Jmrn 25th. 1873. . i J i . rliutnrarfil '" that news, no wouiu uo w.- the canard in relation to Gen. Heward and hiavdUbnrstog officer Col. Balloch was exploded the very after it appeared, and that no such state of thinga existed. We bav'nt any partic ular uae for Gen. Howard, but he don t steal Bro. Enquirer. We are saa, very sad that an American citizen has to 'hang his head in shame and mortihca NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 319 Wilmington lodge No. EMERGENT meeting this evening at o'clock. BjorterofVA June 25 It " secretary, 8 Butter, Molasses, Simp, Hais JUST RECEIVED, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BEND FOR. CATALOGUES !y. 1k OF irrrnTfl iwntfP.T.T.n'S AHEAP IHUS1U. II U l.JJiJAJw Novello'e Glees, Fart Songs, etc. 6 to 12 cts trl .ii"ie r'hnrr.h Music 6 to 1- cts mflVUXXU o v new advertisements; 100 BARRELS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. United blates oi' America. Disti;ict of Cape Peak, Noktu c "EMPIRE FLOUR,'' ; OLINA. rUEK A K. a line has in the District Court oi States, for the District of Cape Eastern district of North Can. Fra r liU: Ul!.. "l Hi NOVELLO'S irj-Vut be need toUo so an, lonCe, JJX 8TEAJIER3 METROPOLIS and tt mav now aeain rejoice and cry I too tci , nntur T -t nt" OCTAVO EDIHU wj: OPERAS. WinP SI - or $2, bound in cloth, gilt edges. E VERY barrel guaranteed, and made from Winter Wheat. NOVELLO'S ORATORIOS. He may now again rejoice am an American citizen. ir.min A rain Our reader, are prettj lamiliar with .. . . . r xr. w.nrpn's doinca n tne nuiory u - EDITORIAIi BUDGET. The Bhab, in a conversation with the American Minister last week, regrei- a- i I . j ,L.l .i:.noa and OTftTtt flf tllllO DTC ... ,nfi we do not care iu oi'" ieu maw " - , nv wouids or nnneccssanly hnrt the Tcnted him from Siting the United ling. o tlL ho were hi Iriends states, a country he had heard so much JShe w-moDg. A rather ex- 0f, and desired that his compliments be traordinary article appears in the Mag- Bcnt to President Grant, nolia Monitor, however, that, owing to Di6patche8 from Central Asia an our esteem for its publisher who writes nounce3that theTaskend column of the the article in question, we feel called Khivan expedition, under the command fw broken remarks." nprnX Kaufiman. has captured a UPOQ U luanv w - i v. Choice Goshen Batter, A No. 1 MnscoTado Molasses, A No. 1 Goden Syup. Extra choice "Magnolia" Hams. in addition to above, daily arrivals of Ba con7Hay.Corn. 8 H Syrup in barrels, tier ces, and hogsheads, Lard, Sugars, &c. For sale low by BINFORD. CROW & CU. jane 25 i iu I -.TTinr -rrriT)Tr "'"CNPT'T? A T. and t nannr lrom CO cents to lj ciuui, ivim iU i-i - gUt cdge5 ?1 to f3 eacn. NOVELLO'S CHEAP EDITIONS '-OF PIANOFORTE CLASSICS. GILT EDGE, The choicest brands in the market. For sale only by 32 bach's 43 Freludas and Fugues C15 00 Beethoven's 38 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Full gilt.... ; " V' Beethoven's 34 Piano Pieces. Elegant- o It? rnnn r un lhu - Chomn's Valses. Stiff paper covers. Chopin's Polonaises iune 23 GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front street. ; 30 MARSHAL'S OFFICE, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C Chopin's Nocturnes June 23d, 1873. X Chopin's Mazurkas Chopin;s Preludes THE season of the year has arrived wncu nWs Complete Woiks. . . . - ..: 1 1 4 1 50 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 50 2 50 Hi!. 25 Boxes MESSINA LEMONS, AT 4hiif rclifflOUS I i fn.a(. of TTPHftrah. on the lei' 1 De JlanJlvr la n"0'" - " i &iruu wars hare, the world oyer, been of tho banU of thc Amuiaria river, sixty miles most bitter and violent character, ana from tho capital of Khanatt, had it been in this " ambitious little city," it would have learned that party feeling ran very high, and unkind things were spoken ot the pastors of both of the Methodist Churches in this city. Now, while the friends of every paper in this city were divided, and both sides noitive. it strikes us that it v j g, it is usual to adopt more than ordinary san itary measures, to prevent the introuueuuu and spread of epidemic diseases. Our city at present is fortunately free from any immediate cause of alarm ; yet it is im rt ant that enercetic measures are adopted A special dispatch to the London by every, citizen, by a watchful care .ever d oriviner assistance io mi Post frem Pnris says Pnnco Jerome ra- conVenient manner, poleon, who is now In that cuy, has had that the pestilence now in other cities near an interview with Emile Ollivier, to us wiu not cast its gloom over this com- .ho was President ot the Council and -TXo Minister ot Justice and Religion during cheerfully accede to the requests of the city . r .i : - orx-l to ? V ft M, ,ax ott-hH rnniDlllSOiy or- the last days oi vne emunc, - auinonue - ders. There are STJ-ingentviuiux-v-o Full gilt. El- Coiu- junaiJS GEO. MYERS', 11 and 13 Front street 'o .20 00 Complete egant folio Edition plete in 4 volumes in 4 volumes ,"; The Same. Svo. Paper. Complete i A trnlnrrtPC JU UU Mendelssohn's Songs without Words, Folio Edition. Full gilt j ttij::.-. TTnll cri 1 h Octavo Edition Paper covers.. ...... Mozart's 18 Sonatas. jMcSuuu.y uuu g Schubert's "i6' " Sonatas. Elcgautly v,r TTnll filt Schubert's Dances. Complete. Elc gantly bound. Full gilt, ........ 3 00 Schubert's Piano Pieces, jweguiiwj bound. Full gilt . . : Bchumann's Forest Scenes. Nine Easy Dtnnc Pnnp.r r.dvers.... Schumann's Piano Forte Album. Ale- o gantly bound. Full gilt - The Same. Paper covers 6 50 3 50 CO 2 00 80 FRESH SMOKED BACON. N Y Sugar cured Hams, N Y Sugar cured Shoulders, Breakfast Strips, ' Beef Tongues, Smoked Beet, Fresh Piesei vce, Canned Fruits, Capers and Vegetables. SIIIB.C3 I , , ti: 1nnnro . . - it c I numner oi reijuuiiuaii i - r ic tn wnnld have been the height oi lony - .1 compel all owners or occupant w w v ...a. . t . ha -k m m i a n . . - - a v e nr niii u in ii. .r. tn tRko sides in a reli- The Shah el rcrsia, 1;. keePthem iree ""f-- poiiuMi i"r " ...imxro rrri n cr on in ":.f h?rh the nnblic had no con- Wcnt to Wooiwicu on Datuxav, t,on of these municipal laws. . imnera I iaitPfl all nlaces of interest in that I t trust that It will not be my unpleasant cern. we Deueve uirv. . . f1Q I individual for neglect ".".r ttbwpv RHYMES. ... . rnl nw.nti sect I town In tuB CVeninu nucuutu uuy v1wowv.. i () NAllUJNJiiJ nuivui Bhould steer as clear from religious seci town, in me even b ofaduty imposed for personal protection as T w F.r T TOT. with 65 beau- ,n.(lnn nrcachers should ol opera. One OI me granuy u,w q. a fntv of the enlire community. ?.,c.t,:5a" "ZVn.i hv the Brothers uwuu"u" . : u iil ; UriHah waters Wa8 T " an Khnld it,be UIUi a Ubuau .nHiHlv bonn , itji WnlfCn'tfkir.i . , .. and we governed ouraeu piays eT uuCi ' a7 V My auxy' lluwUYCi " , 7 r w m ifh Dalziei. oar8 A TVn 1 McweQ g.uiss uuuu, niiMJUlTlOU. iOUUUUia ft, !u v -i-haham t- t n n u i ml. vnAacn "r n v wi in 1.11111 Liiiii w v v .M -i-Trt it 1 1 1 i-iivir. js m 1 ' k..rH tl rllirLTLD I mfl(! AlOnUaY lit UWUWk v " 1 - I v- f . - . ,. I in o a - Officers, or my personal ODservauon, iw prosecute any citizen for a neglect of the provisions of the Health Ordinance, it will not. he without sufficient cause. The publi- or politics, AinT Wc Heard me lui0- mauo jio""j acainst Mr. Wanen, and we hcara meir rortsmouiu. iu w refutation by his friends, but wc did not ted with streamers and triumphal arch--and do not now think it would have es; the harbor was filled with the ship- ninr of all kinds, aecoraieu wnu t o been proper for us to blazon tho scan dals that were floating about thc streets, and so we said nothing. Thc Monitor interviewed Mr. Closs, and gave us sev eral columns on thc subject. Wc could have made out a stronger and much cation and distribution to every household being deemed full notice of the requirements of the law. .1 I To facilitate the removal of waste or of fensive matter, all persons are requested to Z fl V aIZ railhead Ulaces the same in barrels or boxes, on the The fleet down at Spithead . mises B do. flags of all nations; the shores on both sides were covered with masses of spec tators, thousands of whom came from London. consisted of forty four vessels, the lar ASK FOR NOVELLO'S EDITIONS. Address, . N T., Agent for Novello's Cheap Music. THE ONLY GENUINE O-inger Ale, ALE AND PORTER, at 21th day of May, A 1. ts7:?,l.y lho , Steamship Company against '' f'l 3 Barrels and 3 half barrel. 1 Half barrel Brandy, 15 cases Wine, 24 Boxes Cheese, 2 Barrels Nuts, 8 Cases Hats, 28 Plows, 18 Pieces Castings, 3 Firkins Butter, 1 Cask Bottled Ale, 20 Cases Axle CJrcau-, 1 Barrel and 3 bundles 2G Boxes assorted merclniu 2 Barrels Pickles, 1 Bale and 2 Coils Ropr, 1 Buudle Plow Beaiu. 1 Tub Lard, 4. Sacks bait, 1 Sack Coffee. And, whereas, Hie subst.uici , 1 ,,,, . is that the llbellants art.d 1'.,' ('," " port the sahl goods, wares ami in r, . from the city of New York to 11,. ' Wilmington, in the steamship , " the dangers of the boas c. vpi ci. .,'.,',( ', '' upon the voyage of the saiil -tcnu hi, receiving,- thc said goods, by Hi,. i,,r,.,.' ;' Violent storm slid was lost; tliiiniiruui, ,'i exertions of the libellants, anl at ,,"-,, lense, a large portion of the car.;., ln, 1 thoabovu described gdoil.s, A,-., wfi and afterwards conveyed In ntmtl,, r v, " '." er to Wiimington. that the own, ;, , signecs of the said goods have i.ui, ,1 ,M ,'r fused to -receive the same i,,', freight and charges thereon. And praying that tho s.ud :,,!, v , and merchandise may be cojk!. m;,', . sold to pay the demands of Un 1,, iu .' Now, therefore, in pursuance m n,, , tion under the seal of tin: said n.i,;i directed, 1 do hereby give public !.,,. all persons claiming tlie ii(l g, , w , anu mercnanoise, or many in;:!::,., . terested tlierein, that they be an l ., before the said District court i.u- i, , ', Fear district of North Carolina, Monday in November, then audi in r, ., . terpose their allegations in Ihai 1., i,,,; Dated the LKth lay ot May, l7 ;. i;uj;i :ht m hoi h i, ;.. United Mali-. M.e'' JUS 11 M-.j 1 M, London, l'l oeLor lor hibcllant. may oO ; june 2o GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front street o O giixisi R, R. Corjspaii, Gun. Sui'KniNTENDUNT':; ): rn u Wilmington, N. C. J line. 1 1, IS'. 1 FOR SALE, UnaxHwt ill 'BCDbfebUCJIBI d .f .nri finest in the British navy com- mor sensauoaai - mor r B.;hhnr had we chosen to do rjrisinc the entire channel with numer- Ol UUl uv.fe- - . - , , .11 xi f auaiwions auu j t- i rnn tKn tinllCV WC I illia had adopted, we merely called attention iron clads. ine train uuB .t.. ; th Monitor, and said arrived at Portsmouth at noon. His lO IUC ' .... UU r. thfl Majesty wasreceiveu niw no more. We bee to make a slight correction . . . .. v ; the Monitors statements, wucu ifc " These Wilmington newspapexa rln not hesitate to speak of Warren in h most scurrilous terms," etc. The companied by Post in COJ-, immense assemblage in and around the depot. "The royal yacht Victoria and th steam ud. ana uei t it uj ti " ' ing the city carts will be enabled to do a much greater amount or woric in removal. It has been the custom on the principal bu siness streets to put store sweepings, papers and waste In the streets: this is prohibited by an ordinance of the city, it also en tails a very considerable expense to collect in heaps for remoyal. Hereafter, barreliTor hoxps must b used lor this purpose, and the carts will promptly remove the contents of the same. The carts will remove trash oft at any time, but more especially on Thurs-rio-L-o uvidavs and Sa'turdays. Weeds may MV w- m. u QVi a b immndiatnlv embarked, ac-I k. thrown on the streets in heaps or piles, wo J . . ' , I . ... , ,f oflrcol- (h Prmnfl Ot Wales. I ana Win DBieuimeuanwwv, w - has carefully abstained from using Prince Alfred, and the Czarowitch. The lpcted matter must be in barrels or boxes. Disinfectants may be had on application s office, furnished by the city . . .1 4 -,r.i .foompd Rlnwlv out of thc harbor, I tho Marshal' inch ltoirntge aDOUi mo auBuu- - r moa .t,KPI1 free of expense. The Health hnd arrivintr in ironi 01 iuu . .hnr CT. UeUO BUk uwitiuiu- e I " , olirlfl I UnlCCrS, WUU ro wuxcxv. " ; afUr he is down and after a brief notice greeted with sarnies iron 1 yltu reCeiving complaints from citizens ana TllO 116 w Was Uiovtu ww o i inBtTUCLCU tu vioiu xx x Thn Shah took a conspiCUOUB 1 sons to report on uw conuiuou ux , . nnea. x u flftRi(rnated by a yellow rosette worn out- A fpr a statement of its case, the Man- position on the yacnt, surrouuueu of the coat. To avoid tho complaints of his foolish flight, vrc let the matter drop. v - I - , i .i x:af no a a- I . . , v, irm, it,nj.. . Princes, ana Droceeueu iuiuMw.,r- 1 of one citizen againsi b.olui, wxo cvx. tr conciuu r- . , and be officersaree8pcclaUy charged withmaking One Of them, me - u- .Uomnlalnts nnon InftrmaUon furnished by . ' a t Via -- n 1 0 of citizens. Complaints may axu uc xxxv- more convenient 10 v.11 M;r- in an account of Warren, fwppn the lines. The yards were mann- fur be had absconded, allocs to the , , aalutea fired as the royal yacht hen not Kntinn in tho " Magnolia papers, 1 ' , , I . to a Health Officer. Any kccounU ot what purporteo , uj ;ier; Tiewt. bd by certMn parties mth 6. passed. When thc ins tnnkn the nection was completed, person wanting the scavenger irt to visit peciiou via " f I . ... -mav mitifv the Health ofli- ilia x vii4gvw I TUBS BUTTER ; 1 0 350 Bales Hay ; 1000 barrels Flour; 400 boxes Smoked and D b bides Shoulders. 50 hogsheads S H Molasses; 400 barrels S II Mollasscs; 250 barrels G R Syrup; 10 barrels N O Syrup; 8000 sacks American and Liverpool Salt, 300 sacks Blown Salt; 2000 bushels Oats; 250 cases Oysters; 150 cases Brandy Peaches; 500 cases Schnapps; 200 barrels Whiskey and Brandy; 300 kegs Nails; 100 Tierces and tubs Bard; 50 barrels Pork; 20 tierces Rice; 300 sacks Coffee all grades?; 50 tons lloop Iron; 200 barrels Glue; 50 barrels Bungs; 10 barrels Spanish Brown; 300 papers Rivets; 500 bas Shot; 100 MCapsGun and Musket; 100 boxes Tobacco, &c., &c., &c. F. W. KEBUUJN-u. CI3AHSE OF SCHEDULE. JL o M. CR0NLX Auctioneer, . tm By Cronlv & Morris?, lirect Importation OF London and Birmingham Stone, China, and Glassware, Toys, &c. Ex Fleetwood, at Auction. ON THURSDAY next, 26th inst;, com mencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. we will sell i the Custom House stores, in lots to biutpui chasers: 10 Crates ENGLISH STONEWARE, WELL ASSORTED, With 1 cases assorted, containing Pitchers, Tumblers, Wines, Castors, Figures, Boquet Holders, Lus- troo Vaspa Tnvs. and a large -ortment of UndflfnffU. SniS at Wiiuiin.i cues. JLnesc kuwio nin uv uwi-v. i serve, ana ine;tnenuuuui uw'-"' .io ' , to encourage the direct importation of suci articles. 0 r. june 26 Ct Journal ana omr wfj ol. into cllcct uLii.."i A. i"inJ.iv 10th inet. DAY EXritEfiS 1 it A LN, l.Mily.) Leave Wilininfiioij I v Arrive at Florence Arrive at Coluiubiu Leave (Joiuiubia . ".' Arrive at Florence !!:". Arrive at Wiluiiijgton .'.!' A. ' NIGHT KXl'ivKiifl TIIA1N DAILY id. DAYS EXCl'A'TKI). ) Loav Wilmington ' ) Arrive at Florence Arrive, at Columbia - Arrive at Augusta . :,.'i ,. Leavo Augusta , ' .' V .Ml Passengers lcavniLT Wiinnn: 5:45 V. M. train nnke.-. eU; ;.e !J :'.'( A. It tl nil 1; t uii.i'.li": rointr South. JAM K Rct. Dr. Closs, tho Presiding iiaer oixhe victoria and Albert steamca 10 iuu cergor Bend word this office and the same .. . ix kifVi notcominz to US in r , - i n,a roulonr fprminated I sn n.iDi of once. If any Health uuu aLTaiu, auu nxt i wi Bl,vv. , . , , iune 1G 21 .1.:- j:.x.;f hich. not comin official wwi.not publUUcd bJ salutc fircd simultaneously officer shall ?" '"wfaTTta lo.. to tnow .bat the by vessels of the fleet. Tb, royal rTueU 0 . w iiofl on idea WhT hfn tafnmorl to Portsmouth. I Mf it. Khiil be deemed sufficient r -. . - - jm I manna. lie aJ. tjcaa . , " " bua..w. - - i i ik iiijbvwi w VVw. . .1 : .1 nirp t ia l . .... . i : : 4 : the Wilmington papers wuw V I where a banquet nd otuer icsuyiuw Rer. Dr. Closs' concluded the day. WASHINGTON lKTES, cause for his suspension, and any complaint neglected or not fully attended to will be a sufficient cause to bring the officer before the Mayor for hearing. With the full co-operation of our citizens aided by the enforcement of the law against the careless and lndiflerent, it is to be hoped On thc 27th instant, an applicatfon that our city may be freed from the calamity . QQ aS-V0 arc noW . :M-.4 thn l offering burtbr"it w not offldrt" I" tj AxnuTf jea was not our ,dea ; we can Biro it when demanded. We wou a fike to know what tho Journal would tan Considered official," and why. t .hould characterize tie aruc.c iiu.. before Judce Hunt, of thdofany great mortality eminent at the -Co' interns " s'uptem! Conrt, at UticaT N. T a,kiB aE0" .1fD" Jrx. Wa hll ex- .!!ntinn in thn Credit Mobiher suit. IJ11"! tf J mi i ,1 nnnSntad n t rwri m n t. I intl 1 0 0 bat wp think is a deep rcnecuou ou auu "n-" the inteeritT of ourseWes as journalists, ia boiler explosions will convene at the and shall not bo tame, though young, Ebbitt Ususe today (Wednesday) to to nM the pen to place ourselves correct- perfect tno plans under which they will ly, as the circumstances may demand. procccd. 1?: " a recent interview between Hon. Ju2 ThJSrf haa been silent; but John A. Bingham, our Minister to Ja- from its columns comes good advice to and Postmaster General Creswell, the members ot the 1 iuu aireet vuu.i, a new postal treaty Deiwecu iuc such as a kind parent wouiu give States and Japan was aiscusseu his children. T TO SMALL DEALERS IN TOW3S" . UOSE IN SEARCH OF BARGAINS BUILDING HARDWARE J OCRS HINGES, BOLTS, &c, of every description. Agency for the celebrated Shaler's Sash Holder and Lock. It will not get out ol order or wear out in a life time. NATH'Ij JACOBl'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market street AN I'd-: !..-': viui'l june 11 MARSHAL'S SALE. Wmt of suace comnels U3 to stop. We haxe infcjmtkvn hirJ out next week, and wc think it win dc official " in these columns, notwith standinc thc Jotiriuil -says to the con trary. H&Ting receired it from an " official," and girins it as received, m a journalistic manner, approved by cus tom everywhere. Publisher. TiiElIonroQ Enquirer Vol. 1, No. 5 promises in its prospectus that it will "publish every week tho late current news," etc., and, we suppose as a sam ple oi Ui news tells ua that Gen. O. O. Howard'sbureau accounts arc short some $33,000. This ii grabbed at, and rolled 44 aj a sweet morsel under thc tongue" ranch to the EnquircrU evident enjoy ment. The virtuous Indignation is Thc Secretary of the Treasury has aurtrorrattr itw k.7 or wc interest on bonds, commencing with the coupon interest on the 23th instant, and th registered interest on the iJoth msianu The crew that will be sent out by the Navy Department to man the Tigress will mainly consist of the survivors oi thc Polaris. Whatever extra hands that mav be required will be obtained in New York. The Juniatahas orders lo return early in thc Fall from its search alter the Po laris, but thc Tisrdss. the other vessel selected to accompany the expedtion, has been ordered to search for tlo lost vessel until found, or while trere is a reasonable hope ot discovering her. Thc Secretary of the Navr b&a no in o he hundred plASKS and Cases Blood,yolfe & Co"., Younirer'sMcEwin's and Bass' Tale Ale and Brown Stout, The finest Engib, Scotch and Irish Brandies lmporiea. june 16 CHAS. D. MYERS & Co., 7 North Frcnt street. 21 jiFn:ci5Es EaULE Brand Condensed, Milk. Bestlor Ice Cream t best for custards and puddings; best for tea and coffee. Endorsed and recommended by physicians and nurses as the best ever pre pared. CHAS. D. MYERS, & CO., ' 7 North Front street, june 16 24- "JOB LOTS" At all prices, to suit purchasers ol i CLOTHING, UMBRELLAS, NOTIONS TRUNKS, SHOES, HATS, iiC, Sec, &c. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, &c, &c.,ut NATH'L JACOBl'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. may 23 A liberal discount will be allowed, as we have but a lew more months left to close out in. BIRD CAGES, rHnvp.T SPADES. HOES. riTQl- ' . FORKS, Rakes, Trace Chains, &c, &c, NATH'L JACOWS Hardware Depots :Wo. 0 Mrkot streri. "Wilmington anfl WeWoii Railrosf Company. 1 OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENLEKX, Wiljiingtow, N. C, May 30, ' V. BY VIRTUE o :u on!. - -i II.. ' ' Court of tliu t:nilcl Htuto !" n ' 1 trict of Cape Fear, 1 vilU.)--e ! public auction on Tuesday, Mn- -J July, lwy,atJ'J o'clock, M.. t !'; : ; Messrs. Uarry JJrothcrs. Woiiili N 1 the following articles oi wuv wii" from tho wreck of the vtoanivln! " and which liave been lihcllnl m for salvage, freight and other Hi;iiv' - 3 barrels and 2 half bairols Wit'--, 1 half barrel Brandy, lo cases Wine, 21 boxes Cliesce, 2 barrels Null, 8 cases Hats, 28 Plows, 18 pieces CatiL''-, 3 lirkius Butter, 1 cask Bottled A!.-, 1 burrcl and 2 bundk. 20 cases Axle CJ reuse, 3 bundles Shafts and U.ii.-, 2G boxea assDrtcd lucrctmii'li- 2 barrels Pickles, 1 bale aud 2 coils Rope, 1 bundle Plow Beam s 1 tub Lard, 4 saews salt, 1 sack Coticc. Terms of sale ra.-li. X ... Tea Tfibnsand Times Triti vL'Ji 1'AVi dtlTE Fi.orn. ) New eu.-Uj!iK'rs " 1 brand f l"lir. in:tk- I'r i! n1-friend.-. .old only by CHAS. J). Narth Fr. n t" REMOVAL amusing and the following closing lines tcntion just now of isscihg authentic of the article arc almost sublime : maps of the results of Captain Hall'i Is there a tingle Fdderal office un- expedition, but as soon as the return tainted "With ccrrnptiont These dis- expedition makes its report comprehen raitlsz detalli are enough to make Riye and detailed maps will be made mr American citizen hane his head nublic. The dhsrams convey but a In shame and mortification. I slight idea of liis great scientific dis- Bad the Enquirer carefully read the ' coTery by thei-olans. : WE WILL remove loour new budding, Corner Front and Princess streets, be tween this date and September 1st. We Will sell our entire RETAIL STOCK AT COST, f as it Is our desire to open with a A RESIT JM COMPLETE STO CK hence our determination to dispose of the same before moving. WEILL jtwe 20,1573 u Men's Low cut Bals, 1 3d. Men's Prince Alberts, $1 lo.' Men's CJoDgress Scwe $1 Go. MACKS BKOS & CO 25 Market Streel. 30- i . i I une i june 23 THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE Stockholders of Uyrencan Company on the first Monday in July next. Persons indebted to the Company are requested to oav the same on or before that date. V ANTHONY MAULTSBY, Receiver. june 12 31tm Star copy until 1st july. SPECIAL NOTICE. ON and after MONDAY, JUNE 2nd, no passengers will be carried on "The Through Express Freight Train." jui-ir j?. ui v ljNii., General Superintendent, may 01 11-lm " nicEivii i Byv Steamer Tt-ay , A FREIQ LOT OF CRAMERS. I may 10 lit am i. m im m m I V rl . Corner 4tlx and Market -ir; dec .1 - ANJ 40 44 Market street, v 310- nnnp TROX. CLL'J TONS HOOP IH( 225 Barrels (Hue, 250 Packages Uive For sale by xx K-EIJC'll'tJ r . J june 0

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