W. 7 Id I Ml , . I w WILLIINQTON, N. C, HOKDAY. JULY 28, 1873 r .11'. it ;i SIISCELL1NCCU0; RAIIs id DLSCELLAIJEOUS. RAIL ROADS;1 niSCELLAIIEOUS. i-J CaroW Central : Ralway cobjui. it.:t WILMINGTON, N. C, ) TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. A. ADRIAK. H. VQIXJEBS : Pieftmoiit Air-Line Railway. ; lj5UavOT3 rrrrTItternoon except Sundaj. ADRIAN & VOLLEBS. ' - May 14, lew. ) .fi?a HAri'"i!'u" . J '. Hi Ylb v. rLsU IMLv-j ' K'tCV.- iH-i ..Hi '.II "-J,.;t. r .'ve.i : i it : n n Li.drance..........n-- P ?n advance....... 3 w LtVa in advance.........-" 1 50 C ""UW Lee Queued ftom oV Wed. . :.-,.w.i(iiv desirable. . - " uimiHO iBBT.Yice Treo ICHMOND ARCHITECTURAL ' .r. TRKTI-I STREET. mrr.fntiie tcoDle of Vir- TliislXmpdujr v. -. - lanrelineof I" 111 Yc of their own manufacture J r '' ? "ftlSfi on terms as liberal "W'JSrtJ" mannfactnre forpri- L..7iieap and on terms as uperai as can fc had oiaujtfr:-; --nseps make i itionrvw w'y". si..; cmntc aairato,aiwi os had; and rttentlon of dea le toour Imthern enterprise, cnuiui rice lists. , Merchandise Brokerage Office, i i r, line of samples constantly on hand .m . i importers and manufacturers in fc,)iU in niarketH. U .lesrriptions ot merchandise, orders n't bids solicited and telegraphed promptly lit. 'and sold In this LSo oTdes from' buyers elicited, and iunpl. s left by sellers will have prompt at- Time as well as cai. imiv- , ; "7,1; Kl.fthcr you wisi w ujr - ,- , ana often with your local itoa ireeiy, Eroker. JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Merchandise and Produce Urkj dec 3) USRRARR ROUSE, AIOIIiiTIEA.D CITY. CARTERET COUNTY. N. V. CHARLES HIBBARD, Proprietor. Thlsplendld Sea'Skleasace trfit- t. Beauion, naiuui, - To? the reception of guests on Monday, June 16th, lbVd. IT IS-ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL URF BATHING nenedbe Ji Vnt prn Pacific Riiilroad. Unsurpassed facilities for spienuiv wU(5, - 'jsHsfe W,i f'verv week. Parties wishing to engage please address as above. rooms, will july 10-3m OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR r 1 1 i, ahead of any other on the market I oir PeSrl Hoiulny cannot be surpassed Always of hand at tho Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, Corn, Bolted Meal, Teas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Hran. All goods sold drayed free. U bass returned in good order will be crixmod ,t ntD-Mi rropr)?!. sept 27 J0?.1M15SI0?1 MERCHAtlT; A'I DEALER IN Qrosories, Eroiisioas, Dry Good. ' Clothing, &c. . , , ;'-...; t ' : r -NqJrJiada North Water Street, VV1LM1NGTON, N. C. c:onsignmeuU and Cash O-ders Solicited 151-l.v rov23 THOMAS CONNOR N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt Sts. Always on hand the best quality of Segai ccl4 157-ly PAEEER TAYLOR 5 ip .? Successors to a: h. neff, 1 Manufacturers and dealers In HOUSE FURN18EINQ GOODS. Guns, Stoves. Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. : Rcofine: done at short notice Agents for Falrbanx's Scales. , No. 19 Front Street. W I Ii 31 1 K G T O If , N . C. nov!9 1 - i--; 150-lj BARGAINS! BARGAINS! SOL. BEAR& BROS., OFFER to tHE PtJBLIC The greatest bargains of tho Season, IJlijp Best Heady Maclea Clothing, Suits .TT TTmr ntT,mtj nuar. ouixo, CLOTH SUITS, The Largest Variety in the City. SILK, FELT and PANAMA HATS, Boston and Philadelphia nWe SHOES and GAITERS, of all descriptions. SHIRTS, prm tjlc floci to the Cheapest. NOTIONS HOSIERY, At reduced prices. TRUNKS & VALISES, Of every description. SADDLES & BUIDIiEs, At lowest prices in the State. SOL.. REAR & BROS., SO Market St. 210 t.f ma v 17 FAEMING i TVT" T LJLj A. IN 750 ACRES OF FARMING AMD WOOD LAND In Brunswick County, for Sale or Exchange for City Property, The Land is situated on the South side of Town Creek, about one and a half miles from Lower Town Creek bridge. Acres Are all ready for planting. Four hundred loads ol good stable manure and compost arc on the Land. The Farming Land is already ditched and fenced. It ia cood for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Potatoes and Wheat. Ha3 a splendid clay foundation. 500;Grape Vines, Set out la3t year, -will bear this Summer. 60D Apple Trees, also 600 Peacl v.i; Trees, Of the finest qualities about three years old set out last-year, arc in fine con- dition. THE WOOD IiAND About 075 acres, is of the best in the State. , e , There are about 3,000 cords of wood on the Land, and the farthest not to haul more than nan a miie. rr.u t irnnto onk thrAA miles on x uc , , u h h Town Creek and Daws' creek, and has four good landings. One of the finest marl beds m the State is on the Land, within eighteen inches of the surface, , ' ' tTbarrsof Corn and ry good lot OI U oaaer now a - One four room aweiimg uouse, a swio, aia K-m ond stables, are on the pre- also a Darn mises. The buildings are all netr. Wiil sell or exchange lor City, pro- " i- rjertT. t Apply TO , 'f rMl NTjY & MOllitia. Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents 233-tf feb!7 X3ITARRANTTEE DEEDS- Oa hand and V for sale S O HALL feb 25 -atstraTES BLANKS A fall line Groceries and lilqcoro, Importers of German and Hvaa Cisr ;-: Ain Commission Merchant South-east Comjpn Dock and Frost Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Having the largest ana oest sssonea arow i r (rorriM and Linonri in the citv. Dea4rs I will find It to ttoeir laterest to givs us a cau i before baying elsewhere. mav 17-tr II. MARCUS. wii oleaale Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, rnmcEss sr., above first NATIONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, N. C. P. S. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer in Half and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Lager Beer. ; feb3 221-tf 1873. 1873. FURNITURE & CARPET WAREHOUSE. THE people of the Carolines now have at home one of the largest Furniture and Carpet Warehouses in the country.. They can select in person from one of the largest stocks ever onerea in ine ow, The designs are all new and handsome, and we invite the public, to examine Btock aua prices oerore purchasing, D. A. SMITH & CO. 200-tl ian 9 J. S. TOPHAM & CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS 7u;. Collars, Hames, Trace Cuains, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars, Saddle Cloths, Woolen Linen uorse uotctb Fly Nets, Feather Blisters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kindst Sad dlery Hara- -'- ware, &c. A f O . SECOND HAff P nAilWESS, SADDLES, REINS, &c. CHEAP FOR CASH. June 7 i-iy JT. A. SHXJTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Deaier in FURNITURE, IlATTKJfiSSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c, &c. Having Just recelTed a supply of Furniture, nsiUMyTvny- - -JirZZT Iam preparea to give vn puouo u w bargains as can oe uaa ia. mc ni...Mii Anrf aruninA. mav!5 United States ot America, I THutHo.t. Conrt of the United States for the Coe Fear DistHct, in the Eastern District oSrollnS: Spring Term at Wll- mington, May 5th, 1873. walker Meares, Assignee of James O. Burr, Bankrupt, gt Ezeklel B Hibbard, & James WSchenek. Jr.' kM&i, rTheretore CTdered hat publication nade once week for six weeks, inthe pven- ine Post, a newspaper published m the city t VumlngtOD, Insald distiict, notifying ?nelaW delendant of the filing of thepeU- tiUon and complaint in this cause, and that unless he appears at the next term of this k hVhi in the citv of Wllmineton. 1 irnndav next neeeedlns the fourth Monday in October, A x. isjsl ana pieaa, answer or demur to the said bilL th mne will be taken as confessed, and heamex parte as to him. wu. t, Alt KINS, Clerk of aid Court. JunelS 35-law6w ' jjUPKRIOR COURT CLKRJS rjFKRIOR COURT CLERK and Bher- Q BALL li', t X SLQECEDTJXiE: e . : PASSENQER. TRAINS LIAVE .WILMINGTON J&ILY (Ex cept Sundays) at . . S:00 A M Arrive at-Wadeaboro at. . .r:25 Y M Leave Wadeaboro at i ......... . . . t 7:10 A M ArrLve at WUminctoa at . , ' V U FREIGHT THAPS. Leave Wilminston dailv (except Sundays) 0:00 A M 5:X) T M f.:00 A M J Arrive at Lanrlnbnrg at. . t . .. . fu" UUiiv iMUi a u ui svw Arrive at Wilmington at ...... . 5.1X) 1 M Leave chari6tte daily, Sundays excented. at 8.00 A ii Arrive at Bnflalo at...... 12-00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 I'M Arrive at Charlotte at ........... . 5.15 P 11 Irregular Lumber and Umber Trains run on both portions of the Koad as the busi ness requires, j ,. . A Daily Staff will soon run in connection with the trains on both ends of this Kail- way. S. L..FREMONT, Chief Engireer and Sup't. 3ll-tf may 19 INSURANCE. LIFE AND FIRE INSUKAJNUii; Jtn effected at the lowest current rates in the following responsible Companies, on ap- Slication to -TEW YORK IiIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Assetts J 20,000,000 J. A. BYRNE, Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Assetts W V 9,000,000, Cold LYNCHBURG INSURANCE AND BANK ING COMPANY of Va, assets Jrtio,oou OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPA NY OF Va., assetts. ' 2W,0U0 .. BYItNE & KEEN AN, Qen'l Jnsnrancq Agents, Chamber of CominiGTcer up stairs. Office aeg 16 Wilmington, N. C. . . 77-ly B. F. W. LSrER. I. DOUOHTEN L0PER & D0UGHTEN, NAVAL STOKER AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, NO. 55 NORTE FRONT STREET, Pliiladelpliia, Pa. Orders for Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly nired at lowest, maraei rriu march 3 21o-tf Philadelphia andSQiitlieni. Mail Steamship Line. rpHE FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PIONEER, 825 TONS Captain JOHN WAKELEV, TONAWANM, 850 TONS, Captain C. C. WILTBANKS form a weekly line, and sail alternately i mm Philadelphia and Wilmington every Tues day morning, at t o'clock. THR0U&IIJ3ILLS OF LADING Given to New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River, Portland and all points in the tjow ffihirtnnil states, at as low rates as by any other route. Aiso to Liverpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amsterdam, I Antwerp, Bremen, xmuiuuig, iiuo.-c.. I andaijointsonthe continent ar.a east coast ofJEngiana. . - '. . . Soints in North Carolina, Houth Carolina, febrgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rates as by compe ting lines. ' ' . . For Freight eneasements, and rates arpiy to WORTH & WORTH, Agents, . Wilmington, N. C. J. M. Forshee, Superintendent. Or tO - r t r tr i i WMf'L. A'MBS, General -Agent, 237 and 239 Dock Street, Philadelphia. June 6 . 0-11 xnrougn raies irom itij.iicvuuhji-iici, w FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE To John Weston aud wife . Hettie and StepHen F. alcott and wiTo SaraH'iO, V.Greeting r IFHKKH AH (ltMrlUIL UiXZS UCCll uuvuv ' J W mortgagers respectively named in the Vm21Utw. tu "lv v"irv Two mortgages executed by John Weston and wife Bettie, one bearlnsdate 10th day ot June, 1870, and registered in the Register's office of. New Hanover county, in book Z Z, page 305. -and the other dated 4h January, 1872, and registered as aforesaid ia book D D IAndromortgages executed by Stephen F Walcott and wife Sarah O V, one bearing date the 9th day of December 18G'J, and regis ihtTbelrimz date the l)thday of Fhb- tered as alortsaio m dook si, iig i lg72 and registeredj as aforesaid in 1 dook x.t x, page I Now. thereto Now. therelore, notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the powers of sale con tame i, respectively in said several mortgages, re corded as aforesaid, the said mortgages will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises ther e in respectively described, at public auction, I rt Mnnsdav the2htday of July, "kVll o'clock A Si. The said premises Spvely described in the saidmort- gages substantially as follows, viz: J oVandhUrs SaVd" f aS Chureh seetg feet, by leet deep-part 2KM?W' be feet deep-pyrt oi lot z, oioci. . Jane 27 &V4t-jn"e . ialy J 14 & 1 -RECEIVE D ,Bytcaincr To-Day, I FRESH LOT OF CRACKEf ''' 6. n. W. RUNGE, 41 Market elrcet. may 16 oiaood OIL EXATIOS. fTT? ll Leave Charlotte.. Salisbury.. tilOr.ki t 19.50: if Greensboro.... 4 Danville....... " BurkvUle.... Arrive at KIctmond.. I . . I 4. St 9,44 A ill 13.45 p.,h 9.30 , GOING SOUTH. uanvio ii. rv v aJJjol weeaij is ilia ablest Jind most paw- w i Condoiisect Vr i: PJJJnwTOwwyo ioUnd , trr w ryT"p-r-iKrVir nl I , ffirdl, and arrpreTirfdT iwcst dvslxu- IiiA-ITcct op.d after Btipday Maljtl .WWr.TSfii a muion i ' . -i. ' mz;:- :'fJ r?.f 'pers-and1 of : i :'f T' t ' f fpiaioaU simply trexaeadtmc; !The Weekly GOlNeiORTilt iJii : vL maintains aoositlve Doaitlon.and exnrcssc& i , : . . r ,f,.. . , 1 STATIONS. ' . J V.AIL. ' IXtTtl.v Leave Richmond 2.S0 p. M &10a. x. " Burkville w 5,55 ,M ..,;.: . Danville.. . .-. 10.41 ,. 13.5 p. m. , u . Greensboro.... 2.15a. m 4.00 , , " Solisbury...... i.5TM 6.22f u Arrive at Charlotte... 1 7.27 ' ' L ' GOING W&ft', . STATIOUaj . f MAIL. I 1 SOtPRXSS ' Leave Greensboro', . . 1.45 a. M 1021 M. Co. Shops .... 3 36 " arl2.20PH ' Hillsboro' . . . . 4.53 ..IV...... Raleigh. "8.05;" ..a..... Arrive at Goldsboro. ll.Og " .....j" GOING WEST. STATIONS. EXPRESS Lcaye Goldsboro' . . . . Raleigh , 44 HiUsboro' , 4t Cp.hqps Arrive at Greensboro' i 9 m 4 P. M. 3.S0 SALEM BRANCH, Til On and alter March 2d eenger and Freight (Sundays excepted Ri. as follows : Leave Greensboro .... ........ .3:40 Plli a rSZo;;mV " V- to5 m Arnve at Kemersvillc .w.v5iWJM.I Cr S ,Ce m r reensffoVo ' 10-30 A M Arrive at Greensboro ,...10.30 4, it Passenger train - leaveinR Raleigb at P M connects at Greensboro withfthera bound train; making the quickest time to ffertl11"- rfiCf tiCk ar7toU& boro connect ' af Grcensbcnnnthrifail Trains to or from points North or South. Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Koad. Express daily between Comuany Khops, and Charlotte, (Sundays exctdtcd) l : Tullmau Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte Richmond, without change.) ' ' FeriurtLtr inioruiation address S. E. ALLEN, ' General Ticket Agent. flrnfinshoro N r. T. M. li. TALCOTT. Engineer and Gen'l Spuerintendant may 24 . ,3 Office Petersburg R. R. Co.1 May, 31st, 1872. ON AND' AFTER JUNE SRt,"THtf trains will run as" follows: r .r:.r LEAVE WELTJON. t .... Kx press Train 7t.'J0p. m. Mail Train .-. 3:,p. m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mail ' , 7.-0Q prm. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mall Kxpress : aw p, n. ARRIVE AT WELDON.: Mail r V.m. Eiprcss w, .mt,,.irfl 60pxn. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Hrflo n. m. &Q0p.an, Arrive at Welden Arrive at retburgT . a. xn. . . v . x xxw. Leave reterspurg . o.w . I T ... 1.,.. Arrive at Gaston 'l.AOpiH Arrive at Petersburg &10p.m. No trains wUl run on Sunday except Ex press trains The depot Will be closed at.5:00 p. rn.r No goods Will be received aftet thatncHir. , , jr. CIJjPRWAO, , and General Manaarer. je5-tf Enirlneer ) ii ti i i hb ff f DON'T TOJL AWAY YODIVr LIFE FORBUWWBDS r BUILDING LOTS Jtor,?saie lnneaHhjj, and Red Cross, Itankln, TMcWnson, WlyCna lotte, Sixth, sarrfith. Wilson, Eigntn, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh; Twelfth and Thlrj . . - r . .i. . Ra'i isfiukorr time Eiven lb ivv u fc. w v-. , - - m A n. i a ,ir-r f;..i - . ' payment. Apply to ., j wjr or in his absence to . fiStM WM 1. rtANIcnra. f , . MarHtttreet; j t . ... ,f 'iUZp-yl KJi d for eale . j f ty MAIL. 4.00 r. m 7.45 " 10.21 l 12,05 4 1.30 " r 1 Train will be run daUy, I T?r V1 -?-.v. ,) on the N. W. .F-., JTheBazv commends Itself to every mcm- n-rr ; view nrr nnlitlrl art rwa nrnK. leant Louisville Coarjcr-J ournal. . arrBioiiTDamva ' , c-r , Terms : , Harper Weekly, one year fl 00 An- ejtra.topy or eiUicr the Magazine, Vckly; 6f Bszar will be supplied gratis for fcverv Club of Five Subscribers at H 00 stk. lu one remltUace ; or, six copies for f4 wiinout extra copy. , ehbscriptlons to Harper's Maga sine. Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year,$7oa . i j 'Sack nnmbcrs can bo.suDnlicd at anv 11. . K - - -1 1 r l r T-r t , t , . neai ciom . oinoing, win do sent oy cx- Iffess, free oi 'expense,1 lor $7 00 each. A complete set' comprising sixteen volamcs. trint on receipt oi cash, at the rate of 15 25 per vui., ireisu si expense oi purcoaser. The postaco on Harper's Weekly is 20 LceQts a year, which must be paid at tho .susEcnoerB posc-omee. Address J i HAKPJCBBJROTHEB8, New York. aprii 17. t . 234 tr A Repository tf.Fashfyn,. Measure and . . i . Instruction? lOARPER'S BAZAR. koticxs or ma pbxss. i The Bazar Is edlteiTwlfhTcnntrlhuHon of tact and talent that we seldom find in any ds 1 r of the " household d to tho children bv pretty pictures; to the youn la- ggL b frMhfor nUtea In endless varict v. the'provldent matron by its patterns for the children's clothet. to paterfamilias by i??SLTbJ f KiiSgJ jjTpK tel?ulif?J2ii r .!!5ffiWt? ?eCpiSrftV aeTSd orient 2 ,,LvIi,rr!1l ' ,ow , BUBSCKirrjONS 1873. TT ' ' ' " " Tbbms : t Harper's Bazar, one year 14 00 An extra copy of either tbo Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis lor every, club of five subscribers at $4 eacb, in one .remittance ; or six copies for $30, wlth- uuJrvy- . .1 , ' SubBciipUona to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor one 7 lt or two of Harper's Periodicals to one address lor one year 7. j jiacjk. uuiuucisvau ucBuppueu at any lime 1 The five volasaes oi Harper's Bazar, for Uie,lyar. 1968, ', 70, ?71, '72, elegantly bound la green morocco cloth, will be sent by express, Ireight ptepaid. for $7 each, postage on Harpers liazsr is m cents a yeil, Mrhich t&uiV hi paid at the subecri- ber's post olBce. Address ! H v. l. HARPER A BROTHERS, .. ; NewYork. ; sprll.1.1 J 270 ' VOL Vli 1187a. oia .2vr njs-w. ! THE PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE. , v'Mimhr BdwaraE.Uale. 1 1 ' The enlarjrca resources placed in tho hand of the OLD 'AND NEW, by the pub lic and by th proprietors, enable them to ounce a volume ox wider interest than ;baye erer gmbuafceo AMrs Greet'fStfyryst Pylhonia, and i -u Mr naUt Sttm. Urn and Downs. t,e continued and completed In this volume. . ' I . Astries of short stories bv I MissMero&UhlMr titoxce, Mrs Whitney) . -M .g-eD' ,1 Mr Martlneau's series wiU bo continued . in naoers on The Church snd its Exclusive I rnof4) fljHnfr atil th Tim It. nt ttm A. ViMwn Bfwwi w auiii V IV4 V4W wwrwl.;;, - ."jSW.SSu...2u puniuw w wgnui uunj, vaasvavAw yyas was naiuvniw uvi f auo vi Casters ? The Ballot in England Land rKM txAf yirftlirfA JirhlfrflAn Tfin Tn. I auj. oaefitlon : , The Suffraire of Women : I Tr-nLj Txfttlon ; TftHflx and Prntrtlnn Khnxl "Tx-ratlon : T&rlfix and Protection What the- New Admlnislration must do Labor sod Wages; Question. , The subjects or critical interest In !ATOx!l8TpHtPIIIL0S0FHY Will hi hluetmted 'by different gentlemen emlseat in their lines of research. Wc shall soon hsve the pleasure of printlncr papers. attionsr otaers; bf rtOL Lesley, Mr Dsll, Dr . Gryr.arftJf;resiaeMiuij...j ..r, r" nffPf i EXAMINER U not confined.to the review of the publi cations 'of a few houses, ' but attempts to glTefomdecotint ot the more important Jraues from the. French;. German and Eng lish press.- as wen as otrr own. --p -TllKllEC01U3rOFPBOaRE8S describes th substantial advance which the j troTia nas mane, in wnaiever airccuon or m 1 whateven region with i arpecfal SfTS? i2 rniryc iu Jul w a w uv n u. u i v Tr" T..u .1 4 . - I 1 .t.. i . r !Seut of its journal department. ;,;';::fliyEs;fAWAY! ''We'bckntlM'OiromoUth "CONFi; DENCE," by HximitT Bnxxves, is prc sented so every Kenewa inarw duuku JalLD AND HEW" for 1873 at $4 0(h 8rti MtheOnrontolith will be furnlshe4 . bjnAaotaely Bonnted ready, for framing. StflStT"1 , .. ttbstripldns-, received "y all book and 1 Ho. lO Waehinfton Btf Boston, , 1873, a mixad Pas-,! SJSISS AffKK!1 ! .4 "I