OF TVIX-IXIS r f - "'"JET HAKUFACTURERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL KlfOXTT Popular Standard Fertilizers! Price per ton Denrred on the Cars at Factory 11 SOLUBLE NJLVA8SA GUANO," Tor Corn, Cotton, and alt Fiald Crops, 14 NAVASS TOB ACCO FERTILIZERS Yerj ricb in Ammonia and Alkaline Salts. M DHOLVED NAVAS9A PHOSPHATE," EiM-citUv lor C 'inn stini; wirh Cotton Sed. A T.ibiral DUconiit mide to Danler. BT Weoc e -.'l.h-.i .t H the orinclpaf Hba. It. It. lIKIDUtiltS. Pr.fid.nt. D. .HiicttAL, Secretary and I reasu or. Jan 23 t. 1373 Read. Read. BRADLEY'S .'PATENT ENAMEL PAINT! MADE FR8H PUB! tfSITf LEAD, LISJI.'O SIL AMD ZIHC! ci c-i z:z- r combtxed." CAN BE APPLIED liIIXED READY FOR USE. GALLON COVERS 3 ONE Specimens ef Different Ctlors READ !5E F 0 L L t TTI WILL LAST TH ' T!!3 iff!? AND CiL m:j:D I TI;i tSi.'fjA.;; A. A1WAY3 READY FOR SOLA B? TI12 GALLON. Ono Gallon Covers Twenty Sire Tirf?, Two Coats SPECIMEN AND PRI3E LI5T FUX.3a GRATIS." We Mprlollr call the attentk to tha follnwmr tet1moB''a of tb i't : . P KuuUt, t q l)earir: I hae a d B-il ? ' f Ft a Wot wJ flin lat Jnr'i a n.1 m nu h th t a tit wail nw whtn C. dwe flrat Daintvd a id a Mmldcr it a iol ti Crwll P. U., Ilirt.trd euuut, Jf j kb. Tai Plaith, F4i Co., Va , . 1S7J. Mr C p Koi2ht c,f The Paint c e lately t b ia 1 . . aferal lona each. ij tbrce b...u. one Uu fch Aa i a tic - .a 1 4id tn j b mj el' T -tk, (not ci-a ta t i ) completed it n. &-e t rk- coat 1 appltd tnick a,i it a n.. ' v crc ded taa aa.n-e ; 4 fta.tnd-4v and harmont l 9 thero a .... a H .nd-uuj j the O 9f d 1 lara by the " rn ,11, aj I h i iuui ' I u.w .th honld bt gtuerllr d a lu ti. 1 . t.it cju irvllllif i ' larn bbiii aacb atock 1 ilmnii, I f-.,i a tociMv th t ur lalBt" to 9 .uli i T . in a-y of m a a i ' a 1 o1 e. a ,d 1" tha fcet of li- -ln r 'y ima i" th If ou paraai 0 (ii It dairabl to 70 a, to aakr mt nae ju thiuw propwr ot ik.t Very repctfiillj and traiy, T mi Pi -.to It iffi-da me ranch Dlfnre Tst ... n i..t IihkI .ml i.nt ita B U. P. Kultfhi. No. W3 .ft L"tabrd street, Aver mi mad all Oth -r i-ai'iU for -mi a.' tt-AV hinMird t.ttio rrrv fre Mil ni e a Aitm riMiilni d Ai.lt c i'U' .k . ..nt .... 1 r t ui in rf ia 1 1 w w I will ontr 11 a i H Hni: la1 a d r- a ij Ita unlrf iv n. in iitl.hR.ri. aiCHe m catnL nrrJrd and ! vr perceutlb e t thaoM ta 00 wbicQ it urd Aa ucb 1 -t and trdeam-n -f onr city, baUaTijjf it win f.te poAAibly aatiC pato. BaXTlMoax. April 2S, 1ST3. Mr. C. P Knltfht Dear Sir: Tee pilnta it.u1 nt our 11 buii 'iQ nd tii t oe of Ui la rovciintf qudt e iu ca. And i.. a a and a cae-rratiir rvoniui-d it, b r!a 10 pn t opo uniD'iwri tr'tT, or paiutera to mix louad ih null eeccplloo. from nox. jonx Mr. C. P Knlfbt Ai tuo rrc onuicudti DVeut ' nntai 1 tu) lioa-r. 1 ae hijfbly aatUfaftory. covt-rluif ornl fa.ee thr bat tar k1oa tha 1 uruiairv piatt ana 1 xrecr xruca ULjareeAjxa odor. Twnrs, Kwpccifa Ij, C P. KnUht. Eo, , Agent for Bradleya Patent w purchase I from yon o will cheeuliy end re aad ; It caverin qtitiitleais eTerjthln- dei ad. drying promptly and with a hard eloaa which ma-t, we thluk. resist tb-sactl in of all k ndaof weather, lhia 1a oar expri;nee. ..jt mm a i. t . 1 . 1 I . . . t . l . A ... . I i wiiauiruu ivwiui kiruuuij, iuu iukuu w uaa it wo au vccaaieaA wnarA wa dealra a god Job oi work. Yary KaaoAvtfmilj, XlLaRT & QUARTLET, S70 W. B-dtlmcna it Iloase, Sim and FraaaoA Paluraaa PLIIKIMTTII Mil -rm. -mm. I 'mi 3Jr. C T. EnightDear Sir : I am vcy happy ai rajoi" oa given utir aati?f tloi. I prir .wwm.u.mu i vi uunui iv nut itRy mM yartuiuuh kv mMJ Qfl AT Taxy RaaaUallj, R. DICE IT, M. O. P. Kit I GUT, awl. A.e.L AJ 4 v Wo. W W. iaasfcaxd atrsAt, Baltisosa. fpactaarjA aad prfe Hal eaa. e seat at AOs adaa any: PAT ABLE 1ST CASH KOTKMBER 55 00 $65 00 $73 00 $35 00 $05 00 $80 00 tatr towns and cIMes In the Jomtnera State C. L CJ R FP LIN, Super inundw m 21? 8m y 13 Y A1STY ONE! SOLD BY THE GALLON 5QUARJ YARDS, t COATS! Cm s seen tt Tnis Office! I f ? E S ? I 5 3 SI L ! ! Td Lralv. C.h, 1 a. J A. G. BIRA.3BA.UGH. iaiWr. 8. IftOiLL, If. B. to aVa M Jnt,l"7i, v at ptrra a r"a . mul . flm " tor whicu a en. -oa, f a n'y t O ri .rii l- 11 .t 'A i I'..mi i-.b) e ti- a ! o..itt ai'1aiafa ouiiu ! lo.ia rata. r a 4 ,.t. air a II ! I ta o t Were ity, .n a 't a- a aa my t a.n r t .ec taa u.re at taaai jrcAtar a . t c iua thaj can Ti U. m. fil, Tmat Ptrtt Theatre. CHAraa Pa- atrlOth iTi. rceid fnm yoa arabfaaaaf ai tn onr (rleitd. i ht t e enMra atia, jUMIitr to 1 kind ,t j iia ot t.a 11 to that al-a co a ana a have to di aad ftmitb mau-riala, wherein we hre loara. I'n'r, JACOB 8TOUITJ5R & SON. ttethered. of uie id, 1 wa lndncad to apply your D.en-ura la atatlmr mat It baa Droved you pruuiiaed. la mora economical, cairlea JOHN WETHER ED. TJaxtimokx, December 27th, 1871. Enamel Paint Dear Sir : I bt paint aa the best ot any kind wa have ever to loform jou tbAt yoar "Paaat Knata it to aay pain. I hava Avar aaaa msAd, Read. LOKILLARD3 STEAMSflIP LINE -. : . . arOK NJtfW YORK, a AILING TUESDAYS AN FRIDAYS FROM NEW YuRK, AND WEDNES DAYS AND SATUBDAY8 FROM WILMINGTON. THROUnn CON5CTIOV WIT ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON . No oaasengtrs taken. For Frtignt apply BARRY BROTHERS, Aisntt 117 BALTIMORE AM WILMINGTON SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMSHIP IJE. Compoaed of the flrst-cbsa SteamsLlps O. J. Foler , Capt. D. J. Price Lucille, Capt. I. S. liannett Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Childa Will hereafter Kali from Baltimore evry Tuesday and Friday ani from Wilmington every Wednesday andHaturay, connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusts, Wilmington, ad V el don, and the Wllmineton, charlott and Uutherford railroad; no the several lines f steamers to Fayeteviile, Giving Through Bills of Lading, To all point In Xrtb and 'oufh rnrollna, Ueor la nd Al'.Jima; omiec 11:5 H. ti lore with tbe sitiTnor :ul n 1 and the Vortf-rn n rai laifro-; 'or 1,1 pint in the V i "d orthwet, n th s.m rs ind rallro ds fur Uosfon, fivw York and Philadelphia. A. D. ra.ZATTX. Arnt. Wilmiiigton, X, C. .VTiVlTS Co, Agents,. lmitiuiore. dec 81 1S xtldll Steamship Line. H - i :'0rP0SED OF FIRST CLAS8 STEAM PIONEER, 815 TONS Captain JOHN wakelet, TOMADA, m TO .3. For Fre'cht a.igaSC'm?xi, rrt? m WOKTII . TOnTFl, AtMita. Wllmlntton, N. C. W. U JAMftl, Grial Aftt, 13 South rhlrd Streat, Philaaa jhia. June 15 -tf a 0 .t iNQ machine, free 1 flrft. clnea, tout co u iii,LiTerurv Fi ro ly I'a -nr. natnniioi w rj jujmJ, nt 'Jiriorto, N 0., a: 1. ; r cc ef DULL il Each usi'jht 1 t o'ilai T l. V. W.tr' t) .1 i : .iric-; e 10 -m KUs t n t . a a A-nneril i I'm- -u- i r ; . t. te ti u oi 1 1 . 1 a , . . . , Et'v a r;cr eU s ,cbdi;cc it a VaJ. abi a aud oa-- out ft rvery live vill a a ';. Freaiuiu, worth troi. J5cf a o.,r a Pk 4IUMS urein-amo of S a-id IJO. with from two to t-n r a won of aca denomiuati n Our ther a :an-a ci.i a ai ol useful articlo. a b . n a 4ac lines, B'eacbed Dome ic, c. Ate , raniigiu valne irom twenty fla ca to $2SA. " l- are daiceron." Suhcrihe im-n-d1:a . and get a chance at the large prttiua To adE.VTS Ve are offfrins: more lih dral lfduceiauta I r Cluh than any otht r Pub'ihr. rn "ke money by un- vaati t for l 0 t 4 LY. For ba-'kii, ,iy .t papr, Prtraitun Utt&9d tarra a rtna. send a-caut tami J. O. h. NCTxLL, Public of Out Weekly, Charlotte. . C. tnlv State of North Carolina. COCKTT OP BHUX8WICK COCRT. Richard Doaher vp. Edward Everett. G N VlVOctlor K'Oon W IV I, cfU. u l 11. "... Annie Thruaton To G N Whistler, Ellen W Whistler. S D Thruston and .nnle Thruaton. T APPEARING t the a 1 Court that the daflaadan rn &v,v&-xA. . aaMafjactlon of the nU. G N Whiatlor Fllan W hietler, j . lhruA n and Annie rhruaron, are nou-ralden a of t! si&t.nr North aroiina. the at d darendanta ra hro- by notlnaat to appear a tl.T tst Termofthe .uuri r Couri the C unta of Brunawtek and SaaU of orih t Avroliua. a the ;h Mon dav af r the fourth ilonday lu Fabruaorv 14 and anawAi- thecom hUnt hi the above an0tled okaja. or the plaintlfT will apply for the retlfef neiuandaj in tLa onmDl&lnt 10. gAiaar wUa tfaa aoatM or thia action. . BAllHhL P. 8WAINT, Clark of Sapartor Court . . Branwik aaaray. post Dxtotso to Taa nmsss r REP UBlri eri PABTfv ta published rrery allinieoa at th aurtesxffli Injiy low raU )f ft rtU W T li q Ci cibI Organ of the City and Cnty, and will devote par ticular attention Unocal affairs and the pre perity oXSoaJW xn . the Evening- post Will oateu, fan and osaalaia MARKET KPORTa Bammary r Otata. lowia, iolitioai:JAjrtiala Oriciixetl I nxicixiaAT Homer. Newa, ' IWe hope to make onr pepT A WELCOME GUEST. at every Fire-aide, and ta all people. It will be useful te .f Tlxe IVXerohant TbeMeohaaia Tlie Frofaaaipzial, ? The Farmer, The Family anal Tli OHildram. We offer our column to our bnalncea men, believing that as an AiV2TzsiKe MEDIUM, iney are EQUAL TO TTEIC J55SST Dealers, by consultin? their own it!rrtal will advertise to r-h t?ca whata trade ihey wieiii to obtain, and THE EVlNING POST will hive K'.r artT o. a ! i.tl'f-r - ' iyt'...-aH- f rw ,( iTiT--.nL ;oi ?-a a-a All in. n ( :d H a -' to Qe tiT..uf aja na Ail c..,.Oi.;c tlon6 or itttv. ir. a' ion cotaa edjifiAl department, to tho IjAiu, WM, 1. TVBIY. JAilES C. MANN, liDITOR. ijV t-tf JOB rKITiiG in all ita arancea, NEATLY 8XSCUTBB S. G. HALL. PTT VCTTC AJL. JOS JJITTiait, ii t ! p.-i nti - f tri fer nci'j t ?entgr please i articular jt:. v rtTn ta COMMERCIAL each at BILL, HEm. CARDS, 11 oriTTTLT STATEMENT, CHECKS, L5TT2RIT3AD1, nncEiPTs, miLfi0Ao mm tn most af its branches. His ofSoe la sttpplied wifli Entirely T-vr j2Vl at ria of to vary Laisst Etylss ad FaiSiwS, And he GUARANTEE &TI&FACriON in all oaaaa. Wedding Cards, Invitation?, &., dre. Of the Latest Styles. TERMS MODERATE. umce on lrincea Straatbatween Fr t and Second. mAv l-tf. JAS. A. LOWERY, CORNER THIRD AND PRTNflirO 8T3 Oppoait OJtyHalL (URRIAOE MAK!G. PAfWTirfL aVWl 1 JteE,rtr-f" neat lo? f short notice. AfTPr Thirty Y" Ttw tni at the basl-nfa-, i f.reparAS tA 4 fiasst aad bat woxa 10 the Ciy. n l IA-ly Purcell Houoo J, R, T3-A."VTB, Proprietor. I? BOM AND AFTER THIS DATS the m tor TranslAat Board a ra ar U , tt O S 00 par day, aasordina ta nttiM ropma. OWaarwel . . L& m T2 NEW YOUfilTISIES Dally, 010; fP7'MP' Daiy, with Sunday Edition, $U. A Political, Literary, and 31b eellaDebof Newspaper. A RE P0 D LI C Afl Up U B H A L DeTOtcd to BAform ln Municipal, State, s and General Gornment. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TDIES. A Paper lor the Fanner, A" Paper for the Mechanic, A Paper tor the People. mCLUB3OF THIRTT, $1 PER ANUM. Tenas for ' the Weekly Times for 1873: OHE COPT ONK YSA 5 CLLf B KATISSj AUUor Pott office Address. Fire Copies ..... SI. &0 Ten Copies J 25 Twenty Copies 1 10 Thirty Copies .... ..... 1 CO And One F.xtrs Cony to Fach Clnb. For Ever Club of Fifty. One Copy of THE bEMI WEEKLY TIMES TO THK KTTEB UP 'F 1HIC CLDB. CT When the naruea of '8ujecribera arc reaaired to be written apn each japtroi the Club at one Poat-offioe addrea. te cenU for each copy additional to the above nX SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. . accordance with our last prospectus m ppouy reaucea rates iur ioi, Weekly, pet year. 1 Semi-Weekly, pcr vear.., a r0 will be maintained "for all new puticriberr-, and all old eubcnber3 renewnt- prort the 16th day ot January, 173 wt.eu above CJnb ratf will take ff ft. THE NEW TO UK WtitKLY TIMkX contain Selec t d tdit' iiaij iiom ti. Daily Times; Gene al. Nei. i men ui Foreijrn; The Proceed! i tc of J nre-r nd the State Leieiaturee; Full and I t n i t Correspondence; Book Review.-; The Chot eat Literary Selectu ne; wtii.t uio-i prominent feature will be a Jt ?Pi.hl i AGRICULTURAL EPARTMfcVlf with original articles from p actical farmers; lu i reports ot the American Institute Farmt-r Club; complete weekly market teports; ti nancial. domestic produce, lire stock, ur.) goods and genera!. Atj A FAMILY PAPER, The Times will have no superior; it will be free from all appeals to vulgar and im pun tastes, and may be safely admitted to ever domest'c circle. AS A REPUBLICAN JOURNAL, The Times w II be devoted, a- in the a-t, ta an ictellitent and firm support oi tto R a ibli an Party. It cou'n" i" rftt rent t to the Tammany Hire, at a time w en a'l the ether daily repels in Mew y.rk ! etruct'd aid diacourred itp eff rt- utterte it airritj in the rause of Kefoim. ' h Timks tood alone in demanding Kt forui from 19 to the close of 1871, and un i? no e ucere and honest propohal for Re fQrra, in any branch of the Govern tuent, which will not be heartily supported by the Ti. Bnt it will not conspire iu astu-t ina smbitious politicians or demagogue to rach power under false preten es It will not encourage defection frooi the Republi can Party, which is still the patty ot pro gress, security and national prosperity. It will sustain, with all the force and in fluence t its command, the principles and policy Which have rendered that party so justly famous in our histoty. It will advo cate those measures by which the honor, the peace, and the prosperity of the nation can be be5t sec red and promoted, and wH constantly study the wants of the p .pt! rather than the wishes of the politicians. TEE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES Is published erery Tmsday and Friday, and contalna all the agricultural tnd litem ry matter of the Weesiy edition, "tnd a Jul and crefui compilation of editorial and net lectures ot the Daily. Terms of the Semi-V eekiy Tjjjfs: Or e copy, one year. $3; two copies one y t ar, $5: tet. copies, one year, 125 and one extra c r free. eabscripttons to either of our editions received for tless length of time than oue jp: i: it ves-riy rate. These prices ars inrariable. Remit in drv t- on New Yo.rk or Post-office Money Urdsr, i' psni!;lc, and wher neithe'- oi these can be prcurd, send the money In a rca'atered let.er Al Po-rn-fcteis nn- obiiK'ed to r'HMei letttra when r- q-u-iM d to do ao, and the aystens is an absolute pio tec lien against losses by mail Address Thb New V ork Times, New York City. SUPEKIOK C0QRT, Stath ot North Carolina, New Haxovsk County. Charles Parker in behalf of himsolf and otner, creditors of George H. Moore, de eeaaed, plaintiff, va. Wiiliam H. Moore, as Executor of Geonro II. nuure, uwcasBU. ueieuaanr.. PROCEEDINGS haying been instituted in defendant to an account of nls administra tion of the Ast? e of his testator, and for the rvment to the creditors of what mav baduatnm re-XHSti-rely: these are. tl r- fbrA, to notiV M creditors of the saii Geo. H. Meora Wacesad. to aupear bffom tiip Clei of t. Superior Court of New Hanover aun. T, tx a offl( c At tb court house in tne city of U ilmipcton. on or be' r the-2"ih da of Ma; eh next, and llle the eviden es ".f their debts. J. t:. Mann: Clerk of uivrior 'urt and Judge of Probate. DuBratr Cutlar, Att'y. febS 223-lnw6w Tle American Farmer. ThiP old standard monthly murnai nt ner. culture bf cina a new volume Januarv 1st. Special attention Is paip besides lhat eriven thea'Ae crOT im Mtock hrepwlintr l-Viilt irrwi?', the Dairy, fce. Some of the most sue-3l of American asrricu'ttiris s con triA taa paaea. It is prmjtioal, subsu i tlai, 1 A ahla! SuhgcriDtlon 81. -0 a vear To AlH of tA or more, only $1 each, Very hantsoire piemiumsfor clubs. Specimen numbarfr-e. haM'L AND-s & SON. nub- lahera. Baltimore. Mm dec 3l-d&w tf New fcStore ! Old Goods GREEREWALD & CO.. NO. 7 MAKEET 8TRKET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES GINS, Ac . Ac. - - M-fm. UVI T UIIU V 7 will offer to the trade on the most reasonable tenas, aa we are receiving large consign ment of the best roods in the country. 49P1 ease call before making your purchases. Jan u 166- ti TUNfNCREP2 KRueckert WlLMIflfftiuS- SIXTH1 T D A It. THE ALDINE, An illustrated monthly Journal an ly admired t be the haudaomea't dIh cat in the World. r ureacntatl.. ctuu-pion of American taste. araj NOT FOR SALE IN BOOK OR lei. STORES. , 1 THE ALDTNE, WHILE ISSUED WTt .all toe regularity, cas none ol the i t orbiy ortin eiv interest characterUU ' roinaiy periodicals it is an eleinmtu .1 any I pur, iirbt and graceful htlT I nr- Mini H ("Inn nl rjiAtto... v wl' r .iiiCMo.i ot p.ciurea. tt. ep'vClDi-l vt MU.i2 r kJ!, iii black Ti wiolc A i -'.ccttdiug bnni! to it- Jnnd alTjrcs a j !; vrurc n-ai va ue ai u ' y he most ppr cu. u a met i b-u. beta boJ. .eytar. Whn. J? up at f e CiOi-e ol the year. publications may claiui superior ciitapuw! a! couii aied with r va'b ot a elnii ar alU' THE AL.IIE i u umqueaud origin ceptioL--aloue. at d uuapproachei .tuL" mteiy without competition in prfe cttaractt r The pooeestor of a cooti.tl vo.-ume cannot duplicate the qnautitj S dn. pacer ai d engraviDgs in any bati number of volimts, 'for ttn timet itaeott and then there are the chromoa besides I ART DEPARTMENT. v , Notwithst hst.-nding the increase intbenH riptiou Just lall, whtn IHsaL Of SUtibC UlMi rbbumid lti present noble prow, nous and leret-eutative character, the edt. t oii vu p oif tLan doubled d-riiif the ui y ar. j roving that the American mblie jppi. c atf. ai u vUi feupiAMt, a fcluccreef- .i i i- I. e ciiUM ul Ait 'i be putlUljerB. ..X (U6 i ju " i'y th. nady c i fideLce Ujnl ' iul o h tve. Xeite.. t lieiarfht, iy u iiM'i-i to utvi l.ip aiid iii'provt ite v r ; lo l he p uiic lo the C'.uj i g ytar u unfolded l, tlio u.i ini iy iteue Wiii i,. .mi ui.u u iifciii t en Uioct irirndn ot T UK . LII.V . iiiia '1 tie j ub TcherP an- authorized to i. uoiifce tiesigi.b ion. many ot the Uiost q. im ii' unir. ot -Mjiema Jn audition Hai ALDINE will reprodow eXi'Uip ets o' t!ie otet ioicign run ten n ie td i Lu view to ti.e hithibt artistic -uc ers.aiid j;reuteH cu. rl iuternt avoid iii frucu tjHVt' becouic taunliur thn bkI phctoiaph-, or copiee l any kind. fin (juarien.v 'inied platt-u, lor 1673, wil reproaio.e lour oi John a Davi' iuimitabla Chi... tk!. ti ll-..-; iipproprite to lour 8ca-u. iu.se j lai i.pp ar.ru 'n ibeiMueafcr iai.u..r., rtiri .Ju v i.d t'Clobtr, wodd f w,riii tuo price ol ajm's eeiiptiou. ii pnhir lcutureof a copioutlj-llltn. I i!"i -O HI 1-i lino HUIUUel iil hft rnii. tli.Urd. i - p t!. urh a vwluabie epltomeof the ait w-.iid. ai a cst to tnlllLtf, will C0IB lii.. lid tin lUhCI pltOLb Ol ttlliUSatidl lj even tction .i tin- t-ouutiy but at tie Uj iu n & and aitrctioiiool 1HE ALDDil cau be cniiuDct d in proportion to the 'it m ricii increase, ol iin t-uppor ere, the pub iphi r propobe to make 'asurttl.e doublj su;e" ty iLu lol owiuj; uuparitllt'ltd offer of PREMIUM CUROMOS FOR 1873 : " Every subscriber to THE ALDIM, it pays iu bdvaucc. tor the. jear U73,. willri' ceivv without udditioii&l chrif jr'Ir of bt-.utiiui oil chrotiitt-, alter J J tii 1, t&S em d-iii Kip ih i.ai u-r. I be put Dm r tit.ed "the Vl.Juu" licit " auu ''ClOduJ (he Mooi arc 14xJ0 it cues- e pntttc Irom 2b )lit ren piates, requiring 2i In preiou and tiiita to perfect e-ch pictttA I'Lie fume cLiriiiob are old Icr S0 jtr plr ai the ait bii.rib. 4s if !a tLe determit'tic: 0 :tic c.'ijtluotoris to iaepTHE ALl)i3 out oi ihe iei.ch ot c iu petition lu ercrf p put Incut, llje ch roiiiut w il be touud eor ropuii'ii t, J -nL. 't .it any t hut C D be Of it 1 1 u by ti er pLrn dicaln very fcubacri ber w ii uceivc a c rulieate. rvtr .tie 1 i:;itTire'ol tiie pU'lirhr, UHrautetlDtt 1 imi the cliruiuoa U-ilVered ahaJl U equal to the (ami'lcb Iur lsutd Ibc ajffnt, or the 1 inorey vuli be n luu fled. The distribution ot this rade, free to the anb-bt-ii' etb ol a $5 periodical, whlwDaik ti epoch iu the history of art. and cousideriDf tin-! unprecedented etebpuess of the prci tor 'l lit ALDINE itself, the marvel fall hu e thort ot a miracle, even totboiebat t'j iaiinid with i he achievement! of 1b .niie gciius au) improved uaecaanicftl t "i'l1 ,a: ( i r il.uniritiona of ifiett c..roiu( Be? t.v isau-j of THE ALDL. 'I UK l.llEKARV D - PARTMENT will contiiiU t.' t'e- th- Crtr-ot Mr. R chsrd Henry ftodu.d h ia id y by th' b H writers and pot tp oi ;iic cay , wh- a ill hiw to have th: iPeraturw oi T4K ALDIM!" wyin keeping with ita art, tic attrM riona. TERMS: FIVE DOT LARS j)r annum, in advance, with oii-chiouiOM tree. THE ALDINE will nercafter b-obtiit ble. o b by subt-eriptlou. T here will beU reduced or club rate ; ceh tor anUscriptio iu?tb sent to the pubiislieia diwt, of uanded to the local aueut, without mpOP bib lity to ihe publishers, ticept io t& wheiethe certihcatc is plvea. beaiintftM tuct-eiujiJe i-inature of Jas Sutton &C. AGKNTrJ WANTED. Anv pereon wibiiinir to act periaanoW as a local agent, will receive iuu and praop in ;rii in l y apo yin to Jap. al 'it & Co , FublUb-n, .No. 5 viaiiit-u lne, N w Tort fashionable souveS'IR TIIE Hoi ID . E?ON. Thii-A ear wnl b- tue tUPKi b volume r TIIE ALDINE. rtihly bom d m uh.iku'o tlotb, aRfOrt or beveled b r.a led taiie-, fr hack ami ride a 1 u ly royai volume lery ot tine art entfia ii ts that wH" -d.ee a ynat fUabur-- to the nciph a;e.i. n-trHli-.i. oi the tacte ot ec?i Th-rv ale about CO ptateb. mt i. Couid not tie matched in lie vt qnaihj " he art ftoric at a dollar each TbtJ . I ie desvts.by te leading p iutert i dr iuuhl;iii-ii ol tlav. uivina tle 10. ra t-fitrii'e animal an 1 ,tD'ftfV'?A j- c.b C ti.b'iietl wnh pure, liijbt aDd P iul l l.raiiire, edil.d i.y tbe Pt CD1L Kiebar-1 lle ry Moddard. forming S afraeiive orum- nt lor tbe parior brai y. PRICE, ia' Peliverd free. Liberal dl01111, tra thi- v hittie. Ordar pnopW Jas. fU 'IU A Cti , Pobliabrs. No. 5H .Valdeu Lanr, New 0TJr. jan 'O H iVloriTll Kentuurafl1' THE GEM. ' No. 10 SOUTH WATEH 6TB?' VIL3IINTON, N. C Sfenlfl at all Honrs. The heal lth Liquors and Cigara alaT Hand. The Publierf iniited t alV -

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