A. M Leave Union Depot daily. . .At Arrive at GokUboro , Rocky Mount Weldon. Leave Weldon daily. .Arrive at Rocky Mount : Gddsboro Unien Depot...... Mall Train mases close connection at Weldon for all Dointa Norta via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia reek route. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiimire- ton tri-weekly-at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 r. au ; EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, . General Superintendent. June 8- 19-tf - - - Successors to A. H- NEFF, Manufaetarers and dealers In HOUSE FURNl-UtNG GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin . ana tsneet iron ware. Roofing done at short notice Agents for Fairbanks Scales. No. 10 Frost xtrert. W 1 1 A X W O T O N , N . C. OFT T T 100 Tons Eaharaa 7 PRICE, S52 50 CASH, Ij 1st HAY; SSO 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED ON BO AUD CARS AT WILMSO TOS, 2T. tt 500 T Tons Whann's Raw Bono Super phosphate, PRICE $52" ' 50 Casli ly 1st pi May. $G0 00 Payablo 1st of November. Delivered on Gars nt Wilmington. JnJ. . 500 Tons Star PRICE-$52 50 Cabh Ijy 1st For Sale by jan SO Riclimoiid and i)anvi!i Kaii Road. Nor.h C'aroliti.i m,"uiihi. j And. Salem T3rancli. Condensed Time TabL 1 hi effect on an attrr Sun -hi j ,;' " fl. 17 ' 6TATIvN8 j laXritLicS Leave Charlotte...... ? 0 y, i; y a. m 4 Concord... . .i M -l " 7 in " 44 Salisbury ...... '. .) " s 34 44 Lexiiif:tii 1 31 " i ' " Uitfh Puiut 11 .Vi UJ .7 Arrive at Ureeiib ro li iV) a : 11. CO 44 Leave Greensboro'... 1 4 ' 11 1.) 44 Co. Shops ...J. 3 o i " iJ-Or. m 44 llill.-boro' . 4. Si 44 4 Kuleib. 6 0 44 Arrive at ( iiff-hurif' . 1 1 . a. m (t 1.i miu 1 11 BiAllUf s.. Mail j vi; kl.-s Leave Goidrboru' . . . . 4.(.0 i-. m 44 Kalei-:h 7 4. 44 44 Billoboro' 10 11 44 44 Co. ShOpS 0 A. M 2:5 I. M Arrive at, Greenbhoro' 1 CO " 3 ) Lowe Greensboro'... -J 15 44 4 0 4i 44 Jlih i oiijt H 4 4 4 4 i 4 Lexington 40; ,-.; ; 44 Saiidb-iry j 4 .T 44 ii : i 44 44 Cone rd '; 10 4 7 -ci 44 r Arrive at Chirio te .. 7 jo a m. c PaseDgr train leuv i li-n- - , .n ..i P M coLnects al Greensbi'pi No-Hmii bound train; inak n the quickest liuu- t all Northern ctiic8, i'licc wl tick".? eyin as other routes Mail trains daily, both ays rvcr rntirt lentth of Road. Expfe- t!.l I tw i Comoany Bhopb and Charliie, (uh,d:'jr e seated.) All pii.senger trains romrrt at Gf cns boro with trylns to and r m hicli-uu: l. Fullman Palace CHrr on all nilit trnnp belweeu charlotte "d liichuiond, vsiiliuu change.) SALEM BRANCH, Ouaudtter viHieiiiid, 1J. iuix.il Ventft-r and Freight Train win l- ion dil- . (Sundays excepiea ) ou the N. V. U. 11 K., as fo'lows : Leave Greensiory . .f:40 V M Anive at Kerne.. vnJe o 1 1 f Vi Leave Kernersi le ) .0 ' A M Arrive ut Greensboro n :3J A Ai & r A L L h , Gencril Tiek. t vt.nt. W II GREEN, Master Trauj)orta:ion. mirctiC 104 OmCXPfiTKICSKUKO R. U. Co. ) 1 LIPWPH.WJ.I H NttMBili AND AFTRK JUNK 3RD. THE trains Will run as follows: LISA V; WELDON. ExpreJss Tral n T 3 1 p Mail Train P in. AK1UVE AT PETERSBUKv- Express lOr iii p. m Mail 7:,"J LEAVE FETEUSULiai Mall W:"-0 " Express P Ji- ARRIVE AT WELDON Mall Express V: Jd a. t:J . ':r"n n. S.-tf. p. 3:i p. i:: JJ a. m 111 FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldn Arrive at fetersburg m. in in Ul OAS I UN TRVIN3. Ijeave Petersburg - ni Ijeave G.un l:l p. m Arrive at GHMton , 1 -:' I'- " Arrive at Petersburg KU . in. No trains will run on Simdny except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only ou .Mu.NO.lis and THURSDAY. The depot will be closed at 4):k' p. m. Io goods will be received alter tnai liour. J ..tf Efiet n per?ind Ot-nynil Mnn ;i-cr, w. ii. 13 a 1 vr SOJJTII FtU. F ai i WILMIlNrGrTOlNr. 1ST. C. Plnm&er Steam aiii Gas Filler- uud riealer In Wrought and tlvamzed Tron Vint, Crass Cocks. Valvn. rixttircs. and all descrlptlonis of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. Particular cUent!on paid to f.Uirg-vn o May, COTTON At I LI S. with Steam, Gas and Wo tor. nov 12 LU IZ'IRS. Soluble Guano. Soluble Phosphate. of May. $60 v00 Payablo 1st November. TICK & lilEBAiVF,. 2lMm AGL'ATSI A RAKE CJiAACE. v0 wl'l my. n!i .tr,nfs 0 r week in earh vlio wiP n no with us ut odch. Every Julia fumilird itjui i-xpei.ii pald. A1tre A. COUJyi h.lt t CO Charlotte, Mleh. f I I)V VW1ETADU AND FLOWER 1. u j iinnts. ros s, dahlias, fuchsias, ?ernnium, bedding p'ants, eladltdu-, cto. i ndii iump for Mreer'H (iarden 'aienlar, 0s I'ugos. iliuMniiled, with prnctical dlrw iloi.s Henry A Dreer, 7H chestnut street, flii.adelphiu. Pa v REWARD. Tor nny a9 of Blind Jlcedliitr. Itching or TJ1 .urHtoil 1 lies that Da Iiino's Pile Remedy (kl Is tonrf.. ii prepNrra ex j)res.iy tocu'-e the Piles, tnd nothing else. Sold by rrice. H iA) ill drnjs'st. TH U9n Prdny! A cents wanted! All 4)J IU q)6U eloM.i-H of working people, of Miher sex, young or old, muse more money it work for its In their wnare moments, or all Hie time hai nt nnytiiinv else. Particulars riee. AiWn ps (i Ntwion A Co, Portland. Me V A JN T E D . A e wish f cnrniro tho sprricM of nt least I ono rcliabic-ieiellltfont pentlemeu in every ; o 'y, in -, n nd cu-ty In tb '-ouih. UusU I ncss nurecable nnl stnctly Ircltlmate, yield l- p fn.ni il r 0 ro ..VX) per tnnum. Fornar tlculars. i.ddrcKS luiiibull iruthsrs. Pub. l.M er-. nnltiinnro. Jld. cLND 2. CENT6 FOR TUE ADVERTISERS' GAZETTE, A booTc of PR pne, showing how, when and w hoi e to iidvc tUe, aiul contxlnln r a list of ne.'r.y -i,K0 newspiiperp, with much other In foj lnntio . of interact to nd venders. Ad -lr( K3 UKO 1 K WI-.I.L, & CO, Publishers. 41 P.H k I ;ow. New mk. GUa. 1'. .UuWELL ft Cud AMERICAN IT wmn DIRECTORY. book of r.01 pajos. with editors' and pub lilier.' name-, time of efltallthmeiit, lae. politics, hiili-ei ipilou price and otrculatloa of al neusp ii. m in tbe United btateiand L 'luiimm f Cana-'a. KC- HVrt rni.LAns, by mall. Address publishers. No. 41 Park Uowr N V Uiiii:;: shop. TOo TURNER wish, to Inform his eusto- iners and public generally, that he Is now prcjj ircd to do ail kind of work In bis line, . mi 1 would rewpectfully request a continual I fi"ii or tbe paroimj;e which has heretofore ) been so libeia.Jy bestowed upon him. J.tn Pi if grji) JP. A. fcSIITJTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, ' PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &o. Hav.nrjnvt rerolvi a supply of Furniture, f am prepared to give the publlo as fOOd bariralMK hh ran he hnd In the dly. pien.c call aud esatnJne. HICJIAJTID jNT. MOON. Gonunission Merchant, AVT) DEALER 127 r'LOUR, OKA IN. MILL FEED. A ND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca St Baltimore, Md. Orrte'K from North Carolina Solicited. fni. II I74tf , WITEK PEEDi- On bandied y lor Mde $000 I I I i 1 loo 25 8 G HAU, xw-xy -1 .

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