4 , , WILMINGTON, N. C, SATDBD AT, APRIL 19, 1873 VOL. VI. NO. 286 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. - ' Vv. rv aiteraoou except Sunday. - n v HAY . . . .Easiness Manager ' r" I,, vm Editor MA Subscription. $3 UO 3 00 1 60 50 in advance in advance. . . rtnths. in aavanct; w m ' in adtance . . lpttPM fibonld be ad- JLtote Basins Manager, and all ::nnications or matters relating to mo LWul detriment to the Editor. rn-ondeDce soliciiea iromour intou. CS'I of the SUte, on topics of gene- ireit. Political news and reports ol n-e especially desirable. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "jlhanilisc Brokerage Office, am pics constantly on hand in I nianuiaciuieis iu Vui ;inp-rt rs W-.rJitrn nutrk--.. ,., ,w-i'ti-ns ! mercn.inuise, orutrs A' ' i ..,,.1 ip,-rr:inhPil DromDt V. Mjilt i It1 f.ouirht and sold in tins from buvcrs solicited, and . f. k.- ...iipr will liave nroniDtat- r-i-i wvM ca-h purchases negotiated, r.ritr v., wi-li to buy or pell, communi ... i ift i'm with vour local J"er- T T1 t'TT V. W A V . M'.'rv.-'tiiindie an i Produce Broker. dc 2 Tilt: WO KLD i:to WNED H O W E CHILDRENS' SHOES .K. r.U-rs SOL. BEAR I BROS.. Retail Store, 20 Market Street. HAVE JUST OPENED ONE OF THE largest Fall and "Winter Stocks erer of erod to the public in this city at reduced prices, consisting of O Hi O THING- (X every description. PHILADELPHIA READY MADE GOODS. and the finest assortment of LADIES GAITERS AND JffiS1'A.BLISXIE3D 1846. 00 FIBS OLD GOODS, I. Kali n w e i 1 e r (Late Greenwald Sr Co..) WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies and Segars. NO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST., Respectfully Informs his numerous custom ers that he has opened the largest and best stock of Pure Liquors in the State at prices to compete with any Northern house. I shall keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Bye and North Carolina Corn Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Segars. Purchasers will do well to examine my siocb: before Duying elsewhere. RAIL ROADS. Wilmington, Cnarlotte fc, Rjtlerforil Rail Jtoad Une. Eastern Division: New Schedule. 1873 Going West, T873 E" SEGARS A oct7 SPECIALITY 121-ly Scivin? Machines. k IUNE of work this Machine cannot be iMualieii. iur lint work is equal to any klour hfftvv work excels that ol any.ua- na in f C world. Wfcuiiia that it is an HONH.ST Machine !! An all vrur sewing, will last a lile time, V.A i nnf tllhiei-t tO FITS. cheerfully invite comparison wim vkofany other Machines, and will put lira on trial, at your nonie, uyieawug .tip.i! the office. o. 1 Lipnitt tiow. rroni l.. nve. n iHx'k and Oransre. sold on kiv is j merits Li r.yj. A..NfitttLL, Agent iiome sewing aiacuiux e. in 9 Ut-tf A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLERe ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOLESALE DEALERS US' Groceries and liiquors Importers of German and Havana Cigars, and Commission Merchant South-east Corner Dock and Front Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. - - j - - , , BTATXOXS. fPASSSSGEB FREIGHT. Leare Wilmington... 8.00 am 6.00am M Abbottsburj. . . 11.16 " 11,45 " Lnrabertn... 12.30 pm 2.06fm Shoe Heel 54 5.00 " lnrinburj... 2.S9 6.00 am Rockhxffbam... 4.03 " ..... ArriTe at LllesTille.t.t 4.43 " 10.00 Going Ikst. 8TATIOH8. PA88XBQBB FREIGHT. 1 LeaTeLlleitille...... 7.40 am 12.00 m " Rockingham... 8.8fi M Laurinburg. . . . 10.80 5.00 a m Shoe Heel 10.55" 5.55 Lnmberton 12.20 pm 9.50 Abbottsbnrg . . . 1.26 12.05 p m ArriTe-at Wilmington, f 4.35 5.00 " DrjrKBB, going West: Bbkakfast, go ing East. Freight Trains stop here over night. t Stage for Charlotte: Railroad and8tage fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only $ 10. Hf" No Trains on Snnday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timbbr, run irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Train. Western Division. STATIONS 8 FERTI LIZER 100 Tons Bahama Soluble Guanb;. PRICE, $52 50 CASH, Dy 1st MAY ; $60 '00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS AT WIL3IN(ixONfN. 0. :o: 500 Tods Whann's Raw Bone Superphosphate, PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st oi May. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. Delivered on Oars at Wilmingrton. 1ST. C o: 500 Tons Star Soluble Phos'nhat.ft PRICE $52 50 Cash by 1st of AIay. $60 00 Payable 1st of November. For Sale bj jan 30 VICK & JflEBAIVJE. 218-3m Leave Charlotte IN THE CITY. ID PLY G-OODS. 100 PIECES FIGURE, 500 Having the largestand best assorted Stock of Groceries andlLiquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. may 17-tf 18T3. Farniture & carpet 1873. Arrive at Bnffalo RETURNING. PASSENGER FREIGHT. 8.00 AM a 10 43 12.07 Richmond and Danville Rail Road. lYorlh Carolina ifcuon. And Salem Branch.. -o Condensed Time Table. In effect on and after Sunday, Sept 2Zd, 18? GOING NOKTH. Leave Bnffalo ' Llncolnton Arrive at Charlotte. . . V. Q. JOHNSON, Assistant Snpt. iau 117 P M 2.41 5.14 8. U FREMONT, Gen. Supt. 199 LNSUIUNCE. IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE ejected at the lowest current rates in the ;:o:ng res-jxaslble Companies, on ap- : cation to KV YORK LIFE INSURANCE JLX)MPAXY, Ass?tt ?20,000t000 J. A. BYrtXE, Gen'l Ins. Agt,, PERI Ah FIRE INSURANCE I'OMPAN Y. of London, Assetts S9,0I0,U00, Gold L-T W T K K N r I Kfcj IN S U It- UlE COMPANY. New Orleans. Uvtt. ?226,01f fRMVILLE KIRK INSURANCE AND L.VAKINU COMPANY of Va.. assets SoUO.OOO BYKMi KEEN AN, ienl Insurance Agents. )2ce Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. W llniincton. N. (;. 15 77-ly PRINTS, 60 " CASSIMERES, 35 " LINEN SHEETING, DOZEN TOWELS AND, ALSO, I'he Largest and best assortment of i AND Childrens Wear All of which we ofler at reduced prices. Wilmington. Colombia & Au QSta R. R. Company. Qm. SnTKBnrTjjrcmiT'B OrpicE, i WiLMiHTOir, W. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f act 18 SOL BEAR A BROS. s 188-tf . 1 - & -.' wV rJ ZX PC. - - lO ' It w ft ti mm s REXTRl FAMILY FLOUR '-Vrn'abea'1 of any otler on the market ffar li 9Atfii-vnl..-...i ... ..... x i " ".tiw ui uie Mill anl Depository rJe" Lorn. Corn, Bolted Meal, l'n an J IVa Meal, Oats. Sb(rts an J Bran. f-'gxiils soM drayed free. K, -. . . '.Vi rctiirnrv.l 1. l i ii, w ri COst on nurt Kill ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. lia tz. r XT ' I ' E. i J ; 1 X x 3 WAREHOUSE. THE people of the Carolinas now have at immn rm of thn larcest Furniture and , Q 5 "7" I Carpet Warehouses in the country, They stocks ever offered in the State. The designs are all new and handsome, and we invite the public to examine stocK and prices before purchasing, . I). A. SMITH & CO. 9 200 11 TOUR MONEY. You Can save money by buying your ROOTS AND SHOES 39 NORTH FRONT STREET, LARGE STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT. AND LOW PRICES G R. FRENCH & SON, ?9 North Freoit street march 10 251 MISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IX :s. Provisions, Dry Goods North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. aa i Cash O.-Jers Solicited Ml-ly Masconnor AH ROOM c'-"er of Mulberry and Nntt Ri. rj 03 tad the best quality of Segai 157-ly .NEW nor "EARS' BEEF. or tf. L) STALL FED FAT la! rn " " -i.ira arucie ai c nd Street Monday morning, eoaUnutns throughout the week. DAVIS & WHXTE. " A Repository of Fashion Plmsure and Instruction. HARPER'S BAZAR. NOTICES Or THB PBSSS. The Bazar is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom find in any journal, and the journal itself is the ortran of the great world ot fashion. isosion trav eller. The Bazar commends itself to every mem ber of the household te the children by droll and pretty pictures, to the youni? la dies by its fashion plates in endless variety, to the provideut matron Dy its patterns lor the children's clothes, to paterfamilias by its tasteful designs for embroidered slippers and luxurious dressing gowns. But the reading matter of the Bazar is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popularity for the fireside eBjoyment it anords. .V i Evening ivst. SUBSCRIPTIONS 1873. terms : Harper's Bazar, one year $4 00 An extra copy ol either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazir will be supplied gratis lor every club ol five subscribers at $4 each, in one remittance j or six copies for f30, with out extra copy.- Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazir, to one address lor one year, f 1U; or two oi xiarper s renouicaia io ore address ior one year $7. Back numbers can be supplied at any time The five volumes ol Harper's Bazar, for the years 1868, 'C9, '70, '71, 72, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be sent by express, freight prepaid, ior i eacn, The postage on Harper's Bazir is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscri ber's post office. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New Tork. aprilll 27ft. II . MARCUS, Wholesale Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, 47 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C, P. S. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer in Hall and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Lager Beer, feb 3 221-tf J. S. TOPHAM I CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, VlL5IIiXGTOV, IV. C, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS Collars, Hanies, Trace Cuams, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars. Saddle Cloths, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridies, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard ware, &c. A L ? O . SECOND HAJVP HARNESS, SADDLES, RETNS, &c CHEAP FOR CASH. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE IOLLOWIKO SCHEDULE WILL colato effect at 8:35 A. M., Monday, 7th Inst. DAT EXPRESS TRAIK, (Daily.) Leare Wilmington f. 8:25 A. M ArriTe at Florence 9:55 A. M Arrive t Columbia. 2:40 P. M Arrivo at Augusta 7.4 i P. M Leav AxremsU. 6.35 A. M Arrive at Columbia ....1125 A. M Arrive at Florence .. 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmiagton 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 5; 45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta ,... 5:50 P. M .Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P. M Arrivo at Florence 2:12 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JAME3 ANDERSON, Gea'l Sup't. oct 9 123-tl i i 1 - - - - Wilmingtoa & Wcldon R. R. Company. OJT?ICB GiKKBAL SUPBBIHTENDBNT, 1 WlfiMiKGTOW, N. C, June 8, 1872. f STATIONS. J MAIL. EXPRESS. Leave Charlotte :7.10p. m 6.25 a.m. " Concord . . S 21 7.26 44 Salisbury 9.50 44 8.34 4' 44 Lexington 10.51 44 9.23 ' 4'- High Point .... 11.58 14 10.17 4' Arrive at Greensboro' 12.50 a. m 11.00 44 Leave Greensboro' .. . 1.45 44 11.10 44 Co. Shops 3.36 44 12.20 p.m. 44 Hillsboro' 4.53 44 .. .... ' Raleigh 8.05 4 Arrive at Goldsboro'. 11.05 a. m GOING SOUTH. STATIORS. MAIL. EXPRESS. Leave Goldsboro' 4.00 p. m 44 Raleigh 7.45 44 44 Hillsboro' .... 10.21 44 .'. Co. Shops 12.05 a. M 2.15 p. M. Arrive at Greensboro' 1.30 ,4 3.30 44 Leave Greensboro'... 2.15 " 4.00 '1 44 High. Point.... 3.04 4.43 ' Lexington 4 Oi 44 5.3333" 44 Salisbury 4.57 44 6.22" 44 Concord.. 6.10 u 7.28 44 Arrive at Charlotte . . 7.20 a. m 8.30;p. m. AGENTS! A RARE CHANCE. "ill pay all Agents AQ per week In cash will engage with us at once. Every furnished and expenses paid. Address We will who ming lurnished and expenses naid A. COULTER & CO Charlotte, Mich. SREIK VEGETABLE AND FLOWEK oiiajakj plants, roses, dahlias, fuchsias, geraniums, bedding plants, gladiolus, etc. Send a stamp for Dreer's Garden Calendar, 168 pages, illustrated, with practical direc tions. Henry A Dreer, 714 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa $1000 all druggists. r REWARD. For any case of Blind Bleeding. Itching or Ul cerated Piles that I Bing's Pile Remedy falls to cure. It Is prepared ex pressly to cure the Piles, and nothing eIse.8old by Price, $1.00 Tri $9(1 Perday! Agents wanted! All UJJ IU UJZiU Classes Of worklnar twinlA either sex. youne or old. maao mora mnnn at work for us in their spare moments, orafl uuic vuuuttb anyming eise. imrtlcuiars free. Address O 8tlnson A Co, Portland, Me W A NT E D . We wish to enrace the erentiemen in prnrv city, town and county in the South. Busi- enrace the service of nt ImiI. one rename, leienirent eentlemen in even Passenger train leaveing Raleigh at 7:45 P M connects at Greensboro with Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all Northern citii s. Pi ice ol tickets same as other routes. Mail trains daily, both ways, ever entire length of Road. Express daily between Corooany ghdpb and Charlotte, (Sundays excepted.) All passenger trains connect at Greens boro with trains to and from Richmoud. Pullman PiUace Car? on all night trains between Charlotte 91 Richmond, without change.) - SALEM BRANCH, On and alter March 20, 1873, a mixad Pas senger and Freight Train will be run daily, (Sundays excepted.) on the N. W. N. C. R. R., as fo'lows : Leave Greensbory 3:40 P M Arrive at ivernei-sviile 5:10 P M Leave Kernersville 9;00 A M Arrive at Greeusboro 10:30 A M 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. W. H. GREEN, Master Transportation, march 5 194 OffickPetkrsburo R. R. Co. May, 31st, 1872. . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, Railroad will run as 9 PA88ENGER TRAINS on the Wil llHHfll June 7 1-ly J UPERIOR O UTe Blanks. let 5 9(5- COURT CLERK and Shcr- For sale by 8 G HALL ? v v RRANTTEE DEEDS- On hafid and febfaalo 8 Q HALL lSTew Store I Old Groods GREENEWALD & CO., No. 7 MARKET STRKET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES GINS, Ac., Ac., and all kinds of Fancy Liquors, which wo will offer to the trade 6n the most reasonable terms, as we axe receiving large consign ments of the best goods in the country. 49-Please call before making your purchases. Jan 14 166tr BLANKS A lull AUISTRATES lYL on hand, and for sale feb 25 Uno 8 G HALE, mington and Weldon follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2:11 P. M Weldon 8:50 . M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At 9:15 A; M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:07 A. 31 Goldboro 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 10:40 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3:00 A. M Rocky Mount 4:56 A. M Weldon 6:50 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7:10 P. M Arrivo at Rocky Mount 8:58 P. M G?ldsboro 10:58 P. M Union Depot 3:10 A. M Mail Train makes ciese connection at Weldon lor all noints North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquis Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAlTi. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. 1L - EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5:45 P. M.t and arrive at 4:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. June 8 19-tl PARKEK to TAYLOR' Saeeessors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers In HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin ana aneck iron ware. Roofing: done at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales, fo. 10 Fronr Street, ,W.VairOTOH, H. C. ON AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train Mail Train ARRIVE Express Mail LEAVE Mail Express ARRIVE AT 7:39 p. m. 3:25 p. m. AT PETERSBURG. 10:50 p. m. 7:00 p. m. PETERSBURG. 6:30 a. m. 3:oO p. Hi. Mail Express WELDON. :40 a, m. FREIGHT TRAINS. 6:50 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m 2:20 a. m. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldn Arrive at Petersburg GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6:00 a. m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Bunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m. No goods will be received after that hour. j. a sPRiaa, J S-lf Engineer and General Manager. W. EC. DART lMP'PrjrT'S BUILDIVTtt SOUTH FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, 1ST. C. FMer Steal ani Gas Fitter and dealer in Wrought and Galvanized Iron Pipes, Brass Cocks, Valves, Gas Fixtures, and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. Particular attention paid to fitting up o COTTON MILLS, with Steam, Gas and Water. Hqvl? , ness agreeable and strictly legitimate, yield- '"g irum i,ow mj i.aw per annura..ror par ticulars, address Turnbull Brothers, Pub lishers, Baltimore. Md. SEND 2 CENTS FOR THE ADVEETISEES' GAZETTE, A book of 128 pages, showing how, when and where to advertise, and containing a list of nearly 3,000 newspapers, with much other in formation of interest to advertisers. Ad dress GEO P ROwELL, A CO, Publishers. 41 Park Row, New York. GEO. P. HOWELL & CO'8 AMERICAN iWSPiPE UiliECTflRy A book of 600 pages, with editors' and pub lishers' names, date of estallshment, site, politics, subscription price and circulation of all newspapers in the United States and Dominion of Canada. PRICE. FIVE DOLLARS, by mall. Address publishers, No. 41 Park Row N Y I51KBEU SUOP IOE TURNER wishes to inform his cuslo " mers and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work in his line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him. Jan 16 tf 206 F. A. SHUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW. - r Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &o. Having Just received a supply of Furniture, I am prepared to give the public aa good bargains as can be had in the city. Please call and examine. mayl5 BUILDING LOT. QNE ol the finest BUILDING LOT8 In the city, eltuated on the East side of Third Street, between Mulberry and Walnut, 66 by 165 feet, for sale Apply to Feb 17 CRONLY A MORRI8. Real Estate Agent. 233-tf i'OU 8AJLE. LOT on the corner oi Sixth and Church Streets, CO by 03 feet; for eale cheap, Appy to JAME8 it BROWN, Real Eitato Agtnta. i --.I 1 r I I 4