a tijOiiOTiaa 1 1 ito. .tit r. :; v f . U ftriol "T d . rn- n;io;tv3 T - hi vol VII. ' ivji-.n-- -4J;b v4 tin! 1-f .rasru j 1 - 1 I I I 1 f . V iOiUni .h-ir.'.vvt linriot. 7dTV. I jfs V i& jd i-vcrr 'toraoou except Sunday r i:tfAUAZ rJOSlUUSS Jnsvr - tot.L WEliMEOlTS. I lllsCkl.l.luiiiu .n. V. i iV4 .Editor MANN Subscription .ir in advnc .. ...I"' iK In aitsillPP W ill I'jvui".-. - - twh months, in ad ranee 1 it. In rinrf1 iO (joe Dfuku . " rf-AU business letters 6houid be ad-are-se-i to the Business Manager, and all curatnuuications or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor. Correspondence solicited from our friends ,D I1 irt of tiie State, on topics of genc nl intercit. Joitical news autoreports d cr.;s are especially deeirtble NEW advertisements. "FARMING NO. 13 ,010 HHMn flirif?' ' wvui i Tpjrt siTmroiirrr office, i 13 75.0ACKES( ; OF FARMIM AND WOOD LAND In Brunswick County, for Sale or IS a. U ii Sv c i 1 c (Late Orecawald &Oo.,)' ' C ' H7jfeNlr 1873. I ExcIiaiiW. fodtity, ProDcrtv, Wine, Brandies, Gins, ' 2ril.' : and Sers. f 0.40 ifoUTH .WATU BlL, I lIICSTlT T.rTl7Txr-i citt,.., , flilT,. .f.litl Monday. RAIL ROADS. Piedmont AiM,ine Railway. ; -5 Hicbmond and Danville, Ricbmoad and anyine ii. w. N. DiYision, and North Western N. C. R. W. -o- Merchandise Brokerage Office r'U. lino f siimpl ps constantly on hand r "irVli nni'ortrrs and in."nui".ictarLis iu i.i tii r 1 1 niiirkcts. i .J.rriptlons of mrrhantlisp, ordrni i,i lNuliciledana tckiajlii.t.t romj)tly. .i. ...iiw. Juii 'ht and sol. I in this ' i .... ....i j j. i ti ..... i-r muu i3 Biiuaicu on luu South Peciniiiy informs his numerous custom- "TJ0 VVilmington. . 3.or a r uleofrwn Creek, abont one ant! a ftkSf in, tbe M half mile, from Lower Town Creek fec 35 P." m bnurre. I o - I mir-i-t. ord.-rs ii'".. iMiycrs soiu nci, ana ami JenCCU. ,ttII.U i left hy M.IIvrs win have pruinri ai- t-;tt loll. Ti'iic :i W" 11 :s ra-h jMirch:irs UPKotiatcd, .. - ...... !.. Iniv nr sell, colillililtl i- , it.-l !r -ly, and -cliaiidio and 1 rwlucc Jrrok rr. IS I 11 Acres Ar;.i!l ready for planting. Four hundred load3 oi good stable manure aud compost are on the Land. iuur arming L.ana is alnady ditched ftnv Nnrlho.n I, I A S - i . ' I shall keen nnti.fT K"y."r.c: t"4 Augusta 7.4 v f SSasssffiaS ffllfe::::::::::: fStS ST mass a snouts (SDN. Condensed Time Table. In effect on and after Sunday, MaA 11: , . . 1873. ' ; GOING NORTH. MSCKLLANEORs; NEW MUSIC. BUCLISIISD UY T. T.. TT?nm- . x,B,0BJtoAUW.AyjK v marked price. VOCAl Above and Bcloir c Price 3U cents. Sacfcd So0. JlcL rfnB?MLc. Son, and """"ki ur en 1 1 a w - beautiful Fofm bf mi-n' Stewart ; price 30 CCSL. 11,7 Dl STATIONS. eepno u11l;i with your local JA. T. rKTTI.WAV. It ia good for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Potatoes and Wheat. Has a soJemlirl clay foundation. M. V. 11. 1JAHT SOUTH FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, 2ST. C. Piamicr Steam ani Gas Filter; fcn-i dt-aier lu U iuiKht and ;.ilvitnized Iron Fiiu-, Hr.i C'ocWh, Valves, linn Fixtures, and ail descriptions of FITTLVliS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. i! r aiUnli'ti jsaid to IlttiUi,' up o corroN MILLS, nitii St ca in, Cts and Water. 500 Graps Vines, Set out last year, will bear this Summer. 600 ApplG Trees, also 600 reach Trees, OI mc fflont .iallU-.lM,ut three years STSfSiSSiXSt A. ADRIAN. ADRIAN & VOLLERS. W IJOIj KSA LK UEALEK.3 IJf Cnroccrios aud Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, AND Commission Merchant South-east Corner Dock and Front Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. DAYS EXCEPTED.) H. VOLlLERcj T?J" " 5; 45 F. M ttoc atriorence n.crr. u mc a rrfva ,ut.: 11: cor. At tw oi yommDia 3.4y a M -".ifibu lyoiumDia 10-20 P M Arr Af,ea?e' : 2:20 A. M f ot uiimiHgtou 8:00 A. 31 JAMES ANDERSON, uen'i Sup't. 2-tf Leaye Charlotte Salisbury Grensboro.... Danville....... Burkville L Arrive at Kichmond.. I mail. BES3. rus.byllayVf ITTT I " Do not WeenrL-, more. reams. Uy sUi; and C'ho tt ?.10 P. M 9.50 " 1.40 A. M 4.33 9.44 " L2.45 p. M 6.25 A. M. 8,34 " 11.10 1.52 p. m. fi 1.0 41 9.a0 by Btcwart; 30 cents " Uari'"K- sr, GOING SOUTH. BfiSar?5?Je?ffd5- So' or Duct, by STATIOSS. Leave Kichmend Uurkvillc Danville Greensboro... Solisburv Arrive at Charlotte. . , MAIL. EXPRESS. tc it ( 2.30 p. m 5.55 10.41 2.15 A. M 4.57 3.27 5.10 A. M. 8.28 12.75 p. m. 4.00 6.22 " 8.30 jnnc 2 il-ff LVSUIMXCE. in: an;kn;i; insi'iianch an' v.u ' :f ri..l .it tln lowi-st ( iiiienl i:iUh in the r i . . i p rtivniMblo Com I'hu ivs, on a- Bi ir.it loll () SKA' mi;kUFK IN.-jL'IVNCL tnMi'ANV, A ft ?J,tVJ"J J. A. It i UN i:, 'ton 1 Ins. As;!., Mn:ur.i. kiuk insitiianck I'OMI'ANV.of lii!idn, AsM'lt.s f:ijt''. Gold di;kt w K.s7i-:r. ni;t: insuk- AN K OJ.Ml'A.NV, 'S-jw VrU-au-, xumvii.m: fiKi: iNsnivNci: and li.VAKI.NU CUM TAN Vol V;., iissts r;vi:.K a fckknan, i i'D I I ii Mini noe A f n ts. i;iilvril Coin miiti-i1, lip .stan s, Wilrtiin-jton, X. C. 77-ly old set out last year, arc in fine con dition. THE WOOD LAND About "C7.j acres, 13 of the best 11 the State. There are about 3.000 cords of woorl on the Land, and the farthest not to Haul more than halt a mile. Tho Land ironts about three milea on Town Creek and Daws' creek, and has four fjood landings. One of the iintst marl beds in the State 18 on the Land, within eighteen incbej of the surface. fue tanning utensil?, including Plows llocs, ilaruess, &c, will also be sold. or urocerles and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere, may 17-tf Wilfaiogton & Wcldoa R. Ii. Company. Otjicji General Superintendent, GOING WEST. STATIONS. WavtiNGTON, N. C, June 1, 18"3 I Leave Greensboro' . . , Co. Shops.... 41 Hillsboro' . . . . 1 1 MAIL. Wholesale Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGAIIS, OrlS?Eft!SW,Tiffi5a,0S,l,SJ mington and Wcldon Kailroad will run as , Kalekrh. Arrive at Goldsboro 1.45 A. M 3 36 " 4.53 " "8.05 ll.Qs 11 EXPRESS 10.21 A M. arl2.20PM GOING WEST. STATIONS.; CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Leaye Goldsboro'...! Kaleigh Hillsboro' Co. Shoos Arrive at Greensboro' 11 11 MAIL. 4.00 p. m 7 11 10.21 12.05 1.30 EXPRESS 2.13 p. m. 3.30 riUNQESS ST. ABOVE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, N. C, 1 S. A full supply of Ale and Larcr Ecer in Half and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Larer Beer. feb 3 221-tf SALEM BRANCH, follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- uaj s excepted; At ii: 05 A. M 12:11 l. M 2:11 1'. M 3:50 M Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Wcldon Leav Weldon daily (Sundave excepted) At On and after March 2d. 1873. nrni p. senger and Freight Train will be run daily, (Sundays excemed.1 on th v w m r W " " v. Leave Greensboro cMy B0Jacr0S5 lhe Sca, j,. ffl Only for Yon r ii,!..., , cents. "J"JU. t'yDclioux; 35 IM8TBUIHEMTAL. ri luMKrFr'80"1 ,873-Fnrilitarc & t l''"'-'-' Union Depot One four room dwelling houe, a store, also a barn and stab.es, arc on the nrc- uiicc.i. 1 uc ounuins arc all new. Will so 1 or exchange 0r city pro rcrtj. Apply to - CKONLY & MORRIS, Auctioneers and "Real Estate Agents;, feb 17 . 233 If f X CAT f - "1 ', V . R tiTlU FAMILY FLOUR L iv r . f :,ny"l,u'ro11 n, niai-kct LA . " "'""y mot l.oM!ri:ssci f -n hn at the Mill .J U.y, L.torv '--l Corn. Oni, Iloltcd Mr,!, lVas aad l 1 M a', Oils, Slmrt.H and Uran. f- " Is sold drajed free. V' -7 ALKX- ULDI1. Troprlefor. j- n. M.vN'jsrijs'o OMMISSION MERCHANT, VND TC V L K H IN er,5Si Provisions, Dry Goois C'oiiiiag, k. k. 'J2I North Water Si, eel, WILMINGTON. N. c n I fHh O.-Jirs. solicited IM-lv youh M n w r v 3v-i-.ii I'i U 11 Jj I I "iou Can save money by buying your HOOTS 48 D SIXOK8 3J NORTH FRONT STREET, LARUE STOCK, REST ASSORTMENT. ANI) LOW PRICES G R. FRENCH & SON, TV rs'orin .Front street. 251 ami rw -rm a & m v EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 I. M 5:30 1. M o , I POLKAS finnv.' . . Arrive at Ke7viiiV.v:v.v:::::f 21 St. !!6nSb0r0 AM 50MciZ. the Birds Leave Kerne Arrive at G cts; Lkugh Wavfbv'w?; Wfllcr- Sanbeamf bv palVeiobI Wilson, M clu : w cts. Passenger train lenvpinrr Rqi0,-k . r.c il CODneCtS at (irp.flnshnrnmltl, KT1 nii vf L ' rttMU6 lue quicKest time to I it: 1 , onar;ieTs and Fm,i ii, all Northern piiPo Prinni 1 Kink el. pnh "u fcaJic' m. " ur&ciA Bime aji,.'-0- I rams to and from Points East 01 Greens by HnKJ 7 i"i"rDlcKi bySchinint ?ji ,.io . m-4.n p xr 2JSJL2lS2SSS aoOA.'M J,0 connect at Greensboro with Mail . wi ": . . 1 u.ii 1...... . , r: "r"r owuiu. 1 Tf ....... . . Lcavse Wcldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount. . . ;. si 1 1 1 1 c rirrA -l v. Union Depot 3:10 A. M . Mailman Palace Cars, on all night trains D"P3 of Dew, by Alfard ! 40 rV.J1 wMU 1Mn-VlmaKI- ciose connection at between Charlotte liichmoudT.witho Suu' and Acquia Creek routes. I Ferlur Express Train conaects only with Aenuia C.rekT,.route- PULLMAN'S PALACE oiji.jTA.txu v;aujs vr ruis TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiirainc- KntfT111 at 6- A- M-i and aie at 1.40 r. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS win i WilrjainKton daily (Sundays excepted) at 0A0 P. M., and arrive at 4:30 P. M. rthcr infoiiration address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. . M. R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spucrintendant. may 24 3 iiV'S-AmarvIIis 50 ri . jn PraiTe 7ti0 5 cl. ; Dreisler. Toman olka-Mazarka all by SALfiV Prrrino s?ke7wi eo7n.co, ..!? "y OFFICE PJCTESSBURG R. Ii. O. May, 31stfc 1872. iaroeacti ctsl Plainte Jof SSOnm3' Ki,,ku. i qlIE peoplo of the Carol inas now have nt home one of the lar-est Furniture and 1" 'foituuusua i xi me counrry, Tlicy can select in person from one of the larcest stocks ever ottered In the State. The designs are all new and handsome and we Invite the public to exarnine stoek and prices before purchasing, D. A. SMITH & CO. i io 9 200 tf June 8 JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. 19-tf Any of the above mailed, post-paid, Aiday6J8JLPETEKS'5W1Jroad on rc- way, N Y. a If AND AFTER JITNTC 3RD. TTTW tt! 1 1 Carolina Central Railway nonmany. j LEA VK WELDON. U1L.MIXGTON N. C , E,preS3 Train Vol. VII I87tf, LD LIr IVEV. THE PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE. march 10 'M Kqwilo)! j Fashion, Vlamtre and J instruction.'1'' HARPER BAZAR. NOTicra or thb press. The Bazar is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom llnd in any journal, and the journal itself is the nrrran of the creat world ol ahion tiler. The Bazar commends itnelf tn rtPru m. bcrof the household to the children by droll and pretty pictqres, to the youne la- J. S. TOPHAM k CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, vil.:hivto7v, iv. c, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in i SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS Mail Train o! " AUFirVT! AT pi?TTi,T?v!TTTTi l Edited bv FAtrsnfJ V F,reSS P.. haSdJnfflS?! m the LEAVE rETERSIUTRa' Express ' ARRIVE AT WELDON. ' ' Grcenougfcs Story, ryth 7:00 p. m. ,","u "4 Vlsl) AND NEW. bv ti. . 1 uu ana nv tha w-ri . 7 i-mw- j F'iieiors, enable thein i.. announce a volume of wider int erriet thin 3:50 p. il. I L"c "a ve ever published. idcr interest than wnw, rtui r Hale' a Rtrn r . 7 t,. FREIQIIT TRAINS. 6:50 P- COa"'1 " W'il K RfYl n tvi I A SeriCS Of fihfirf tfnrTna V. SfflS-JS- rIf, ifr Whitney RAINS. an&?Ser?! has been engaced. y' dies by ibs faahion plates in endless variety, to the provident matron hv ih Tattm. rf.l ll xhllil ran'. .1.11 . r- ... on Invnrln.., J , -....o "--"y" urceBiDir jrowns. uut the reading matter of the Bazar is nnlformiv of treat excellence. Tha mner h nn H h wide popularity for thefireside enjoyment it allords. X Y Eixnimi lxL J 3 SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS 4? TRVAfcLING BAGS PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte dailr. Snndavs n c othST iniSSiifH! Collaw, Ilames, Trace Cuains. Whin,. L e5cePAe 8.00 AM lUtaMtfuldesIfinBform Spnrs, Do Collars. Saddle CiotLS; rZlZT ?al--'. AL. . r " r J-w ir ji arrive at unarioue at 5.15 p j 1 Woolen & Linen Ilorsc Coverg t ly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kindg, Sad dlery Hard ware, &c. T EVE WILMINGTON DAILY I v. X . IttZKl0!?'''. b:00 A M ?i?8 8:00a.m. autBUoroat o'a'i PM I v0 ' civiun Leave Wadesboro at " 710 A r I rrlve at Weldn Arrive t wm!nrt.. - fi Arrive at Petersburs ' - ."Uiuiiuu AL. ..... t . ,r M I - 1 1 1 'i'i; 1 i 1 wtucre. nas Deen encmA FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave retersbui- ' fi.noa m inMr artin' erie? will be continued Leave Wilmington daily (except ye gL" g J Pe Cnar md its Sla vo S undays) 1 rr0o a r Arrive at Gaston f ' J H!aIms Scripture and the Limit of its i, Arrive atLaurinburg at 5-39 P M rlve at Petersburg llOplS. in Humanity, lU Au" Leave Lanrinburff at. l' f.':0o A M No trains will run on Sunday except . by wnU?mM ' J f "5? OI? P5lillc;l1 Science Arrive at Wilmington at vaipm press trains . "jr genuemen of recognized ability win 0 u ai'J uJ Al Freights for Gaston T?r.an rh riii ho.o COmDriae nnnp tti . Z, a"""y,WUl tiftihissxtt ssas xe wil1 b0 closel at 5:00 p. m. No dian Ouestlor u ""saiciion: The In goods will be received after that hour. Faual tSS . Z Suffrage oftVomcu ; J. C. 8PRIGG. .iHU?n Tarilli and Protection jh 0-1.1 ji.neineer and General Manacer. A . SUBSCRIPTIONS 1S7J. TBKMS : Harper's Bazar, one year $i 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, W eekly or Bazar will be euDDlied cratl lor every club ol live subscribers at S4 earh. in one remittance ; or six copies for $20, with out extra copy. fcuoecnptions to Harper' Magazine, of Mulberry and Natt Sts. 1I VP' or.two of Uarper'. Periodicals to tsx, , v.. , 1 on . "uc auarcss ior one year f 7. . wiu vjrOOas an me best qua-lity of s-, ick numbers can besnnnlipdakflnir fimrt , The five volumes ol HaVper'. Bazlr. for GUM NEW AT. II j?, PH Uv.'P v - k ?r3 '69, 'TO, 7i, '72, elegantly I - u uu,; I 4 OIL V. 'I' V ' T" "v.ll DO ti n (1 in rrr0n mnrru tth .tii l . I n 7 w I u r tr-n a-r-r. - v t V.J Ic. Room -A. t P O , SECOND IIANP UAKNESS, SADDLES, REINS, Ac CHEAP FOR CASH. 1-ly A. SHUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c, &c. Having just received a supply of Furniture Ia,n Prepared to give the public as eood deed, executed bv him and hu wiro I bargains as can be had In the cil v. n - . iuc I - vape rear iuiiaing Association, and reis- case can and examine. icrea in ue kuiit'c rm -v..,., r' raavia . . " iign uau Irrerralar Lumber and Timber on both portions of the Road as the busi ness requires,. fu0,! ?2e wiIi 60Oa ran in connection with the train on both ends of this Rail- w ay. S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup'r. may 10. Foreclosure ot Mortgage. DEFAULT nAViNGBEE MADE BY Johu.WfisXor- in a certain morte-ae ccessors to bJ "Press, freight prepaid; for f 7 each, W1TGT AT T DPfrfDo rxr The postace on Hamer'A Bazir ia lii rJnt. " U VL-USALH DEALERS IN 3ear, wmcn mast be paid at the subscri- tayuutts, wijnjcs, 0 puoi omce. Address npril 11 A- H. NEFF, fin'Vectiron v.ne' VU T,n CqPKRIOR COURT CLERK and .Shrr, n r at short noticp kil!C BUnks- rr saIe DJ X -n 15 fr Kai r ha n b u " U UC6 itV SfifTAIT. tin 1 1 n o .T4 ji i (-c i " I L m Jt.'font Street. of the power therein MtiTh ."." "Tf ,1U .-fn HTvn.ersw Person the Tirpmi(r 7 , . "l i " ulJ Y1" uuiuiu a regpectaDle list Ot gnh HARPER & BROTHERS, New Jfork. BRANDIES, WHISKIES GINS, &c., Ac.. and all kinds of Fancy Liquors, which we -rfikk unci mj iue utiueon me ternas, as we are receiving luenvn oi me isi pooa.s y Please call before makln Jan 11 .SaAdpremtawa-ialliTNorUiern li 7,""?. ot Churcli-street 1 in fi.Pt u I:rri " "ltuu" tuworKui . . - .. v a1 iiLii i uuaiuesB tns W tor .tS DEJCD3- n Landuld rAGISTKATE3 Bl7nI full line AEe leb 25 ma ttat.t. uu lvl Baie Vfc?nd andforsala 3 a Ll will tA n roarnli Sn.mA I sirppr. inn rnn tK.... w a . ; luwiun niiu most, reasonable et f(fr KerrZrA ""rcn i icss exenion each sncceedin year No large consicn- stre. -i,fect by CG feet deep. aDDlication will hA pnt.l; iZTt' f fan a I S0J-9,lG,23&tD j 6UCCC33 of annlicant in nndertflkinf-i tu feb 25 vnRTfiior. nr,. nicnlan byaddressing or mi. -o-ui j AAiJfia SUTTON & CO., Publishers, oa Maiden Lacs, New York. 294-4w S G HALL. apri!2y WW w v"-'. V" iroicction inww' w -amiDistration must do Labor and Wages Question. The subjects of critical interest in NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY will be illustrated bv fUffvfr 41 eminent in their Unei oiTSivM soon have the pleasure of printing paii 'r among others, by Prof. Leefcy, Mrlill Dr Gray, and President Hill. ' THE EXAMINER is not confined to the review of the publi cations of . a few houses, but attempts o give some account ol the more Important issues from the French, German and Enu- IT - w ao uui U YT 11. 1- kH5.RECL0BD 0F OGRESS describes the substantial adyance which the world has made, in whatever direction or in whatever region, with special reference to improvements in domestic life which may be attempted In America. J The magazine will be under the editorial charge of Edtvabd E. Hai e, who will have wider assistaece than heretofore In the man agement of its Journal department. GIVJBiV AWAY ! The beautiful ChromntUU nnvpr DENCE," by HiBtm j ,M1 wi . sented to every Renewal and New Subscri ber to OLD AND NEW" fnr 1 or at $i 25 the Ohromnlfth win fnM,t.i. handsomely mounted, tpm rr rminr Size 10x14. ' ' Snbscriptions received by all book and Newsdealers at Publishers' rates. KOUJfiKTfl BROTHERS Publishers, No. 143 Washington St., Boston,