THE EVENING POST, WILMINGTON, X C. Saturday, March 29th, 1873. REPUBLICAN TICKET. TOR CITY ALDERMEN. FIRST WARD. Jacob Wis and Ilenry BrewiDgton. SECOND WARD. Win. P. Canaday. THIRD WARD. Lawson E. Rice. FOURTH WARD. James Wilson. FIFTH WARD. Wm. H. Banks and Hiram Hankins. Election to be held May 6tb, 1873. Il sometimes raakea a difference among onr democratic friends whose ox ii gored. Ever ready to catch at the slightest straw to denounce our party and iti iriends, they are very careful to say nothing when their friends arc im plicated. When "Bos" Tweed and his tbiefing canic were unearthed by tht Republican party, they were very quiet. To be sure, our twinkling neigh bor called attention to the Tweed steal ing as an instance ot '-Radical corrup tion," but we hav heard little mre of that New York gang from our neigh bors. They were very virtuous over the Credit Mobiiier scandal and ''rolled it as a sweet morsel under their tongue," but democrats were implicated as well as Republicans, in that performance. Go to a demcratic member of Congress to-day and ask his candid opinion of those transactions, and he will tell you that there was nothing wrong in the transaction per $ bat that the partici pant got irigbtened and tried to lie oat of it. We are not attempting to coyer up or excuse any one. We men tion this fact and call attention to the promptness with which the Republican party in Congress published and pun ched all caees of bribery which could coma before ft. Not so clear is the New Tork record. Bat there is another sin laid to our party! door. The President of the United States actually approved a bill increasing the ealaries ot many officials, including bis own ! This bill was a rsmarkable one in many respects. It increases the pay of the President and Cabinet, to take effect March 4tb, inst. It increases the pay of some of the Treasury departments, to take effect nert July, and increast their own pay, to take effect tieo yean ago. Our neigh bor of tbe Journal has somt strictures to pass upon the President for approv ing thu bill, but it has nothing v Bay of tbe Congressmen who were elected, and who were anxious to serve their I country at a certain rate, and after tbe service was done and they had drawn ra COrdin? to th ttC turned ror and drew additional pay for the tine already passed! Why is it nmlpnl The Massachusetts legisla ture dd several others., largely Rpub lican, denounced their Congressmen for I receiving the additional compensation. The North Carolina legislature, did no such thing. WhW Because a ma jority of our Ccrressmen are Demo crat and drew that money. This is the difference in thi two parties. When we find corruption, we expose it at once. We fear thtf do not. Our representa tive from this district, Hon. A. M Waddell voted for that bill, and we have een no notice of his refusing to draw the extra compensation. He was the JournaVe choice, why don't it de nounce him ? We labored to defeat that gentleman although he is our personal friend on' political grounds. Had Colonel Dockery been elected two years ago, and voted tor that bill, every Democratic paper in this district would have denounced him. Why don't they lay something about Waddell ? We favored the increase of salary. We do not think they were adequate to tha neeils of our Washington officials. But we see no reason why the members of Congress should vote themselves in crease at pay tor the past two years, and make tbe Auditors' increase commtDce ?next July. Tht is an inconsistency we do not endorse. Wo see no reason, however, for Henouncing the President merely tor approving a bill which gave him no back allowances, which, if he had disapproved, wouM nave injured hundreds It was his duty to approve, and the President always does his duty. Why. then, should our neighbor de nounce President Grant, and go ea?y on its political friends I Who can tell? Every slander that ingenuity could in vtnt, has been published about him, and he has quietly lived them down. It seems as though our opponents were itroliBg to find something to find fault with, and caught at this lender thread. Tie very queer. EDITORIAL BUDGET. The largest number of deaths from scarlet fever in Ecgland from 1866 to 1870 was in 1S70, when 32,543 died. The costs of the first Liverpool election under the ballot wtro f 9,160 ; of this $3,073 wera spent in polling stations and bill-potting. The railway directors of England are considering the question of deceas ing speed and diminishing tho number of express trains. Advices from Capo Town state that the great diamond of 288 carats, which has been exhibiting there, is to be sent to the Vienna Exhibition. Out of tho ten members of the French Assembly already chosen to act on the Committee on the Anglo-French Treaty of Commerce seven are said to be opposed to it. A return has been issued of the sum which has accrued from the impo sition of the fines for drunkenness in tbe English army since the introduc tion of that penalty in July, 1869, up to March 81, 1872. The total received ia 1206,280, of which 37,015 has been disposed of. At a recent meeting of the share holders of the Roman fox hounds it was decided that the Roman races should take place in April. The programme will continue very much the same as that ot last year, and a special race committee has been formed from the numbers ot the hunt. The Prussian clans for frontier fortifications have caused much sensa tion at Moscow. The Moscow Octette says it is astonished, because peace m v ; coonrofi fnr lnntr tbe East is certainly secured tor a long time, and Prussia would obtain between r. onA TrnmahprrT o haHia of oDer- Posen and Kcenigsberg a Dasis oi oper ations equally favorable for offensive and defensive purposes. f FtrnV- . iU-b'- t.w.. - lyn are now turned 10 me capture vi mo mysterious woman who is supposed to i 1 1 n ...xJ CVia w q Q uave muruercu juuuiou. from New England, and for somo time resided in Boston. Several of her let - tprt nrn now in nosficasion of the uolice, h.fLwn firW pducated and show that she was iairjy eciucaiea. The last letter, dated February 27thf is reproacniui in lone, as iuougu buuic trouble had originated between. Good rich and the writer. The letters are under the general head of New York, and are signed with an assumed name. Nothing has yet been discovered" to in dicate the direction of her flight. The police conceal her name. Brooklyn detectives arrested on Wednesday last a woman about thirty J 'I years oi age, who works in a suirt iac- I torv in New York nnder an assumed , , A , I name. She refused to talk except to answer inquiries in the briefest manner. She was arrested on information eiven I rhrle r"J41'" IO uiww, uui uouDie wun uer uusuana, ana leiv i , 1 1 1 1 1 1 fl I him. Her connection with the murder- cd man Was of the most intimate cha-I ..... I lie was in thn im hit ot v siting I her at her ubode in New York. Accord- I ing to her statement she has been three J times with Goodrich at the house in Degraw street. Goodrich there told her I he was not married, but foolishlv i?ot in .i i i l i i u i i T ol I with a crirl linf hfl ohrnlr Imr " fiho I " ' wm wuv utav. buuwa. uva. UUl, 0.J00uC U U owuio iiuuuio house witu some man aDout Goodrich I when he was present, and took him into another room. She refused to tell where she was Thursday night, but thought she was home, She got to work at 11 o ciock rnuay mornisg. jJiun t go over to Brooklyn to see the body, be cause she disliked to see Goodrich in that condition. She gave the police a roll ot bills to take to her mother, with the request that the latter be not in- foraied she was in Brooklyn. Being asked if she had formed any theory as to how Goodrich came to his death, she said she thought he was killed by some man who followed him home. She will be detained at Brooklyn Police Head quarters for the present. WASHING-TON NOTES Durieg tbe pa3t week there were filed in the Patent Office o'23 applications tor patents on inventions and 73 cave ats. Ihe patent on the improved bedstead listening, invented bv L. W. Bixton. ot, New Hampshire, has been extended. There is no truth whatever in the re port telegraphed from here to thesilect that Secretary Richardson has drawn ul utucia.jr icuRruson nss arawn ?:rrliTD ,he u000'000 ''' - During the recess of Congress the President will only receive callers cn other than official business on Mondavs, Wednesdays, and Fridays ot each week between 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. The Attorny General, under the lution of Congre, paned h?t twiD? has issued a circular requesting the United States Marshals to make com plete returns of all bankrupt cases. Mr. Tolbert Lanston, who was recent ly appointed to the charge oi the Secret Service Division of the Pension Bureau, has selected out of his olddisvision (the 1812 division) Mr. T. D. Yeager as con fidential clerk. An advance in gold to 116J yesterday was occasioned by the sudden raising of the Dank ot England discount rate to four per cent., as against three and a half per cent, the previous minimum. The action oi the Bank of England is doubtless precautionary, and, perhaps, preliminary, in view of the anticipated demand upon London in connection with the active negotiation there of all sorts of loans on the eve, so to speak, of a fresh movement of money to Germany in further settlement of the French in demnity. More importance was attached to the matter because the alteration was made at a special or extra meeting ot the Bank. N. T. Herald, 21th imi. King Oscar, of Horway, is crowned Drontbeim on July 18. to be Col. Hunt, an American officer in the Khedive's service, was recently killed in Alexandria, Egypt, by being thrown from bis horse. Max Btrakosch has secured the New York Academy of Music for next fall and winter, and will produce Italian opera with Christiana Nilsson as his prima donna, and Capoul and Campa- nini for his tenors. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TAX NOTICE. WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP. nnHE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND TAX X Listers for the Township and City of Wilmington, will proceed on the first day ol April. 1873. and for twenty days thereat i F f ter. at the CITY HALL, IN THE CITY OF hours of I NINE A. M. AND THREE P. M., and every I rKiUAx is. VJCNUNU daring me momn oi APRfT hptwp- ,hfl ho of gix p. m. FRIDAY EVENING daring the month of AND NINE P. M. on said days, to list the taxsmeianas ana property k anuks me agseggment8 required by Law, r All persons and corporations -within this I above time and ulace for the puruoses speci fied with.n tWenty -s utder- the PENALTY OF DOy&LE TAa. Extract from Act to raise Revenue r , ' - I ALL PERSONS who are liable for POLL TAX, and shall wilmlly tail to give 1 property and 'fail TO LIST within the I time allowed, shall be deemed GUILTY OF A tI3UEM,KAN05i;.AHd on conviction tnevefor 6hall be Y1SED not more than FIFTY DOLLARS, or IMPRISONED not By order of the Board of Trustees of Wil mington, lownenip, tnis r irst day ot April. 1873. 8. T. POTTS, Towoshlp Clerk. mar 29 263-apr 3,7,1014 Quarantine Regulations. 2d, All vessels bavins sickness on board ou arrival, or bavins bad sickness during tha I voyage, ra required to come to the station "-'"ri, L,W fmm whsnfti thev Railed, or neann of tha year. 8d. Vessels not included above, will proceed to Wiimington withoui detention. 4th. Pilots are especially anjoined to maka in aminjr conaiuon, they will bring the 4. t. .1.11 r r i. w vuv mmiuii ior mriner examino- i 1 1 oth. Pilots willfully violating the Qaran- tln laXTK mrt llHiat ill a fAr&lini-a nf tVieti. ; -- - wWkU&0 w Draacn; Masters or vessels to a fine of two hundred dollars a day foi every day they violate the Quarantine Laws, and all other parsons are name for each and every offence. 6th. All vessala subject to visitation under thes0 regulations, will sat a flag in the main rigging- prn side. y y, POTTER Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington marck20. 26S-2taw2w-tus&thurs CINCINNATI BALSi KID AND" CLOTH, Stylish and comfortable. DUDLEY & ELLIS, march 29 esign or tne uig Hoot, 268 HAY, CORN AND OATS. 100 bales Hay, 5,000 bushels Corn. 2,000 bushels Oats, For sale by march 24 W. KERCHNER. 263 BACON AND PORK. 200 boxes D S Sides and Shoulders. 125 boxes and hhds Smoked Shoul ders and Sides. 200 barrels Pork, For sale by F W. KERCHNER. march 25 263 MOLASSES AND COFFEE. 150 hhds and bbls Cuba Molapses, 175 hhds and bbls S. H: Molasses, 250 bbls Golden Fleece Syrup. 450 bags Coffee, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER. march 24 263 nnmrrmn I nnminnn BUTTER ! BUTTER ?JjONEY may j saved by buying that MOD MOUNTAIN BUTTER Jut ve1 an4 frr sale by ' C, H. W. RUXOE. r.Mnret strejei- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JACOBI AXE, U tiara n teed to excel all others, both In shape and materia i. Be sure to ask for THE JACOBI AXE, AND ACCEPT NO OTHER, For you wil i then be certain you are getting the best for your money. EVERY AXE WARRANTED. For sale, wholesale and retail, at NATH'L JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market street. And Dealers throughout the State. IX HARDWARE. IX 1GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CUT- lery. Iron, steel, Nails, Guns, Pistols, Amunition, Ac. We would respectfully call the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS to our full and complete assortment, em bracing all and every description of Goods in the Trade, and to the superior advantages we can offer ft om having the agency to sev eral leading factories in the trade. Always on hand Sole and harness Leather, Kip and Calf Skins. Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors and Blinds, please call and examine, before purchas ing, the stock at NATH'Ii JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. nov 9 147-1 v THE DEMAND FOR OUR JpAVORITE FLOUR Has been so great that we were com pelled to order it THROUGH BY RAIL. The once in five weeks Hue of eteamcrs not coming up to either promise or the emergency, and we were determined OUR CUSTOMERS SHOULD NOT SUFFER By using inferior brands of Flour. OUR BRAND Fuvorite IT 1 o ni9 IN BARRELS and HALF BARRELS, Qr in smjiller packages, is sold only at ofni,, ' co J our storehouse, 7 North Front st. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO. march 26 265 CHEESE, BUTTER AND POTA TOES. 200 boxes Cheese, 25 Tubs Butter, 350 barrels Potatoes, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER. march 24 268 (1! WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO rJVRonri vnP vi a -w W ' -- v A v Celebrated Scnprnong diaiiiape. ITOlt 1873, QUARTS ANB PINTS, At the usually low prices. GEO. MYEDS, II and 13 Front street NEW MESS1WA liEMivIOIVS AND O R A 1ST O-E S, " CELERY SALT," AND A NEW STOCK OF FRESH CANNED FRUITS VEGETABLES AND Empire Family Flour NEW YORK CENTRAL and GILT EDGE. For sale by GEO. ilYERS. 11 and 18 Front Street. ian 24 213 O. I. LAIlCiK Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, at wholesale and rt&il, at EVANS i Vf.Vi,T,uv CHAMPAGNE III ILllilVJU c. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FAKMING Tj A. IP t 750 AbKES OF FARHIM AMD WOOD LAND In. BrnnsFick County, for Sale or Exchange, for. City Property. The Land is mtnated OB the South side of Town Creek, about one and a half miles from Lower Town Creek bridge. 7S A.ores Are all ready for planting. Four hundred loads ot good stable manure and compost are on the Land. The Farming Land is already ditched and fenced. It i. good for Cotton Corn Peas Potatoes and Wheat. Has a splendid clay foundation. 500 GrrSUpe Vines, Set oat last year, Trill bear this Summer. 600 Apple Trees, also 600 Peaen Trees, Of the finest qualities about three years old set out last year, are in fine con dition. THE WOOD IiAND About 075 acres, is of the best in the State. There are about 3,000 cords of wood on the Land, and the farthest not to haul more than half a mile. The Land fronts about three miles on M Town Creek and Daws' creek, and has four good landings. One of the finest marl beds in the State la on the Land, within eighteen ;nches of the surface. The farming uteisils, including Plows Hoes. Harness, &c, will also be sold. Forty barrels of Corn and a very good IOC oi xoacier now &i iue rami. One four room dwelling house, a store, also a barn and stables, are on the pre- mises. roe ouiiuings are an new. Will sell or exchange for city pro perty. Apply to CRONLY & MORRIS, Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents. feb 17 233-tf STREET RAILWAY. mi l NEW SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the" fallow ing schedule will be run on the Street Rallwav. Cars -will leave corner of Re Cross and XSS ping at the various Hotels and Boarding reriM ffiftiass a2Tas leave corner of Front and Red Cross streets P'fhFw0 connect with the Northern bound train, maKrng?tne usual stoppages at tne io - r noa8eg,Mg union i"S,?J SSfSSfe' Depot on the arrival of the Southern train. Inhe evening will leave corner of Front I A. A-M. UUV u m - - - - - WW AAA AVMI T V AAVA JAV A ana mea uross streeu ax. t tr. m. P. M.i making "?,e3 ZlJi??? Lharn trltin: WilI .leave the corner of Red Cross and Front at lfcOQ P. Mt to meet .the Southern Kegitlab ScHBDrrtBi During the day tlie cars will run from 6:30 A. M., until 8 P. M.r and for the further aewmmodation of the pupuc, one car win be run until 11:30 p. m. eacn day June 8 XJAJSLHAj KLlilN. 146-tf BYTN m USE,ONE. Nothing: like it in use will save time, labor, olothinir. fuel and soao. ana of course. thi win MTrZ money. With it any lady can do the wash- JLeP?iE2 fast is beine prepared. It is nnivtn hnii 30 to 75 minutes, when the cloth i ntT Will h vwev. uU uibuxug w uu uuk i xiisw ana run them through the wringer. Nothing really needed except one-third the of common soap. This mode of washintr r... dwubu ouu uicwu mw ciuuiiug aner a few washings. This can be accompli shsd in first washing by using one spoonful borax with soap. There is no rubbing necessary ffinSJSS' orile4S) S?iif gVnrallf 2 wSjSoV?to wliSi.rt&hr? this week and will recconunend it: Geo. R.rrench, Sr. Mr. H VonOlahn, Rev Mr?Epif fiurr, JSFSi1 Mrs Jaa C Smith. MraWTJnhnwn Mrs D Anderson, Mrs W P Canaday, Mrs Capt Jno F Divine, Mrs W A French. I have numerous other certified f, persons living in Wilmington. The principle on which this washer works is very simple. After it commence to boil, tKnlfrot1eiamre torced ".P ough the flues and inside of washf-r. nnd is iti der the iSfiZ bottom:Talve STfal"; bottom then acts similar to a force pump in drawing the water through the fabrics oft he clojhing to fill the vacuum 'caused by the "teaig 1 V i OCl'nA1 AyTnA A. A 1. - . . ' uHcucuctk wiiuouw i ne leant injury to the most delicate or heavy clothing. The iStSSS SfiUa1" lSoot- Agent for Wilmington. I Directions For Using Tie Washer : Soak the elothine ovr nkht nrVt ih.m thoroughly and wring out, cut the soap and PUt in bottom Of washer(ltv on.fnnrth har 1 of soap then fasten down false bottom over I the soap, pour in washer 15 or 18 quarts of waier ior ine wasner ruu of clothing. Spread I me clothing in layers, not rolled up, and pack down in washer, allowing room for morvuKB venvw nuesation. You xi i i b-nnnr and steam belmj ejected through the flue. "" rrviMk. commences Dv xrnf.r I on from SO to 70 "minutes, riuse out and thf worn is compieieu. t 4 T aTI TTt rf-t -r ... to tito &tht i BS6mlwSgS.horlzed " .TP- STEAM con WASHEIi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, A L IS OF Wilmington, Charlotte AND RUTHERFORD RAIL ROAD, UNDER DECREE OF FORECLOSURE BY VIRTURE OF A DECREE OK tbe Superior Court of the county of New Hanover, in tho State ot North Carolina, made in tha cac of (" Joseph Stuart and Philo C. Calhoun surviving Trustees, against "The Wil t (jharlottee and Rutherford , & Railroad Company" and other?, at the January term, 1873, of said court, the undersigned Edwin E. Rurruss, Charles M. Stedmaa and John D. Taylor, Re ferees, appointed by said decree, will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, IN THE CITY OF WlLAlIXUTOX in the county aforesaid, on TI1UH8- I t-v A Tr ii 4 nil j r . i .. . V111. aaJ 01 APn, 1?J'8. at l CIecK M tnc ENTIRE RAIJLKOAD KNOWN AS THE Wilmington, Charlotte and KuthtT ford Railroad. from its EASTERN TERMINUS in the city of Wilmington aforesaid, to its WESTERN TERMINUS in the town ot Rutherfordton in said State, a dis tance of 272 MILES, of which 134 miles from said city of Wilmington to a point near tbe town of Wadesboro, and 60 miles from the city oi Charlotte to BUFFALO CREEK, in the county of Cleveland in said State are completed and in use, with all tbe RAILWAYS, RIGHTS OF WAY, j Depot grounds, and other landi, trscki brldSes: viaducts, depots, station hons- 68, engine bouses, car , bonses, freight hre wood "t6" melr-i 2 W Other shops, houses or buildmg, aod all locomotives, tenders, cars and other efi :.,. j I ,-llu,Fu'eui? r"u " I mufprin1 of on lrinri in OI any kind lor const nctiorf macaiwry, woii, implements, itel ana material! of any .kind lor constnctinir. - I I operating, -repairing or replt.cim the I Eal!3 itaroaci, or any part, thei wid Railroad, or any part, thereol snd I appurtenances or fixtures of thftasme j belonging , to or purchased by said be I Iore "Diea delendant and now n its l.11?0 Corporate rights, franchises' Sod I privileges or the said -ibove named d; fftnrlAnfc Q thn damn orn c frfK in k, I . i e ..... i i it; luuumure oi morrgagc reicrrea io in id complaint riled in said case, and iDclud ing also all and singular the shares oi wo opiitti biocK. oi wiimington ixhii way Bridgo Company" standing in the name of said defendant, and all the cs- tate, rights, titles, interest, property, .ill j i . 1 j1 . :J claim and demand ot said delcndaut id and to any and all real and persons! effects hereinbefore refer- I eel to or which is ownrrl bv said de- I fonilantn TERMS OF SALE- CASH. T V The l0adS f 8aid abYe named d ndant, the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rtttherford Railroad Company, secured by the indenture of mortgage referred 10 in the complaint as beariDg date I March lst 18J7 ancl madc to Lt0raD1 -r . , , , . 4. iOCKWOOd and the plaintiff?, amounting in the aggregate to 2 300,000, will be ats ' , receive from the purchaser or pHrcba ers in payment upon the following terms and conditions, vi,: Forty Thousand I , Dollars of the amount bid at 6aid sale i3 to be paid in casb, and for the nM or remainder ot the amount so bid, toe bond8 8Ccared by 6aid moitzQ wi" 10 received te 6uch extent and in Eoebprc- . , . TJnrtinn n a ans ro.i1 1, n nr rfmllflflO haP. f tha r--:,i ,mnnnt ol"liu gt4aiv , . , , f Said bonds. t- t- tittv ,,i-tttto YT 1IN ' flinnuDC' CHARLE8 M. STEDMAN, JOHN D. TAYLOR, Referee s marcel wjK.1KS!i 1 fho asMs

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