?f mmi .vim? ,i , i t, VII. i 1 " f .. ,um' cclulJ) r.vr.v.;v....B. v 1 . .Editor MANN : j subscription- in advance 3 00 1 W 50 in advance- cths in advance i the Business Manager, nd .11 i.iocs or matters relart.g to the icrartmcnt to the Editor Lb nee solicited from our friend J ol the State, on topics of gene it. political news auu -j-:.epcc:allv desirable. r. landise Brokerage Office. r c . sunpie constantly on han-l 'Jm' mv 'rt. r ami manufacturers in ;.' ...y.TS solicited. n;t " 1,1 ......... ..roliinL 11 1- .crt. r"d' r Mci ! 1 ' lkrs ou. , ' h t., I. .iv or m II. romniuoi- er. . . - -r l'rri'.WAY. " ... i I-..-IH.-.- r,ri)kT. ; lei n " "'' ,,M 1 4V jNj tf V. U. UAUT ; 01 MI t' lit) NT ST.. IJL.illNOTON'. N". C. iz: Steam and Gas Fitter! ;ui'l dealer lu m-fit athl (i.ilv.nnzcd Iron Pipe, . .1. ,; I' I I 1 liri'K. ' a:,. I all descriptions of xi:;gs for steam, water f AMD GAS. .cu!ar at!. uti'-n p.iUl to XitLiu; up o t COTTDN MILIS, xrltli r;t..i';i, t!s nut Wnt'-r. INSURANCE. " N' I'll I INSlTKANVi; CAN Th -U ;t Uiwest urrent r-Mc in the ; rf-p:ii.iSe Conipiiiitcs, ou i- ,;)-K I. in: INSUIiANX-K J A. i" KNi:, Jon l lus. At., JAI HI'.K IXslTIiANCK . AN V, I l.mlun, Awt-ttH tw i;vn:uv run: in.sii u- 0)MI'ANV, New Orleans, VUJ.i; -1 UK. iNStTK.VNCr Al) t UVIlNi: V KEKNAN, iivn I Insurance Agents. Z Cli iiu'-ji ol L'uinnurrr, up stairs. nniingion, . k . 77-ly XT XTRV FA3IILY FLOUR 1 aarl Hominy cannot . nurimsyjed' ly s a haud at the Mill and Leposuory :kc 1 Com, C ra, r.oUcd Meal, J Pea3 and Tea Meal, OaU, Shorts and Bran. 11 Qs)U sold drayed free. b.is rd urno'l in pood order will be ,tc 1 ;U 't on next hill. ALtlX. OLDHAM, TroprlPtor. iZ7 , IW- "sTai. MANNING :::issioh merchant, AND pr.AI.ER IN : Iss. rwisioiis, Dry Goods C'otliinf, &c. &c, . 2: an 1 J4 North Water Street. I WILMINGTON, N. (J. Un- iiis and Cash Oilers Solicited L l.l-Iy O N L A CONNO R R ROOM . .im. r vl Mulberrj auJ Natt Sis. an Imn.l the best quality of Bog i 157-ly i Successors to ;A. H..NEFF, lHmrncturers and dealer In tst; FunxisuiNG goods, Jove. lArttem. Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. 3n done at short notico Vsents for Fairbanks Scales, i No. 19 Front Street. LJIINGTON, If. C. -3 : t - 1 - - f yS. fe .J5.;: -;i 1 1 1. 1 -i !:h, MOTTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY? 28, - ; ' '-',. - r', ... ---L-i MISCELLANEOUS. FARMING a. nsr I 750 AORES. .... OF FAH11IHG AND WOOD LAND - . . - In Brunswick County, for Sale ? or Exchange for City1 Property; ,. . . . . ! c,vl The Lind IS Situated on tUC bOUtn - - 1 1 A. . I side of Town Creek, about one and a half miles from Lower Town Creek bridge. 75 -A. ores ; ; Arc all ready for planting. Four hundred loads ot good slable manure and compost are on the Land. The Farming Land is already ditched and fenced. It is good for Cotton, Corn, Teas, Potatoes and Yheat. Has a splendid clay foundation. 500 C3-ra,pe Vines, Set out last year, will bear this Summer. 600 Apple Trees, also 600 Peach Trees. Of the fiutst qualities - about three years old set out last year, are in fine con dition. THIS WOOD LAND About 073 acres, is of the best in the State. Tlicrc are about 3,000 cords of wood on the Land, and the farthest not to haul more than halt a mile. The Land lrcnts about three miles on Town Creek and Daws' creek, aDd ha3 four good landings. One of the linest marl beds in the State la on the Land, within eighteen inches of the surface. Tuc farming utensils, including Plows Hoc?, Harnc8?, &c, will also be sold. Forty barrels of Corn and a very good lot ot Fodder now at the Farm. One four room dwelling house, a store, also a barn and stables, are on the pre mises. The buildings are all new. - AVill sc:l or exchange lor city pro pcrty. Apply to CKONLY & MORRIS, Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents. feb 17 233 tf SAVE tOUR M O H E Y. 4 You Can sare money by buyiog your BOOTS AND SHOES o'J XO&TH FRONT STREET, LARGE STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT. AND LOW PRICES G R. FRENCH & SON, ?9 NOrto Front strew rnai tli 10 ' ' ; ' ' "A Repository f Fashion, Tlcasure and J nst ruction.'1'' UARPER'S BAZAU. it i NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The Bazar is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we 6eldom find in any journal , and the journal itself is the organ of the creat world ot fashion. Boston Trav eller. The Bazar commends itself to every mem ber of the household to the children by droll and pretty pictures, to the younc: la dies by its fashion plates In endless Variety, to the provident matron by ita patterns for the children's clothes, 1o paterfamilias by its tasteful designs for embroidered slippers and luxurious dressing gowns. But the rcadin" matter of the Bazar Is uniformly of creat e'xcellenpe. The paper has acquired a wide popularity for the fireside enjoyment it anords. Ar Y Evening Jhsi. SUBSCRIPTIONS 1S73. tekms : T Harper's Bazar, one year $4 00 An extra copy ot either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis lor every club of five subscribers at $ i each, in one remittance ; or six copies for $30, with out extra copy. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor one year, $10; or two of Harper's Periodicals to one address lor one year $7. Back numbers can be supplied at any time The five Tolntnes ot Harper's Bazar, for the years 1S38, '60, '70, 71, '73, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be. sect by express, freight prepaid, for $7 each, The postage on Harper's Baztr is 30 cents a year, which must bo paid at the subscri ber's post office. Addresa HARPER & BROTHERS, . New lork. april 11 ' 279 OUfERlOR COURT CLERK and 8her- UT Blanks. For sale by 8 O 0ALL 1 w X WARRANTIES DEEDS- On hand and for sale , feb 25 SO HALL MISCELLANEOUS. iSSa'A.BX.ISiIX:Z 1846. OLD FIRM OLD I . Iv ix lx n -vv oil er , (Late Giccnwald & Co..) WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Trandife, Gins, Wbiskies and Segars. NO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST., Respectfully informs his numerous custom- t-er8 that ne jag opened the largest and best . 1 M - VI. 1 . 1 . n f n f f ilCt BLOCK. Ol J urc ljiquurt in tins cu to compete with any Northern house. I shall keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Rye and North Carolina Corn Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Segars. Purchasers will do well to examine my stock before buying elsewhere. $W ' SEGARS A SPECIALITY oct i 121-ly A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLERg ADRIAN & VOLLERS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries and Liquor. Importers of German and Havana Cigars, AND Commission Merchant Boutii-East Corner Dock and Front Streets WILMINGTON, N. C. Ma torrrovt. nnil hPfct, SlKSOl ictl Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buy lug elsewhere. mavL-tt II. MARCUS, Wli olosalc D o a, 1 u r IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PRINCESS ST., ABO VIS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, N. C, T. S. A full supply of Ale and Laser Leer in Hall and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Lager Beer, feb 3 1873. Furniture & uarpct WARE HO USI3.. THE people of theCarolinas now have at home one of the largest Furniture and Carpet Warehouses in the country, They can select in person from one of the largest stocks ever offered In the State. The designs are all new and handsome, and we Invite the public to examine stock and prices before purchasing, D. A. SMITH & CO. ian 9 200 tl J. S. TOPHAM & CO.. .. . - No. 8 South-Front Street, - WlIiMIIVOTOTV, N. C, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAELING BAGS Collars, Hamcs, Trace Cuains, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars. Saddle Cloths, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard ware, &c. A L ? O , SECOND HASP IIAKNESS, SADDLES, REINS, & c . CHEAP FOR CASH. June 7 1-ly New EStoro ! Old. Goods GREEHEWALD & CO, NO. 7 XARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES GINS, &c, &c, and all kinds of Fancy Liquors, which we will offer to the trade on the most reasonable terms, as we are receiving large consign ments or ths best goods in the country. 9-Pl ease cal 1 before mak i ng y our purchases. Jan 14 106-tr Ti TAG ISTR ATE3 BLANKS A full line on hand, and for sale GOODS 221-tf 1873. ti if m feb 25 ' 8 G HALL. BAIL ROADS. Wilmington, Columbia & Au gusta R. R. (Doiaiiany. Gbv. SurzsrjrrxifrjBNT's Orricx, ) Wilmington, N. C.r Oct. 7, 1872. j . CIIAMQE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL ointo effect 'at "5:25 A. iT.'. Monday, i in insu DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dallj.) Leavo Wilmington. ...... L, 3:25 A. M Arrive at Florence 9:55 A. M Arrive at Columbia, s 2:40 P. Itf Arrive at AugtiBta: 7.4i P. M Leavo AugUBta...; 6.35 A. ,M Arrive at Columbia 11 25 A. M Arrive at Florence 4:15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DALLY, (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) . Leave Wilmington 5;45 P. M Arrive at Florence. . ; 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leavo Augusta 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence. 2:12 A. M Arrive at Wilmiagton 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, Gon'l Sup't. oct a 123-tf Wilmington- & Wcldon R. R. Company. WttMiNGTON, N. C, June 8, 1873. J mi. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run an follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leavo Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro . 12: 11 P. M Rocky Mount.... 2:11 J'. M Weldon 3:50 x. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At 9:15A:M Arrive at Rocky Mount ..... 11:07 A. M Goldsboro 1:10 P:M Union Depot. . . . 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 10:10 P.. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3:00 A. M Rocky Mount 4:56 A. M Weldon 6:50 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7:10 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 8:5S P. M Geldsboro 10:58 P. M Union Depot. 3:10 A. M Mall Train makes close connection at Wcldon for all points North via, Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weckly at 6.00 A.M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5:45 P. M., and arrive at 4:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. Jure 8 19-tf Carolina Central Railway Company. WILMINGTON, N. C, ) ; May 14, 1873. f I SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS X EAVE WILMISGTON DAILY (EX- I J cent Rnndnvsl at. 8:00 A M Arrive at Wadesboro at 5:25 PM Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS! Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays j u:uuaw Arrive at Laurinburg at 5:30 P M I.p.ivp. Laurinbura' at f:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte dally, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at ,12.00 M Leave Buffalo at, , 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M lrrcfrnlar Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Koad as the busi ness 1e4u1.es. A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains on 'joth ends of this Kail way. S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19 311-tf Foreclosure ot Jlortgac. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE BY John Westor in a certain mortgage deed, executed by him and his wife to the Cape Fear Building Association, and regis tered in the Register's office of New Han over county in Book 2. Z., page 39o. No ticc, therefore, is hereby given, that the 6aid mortgage will be foreclosed, in pursuance ol the power therein contained by a sale of the premises thereby conveyed at public auction at the Court Home door in the city of Wilmington, on Friday the 30th day ot May inst., at 11 o'clock A.M. Said premises begin in the Northern line of Church street 110 feet East of Fifth street, and run thence East along Church street 271 feet by 66 feet deep. DuBRUTZ CUTLAR. Att'y C. F. Bnilding Association, may 9 303-9,16,23&9 OHATTLE MORTGAGE DEEDS On tnnd and for sale tsLO 1 S G HALL. 1873 RAIL ROADS. Piedmont Air-Line Railway. y Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W., N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. o . Condensed Time Table. In effect on and after Sunday, Mai II, 1873. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS, s't: Leave Charlotte 7.10 p. u 9.50 6.25A- M. 8.34 Salisbury ' Greensboro Danville Burkville Arrive at Richmond . . 1.40 A,. M 111.10 - ;4.32 9.44 " 1.52 P. Mi 6.0 " 9.30 ' 12.45 r. M GOING SOUTH. STATIOas. MAIL. EXPRESS. Leave Richmand Burkville 2.30 p. M 5.55 10.41 2.15 A. M 4.57 44 7.27 44 5.10 A. M. 8.28 " -12.75 P. M. 4.00 '4 . 6.22 44 8.30 44 Jl Danville iv rppn c nnrn f Solisbury Arrive at Charlotte. . . GOING WEST. STATJOK6. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Greensboro' , 4 Co. Shops ., 4 Hillsboro' . , VfolnirrVi 1.45 A. M 3 36 44 10.21 A M. arl2.20PM .00 ti it 1.05 Arrive at Goldsboro' . ll.Og 44 GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPKESS Lcayc Goldsboro'.... 44 Raleigh 44 Hillsboro' 44 Co. Shops Arrive at Greensboro' 4.00 p. m 7.45 4 10.21 4 12.05 44 1.30 44 2.13 p. M. 3.30 4 SALEM BRANCH, Ou and after March 2d, 1873, a mixod Pas senger and Freight Train will be run daily, (Sundays excepted,) ou the N. W. N. C, R. U, as louows : Leavo Greensboro Arrive at Kerncrsvillc Leave Kerncrsvillc Arrive at Greensboro . ...3:40 PM 5:10 P,M 9:00 AM 1 10:30 A M Passenger train ieaveinj Raleigli'kt ?: P M connects at Greensboro with Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of tickets 'same as other routes. , . Trains to and from Points East'oT Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. ' Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Express daily between Corooany Shops, and Charlotte, (Sundays excepted.) Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains hetween Charlotte rvd Richmond, without change.) -Fiir lurthcr information address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. K. TALCOTT, Engiuter and Gcn'l Siucrintendaut. may 21 3 OF-FICEPETKIISBTJRO R. It. Co. May, 31st, 1872. pig ON AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train 7:30 p. m. Mail Train 3:25 p. m. ARRIVE AT FETElvSii (iRG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mail 7:00 p. m. LEAVE -PETERSBURG. Mail 6:30 a. m. Express 3:50 p. n.. ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail 9:10 a.m. Express 6:50 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg . 8:00 a. m. JLeave weldon :w p. m. Arrive at Weldan 8:00 p. m , Arrive at Petersburg 2:20 a. m. GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6:00 a.m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The derxt will be closed at 5:00 p. m. No goods wifl be recaived after that hour. je 5-tf Engineer and General Manaeer. F. A. SHUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c, &c. Having just received a supply bf Furniture, I am prepared to give the public as good bargains as can be had in the city. i please call and examine, mavis LOCAL AGENT wanted In Wilmington for The Aldikb, the only Art Journal in America. An active, energetic person, r who will obtain a respectable list oi sub scribers, can retain the position permanent ly. Other occupation no objection provided results are satisfactory. As The Altjihk is not sold to Booksellers who are not regular agents, this is an opportunity to work up a business that will be a regular Income with less exertion each succeeding year. Vo application will be entertained 'unless ao couopanied by such testimonials as will show the highest respectability aad general success of applicant In undertakings. Full particulars by addressing JAMES SUTTON & CO., Publishers, : 58 Maiden Laos, New York. april 29 234-4w, NO. 8 AGENTS! A' KARE ' CHANCE. We will pay all Agents 140 per ww?k In enf h Who will engage, with us atonce. Evcrv thing famished arid expenses paid. Addn-Vs . A. COULTER & CO Charlotte, Mich. SRRDS VEGETABLE AND' FLOWIH: oumi5 plants, robes, :dahlias,faclisla,' geraniums, bedding plants gladiolus, etc. Send a stamp for Dreer's Garden Calendar, 368 pages, illustrated,- with practical dinc tions. Henry A Dreer, 711 Chestnut street, Philadelphia,' Va m r REVABD. ' For any case , of . Blind Bleeding, Itohtng or Ul cerated Pilot lUht 1H! tfBtjJo'a riio Remedy faUs ' if JprojBSly to euro Ihtjpiif, : ' and nothing else. Sold by' all druggists: YrJce. W.tXJ t ' I ; u . 4- $5.ioi20 per day ' A'gents Wntcd! A f l5 classes of worklntmconln.t.f either sex. young or old, mane rhoro monVv 'at trork r tis in their jtfaro momdata, or all the Ume than at anything else. Particulars ifree Addrws G Stlnsort 4 anJPntl&nd v We wish to engage the services of .at Jciist one reliable, intelligent gentlrttiett Ih' ery city, town and county n tha JSoutlu ,Bu.i" ujwii ana .county in uia ness agreeable r.nd strictly leg paDie r.na strictly legitimate, yield 11)0 ttf2,5W'per tthm. 'o par address trurntuU LYoUic;, l'ub altlmore, MWi t Jtr lia w uculars, ad fishers, Bait SEND 2T CENTS' Itik HK ...... -I r W -. ! I ...r.!i. .... where to Rdvcrtis, and containliig ti list of neariyoooaiewdpfipfrs, with ruueh other mi fprmation of interest to ad vrrl I urr. a.i. arss GEaP ROWelC, rubiislie. 41 GEO. F. SOWBft. t AfA A book of 600 pages, wltri dltorst and pub lishers' t name,' date oX 4jstali.sUjn'ciii. si..-, politics, subscription price and circhiatiim of all rtewspapxJrs ii th? UuiLed StMcs unvl Dominion of Canada. i 1 PRICE, FIVE DOLLARS, by mail. Address publishers, Xv. 11 paxk Row N Y ' ' :. BAl&jSEU suoiv I OE TURNEIti wtUcs to Inform his cmfiv a mers and public generally, that he is hjw prepared W do all kind of work lit his lino, and would respectfully! request a coutl u tion of the patrpnago. which has hcrttufuic been'so liborally bestowed upon him. JanlGtf ' t aw; Vol. VW 1S7. OLD AVJd Ni3"YV. THE PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE. ' Edited by Edward E. llale. The enlarged resources placed ia thu hands of the OLD AND NEW,' by the pub lic and by the proprietors, enablo tlfcin t announce a volume of wider .interest than they have ever published. Mrs Greenmgh',8 Story t Pyljwnla, and Mr, Hale's Story; Ups and Downs, will be continued and completed in ; this volume. A series of short stories by Miss Mere&ithl Mrs Stoice, Mrs Whi'.u Miss Hale, Mr Perkins, Mr Jjvrimj, and others,' has been engaged. - Mr Martineau's series "will be continued in papers on The Church and its Exclusive Claims, Scripture and the Limits of its Au thority; God in Humanity, dc. The series of articles on Political Science by gentlemen of recognized ability, will comprise papers on Railroads, Servants 01 Masters ? The Ballot in England Land The Law of Maritime Jurisdiction ; The In dian Question ; The Suffrage of Women ; Equal Taxation; Tariffi and Protection What the New Administration must do Labor and Wages Question. The subjects of critical interest In NATURAL HISTORY AND PII 1 LOSO l'I I Y will be illustrated by different gentlemen eminent in their lines of research. We shall soon have the pleasure of printing papcre, among others, by Prof. Lesley, Mr Dull, Dr Gray, and President Hill. THE EXAMINER is not confined to the review of the publi cations of a few honses, but attempts to give some account of the more important issues from the Ercnch, German and Eng lish press, as well as our own. THE RECORD OF PROGRESS describes the substantial advance which tlit world has made, in whatever direction or iu whatever region, with special reference to improvements in domestic life which may be attempted in America. The magazine will be underthc editorial charge of Edwabd E. Hjj e, who will have wider assistaece than heretofore in the man agement of its Journal department. GIVEN AWAY ! The beautiful Chromolith 14 COMF1 DENCE,' bylUMMATT Billings, Is pre sented to every Renewal and New Subscri bcr to "OLD AND NEW" lor 1573 at 1 00; or at $4 25 the Chromolith will be furnished handsomely mounted, ready for' -;ing. Size 10x14. r- Snbscriptlons received bv 1 ' Newsdealers at Publisher?' ROBERT8 BROTH No. 143 Werfast. "DTTT.T Natural Japan, I - Oolong anU.' ; QUSoltlj ; :S0Mtlicng the city, sitiia' . .. Street, betwec . j .M J.tl $1000 ' : ":') ': f v 1 ... ,tt, t,., .... 4..J r JIIRECTORY. 1 -.rl' i purchases direct lium 17 and not only cave to our or ' three profits but data ?aead por Teas jAb. r-fsi - Feb i 1 8treeU, 60 by ft. . f , i IM J r r : MYERBi & CO. 1 1 Mr u 7 North Frontst.' Feb 17 ; t u i i K tit 1 M ' i n - it-. 1 1 : . 1 .,t, ?fcu' ,A 1 Ja.lt' J r t I L50-ly I ! j