My, :V:r : X' ; ' - rt f .KTC1fi:lTn7Mf 7714'. i. j -iliU 4. T 4- VOL. VII. NO. 52 TT- a i ... - ft MX il l. 1 II. I f I PnbisbcTevrTatteTnoon except Sunday. MES O MANN.. Editor ad Proprietor Subscription. .....$5 00 3 00 ,. vcar. in advance fcix months, in advance three months, in advance ...... 1 50 50 ;nc mouth, in advance... ooritei"" .r. tnnw of cone- In all parts oiiueo, - " nl ral interest. Political nc - , ro:s are especial N KW ADVERTISEMENT W C KNIGHT, Tres, BICHA.UU in., , e e uaskins Sec ana xruaa. RICHMOND ARCHITECTURAL IKON WORKS AND STOVE COMPANY, 10W, 1002, 1004, 1000 Caky Street. 5 TlSjSTil OllUXii. Ti.uCfimDiiny oiler to the people of Vir j ins '"V.Vl llr...,i,0rn sa.jit.Ps a larce line of (as of their own manufacture for pri ofgooasoi uiui v. a nhpral as can !lSJc,ieaP ...hliVomente. In Southern enterprise. price lists. "Aicrchahdisc Brokerage Office, mUAj line of samples constantly on hand I ,1 n.wtrrs and manufacturers in Northern markets. ... i ;..ti,.r.c ff Tiierchandisc. orders and bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise oua this market orders irom uuji;u ..v,i, " . li.ti, t,v sellers will have prompt at- tentiou. Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, w S vm wish to buy or sell, comniuui "nd often with your local Merchandise and Produce Hrokjr. . "removal. irK WMjI-remove to our iew building, ...... sLtukPrincess hiiecis, uv- . . i . . . I tween this date and September 1st. We will :;ell our entire RETAIL STOCK AT COST, ii- il is our desire to open with a' 1 b REM AND (JOMPLKTBXTOUK beme our detcrmiualion to dispose of the same before moving. WEILL- j u n c '2ft 1873 ""..V' tAH Fiona U SS &' H ; i::Hii . ..n. "i''i OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR ci ctit t oi.oo.i rr nnv nt.Virr on the market i OmvTearl Hominy cannot Ve.f"r passed Always on hand at the Mm ana jjauaiLui j Cracked Corn, Corn, Bolted Meal, Peas and Tea Meal, Oats, Shorta and Bran. All good3 sold drayed free. All bass returned in good order will bo credited :vt cost on next bill. C ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. sept '27 1L " S. 11. "manning C0MM!SS10!I MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Groceries, ProTisions, Dry Goods CMuiiii, &c. &c, No. iW and 31 North Water.Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. f-Vinsisumeuts and Cash Orders Solicited now 23 15l-ly THOMAS CONNOR 13 BOOM N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt Sts. Always on hand the best quality of Sega i dec 14 157-ly PARKER cfe TAYLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin ' a . x n r Roofing done at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. '1 mrm to Stoves' of all classes, wc make ncin-i iv7i v- " iuue (i 3m Ir'l Hilli'.iiS. : :i MHJ't 1 1:11 II r MS a- MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE PUBLIC AT IAR6E. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! SOL. BEAK & BROS., OFFER TO THE PUBLIC The greatest bargains of the Season, consisting of The Best Rbady Maflc3 Clothirigr, City Jflade Calsimerc Suits ALL LINEN SUITS, CLOTH SUITS, The Largest Variety in the City, SILK, FELT and PANAMA II A T S, Boston anil Philadelphia mae SHOES and GAITERS, of all descriptions. SHIRTS, From the liuoa to the Cheapest. NOTIONS & HOSIERY, At reduced prices. TRUNKS & VALISES, Of every description. SAODIiES & 15RIDIiEs, At lowest prices in the State. SOL. BEAR & BROS., SO Market St. 310 tf may 17 FARMING LAN D . 750 ACRES OF FARMING AND WOOD LAND In Brunswick County, for Sale or Exchange for City Property, The Land is situated on the South side of Town Creek, about one and a half miles from Lower Town Creek bridge. 75 Acres Are all readv for planting. Four hundred roads ot good stable manure and compost are on the .Land. The FarmiBR Land is already ditched and fenced. It is cood for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Potatoes and Wheat. Has a splendid clay foundation. 500 Grape Vines, Set out last year, will bear this Summer. 600 Apple Trees, also 600 Peach Trees, Of the finest qualities about three years old set out last year, are in fine con dition. THE WOOD LAND About 075 acres, is of the best in the State. There are about 3,000 cords of wood on the Land, and the farthest not to haul more than half a mile. Th Land fronts about three miles on TmOn-kted Daws' creek, art, baS four eood landings. One of the hnest marl beds in tne faf i nn the Land, within elirhteen BVUW " - J ' incnes 1 lUC uunaw,. The tarmins utensils, including Plows I tt u nCa T;il an K .riTrl nuuaiuwc,.,.,... FortT Darreisoi orn ana u yery goou lot of Fodder now at the Farm. j n: i . lllie lOUrrOOm UWCIUUS UUUSC,a9lWC, also a barn and stables, are on the pre- v ThP r.nnrlinr9 are all new. ui' w " n . . VVlu sen or exenauge iui uitj , perty. Apply to Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents. feb 17 XTTTARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and V T for sale . m ' feb 25 S G HALL TITAGISTKATES BLANKS A full line ItJL on hand, and lor sale feD 23 8G HALL, MISCELLANEOUS. A. ADRIAN. ; .iL. VOLLEOg ADRIAN & yOLLERS. WHOLE 4U Pfi T.I3M US ' ; 1 ' . --! . i .-. . ! Groceries and I4qatr, Importers of German aad XEavaap Ogars, -AND Commission Mercliant j- South-east Gornxb Dock and Fboht ; StreetJS. WI LMINGTON-, N. C Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and liquors in the City, Dealers J will find it to their Interest togiveus acaUJ uciuiBuu;mswvnuvio. . ;i xnav 17-tf II. MARCUS, Wli o 1 e s a l o I o a 1 o r IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, miNCESS ST., ABOVE FIUST NATIONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, N. C. r. S. A full sunply of Ale and Lager Beer in Half and Quarter Barrels. Families Bupplied with Bottled Ale .and Lager Beer. feb 3 221-tf . 1873. 1873; WAREHOUSE. 'wixirj pcuiio ui yuv " ., " ,"Z..V,i A inmfi one of the lanrest Furniture and can select in person from one of the largest stocks ever offered in the State, The designs are all new and'tjandsomt". and we invite the public to examine stocK and prices before purchasing, D. A. SMITH & CO. . jan 9 200-tf TT TOPHAM & CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, lVlfIirVOTOiV, N. v., MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, - . TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS Collars, Hames, Trace Chains, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars, Saddle Cloths, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters Axle Grease; Bridles, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard ware, &c. .A. L ? O , SECOND IIANP HARNESS, , SADDLES, REINS, &cu CHEAP FOR CASH. June 7 1-ly IP. A. SHUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE BOW, Dealer In FURNITURE, MATOlfiSSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &c. Having just received a supply of Furniture, I am "prepared to give the public as 'good bargains as can be had In the city. please call and examine, mavlo ' t . . United States ot America, ! District Court of the United States for the SSSlSS 1 mington. May 5th, 1873. 1 Walker Mearcs, Assignee of James G. Eunv Bankrupt, l T.-..lr1i t WihharH lamps WSrhpnclr. Jr. I TT APPEARING TO THE SATISFACTION I I of the ronrt that Ewkiel B. Ilib- i bard, Dneof the defendanu in this cause. resides beyond met limits oi inis state, it is therefore ordered that publication be lis tnereiore oruereu mat vui I wolr far ClT-TT.1a 1nfhiRvpn. I ing Post, a newspaper published, in the city of Wilrnington, in,said districti notifying (heciiri nptm nt m tne niinp- ni in neu tltion and complaint in this cause, and that unless he appears at the next term of this court, to be neld In the city of Wilmington, on the Monday next succeeding the fourth Monday in October, A. u, vsra, anapieaa, answerer demur to the said bill, the same will be taken as1 confessed, and heard ex parte as to him. Clerk of said Court. J uh e 28 35-la w6 W UPERIOR COURT CLERK and 8her- 0;i3 flanks. For sale by 8 G HALL RAIL Carolina Centralr Railway Company i . v ) 'tj WILMINGTON, if, Cv b ' SCHEDUXjE. ' PASSENGER TRAINS rsiM wliiiiiiiGTdISAiiSy (kxi X-J cept Sundays) at 8:00 A M Arrive at Wade8bonojit.....w. 5:35 PM teave Wadesbdr aV.L XJ..S.X. F: 10 A M AT ft WmK- -yJL f M Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) .i.,XtJ.'Si. .-:tv.ir6i00 A M; arrive at riauriiiBurK ai. Leave Lauriuburg at r:00 A M Arrive at Wliip4ngtOiiit . t. . it s r5tf P M PASSENGER TRAINS." w. i Leave Charlotte dmilyt jfeua4djsf.ij!i - excepted, at TTT...... 8.00 AM Arrive at Bttffalq atj Vt..i..l2.-00I- Leave Buffalo at 15 P Arrive at Charlotte atli . . .'I : .'. .' . .' 5,1$ P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains-run on both portions of the lload as the hasi-! noca yon n i w&a " ! uvea x vvuiiuga A Dailv Stasre will soon run in connecJion. with the trains ori both ends of itnd Rall way. may 19 , ,8. L.. FREMONT, . . Chief Engineer an Sup'ft.' , 31i-tt u ; INSURANCE. I IFE AND FIRH-f SURANCE CAN BE effected at the lowest current rates in the 11 1 . 1 W 1 'Hl.M4.nn1n. . r plication to , ' i j : 1 IMUWIJI Ar.. ll'IHMUINKI KAN n ! S9,000,WO, Gold lLYNCIIBURG INSURANCE AND BANK- 1NG COMPANY of Va assets 645,;0 Sold domin ion1 insurance ompa- i NY OF Va., assets 5200,000 " - Gen'l Insurance Agents. Office Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. ' ' ;Wilmingt)on,TN. OA 1 aug!6 - 77-iy NAVA X, STORES ANT) SOUTHERN PRODUCTS. N0. 55 NORTH fliONT STREET, , PMlaiolpliia I'a. promptly nlled at lowest maijset price. . . 1 ' i. " Philadelphia sand Southern Mall Steamship Line. rjiHE FIRIST CLAS STREAMERS PIONEER, .82 5 TONS f(MlWANl)X SoO'TONS, CantninX;. C. 1VILTB ANKS, form a wieklyTibe, and sail alternately from Philadelphia and Wilmington every Tucs. day morning, at (5 o clock. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING Given to New York. Boston. Providence, Fall Itiver, Portland and all points in the New England States, at as low rates as by anv other route. Aiso to Liverpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amsterdam, and all points on the continent and east coast ofiKngland, . ,:.,,, inrougn rates irom i-uiiaaeipnia. io nu Up.nrc-in.. Alabama. Louisiana. Jtississippi and Tennessee, ata&low rates as by compe ting lines. 'i I i : S For Freight engagements, and rates apply to wuitx.ti wunni, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. J. M. Forsiiee, Superintendent, f )r to ' WM.L JAMES, General Agent, 2i7 and 239 Dock Street, Philadelphia. JuneU -tf FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE To John Weston and wife Bettie,' and Stephen F. Walcott and .wife Sarah O. V. Greeting : I1T HERE AS default has been made by the mortgagers respectively named 111 the mortgages following, executed to the Cape Fear Building Association, viz: Two morteases executed by John Weston and wife Bettie, one bearing date 10th day of J miC, iOtV, illU ICglSlClCU lit IIJ o office of New Hanover county, in book Z Z, page 395. and the other dated 4th January, 157, ana regisiereu.3 jyy.iu&iiiu. iu uwb. xj u T -naeet 279. And two mortgages executed by Stephen F W.ileott and wife Sarah O V. one bearing date the 9th day Of December 1869, and regis- . tered as aforesaid in book Y , page 149, and th other bearing date the 19th day of Fhb- ruary, 1872, and registered as aforesaid in hrwTte. EEE: nacre 7. . ' r ") Now, therefore, notice ishereby given that by virtue of the powers of sale containe 1, respectively in saiu several mui iiigts. i corded as aforesaid, the said mortgages will be foreclosed by a saieoi tne premises tnere- in respectively described, at public aucticn, . n5J?iL-oict iif Yniv gages substantially as follows, viz: jonn weston s ioi oegius ava jjuiui. m northern line of Church street. 110 feet east S . . . . . . i . : 1 l, of Fifth street, and'-runs eastwardly along Church street 27 feet, by 6G leet deep part of lot 6 blocsc 1W. Stenhen F. Walcott's lot begins at a poit in tne eastern line of Front street Of leet southwardly from Wooster street ana runs southwHrdly. along f Front street feet by 79U feet deep-4jyrtoi ioi', diock . Terms of sale cash. Hi-TSTJTTTV. r"TTTT. A Tt. ' 'AttyCFB Association. June 27 35-4t-June 28, July 5. 12 & Vt RECEIVE I By Steanicr To-Day, A FRESH LOT OF CRACKERS, G. D. W. RUNGE, ii Market street. 810 is maT 16 BAIL ROADS. Piedmont AirLine Railway. Richmond and Bin ville, Richmond and I DanviUe R4W., N. Division Rnd T -North IVestefrj-'N. C. R.1V. : 1 , ;f - i Condensed Time Table. Effect on ,nd after 8ond.y, iUf.lJ. ' 1&7S. v - GOINt NORTH. 4 STATION, :-;ZAtHAlf.J EXPaaSff;, Lfeav Charlotte . . . . . . f" .10 p.1 ic C25 a. m, 44 Salisbury 9.50 " 8.34 4. ' Greensboro 1.40 a. u 11.10 f 41 'Divine. 4.33 J L5aptM. i 44. Burkville...... 9.44 f6.0 r Arrive at Richmond. ; 12.45 t. w 9.U0 " 1 - r t 1 ' . ' . GOING SOUTH. 8TATIOM3. ( lUJU EXPBSSS. Leave Richmond 2.30 p. m 5.10 a. m. , " Burkville 5.55 44 8.28 44 44 Danviire..;;... 10. 4i 12;75p. m. 44 Greensboro 2.15 a. m 4.00 44 Solisbury 4.57 " 6.22 Arrive-at Charlotte. . . j 7.27 44 8.30 GOING WST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPBB88 Leave Greensboro' . . . 1.45 a. m 10.21 a m. A Co. Shops.... 3 30 44 aT12.20pM ! 41 -Hillsboro' .... 4.53 44 , 44 Raleigh... '$.05 44 .......... Arrive at Goldsboro' Jll.Og 44 GOING WESTT STATIONS. MAIL. BXPKS8S iLeaye Goldsboro'.... 4.00 p. m 44 Raleigh 7.45 44 ....j. ? 44 Hillsboro' 10.21 44 ..-- -44 Co. Bhopa ..... 12.05 44 2.13 p. m. Arrive at Greensboro' 1.30 44 3.30 44 SALEM BRANCH, On and alter March 2d, 1873, a mixad pas senger and Freight Train will be run daily. (Sundays excepted,) on the N. W. N. C. R. xv., as loilows : Arrive at KernersViilV.V.V.V.'.' .5:10 P M r T.-amnM,n;nA n.nn a tut uvoiniwuuoime,... w.vw ii Arrive at Greensboro. . . . 1 10:30 A M Passenger train leaveing Raleigh at 7:45 P M connects at Greensboro with Northern bound train; .making the quickest tinteto all Northern cities, ' Price ot tickets same as other routes. Trains to and from Points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro t with Mail Tr8ina to or from points North or South. Mail trains daily, both -ways, over entire length of Road. Express daily between Company Shopb and Charlotte, (Sundays excepted.; Pullman Talace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte ?"d Richmond, without change.) i ur lurthcr iniormation address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, Jingineer and Gen'l Spucrintcndant. -tay 24 3 may Okfice Pexkbsburo R. R. (JPi, i May 31st, 1872. ftN AD AFTER JUNJS 3RD, THE trains I V wu run as follows: LEAVE WELD ON. Express Train 7:30 p. m. Mail Train 3:23 p. m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express r 10:50 p.m. Mail 7:00 p.m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. t Mail 6:30 . m. Express J 3:60 p. n. ARRIVE AT WELDON. :t, Mail- , , 9:40 a.m. Express , 6:50 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. ' Leave retersburs 8:00 a. m. Iieave Weldon 8:po p.m. 2oS:S Arrive at Weldpn; ; : , , Arrive at Petersburg GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6:00 a. m. Leave Gaston - ' '1J15t. m Arrive at Gaston ... . ,, 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run ori Sunday except fix- press trains YreighteforGtohBttlrlcri Vlll b received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAY. The depot will be closed at wOO p; m. JSo goods will be received after that hour. - J. a SFBiGG, je5-tf Ensrineer and General Manatrer. BE $Ql&JfcMYni LANDLORD. tt f "t BUILDING LOTS fqfj sale in healthy;, and desirable loealIliei: On Church, Nun, AnLj OrangcDocky Gesnut, Mulberry TWalilut, Red Cross; Ranilir? Dickinson, Wood, Char- lotte, Sixth, seventh. ' Wilson, Eigntn, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth andTiilr teen th streets. Satisfactory time given In payment. Apply to feb 8 : JAME3 WILPON. : - 228-tX CHATTLE 3IORTGAGE DEEDS On band and for sale IS 8 0 HALL. MISCELLANEOUS, "1 Complete IHcCdrial History of the Timt."--TMlat cheapest, and most mcemful Family Paper tn the Union." ; Ilarper'a Weekly. ' ' SPESIJdIdLt XLLI7STBATXD. t . JSptUeAfif the Press. - The Weeklv U the &blat anil mnsf rrw ,erJtU illdstrated periodical published in this .Qowntrri Ita 'editorials are scboinriv fiTf np aBd CSLrry mnch weight. Its Ulustrationa of current events are full find ucau, uu ru prrparea oy our Dest rtCSirn era, WJth; a- clrculaUon of 150,000. the wleklU rSd"bTlt Mfita SS pertonsr anautaluflnence as an onrn r opinion )a 4iroply tremendous. Tho Weekly maintains a positlTO position, and expresses decided viewa tu political and social prob- H UBSCRIPTIONS. 1873. , i" : ! Terms : Harper's WeeM j, one year. ... .. $4 00 : An, extra copy of either the Magazine, Veekryi bf Baiar win be supplied gratis lot every Club of .Five Subscribers at fl 00 each, in one .remittance ; or, six copies for f 2 00i without extra copy. Subscriptions to Htrper'a Magazine. Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for ono year, 17 00. Back nnmbcrs can be supplied at any time.' The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, inneat clpth binding, ill be sent by cx press, free pi expense, lor $7 00 each. A complete set, comprising sixteen volumes, sent on receipt ot cash at the rate of f 5 25 per vol.. freight at expense of purchaser. The postage on Harper's Weekly is 20 cents , a year, which must be paid at tbo subscriber's post-office. Address MAKrjCR & BROTHERS, New York. aprill7 2S4-tf 44 A Rqmitory f Fashion, Pleasure and. Instruction." IIARrER'S BAZAR. NOTICES OP TUB PHES3. The Bazar is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom 11 nd in any journal , and the journal itself Is the organ of the great world oi fashion. Zksfoi Trav eller. The Bazar commends Itself to every menu ueroi me nouseQoia-l the children by il.PJ0 Pictures, to the young la- I uico uy ii lauuiun piatcs in CUQiess Varietv. I a . . . .. . , ' I iT "?",i""u "s Pa"? Ior I mo tuuureu a ciutues, lO jmieriamiliaS Dy iwu aewgii s ioremoroiacrcd suppers and luxurious drc&sirjsr cowns. But the reading matter of the Bazar is uniformly of great 'excellence. The paper has aequrred a wide popularity for the fireside CBjayl&cnt it affords. N Y Evening lhst. SUBSCKIPTIONS 1S-J TEH1I3 : Harper's Bazar, one year fl 00 An extra copy ot either the Macrazine. Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis lor every club of five subscribers at $ i each, in one remittance; or six copies for $1X), with out extra copy. . Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor ono year, $10; or two of Harper's Periodicals to one address lor one year $7. Back numbers can be supplied at any time The five volumes of Harper's Bazar, i'o the years 1868 '60, 'TO, '71, '72, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be sent by express, freight prepaid, for f7 each, i , The postage on Harper's Baz&r is 'JO cents a year, which must bo paid at the subscri ber's post office. Address! - HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. aprilll 27U , Vol. VII I87. OIL-I -AND NEW, : nttTHE PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE. -?.' 1 1 '. Edited by Edward E, Hale, . The ; enlarged-, resources placed in tbo hands of the OLD AND NEW, by the pub lic ah4 by the proprietors enable them to announce a volume of vrider interest than they have ever pnbllsncd.j Mrs QreenougKt Story, pythonia and , ' , : j t Mr. Hale's Story, Ups and Downs, vr iUlre continued and completed in this .A series of shori stories bv MkrMere$ithVMra Stove, Mrs Whitney lMUs'HaleMr Perlin8, Mr Loring, ana oiners nas Deen engagea. VU Martlriesn's series will be continued in papers, on The Church and Its Exclusivo Claims, Seripture and the Limits of its Au thorityj God in Humanity, tc. rne series oi articles on Political Science b eentlemeh of rtcoflrtiled abUitv. will ' cdmprlse papers on Railroads, Servants or Masters IW he Ballot inJ England Land The Law of Maritime Jurisdiction ; The In dian Question ; The Suffrage of Women ; Equal Taxation; Tariff and Protection What the 'New Administration must do Labor and Wages Question. ; .The subjects of critical interest In NATURAL HISTOKr AND PHILOSOPHY vin be illustrated by different gentlemen eminent ia their lines of (research. We shall soon have hc pleas uro of printing papers, among others, by Pro f. Lesley, Mr Dall, Dr Gray, and President Hill. Is not confined to the rcticw of the publl cations of a few houses, but attempts to give some account ot the more important issues from the French, German and EDg Usn press', as well as our own. j Z THE RECORD OW PROGRESS describes the substantial advance which the . world has made, In whatever direction or In whatever rerion. with special reference to Imnrovemeota in domestic life which may Td attempted In America;. me mairazae win oe nnacrmo editorial charge of EnwiBrE. Hai x, who will have wider assiitaace than heretofore in the man scmeht'of its Journal department. . ' .. The bcantifnl Chromolith " CONFI DENCE,' byHAjmarr Billing s, is pre sented to erery Renewal and New. Subscri bet to OLD AND HEW" lor 1873 at 1 4 00: or at $4 25 the Ohromollth will be furnished handsomely, mounted, ready for framing. ixe 10x14. . - K Subscriptions received by all book and Newsdealers at Publishers rates. ROBERTS BROTHERS Publishers, Ko, 143 Wuhlscton St., Boston, ; "i. r BOY 19 150-ly if

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