.I- W (doming l?ost. WILMINGTON, N. C, Thursday July nth, 1873. Constitutional Amendments. On the 7th day of August, the people of North Carolina will be called on to vote on the Constitutional Amendment!, and that the readers of the Post may be the better posted, we give the texts of those portions of the constitution which it is proposed to amend, and al-o the texts of the proposed amendments, These amendments are eight in num ber, and are to be submitted separately for ratification or rejection. Any quali- v fied voter may vote for or against each and aoy amendment, the vote being either a printed or written ticket, with but two words thereon "For Amend ment" or "Against Amendment." Apart ; or the whole of them may be either rat ified or rejected, as a majority, of the popular vote may bo cast, either for or - against them. Fiiist : In relation to the Public Debt. Article 1 of tbc present constitution, provides : j Sec. C. To maintain the honor and rood faith of the State untarnished, the public debt, regularly contracted before and since the rebellion, shall be regard ed as inviolable and never be question ed ; but the State shall neyer assume or .pay, or authorize the collection of any debt or obligation, express or implied, incurred in aid of insurrection or rebel lion acaiost the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave. Which is amended by striking out all down to the word " but," so that the article will then be : Sec. 6. The State shall never assume ' or pay, or authorize the collection of, any debt or obligation, express or lm . plied, incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave. In the same amendment another al teration is provided for by striking out Section 4, Article 5 : Sec. 4. The General Assembly shall, by appropriate legislation and by ade quate taxation, provide for tne prompt and regular payment of the interest on the public debt, and after the jear 1880 it .shall lav a specific annual tax upon the real and personal property of the State, and7 the sum thus realized shall -,t be set apart as a sinking fund, to be devoted 10 the payment of the public debt. By the striking out of this section entire, it is not made compulsory on the Legislature to provide for the principal , and interest of the public debt. Second : In relation to the office of Superintendent of Pubic Works. Sec. 1 of Art. 3 of the Constitution provides for a Superintendent of Public Works, to be elected as are the members of the General Assembly, for a four years' term. It is proposed by this amendment to strike out the words Superintendent of Public Works " wherever they oecur, thereby abolishing that office. : TniRD: In relation to the State census. Sec. 5, Art. 2 of the Constitution pro vides : "Sec. 5. An enumeration of the in habitants of the State shall be taken under the direction of the General As sembly in the year one thousand eight r hundred and seventy-five, and at the end of every ten years thereafter; and the said Senate Districts shall be 60 altered by the General Assembly, after the first session after the return of every enume ration taken as aforeeaid, or by order of uongress, that each Senate District shall contain, as nearly as may be, an equal number ot inhabitants, excluding aliens and Indians not taxed, and shall remain udaltered until the return of -another enumeration, and shall at all times con sist of contiguous territory ; and no county shall be divided in the formation -- ot a Senate District, unless such county shall be equitably entitled to two or more Senators." The amendment to this article pro poses to strike out all down to the words "the said Senate Districts" in Sec. 5, and a'so the words "as aforesaid. or," relating to the census, making the proposed amendment to read : "Sec. 5. The said Senate Districts shall be so altered by the General As sembly at the first session after the re turn of every enumeration taken by order of Congress, that each Senate District shall contain, as nearlv as m be, an equal number of inhabitants, ex ' eluding aliens and Indians not taxed, ' and shall remain unaltered until the return of another enumeration, and shall at all times consist ot conticruons tern- ; tory ; and no county shall be divided in the formation of a Senate District, un less such county shall be equitably en- tuiea to two or more senators." Fourtii: In relation to exemption FR03I taxation. Sec. 0, Art. 5 of the Constitution pro- . Tides; . . - "Sec. 6. Property belonging to the State or to municipal corporations, shall be exempt from taxation. The General Assembly may exempt cemeteries, and . - - ! ? r? property neia ior eaucauonai, scienuuc, literary, chsritable or religious purpos es ; also wearing apparel, arms for mus ter, household and kitchen furniture, the mechanical and agricultural imple ments fpr mechanics and farmers, libra ries and scientific instruments, to a value not exceeding three, hundred dollars." It is proposed to amend this section by inserting the words "or any other personal property," after the word "in struments," so that it will then read : "Sec. 6. Property belonging to the State, or td municipal corporations shall be exempt from taxation. The General Assembly may exempt cemeteries, and property held for educational, scientific, literary, charitable or religious purpos es : also wearing apparel, arms for mus ter, household and kitchen furniture, the mechanical and agricultural imple ments of mechanics and farmers, libra ries and scientific instruments or any other personal property, to a value not exceeding three hundred dollars." Fourth : In relation to the Uni versity. Sec. 5, article 9 of the Constitution reads: "Sec. 5. The University ot North Carolina, with its lands, emoluments and franchises, is under the control ot the State, and shall be held to an insep arable connection with the tree public school system of the State." I is proposed to strike out this entire section and insert the following : "Sec. 5. The General Assembly shall have power to provide for the election ot trustees of the University ot .North Carolina, in whom when chosen shall be vested all the privileges, rights, fran chises, and endowments heretofore in any wisd granted to or conferred upon the trustees of said University ; and tne General Assemblv may make such pro- jfisious, laws and regulations, from time to time as may be necessary and expe dient tor the maintenance and manage ment of said University." This article is proposed to be further amended by striking out sections 13, 14 and 15, which relate to the appointment of trustees by the Board of Education and the powers and duties of the same, which matters wou!d, were the amend ment adopted, devolve on the General Assembly. Sixth : In relation to the sessions of TnE General Assembly. The present Constitution, Article 11, Legislative Department, provides as follows : "Sec. 2. The Senate and House of Representatives, shall meet annually on the third Monday in .November, and when assembled shall be denominated the General Assembly." It is proposed to amend this section by striking out the word "annually" and insert the word "biennially,"making it to read thus: "Sec. 2. The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet biennially on the third Monday in November, and when assembled shall be denominated the General Assembly." This amendment also strikes out the word "annually" in section 6, article 3, and inserts the word "biennially," in reference to the requirement of the Gov ernor to eommunicate to the General Assembly each case of reprieve, com mutation or pardon. Seventh: In Relation to the Code Commission. Sec. 2 and 3, article 4, Judicial Dei partment provides: "Sec. 2. Three Commissioners shall be appointed by this Convention to re port to the General Assembly at its first session after this Constitution shall be adopted by the people, rules of practice and procedure in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing section, and the Convention shall provide for the Commissioners a reasonable compensa tion. Sec. o. The same Commissioners shall also report to the General Assembly as soon as' practicable, a code ot law ot North Carolina. The Governor shall have power to fill all vacancies occur ring in this commission. The amendment proposes to strike out both these sections, thereby abol ishing the code commission. eighth: in relation to federal and other office holders. The present Constitution, sec. 7, art. 14, provides. "Sec. 7. No person shull hold more than one lucrative office under the State at the same time: Provided. That offi cers in the militia, justices ot the peace, commissioners oft public charities and eommisioners appointed for special pur poses, snail not be considered officers within the meaning of this section." The amendment proposes that this section shall read as follows: "8ec. 7. No person who shall hold any office or place ot trust or profit un der the United States, or any depart -ment thereof, or under this State of any other State or government, shall hold or exercise any other office or place ot trust or profit, under the authority of this State, or be eligible to a seat in either House ot the General Assembly: n ;j t . i 1 . . x rwtuetjky mac noming nerein contained shall evtend to officers in the militia. justices of the peace, commissioners of public charities or commissioners for noAi r rn pnnaoo ' ' ..,t m m ... . Most of the arrests made in Dulnth-on the Fourth of July were for not comply ing witn the ordinance that requires ftsnes to De spnnKiea on icy sidewalks before X0 o'clock A. U. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, ) July 17th, 1873. ) jjyjEIiCHANTS and traders are hereby no tified that the time for listing the license tax, imposed under schedule B of Revenue Act, for the quarter ending July 1st, 1873, is now due, and unless this taxis listed and paid by the 19lh day ol this present month I shall be compelled to enforce the penalty prescribed by law. JOS. C, IILLL, July 17 3 1 Register of Deeds, OFFIUE CITY CLERK & TREASURER CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, July 17 th, 1873. An Ordinance concerning the Paving of Princcts Street. BE it ordained By the Board or Aldermen of the city of Wilmington, as follows : fciec. 1st. That the Mayor be, and is hereby empowered and directed, to contract for the paving of Princess street, with cobble stones, from water street to Front street, and that the contractors be required to enter into bonds, with approved security, ior meiaim ful performance ol said contract. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, tkat Alexan der Strausz, Dr. W. W. Harriss, and Daniel A. Smith, freeholders of this city, are hereby nominated ana - appointed a committee on behalf of the city to ascertain the benefits to the proprietors of lots or property on . said street; and that the proprietors of lots on said street be notified in writing of the passage of this ordinance, to the end that tney may, in ineir Denaii, appoint mrw other freeholders ot said city, who, to gether with the three freeholders above named appointed on behalf of the city, shall view the lots on said streets and the im provements when made thereon, under this ordinance, and assess the said lots in due ratio to their increased value, and in case the proprietors of said lots shall fail to ap point said freeholders after ten days notice in writing, and in.that case the freeholders appointed by this Board shall act as said committee, and view and assess the lots as aforesaid and make report to this Board as is prescribed by tne otn section or act oi uenerai Assembly oi mis state, entitled an act to empower the Commissioners of the town of Wilmington to establish streets in said town, and for other purposes. Batified 16th day of January, 1855, by virtue of which said act this ordinanee is passed. Sec 3d, Be it further ordained, That any ordinance, or part thereof, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. The above ordinance was passed by the Board of Aldermen July 15th. 1873. attest. x. c. siskvuss, july 17-3t 17,19,23 City Clerk. Journal and Star copy. A IV ORDINANCE C CONCERNING BATHING IN THE RIV j BR. The Mayor and Beard of Aldermen or tne city of Wilmington do ORDAIN, That every person who sball bathe in the river in the day time, at any point between Jffarnet and wrisrht street. shall forfeit and pay ten ($10) dollars for each and every oflense. All ordinances or parts thereof, conflicting with the above.are hereby repealed. jrasseu j uue Z7tn, isjv. Attest, T. C SERVOSS, City Clerk. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C. July 17tli, 1873. rpHE above Ordinance will be strictly en X forced. By order of the Mayor. UJU. W. .FB1U1S, JR., july 17-3t 17. 19. 23 City Marshal. Journal and Staa copy. BANKRUPT NOTICES. rpilIS is to give notice that on the 24th day X of J une, l87s,a warrantor bankruptcy was issued out or the district court or the united States ior the Cape Fear district of North Carolina, against the estate of Henry .Best, or Warsaw, in tne county or Du plin, in said district, who has been ad judged a bankrupt on his own petition: that tne payment or any debts or the delivery or any property belonging to said bankrupt to him or ior nis use and the transfer or any property by him are forbidden by law, and that a meeting of the creditors of said bank rupt-to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a court of Bankruptcy to be holden at v ayetteviiie. jn u. beiore wiuiam Awutn rie, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy for said district, on the 4th day of August, A D, 1873, at iu o ciock, am. kubujkt m Douglas, juiy 17 at (j s M and Messenger THIS is to give notice that on the 24th day of June, 1873. a warrant of bankrupt cy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Cape Fear District oi JNortn Carolina, against the estate of Maior Strickland, of Matrnnlin. In t.honunv of Duplin, in said district, who has been adjudged a DanKrupt on his own petition that the payment of any debts.and the de livery oi any property belonging to said uaiihrupi, w mm, or ior nis use and the transier oi any property by nim are forbid den by law. and that a meeting of the errH tors of said bankrupt, to prove their dphtx and to choose one or more assignees nf liin estate, win De neid at a court of bankruptcy to be holden at Fayetteville N. C. before William A. Guthrie. Esq.. Register in Bank ruptcy for said district on the 4th day of August, A D, 1873, at 10 o'clock AM. KUtfUIUT M. DOUGLAS, U. S. M., and Messenger, july 17 50 2t rrillS is to give notice that on the 24th day of J une, 1873, a warrant of bankrupt cy was issued out of the District Court of the uajicu ouilcs, or uie uape r ear xistrictoi Iort n I ;:irnltnA. n era n q thnoctata nf tv. Frederick, of Warsaw, in the county of Du plin, in said District, upon which he has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own pe Tit mn that t ho navmant i -n r .i i the delivery of any property belonging to sucn DanKrupt, to mm, or for his use, and the transfer ot any property by him, are for Tii H(Jrn liv law and that a creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their ucuw uu. wj t-uuse one or more assignees of 1 .ft . -4. 1 . nis estate, will beheld at a court of bank ruptcy to be holden at Fayetteville, N. C. beiore wuiiam A. Guthrie, Esq., Register in uanKruptcy for said district, on the 4th oay oi August, a u isra, at 10 o'clock, A.M. , i , and Messenger, july 17, 1873 5021 rriHIS is to give notice that on the 24th day X of June, 1873, a warrant of bankrutcy was issued out Of the district, rnn rt. nftho TTn! States for the Cape Fear district of North aroima, against tne estate of Thomas K. Aiurpny, or island Creek, in the county of linn in In siitri riitr arh v.n- i.- j judged a bankrupt on his own petition; that an v nronsrt.v nl rn -rlnwfn guh h-M-nw-.. -- m ""-o"rT T-iiaiiiirh lit n 1 in or fn-r hinea nnrt r property by him are forbidden by law. and that a meetin-ar nfthit cnw-tltnm rr n,i v. rupt to prove their debts and to choose one v awi.u-b'&o vm. &ua cBiii,u win oe neid at a court of bankruptcy to be holden at Fayettvifie, N C, beiore William A Guthrie mmi, AtbB-uv amm iHui&rupwjr . ior said dis trict,, un me m oay OI August, A D. 1873 at July 17-2t U8M and Messenger, SPIRIT CASKS ! SPIRIT CASKS ! QAA bTANDARD CASKS, iast Ian ouv ded per atcamcr J. D. Foley. For sale by july H F W KERCHNER. NE? ADVERTISEMENTS. rpHIS is to give notice that on the 21st day L of June, 1873, a warrant of bankrutcy was issued out of the district court of .the United States for the Cape Fear district of North Carolina, against tne estate or iienry x Jackson, of Clinton, in the county of Kamnsnn. in said district, who has been ad judged a bankrupt on his own petition: that the payment oi any aeDi or tne ueuvei-y ui any property belonging to said bankrupt to him or for his use and the transferor any property by him are forbidden by law: and that a meeting oi me creditors oi muu inuim ruptto prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate will be held at a court of bankruptcy to be holden at Fayettevill, N C, before William A Guthrie, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy for said dis trict, on the 2d day of August, A D, 1873, at 10 o'clock, a m ROBERT M DOUGLAS, jaJy 11 zt u o Ja ana messenger. riiHIS is to give notice that on the zistday A of June, 1873, a warrant of bankruptcy was issued out oi tne district court ui iue United States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, against the estate of Daniel McLeod, of Shoe Heel, Robeson, n eni1 rtia-trint nrhn hao 1-kAn ft1- judged a bankrupt on his own petition: that the payment oi any ueots anu we uenvery of any property belonging to said bankrupt to mm or ior nis use uuu uie uaiiBicir ui ouj property by him are forbidden by law, and that a meeting of the creditors of said bank rant to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate will be held at a court of bankrutcy to oe noiuen at x ay etteviiie, N C, before Willi im A Guthrie, Esq., Register in JsanKruptcy ior saiu juib trict on the 2d day of August, A D, 1873, at 10 o'clock; a m. ROBERT M DOUGLAS, july 1 zt : Ku ivi and messenger. rpJJIS is to give notice that on tne aist JL 'day of June, 1873, a warrant of hank tuptcy was issued out of the district court of the United States for the Cape Fear Dis trict of North Carolina, against the estate of Daniel L Brock, of Clinton, iu the county ol Sampson, in said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition : that the payment of any debts or the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbid den by law, and that a meeting ot tne cred itors of said bankrupt to prove their debts and to chose one or more assignees of his estate will be held at a court of bankruptcy to be holden at Fayetteville, N C, before William A Guthrie, Eeq, Register in Bank ruptcy for 6aid district, on the 2d day of August. A D, 1873, at 10 o" clock, a m. RUB ft KT M UU U GL.ASS, U & M and Messenger, july U 47-2t THIS is to give notice thai on the 21st day of June, 1873, a- warrant of bank ruptcy was issued out of the district court of the United States tor the cape Fear District of North Carolina, against the estate ot Daniel Boney. of Clinton, in the coun ty of Sampson, in said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own pe tition: that the payment of any debts or the delivery of any property belonging to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law, and . i . i i i tnat a meeting oi tne creditors oi saiu bankrupt to prove their debts and to chose one or more assignees of his estate will be held at a court of bankruptcy to be holden at Fayetteville, N C, before William A Guthrie, Esq, Register in Bankruptcy ior said district, on the 2d day of August, A D, 1873, at 10 o'clock, a m. ROBERT M DOUGLASS, U S M and Messenger, july 14 47-2t THIS is to give notice that on the 21st day of J une, 1873, a warrant o f bank ruptcy was issued out of the district court of the United States for the Cape Fear Dis trict of North Carolina, against the estate ot Valentine Vann. of Clinton in the county ot Sampson, in said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own peti tion: that the payment of any debts or the delivery of any property belong ing to said bankrupt to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law, and that a meeting of the creditors ot said bankrupt to prove their debts and to chose one or more as signees of his estate will be held at a court ofbankruptcy to be holden at Fayetteville, N. C, beiore William A. Guthrie, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy for said district, on the 2d day of August, A. D.,1873, at 10 o'clock, a. m. ROBERT M. DOUGLASS, U S M and Messenger, july 14 47-2t THIS is to give notice that on the 19th day of June, 1873, a warrant of bank ruptcy was issued out of the district court of the United States for the Cape Fear Dis trict of North Carolina, against the estate ot Wilson Lockamay, of Clinton, in the county of Sampson, in said, district, who nas oeen aajuageo a DanKrupt on nis own petition : that the payment of any debts or the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbid den by law, and that a meeting of the cred itors of said bankrupt to prove their debts to chose one or more assignees of his estate will be held at a court of bankruptcy to be hoJden at Fayetteville, N C, before William A Guthrie, Esq, Register in Bankruptcy for said district, on the 24th day of July, A io5, at iv o'ciock, a m. ROBERT M DOUGLASS, U SM and Messenger, ju'y 14 47-2t Bewaro of Counterfeits! JOB HOSES' BiiSSsiSSg Thegennnthvvithe nae of Job TSZZJZi. paeitage. jilt others are worthies imitations Thm oenutsi! Pills are unfailing in the cWSrU thosS by cold, inflammation, or disease In tUeuw 5?r.i5!tL1Srt,?e.on Bht exertion. Palpitation core when all other means have failed, and although ery powerful, contain nothing hurtful to the most JA.M:?!. around The genuine Pills are sold at most drne stores bnt if toot drannit mnnt. tXrr rV' DU" felSITSt fSJf .t. or.fegns.ar. Of ATTmtM AffiM At srK;K i 7 . . -w ."ri-tI,1 seeprel?and eipreM. ".a B9 sent dj return RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. It TIT A TV'S TTTT.-Tf'-rr mimmii i cotekt Consumption an LrNo DiSas They haTe notaste of medicine, and any child will take SFfcJrho'2,nd? h?Tesn rertred to health that nao before despaired. Testimony riren in hnndreds lrice 3o cent t ier box. JOB MOSRS Pi.TrTT tor. 18 Cortiandt Ktrt V UB1i lYoprie- THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. IEIATARIIE'S SPECIFIC PIXI.& These puis arehisMy recommended by the b'mm Medical Tacnlty of Trance as the err bSt vJSSSt aU eases of Spermatorrhoea, or SemalWeiSes? Wk Spine: Deports in the Urine; Xerr?1&2 bUitT, and all the Rhastly train of Diseasesriam from Abase and Secret ftabits. TheTbJS : r . v , . bsw wiinastoniah- inc snccess by the leading French Phynciaudnrm the past 13 year. Pamphlet of AdTjcJT i nWch bo? or will be sent FrM tn iSJ? DOX Box. Sent by mail, wWy Vrtw 5i oKT THtm. on receipt of price by any adTertiwrf. - . OSCAR O. MOhKS, 18 Cobtlaxdt St . nv. Sole General Aent for America. A mn.ra au 10-ly 0,000 NO. 1 HEARTS, 0,000 No. 2's ot Wm. n. B. Short's sli cles for sale. Applj to . L. BROWN, Norta Water St. . 43-2aw2w Juljtt NEW ADFimTKBnE. f BUILDING HARDWARE; JOCKS HINGES, BOLTS, Aa, of every description. Agency far the celebrated ShalerVSash Holder and Lock. It wlU not get out of order or wear out In a life time. NATH'L JACOBFS Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market street. DOOQS. 8ASH, BLINDS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, &c., &c, at NATH'L JACQBI'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. may 23 BICID gHOVELS, SPADES, HOES, PITCH FORKS, Kaket, Trace Chains, etc., etc., b -j NATH'L JACOPJ'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market street. 02 50, 2 &o9 INVOICE AND DILL LADING, VIA PACIFIC MAIL 8. S., Of Pure California Wine, ANGELICA AND TOKAY, Choice and delicate Table Wine. TRY OUR TOPAZ SHERRY. We offer the abore Wines at $2 50 per gallon. For sale by GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front street, july 2 38 FRESH SMOKED BACON. N Y Sugar cured Hams, NY Sugar cured Shoulders, Breakfast Strips, Beef Tongue?, Smoked Beet, Fresh Pieserves, Canned Fruite, Carers and Vegetables. THE ONLY GENUINE Gringer A. 1 e. McEwen's, Bf and Blood, Wolf & Co's A 0 ALE AND PORTER, at GEO. MYERS, It and 13 Front street, jane 23 30 Office Treasnrer & Collector CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C., " ' June 28tb, 1873. f INTEREST. UAjX UUUrONS navnt.In In thllt,. Bonds f the City of Wilmington, will be paid at Bank of New Hanover, and the July . . . lupous payme in Kew York in Bonds of City of Wilmington (Issue of 1872) will be paid at the National Bank of the Itepubli on and after J uly 1st. T C SERVOSS, !nly 1-lw Treasurer. Butter, Molasses, Syrnp, Hams JU8T RECEIVED, JJXT STEAMERS METROPOLIS Lucille, and xuuice uosnen liatter, A No. 1 Muscoyado Molasses. A No. 1 Golden 8yup. Extra choice "Magnolia Hams ces, and hchead-". ue For sale low by j0ne23BINFBD-CROW. - . oZ Nails, Hoop Iron and Glue. 300 KEGS NAILS ; 25 tons Hoop Iron lane 80 F. yjr, KERCHNEKT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WiloiDgton, Colombia & An! gosta R. Rt CompaDy, Gem. Supbbiwtbmdent's Offick, Wilmington, N. C, June. SO, 187a. i 7 -v ,; CNAflQE OF SCHEDULE. THJC FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL i:o into effect at 5:20 A. M., MondHv 30th inst. DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) LeaTO Wilmington 5:20 A, M Arrive at Florence.. 11:20 A. M ArriT at Columbia. 4:00 P. j LeaTO Columbia 7:25 a. M Arrive at Florence . ..11,30 A. M Arrive at Wilmington -V. . . 5:15 i m NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINAILY (SUN. DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 5. 45 P. j Arrive at Florence..... 11:36 p. m Arrive at Columbia. 3:42 a. m Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. m Leave Augusta 5:50 P. m Arrive at Columbia 10: '65 p. m Arrive at Florence 2:20 A. M Arrive at Wilmiagton 8:00 A. M : Passenfi'ers leaving WilmiDgton on tli $;45 P. M. train makes close coonectioii going Soulli. Oeu'l Snp't june 30 , 3(-ti VTiloington & Wei don K. , Company. OrriCK Gbnsrax, Sufxbintkmdbmt, i Wn.MiWGTONt N. C, June 30, 1873. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 29th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 8:15 A, M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2:11 1. M Weldon...; 3:50 i. M Leave Weldon daily (Sunday? excepted) At 9:30 A. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 1 1:20 A. M Goldsboro 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 5:35 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro ; 9:33 P. M Rocky Mount 11:34 P. M Weldon..- 1:20 A. M Leave Weldon daily 6:45 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 9:00 P. M Gfeldsboro 10:40 P. M Union Depot 5:00 A. M Mall Train ma&es close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay LIdc ' and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRA IN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arriie at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:00 P. M.t and arrive at 4:00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent June 30 se-tf UuaTUNiNQj&lMUSIC Corner 4tli and Market Streets, dec 3. lfi9 Tobacco, Snuft and Starch. 150 BOXES and caddies Tobacco : 15 bbls and half bbis Snufl ; 35 cases 1 and 2 oz. Snuff; 50 boxes Starch. For sale by june 30 F. W. KERCHNEH. SUPPLEMENTARY DOG ORDI NAHCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Al dermen of the city of Wilmington, N. C, as follows: That the owner of any dog within the city limits who shall fail to pay the lax im posed by the dog ordinance shall be subject to prosecution for violation of said ordi nance and required to pay a fine not to ex ceed ten (HQ) dollars, at the discretion ot the Mayor. JPassed July f th, 1873. Attest t. c. sp:rvos.s. Journal and Star copy. City Cierk. July 8, 43-6 1-9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 1'J. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUAL ifled as Administrator upon, the estate of Anderson Henderson deceased, this is to give notice that all persons haviDg demands aeainst said estate, file them with Lira within one year from the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of pay ment. All persons owing the estate will make payment to him and save costs. ELVIN ARTIS, Administrator of Anderson Henderson, july 9 . 43-lawGw CONSTRUCTION OF Life Saving Stations. SEALED proposals will be received at tl)i Department until 12 o'clock M. of Mon day, the 28th of July, 1873, for the construc tion of life saving station Houses on tne coast of North Carolina as follows, viz: one at Cape Henry Light House; one at Van Neck Mills; one at False Cape; one at Jpues Hill; one at Caffrey's Inlet; one at KitO Hawk's Beach: one at Nag's Head; oncai Body's Island; one at Chickaraacomic; au one at Kinnepeet. Hatteras Light House. Also, houses at the following V Vr One at Cape Henlopen; one at Indian W"r; Del.; one t Green Run Inlet, and one ai Chincoteauge, Va; . , Bidders must state the time in which tne? will contract to complete the houses. a "J;" bids must be accompanied with guaran t e from responsible parties as to the abihW the bidder to do the required work.Bids m ug be endorsed "Bids for construction or saving stations" and addressed to the hecre tary of the Treasury, Washington, P. 're SpecificaUons can be obtained at the : omcc oft lie Collector of Customs at Wilmington, N. C ' -Tie Government reserves the rUht;" ject any or all bids. - SECXJHAR ' s- Treasury Department. July 10, vsil .IJuly 13-tawy gat&Wed. J v m r v VOiT I ' then I ; there L ; there Yfotern Hour r.oom of Open at tl It '-; :ir. N oar city its deli vi thorizod ,rcccipt I' r iBlsnal I ;Tlmeof l t servatla I- 7:00 A. 1 : 10:00 A. 1 r;-':00 v. I '- No Ma t - " ; . S.lUi 15 Mark tire stocl and shoe '" " ' : DfiFUT ken scri with cho the stomt court , ho lie was v cttcr to- A ran fot Aldtrt parts shoi present st south sid is goiag ( outnerous Market st v.- ' .vv . ' I The on jlothing, iost, is to lm The To fj, thanks ailway lo (cd to the aade, to i er cars UDg felt or traospi ileasurc. t bo wants ars, and 1 bad, with bmmodat our new fith great tervals. tod era c cavy. a3 tl kve totb iy,) but 1 lrays ecci lowers. K tiijs ch i found Ih i . - - -,- - '"" flm S" .- A Splen isot the w their c i ruber, ji: ciaen o! tasurc in fcrary, an( rarnal is f iblication its clear: trders, he; id fault! ; also th& lindefatj; e South a - . u nave a p Eubccril fny irortL rival is Pi 'Ltcd r lir- its rcrTjr all :.:t rau at'-. :i.ca j in ".:ar L?av: "IS "o

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