WILMINGTON, N. U. Thursday. July 17th, 1873. I I'ost Ollicc Regulations. 3T O FFICS, WlLMINOTOJf. N. C, I June 14, 1873. f n this date the mails will ciosc a ws: f iern aua way (morning) mail. .5 a. ra. icrn (night) mail 4:30 p. m iern mail... 8 p. m icrn, C C. K. 11. mail 5 a. m. I Ed. R. Brine. P. M. lra of opening and closing Heading io( Wilmington Library Association: at 9 A. M.t close at 1 o'clock P. M. 3 P. M.t " " 01 P. M. K 8 P. M., 4 " 10 " P. M. I Announcement. . N. Gerken, lias takeu charge oi ty circulation and will superintend livery hereafter. He i3 alone au :cd to collect subscriptions and to 5t ior the same. CITY" ITJEJMS. A Service, U. fc. Army Weather Report. Observer's Office, ; Wilmington, July 17, 1873, ) ol Ob tion j Barom etcr. Thcr Wind Weath er ".. A. M. l.jO.Oll ;77dejl Calm!Fair 1 A. M. -i).0l8 i7 4 i CalmlFair 1. I. ioO.COo .1)0 " SWlig't Falr i. M. v.983 i'.)l 41 13 fresh tFair Otto Schutze, Observer, U. S A. jlayoi's Court to-day. IIAkstkin & Co , New York House, 15 T rket street, are offering their ec- i tir: ck or drygoous, cioiumg, uoois asd :.'.oes, at New York cost. lm I) ;c rvil'. tho UTV Sheriff A. H. Morris was ta- riously ill yesterday afternoon, olera mrrbus aud congestion of. lach, while at his office at the iou&e, and was carried home. very sick last night, but is some to-day. 1 court I He rrrriON to the Mayor and Board .irmen ri questing that the market jould not be removed from their i stopping place on Market street Idc, between Front ad Second X tbe rounds, aud is beiDg very cn.it pre... 'soul is - DU. i rcusly signed by the merchau'a of Harlot street. i A. only chance ot getting a suit of f9 shoes, shirts, &c, at New York I : to go to S. Hanstein & Go's , New York House, 15 Market street. - : - Post, in behalf of the communi ':s the proprietors of the street lot haviug so promptly respon- 0 suggestion it has heretofore . increase t he number of passen- ; s d its line. The people have 'tthe want ot belter facilities portatiou, both tor business aid , and the Post, ever mindful of 3 of the masses, asked tor more X the management of the rail 1 til a commendable spirit of ac !atou, have promptly placed ? .cars on the line, which run jat regularity, and at very short 3. These cars are of the most construction, not so large and j the old, dirty cars, (tbat will . ' be withdrawn at no distant it light, airy and pleasant, and eem to be well filled with pas- - if cheapest stock of dry goods to Mhid side of Ne ' York is at S3. I I ax st bis & Go's, i New York House, 15 Maiket street. r.EKDiD Number. Tbe publish t 3 Southern Musical Journal are r own printers, and in the July just at hand, give us a fine i of typography, which we take in noticing. In its editorial, md miiiical departments, thtj 1 fully the ccpaal of any similar, :n in the United States, and aut new dress (with new type, leadings and cuts throughout,) ess typography, we pronounce 3 handsomest. Its publishers itigab:e in their efforts to give Li a first class musical magazine, i achieved a real succees. It briber's in every Southern and rthern States, and its monthly 1 welcomed by thousands of i readers. Asa means of ex its circulation, the publishers ajl new subscribers a premium music 4tof their own selection.) at fifty cents. Subscription .00 per year. Speciment copies ig $1.00 worth of music, free Jdress. Ludden & Bates, Pub javannab, Ga. bgist oi John Stuart Mill says : I the simple manners and warm .Wordsworth, coupled with the i and self-sacrificing spirit of Lamb." clctl. ccz:, Ti: ty, I!: railv; ded t -r J ; ; Jcr t: i,. .. . the v rem, TZ 1. ov; u. , n i! :d , ct: . CORRESPONDENCE.' Point Caswei July 15, 1873. Awake 1 Repnblicfcns ofO Caswell Township, and come out with your loll strength, to meet tbe opposition tbat is now threatened you. There ia a plan oa foot to defeat you as v party ; to ig nore your influence and power altogeth er. : - Because you bare shown . softe fairness and liberality, and given two of their number prominent positions in your ranks, tbey have now set about to defeat your entire ticket, expecting the disaffected Republicans to unite with them to accomplish their dirty work. You have but one hope, and that is in Union ! Division with you is defeat stick to the nominees as made, present a solid front, and you will thwart, de feat and overthrow all their placs and schemes of division. Never expose your plans to them- remember that next year will bring about important results in your history. You cannot afford to divide now the interest in future is too great to b3 lost by divi sion ; harm mize on all the men named, and put id pthcrs a3 .quicklyn as? possi ble, and mi e the fight tbat wilt carry the death knell to the enemy. I - - Vlndex. To make- room for a large Fall stock we have reduced our prices, and are now selling our entire stock cheaper than the cheapest. S. Hanstein & Co., New York House, lm 15 Market street. For the Post. Rocky Point Townsliip. Tbe Republicans of Rocky Point Township met at 12 o'clockM., Tues day, July 15th, 1873, according to call of the County Executive Committee, for the purpose of nominating townsliip officers. The meeting was called to order by Augustus Gemberg, when, on motion, Mr. Georgo W. Hill was elected Chair man, and Augustus Gemberg was elect ed Secretary. The following gentlemen were chosen for township officers : For Magistrates Augustus Gemberg, James B. McPher3on. For Township Clerks-Goo. W. Hill. For Constable George W. Carr. For School Committee Westerly Moore, Matthew Carr, and Augustus Gemberg. George W. Hill, Chairman. Augustus Gemberg, Seo'y. Supreme Court Decisions The Justices of ihe Supreme Court have rendered decisions in the follow ing cases: By Pearson, C J. W H Worthy vs G S Cole et al, from Moore. Judgment affirmed. W B Wright and wile vs D McCor mick, from Cumberland. Judgment affirmed. v k State vs John T Speight, irom New Hanover. Judgment affirmed. H P Whitehurst vs Eliza B Green, Ex, from Craven. Error. Judgment re versed. J A Norwooel vs William Harris, from Person. Judgment affirmed. By Rodman, J. a, Robert Wooten vs J S Maultsby, from Lenoir. Judgment reversed and action dismissed. Wilson & Miller vs J W Dorr, from Lincoln. 'Judgment affirmed. J L Carson vs L A Mills, from Ruth erford. Judgment reversed and cause remanded. N M Wilson vs S S Peterson, from Yancey. Judgment reversed and judg ment for relator. Uriah Vaughn vs W T Stephenson, from Northampton. Judgment reversed, and action dismissed. By Settle, J. State vs William Linkhour, irom Robeson. Judgment reversed and a venire de ?iocq. C G Love ?md wife vs J W Logan tt al, from Catawba, Error. Judgment as agreed. -S 8tate vs Umeline Sberford, from Ca tawba. , Judgment reversed and a venire de novo. Charles Moore vs N Thompson et al, irom Henderson. Judgment reversed and judgment for defendant. Henry Rowland et al, vs William Gardner, from Yancey. Judgment af firmed. t ' Singular Death. aAt the colored picnic near Lebanon last week, a young man named Fred White killed a garter snake, and out oi pure cussedness wound it about the neck of Mollie Woods. The young girl was terribly shocked, and suffered se verely until last Friday, when, Having partial! recovered, she took a walk. In the course of her walk she met White, and the sight of him, reviving her memory of the loathsome necklace, threw hervinto convulsions. ; Sunday afternoon she died, White deserves to be hung, not for murder, as he doubt Ies only intended a little harmless fun, but for being too great a fool to be al lowed to run at large. Indianapolis Heraldy July 6 . A distinguished member of the cabi net, in alluding to tbe idea of Congress repealing the backpay law, has no idea that it will be brought about, and thinks it a ludicrous eusrzestion. as well as tbe proposition to repeal tbe law abolishing iue ir&nKing privilege. ' STATE ITEMS. Physicians report a great deal of sickness in Raleigh at picscnt. Watermelons have become a3 "corn men as dirt" in Charlotte market. Tuesday was pay day at tbe Insane Asylum in Raleigh. It averages about $1,100 per month to pay off its em -ployes. Says the Newton Vindicator: Corn crop looks splendid, and so docs the glass hard to tell which is best in our fiekls." The Jefferson Mountain. Messenger says ''Good morning" has played out, and persons salute each other with "how are yon getting along with your copper mines," The Charlotte Observer regrets to learn that Mr. D. A. Wilson, a young man of Long Creek Township, was thrown from bis horse on Friday, and injured in such a manner as to cause his death Saturday morning. Mrs. J. M. Sherwood, widow of the Llamentd and distinguished editor of the Fayetteville Presbyterian, Rev. J. M. Sherwood, is a great sufferer with can cer, and is at present in Rome, N. Y., under medical treatment. Wake county, according to the Sen tinel, has listed this year for taxation, oi "money on hand or on deposit, in or out of the State, only $181,025,00 while the last report of the Raleigh Banks, returns under the item of "individual deposits" the sum of $10,047,776 95. The Sentinel learns from agentleman who was present at the meeting of the stockholders ol the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad Company, recently held at Statesville, that the discussion which took place between McAden and Johnston was of the most bitter charac ter, crimination and recrimination, the lie, and the damned lie, passing and re passing. We understand that our co temporaries of the press there consider ed the sc;ne too disgusting to be re ported. We learn from the Sentinel thit Gov. Caldwell has pardoned - George Smith and Eaton Mills, convicted of robbery at the Fall term of Halifax . Superior court, and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. The pardon was granted on tbe recommendation of the Judge, Solicitor and Dr. Hawkins, on condition that they remove their place of residence permanently from Halifax county, within ninety days from July 12,1873. These men were associated with the notorious John H.Everett in the breaking oen and robbery of box jcars at Weldon about three years ago. Everett has long since been pardoned and left the State. The Sentinel says that Dr. Hawkins, President t.f the Raleigh & Gaston Air Line Railroad, fermerly " Chatham Railroad Company," has redeemed the mortgage of $2,000,000 held by the State on said company, executed in 1808, by surrendering $1,703,000 of State bonds heretofore issued to the Chatham Railroad Company, in ex change for its bonds ; also $297,000 of State bonds of other classes. By this transaction the State is benefitted to the amount of $297,000 principal and $84,060 interest, as the debt is reduced such an amount. The bonds (the 2,- 000,000) issued by the State lor which the mortgage was executed were decla red by the Supreme Court unconstitu tional, and therefore these bonds were not considered as valid obligations of the State, and have not entered into the Staters indebtedness. WASHING-TON NOTES The accounts of the late 'Paymaster Hodge have been settled at the Second Auditor's office, and show an actual deficit of $443,116 21, which the gov ernment will lose. It was thought that the introduction of postal cards would greatly affect the sale of ordinary postage stamps, but thus far tbeir sale has been increased, 32,747,910 ordinary postage stamps be ing sold last week. . A claim agent in Louisville, Ky., sends a claim for use of horse in the war to the Third Auditor, and requests payment "as soon as the condition of the United States Treasury will admit of it." He must think Uncle Sam is hard up. Secretary Richardson has received from Philadelphia a, copy of the new trade dollar, just coined. It is about an inch in diarzeter, with the thirteen orK ginal stars around the face, a female figure seated on a shea! of grain, with a sprig from a bough in the right hand and a streamer bearing the word 44 Lib erty" in her left hand, and " 1873 "at the bottom of the piece. The words 44 United States of America" form a semicircle around the reverse side, be neath which is a scroll showing the motto E Pluribus Unum." In ; the centre appears the American eagle, and beneath it, in semicircle, 420 grains, 900 - fine," and at the bottom, 44 Trade Dollar " in bold capitals. LATEST : BY "TELEGRAPH . . .. T rf - ' - - v. UTAH. . - - .- -0 - , Salt Lake City, Jaly 16. A great sensation was caused here to-day by an announcement in the journals that xme Eliza Webb Young, the seventeenth wife of Brigham Young, had forever left him, car rying off her furniture and personal effects Brigham will endeavor to replace the goods. Mrs. Young is at the Walker House, and three leading lawyers are about to institute a suit for divorce, and alimony in a large sum. Great revelations are expected con cerning the inner domestic life of the proph et. Mrs. Young is enjoying the sympathy of the Gentile ladies, and the polygamous Mor mons are a good deal disturbed. NEW YORK. New York, Jufc-17. Alluding to the condition of the Peabody educational fund, yesterday, Mr. Winthrop stated that about $130,000 from the fund had been expended in cooperation with six or seven times that amount contributed by the Southern people in the cause of edncation, since the last meeting of the board, thus making but little less than a million dollars expended during the year, for free common schools in the South. - .TheBoord of underwriters have resolved to levy an additional premium of 1 per cent, on mansard roofs after January 1st, 1873. The special shipments to-dsy were ?8O0,0CO in gold, and $68,000 in silver bars. CALIFORNIA. San Fkancisco, July 17. The last of Captain Jack's band of Modocs are en route to camp. Thirty Granges were representel in the convention at Napa. The Mayor has signed an ordinance grant ing privileges to the Southern Pacific Rail Road at Mission Bay. A lady of Los Angelos died of strychnine, her husband had scolded her about the char acter of the breakfast. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, July 17. The Methodist centennial celebration ter minated with a grand jubilee at the-Academy of Music. There was a full meeting of the Peabody Trustees. The fund now amounts to $228, 000. INDIANA. Indianapolis. Jul v 17. A colored man beat a colored woman, aud she will die. The man was arrested. MISSOURI. St. Louis, July 17. The thermometer ranges from 95 to 100. There were many sunstrokes ; some fatal. OHIO. Columbus, July 17. Six new cabes of cholera in the Penitentia ry, and two deaths. MASSACHUSETTS. SrKINGFIELD, July 17. In the sinsle scull E. M. Swift won. Time 11 min. 43 sec; distance two miles. NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, July 17. Stocks dull. Gold steady at 115J. Money easy at 3a4 per cent. Exchange l3ng 109, short 110J4. Government bonds dull and steady. State bonds quiet. Cotton irregular. Sales ofl627 bales. Mid dling 20- cts. Flour a shade firmer. Wheat steady and in fair demand. Corn a shade firmer. Pork quiet and steady new mess $17 50. Lard dull and heavy Western steam 8 13-15 cents. Spirits Turpentine unchanged. Rosin steady at $2 00 a $2 05 for strained. Freights weak. CABLE DISPATCHES. SPAIN. Madrid, July 17. The new constitution will be presented to the cortes for action to day. The reported capture of the town of,Es teile, jby the Carlists has been confirmed. Contestra has levied a forced loan of $80, 000 on the citizens of Carthagenla. The Carlists are marching on Logrona. The international society of Barcelona has been dissolded. The authorities are still apprehensive of an outbreak in Valencia and the comman der of the garrison has been ordered to use every measure of precaution to maintain order. FOREIGN MARKETS. London, July 17. Consols 92s- Liverpool, July 17 Noon. Cotton firm and unchanged. Uplands 8d; Orleans 9d. UIBBAUD IIO! MOREIIEAD CITY. CARTERET COUNTY, N. C. CHARLES HIBBARD, Proprietor. Thin splendid Sea Side Watering Place, situated at Beaufort Harbor, will be open for the reception of guests on Monday, June 16th, 1873. IT 13 ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL On the Atlantic coast, of the United States ! Destined to be the terminus of the great Southern Pacific .Railroad Unsurpassed facilities for splendid sailing, Fishing and Bathing. ,, - The steamer Zodiac, Cap t. Wm. ILCbapin; commander, leaves direct Jor.New ork every week. '"-?--.v -" - .M' Parties wishing to engage rooms, will please address as above, JulyW-3xa COLTLIEIICIAL. WlIiMIKGTOIf JJ ACKET v , THURSDAY, July 7 1:S0 P. .M. Spirits Turpehtinx Sales of ISO casks at 40 cents per. gallon for Southern pack ages. - ' - ' - ' - Cruox Tcrpbntihe Sales of 110 bbls at $3 00 far Hard "and 13 .15 for Yellow Dip and Virgin,, subject to extra, and 170 . bbls at $3 10 lor Yellow Dip and Virgin iree of extra. Rosis Sales of 1,150 bbls' Btrainei, on the epot, at $3 S5 per bbl, and 500 bbls Strained, "buyers option, September, at 3 60 per bbl. ' - Tab Sales ol 51 bbla at $3 25 per bbl. Cottoh Sale ol 1 bale at If, and 5 at 17 cents per lb. : . . . - . Receipts of naval stores July 17th, as ap pear on the bulletin board of the Produce Exchange : Spirits Turpentine, (bbls.,).... 830 Rosin, (bbls.,) 1,307 Cotton, (bales) 25 MARINE. ARRIVED. Steamer North State, Green, from Fay etteville, to F W Kerchner. , Sctar Ben, Davis, Irom New York, to Williams & Murchison. 8chr Mary Wheeler, Jones, from Fsir field, to DeKossctv& Co. CLEARED. Steamer North State, Green, lor Fay--etteville, by F W Kerchner. Steamship Benefactor, Jones, for New York, by Barry Bros. Nor Barque Frey, Holverson, for Ant werp, by Ileide Bros, cargo by Williams & Murchison. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS. Ac. Sclir Mary Whecler1,500 bushels corn. eteamer North State 47 bbls spirits tur pentine, 230 do rosin, 16 bales sheeting, S bbls crude turpentine. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Benefactor 225 bbls crude turpentine, 150 do tar, 3,063 do rosin, 06 do spirits turpentine, 58 bales sheeting, 09 do cotton, 800 bushels peanuts. FOREIGN. Antwerp Nor Barque Frey 1,650 bbls spirits turpentine. 50 do rosin. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, July 15th, 1873. rjiIIENDOG ORDINANCE will not be en forced until Friday, the 18th instant. T. C. SERVOSS. City Clerk and Treasurer. July 1& 19-3t Family Excursion Rv Ynnnor Hflthnlin. Pripnrlc SnniPtv asj j.vuu& vutuuuv 111UUUU UUUlUlJj rpilE steamer Waccamaw will leave on I Thursdav mornirif?. Jul v 9Jth gfuninoir for Smithville and the Blacknsh Grounds. She will stop at Smithville one hour and then proceed to the Fishing Grounds, then return to Smithville for those who prefer to remain there. The band will remain at omunviiie, wnere arrangements have been made for dancing until return of boat. The luix Ativiiui uuiiu is engaged. jSNo liauors allowpd nn hnnrH -7Tl The Ladies will furnish Ice Cream, Lem onade, Confectioneries, Lunch, Cottee, &c, at city prices. Tickets 50 cents to be had only of the uivuiucio ui tur DWitJly. July ll-3t-l 1,10, 23 COFFEE, SUGAR AND FLOUR. 300 BAGS COFFEE, 150 barrela.Refloed Sugar, 800 barrels Flour. For sale by. july 14 F W KERCI1NER. PORK, SALT, AND " KEROSENE OIL 100 BARRELS PORK, 2,500 Sacks Salt, 20 barrels Kerosene: Oil, For sale by july 14 F W KERCHNER. MOLASSES, RICE AND WHISKEY. 1 Kf) HOGSHEADS and barrels S. LO3 Molasses, 50 Tierces and barrels Rice, 75 barrels Whiskey and Brand J For eaie by jnly 14 F W KERCHNER. Office Wilmington. Colratia ani Ansnsta Railroad Comnany. Wilmikgtos, N. C.; June 25, 1873. A SPECIAL MEETING of the Stockhold ers of the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad Company, will be held at tlie office of the Safe Deposit Company, in Baltimore, on Thursday, the 17th day of July next, at 11 o'clock a. m. J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. June 20 33 lawttn BANK OF NEW HANOVER, WlLMINGTOJi". N C, July litb, 1873. A SPECIAL meeting of tbe stockholders of the Bank or New Hanover wui oe neia at their Banking House on Monday, th21t insu.at S o'clock, p. m.,' for the purpose of authorizing an increase to the Capital Stock of the Bank, Id take effect on AUgtlst 1st. . ' '. By order of the Board of Directors, Jul 12-tdm 9 D WALLACE, C:!cr, EnSCELLANEOUS. PAPER. DOUBLE CAP, demy, quarto post, bill cap, legal cap, foqlscap. letter, packet note, commerclaf note, Octavo note, billet, initial and French. . . 2,500,000 Knvolops. - Official and letter, white". Canary, buff; Ac. HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Mode Storp. ione 10 10 READ THIS AND PROFIT BY THE FA CTFA CT A CHOICE PORE WHISKEY can besought from ua at very low price. "I have analyzed the Whiskey known under the brand of MB Select" and find it free from Fusil Oil and other impurities, and recommend its use for medicinal and other purposes. J B McCAlR, M D, Late Professor oi Chemistry, Medical College of Va." YEAIIE THE SOLE AQENTS. tor this strictly pure and popular Wins key and ofler it at the low price of THREE DOLLARS per GALLON. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO. 7 North Front Street. 44 iuly 10 THE CHEAP PRINTING HOUSE S . II A L I. I II AVE on hand, and ready to be printed up, at prices as low as can be liad at Northern cities and In the best style of the art, 75,000 Bill Heads, 50,000 Statement Heads, 10,000 Letter Heads, 10,000 Note Heads, 10,000 NoveltyBill and Note Heads, 50,000 Envelopes, 20,000 Tags, 50,000 Cut Cards, Flat Letter, Flat Cap, Flat Folio, ' White, Colored aud Glazsd Colored Paper in great variety of weights and quality. CARDS, From Printer's Blanks and Bristol Boards to the finest Double French enameled, white and tinted, viz: "Eau du Nil," "Tcinte de Colombe," and "Rougeatre," The more Job Work I get the less the price S. O. IlAIiL.. June 20 - . 77- GAT A WB A VALLEY LAND COMPANY'S GRAND GIFT Entertainments. 50,000 Certificates will bo Issued at $2 50 each. Chartered by the Legislature of North Caro lina, for the Benefit of the Com mon School and Poor Fund rnHlS original and novel plan, is presented X to avoid any postponement, and clearly show the advantage of quick and early in vestments. There will be four separate and distinct Entertainments and Distributions of Gifts. Every certificate entitles its hold er to admission to each Entertainment, and a share in the gifts presented to each. Four opportunities by purchasing early. j 4,410 Gifts, Certificates $2 50 ! FOUR GRAND GIFTS, AGGREGATING $20,250, AND 4,406 OTHER GIFTS, IN ALL. $62,500 IN VALUE. All parties, holding certificates signed W. F. Davidson, President; A. II- Martin, Treas urer, can have them redecmd or exchanged for certificates in the above. Send for circu lar. IIALL A iXK Jone24 lm Agents, Wilmington, r. u. DOG ORDINANCE. BEIT ORDAINED by tbe Board of Alder men of the city of Wilmington, N. C, as follows: . Section 1, That there be levied upon each male dog, within the limits of this city,. ay nfona dollar. (SI.) and uion each female dog a tax of two dollars, (12.) for the term of one year next ensuing from the first day of June in eachyear. Section 2. The owners or Keepers oi aogs limmuvl ax above, shall Drocure from the City Treasurer a badge, which shall be se cured on a collar, and worn upon the dog's neck. . Kectlon 3. Any dor found at large, without a badze as aforesaid. shall be impounded. and the owner thereof shall pay two dollars 92) for tne release or eacn aogsoimpounaeu. n case of nesleet or refusal on the port of the owner or keeper to pay the said price for release of such dog from the pound within forty-eight (48) hours, then said dog shall be destroyed, by direction of the City Marshal. Sec L When any dog has beem impounded on which the license tax has been paid. In compliance with this ordinance aa aforesaid, but upon which there is no badge, then the mraer shall be entitled to the release of said dog, but shall not be 'entitled to another badge except on payment of one half the regular price for such badge. ' r . r Section ft. Any ordinance, or part thereof conflicting with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed. , L. -r-, 1 Section 6. This ordinance, shall go Into effect on and after the fifteenth (loth) day of July &4 W. II, l17Jt City Cleric,

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