9 J a I l-asf hod J sd? Vol. vii. MNGTON-ir.,0, mm!mS7S NO. 18 mmi 8J2J s'uin'-a; i - ; T ' .' I J i'l I . f I - l r m mm i l 2 i. w f WlEL fl at r I I r 27 t i I L,Tcrjrtcrnoon except Sunday, r" . v KnAincss Manager IMA A1 - CANADA 0. MANN .Editor Sabscription. . 4 ........ . tar. in u'-" .$5 (X) . 3 00 . 1 50 50 Saihs, inadnnce 3oDths,in advance .u :.. imnrc ........ Vl business letters should be ad f to the Business Manager, and all nations or matters relating to the j department to the Editor, -ondencc solicited from our friends u of the SUte, on topics of gene- I .... i . A Mifinrto I Jrrit. ronucju ncw uuivp.w U especially desirable. ADFERTISEMENTS. Jthandise Brokerage Office, liur or maniples constantly on br.ncl nnpor,,n' aml nianuiaciurcrs in :i mar K el. 1rnrtions of merchandise, orders Macileu ana leicgrHjincu ir uiuju . Lm ii-c bought and sold in this i.rJeri iroui uuyers soiiciieu, hiiu ld b sellers will have prompt at- TO THE PDBIJC AT MIB. BARGAINS! BARGl r Uliiilli.lillAIIN. SI ffT! I ,4.-i 'ABLISHED 1845 4i I'- tiJii Fife IB. jGOQJIS. ; (fiate Greeowsld-JtCo.,) ' RAIL ROADS. Piediont Air-Line Railway. - n ' 1 :0 Tit rtr r met a n -r. . - n TTmTT T . iilr Riclimond and DinYille, Richmond and Danville K. W., N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. 1 MISCKLLANEOUS. NEW MUSIC. i BUBLISDED liY J. L. PETERS, 300 BROADWAY, N Y, And mailed -.. --i ei-paici, on marked price. receipt of OFFER TO THE PUBLIC L well ;i eti-sh purchases negotiated, v.. a wiu to nay or sen, commuui- . ; . I I ivly, and oiien wuu jour nxai J AS. T. PKTTEWAY, llrchanlie ani Produce Uroker. 11 ii W. II. DART PITT'S BLIfc.DIXis Utiii muni ai M1XGTON, N. O. r Steam ail Gas Fitter? and dealer in t nnd Galvanized Iron Tipc, ocW, Valve?, Has Fixtures, RuJall descriptions of S FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. i atteulion paid to flttins up o COTTON MILLS, lh suaia, Ut and Water. lis-tf The greatest bargains of the Season, 2?BSSn2KSSI consisting of stock of Pure Liquors in the State at prices till VolumPia--- r-- 'i 2?35 P. M Condensed Time Table. In effect on and after Sunday. MaA 11, lo id. GOING NOTU., V0CAL. price0nndt?el0 by Juch Old Home cents. rus to compete with auy.Northern house fl'hl IIrf Rotrlmr TtT.wln i"eepconatantly.-on hand old Ken- Jeavo AugttBtT.T.TvTf. . 6"85'A M Keaay JOaUClJ !?cky Rye ami North Carolina Corn Whis- Arrive at'columbia V' JiSfJf CA Otll in"- "' Impprtedjaundies, Wines and Segars. Arrive at Florence p 1 IOUllnWj . UhL.irto examiulmy Arrived wSn ' " STATIONS. JXStRAXCE. D KIRK I.VsriiAM'K t-.vN BV ;f tli.- lowest ( inifiit rates in liio riiHuiMe Companies, on ap- l:K LIKK IN.SUilANCE A. HYKNK, (iet' ln Act!, " If.. K1KK INSURANCE ,o( Loudon, Aetts K-TKKN KIKK INsUli "Mi'A.NY, New Orleans, ILK HUH INSURANCE AND N(i nj.MPANVof Va.,ase(.H . 'ni l Insurance Acnl f unSer of Commerre, ui stairs unimgiou, . (.'. 77-1 3' Cify lladc Catsimcrc Suits ALL LINEN SUITS, CLOTH SUITS, Tic Largest Variety in tie City. SILK, FELT and PANAMA H A T.S, JJuston and Philadelphia ma?c SHOES and GAITERS, of all descriptions. SHIRTS, From the fines to the Cheapest. NOTIONS & HOSIERY, ( At reduced prices. TRUNKS & VALISES 01 every description. SADDLES fc mtlDLJUa, At lowest prices in the State. SOL. BEAR 4fc BROS., 20 Market St. ua j 17 310 tf Btov& ocioiu uuying easervrnere. , i vrV fkiT - - " v ? i,:ou a 4". P- Jffiai feA awnri ttt i A1Tti8N DAILY (SUN- oct 7 121-ly A. AJDBIAK". H. VOIiLERg ADRIAN & VOLLERS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Groceries and Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, and Commission Merchant South-east Corner Dock and Front Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C Having.the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and. Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. mav 17-tf DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leavo Wflmino-trin' r e..e n Xtr a j i T7M !----" .......... a . ax Arrive at Florence ... ....... 11S6 P M iHZl Jf! ColumWa: : ." ! 3:42 A.' M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Yjt7 A?8,tA- v : 5:50 P. M Aiirc 10:20 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:20 a' M Arrive afe Wilnuagton k . . . 8:00 A. M j JAMES ANDERSON, ' . n ' Gen'l Sup't. Jupe2 j t .tf Wilmington & Weldoa R. R. Company. Otfics Genebal Supjsbintsndskt, 1 WttMrNGTON, N. C, June 1, 1873, ) Leave Charlotte 44 Salisbury . 41 Greensboro " Danville 44 Burkville Arrive at Richmond.. hail. 7.10 p. m 9.50 " 1.40 A. M 4.32 " 9.44 12.45 p. u EXPRESS. 6.25 a. m. 8.S4 11.10 1.52 p. m. 6.0 " 9.30 " H. MARCUS, Wh olesalo Dealer IN it . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. fl" AND AFTER JUNE lOfh INSTANT, PASSENGER1TRAINS fin ithe Wil! LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, Weldon Railroad will run as GOING SOUTH. STATIC-US. MAIL. EXPRESS. Leave Richmend 2.30 pTm 5.10 a. m. 44 Burkville 5.55 8 28 44 Danville 10.41 " 12.75 p.m. Greensboro.... 2.15 a. m 4.00 44 Solisbury 4.57 " 6.22 Arrive at Charlotte. . . 7.27 " 8.S0 G)INO WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS" Leave Greensboro' . . . 1.45 a. m 10.21 a m ' Sm,?10"" 336 " arl2.20PM 44 Hillsboro' ....j 4.53 M Raleigh kg.05 ' ...!..."" Arrive at Goldsboro' . li.Qo " ' GOING VESTr 1J STATIoljiT MAIL. EXPRESS Leaye Goldsboro' 4.C0 p. m 7. 44 Raleigh........ 7.45 ...'.'. Hillsboro' 10.21 A". Co. Shops 12.05 2.13 p.m. Arrive at Greensboro 1.30 " J 3.30 - 73 P- ov cents. "lLUJ? "Cep no more. tub, oy tisLya ; 35 cents 6 wuo B$LZl- SZ o, Duct,. U c82Sb&? feu'7 Garaen- sff. br Mai" !loBc'enn1sNcU- SDS "n1 by 40etnU.DaD SLg an" Cb"s by uW ; Lord. iorever at Thy Side. By W ; niSf: Sc,cms?arc8'' a Kiss. bV My Boy across tho so n.. . 1UUNCESS ST., ABOVE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, N. C, ; H 1 S. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer In Hali and Q,uarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Laurer Beer. feb 3 221-tf SALEM BRANCH, MAIL TRAIN. Lcavo union Depot daily (Sun- senger and Freight Train will be run daily u u.v jlij. i v"-"-"" a CAtcyicu.l un iue 1. V. N i; K. o. tin i i r.n WMlh?. tf ? Ci &?s? a llom: '"tbo South, cental f0rrn! ""l. byDclioux; S3 Hay" ct- 8 d Cho,u3, by HaVWcXt"01110- Trcr,ncc So0g. by OnandaIterMarch2d,18ra,amIdPa-walkcr-K?mSep Wien 1 am Lo" ? 1873. 1873. T-Vi to fwtu 5 jTRA FAMILY FLOUR V MommV,thcrnM market f 1 Ul- MlU auJ depository rn. Bolted Meal, Peas aad Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts an i t. o f wld clrajed free. f "U)UAM. Proprietor. i. 11J- 3. I. MaVVtxt r 'IlNVj II w ln I j FAEMING LAND. . 750 AOliES OF FARMING AND WOOD LAND In Brunswick County, for Sale or Exchange for City Property, 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M The Land is situated on the South , W A 11 E P F1! ;, f Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount.. ... weidon Leave Weldon daily (Sundavs excepted) .".At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot ; EXPRESS TRAIN, Leava Union Depot daily. . .At Arrive at Goldsboro , Rocky Mount.... . Weldon Leavs Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount Galdsboro Union Depot Mall Train maKes close connection VyeidOn,ior all points North via Bay ana .acquia ureeK routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAI. 1 FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A.M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. i EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5:45 P. M., and arrive at 4:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. Junes 19-tf IHSTRUMEHTAL. 12:11 P. M R., as follows: 2:11 F.M Leave Greensboro. 3-40 P M POLKAS Snnhm , v , v 8:50 i. M Arrive at KernersviUe K.'in if Belle or sof?lnb?aIn,V.b7 kcl, 35 Leave Kernersville 9-nn A w Flowers, hv siuitvA"or cts ; May y:l5A: M Arrive at Greensboro. 11:07 A. M . 50 cts : oi inc . cts: Linhfrf Walker, 30 5:30 P. M P M connects at Greensboro with North pt Sunbeam0 hTfc ':CUU? miou, 50 cts : v-w v pouna train: making the nniokfat. Hmof GAT.npH.i7rr,r:; w 4-t? . - nirwnwwn; dd.:" ; xTr,".'"w w Tnzrr."". y. s ana ."rcddi- hy 8; 10 3 SHDTTrampo t.i.. Trains to and from Points East of Greens 20 cts: Mav Mn"T'aitla?ce.' Tong, uwvj tUUUCCl a L ItiRPTIS nfirft With Mail I m jroints East of Greens a) cts; May Mornin- bVaoiimj ? . e Greensboro with Mail Sunbeam, by Hampel' 35 cf s V5-n- 5 oints North or South. by KmkeL 35 cts 1 ' ' and VVxlIlc fc :58 P. M wiJT "iJ'"J'."ve.r 5nure wrr-Kell of Saratov, bv n,n. :58 P. M nZ: cTl"' B, oexween w cis ; Mollie's. bv Kta-nK ;tS 10A.M rrriv auu anoue, (Bundays w aljIZJSS Clarita. GeoririA t Line between Chriotte ,vd RichmonTS bi-P AJar". cts; Suu- change.) For iurthcr inlormation address S. E. ALLEN. General Ticket Agent. ,.,. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, EDgineer and Gen'l Spuerintendant. j may 24 jj Office PETEKSBtTKG R. R. Co. 1 May, 31st, 1872. f f !, I ' ' " side of Town Creek, about one md a rpHK people of the Carolina's now half miles from Lower Town Creek I home one of the largest Furnit i . oriage. 75 Acres Dry Goods f -Nor Water Street. 3 I ... . . . v.i.sq ii.-.jCr5 solicited fA.S Ct)Tnr? Room rofMalberrjandNuttSts. 3l the best quality of Segai 157-ly :u So TAYLOPJ ccessors to H. XEFF, txxiiunxQ aeons TOU Tin M for Fair, "t. " UU"CC 1 1 vV0? Street, f S(,To. N. C. loO-ly Arc all ready for planting. Four hundred loads ot good stable manure and compost are on the Land. The Farming Land ia alrcadv ditched and fenced. It is good for Cotton. Corn. Peas. T i - - i-ocaioea ana Wheat. Has a splendid ciay ioanaation. 500 Grape Vines, Set out last year, will bear this Summer. 600 Apple Trees, also 600 Peach- Trees. Of the finest qualities about three vears old ect out last year, are in fine condition. THE WOOD LAND About 075 acres, is of the best in the State. There arc about 3,000 cords of wood on the Land, and the farthest not to haul more than half a mile. The Land fronts about three miles on Town Creek and Daws' creek, and has four good landings. One of the finest marl beds in the State la on the Land, within eighteen inches of the surface. The farming utensils, including Plows lioes, Harness, &c, will also be fold. Forty barrels of Corn and a Tery good lot of Fodder now at the Farm. One four room dwelling house, a store. also a barn and stables, are on the pro mises. The buildings are all Dew. Will sell or exchange for city pro perty. Apply to CRONLY & MORRIS. Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents. ieb 17 233-tf have at iture and Carpet Warehouses in the country. - Thev can select in person from one of the largest A 1 1 1 ( ' A tiwAs ever uiiereu in uio ouiie. The designs are all new and handsome, and wo invite the public to examine stock and prices before purchasing, D. A. SMITH & CO. ian 9 200 tf Carolina Central Railway Company, TON, N. C, May 14, 1873. WILMINGTON, N. C, ) J6. S FPaU?AND.S-4arylli 1!- Pfc a Polka . ""-iiiia .JV CIS : JOCUS Prfe SCS'vi8 Chase Galop, cts ; Dressier. toma-iviazurka all by maSPED.ailcc, 01 tbc Hay KmkefO 8R.DV75 Ci? ; Lovc'8 Carcss Whispering Breezes, Wilson, 50 cts ' Any of the above mailed, post pahL ou re ceipt; oi price. A & J L PETEKS. Broadway, N Y. J S-tl Vol. Vii 187. " OLD AJSJy NEW, THE PEOPLED MAGAZINE. Edited ly Edward E. Halo. a.uu enlarged resources placed in th. SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (Ex cept Sundays) at. . . ; . s 8:00 A M Arrive at Wadesboro at 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at WlmiDgton at 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington dally (except Sundays). 4 6:00 A M Arrive at Latirinburg at 5:30 P M ueave LaunnDurg at, ;:00 A M Arrive at WumiDgtoifcat2.v.'.W. 5.30 PM t IPASSENGERTRAINS. 1 Leave Charlotte. dalj Sundays t excepted, at;.:,;. 8.00 A M vouars, xxamcs, i race, tuains,. wmpa, Leave Buffalo t.,7;A;.. .. 1.C0 .P.M opurs, uog collars, Saddle Cloths, Arrive at Charlotte a'v..-j.... 5.15 PM Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Irregular LuhiTJaamber Trams run ifly rnets, Jbcatner Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kinds, Sad; , dlery Hard- ware, &c A L 9,0 , ' SECOND IIANP IIARNESS, SADDLES, REINS, & c CHEAP FOR CASH. J. S. TOPHAM & CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, ' TRUNKS & TRVAELING BAGS ON AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains Will Clin ns fnllrkw LEAVE WELDON. express i ram 7:go p. m. Mail Train - 3:25 p m ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. ' mTi A v .rT' resources pia . iwp, in. uijuus ui me ul j and bw k ..... LxjAYE PETERSBURG. lie an4 by the proprietors enable uTem tb Mail fi-an n m I annnnncn . vAfnnfa tul'u? 10 t.t r-v 1 : w IViuu& uj wiult inrnrner than u ARRIVE AT mDOr ; iS express , 6:50 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldn Arrive at Petersburg GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Gaston Arrive at Gaston 8:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m', 2:20 a. m. Mr Bale's Storv. IDH finih 'litm 11 n will be continued and completed iu thia volume. A series of short stories bv 6:00 a. m. goods j6 5-tf recaived after that hour. J. C. SPRIGG, Enfflneer and General Manaerer. BE YOUR OWN June 7 1-ly F. A. SHTJTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTKL'SSES, ! WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, G0RDS,-: TASSELS, FRINGES, &e &o. Having Just received a supply; of Furniture, I am prepared to give? the public as good on both portionoi the Road as' the busi ness requires, fi a.Ji .- A Daily Stacre wills oAtf run in connection with the tralns on ioth-dnds, of this Rail way. ' - - - - -- S.vL FREMONTi ' f Chief Engineer and Sun ti may 10 .i'.r"-:.': ; .rSll-tf ationalhotee; R. JON, Propner; -: The onlytsfiatfia'iiii JJriJU. 4.1 JLV JJ V Lt AJ t N and aftci .4. O X.'' the rate for THAN- SIENT BOARDtfUi-e S3 and $2 per day, according to location of liooins.' June 4 11-tf R. F. W. LOFER. V ' Si RS01 00 ,;RT CLERK and Sher- bargains as can he had in the city, JJPI Blanks. For sale by please caU and examine. !' 8 G HALL may!5 TXTARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and 1 li TAGISTKATES BLANKS-rA full lina TT for sale ... I ltX on hand, and for sale v r r s- "b25 8 G HALL ' feb25 " : " - S GTJALI LOPEHlOUfjmENr r 1ST A V AM O BOS S AND SO UTHRNPRODTJCT8 NO. 55 NORBdNtTMEET, Orders for Turpentine Cask atiHeited i HAtTLE MORTGAGE DEEDS On hlled at lowest market price. , I XJ tand and for sale promptly march 3 Miss Meredithl Mrs Stoicc, Mrs Whitney Miss Bale. Mr Berlins, Mr Lorinu and others, has been engaged Mr Martinedn's neri -. I in nana.. n T1 . . . " ''"4uiiv 1:10 p. m 1 " auo uurcn ana its Exclusive n m I Claims. tVrintnro t,1 K t i t7. 3i ' C Arrive at Petersburg -Yn xr, t.hnH 7-" ,V; xT.""" o ts Au- . MfS nlWlU run ou Suuday cept Bx- The Berie8 of arUcles on PoUlical Science &GaS,n Branch will be received fconf W' P" xaT ieJ? Wl11 be closed at 5:00 p. m. No w J Juaritime Jurisdiction : The In Jods will be recaived after that hour. I dian Question : The 8ujTrmr r w 5!? ti0D 5 TarlfTa and Protectiou ' What the New Administration must do Labor and Wacres Onent.inn uy The subjects of critical interest in NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILOSO m Y will be illustrated by different gentlemen eminent in their lines of research. Wc shall 60on have the pleasure of printing papers among others, by Prof. Lesley, Mr Dall. Dr Gray, and President Hill. ' THE EXAMINER is not confined to the review of the publi cations of a few houses, but attempts to give some account ol the more important issues from the French, German and Eng lish press, as well as our own. .THE RECORD OF PROGRESS describes the substantial advance which tLc world has made, In whatever direction or iu whatever region, with special reference to improvements in domestic life which may be attempted in America. The magazine will be under the editorial charce of Enwisn V. ttit ;n 1 wider asslstaace than heretofore in the man agemeot of its Journal department. GIVEN AWA! ! The beautiful Chromoiith " CONFI DENCE," by Hammatt Billitos, is pre sented to every Renewal and New Sabscri ber to "OLD AND NEW" for IRn at i nrv or at $4 25 the Ohromolith win bo furnished handsomely mounted, ready for framlnc. Size 10x14. Subscriptions received bv all hook and Newsdealers at Publishers' rates. ROBERTS BROTHERS Publishers, No. 143 Washington St., Boston, BUILDING LOTS for sale in healthy and desirable localities on Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Dock, Chcsnut, Mulberry, Walnut, Red Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, Wood, Char lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth. Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth andThir teenth streets. Satisfactory time given fo payment Apply to feb 8 JAMES WILSON. 228-tf S Q HALL.

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