.. ; : m It UAflQ: fiv J i i. i 4 wo vol. vn. WILMINGTON, N.C, THUESDAY, JULY 31, 1873 NO. 62 iM - . .XTTkftemoon except Sunday. Laa'Ti :..-SiUr .nd Proprietor 3 . UU One 4 , . 3 00 " .v.. l .MllCfl . . .... 1 W Three moniuB, ce 50 Correspondence solicited from our fidB ,r aii parts oi me ou, 1 , ;ntPreit. Political new and reports oi cqP are especially desirable NEW ADVERTiSEiHENlS. ;:KNionT, Fres, kichw ibbt, Vice Pres, k b haskins Sec and ireas. RICHMOND ARCHITECTURAL ,n)' WORKS AND STOVE COMPANY, l'jvW, 1002, 1004, 1000 Cart Stbebt. ,n,,H K: No. -5 TENTH STREET. v i . ,. ..,,r nffir trt t.tiA tieoDle of Vir . K and t he Southern States a large line 01 A -' '.u or their own manufacture for pri- I n i,"'--- i fnnnu n u iihprai us can ,,e 1,11 . 4 f ail classes, we make 'x ! atictmal Works a specialty. Fronts Urates Hollow Ware, Stench Traps.Soij Pine sad Irons, &c, altvays on hand; and v HoMcit the attention of dealers to our 1 .,m nr., rnternrise. end for circulars and ' " : iuneb dm Merchandise Brokerage Office, him li line of samples constantly on hand T I'roiu imporiers auu iuauuun,i.uiv,it. Nortliern marKCiK. All flescriptlons; ot merchandise, orders -aud bid solicited anu leiegrapucu f'""F"v. Merchandise bought and sold --in this .....lore frrsui hnvers solicited, and samples left by sellers will have prompt at tention. i Time as well as cash purchases nfotiated, A .., thi,v or Kfill. comrauui- V 1101 II ' " J ... " i 1 : t . d freely, and often with your local Br-lier. TiniiwinW -v i, ..t,iivr uiiH Produce Broker. ,... 184 tf lIlltBARD HOUSE, imj.v.TlKAD CITY. CARTERET COUNTY, N. 0. CHARLES HIBBARD, Proprietor. This splendid Sea Side Watering Place, situated at Beaufort Harbor, will be open lor t he reception oi guesis ou Mondav. June 16th. 1873. IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL jSUPfcF' BATHING ( )u fie Atlantic coast, of the United States ! Destined to he the terminus of the great L. Dnpifin Rn.u road. TInsurDassed iacilities for splendid sailing, Fishing and . '".iL'iATnr- v.ruiin rant,. Win. H. Chapin: omniander, leaves direct lor New ork every week. , Parties wishing to engage rooms, will nUnsfi address-as above. juiy vj-ou KAl . f. . Ml- I i . ' TT I OUR IftTllA FAMILY FLOUR 1 IS STILL ahead of any other on the market 1 Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed Always ou hand at tne jam uu vcjn Cracked Corn, Corn, Bolted Meal," Peas and Pea Blcal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drayed tree. All bags returned in good order will be credited at cost on next Din. Ai.KX. OLDHAM. Proprietor. sent 27 . US S. II. MANNING COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Groceries, Promions, Dry Gools Clotting, &c. K No. iZ and 24 North Water 8treet, I WILMINGTON, N. C. lAmsl-umeuts and Cash Orders Solicited nov 2i 151-ly THOMAS CONNOR BAR, O OM N. E. comer of Mulberry and Nutt 8tfi. Always on hand the best quality of Sega 1 a 14 . 157-ly PARKER TAYLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSi Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice Agent for Fairbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street WILMINGTON, N. C. noy 19 15017 CAPF-cr? v'MS H I i IPS. - ' - riui ir u ii .i i mm i I 1 1 miscellaneous. TO TBE PUBLIC AT LARGE. 'IT BARGAINS'! BARGAINS! SOL. BEAR &f BROS., OFFER TO THE PUBLIC - - li ' I The greatest bargains of the Season, consisting of The Best Ready KladeS Clothing:, City 11 fide Catsimere Suits a t T T rNTFTST TTrrQ A.L1L1 LiUNJfi HUII, CLOTH SUITS, The Largest Variety in tie City. t SILK, FELT and t ; PANAMA HA TS, Boston and Philadelphia mae SHOES and GAITERS, of all descriptions. SKIRTS, i From the fioes to the Cheapest. I NOTIONS & HOSIERY, At reduced prices. TRUNKS & VALISES Of every, description. SADDLES & BRIDLES, At lowest prices in the State. SOL. BEAR & BROS., JMarke t St may 17 1 310 tf FAEMING l A- nsr 3D . m m 750 ACRES OF FARMING AND WOOD LAND In Brunswick County, for Sale or Exchange for City .Property, The Land is situated on the South side of Town Ureek, about one and a half miles from Lower 'lown, ureeK bridge. 75 Acres Are all ready for planting. Pour hundred loads ol cood stable I C 1 I . M w.m4 m nn thfl I .Q Tl M LUaUULC aUU uuuiuuat ate xjax uv - . . ... , 1 The FarmiBC Land 19 aireaay aitcnea and fenced. Tt is pood for Cotton. Com, Peas, Potatoes and Wheat. Has a splendid clay foundation. 500 Grrsupe Vines, ! r Set out last year, will bear this Summer. 600 Apple Trees, also 600 Peach Trees, Of tha finest Qualities about three years old set out last year, are in fine con dition. 1 THE WOOD IiAND About C75 acres, is of the best in the State.' 1 There are about 3,000 cords of wood on the Land, and the farthest not to haul more than half a mile. ., The Land fronts about three miles on Town Creek and Daws' creek, and has four good landings. 1 One of the finest marl beds in the State Is on the Land, within eighteen inches of the surface. I The tannine utensils, including Plows TTrux Harness. &C ' will also be sold. . Forty barrels of Corn and a very good lot of Fodder now at tne arm. Oiia fnnr room dwelling bouse, a store. also a barn and stables, are on the pre- miiM. The buildings are an new. I Will sell or exchange for city pro- perty. Apply to v CRONLY & MORRIS, Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents, feb 1? 1 233-tf 1XTARRANTTEB DEEDS- On hand and VV forsale . feb 25 8 O HALL TlfAGISTRATES BLANKS A full line fob S ""T' . ,or (.to HALI MISCELLANEOUS. A. ADRIAN. iri. VOLLEYS ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WBOLXS4XX DKAIiKBS llf "!.'.. Groceries and Iiqnors. Importers of German and Havana Cigars, AND Commission Mercliant3 South-East Cornkr Dock and Front Streets. WILMINGTON, N. a Having the largest and best assorted Stock rt Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. may 17-tf II. MARCUS, Wholesale Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PRINCESS ST., ABOVE FIRST NA Tl ONAL BANK, , WILMINGTON, N. C. P. S. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer in Half and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Lager Beer. feb3 221-tf 1873. 1873. FURNITURE I CARPET THE people of the Carolinas now have at hnmn rtna of la.rtrp.Rt. TTurnit.nre and namnt. WahniiBA9 in tha ftnnnt.rv. ThflV can select in person from one of the largest A. 1 - X" .1 3 . 1 O . 4 . o bocK.es ever uuercu ju mo outic, TVtA Hoctornio. aro al 1 n em and handsnmA. and we invite the public to examine stock and prices before purchasing, t D. A. SMITH & CO. 200 tf ian 9 J. S. TOPHAMi & CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, W IliJIINGTON, IV. C, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in i SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS Collars, Hames, Trace Cnains. Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars. Saddle uiotns, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard ware, &c. A L P O , SECOND HANP IIAIINESS, SADDLES, REINS, &ci CHEAP FOR CASH. June 7 1-ly F. A. SHXJTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Deaier in FURNITURE, fflAlTKESSES, WINDOW SHADES. PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &o., &c. Having Just received a supply of Furniture, lam prepared to give the public as good bargains as can be had in the oity. please call and examine. mavl5 United States ot America, ri ctrit. rvtnrt.nft.hu TTnlt.ed Rtates for the Cape Fear District, in tne jasieru msirici oi North Carolina: Spring Term at Wil mington. May itn.-K7. "Walker Meares, Assignee of James G. Burr, uanxrupi, Against Ezekiel B Hibbard, & James WSchenck, Jr. -rr PPTCAUTNO TO THE SATISFACTION X of the court that Ezekiel B. Hlb bartf , one of the defendants in this cause, resides beyond th limits of this State, it is therefore ordered that publication be made once a week for six weeks, in the Even - 1 x i x i 4 1 of Wilmington, in said district, notifying v.nM rfofpnilant of f li flllnir of the txti- An anH ivtmrtlaint. tn t.hia (ftniu And that unless he appears at the next term of this court, iooe neia in iaecu;ui wiiixuagvuu, on the Monday next succeeding the fourth TLTnnAavr in CtftnhfT. AT). 1373. and Tjlead. answer or demur to the said bill, the same will be taken as confessed, ana neara ex pane as to mm. - WM.LAKKINS, Clerk of said Court. June 28 1 83-law6w COURT CLERK and Sher- Vj'Wm filanks. for sale by B G HALL WAREHOUSE RAIL ROADS. Carolina Central Railway Company. WILMINGTON, N. C, I May 14, 1573. ) SCHEDULE. FASSENQER TRAINS iT EAVE WILMIKGTON- DAILY (EX cept Sundays) at 8:00 A M A rnvp T wan hnrA r' v.-- y m Leave Wadesboro at ... ... 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 4:35 FM FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except ounaayBi A rr vrt at. T.9nrinhiiror at. C:00 A M 5:30 P M Leave Lanrinbur&r at &:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 P M PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Bufialo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at. 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 PM Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi ness requires. A Daily Stage will soon rua id connection with the trains on oth ends of this Rail way. S3. Li. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19 311-ti INSURANCE. I IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE effected at the lowest current rates in the following responsible Companies, on ap plication to NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Assetts 820,000,000 J. A. BYRNE. Gen'l Ins. Aet.. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Assetts 49.000.000. Gold LYNCHBURG INSURANCE AND BANK ING COMPANY of Va.. assets S645.330 OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPA NY OF Va., assetts. $200,000 BYRNE & KEEN AN, Gen'l Insurance Agents. Office Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. argl6 77-ly R. F. W. liVPKR. I. DODGHTEN L0PER & D0UGHTEN, NAVAL STORES AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, NO. 55 NORTH FRONT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. Orders for Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly filled at lowest market price. marcn s i-u Philadelphia and Southern Mil Steamship. .line. T 1HE FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PIONEER, 825 TONS Captain JOHN WAKELEY, T0NAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain C. C. WILTB1NKS form a weekly line, and sail alternately from rmiaaeipnia ana wnmiDgwn every j.ujs day morning, at 6 o'clock. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING ; Given to New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River. Portland and all points in the New England States, at as low rates as by any other route. Aiso to Liverpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amsterdam, and all points on tne conurreni, ana easi coasv of England. Through rates from Philadelphia to all points in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rates as by compe ting lines. For Freight engagements, ana raies appiy to WORTH & WORTH, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. J. M. Fobs u ee, Superintendent. Or to WM. L. JAMES. General Agent, 237 and 239 Dock Street, Philadelphia. June 6 o-ti FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE To John Weston and wife Bertie, and Stephen F. WalcoU and wife Sarah O. V.--Greeting : WHEREAS default has been made by the morteasers respectively Jiamed in the Fear Building Association, viz: . Two mortgages executed by John Weston and wife Bettie, one bearing date 10th day of June, 1870. and registered in the Register s office of New Hanover county, in book Z Z, page 395. and the other dated 4tn January, 1872, and registered as aforesaid in book D D D, page 279. And two mortgages executed "by Stephen F Walcott and wife Sarah O V, one bearing date the 9th day of December 1839, and regis tered as aforesaid in book Y Y.page 119, and the other bearing date the 19th day of Fhb ruary, 1872, and registered as aforesaid in book E EE, page 7, Now. theretore, notice is nereoy given inai bv virtue of the powers of sale containe I, respectively in said several mortgages, re corded as aforesaid, the said mortgages will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises there in respectively described, at public aucticu, at the courthouse door in tne city of Wll. mington, on Monsday the2lstday or July, 1873, at 11 o'clock A M. The said premises are respectively described in the said mort gages substantially as follows, viz: John Weston's lot begins at a point in the northern line of Church street, no reet east of Fifth street, and runs eastwardly along Church street 27 feet, by 66 Jeet deep part of lot 6, block 104. Kipnhen F. Walcott's lot besins at a polt in the eastern line of Front street 96 feet snnthwardlv from Wooster street and runs southwardly along Front street 34 feet by 79V4 feet deep pyrt of lot 2, block 45. Terms of sale cash. ' DuBRUTZ CUT LA R, Att'y C F B Association. June 27 35-4t-june28,july 5. 1219 RECEIVED By Steamer To-Day, A FRESH LOT OF CRACKERS. G. H. W. RUNGE, 44 Market street. 310 may 16 RAIL ROADS. Piedmont Air-Line Mway. Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville W., N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. Condensed Time Table. In effect on and after Sundav, Mai 11, i GOING NORTH. STATIONS. j ftLA.IL. EXPRESS. Leave Charlotte 7.10 p. mi 6.25 a. m. 44 Salisbury 9.50 8.34 " 44 Greensboro 1.43 a. m 11.10 - u Danville 4.33 1.52 r. m. Burkville 9.44 6.0 " Arrive at Richmond .. 12.45 p. M 9.0 GOING SOUTH. STATIOHS. MAIL. EXPRESS. Leave Richmnd 2.30 p. m 5.10 a. m. Burkville 5.55 8.28 Danville t0.4l 12.75 p.m. 4 Greensboro 2.15 a. m 4.00 ' Solisbury 4.57 6.22 4 Arrive at Charlotte... 7.27 44 8.30 4 GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Greensboro' .. . 1.45 a. m 10.21a m. 4' Co. Shops.... 3 36 44 arl2.20PM 44 Hillsboro' .... 4.53 44 44 Raleigh g.05 44 Arrive at Goldsboro'.f ll.Og 44 GOING VVEai STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leaye Goldsboro' . . . . 4.00 p. m 4 Raleigh 7.45 44 44 Hillsboro 10.21 44 44 Co. Shops 12.05 44 2.13 p. m. Arrive at Greensboro 1.30 44 3.30 44 SALEM BRANCH, On and alter March 2d. 1873. a mixad Pas senger and Freight Train will be run daily. (Sundays excepted,) on the N. -W. N. C. R. R., as follows : Leave Greensboro 3:40 P M Arrive at Kernersville 5:10 P M Leave Kernersville .......9:00 AM Arrive at Greensboro ...10:30 A M Passenger train leaveing Raleigh at 7:45 P M connects at Greensboro with Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price ot tickets same as other routes. 'Trains to and from Points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Express daily between Com can y Shopb and Charlotte, (Sundays excepted.) Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte "d Richmond, (without change.) Fer lurther information address i 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spuerintendant. may 24 3 Office Petersburg R. R. Co. ' May, 31st. 1872. , ON AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains wilt run ju follows: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train 7:30 p. m. Mail Train 3:25 p. m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 n. m. Mail 7:00 p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail 6:30 a. m. Express 3:50 p. n. AKKIVE AT WELDON. Mail 9:40 a.m. Express 6:50 p. m. FKEIG IIT TIvAINS. Leave Petersburg 8:00 a. m. Leave Weldon 8:00 p. m. Arrive at Weld.n 3:00 p. m4, Arrive at Petersburg 2:20 a. m. GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6:00 a. m. Leave Gaston - 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains Freightsfor Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The deoot will be closed at 5:00 D. m. PiO goods will be received after that hour. J 5-t,f Entin eer and General Manaeer. DON'T TOIL AWAY YOUR LIFE FOR LANDLORDS. BUILDING LOTS for sale in healthy and desirable localities on Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Dock, Chesnut, Mulberry, Walnut, Red Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, Wood, Char lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth andThir teenth streets. Satisfactory time given fo payment. Apply to JAMES WILSON. Or in his ab5nce to WM. X. HANKIN8. V Market street. 276-tf feb 8 CHATTLK MORTGAGE DEEDS Oa band and for sale . tti.S 8 G HALL. NEW AD YERHSEMENTS. OBAHDESTEr.lE EVER Fourth Grand : Gift Concert 0R TH BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARTof KENTUCKY 12,000 CA8II GIFTS $1,500,000 EVERY FIFTH TICKET DRAWS A GIFT $250,000"for 50. The Fourth Grand Gift Concert author ized by special act of the Legislature for the benefit of the Public Library or. Ken tucky, will take place in Public Library HalL at LouisviUe;Ky., i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1873. Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold and one-half ot these are Intended for the European market, thus leaving only 30,000 for sale in the United States, where 10o,00C were disposed of for the Third Concert The.tiekets are divided into ten coupons parts and have on their back the Schcnii with a full explanation of the .mode drawing. i At this concert, which will be the grand est musical display ever witnessed jiu this country, the unprecedented 6um oi $1,590,000, divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will ba di tributed by lot among the ticket-holders The numbers of the tickets to be drawn from one wh.ee! by bJiud children and the gifts 'from another. i LIST OF GIFTS : One grand cash cift 1 .f 250,000 . 100,000 . 50,000 . 25,000 . 17,000 . 100,000 . 150,000 . 50,000 . 40,000 . 40,000 . 45,000 . 50,000 . 32.500 . 550,000 One j;rand cash gift. . . J One grand cash gift One grand cash gift ! One grand cash gift.,. 10 cash gifts f 10,000 each.. SO cash gifts 5,000 each . . 50 cash gifts 1,000 eacb . , 80 cash gifts 500 each., 100 cash gifts 400 each. 150 cash gifts. 300 each . 250 cash gifts 200 each . 325 cah gifts 100 each. 11,000 cash gifts - 50 each. Total, 12.0C0 gifts, amounting- to all cash, .$1,500,000 cm ----- Tj.uV)vuy 1 he distribution win he nnRitirn wheth er all the tickets are. sold or not, and the 12,003 gifts all paid in proportion to the tickets sold all unsold tickets being de stroyed, as at the First and 8ccond Con certs, and not represented in the drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS: Whole tickets $50 ; Halves 25 ; Tenths, or each Coupon, $5 ; Eleven Whole Tickets for $500 ; 22 Tickets for $1,000 ; 113 Wffole Tickets for $5,000 ; 227 Whole Tickets for $10,0C0. No discount! on lees than $500 worth ot Tickets at a time. The unparalleled success Of the Third Gift Concert, as well as the satisfaction given by the First and Second, makes it only necessary to announce the Fourth to insure the prompt sale of every Ticket. The Fourth Gift Concert will be conducted in all iu details like the Third, and full particulars may be learned from jcircuUre, which will be sent free from this ofiice to all who apply for them. Tickets now ready forsale, and all orders accompanied by the money promptly filled. Liberal terms given to those who buy to sen again. i TUOS. E. BKAMLETTE, Agent Publ. Libr. Ky., and Manager Gift Concert, Publ. Libr. Bldg., LouisviJlc, Ky. DAVIDSON COLLEGE. - MECKLENBURG C0UNTY. N. C. Thoroughly equipped. Seven professorships Expenses low. Session '.begins Sept. 251 h, 187a. Send for catalogue. J. R. BLAKE, Chairman of the Faculiyl July 2Mw SIM0NT0H FEMALE COLLEGE Statesville, N. C. RevS Taylor Martin, President. Location remarkably healthy. Twenty flvo miles north of Davidson Colltge. Accessible by railroad. Session begins! Sept 22, lST.Iand continues nine months, closing June 22, 1571 Annual expenses, board and English tuition, 8200. Music and use of inst rument $50. An cient and modern languages, each $20. Send for circular. i Juiy 20-lw Kenmore University High School Amherst, C Hr Va. Preparatory to the University of Va. HA Strode (Math Medallist UjVa), Principal and Instructor in mathematics 11 C Brook, l( I, it. U Va. (recently Ass't Prof. Latin, U. Va). Instructor in Greek, Latin, French, German and Botany. This is one of the leading high schools of Virginia, and presents many ad vantages incomparable with those of others. Students also received forithc summer. New session begins BeptJoth, IS73. For catalogue, address the Principal j . "July ,20-1 w Agents Wanted. We offer the most liberal Inducements to energetic men to sell Howe Sewing Machines In Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. We give exclusive county rights, furnish wagons and require no capital. Address the Howe MpchtncCo, Baltimore, Md. July ZMw AOISHTH WANTED FORT HE NEW BOOK" Epidemic and Contagions Diseases, with the newest and best treatment for all cases The only thorough! work of the kind in the world Embraces small pox, yellow fever, cholera and analogous diseases. No family safe without it, and all buy it. Has 24 chromatic Illustrations The biggest chance of the season fr agents. Address If H Good speed fc .Co, 37 Park Row, N Y July 29-1 w (hr - Ann per day! Agents wanted! All Jpj IU WuV classes of working people, of either sex,young or old.make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or ail the time, than atanythingelse. Particulars free. Address G Stinson 4 Co, Portland, Maine. . July 23-4 w BEST AND OLDEST FAMILY MEDICINE SANIFOUIJ'H Ijirer Iiivigorator A purely vegetable cathartic and Tonic, for dyspepsia, constipation, debility, sick head ache, biilious attacks, andall derangement of liver, stomach and bowels. Ak your druggist for it. Beware of Imitations - 4w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. TO WHOM IT. MAT COSCEBX. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QU AL IA ed as Administrator upon the estate of Anderson Henderson deceased, this is to give notice1 that all persons haviog demands against said estate, file them with him within one year from the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of payment- AW persona owing the estate will make payment to him and save costs. .7 Wf.VtN ARTIS. Administrator of Anderson Henderson. July 9

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