1 1 ' ' 1 f 5 ! MIL li L ill iii TIfE E VJSJSTING- F jbUbd rery afternoon except Sunday. KM P. CANADAT....3ualnei Manager I Z E RS. wit!ritt.i(,Cl!arlott8 & ; BaUierford :aE6 C. MANN Editj iOfj.' Tons Bahama Soluble Guano, W r aar r - VOL. VI. rrfr i . iM. . In flrincff. Jf W V I & !a w , 7ir- -souths. In er.h. la advance.,. r"A-I baslaeei letters Cf,Jftj th BuMct MWir, and aU --.alertion or mltrr riirn? to th ditrVU iepurtmeot to the Kditor. Corropondsaca 'olicltcd frosi oqr rU r ! .iiMrta of th State, on tupic of cenw ' i intercrt. Tolitlcal new and report o crop r CTpecty desirable. Merchandise Brokerage Office J. -nr. tine of wimples conRtHntly on h tnd v.r, lmoorten and u&nuTMturers Soziheru marteta. a! Hrrintlon ot merchandise. rui tni bids o:iclta and telarapbed promp Koii?ht and told InThla mATtet. order from buyer solicited, andy m nple laft by nellwr will Uhtc prompt sjf tuton. Time s well a cn-ih purchaser n(cotlated. vhuihtr yon wl-h to buy or soil, comrau 1 catM frei7. and oftau with your local Br0k6f' JA. T. PETTEWAY. Merthndlse au J Produce l)rokr. Vk;V ADFKKTI.sKwENlv T WORLD REA OWNED HOW I V rt .N''tE of work this Machine efinnotbo equalled. Our tine work is equal to any anduiir heavy worK eiuei iuuiui y .u nitie la the world. e.lm tliai it is aa IIONIi-ST Mftslilrte ill do all y -ur Hpwinc, will lat a liic tuno. I u.i.t la not hub ect t rl f s We cheariuiiy invit- comparison witi work of any otbt rMachin s. a-ui will put tnem on trial, at your home, by leavinir nrtrneat the office. No. 4 LippiH Itow, hront trt, beween uocls and Orange, sold on .ypayiueau. GKO. A. NKW'KLL, Agent Home Sewing Machine Co. sr. . t I7Z ND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE it ---ctd at the lowest current rate lr the fr!lu rr responsible Companlee, on ap- pll' '1100 l yokklife insurance OOMPANY. .Vsn.tts 3f),00',0i J. ;. 3YKNB. Oen'l In. AjjU, r' :'.L. KIRK INUli-VNCE COi-P- U X', ' f Ijondcm, Afti i'.'.iKKVXa, Gold - - ' ::vrr.p.N fire insu'ic- . ,C : OOiiPZNY, New Orleans, r i.. 'IIXE MRE INSURANCE AM' BAA KIN 'J COMPANY of Va., ajnet8 . .3UO,000 RYRN'E K KENAN. Oen'l Insurance Agent. Ofilce Chamber of fominfn.v. up sutirs. o -J f 5 r i: OUR EXTRI FAMILY FLOUR IS STILL c.he-1 of s.?iv othr on the market 1 Our Pirl Hoiniriv cvtnnot n? Niirjja.sfri Always on hand at me Mill aud Depoilory Cracked Com, Corn, Btited ?-h1, PorJJ Pea 0te, Shorts uad Bran. AH roodi sold d rayed free. All ba,7 returned In rood order will be eredlUd at to t o.x nert bill. ALEX. OLUHAM. Propri1or. sept if lia S. Id. iMANlNG- UfD DEALER IN Groceries, Provisioiis, Dry Goofls Clotblnz, &c. k., No. 23 and 24 Norta Water Street, WILM1NOION. N. C. Consignment and Oah OMers Sol letted w a vi-y THOMAS COJSTOli Bar room . corner of Mulberry and Nutt St. Ji on hand the best quality of Seg 14 M7-IV NEW YEARS' BEEF. A7e 9n of GOOD STALL FED FAT BEE F", JH find an axtrn article at Second fctreet arkt on MONDAY MORNING, At ontimiog throughout the week. DAVIS A WHITE. VJi 1 3 . -.- ff i r r r: .III t MAwfflTKAlEd BLANKS Viud . aa J i a line DAIL7 j Revised, ImprotT Eniargf d. J - - A ,J,C cl, ? th, National cniapaT-',,f th re 'ei'tloi t jvident Urant, U a new era In Norts -Carolina, the 3outb and the whoa tons try. It U .-worth while to take not or. fur It mrko tfs Kinoin of tn era of perfft ptce fcnd re conciliation throughout the who o country, and between every eectlom of the c "antry. Beilerlng that peace hath her rletorlen J no leaa reuowned than wr," ,ood U.t the conduct of the Southern peeti e&n io il ustritris in p-ace as the bravery of her soldiery wac noble, grand ana Larict Illus rious in the l&t w.tr ; ud that in thw per son of Ulysses 8 Qratt, the odir with whom oar Lt ero-iaed sworde, hve a iviug and illustrious example ut the renown ot thr: soldier in wr, ai.d the victoriea ol the civilian in peace, TU.ll SKA, from a outijrn ttand pjlut ha- .: J- 'Dwored tuaid th ' ictrie" of Pence1' by aiding the re olrc'lui of the gret and illutnous iU xnoidier-i rt"ideut. Ihe flret prt of the ml on of THE ER. in uc- oinp t.ued id Th rc elabiiiiiufcut o! tlij Kruublicm prtv in p wer Jot nothe iur iert troin Mart. a i ext, url mw i en eri ujm.u ttie work of to Jowl $ up tnt mis iuu in (rathe it if tud Dret;iuir . the r:ot Natioiisl victory vie' or; figuiticani f n -orth, no Aouth, no t9l, o Wet, t'Ui i f 0 ion restored. & people re nulled t ;1j. bud( ot peace nd go d wil, and tucii niid every oue in the quiet tnjojmeu' l I lie be-.n ir o' LTBEKl T acd the bouh- ti s of PrtOdPERI T. I'.iE fc.KA i the otfepring ar.d product cl tliecrtat and li'riou common wealth . 1 North Ca'oHqh, lorwbo-e good iid glory it 16 the oiL-sion Mtid privilege cf the pper, without bcinir n ctioual. to "labor and to wait;" aid whether in political material, - ducationul or social argument, it shotili ver be understood that this pnper is labor-io-o ! lor Wi.at itdeem bt&t uud to the true luteree-ts of the people of this great ta e, in toiumun with ail the great patri otic people . nd mterett of the nation. Whtiu. r lu ita dl verbified cnaracter ot a Famiiv, ( omtnercial, Pol tical or Iudustiiai uew-paptr, Tn . KKA wl.l ctrive to cultl vite Mid proino?e all the inter of the peiple, anu in everythii lhdvucacy of it party principles, ui-c ? I political iff-rences, and in the interest nt. .Peace. Rofn,c;liaiion and Hetorrn, clr? hands" iih u-y ana uli uen laboring and smd ing ior tbf Kood ot tneir kind, aud striviB7 for me c ory ot tDtlr c Uutr', vi Any reliable peren (Ifr.orm to the peo ple ot the cort.ruuj,it)) pcnrlar snbtcrlbt . rr 'or THE tUA L cut t '"Sp'r tnt of all Pub-criptiouii .r Ih- Paflyc W.ieM) to hinge ubecrib-r-, -Thich aaiofcat .k2 1 .lUihonzt-d to deduct Ir-'r.? the :ru:. j-dd into his hiinds, iaud ro .:. .tf to u? ilanc. -v ry j re-eist - uh ?ri " sH KKA can there. ore iv : i f inducing any one oi i. ' " 'i-: ." tcribe, and forward -1 t;- th c j :or th BArue; and nm c'--t lor every addi tional subscriber to the paper. "LUBS. THE WSSSLY ERA xvillbd fat to clubs of subsciibera :.t tii folloin3 rates: One Copy, one year 5S it. a, i'2 CO Five copies, " 44 4 44 1 l eu 4 " 13 CO Twenty " 44 44 44 i CO ' lurry 44 41 44 44 U 00 auo an extra piper to ecch C'.cb. . Addresa W. CROWN, Buiiut i :sz;!!ert ( i e;TriN. C. J2 "Any end all psrtoi. into -rhcoe h;iuus tnis prepectus uiiv tU, hi request ed to work for TlliC LKA c :ue tcrm proposed above; it not for love of the Re publican party, at least r vaiVo- ot busl uees, and personal pro;lt to thvi fi Gnfd ivcry FcU iftr in the dUte is tnautuorlced J sit for TUT? 2HA, to receive subccriptiQn tui forward money, :n the Urae ad -ndit!':- pro poced rbov:. W. i. B. dec 7 If filw tf FORECLOSURE OF ilOHTGAGE To Icaac Lilly and" vife Elixaljth, and William A4 Jordam and vlfe Maria Greeting t U II ERE AS default ha been nude hythe morUiagorH respectively named in the mortgrages following tswupa o in ispe r eiir L.uiiaii)g nKimion, T u r li A mortgage oxecu I by P "7 na w lie, bearin. uate m day i m . 1870. and rglste e in the Ke a offi of New Hauover e unty. In b v A, 308. A- d two mortgage a O v vv il iam A. Jordan aud ife Mnri, oil - a date the il h da of vl ay, is70,nd retfiSkai a a o;- -aid u b ok Z Z, pnge and th oiher bear ing dre the lGth day of September, lsTO, and rr Lered a aibr ald in boolt AAA, page 08, Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the p wers of Bale contain , respectively in said several mortgagee, re cord e as af resald. the said mortaea 111 be forecl'we by a sale of the premise th'e ln resoe-tlTely described, et public auetia i, ai ihe court houne d- or in the aity of Wi! mlntjton. on riday the 11th day of April, lo73.at il ocl -ck A M. The wild premises are respect vely described In the saidmoit etiges substantia ly aa roltowa, via: .. saac L I ley's lot burins at a point In the we era line of Sixth street ItiS. fe-t north wardly from the n. rth western lme -ction .f suih and atle streets, ana rDDfioni Sixth street southwardly 3 feet by .i.-r part of low 4 and 6 block. V. Q VS 1111am A. Jordan's lot oeglr at Vfnt in nfnt In the western line of Fourtn str.et w i urn Koutbwardly fmm the louthysMtrnUr section of Fourth an huren mo run theuce Siiuthwardly along Fourin atreei SI feet y 130 teet deep. Part of let iocK w. lwrms oi saie vaaa. w imnitTTTZ CUTLAR. a v ty ' j r , s Qyttm 3wald Cxi Brtidies. Gits, WhlsMcs OXJTH WAT3R ST., his rvmerotia rastcra- rr tl nd the larceat and beet ctoezof r.- in th Stats at pneea to oompei I sh.-il riortnern nous. ntlr on hand old Ken tuc?:y Ry?J d-Xofth rojolins Oorn Whlo- xle- ImporuVBmndlr Vln and Sejara. Ixoh.VHU -'--o t.'11 u sz&jsaiaa n&y t ADRIAN ts VOLLSaa at .: Importf? mt Qrrn and rrv23igeu-. ajtb Commionion Merchant 8ono CiTr Cohntsp. Dorsr and FrsosT .Streets, v ItPrXGTON, O. navtr h& 9 "it and bc?t assorted Stock jfGrocn is ctij ijouors in lh "lty, D'erp will !lnd it to their tntr!t to ua r.l before buying elRewhoro. niav 17-lf 1873.- Fnroituro a uargst 73. -pirn people of the Carolina Vt b? home one of thft-larj ru rmtn b at i nmet V. Mhonso8 la tne n p-MO" in person from o' oof the lcet toeka ever oderpa m Thd designs r.re all now aad fcoiscwv r.nd vo inviti". tne public to zaCme too. Hjs.d vri .es before purehainsr, L). A. oAilTH Z O. :vi CO f Wholes al a Dealer IK ,. ,;.r liquohs, spcca a seg abs, P."& AJiiTry orAleaadl Lagr Bee ir Half r.nd Quanr IUtrreis. '. - ' Faxilllos availed with Bottled Ale ana Ler Bier. . ieb 8 221-tf J. S. TOPHAM 4 CO.." No. 8 South Fre-t Street, aiLKlOACTIHtSRO ftHD j m TThoIc&als rs3 Retail Dealers ii SADDLES, S.'iQNSSO, TaUKS TRTASLma SAGS Collora. Hfto. Tn CfiRirs, Whips, tipnra, tJoi' 9 Saaa-a Ulothi, W o cn L;ea Horse Covan Fly ilei ? ther wasters, Axle G.'cpe, Briaiet, cf all fcinds, Sart dlery Kar4- ware, Jbc. A L ? O , SECOND nASP HAIINESS, SADDLES, R E T N S , &c.' CHEAP FOR CASH. June 7 1-ly State f North Carolina, 0KTT or 35RTJK8WICX SUPERIOR COURT. - Nanor Aadrewa va. Charlee Andrews. To Charies Andrews, rr APPEARING to the sattsfaeion of the Onrt that h daindant. Chariea ; An dreo aa nn-reuaen t or tea ai a w: Oaro. y-Botl- fi ftr rtnP f fl ! 'ter tr? artfc .Tncay ,ia r ruary. IS mhwTw Jia paiatiiT will -apply staar wm utiwiioi scuni , , HA11CEL P. 8WA1N, I Clerk cT Saperlor UoaJ of Brujaswlak arx, N C V&ecK tOnsr. gtetg Attorney. N. cut . i ; X I ? :A i .1 i'aalatanda!it,5TTO rt-ftiOoo-i-ii"awJck. and -on I La lxtn uoa ; ' i d If. Eastern DivisioiiT New Scliedale. 1873 Going West 1873 CTATXOVa. PaSSXKGfiR rasioHT. Iar WUmiagton... &00 am Abbottbarg... H ie " Lumberton ... 12 80 r u " Shoe Heel 1 54 " Roekingham...! 4 03 rrlvat Lileovine.t. 445 BOQam 11 .4 2 05 F U 5 0d 6 00am . . . 1HO0 Going East TA.TIOSS. PASSENOfkK Lsavo UlesvilU t ' Rockingham... 7 40am 8 58 lu so 10 55 12 0fU 1 20 4 as ' 5 00 aM 5 i5 44 ShoeHsel Lumberton Abbottabirg... Arrive at Wilmiagron. 9 50 12 Ipm i 5.00 Dihkbb. ffohe West: Otumtn -n ing East. Freight Trains atop Hero over t St?5for Charlofe: RaProad and Stage fsre, Vv ilmingtopto chir otte, only iC -No Trains on 8enday. Two Special IT reitfht Trains or Ton Iiubbr run irreg ularis Esp-te Freight Cur aceomnanr each PsssenaerTrHin. e - Weston Division. r si titT Lei?e Jharl itte .. Iiiuco nt n. Arrive at Bufi.io. M. 1 A M 10 43 " ri 07 RETURNING. 'O 3 SalFilo iiucointOLi . . rrIvo at Chanott. . 7 r m 14l ft i4 " V. Q. J fTN30N. &. L. FKKvioNT Gcu. fnpt. 199 Aifbigrant fcupt. jit. 9 filming ton. iuiyenia Aa- GKN. SUPKBIKTPWDBNT'S OiPICB Wilmington, N. C, uct. 7, lb 7rlASQ GF SCHEDULE. TIjP, FOLLOWING S'JHISDULF WILL L : O into eff. d tt3 A. M.. O adav. I 7th !nt. Dft7 Er?RKS8 TRAIN, (Daily.) L- 'minvton O J5 M -5 '".o ce , ... - Vt a? loi 0 b;5 : , V . . - P. a vcjH:tai 7 iV ioce.. 4.i5P. IrQ Wnmink.t n.... ,. Florence.... ., "tv-f f Colutabia.... rrira Augusta iirusta O t Columbia.... 1. 0 P M 3:o A. ft'i 8:S0A. to 5:5 ' P. M 10:20 P. V 2 12 A. M b:00 A. M Arrive 'J Florence. Arrj at WUmlnirtoi. . JAME ANDRR8ON, Company. Omca Gbnbbai 8upkbihtbdbnt, 1 i WiucmaTOK, 25. C, June 8, 1873. J CHANGE OF SCSEDULE. ND AFTEP. JUNE 10th INSTAN T, PASSENGER TRAINS on the WL raineton and Weidon Kaaroad wiii run s? follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leavs Union Depot daily (un days excepted) At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Moant Weldon....... ... Laave Weidon daily fundaye excepted) 4. At Arrive at Rocky Motnt Goldsboro... Union DepK EXPRK4 TRAIN. Leave Union Depot 6ily . . .At Arrive at Goldsboro.; , Rocky Momt Weidon...' ...... Leave Weidon daily.; Arrive at Rocky Motnt Ga daboroi. Unien Dent S;05 A. M 12:11 P. M 8:11 f. M S:50 M 9:15 A; M 11:07 A M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M S:00 A. M 4:5o A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M :5S P. M 10:58 P. M 8:10 A M Mail Trsm makes close connection at Weidon for all points Sort . via Bay Uoe and Acquia Creek routes. Expre Train connects only with Acqtila Creek route. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS UN THi8 TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAIN will leave Wiimlrg mn rri-weeklv at 6.X) A. M . and arrife at .40 P. M. EXPRE38 FREItHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily -Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive atll A. Al. .HN F. DIVINE, Gfcrral tiuperinJO.idert. June 8 j 1ftTf JBAJaKKl to TA YIOIV . Successors to aC n. neff, ; . i Iran ufactur era and dealers in BO USE b'URNI -HING GOO DS, Cobs. Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Rheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notica Agenta for Fairbank's Soaiea. No. 10 front Street. WliniJUCTON. II C. VBaiOHT. 13 00 m j ;-: ;-3aa V?a ?T93!?wrJ . f PRICE, $52:50 CASH, uy 1st HAY i)JSXi VSHJCD. ON BOA UD 500 Tons hanu's Raw PEICE-$52 W Cash by 1st - Norember. Bolivered on Gars at 500 Tons Star Soluble Phosnhatft PBICE $52 50 Cash by 1st of May. $60 00 - Payabls 1st ef . ' November. . For Sale bj Jan SO Richmond and 'ianyill Rail P.oad. North Caro,m f,w,MOn. And Salem JBranch. Condensed Time Tabic. Tn. eject oh arvl gflet. s,l,tlJ s p, : d. 17 tt'tj a,Kj'U. statk.ks Kij-aasa. Leave Charlotte ...... 7 !0 p q a m 44 Concord 181 44 7,5 Salisbury .j h .So f .s 4 .r 44 Lexingtou J 1 ai y 44 High Puiut ....ill 6s -4 hi 7 4 Arrive at Greensboro U 5! A m 0u 44 Leave Greetif boro' . . . 1 4 1; in - 44 Co. Shops 2 36 " i i L'U 1- m 44 HillKboro 4--i ' 44 Kaleigh. ...... 0 - -Wve if G itdshoro' . 1 1 1 . 0 x -v (i'ii.m. ui '. it i mail i urnt.-s Leae Goldsboro' . . .".'i n'rTT 44 Kaleigh f 7 4.p. .M 44 HlllBboro' .... 10 i 44 4 Co tihops iaO't a. u -4 ?. Arrive at Gr nsboro' 1 SO 3 30 . Leave Gre;i oro'... A 15 " 4 0 14 H eh oint H4 ' 4 44 4V 44 Lex 9 00,... 4 0J 44 5.;? 44 44 Sailooary 4 57 44 i 2i " 4 Concord 10 4 7 8 44 ArriTe at Ch irlo'tu . J 7 & a m " ' p. ; P .Tgr trMMi leav ii jr ti.it g. ji bj?;iiu train; wU "ffa'ekr'f.rl! I No-thorn ci its, trlc ot tick- t-ui' '.'J ottter rout en "tail train daily, both ways vcr -rttir length of Road Express dally b lw n. iJonsonny rihop and Charlte, (csuiida) etct-ted. ) All passenger trains comref. at Gren boro wlih trains to aud tr ra hichno- d PalliiV 1 Palace Cur- 01. all nlyht trair tietweeu ht. lotte "d Kichaiuud, withjpu chaise ) SALEM BRANCH, On id btter varci 173. m mix .d Ph- t .if. r nd Freight liaii win b- iun tlair . (uudrtj xcepiea ) ou tbe N rt.. as fo tows : Leave Greeiiiory A.ni' at K-me. v . Leave Kerne r .. . r Arrive at Uret-Uabor VV. N. C. rt , ..f Il P M . . 5i' y s . ... ...y o- a v H :3 ) A y - t. A LL fc. , Getit-r-tl Ticket rcnt. W II GREEN, Maattr Transportatitn. mircu 5 ' 14 OFriCfiPaTEBsnrKO! It. II. Co. May, .ilst, 1H72. 4 0 N AND AFTEK JUNE 3P.D, THE trains will run aa toll own: Express Train 7:3 p. rA Mail Train 3: p. m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG Exprasi l0-50 P- m- MaU 7:uu p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG Mall 6:W m- Express m.,..vPp,IL' Alir.l VXi Al Uil.L.A'-' Mall Express :10 a, m. 6:50 p. no. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Weidon Arrive at Weldn a rriva .t Pfltersburs: 8:00 a. m. 8W p. m. S:W p. m 2:20 a. m GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg ft?? a- Leave Gaston .i.pm Arrive at Gaston ig P- Arrive at Petersburg o-.w p. Ne trains will run on Sunday except lux- pTlhts for Gaston Branch will be received at tbe Petersburg depot only on mv ua 1 and THURSDAYS. Tbe depot will be closed at&i p. m. o goods wili be recaived aftej- jjaptiGG, jmli-tf Engineer and Genm Manager. VV. ti. DART LIPPITT'f ISUia.DIXG. SOUTH fron r s r.. WILMINGTON. 1ST. C. PlMier Steam aa- Gas Fitter- and 4e!er In tVr ought and tHlvanixed Iroi Pid . lira Cocke. Valve. Uh Tixttir ,. and all description of FITTIITGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. rartienler attention paid to fittlBg np COTTiN MILLS, with StefJttt, Gaa end Waur. 1 . u-v : $60 00 PAYABLE 1st K07EIIBEB. A T WILXLSG rONtN. 0. Bone Super Phospliate. ol May. $60 00 Payable 1st of Vilmincrtod. C. TICK & iriEBAivn. AGEATS! A RAKE CHANCE. e will pay all .Agents f40 per week In eat a who will enge with us at ne. Every Juni furnished and expens' paid. Adiret A. COULTKU&, CO Charlotte. MiOh. .L tn VF.GETABLK AND PLOWEIl r.i plant, ma a,.dblia,ftehsU, ;ernnlum, beddinc plants, rlallolh, eaa. end a btamp for Dreer's Garden (aienar. s pages, ft, u-trated, wlthipmerleal dlre. lions Henry A Dreer, 714 Chestnut treat, Philadelphia, r 4 $1000 REWARD. For any oaaa rtf DUnd illeedlnir. Itohlnc nr rn. oemttd MleaihatDa Jtmo'a Pile itemedy fails to i-me. I In prepared rx presy tocu iballiea. - . B,,1 n,'blng else. Bold b all drpfyso. .rrlce. H OP M tn 90 fy? Aeents wanted! All -DJ IU OU cl, of working pepl.or n her sex, young or old, maae more money if work fur s In thir Mare m omen U. or all lie time nai ni anthlfk lrii-niM -pm. AWi--Mynnon et Co. Tort land. Ma VV A i T E D . We . oi a reliH.tPniJee tbe services of at 'east o; y, town ntitell";'t pentlenien In trrf nets nreeubJe cH.9 y tn the nath. BusU ing from 91 .i0 to cjilrrU,n,"ttylald tlcularn. MddresK TurttOUit LrulL. For par lsl er. Hnltltnore. 3id. Pub. r-tvn 2 CESTsI FOR TUB ADVERTISERS GAZETTE, ' A book of l . s pwrn. showing how, whan aa wheiefoadve.iW and coiTl1iiiA , . n..I ne irly ;,iuo newsimpciv, with much wi roniMtio of mtert to dvariisen New Mtf W- " bar In sers. AeV bsrs.il gko p noUL A AMtBICAW v b'vk of r00 pa?es.- with adltom' aad llshern name., ia e of eMialMimaiit, UL pun 1 its, biibM-rlptioo pnc' and oiroulatlon of ali newppnpe n In the United btaia4aa4 Dotu In 1011 of Cana da. rc- nVft roLLAks, byjnalL Address publ Oisrs, Na il rarx iSAUIlEfiC SHOP. OS TURNER wlshe- to Inform his ento- mers and public generally, that be U now prepared to do ail kind of work in bis Una, and would respectfully request continua tion of tbe patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him.. Jan 16 tf fgg F. A. SIITJTTE 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In PURmURE, MATTRESSES, WDOW SHADES, PAPER HAiGINGS, PICTURE FRAMED CORDS, TASSELS, FRINu &0 Kavlng Just received a snpp af rumttura. r am prepared to al the ,blla M arrai s aa can be bad la the Cy pleae call and examine." , rriMTlft Commission Merchar-,, AND DEALER IN KLOUR, GRAIN. MILL FEED. AND . COUNTRY PRODUCT, Cor. Camden kPaca 8to Baltimore. Md. Orders from North Carolina HollcJtsd. ret. 11 174-tf 7 HR.WTTM DEXOfl- Oa hand xA VV f for saie Uj -4k 1 1 I .r 1 I; t ajjsU y 4 ;. ' - v 4i