AX WILlinNGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, VOL. VI. $4 873 NO.-288 -Si . gljc gwcttttt0iJot . , a'tcrnooa except Sunday, f r CAN AD 1Y . . . . Business Manager ;,.NN Editor J Subscription. .$3 00 : 3 00 rir in advance '0-t in advance... rieontk in advance. h in adtance.... . 1 50 50 One raw"1"- - sTAil business letters should be d -the Business Manager, and all -.aaaicilious or matters reiaiiuri tu , 'Xrul iepjtrtment to the Editor. ' " . vul. nce solicited from our friends CMr?art'ot the State, on topics of geno a, tVt Political news and reports ol ' . ir o-n daily desirable. Brokerage Office, . . .,f sa-nplrs constantly on hand V LL."u.M,rt.-ps aii't man u fuel urcrs in y.rJi-r'; market. i i .-rip'ion "1 merchandise, orders 4-'Vbi J-olicited and telegraphed promptly. . ,.... u"ht and sold in this Mir'''1,,,oi,r Horn buyers solicited, and -Ifl'.; u :t bv filers will have prompt at- ,-:.! purchases negotiated. TlV-x.V-i wl-h t..'uy ';r olr, comniuui " ;V and often villi your loca 1 b'r- , T pi-:rT::'AY. M. - and Produce Broker. Ai LSI tf- i . . . lllr; WOULD Kb: SOWN ED H O W E ,v r .:-' of hii this Machine cannot be T .u.'i.Miour line work is e-,ual toany I .n.r li-'-ivy work excels that of any Ma- ''Ji'tll'SJb an 1IONH.ST Machine ,i V ail y.v.irsiwiiii:. will la.t a lile tune, an 1 i H"t ul'.' I to r 'I TS. r .rkc; a!iv other Machint's. and will put .n (.a thai, at vour homo, by leaving V-nea: the.f!k-. N. 1 Lippitt I low. Front i. ,. ....t. iww .- :i 111 1 i ir:m'ri. Sold on . '.vr'ai.i-r.r-. iKO. A. NKWELI., 'cut II nu- So wing Machiuc Co. 1 IKK M KI III' IN'Sl TwANCK CAN BE pife;-tod at the lowest current rates in the f.iilowiiK roponible Companies, on ap tvi'Mlioa to KV YOIIK LIFK INSURANCE oMi'AN Y. Assetts 5l,fHJO,000 J. A. IJYUNE, (ienM Ins. Agt., IMPF.P.IAI. FIUH INSURANCE WMl'AN Y, of London, Assetts Sy,,000, Clold 0HEAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, Now Orleans, Wt:s. I226.0H V VKM VI LL.K KIRK INSURANCE AND BAA KIN Li COMPANY of Va., assets "jUO.OOO r.YRNE Jk KEEN AN, lion'l Insurance Agents. Odici.' L a-imUcr of Couimerco, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. ui IH . i-ly u OCR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR Tll. ah-a-1 of any otlier on the market Our pearl llMiiny raniinl Ik surpassed' AiT.iys a i 1 at the Mill and Depository Cricked Com. Cm. ilolteil M'-ul, ' Oits, Shorts aid D: in. All mU zjCi drajed free. ;i returnetl in goxl ordor will be frei.;'-I cost on lu xt bill. ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. i JS. 11. MANNING AND DEALEB IN 6wi8s, ProTiaoEJ, Dry Goads ClatMns. &c. &c. No. ii and 2-1 North WaUr Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. (-,,!1;sini -its and Cash O.ders So'.icltcd nov - THOMAS CONJSTOR 3AR ROOM N' E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt Sts. Ala lS7-ly -NEW YEARS' BEEF. JL'ieY )VClS : (J JOD STALL FED FAT BEEF, ilaik'i1,11 Ml extra article at Second Street MONDAY MORNING, ' ntimiihs throughout the week. 2 . , . W.- DAVIS i WHXTE. MISCELLANEOUS. FAEMING LAND . 750 ACRES OF FARMING AND WOOD LAND In Brunswick County, for Sale or Exchange for City Property, The Laud is situated on tbo South side of Town Creek, about one and a half miles from Lower Town Creek ontige. 75 Aores Arc all ready for planting. Four hundred loads of good stable manure and compost are on the Land. The FarmiDg Laud is already ditched and fenced. j It is good for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Potatoes and Wheat. lias a splendid clay fsnndation. 500 G-rape Vines, Set cat la3t year, will bear this Summer. 600 Apple Trees, also 600 Peaeli Trees, Of tnc fliiest qualities about three years old ret out last year, are in fine con dition. THE VOOI LAND About 075 acres, is of the best in the State. Tbere arc about 3,000 cords of wood on the Land, and tbo. farthest not to haul more than half a mile. The Land fronts about three miles on Town Creek and Daws' creek, and ba3 four good landings. One of the finest marl beds in the State Is on the Land, within eighteen iDehes of the surface. The farming utensils, including Plows llocs, Harness, &c, will also be sold. Forty barrels of Corn and a very good lot ct Fodder now at the Farm. One four room dwelling house, a store, also o barn and stables, are on the pre mises. The buildings are all Dew. Will se 1 or exchange for city pro -ptrty. Apply to CRONLY & MORRIS, Aueiioneers and Real Estate Agents. feb 17 233-tf ,SAVE YOUR t. MONEY. You Can save money by buying your BOOTS AND SHOES JJ NOKTII FKONT STREET, LARGE STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT. AND LOW PRICES G R. FRENCH & SON, 29 Nortii Front street march 10 51 " A Repository of Fashion I'kasure and Instruction" HARPER'S BAZAR. NOTICES OF THE PBESS. The Bazar is edited with acontrihution of tact and talent that we seldom find in any journal, and the journal itself is the organ of the great world oi fashion. Boston Trav eller. The Bazar commends itself to every mem her of the household to the children by droll and pretty pictures, to the youne: la dies by its fashion plates in cndles3 variety, to the provident matron by its patterns for the children's clothes, 1o paterfamilias by its tasteful designs for embroidered slippers and luxurious dressing gowns. But the reading matter of the Bazar is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popularity for the fireside CBjoyment it allords. A' Y Evening JUL SUBSCIUPTIONS 1S73. TERMS : Harper's Bazar, one jear $4 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will bo supplied gratis tor every club of live subscribers at $4 each, in one remittance ; or 6ix copies for $30, with out extra copy. ; Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor oue year. $10; or two of Harper's Periodicals to ore address lor one year $7. Back numbers can be supplied at any time The live volumes of Harper's Bazir, for the years 1S63, 'C9, '70, '71, '72, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be sent by express, freight prepaid, for $7 each, The postage on Harper's Bazir is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscri ber's post office. Address 'mna P HARPER & BROTHERS, New Tork. april 11 v 279 SUPERIOR COURT CLERK and Shcr O Blanks. For sale by lf O G HALL WARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and feb 25 8 0 HALL MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 1845. OLD FIRAI -01IJ I XL a. h. n w oiler, (Late Greenwald & Co.,) Wn OLE 8 ALE DEALER IN Wines, Brandies, Gins, TOskies and Segars. . NO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST., Respectfully informs his numerous custom ers that he has opened the largest and best stock of Pure Liquors in the State at prices to compete with any Northern house. I shall keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Itye and North Carolina Corn Whis kies, Imported Krandies, "Wines and Segars. Purchasers will do well to examine my 6tock.beore buying elsewhere. VST" SEGARS 'A SPECIALITY oct 7 121-ly A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLERs ADRIAN & VOLLERS. WnOU&VLE DEALERS IN Groceries mid liquors, Importers of German and 1Tb van a Cigars, and - Commission Merchant Sot?Til-EA:- COHNKR Dock and FltONT Streets. WILMINGTON, 21. C. Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries atul Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to thoir interest, to give us a call before buying elsewhere. mav 17-tf 1873. Furniture & uarpet i873.j 1 "V V WAREHOUSE. THE people of the Carol inas now have at home one of the largest Furniture and Carpet Warehouses in the country. They can select in person from one of the largest stocks ever ottered in the State. Thft dpsi-ms are all new and nanusome, and we invite the public to examine stock and prices before purchasing, D. A. tiMiri-l Cz uu. iac 9 200 tf II. MARCUS, Wli olosale Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, 47 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. P. S. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer in Half and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Lager Beer. . ,, feb 3 221-tf J.-.S. TOPHAM &C0.." No. 8 South Front Street, MANLT'ACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAELING UxVGS n.inra iiampj Tpmpc (?nams. Whins. vuiiais. "a"'1 . ' Spurs, Dog Collars. Saddle uiotns, 'r V, "c.x:' tt f VVOOICU 05 UMViU nuisu vwt-o Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Gtease, Bridies, r.f all kinds, Sad- . dlery Hard ware, &C A L ? O , SZCOXD IIAXP 1IAUNESS, SADDLES, R E N S , & c CHEAP FOR CASU. June New feStore ! Old Goods GREEHEWALD & CO., NO. 7 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES GINS, &c., &c, and all kinds of Fancy Liquors, which we m ntToT- is tv t.rMil on the most reasonable terms, as we are receiving lare wusigu- TT HA -AAA . , . 1 I ments of the best sroods in the country. 43-Pleasecall before making your purchases. Jan 14 j 166-tf "Tt'fAGISTRAlES BLANKS A lull Une JjX on hand; and for sale mm, - . i -I 8 LJik B0AD.S. Wilmington Cliarlotte & Rntherford -liaif Iioacl Xiinc. Eastern Division : New Schednle. 1873 Going West. 1873 STATIONS. PASSEXGEB VBXI6HT. Leave WilmJagtou. -Lumberton..,. A Vina TTaal ' &00 JLli 11.16 V 12.30 pm L54 " J 2.S9 : 6.00 A M 11,45. V 2.05 pm 5.00 tc u VV 4-M V '... Laorinbure. . 6.00 am Bockinghanit. . 4.03 Arrive at Lileavme.t; -4.45 . . . 10.00 Going East. BTATIOHSw PASSSHOSK FREIGHT. Leave Lilesville ...... 4 1 Rockingham . . . Laurinburg " Shoe Heel. 7.40 a m 8.36 10.30 -. 10.55 12.00 M 5.00 4M 5.55 " " AumDerton.., " Abbottsburg ; ::. Arrive at Wilmington. 1 12.H0 p m 0.50 " 4t.26 4.35 12.05 p M I 5.00 " Dxkkbb, going West: Bbbakpast, go ing JTast. Freight Trains stop here over night. t Stage for Charlotte : Railroad and Stage fare, Wilmington to Charlotte, only $10. I3f No Trains on Sunday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton Timber, run irreg ularly. Express Freight Cars accompany each Passenger Train. Western Division. STATIONS PASSENGER FBEIGUT. Leave Charlotte ...... ' T.5nnlTif nrt 8.00 A M 10.43 Arrive at Buffalo. . . . 12.07 RETUBNING. Leave Buffalo. . . ... . 1.07 P m 2.41 4 5.14 44 Lincolnton..... Arrive at Charlotte. . . V. Q. JOHNSON, S. L. FREMONT, Gen. Sunt. 199 Assistant SuPt. Wilmington. Colambia & Au gusta R. R, Company. Giw. Supkbintendent's Office, Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1872. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL go into effect at 3:25 A. M Monday, 7th inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leavo Wilmington ........ Arrive at Florence. . . . . . 8:25 A. M - 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia. . : .. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Augusta. . . 7.4! P. M Leave Augusta.. 6.35 A. M ArriTfcat Columbia.. ......1125 A. M Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at WUmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Lcav Wilmington i;4S r. ,n Arrive at Florence 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M a . a - o.on A i . . 5.50 p M K2Z '.Xl Spm Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:12 A. M ArriTO at WilmiPirton 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, I Gea'l Sup't. oct 9 1 123-ti WileiiDgton & VVeldoa Ii. H Company. OSTJCB GEJrSRAIi SCTSRINTENDBIiT, i WLLaiiNGTON, N. C, June 8, 1872. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AF TEK J UJNJS I0tn lflBiawi, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run ae follows: MAIL TRAIN. Lcavo Uniou Depot daily (Sun days xcepted) At b:ua a. in Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2:ii i . M Weldon 3:50 i?. M Leavo Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At y: 10 A: m Arrive at Rocky Mount . 1 1 :07 A. M Goldsboro s.... j : j o tr. m Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. rLv Union Deoot dailv. . .At 10:40 Jf. M I Arrive at Goldsboro 3:00A. M - - -' . , . 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:58 P. M wi weldon.... . t.wi A&W Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro 10: 08 P. M "' Union Depot 3:10 A. M Mail Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia reelx rOntei - PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT. TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weeklyV at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M.- . r EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wllmincton dailv (Sundays excepted) at 5:45 P. H., and ariTe at 4:80 P. M. - JOHN F. DIVINE, r. :. - y A General Superintendent. Juno 8- . : 19-tf FAIICEK, TAYLOR' fe-vv: Successors to ria?:N:s-PF,-- : X&nnfacturer and dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. . . - -Tf . AIM uuns, eioves, umieros, jvwuseuc, uu ' &nd Sheet Iron Ware. Ecofing done at" short notice Agents for Fairbanks Scales. If o. 19 Front Street, - mvr--n-in GTow, -it-, c. . mm m -yfc WWW 100 Tons -Bahama! Solubli) Guaiio, '. PRiCE, $52 50 CASH, ly 1st HAT; 60 00 PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, DELIVERED OX BOARD CAIIB AT WILMINGTON, N. C. 500 Tons WJianu's Haw; Bone Super phosphate, PRICE $52 50 Cash by lsl ol May. $60. 00 Payable 1st of November. JDelrvei'ecl on C2a,i a.1 "Wilmiiig-ton. ' ISJ . O. 500 Tons Star PHICE $52-50 Cash by 1st of May. November. t For Sale ; ly jan-o0.. Richmond and Danville Rail Road. North Carolina revision. And. Salem Brancli. o Condensed Time Table. In Cjjccl on mid after Sunday, Sr-jyt 2'Ul, lb?. GOING NOKTH. STATIONS BIAIL. EXfRESS. Leve Charlotte 7.10 r ii a 21 41 9.50 " IJ 51 14 11.58 12.50 a. ii 1.45 " 0.25 A. M 7. 20 44 8 34 41 .).Vi " 10.17 44 11.00 44 11.10 12.20 p. M. Concord . . . . 14 Salisbury 44 Lexington 44 High Jboint Arrive at Greensboro Leave Greensboro'.. 44 Co. Shops 44 HillsboroT . . . . Raleigh 4.53 44 8 05 44 11.05 A. si Arrive at Goldsboro' . GOING SOUTH. STATIOrs. AIA1L. EXl'iiEtS. Leave Goldsboro' 44 Raleigh 44 Hills boro' Co. Shops Arrive at Greensboro' Leave Greensboro' . . . 44 High Point.... 44 Lexington 44 Salisbury 44 Concord Arrive at Charlotte . . 4. CO p. m 7.45 44 10.21 44 12.05 A. M 2.15 I M. 3 30 44 4. CO 44 4.43 44 5.33ff4 6.22 44 7.28 44 8.30:p. m. 1.30 2.15 3.04 .t it 4 03 44 4.57 44 0.10 44 7.20 A. m Passenger train leaveing Kalejgb at 7:45 P M connects at Greensboro with Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all Northern eiiies. Trice ot ticket same as other routes. Mail trains daily, both wajrs. ever entire length of Road. Express daily between Comnany Shops? and Charlofte, (Sundays excited.) All passeDger trains connect at Greens boro with trains .to and irom Richmond. Pullman Palace Car" on all night trains between Charlotte ?"1 Richmond, without change.) . SALEM BRANCH, On and alter March 2d, 1S73, a mixad Pas senger and Froight Train will be run daily, (Sundays excepted,) on the N. W. N. C. R. R., as fo'lows : Leave Greensbory 3:40 P M Arrive at Kernei-sviiic. 5:10 P M Leave Kernersviile 0.00 A M Arrive at Greensboro.. 10:30 A M S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. W. H. GREEN, Master Transportation. march 5 1U4 OfficePetebsbtteg It. R. Co. l t, 1S72. j -" ON AND AFTEK JUNE SRD, THE trains will un as follows: LA V J2i VV IJUUII . Express Train ' 7:3!) p. ra. Mail Train o:2j p. m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mail 7:00 p. in. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail 6:;J9 a. in. Express 3:f0 p. it. ... xVitiilVLi Af WJbLUUiM. Mail V:10 a. m. Express 650 p. in. FivElCril i 11.AIW&. Leave Petersburg :00 a. m. Leave Weldon :) p. m. Arrive at Weldon 3:00 p. m , Arrive at Petersburg 2:20 a. m. GASTON .TRAINS. Leave Petersburg &:00 a. jn. ; Leave Gaston 1 : 15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:o0 p. m. Ajrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains KVoio-hto fr ciniinr R ranch will be received at theetersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The denot will be closed at o:W p. m. jo goods will be recaived after that hour. jft 5-tf Ensrfneer and General Manasrer. W. H. DATIT LIPPITT UVILDZNii, SOUTH FRONT ST., WILMIlSTGKTOlSr, 1ST. C. Plnalier Steal and Gas Filter: and dealer m Wrought Qud Galvanized Iron PilH;s't Brass Cocks. Valves, Gas Fixtnrcs, and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. Particular attention paid to lilting up o COTTON MILLS, with Steam, Gas and Water. May, 3ls1 :; Soluble Phosphates. $G0 00 Pfiyablc 1st of 2lS-am AGENTS ! A RARE CHANCE. We will pay all Agents $10 per week In rush who willengafje with ns at onco. Kvt-ry-thing furnished ami expenses paid. AiltSrox A. COULTEItit CO Charlotte, .Mich. C!?pncj V EG ETA 1 ILK AND FLOW UK plants, rosrs, dalilias, fuclislns, geraniums, bedding plants, gladiolus, etc. send a stump for l)i eer's -Garden Calendar, 1(S pages, illustrated, with jractl al dlrcr tions. Henry A Dree r, 711 Chestnut Hreet, Philadelphia, Tu f. REWARD. lor any ease of liliml Iileetlinir, Itching or Ul cerated Tiles that. In. Bixo'.s IMtc Ilciuedy falls to cure. It Is prepared ex pressly to euro the Pile, and notblti else. .Sold by Price, f l.W) all driurgisb Cffi in (JjOn per day! A rents wanted! All WJ IU U)6U classes of working people, ul either sex, young or old, mane more nioncv at work for ns in their spt'.re moments, ornll the time than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G Stimon c Co. Tort land. Mo W A N Tin) . We wish to engage the services of nt least one reliable, letellicnt gentlemen lu everv city, town and county in the South. Itiisl ness agreeable end st rietly legitimate, yield ing from $1,500 to ?2,.rKX) per ninium. l or par ticulars, address Turnbull Ihothenv Pub Ushers, Baltimore. Md. SEND 25 CENTS FOR THE ADVERTISERS' GAZETTE, A bouk of 128 pages, showing how, when ami where to advertise, and containing a list oj nearly o,WU newspaper, with much other In formatloa of interest to mlv'ertlsers. Ad dress GEO If P.OWELL, t C O, Publishers. II Park ltow. New York. GEO. P ROWKLL Cu'8 A.'IilllK'AN SEWSP1PE IMllIiy, A book of (XX) pages, with editors' nnd pub lishers' names, date of estallshment. lu-, politics, subscription price ami circulation of:Il newspapers in the I'nlted .State' and Dominion of Canada. PlilCi". JjIVE DOLLARS, by mail. Address publishers, Net. 11 Park Row N Y OK TUIiNEIt wishes to inform hi cusLo- mers audrpubllc generally, that he is ikjw ; prepared to do all kind of work in his line-, and would respectfully request acontinu.i ! tion of the patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon hint, C5K1 - ; - - - - , , v-.v, . No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c.,' to. Having Just received a uupply of Furniture, I am prepared to give the public M cood bargains as can be had in the city. l'lease call and examine. mavlo BTjjXDTNTFLar: QNEoi theilncc-t BUILDING LOTS lu the city, f ituated on the K.itt side of Third Street, between . Muibcrry an 1 Walnut, CO by ICo fctt, for eale Apply to CKONLY A MOJIIU3. Ileal E&tate Agents. Feb 17 LOT on the corner ol Sixth and Church Street, W) by W fevt, for eale cheap.' Apply to ' JAMrs & KKOWN, Real Eitate AcnU. SI000 Feb 17 i i decs feb 39 S G HALL. - i . -- " ;. '' " . - - -A

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